The Transmission of Mistrust: Institutional Consequences of Early-Life Rainfall Ariel BenYishay(cid:132) October 2013 PRELIMINARY DRAFT Abstract In many developing countries, early-life socioeconomic shocks have been shown to affect nutritional status, human capital investments and earning po- tential in adulthood. To date, there has been no evidence on whether these childhood shocks also affect pro-social behaviour later in life. I study the im- pacts of early-life rainfall shocks on trust in adulthood across 17 sub-Saharan African countries. Controlling for country fixed effects, country-specific age ef- fects, and individual-level observables, I find that rainfall in the 5 years imme- diately after birth substantially increases localized trust of one’s relatives and neighbors in adulthood. These effects vary dramatically across ethnic groups withdifferenthistoricalexposuretoslaveexporting:Onlyinethnicgroupswith low historical levels of trust due to slavery does early-life rainfall affect trust in adulthood. This transmission of mistrust may be due to weaker risk-sharing norms in these ethnic groups, which differentially affect cohorts exposed to greater shocks in childhood. Keywords: trust, rainfall, childhood shocks (cid:132) University of New South Wales. Email: [email protected] 1 Introduction Early childhood is a crucial period for nutritional and broader human capital investments. A growing body of work documents that economic shocks, conflict, and poor rainfall limit these investments and thus damage the physiological and cognitive development of affected children (Friedman and Sturdy 2011 provide a review of this work). Moreover, new work is showing that these effects can persist well into adulthood, weakening the affected individuals’ productivity, income, and socioeconomic status. At the same time, a number of recent psychology studies have found that social norms may develop much earlier than previously thought. Children begin to exhibit differences in inequality aversion, anonymous sharing, and trust as early as three years old, and these differences expand over their childhoods ((Fehr, Bernhard and Rockenbach, 2008), (Malti et al., 2012), (Evans, Athenstaedt and Krueger, 2013)). Taken together, these literatures raise the question: Can economic shocks in child- hood have persistent effects on how a person interacts with others in her society? This paper explores this question in the context of rural sub-Saharan Africa, where rainfall represents one of the largest annual shocks to economic production. I examine the impacts of early-life exposure to these rainfall shocks on trust of others among a cross-section of adults in 17 sub-Saharan African countries. Using granular rainfall data available at the 0.5 x 0.5 degree fineness (equivalent to an areas of roughly 56km x 56km at the equator), I am able to control for a variety of country-specific and country-time-specific factors, as well as individual-level observ- ables. Controlling for these factors, I find that abnormally low rainfall in the first five yearsoflifesignificantlyreducesanindividual’strustofherfriendsorrelatives.Ithen validate these findings using a separate survey conducted in Malawi, focusing on the risk-sharing behavior exhibited by adults with differing childhood exposure to rain- fall shocks. Again, I find that rainfall in early life affects an individual’s propensity to share food with her neighbors as an adult. The effects I find are consistent with children learning about the risk-sharing norms of their communities through exposure to shocks. Although rainfall shocks may be common across a village, these shocks’ impacts on households and these households ability to insure against the shocks can vary dramatically (evidence on theseheterogeneousimpactsofcommonshocksisdiscussedinsection5).Individuals’ behaviors in insuring one another against such risks are closely tied to their trust of 1 one another. Across the sample of sub-Saharan communities I study, contemporary trust levels are related to each ethnic group’s exposure to slave extraction, as Nunn and Wantchekon (2011) [henceforth NW] document. In communities with greater exposure to slave extraction, I find that lower trust levels are transmitted to children who experience rainfall shocks in childhood. These individuals also exhibit less risk- sharing in response to village rainfall shocks as adults. In ethnic communities with greater historical trust levels, children exposed to rainfall shocks do not exhibit lower trust and show greater risk-sharing. This pattern is consistent with the early-life shocks serving as an opportunity to learn about local norms around risk-sharing, thereby transmitting these behaviors across generations. Alternativemechanismsmayalsoproducesimilarresults.Iftrustandrisk-sharing are also cross-sectionally correlated with socioeconomic status, early life shocks may affect these social measures through its impacts on health, education, or income. Alternatively, low rainfall may induce civil conflict across groups, leading individuals to distrust others from outside their own groups. I assess the evidence on these channels by controlling for adult socioeconomic characteristics and examining inter- group trust, finding that neither of these mechanisms drive the main results. This paper relates to several literatures in development economics, psychology, and history. A recent stream of work examines the long-lasting effects of childhood shocks on socioeconomic outcomes in adulthood. Maccini and Yang (2009) find that Indonesiangirlswhosehomedistrictsreceivedlittlerainfallduringtheirchildhoodare shorter, less educated, and poorer as adults. Alderman, Hoddinott and Kinsey (2006) find similar effects from civil war and rainfall shocks among young adults in in rural Zimbabwe. Studying a cross-Africa sample of more mature adult women, Moradi (2010) finds that economic shocks in early childhood (ages 0-4) and at puberty (10- 14) significantly reduce these women’s height-for-weight. Almond et al. (2007) and Neelsen and Stratmann (2011) similarly identify the long-term economic, health, and marital outcomes from early exposure to famine in China and Greece. Conversely, improvements in health conditions that prevent traumatic events in childhood–such as reduced exposure to malaria–have also been shown to generate large socioeco- nomic gains in adulthood, as Bleakley (2010), Cutler et al. (2010), and Lucas (2010) document. Interestingly, in the Indian context, Shah and Steinberg (2013) find hu- man capital investments respond positively to rainfall before age 4 but negatively during school years, as the opportunity cost of school attendance rises. A separate literature examines how shocks during childhood directly affect social 2 behavior and may explain some of the divergence in these behaviors even at early ages. For example, Bauer, Cassar and Chytilova (2011) find that exposure to warfare and direct trauma alters egalitarian motives and social preferences in children be- tween the ages of 7 and 11. Other studies find large differences in inequality aversion, trust, and sharing among children emeging between the ages of 3 and 9 ((Fehr, Bern- hard and Rockenbach, 2008), (Malti et al., 2012), (Evans, Athenstaedt and Krueger, 2013)). Related to the historical transmission mechanism, Tabellini (2008) and Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales (2008) offer theoretical models of the intergenerational trans- mission of trust and other social capital. These models are consistent with evidence provided by NW, Grosjean (2011), Voigtla¨nder and Voth (2012) and others on the persistence of cultural values around social capital over hundreds of years. Most directly related to this paper, Durante (2010) studies the effects of pre-industrial rainfall variability on contemporary patterns of trust across European communities. He finds that early variability induced trust among communities who co-insured one another, and this variation in trust has persisted even after rainfall variability de- clined in economic importance after the Industrial Revolution. The present paper builds on these historical investigations by examining potential mechanisms through which trust is transmitted across generations. The paper is laid out as follows: In section 2, I lay out the empirical methodology and describe the data in section 3. I present results in section 4 and discuss causal channels in section 5. In section 6, I conduct a series of robustness checks. I then validate these results using a separate survey conducted in Malawi, discussed in section 7. I discuss future work and conclude in section 8. 2 Empirical Strategy I identify the effects of exposure to rainfall shocks throughout one’s lifecycle by comparing age-specific exposure at a given location and year. My variation in rainfall is sufficiently fine to control for countrywide factors that affect all individuals in a given five year age bin. My primary specification is: Trust = α+ΣT [β Rainfall ]+D +D +D ∗D +ΓX +(cid:15) (1) ijcb a=0 a aj b c b c ijcb ijb 3 where Trust is the level of trust of individual i born in year b living in location ijct j in country c, Rainfall is the measure of rainfall at age a, and ΣT sums over aj a=0 all ages between 0 and adulthood (at age T). Each β can thus be interpreted as an a age-specific effect of rainfall. In this specification, D is a vector of dummy variables b capturing 5-year bins for year-of-birth, D is a vector of country fixed effects, and c D ∗D captures year-of-birth and country-specific fixed effects. X is a vector of b c ijcb individual and ethnicity-specific control variables, including educational attainment, occupation, religion, current living conditions, historical slave extraction, and a vari- ety of other characteristics. I estimate this specification using ordinary least squares and use two-way clustering of standard errors to account for correlation within each age bin and each subnational location. By controlling for country-age fixed effects, I am using only within-country dif- ferences in age-specific exposure to rainfall at a specific location. Moreover, even within-country, cross-sectional rainfall variation may be correlated with other fixed factors that affect trust levels. I therefore normalize rainfall at a given location by converting rainfall levels to percentiles of the long-run distribution of rainfall at that location (I describe this normalization in the following section). This effectively eliminates cross-sectional variation in the mean and variability of rainfall at the sub- national location level, and ensures that I identify the causal impact of rainfall in a given year on subsequent trust outcomes. Iestimatethisspecificationusingordinaryleastsquares,usingtwo-wayclustering of standard errors across both individual locations and 5-year age bins (Cameron, Gelbach and Miller, 2011). I use this specification to compare the impacts of rainfall on trust of one’s relatives and neighbors, as well as those within and outside of one’s own ethnic group. 3 Data 3.1 Afrobarometer Data The individual-level data I utilize are from the 2005 Afrobarometer survey round. Thesurveyscover17sub-SaharanAfricancountries:Benin,Botswana,Ghana,Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. These nationally representative surveys are based on interviews conducted in the local languages of a random sample 4 of individuals of voting age in each country. In order to compare the effects of early- life rainfall to that in early adulthood, I limit my sample to those respondents aged 30 or over. I further limit my analysis to respondents in rural areas, as these house- holds are most likely to be engaged in agriculture and thus to be directly affected by rainfall shocks. There are 8,350 respondents in this sample. Myprimaryoutcomemeasuresareeachindividual’sresponsetothequestion:how much do you trust each of the following types of people: Your relatives, your neighbors, people from your own ethnicgroup, and people from other ethnic groups?Respondents answered that they trust these individuals not at all, just a little, somewhat, or a lot. I follow the Afrobarometer coding and convert these responses into a [1-4] scale of trust for each of these questions. The Afrobarometer data also include each respondent’s age, ethnicity, religion, educational level, occupational category, frequency of deprivation of basic necessities, andself-ratedlivingconditions,physicalandmentalhealth.Thedataalsoincludethe respondents’ current town or village of residence, which NW geo-code to latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates. An important concern is that the Afrobarometer data contains neither the loca- tion of one’s birth nor subsequent migration choices. As I describe below, I therefore merge the rainfall data for each respondent’s current location. If individuals with dif- ferent preexisting trust levels differentially migrate out of low-rainfall locations and into high-rainfall locations, this could bias my estimates in either direction. Although existing work shows that internal migration in Africa does respond to rainfall shocks both in departing from one’s birthplace and in the selection of one’s destination (c.f. Lewin, Fisher and Weber 2012), this literature also typically finds that migrants have lower social capital in their destinations (c.f. La Ferrara 2003). Such negative selection on trust at one’s destination would imply that migration may dampen the responsetorainfallshocksIobserve(migrantswouldexhibitbothlower-than-average trust and higher-than-average rainfall in early life, as I mis-assign them the early-life rainfall at their destination). Nonetheless, in section 6, I test whether my primary results vary across other indicators of likely migration. An additional limitation of this data is that it naturally omits individuals who die in their childhood as a result of rainfall shocks. If this mortality is selective (i.e., correlated with trust in adulthood), it may induce survivor bias. As in the case of migration, it is likely that mortality would be negatively correlated with trust; thus, correcting this bias would likely amplify the effects found herein. 5 3.2 Rainfall Data I merge the Afrobarometer data with historical rainfall data available from the Terrestrial Precipitation: 1900-2010 Gridded Monthly Time Series, Version 3.01 (Matsuura and Willmott 2012). The same dataset has been used by Jayachandran (2006) and Dell, Jones and Olken (2012). This data provides worldwide (terrestrial) monthly mean precipitation data at 0.5 x 0.5 degree resolution (approximately 56km x 56km at the equator). Values are interpolated for each grid node from an average of 20 different weather stations, with corrections for elevation. I construct annual total precipitation values at each node. I match each town or village of residence in the Afrobarometer survey sample to a quadrant in this dataset, with four nodes at the corners of each quadrant. To interpolate the precipitation value at the town or residence, I construct a weighted average of the precipitation at each of these four nodes, with the inverse of the distance to these nodes as their weights. In Section 6, I document that this weighting scheme does not significantly affect my results. I thus obtain a panel of annual precipitation values at each location. To isolate the effects of time-varying shocks from time-invariant differences across locations, I convert each location’s time series into percentiles. This data is then merged into the Afrobarometer dataset based on each respon- dent’s year of birth and location. Each location-birth-year cohort thus obtains a unique rainfall history. I then combine these annual levels into 5-year bins: from birth to age 4, ages 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, and 25-29. Each respondent’s rainfall history thus reflects the average percentile of rainfall in each 5-year bin. 3.3 Historical Data I rely on NW for secondary historical data on the slave exports and historical boundaries of each ethnicity in the sample, as well as for historical controls for each ethnicity’s contact with European explorers, exposure to Christian missions, urbanization in 1400, and malaria ecology. I present summary statistics on the merged data in Table 1. 4 Results on age-specific rainfall In Table 2, I present the baseline results on the effects of age-specific rainfall on trust of one’s neighbors in adulthood. I begin by including only the age-specific 6 rainfall shocks, and fixed effects for both age bins and countries. These results are shown in column 1. They indicate that the average percentile of rainfall between birth and age 4 and between ages 20 and 29 have significant impacts on trust of neighbors among those aged 30 or over. Experiencing rainfall at the 75th rather than 25th percentile in each of these age bins raises one’s trust level by 0.1, roughly 10% of the standard deviation of trust in the sample. In column 2 of Table 2, I estimate the same specification among those aged 45 or over, adding rainfall at age 30-34, 35-39, and 40-44 to the estimation. I do not find that rainfall at these older age bins has a significant effect on trust. I next return to my sample of 30+ year olds and add individual-level baseline controls to the specification. These controls capture gender, education level, occupation, ethnicity, religion, and self-rated living conditions. The results, shown in column 3, indicate that rainfall between birth and age 4 remains significant at the 95% confidence level and quantitatively similar. Rainfall in the later 20’s (ages 25-29) is also significant and similar in magnitude, but none of the other rainfall measures are significant at the 95% confidence level. In column 4, I add country-age bin interactions as shown in Eq. 1. The significance and magnitude of rainfallatages0-4and24-29arebothlargerandnowsignificantatthe1%confidence level. I next consider whether the effects of rainfall vary across the distribution at each location. I now run the same regression instead using quintiles of average rainfall at each age bin (with the lowest rainfall bin further disaggregated into the 0-10 and 11-20 percentiles). Figure 1 plots the coefficients of this regression for the rainfall quintiles at age 0-4. The results show that trust levels drop off substantially at the bottom of the rainfall distribution: whereas trust of neighbors is approximately 1.9 in the median bin, it drops by 0.05 in the 10-20th percentile and a further 0.05 in the bottom 10%. (Omitted for brevity, none of the coefficients for these lowest quintiles are significant at any of the other age bins). These results indicate that early childhoods with the worst rainfall are associated with significantly lower trust of neighbors. InTable3,Icomparetheeffectsofexperiencingthebottom10%ofrainfallduring earlychildhoodfortrustofdifferentindividuals.Incolumn1,Iconsidertrustofone’s relatives as the dependent variable. Again, I control for country-age bin fixed effects and the full set of individual covariates. The results are largely similar to those for trust of one’s neighbors; the worst rainfall at age 0-4 leads to a 0.1 reduction in trust of one’s neighbors and a similar response at age 25-29. In columns 2 and 3, I separate 7 the sample by gender. The early-childhood effects for males (col 2) and females (col 3) are quite similar, with the effect among men slightly smaller and more precisely estimated than that among women. At the same time, experiences at ages 25-29 are concentrated among men, as the effect of low rainfall at these ages among women is not different from zero. The Afrobarometer surveys also include questions of trust of others in one’s own ethnic group and in other groups. In columns 4 and 5 of Table 3, I return to the full sample of all adults and estimate the effects of rainfall on these trust measures. In both cases, the effects of early-life childhood rainfall shocks are negative and larger than those at older ages, although none of the rainfall measures is significant. The effects on inter-group trust are also smaller in magnitude than those on both intra- group trust and trust of one’s neighbors and relatives, suggesting that they are more closely linked to localized trust (even in ethnically diverse localities). 5 Causal channels 5.1 Transmission of trust How are shocks in early childhood transmitted to social perceptions in adult- hood? One possibility may be that individuals learn not to trust their relatives and neighbors to honor risk-sharing arrangements when such shocks occur. Such arrangements for risk-sharing are quite common. Cox and Fafchamps (2007) provide an overview of the literature on kinship-based mutual insurance, highlighting how even for informal agreements, kinship and social ties can be used to enforce con- tracts through reputation, threat of exclusion, group identification and emotional mechanisms. Community-based risk management mechanisms among neighbors are reviewed in Bhattamishra and Barrett (2010). Empirically,Goldstein, de Janvry and Sadoulet (2002) and Fafchamps and Lund (2003) document how Ghanaian and Filip- pino households insure one another specifically via networks of relatives and friends. Naturally, communities respond differently to shocks, in some cases coping more collaboratively and in others less so, based in part on the pre-existing norms and trust among their members. Many studies on the degree of this collaboration focus on mutual insurance against idiosyncratic rather aggregate risk (a long literature follows Townsend’s 1994 work on village-level risk-sharing). Even for aggregate risks such as rainfall, however, exposure to this risk and ability to cope with it may well be 8 heterogeneous within a community. Christiaensen and Subbarao (2005) and Dercon and Christiaensen (2011) show heterogeneous vulnerability to local rainfall shocks among farmers in Kenya and Ethiopia. Mobarak and Rosenzweig (2013) demonstrate that informal rainfall insurance varies within Indian villages by social network po- sition. Clearly, norms around local risk-sharing may still be quite important when facing rainfall shocks. Thesenormsareoftentransmittedtoensuinggenerations:KatzandRotter(1969) and Dohmen et al. (2012) document strong correlations in the propensity to trust others among parents and that of their children. I highlight the possibility that the transmission of risk-sharing norms may take place through experience with these shocks: Children exposed observe the community’s norms around risk-sharing and trust and, in effect, inherit them. Children who are not directly exposed to these shocks may observe the community’s response more noisily or not at all. In other words, individuals have only imperfect information on the quality of informal insti- tutions in their community, such as whether risk sharing mechanisms will be honored when needed. Experiencing a shock reveals the “true” quality of these institutions. In locations with low quality institutions, these shocks reveal this information and thus worsen perceptions of these institutions (in high-quality locations, the symmetric ef- fect in improving perceptions could also occur). Informal institutional quality–in this case, the trust necessary for mutual insurance–evolves endogenously and persistently. Communities with little trust and risk-sharing may be “stuck” in these equilibria. To understand whether there is evidence of such persistence, I study the effect of pre-existing trust in a community on the response to early childhood rainfall shocks.Todoso,oneneedseitherhistoricalmeasuresoftrustacrosscommunitiesthat precede the earliest birth in the sample, or exogenous historical factors that lead to variationincontemporarytrust.Itakethesecondapproach.NWhighlighttheroleof slavery extraction in determining historical levels of trust that have been transmitted to present day populations. Because subnational slave extraction may have been correlated with preexisting trust levels and other factors that directly affect current trustlevels,IfollowNWandproxyforslaveextractionexposureusingeachlocation’s distance to the coast. At the same time, I control for other local features that may be correlated with both slavery extraction and trust levels, including district-level ethnic fractionalization, the share of one’s own ethnicity in the district, and a set of ethnicity fixed effects.1 These covariates are derived from and discussed at length in 1Whereas NW control for ethnicitiy-specific European missions per square km in the district in 9