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Preview 28 November 2007 Lisboa Congress Cent

10th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Hosted by the Portuguese Society of Andrology 25 - 28 November 2007 Lisboa Congress Center Lisbon • Portugal FINAL PROGRAM www.essm.org BHC_Levitra_210x297_e.qxd 16.10.2007 16:04 Uhr Seite 1 Enhancing Relationships Renewing Love Science For A Better Life Over 150 million men around the world suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED), an affliction that impacts the sexual relationships of mil- lions of couples. In about 70 percent of cases, ED stems from physical causes. There are a number of treatments avail- able to address ED. Bayer HealthCare en- courages those affected with ED to see their doctor to discuss ways to restore confidence and to help rekindle the love lives of couples around the world. www.bayer.com TAbLE OF CONTENTS Page Page Welcome to the 10th ESSM Congress .....................2 Mobile Phones ...........................................................11 About ESSM ..............................................................4 Program Changes .......................................................11 Insurance ...................................................................11 ESSM Committees .....................................................5 Car Park ....................................................................11 ESSM Award Winners ...............................................6 Taxis ..........................................................................11 Acknowledgements ..................................................6 Currency ....................................................................11 Lisboa Congress Center - Floor Plan .........................7 Electricity ...................................................................11 General Information How to get to the Lisboa Congress Center ..................12 Congress Registration Counter ..................................8 Public Transportation Pass ..........................................12 Congress Registration Fees ........................................8 Portugal .....................................................................13 Congress Language ...................................................9 City of Lisbon .............................................................13 Publication of Proceedings ..........................................9 Travel to Lisbon ..........................................................13 Congress Documentation ..........................................9 Climate ......................................................................13 Congress Information System Supporting Program .................................................14 CO CONGRESS ONLINE® ............................................9 Introduction to the Scientific Program Speakers Centre and Lounge .....................................9 Format Descriptions ...................................................16 ESSM Membership Issues ..........................................9 CME Continuing Medical Education............................17 Name Badges .............................................................9 ESSM Grants and Awards ...........................................17 Technical Exhibition .................................................10 Opening Ceremony ...................................................17 Poster Exhibition .......................................................10 Program Schedule .....................................................18 Poster CD ROM .......................................................10 Internet Centre .........................................................10 Scientific Program Wireless Lan .............................................................10 Sunday, 25 November 2007 ........................................22 Press ........................................................................10 Monday, 26 November 2007 ......................................23 Electronic Information Boards ...................................10 Tuesday, 27 November 2007 .......................................30 Coffee and Lunch Breaks .........................................10 Wednesday, 28 November 2007 .................................37 Restaurants .............................................................10 Poster Presentations .................................................40 Cloakroom ..............................................................11 List of Exhibitors and Map .......................................52 Bank .......................................................................11 Lost and Found .......................................................11 List of Chairpersons and Presenters ..............................53 Congress and Exhibition Office Scientific Secretariat CPO HANSER SERVICE Petter Hedlund Hanser & Co GmbH Department of Clinical Pharmacology Zum Ehrenhain 34 Lund University Hospital 22885 Barsbüttel • Germany 22 185 Lund • Sweden Telephone: +49 40 670 88 20 Telephone: +46-46-175 635 Fax: +49 40 670 32 83 Telefax: +46-46-211 19 87 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] ESSM Secretariat Congress Venue Lavinia Ricci Lisboa Congress Center c/o AIM CONGRESS - AIM Group Praca das Industrias Via Ripamonti 129 1300-307 Lisbon • Portugal 20141 Milan • Italy Telephone: +39-025-6601 289 Telefax: +39-027-0048 577 E-Mail: [email protected] 1 WELCOME AddRESSES Dear ESSM Members, dear Colleagues, dear Friends, I am happy and honoured to welcome you to the beautiful and romantic city of Lisbon on the occasion of our 2007 Annual Meeting. Professor Nuno Monteiro Pereira and his crew, on behalf of the Portuguese Society of Andrology have provided an out- standing support to the organization of the meeting. I am sure that you will enjoy the scientific programme that is encompassing all the hot- test topics in sexual medicine. You will easily realize that there is not one single European F. Montorsi top opinion leader missing from the programme and this is the best guarantee for the positive final outcome of the meeting. We have received an overwhelming number of abstracts and the ESSM scientific committee has carefully selected the most interesting ones which will certainly stimulate a lively discussion during the scientific sessions. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the ESSM booth during the congress. By becoming a member of ESSM you will receive for free The Journal of Sexual Medicine, the official journal of ESSM and the real Bible of our discipline. In addition you will also benefit of all the privileges reserved to the members of ESSM. The exhibition area will have numerous booths of the companies which have generously supported ESSM and I invite you all to spend your free time during breaks among sessions to visit them and learn more about their products. We also want to take the opportunity to invite you to the opening ceremony followed by a get together at the congress venue to socialise with your colleagues and friends! This is my last year as President of ESSM. It has been a major honor and a privilege to serve you all over this term. ESSM is now the largest branch of ISSM and the European contributions to the field of Sexual Medicine are unanimously recognized. My succes- sor Mr Ian Eardley is the best possible individual to take the lead and conduct ESSM to the exciting 2008 joint meeting with ISSM in Brussels. This is my last opportunity to thank all of you for being so strong supporters of ESSM: I will never forget this time of my life. Enjoy the meeting! Professor Francesco Montorsi, MD ESSM President  WELCOME AddRESSES Dear Colleagues, It is a great honour and a supreme pleasure to welcome you to Lisbon, the venue of the 10th ESSM Congress 2007. At the moment Lisbon gets ready to welcome the political leaders of the EU, who will sign the document which will be known in the European History as the Lisbon Treaty. Also more than two thousand physicians and scientists who will participate in the 10th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Sexual Medicine will be expected in Lisbon. We all hope that both events will be markers for the future. All over the world Sexual Medicine explodes as an exciting branch of medical know- N. Monteiro Pereira ledge. Being an area that contains the medical aspects of sexual affairs and the sex- ual aspects of medical affairs, Sexual Medicine congregates an increasing number of specialists. At the congress you will have the opportunity to experience a stimulating scientific program with up-to-date science and research findings in the wide field of Sexual Medicine. And what to explore in Lisbon? Lisbon is a lively and attractive city with its own cul- ture, history, architecture as well as its music which are omnipresent. Its open inhabi- tants underline the nice and friendly south European atmosphere of Lisbon. You will always find interesting spots to discover during day and night time. Therefore, we are very pleased to have Lisbon as a special place for the Annual Meeting of the European Society for Sexual Medicine. Please take this opportunity to make new contacts and gain new scientific knowledge as well as unforgettable memories. I am sure you will enjoy this 10th ESSM Congress. Professor Nuno Monteiro Pereira, MD, PhD Chair of the 10th ESSM Congress  AbOuT ESSM ESSM President ESSM Winter Sexual Medicine Prof. Francesco Montorsi, MD Department of Urology Specialist Training Course Universita’ Vita Salute San Raffaele Via Olgettina 60 20132 Milan, Italy Telephone: +39-02-2643 7286  – 5 November 007, Lisbon Telefax: +39-02-2643 7298 E-Mail: [email protected] Following the highly successful ESSM Summer School Sexual Medicine Specialist Training Course, Chairperson of the held in Oxford during July 2007, we offer a rolling 10th ESSM Congress 2007 programme of structured teaching for physicians seeking a specialist qualification in Sexual Medi- Prof. Nuno Monteiro Pereira, MD, PhD cine. Department of Health Sciences Universidade Lusófona This programme will deliver 23 hours of struc- Campo Grande, 376 1749-024 Lisbon, Portugal tured teaching from the European Academy of Telephone: +351- 217515577 Sexual Medicine syllabus, which may be credited Telefax: +351- 217515598 towards the 120-hour teaching requirement E-Mail: [email protected] which is a component of the Academy’s Fellow- ship programme. The programme will cover the following topics: sexual dysfunctions related to ESSM Presidents other medical problems; paraphilas; practical 1993 - 1997 Gorm Wagner, Denmark communication and counselling issues in Sexual 1997 - 1999 Inigo Saenz de Tejada, Spain Medicine; establishing a Sexual Medicine Clinic. 1999 - 2001 John Pryor, UK 2001 - 2004 Dimitrios Hatzichristou, Greece This 3-day residential Course will be held at the 2004 - 2007 Francesco Montorsi, Italy Altis Park Hotel, Lisbon, beginning at 08.30 on Friday, 23rd November and concluding at ESSM Congress 14.30 on Sunday, 25th November. Only pre- registered delegates may attend; those interested Venues and Chairman in registering for or receiving more information 1995 Porto Carras, Greece about the Fellowship programme should contact Dimitrios Hatzichristou, Greece Dr John Dean, at [email protected]. 1997 Madrid, Spain Inigo Saenz de Tejada, Spain The subsequent 3-day residential (23 hours teach- 2000 Barcelona, Spain ing) Sexual Medicine Specialist Training Course Halim Hattat, Turkey will be held in Rome, in April 2008. A second 2001 Rome, Italy 2-week residential (76 hours teaching) Sexual Francesco Montorsi, Italy Medicine Specialist Training Course will be held 2002 Hamburg, Germany Hartmut Porst, Germany during the summer of 2008. Further information 2003 Istanbul, Turkey will be available on the ESSM website in the next Emre Akkus, Turkey few weeks; please send all enquiries to Dr Dean, 2004 London, UK who should be able to provide more information David Ralph, UK by mid-December. 2005 Copenhagen, Denmark Petter Hedlund, Sweden 2006 Vienna, Austria Siegfried Meryn, Austria 2007 Lisbon, Portugal Nuno Monteiro Pereira, Portugal 2008 Brussels, Belgium Joint Congress of ISSM/ESSM Eric Wespes, Belgium (ISSM) Claude Schulman, Belgium (ESSM)  ESSM COMMITTEES Executive Committee Sub Committees President: Francesco Montorsi, Italy Basic Science Chair: Francois Giuliano, France President Members: Javier Angulo, Spain Elect: Ian Eardley, UK Mario Maggi, Italy Secretary Stephan Ückert, Germany General: John Dean, UK Treasurer: Ian Eardley, UK Clinical Chair: Antonio Martin-Morales, Spain Members: Carlo Bettocchi, Italy Members: Alberto Briganti, Italy Beatrice Cuzin, France Ian Eardley, UK Bruno Giammusso, Italy Dirk Schultheiss, Germany Ates Kadioglu, Turkey Siegfried Meryn, Austria Ethical Santiago Richter, Israel Chair: Marcel D. Waldinger, The Netherlands Pedro Vendeira, Portugal Members: Ulf Simonsen, Denmark Advisory Board Representative: Antonio Martin-Morales Female Sexual Health Chair: Annamaria Giraldi, Denmark Scientific Committee Lisbon 2007 Members: Ellen Laan, The Netherlands Roy Levin, UK Chair: Petter Hedlund, Sweden Ilan Gruenwald, Israel Members: John Dean, UK David Goldmeier, UK Ian Eardley, UK Annamaria Giraldi, Denmark Primary Care Francois Giuliano, France Chair: Geoffrey Hackett, UK Geoffrey Hackett, UK Members: Bert-Jan de Boer, The Netherlands Antonio Martin-Morales, Spain David Edwards, UK Nuno Monteiro Pereira, Portugal Doug Savage, UK Francesco Montorsi, Italy David Ralph, UK Psychosexual Marcel D. Waldinger, The Netherlands Chair: Kevan Wylie, UK Kevan Wylie, UK Members: Loukas Athanasiadis, Greece Marie Chevret-Measson, France Emmanuele Jannini, Italy National Organisation Committee Chiara Simonelli, Italy Chair: Nuno Monteiro Pereira Mehmet Sungur, Turkey Members: José LaFuente de Carvalho Pedro Vendeira Surgery Manuel Ferreira Coelho Chair: David Ralph, UK Ricardo Ramires Members: Fulvio Colombo, Italy Belmiro Parada Antoine Faix, France Maria do Céu Santo Ates Kadioglu, Turkey José Santos Dias Sava Perovic, Serbia 5 ESSM AWARd WINNERS / ACkNOWLEdGEMENTS ESSM Award Winners Acknowledgements Best Presentation Awards The organisers of the 10th Congress of the Eu- 1995 Christian Stief, Germany ropean Society for Sexual Medicine gratefully acknowledge the support of the following compa- 1997 Paul F. Engelhardt, Germany nies (as of November 2007) Francois Giuliano, France Suks Minhas, UK Major Sponsors 2000 Apostolos Apostolidis, Greece F. Mumtaz, UK Bayer Schering 2002 Annamaria Giraldi, Denmark Pharma AG 2003 Stefan Ückert, Germany Ilan Gruenwald, Israel Mustafa Usta, Turkey Alberto Briganti, Italy Eli Lilly and Company 2004 Byoung Ahn, Republic of Korea Javier Angulo, Spain Antonio Aversa, Italy 2005 Giovanni Corona, Italy Elke Gizewski, Germany Pfizer Inc. Halim Hattat, Turkey Attila Kun, Hungary Sava Perovic, Serbia 2006 Fotini Ferenidou, Greece Sponsors Giulio Garaffa, Italy American Medical Systems Wayne Hellstrom, USA Linda Vignozzi, Italy Ardana Bioscience Ltd. Guido van Wingen, The Netherlands Coloplast A/S Ipsen Career Awards Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical 2002 John Pryor, UK Services, LLC 2003 Gorm Wagner, Denmark Nature Publishing 2004 Giles Brindley, UK Pierre Fabre Médicament Ronald Virag, France Plethora Solutions 2005 Karl-Erik Andersson, Sweden ProStrakan Group PLC Award of Excellence Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH Timm Medical Technologies, Inc. 2002 Petter Hedlund, Sweden 2003 Selim Cellek, UK Wisepress Ltd. 2004 Stefan Ückert, Germany 2005 Javier Angulo, Spain Ekkehard W. Hauck, Germany 2006 Andrea Salonia, Italy  LISbOA CONGRESS CENTER - FLOOR PLAN Overview - Ground floor Room 3 AUD I AUD VI/VII 1st floor Registration Entrance Cloakroom Foyer C Entrance area Overview - First floor Internet Poster Centre Exhibition Exhibition Pavilion 5 AUD AUD I III/IV 1.15 Entrance 1.08 Speakers Centre Lounge Exhibition 1.07 Pavilion 4 1.06 1.05 AUD II 1.10 n Auditoria and meeting rooms n Exhibition n Poster Exhibition n Catering n Counter, Speaker‘s centre and Internet centre 7 GENERAL INFORMATION Congress Registration Counter Congress Registration Fees All congress materials and documentation will be ESSM Members, Physicians (MD) EUR 500 available at the congress registration counter located in Foyer C on the ground floor of the Lisboa Congress Non-Members, EUR 600 Center. The congress staff will be pleased to help you Physicians (MD) with all enquiries regarding registration, congress ma- ESSM-Members with reduced fees*: terial and congress program. Please do not hesitate Nurses, Residents in Training, Scien- to contact the staff members if there is anything they EUR 400 tists (PhD), Psychologists, Therapists, can do to make your stay more enjoyable. Students Opening hours Non-Members with reduced fees*: Nurses, Residents in Training, Scien- Sunday, 25 Nov ‘07 08.00 h - 20.00 h EUR 500 tists (PhD), Psychologists, Therapists, Monday, 26 Nov ‘07 08.00 h - 18.00 h Students Tuesday, 27 Nov ‘07 07.30 h - 18.00 h Retired Delegates EUR 80 Wednesday, 28 Nov ‘07 08.30 h - 13.00 h Accompanying Persons EUR 85 During these opening hours the congress counter can * A letter of the chairman of the department is necessary. be reached at: Telephone: +351-21-360 1929 Registration fee for participants includes: Fax: +351-21-360 1928 n Admission to all scientific sessions n Admission to poster and technical exhibition n Admission to the ESSM Opening Ceremony and The congress counter is divided in the following Welcome Reception on 25 November 2007 sections: n Conference materials (delegate bag, final pro- gram, abstract book, etc.) On-site Registration n Coffee breaks and lunches from Monday, 26 No- On-site registration for the congress. vember 2007 until Wednesday, 28 November 2007 ending with a coffee break in the morning Pre-Registration Participants who have already registered for the con- n Use of the Lisbon public transportation system gress will receive their documents here. from Sunday, 25 November 2007 to Wednesday, 28 November 2007 Hotel Reservations and Tours Assistance for the reservation of hotel rooms and Registration fee for accompanying persons sightseeing tours in Lisbon will be provided here. Our includes: local partner agency AIMS Lisbon will be pleased to n Admission to the ESSM Opening Ceremony and provide you with information about various hotels Welcome Reception on 25 November 2007 and tours and the City of Lisbon. They will also assist n Half Day City Sightseeing Tour of Lisbon - Taste of with restaurant information. Lisbon - on Monday, 26 November 2007 (pre-regi- stration necessary) Press Accreditation Press who has already pre-registered or will register n Use of the Lisbon public transportation system on-site. For press accreditation an official press iden- from Sunday, 25 November 2007 to Wednesday, tity card is required. 28 November 2007 

www.essm.org. 10th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine. Hosted by the. Portuguese Society of. Andrology. 25 - 28 November 2007.
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