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Preview 2D kinematic study of the central region of NGC 4501

MNRAS000,1–11(2015) Preprint2February2017 CompiledusingMNRASLATEXstylefilev3.0 2D kinematic study of the central region of NGC 4501. P. Repetto1(cid:63), M. Faúndez-Abans1, P. Freitas-Lemes2,4, I. Rodrigues2, M. de Oliveira-Abans1,3 1Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica, R†ua Estados Unidos 154, 37504-364, Itajubá, MG, Brazil 2Universidade do Vale do Paraíba, UNIVAP. Av. Shishima Hifumi, 2911, Urbanova CEP: 12244-000, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil 3UNIFEI, Instituto de Engenharia de Produção e Gestão, Av. BPS 1303, Pinheirinho, 37 500-903, Itajubá, MG, Brazil 4Departamento de Física, Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José dos Campos, 12228-900, SP, Brazil 7 1 AcceptedxxxxXXXXXXXX15.Received2014January15;inoriginalform2014January15 0 2 n ABSTRACT a GMOS-IFU observational data were used to study the detailed two dimensional gas J kinematics and morphological structures within the 500 421 pc2 of the active 1 ∼ × Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC4501. We provide empirical evidences of possible outflowing 3 materialfromthecentralzonesofNGC4501totheobserver.Inaddition,weperformed a spectral synthesis and diagnostic diagram analysis to determine respectively the ] A dominant stellar population in the inner disc of this galaxy and to unveil the actual nature of the central engine of NGC4501. The principal finding of this work is that G the central regions of NGC4501 are dominated by non circular motions connected to . h probableoutflowsofmatterfromthenuclearregionsofthisgalaxy.Apredominantold p stellar population inhabits the internal zones of NGC4501 excluding the possibility - of ongoing starburst activity in the central parsecs of this galaxy. The latter result is o confirmed by the diagnostic diagram analysis that establishes a preponderant active r t galactic nucleus character for NGC4501. These outcomes together provide a general s description of the gas motion and the corresponding nuclear activity in the internal a [ disc of NGC4501 in an attempt to elucidate the possible relation among the central activity and the induced kinematic properties of this nearby galaxy. 1 v Key words: galaxies: active. galaxies: individual: NGC4501. galaxies: evolution. 3 galaxies: Seyfert. galaxies: spiral 2 0 0 0 . 1 INTRODUCTION chaintothecentralengine,bytransportinggasfromtheout- 2 sidekiloparsecdowntoafewtensofparsecs(Knapenetal. 0 Nearbygalaxieswithactivegalacticnucleus(AGN)aregood 7 2000;Emsellemetal.2001;Maciejewskietal.2002;Marconi laboratories to study and understand how mass is trans- 1 etal.2003;Crenshawetal.2003;Fathietal.2005,2006;Ma- ferred from galactic scales down to nuclear scales to feed a : ciejewski 2004). Fathi et al. (2005) and Storchi-Bergmann v supermassiveblackhole.Theoreticalmodelsandsimulations et al. (2007) mapped the streaming motion of gas towards i have suggested that non-axisymmetric potentials promote X the nuclei of the active galaxies NGC1097 SB(s)b, and gas inflow towards the inner regions of an AGN (Shlosman NGC6951 SAB(rs)bc. Prieto et al. (2005) discovered spiral r et al. 1990; Emsellem et al. 2003; Knapen 2005; Englmaier a structure within the inner 300 pc of the LINER/Seyfert 1 & Shlosman 2004). Observations of the inner kiloparsec of galaxy NGC1097. Using near-infrared high resolution im- AGNs revealed the existence of some morphological struc- ages obtained with the ESO-VLT, they reported and ar- turessuchasinnersmall-scaledisks,nuclearbarsandspiral- gued that these spirals trace cool dust streams, and that like arms (Erwin & Sparke 1999; Pogge & Martini 2002; theycouldbethechannelsbywhichcoldgasanddustflow Laine et al. 2003). Martini et al. (2003) estimated that in to a nuclear supermassive black hole. Recent works, mostly more than half of AGNs the most common nuclear kilo- in the near-infrared, have analysed several nearby galaxies parsec structures are dusty spirals. This supports the idea and revealed the presence of different nuclear morphologi- thatthoseinnerspiral-likearmscouldbepartofthefuelling calstructures(disk-like,bar-like,spiral-like)responsiblefor transferringthematerialfromkpcscalesdowntotensofpc scales(Riffeletal.2008;Storchi-Bergmannetal.2010;Riffel (cid:63) E-mail:[email protected] &Storchi-Bergmann2011;Riffeletal.2013;Schnorr-Müller † BasedonobservationsobtainedattheGeminiObservatoryac- et al. 2014). quiredthroughtheGeminiScienceArchive. ©2015TheAuthors 2 P. Repetto et al. The Virgo spiral galaxy NGC4501 (M88), a Seyfert 2 mic ray correction. The spectra were wavelength calibrated galaxy, is at a distance of 16.1 Mpc (Ferrarese et al. 1996). with an accuracy of (cid:54) 0.3 Å and flux-calibrated using the Thisgalaxy,anSA(rs)bHubbletype(deVaucouleursetal. spectroscopic standard star Feige 66, a tertiary standard 1991),wasstudiedbySilchenkoetal.(1999)usingtheMulti- from Baldwin & Stone (1984), as revised by Hamuy et al. pupil Field Spectrograph attached to the 6-m telescope of (1992).Finally,theproduceddatacubeswerecombinedinto the Special Astrophysical Observatory, who found a chemi- onereducedcubewithdimensionsof101 213px2 (about callydecouplednucleuswithinaradiuslessthan234pc.On- 7.34(cid:48)(cid:48) 15.5(cid:48)(cid:48) and 572 1209 pc2).×The field of view ∼ × ∼ × odera et al. (2004), using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array, (FOV)oftheanalyseddatawererestrictedinordertohave presented a CO (1-0) 2D kinematic analysis of the central data with a signal to noise ratio (S/N) of about 3 7 for − 5 kpc region of NGC4501. The main finding was a central the emission lines with the strongest signal (i.e. [NII]λ6584 gas concentration with a radius of 390 pc, formed by two andHα),intherangeof88 74 px2 (about 6.4(cid:48)(cid:48) 5.4(cid:48)(cid:48) doublepeaksseparatedby370 pc.Theseauthorsinterpreted and 500 421 pc2). In t×he case of the N∼aIDλ58×92 ab- ∼ × thisgasconcentrationasoriginatingfromgastransfertothe sorption line, we fixed the boundaries of our analysed FOV centralregionbyadensitywaveperturbationduetothespi- to the interval 41 47 px2 (about 3.0(cid:48)(cid:48) 3.4(cid:48)(cid:48) and ralarms.Mazzalayetal.(2014)accomplisheda2Dgaseous 234 265 pc∼2), to×obtain S/N in the∼same ra×nge. and stellar kinematic study of the central 240 240 pc2 of ∼ Fig×ure 2 shows one integrated spectrum in the central NGC4501 with SINFONI/VLT in the H2 2.12×µm line and 0.6 1.2 kpc2 of NGC4501. It reveals the presence of ∼ × detected a blueshifted chain of gas that was interpreted as [OI]λ6300, Hα, [NII]λλ6548,6584, [SII]λλ6717,6731 emis- an outflow in the North-West direction beginning near the sion lines and the NaIDλ5892 absorption line. centre of NGC4501 up to 120 pc. NGC4501isundergoingearlystagerampressurestrip- ping, as suggested by some authors (Kenney et al. 2004; 3 RESULTS Crowl et al. 2005; Vollmer et al. 2007, 2008; Vollmer 2009; Vollmer et al. 2012), and shows three to four 3.1 Kinematic analysis: synopsis and methodology times less HI than expected for a “normal" galaxy. This We constructed the continuum flux, monochromatic flux, galaxy seems to be in a pre-peak phase of ram pressure velocity field, Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM), and stripping (Vollmer et al. 2008). An X-ray luminosity of LX =3.5 1038 erg s−1 (Li & Wang 2013) and a bolomet- equivalentwidthmapsforallthelinesoftheindividualspec- riclumino×sityofLBol =4.17 1039 erg s−1(Wuetal.2013) tra,withtheexceptionof[OI]λ6300whoseS/Nratioisless × than 2. The centroid velocities, the fluxes, FWHM and the are reported for NGC4501 that is close enough to have its equivalent width of the observed lines were obtained by fit- centralhundredsofparsecscoveredbyanIntegralFieldUnit ting single Lorentzian profiles to each single line, through (IFU) instrument, in order to map and verify the existence theIRAF1 taskfitprofs.TailoredPyRAF-basedscriptswere of streaming motions in the nuclear area. used to perform the fitting task and to produce the 2D Wepresenttwo-dimensionalmapsofthegaskinematics andstructurewithintheinner 500 421pc2ofNGC4501. maps for each line. The Lorentzian profiles fitted the ac- ∼ × tuallinepeaksandwingsbetterthantheGaussianprofiles, This work is based on observational data acquired through consequently we adopted Lorentzian profiles to derive from the Gemini Science Archive, gathered with Gemini Multi the data radial velocities, FWHMs, equivalent widths and Object Spectrograph and its Integral Field Unit (GMOS- fluxes. IFU) (Allington-Smith et al. 2002). We obtained full spatial maps only for [NII]λ6584 and Hα, due to the more extended and stronger emission with respecttoalltheremaininglines.InthecaseofNaIDλ5892, 2 OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION we constructed smaller maps for the spatial points with the strongest absorption. The maps of [NII]λ6548 and We used data from the Gemini Science Archive, obtained [SII]λλ6717,6731,containveryfewpointswithstrongemis- with the GMOS-IFU at Gemini North telescope, using the sion, and the kinematics is complex enough to prevent a R400-G5305gratingandr-G0303filter.ThethreeIFUfields straightforwardinterpretation;thereforewedonotshowany in the GMOS pointing image, the Lucy Richardson De- maps for these three lines. The line fluxes, FWHM, and convolution, and a Low-Pass filtered image are displayed equivalent width maps of [NII]λ6584 and Hα are shown in in Figure 1. The position angle of the IFU fields is 140◦, Figures 3 and 4. coincident with the photometric position angle of the ma- We corrected the FWHM maps for instrumental reso- jor axis of NGC4501. The central IFU field is centred at lution, whose value corresponds to 0.31(cid:48)(cid:48) ( 4.26 pxls). α =12h31m59.22s and δ =+14d25m12.69s (J2000), cor- ∼ ∼ TheerrorswereestimatedbymeansofMonteCarlosimula- responding to the photometric centre of this galaxy. The tions using Poisson statistic model for the data (as already GMOS-IFU consists of 1000 science-object fibres (each one implemented in the fitprofs task). The result was that the of diameter 0.2(cid:48)(cid:48)) arranged in a rectangular array of size measurementerrorsarelessthan5%inthecaseofthecon- 7(cid:48)(cid:48) × 5(cid:48)(cid:48). The spectral setup gave a wavelength coverage of tinuum and line flux and less than 5 km s−1 for FWHM, 5600-7000 Å at a spectral resolution of R 3500 (85 km s−1). Our IFU fields correspond to a rectan≈gular array of 7(cid:48)(cid:48) 15(cid:48)(cid:48). The spatial resolution of the data is 0.77(cid:48)(cid:48) 1 IRAF is distributed by the National Optical Astronomy Ob- ∼ × ( 60 pc). servatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities ∼ ThestandardGemini-IRAFroutineswereusedtocarry forResearchinAstronomy(AURA)undercooperativeagreement out bias subtraction, flat-fielding, sky subtraction, and cos- withtheNationalScienceFoundation. MNRAS000,1–11(2015) 2D kinematic of the central region of NGC4501. 3 x(arcsec) x(arcsec) x(arcsec) −10.000 −5.000 0.000 5.000 10.000 −10.000 −5.000 0.000 5.000 10.000 −10.000 −5.000 0.000 5.000 10.000 14◦2502500 (a) 13.200 14◦2502500 (b) 13.200 14◦2502500 (c) 13.200 9.900 9.900 9.900 14◦2502000 6.600 14◦2502000 6.600 14◦2502000 6.600 Dec.(J2000)1144◦◦22550011050000 03−..03300.00300(arcsec) Dec.(J2000)1144◦◦22550011050000 03−..03300.00300(arcsec) Dec.(J2000)1144◦◦22550011050000 03−..03300.00300(arcsec) y y y 14◦2500500 N −6.600 14◦2500500 N −6.600 14◦2500500 N −6.600 −9.900 −9.900 −9.900 14◦2500000 E −13.200 14◦2500000 E −13.200 14◦2500000 E −13.200 12h31m59.5s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m58.5s 12h31m59.5s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m58.5s 12h31m59.5s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m58.5s R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) 9001200150018002100240027003000 0 150 300 450 600 750 90010501200 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 GMOSNorthPointingImage LucyRichardsonDecovolution Low-PassFilter 104 × Figure 1.(a):Originaloptical10-minexposureGMOS-Nimageinther-G0303filter,P.A.=140◦.(b):Lucy-Richardsondeconvolution appliedtothesameimage.(c):Low-Passfilteredimage.ThethreeIFUfieldsareoutlinedbyblackboxes.Thecolorbarunitsarecounts. 3.0 [NII]λ6584 2.5 1)−2.0 ˚A 2− m [NII]λ6548 c1.5 1− [SII]λ6731 s g er1.0 ( x u Fl 0.5 NaIDλ5893 [OI]λ6300 Hαλ6563 [SII]λ6717 0.0 5600 5800 6000 6200 6400 6600 6800 Wavelength(A˚) Figure 2. The nuclear spectrum of NGC4501, displayed in units of 10−16 erg sec−1cm−2Å−1, with the emission and absorption lines marked.Thekinematicmapswerederivedforthestrongestemissionlines[NII]λ6584,Hα,andalsofortheabsorptionSodiumline. equivalent width and radial velocity. We do not show the ofbothlinesis137◦.TheLVFsexhibitrelevantnon-circular continuum fluxes, given that the information presented in motions,whichisthemainmotivationtoproducesynthetic these maps are very similar to that displayed in the first velocity fields (SVFs) for [NII]λ6584 and Hα to recover panelsofFigures3and 4.Following,wedetailtheanalysis gas rotation and expansion velocities. This sort of 2D phe- of the 2D observed velocity fields of [NII]λ6584 and Hα. nomenologicalmodellingshouldgiveusmoreinsightsonthe azimuthal, radial and vertical gravitational forces that rule thegaskinematicintheinnerzonesofNGC4501.Theanal- 3.1.1 Kinematics of [NII]λ6584 and Hα ysisoftheLVFswasperformedconsideringtherelationfirst In an attempt to model the observed velocity fields (OVFs) reported by Rogstad (1971): of [NII]λ6584 and Hα we applied the 2D Locally Weighted Vobs(x,y)=Vsys+[VRot(R)cosθ+Vexp(R)sinθ]sini (1) MultivariateRegression(LOESS)algorithmofCleveland& Devlin (1988) through the python implementation of Cap- whereV istheobservedradialvelocityatskycoordinates obs pellarietal.(2013)toremovenoisyregionsthatcouldaffect x and y, V is the systemic velocity, V is the rotation sys Rot the determination of the kinematic position angle (KPA). velocity, V is the expansion velocity, R is the radius in exp The KPA of the OVFs of [NII]λ6584 and Hα is 114◦, how- the plane of the galaxy, i is the inclination (INCL) of the ever the KPA of the filtered LOESS velocity fields (LVFs) plane of the galaxy with respect to the line of sight and θ MNRAS000,1–11(2015) 4 P. Repetto et al. x(arcsec) x(arcsec) x(arcsec) −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 4.500 4.500 4.500 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 .Dec(J2000)1144◦◦2255001113..000000 01−..05100.00500(arcsec) .Dec(J2000)1144◦◦2255001113..000000 01−..05100.00500(arcsec) .Dec(J2000)1144◦◦2255001113..000000 01−..05100.00500(arcsec) N −3.000y N −3.000y N −3.000y 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) 14.8 15.2 15.6 16 16.4 16.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 log10(Flux)(Hα)(ergcm−2s−1A˚−1) FWHM(Hα)(A˚) EQW(Hα)(A˚) Figure 3. Left panel: logarithm of the observed monochromatic flux of [NII]λ6584. Middle panel: Lorentzian FWHM of [NII]λ6584. Rightpanel:equivalentwidthof[NII]λ6584. x(arcsec) x(arcsec) x(arcsec) −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 4.500 4.500 4.500 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 .Dec(J2000)1144◦◦2255001113..000000 01−..05100.00500(arcsec) .Dec(J2000)1144◦◦2255001113..000000 01−..05100.00500(arcsec) .Dec(J2000)1144◦◦2255001113..000000 01−..05100.00500(arcsec) N −3.000y N −3.000y N −3.000y 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) 14.8 15.2 15.6 16 16.4 16.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 log10(Flux)([NII]λ6584)(ergcm−2s−1A˚−1) FWHM([NII]λ6584)(A˚) EQW([NII]λ6584)(A˚) Figure 4. Left panel: logarithm of the observed monochromatic flux of Hα. Middle panel: Lorentzian FWHM of Hα. Right panel: equivalentwidthofHα. is the azimuthal angle in the plane of the galaxy given as a INCL = 61◦ 2◦, in accordance with the correspond- ± function of INCL and KPA. ing photometric parameters. The LVFs and the SVFs are We assumed an exponential disk (Freeman 1970) dominatedbytheexpansionvelocitycomponentasonecan as a first guess for the rotation velocity and we de- realize from the reported maximum of both velocity com- duced an expansion velocity by a trial-and-error itera- ponents.TheOVFs,LVFs,SVFsandRVFsaredisplayedin tive fitting method aimed to minimize the residual veloc- Figures 5 and 6. ity fields (RVFs), obtained subtracting the SVFs to the LVFs. In the fitting process the galaxy photometric cen- tre(α=12h31m59.22sandδ=+14d25m12.69s(J2000))and 3.2 Outflow detection in the inner disc of thesystemicvelocity(Vsys = 2214 km s−1)werefixed.The NGC4501 expansion velocity that returned the minimum RVFs was Vexp(R) = Rα+ln(R)withα = 0.75 0.005andamax- TheNaIDλ5892absorptionlinehasalowionizationpoten- imum value of 25 km s−1. We also±examined Plummer tial (5.1 eV), therefore it is expected to originate in those ∼ (Plummer1911),Hernquist(Hernquist1990)andLogarith- regions of the interstellar medium shielded from ultraviolet mic (Binney & Spergel 1984) rotation velocities, yet the radiation,wherethehydrogenismostlyneutral.Ithasbeen least RVFs were obtained with the exponential disk model used, by some authors, as a tracer of inflow and outflow with a maximum value of 3 km s−1. The general con- of the neutral atomic gas phase in the interstellar medium ∼ clusionofthekinematicanalysisof[NII]λ6584andHαwas (Phillips1993;Heckmanetal.2000;Rupkeetal.2005;Davis that the LVFs were better reproduced by the exponential et al. 2012; Rupke & Veilleux 2015). diskmodelandtheexpansionvelocitygivenabove;thebest The NaIDλ5892 velocity field of NGC4501 shows fila- fitted kinematic parameters are KPA = 137◦ 3◦ and mentarystructuresthatcouldrepresentpossiblegasfuelling ± MNRAS000,1–11(2015) 2D kinematic of the central region of NGC4501. 5 x(arcsec) x(arcsec) −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 4.500 4.500 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 00) 1.500 00) 1.500 .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) −3.000 −3.000 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) -160-120-80 -40 0 40 80 120160 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 OVF(V(R)-Vsys)(Hα)(kms−1) LVF(V(R)-Vsys)(Hα)(kms−1) x(arcsec) x(arcsec) −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 4.500 4.500 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 00) 1.500 00) 1.500 .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) −3.000 −3.000 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 SVF(V(R)-Vsys)(Hα)(kms−1) RVF(V(R)-Vsys)(Hα)(kms−1) Figure 5.Topleft:observedvelocityfieldof[NII]λ6584.Topright:LOESSfilteredvelocityfieldof[NII]λ6584.Bottomleft:synthetic velocityfieldof[NII]λ6584.Bottomright:residualvelocityfieldof[NII]λ6584.Thedashedlineconnectsthetwopointswithmaximum velocitygradientsdenotingthekinematicpositionangleofNGC4501. towardsorfromthecentralregionsofthisgalaxyasdenoted the interacting galaxy pair KPG 390 is a trailing pair of by the green dashed lines (numbers 1 and 2) in Figure 7. spirals. ThetwofirstcriteriaofSK85areobviousforNGC4501, from the 2D kinematic information collected in this work Basically,toprobethegasinfloworoutflowinagalaxy and from the kinematic of the entire disc of NGC4501 disc, we need some criteria to establish the actual orien- (Chemin et al. 2006) (1) and also, for instance, from the tation of this particular galaxy in the sky. The same in- SDSS photometry in the g band available in the literature formation is needed to decide whether a given galaxy has for this galaxy (Adelman-McCarthy et al. 2006) (2). The trailing or leading spiral arms. Sharp & Keel (1985) (SK85 third criterion of SK85, the tilt of NGC4501, could be de- hereafter), following de Vaucouleurs (1958) and Holmberg terminedifthereweredustlanesaroundthegalacticnucleus (1947), give a robust general recipe to ascertain whether a and,ifthiswerethecase,thenearestsidewouldbetheone particular spiral galaxy has leading or trailing arms. Their which presents the higher difference in intensity than the prescription is based on three main pieces of information: farthest side, as discussed by SK85. (1) receding-approaching side, (2) direction of rotation of spiral arms and (3) the tilt of the galaxy (i. e. nearer and Carollo et al. (1998) (CA98 hereafter) analysed Wide farthersidetotheobserver).Thesameauthorsshowedthat Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) F606W image data the interacting spiral galaxy NGC5395 has trailing arms, of 40 spiral galaxies, including NGC4501, providing mor- contrarytotheclaimbyPasha&Smirnov(1982)ofapossi- phologicalandphotometricpropertiesfortheentiresample. blecandidatewithleadingarms.Väisänenetal.(2008)used Theseauthorsdisplayedthe18(cid:48)(cid:48) 18(cid:48)(cid:48) ofthenuclearregion × the SK85 method to determine that the luminous infrared ofNGC4501unveilingspiral-likedustlanessurroundingthe galaxyIRAS18293-3413hasapairofleadingarms.Repetto nucleus. et al. (2010) employed the same methodology to show that InFigure8weshowanintensityprofileextractedfrom MNRAS000,1–11(2015) 6 P. Repetto et al. x(arcsec) x(arcsec) −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 4.500 4.500 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 00) 1.500 00) 1.500 .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) −3.000 −3.000 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 OVF(V(R)-Vsys)([NII]λ6584)(kms−1) LVF(V(R)-Vsys)([NII]λ6584)(kms−1) x(arcsec) x(arcsec) −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 4.500 4.500 14◦25015.000 3.000 14◦25015.000 3.000 00) 1.500 00) 1.500 .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) .Dec(J201144◦◦2255001113..000000 N 0−.010.0500 y(arcsec) −3.000 −3.000 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 14◦25009.000 E −4.500 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s R.A.(J2000) R.A.(J2000) -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 SVF(V(R)-Vsys)([NII]λ6584)(kms−1) RVF(V(R)-Vsys)([NII]λ6584)(kms−1) Figure 6.Topleft:observedvelocityfieldofHα.Topright:LOESSfilteredvelocityfieldofHα.Bottomleft:syntheticvelocityfieldof Hα.Bottomright:residualvelocityfieldofHα.Thedashedlineconnectsthetwopointswithmaximumvelocitygradientsdenotingthe kinematicpositionangleofNGC4501. the WFPC2 F606W image studied by CA98, to determine nuclear regions of NGC4501 to the observer arise from which side of NGC4501 is nearer to the observer. the analysis of the velocity profiles of the two spiral- The application of the strategy of SK85 to NGC4501 like structures S1-S5 and S6-S10 presented in Figure 9. produced the following results: The radial velocity of these two pseudo-arms with re- 1) The approaching radial velocities are in the north- spect to the central systemic velocity are in the range western(NW)sideofNGC4501,whereastherecedingradial 10 km s−1 <∆ V < 80 km s−1 showing complex gas and velocitiesareinthesoutheastern(SE)partassuggestedby dust motion along these inner spirals. The kinematics of Figures 5 and 6, therefore the direction of rotation of the [NII]λ6584 and Hα suggests that the gas in the central disc of NGC 4501 is clockwise. 500 421 pc2 of NGC4501 is receding to the observer in × the S-E and E and approaching to us in the N-W and W. 2) The tips of the spiral arms of NGC4501 point in a counter-clockwisedirectionasreadilynoticedfromtheSDSS The NaIDλ5892 velocity field largely follow the gas kine- matics showing clumps and segmented arm-like structures g band image showed in Figure 8. approaching us. 3) It is evident from Figure 8 that the nearest part of Ontheotherside,Mazzalayetal.(2014)foundevidencesof NGC4501totheobserveristheNEside,becausetheprofile outflowfromthecentralregionsofNGC4501.Inspiteofthe descends more abruptly than along the SW side. different spatial resolution of their data (< 15 pc) and the From these three evidences and Figure 8 we concluded distinct tracer they used (H 2.12 µm), the black crosses in that the filamentary structures S1-S5 and S6-S10 observed 2 Figure7showatentativelocationoftheiroutflowdetection. in the NaIDλ5892 velocity field of Figure 7 correspond to outflowinggastowardstheobserverandthatNGC4501has trailing arms. Other empirical proofs of streaming material from the MNRAS000,1–11(2015) 2D kinematic of the central region of NGC4501. 7 x(arcsec) 60 −5.400 −2.700 0.000 2.700 5.400 NGC 4501 4.500 50 165.000 14◦25015.000 XXS10 (1) 3.000 9.000 110.000 S1 s) 6.000 55.000 .Dec(J2000)1144◦◦2255001113..000000 (S2)3SS24 S6 S7 S8S9 01−..05100.00500 y(arcsec) ArbitraryUnit3400−−0336....0000−0000000012.00−08.0S00−WH4.0S00T0.0F00640.N0600EW8.0E00N12.000 −−115050...000000000 EN S5 N −3.000 sity( −165.0−00110.00−0S55D.00S0 S0.00g0 55.000 110.000 n e20 14◦25009.000 −4.500 nt I E 12h31m59.0s 12h31m59.3s R.A.(J2000) Nearest Side 10 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 SW NE NaIλ5893OVFwhitecontourssuperposedtoLucy-Richardson(Counts) 0 -4.0 -2.0 0 2.0 4.0 Figure 7. Clipped Lucy-Richardson Deconvolution image with x(arcsec) superposedwhitecontoursoftheregionofNaIDλ5892OVFwhich indicates the presence of a possible outflow. The green dashed lines suggest possible outflow paths from the central regions of Figure 8. Intensity profile along the kinematic minor axis of NGC4501.ThewhitecontourlevelsoftheNaIDλ5892OVFcor- NGC4501.Left:HSTF606WimageofNGC4501fromwhichthe respond to the radial velocities range from 30 to 102 km s−1 intensity profile was derived, the NE side is the nearest to the separatedbyastepof8kms−1.Thebluedotisthekinematical observer because the profile is more abrupt than along the SW centre. part. Right: SDSS g band image of NGC4501 illustrating the counter-clockwisedirectionpointedbythespiralarmstipsofthis galaxy. 4 SPECTRAL SYNTHESIS Thedetailedstudyofthestarformationprovidesimportant information on the age distribution along their stellar pop- ulation components (Krabbe et al. 2011); (Faúndez-Abans et al. 2015); (Dors et al. 2016). We investigate the star for- mation history of NGC4501 using the stellar population synthesis code STARLIGHT (Cid Fernandes et al. 2004, 2005); (Mateus et al. 2006); (Asari et al. 2007). This code is extensively discussed in Cid Fernandes et al. (2004, 2005), and is built upon computational tech- niquesoriginallydevelopedforempiricalpopulationsynthe- sis with additional ingredients from evolutionary synthesis models. Briefly, the code fits an observed spectrum with a combination of N single stellar populations (SSPs) from (cid:63) the Bruzual & Charlot (Bruzual & Charlot 2003) (BC03) models.Thesemodelsarebasedonahigh-resolutionlibrary of observed stellar spectra, which allows for detailed spec- tral evolution of the SSPs across the wavelength range of Figure9.Theprobableoutflowarmstracerdividedarbitrarilyin 3200-9500 Å with a wide range of metallicities. We used W-SandS-E-Nregions.TheNaIDλ5892velocitydifferencefrom the Padova’s 1994 tracks, as recommended by BC03, with the central systemic one are displayed. The two likely chains of theinitialmassfunctionofChabrier(2003)between0.1and outflow S1-S5 and S6-S10 regions of Figure 7 are showed (filled 100M .ExtinctionismodeledbySTARLIGHTasdueto and open circles respectively), and a plausible hidden arm sec- foregro(cid:12)und dust, using the Large Magellanic Cloud average tion are highlighted. The filled triangle represents the kinematic centre.TheN-EdirectionisthesameofFigure7. reddening law of Gordon et al. (2003) with R = 3.1, and V parametrizedbytheV-bandextinctionA .TheSSPsused V in this work cover 15 ages, t = 0.001, 0.003, 0.005, 0.01, 0.025,0.04,0.1,0.3,0.6,0.9,1.4,2.5,5,11,and13Gyr, MNRAS000,1–11(2015) 8 P. Repetto et al. AGN Central North-East α 1 South-West Η 1)/ 3 7 6 0 λ + 7 1 7 λ6 -1 SII]( g[ lo-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 log([NII]λ6584/Ηα) Figure 10. Stellar population synthesis for the nuclear region Figure11.Diagnosticdiagramlog[SII](λ6717+λ6731)/Hαver- of NGC4501. The figure shows the central bin observed spec- suslog[NII]λ6584/HαforthenuclearregionofNGC 4501.The trum corrected for reddening (black) and the synthesized spec- linescorrespondtotheseparationbetweennarrow-lineAGNsand trum(red). H II galaxies as proposed by LM09. Black triangles represent measurements at the very centre region, blue circles, NE, and redsquares,SWregions.Thenorth-eastdirectionisthesameof and three metallicities, Z = 0.2 Z , 1 Z , and 2.5 Z , Figure7 adding to 45 SSP components. Th(cid:12)e fittin(cid:12)g is carried o(cid:12)ut using a simulated annealing plus Metropolis scheme, with regions around emission lines and bad pixels excluded from galaxyAM2020-504andtwointeractingHIIgalaxiesofthe the analysis. system AM 2229-735, and Faúndez-Abans et al. (2009) in Figure10showsoftheobservedspectrumcorrectedby the analysis of the peculiar ring galaxy HRG 54103, using reddening and the model stellar population spectrum for the LM09 tool, found that the measurements of several re- the nuclear region of NGC4501. Following the prescription gionsontheringswerecontinuouslydistributedoveranarea ofCidFernandesetal.(2005),wedefinedacondensedpop- which extended upwards from the HII part of the diagram ulation vector, by binning the stellar populations according to the AGN one, towards the locus of the AGN nucleus’ to the flux contributions into young, xY (t 5 107 yr); measurement. intermediate-age, xI (5 107 < t 2 109≤yr)×; and old, The AGN character of NGC 4501 is well established. xO ( 2 109 <t 13 ×109 yr)com≤pon×ents.Theresultsin- This diagram suggests the existence of some stratification × ≤ × dicatethatthecentralregionisdominatedbyanoldstellar between the central, SW, and NE regions of the central populationwithageof2 109 <t 13 109 yr.However,a structuresofthisgalaxy.InFigure11,thetoptrianglesand × ≤ × smallbutnon-negligiblefractionofyoung(about20%)and blue circles are from the nuclear signal approaching us, the intermediate (about %10) stars are also present. The qual- rest of the blue circles are from the NE region, and the red ity of the fitting result is measured by the parameters χ2 squares are measurements in the SW region receding from and adev, whose values are 1.1 and 4.35, respectively. The the observer. latter gives the perceptual mean deviation O M /O λ λ λ | − | over all fitted pixels, where O and M are the observed λ λ and model spectra, respectively. We found AV = 0.48 mag 6 DISCUSSION and Z= 1 Z . (cid:12) The study of the nuclear morphological structures formed throughthetransportofmaterialtowardsthecentralregions ofgalaxiesrepresentsafundamentaltopictounderstandthe 5 DIAGNOSTIC DIAGRAM OF THE complex phenomenon of nuclear activity. As mentioned in CENTRAL REGIONS OF NGC 4501 the Introduction, several central structures have been al- To confirm the main ionizing mechanism of the central readyidentifiedandanalysedfromakinematicandphysical 500 421 pc2 of NGC 4501, we used the diagnostic dia- pointofview,insomegalaxies,establishingascenariowhere × gram introduced by Lamareille et al. (2009) (LM09). nuclearbar-like,disk-like,andspiral-likefeaturesareplaying This diagram is an instrument for a pre- a pivotal role in the transfer of gas up to scales of tens-of- liminary classification of galaxies, based on their parsecs.Atthepresenttime,thenumberofstudiedgalaxies log[S II](λ6717+λ 6731)/Hα and log[N II]λ6584/Hα abun- is small, and it is difficult to overcome the tens of parsecs dances,thatseparatesobjectsionizedonlybymassivestars limit.Nevertheless,theabove-mentionedstudiesrepresenta from those containing active nuclei. The diagram for the first and fundamental step to achieve a deeper understand- innerparsecsofNGC 4501isdisplayedinFigure11,where ing of the physics and kinematics that rule the fuelling of the SW, NE, and central zones of NGC 4501 are defined as the central engine. in Figure 7. Bearing in mind the framework settled by these previ- Freitas-Lemesetal.(2012),inastudyofthePolarRing ous works and with similar spatial resolution, the present MNRAS000,1–11(2015) 2D kinematic of the central region of NGC4501. 9 analysis attempts to find evidence of kinematic structures accuracy than for external galaxies, therefore, we shortly that could be connected with the streaming motion of gas recapitulate those findings about the stellar motions in the towardsthecentreofNGC4501.WehaveusedGMOS-IFU innerzonesofourgalaxyinordertocommentbrieflyabout archival data to perform a detailed study of the 2D gas the results of the 2D gas kinematic analysis of NGC4501. flux, radial velocity, FWHM, equivalent width and struc- Theverycentralregionsofourgalaxy(<10pc),asde- tures within the central 500 421 pc2 of the Seyfert 2 terminedbystellarpropermotionmeasurements,aremostly ∼ × galaxy NGC4501 a member of the Virgo cluster of galax- characterisedbyanoverallrotationofoldandyoungstarsin ies. We used imaging filtering techniques and 2D kinematic anuclearclusterandinadiscwithdifferentinclinationsand analysis applied respectively to the GMOS pointing image position angles with respect to the sky plane respectively. and IFU data cube to investigate the streaming gas motion AnothercomponentofmassiveOandWolf-Rayetstarsdis- in the inner zones of NGC4501. play azimuthal motion in the opposite direction to the disc Additionally we provide evidences of the prevailing ofyoungstarsmentionedabove(Trippeetal.2008;Schödel AGN behaviour of NGC4501 and the dominant old stel- et al. 2009; Paumard et al. 2006; Lu et al. 2009). lar populations residing in the interior disc of this galaxy The actual stellar kinematical picture of the Galaxy separatelythroughdiagnosticdiagramtechniquesandspec- could be much more complex and additional non circu- tral synthesis analysis. The result of the spectral synthesis lar motions could originate in the intersection between az- studyconfirmsinparttheAGNpreponderancewithrespect imuthal motions on surfaces with different orientation with to starburst in the inner hundreds of parsecs of NGC4501. respect to the sky plane as indicated by the researches The2Dkinematicof[NII]λ6584andHαgivessomein- quotedaboveandalsobyotherobservationalandtheoretical formation about the amplitude of the stellar gravitational studies (Bartko et al. 2009; Kocsis & Tremaine 2011). potentialandthedecouplingbetweenstarsrotationandgas The kinematic analysis performed in the present work diffusive motion in the inward regions of NGC4501. A fun- utilizes two emission lines ([NII]λ6584 and Hα) as gaseous damental result of the 2D kinematic analysis is that gas tracers of the stellar gravitational potential of NGC4501. diffusiondominatesoverstellarrotationinthecentralzones Albeit we are aware that our knowledge of the stellar mo- ofNGC4501becauseofthedecreaseofthetotalstellarmass tion is indirect, the gaseous tracers could be influenced by at smaller radii. physical forces other than gravity (e.g. radiative and mag- The plausible detection of outflowing material across neticforce)andthespatialresolutionofourdataisgood( ∼ the inner spiral arms S1-S5 and S6-S10, confirms the pre- 60 pc), but not so high as that of the quoted investigations dominance of non circular motions and intricate gas and abouttheGalaxy,intheparticularcaseofNGC4501wesuc- dust dynamics on different levels in the inner zones of cessfullyseparaterotationfromnoncircularmotionsandin NGC4501. conformity with previous works quoted in the Introduction In general galaxies are 3D aggregates of several gravi- we argue that, to a first approximation, the circular veloc- tating constituents, principally stars, gas and dark matter. ities detected in the inward zones of NGC4501 primarily Inthecentralregionsofgalaxiesthegravitationalcontribu- represent the remnant of the radial variation of the stellar tion of dark matter can be neglected with respect to that gravitational potential, whereas the non circular velocities ofbaryonsaccording,forinstance,totheanalysisofLinden aremorelikelyassociatedtogasradialandvertical(depro- (2014).Theauthorcomparesthemassesofbaryonsanddark jected) motions. These findings, together with the other re- matter in the inner 100 pc of the Galaxy using the model sultsderivedinthepresentstudyofNGC4501constitutea ofMcMillan(2011)showingthegravitationalpredominance suitableapproachtodisentanglethekinematicandphysical of baryons over dark matter, based on these results we de- conditionsinthecentraldiscofthisgalaxy.Inparticular,a cidedtoconsiderexclusivelythestellarandgasgravitational future 3D kinematic analysis of NGC4501 should take into components. accountinamorerealisticwaytheactualthreedimensional Fromakinematicpointofview,the2Ddeprojectionof kinematicsofstarsandgasandtheirinteractionondifferent the observed radial velocities of each point of an actual 3D vertical levels of the disc of NGC4501. galaxyoriginatesameasureofthekinematicofallthegrav- itational components present in the analysed galaxy. The rotationandexpansionvelocitycomponentsextractedfrom 7 CONCLUSIONS a 2D velocity field generated by a 3D observed data cube In this article we performed a 2D kinematic study of the of a given galaxy are valuable information about the domi- inner regions of NGC4501 in an attempt to ascertain the nantmotionswithinthisparticulargalaxydiscandallow,in azimuthal and radial gas velocities in the internal disc of principle,theseparationofthekinematicsofthestellarand NGC4501. We accomplished a spectral synthesis and diag- gas components assuming prevalent circular movements as- nosticdiagramanalysisinanefforttodeducethetruenature sociatedtothestellargravitationalpotential.Theseconsid- of the central engine of NGC4501. We collected empirical erationsareapplicabletoarealgalaxyasfarasthecircular evidencesofoutflowingmaterialfromthecentralparsecsof motions of the stars predominate over the radial and verti- NGC4501. cal streaming motions. 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