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^{27}Al Impurity-Satellite NMR and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in U_{1-x}Th_xPd_2Al_3 PDF

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Preview ^{27}Al Impurity-Satellite NMR and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in U_{1-x}Th_xPd_2Al_3

27Al Impurity-Satellite NMR and Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior in U Th Pd Al 1−x x 2 3 Chia-Ying Liu and D. E. MacLaughlin Department of Physics, University of California, Riverside, California 92521 H. G. Lukefahr, G. Miller, and K. Hui Whittier College, Whittier, California 90608 0 0 M. B. Maple, M. C. de Andrade, and E. J. Freeman 0 2 University of California, San Diego, California 92093-0319 n (January 7, 2000) a J 7 Non-Fermi-liquid(NFL)behaviorinthef-sublattice-dilutedalloysystemU1−xThxPd2Al3hasbeen studied using 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Impurity satellites due to specific U near- ] neighbor configurations to 27Al sites are clearly resolved in both random and field-aligned powder l e samples. The particular configuration associated with each satellite is identified by comparison of - calculated and observed satellite intensities. The spatial mean K and rms spread δK of impurity r t satellite shifts, which arerelated tothemean χand rmsspread δχ of theinhomogeneous suscepti- s bility, have been measured in field-aligned powders with the crystalline c axis both perpendicular . t andparallel to theexternal field. Satellites corresponding to only oneuranium nearneighbor were a m chosen for analysis, since in this case δχ(T)/χ(T) = δK/K independent of the (unknown) spa- tial correlation of the random susceptibility inhomogeneity. The relatively narrow lines observed - d atlow temperaturessuggest thatdisorder-inducedinhomogeneityof thef-ion–conduction-electron n hybridization is not the cause of NFL behavior in these alloys: at low temperatures the experi- o mental values of δχ(T)/χ(T) are much smaller than required by disorder-driven models. This is c in contrast to results in at least some alloys with disordered non-f-ion nearest neighbors to f ions [ (“liganddisorder”),wheredisorder-driventheoriesgivegoodaccountsofNFLbehavior. Ourresults suggest that f-ion dilution does not produce as much inhomogeneity of the hybridization strength 1 v as substitution on ligand sites. 8 PACS numbers: 71.27.+a, 75.30.Mb, 76.60.Cq. 7 0 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION behavior have emerged: (a) proximity to a zero- 0 temperature quantum critical point (QCP), of either a 0 The magnetism of heavy-fermion f-electron materials single-ion or a cooperative nature,2,3 and (b) the ef- / t is quenched at low temperatures by conduction-electron fect of lattice disorder on the Kondo properties of the ma (Kondo)screening. Amany-bodygroundstateisformed f ions.2,4–9 In the QCP picture the NFL behavior is that has traditionally been described within Landau’s due to quantum fluctuations associated with a critical d- Fermi-liquid theory both for dilute alloys1 (the single- point at zero temperature. This mechanism is operative n impurity Kondo problem) and for concentrated “Kondo in uniform systems, since disorder is not required. In o lattice” systems (with or without lattice disorder). But disorder-driven scenarios the effect of structural disor- c thethermodynamicandtransportpropertiesofanumber der on f-electron many-body effects such as the Kondo v: of f-electron “heavy-fermion” metals and alloys do not effect andthe Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida(RKKY) i behaveaspredictedbyFermi-liquidtheory.2Theinappli- interaction between f ions produces a broad inhomoge- X cability of this picture is signaledby (a) weak power-law neous distribution of the local susceptibilities χj associ- ar or logarithmic divergences of the specific heat Sommer- ated with the f ions. Uncompensated Kondo ions far feldcoefficientγ(T)=C(T)/T andthemagneticsuscep- from the singlet ground state, which are not described tibility χ(T), both of which are constant in Fermi-liquid byFermi-liquidtheory,giverisetolargevaluesofχj and theory, and (b) a temperature dependence of the electri- the NFL properties of the material. QCP and disorder- cal resistivity which is weaker than the T2 prediction of drivenmechanismsneednotbemutually exclusive,how- Fermi-liquidtheory. Better theoreticalandexperimental ever, since critical fluctuations of a disordered system understanding ofthese so-callednon-Fermi-liquid(NFL) might also be involved in NFL behavior. systems has been the goal of a considerable amount of The single-ion “Kondo disorder” picture,4–6 in which researchin recent years. theuncompensatedionsareassumednottointeract,was Two broad classes of theoretical explanation of NFL developedtoexplainnuclearmagneticresonance(NMR) 1 shift K of the field for resonance at fixed frequency;14,15 thisshiftisexpectedtobeproportionaltotheU-ionsus- ceptibility χ. Any inhomogeneity in χ leads to a corre- U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) T(cid:13) f(cid:13)rom C(cid:13) (cid:13)((cid:13)T)(cid:13)(cid:13) sponding distribution of shifts that broadens the NMR )(cid:13)K 40(cid:13) 1-(cid:13)x(cid:13) x(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) TK(cid:13) (cid:13)f(cid:13)rom r(cid:13)(cid:13) ((cid:13)T)(cid:13)(cid:13) line. Therelationbetweenthermsspreadδχinχandthe ( e TK(cid:13)K (cid:13)(cid:13)f(cid:13)rom c(cid:13)(cid:13) ((cid:13)T)(cid:13)(cid:13) NMRlinewidthσisdescribedelsewhere,5,16,17whereitis ru shown that σ/(KH0), where K is the spatially averaged tar relative shift and H0 is the applied field, is an estima- e 20(cid:13) p tor for the fractional rms spread δχ/χ, where χ is the me TN(cid:13) (cid:13) spatiallyaveragedsusceptibility. We canwriteσ/(KH0) T AFM(cid:13) Kondo + NFL(cid:13) equivalently as δK/K, where δK ≡ σ/H0 is the relative T(cid:13) c(cid:13) SC(cid:13) rms spread in shifts. 0(cid:13) NMR line broadening can also arise from dynamic 0.0(cid:13) 0.2(cid:13) 0.4(cid:13) 0.6(cid:13) 0.8(cid:13) 1.0(cid:13) (lifetime) effects due to nuclear spin-lattice relaxation. Th concentration (cid:13)x(cid:13) PulsedNMRtechniquescanbeusedtoestimatesuchlife- time broadening independently of the spectral width,14 FIG.1. PhasediagramofU1−xThxPd2Al3. Antiferromag- and we have found that in U1−xThxPd2Al3 spin-lattice netic (AFM), Superconducting(SC), and Kondo/non-Fermi- relaxation is far too small to contribute significantly to liquid (Kondo + NFL) regions are shown. NFL behavior oc- the observed spectral linewidths. curs for x >∼ 0.6, where the Kondo temperature TK was de- In a diluted magnetic alloy such as U1−xThxPd2Al3 terminedfrom measurementsofspecificheatC(T),electrical the NMR shift is also distributed because of the spatial resistivityρ(T),andmagneticsusceptibilityχ(T). Datafrom dependence of the RKKY interaction and the random Ref. 11. positions of the magnetic ions, even if the susceptibility associatedwiththeseionswereuniform. Thusadditional broadening due to susceptibility inhomogeneity may be experiments in the NFL alloys UCu5−xPds, x=1.0 and difficult to resolve. This is unlike the situation in an al- 1.5, that revealed wide distributions of frequency shifts loywithliganddisorder (i.e.,disorderinthenonmagnetic reflecting the required susceptibility inhomogeneity. In ions of the compound), where the magnetic-ion sublat- theKondodisordermodelstructuraldisordergivesriseto ticeisordered. Inthiscasetheonlysourceofbroadening a wide distribution of local Kondo temperatures (T ) ; K j is susceptibility inhomogeneity,as longas the liganddis- this leads to a distribution of χ which becomes corre- j orderdoesnotaffecttheRKKYinteractionsignificantly. spondingly wide at low temperatures. The “Griffiths- phase”modelofCastroNeto et al.7–9 takesintoaccount Even if it does the two broadening mechanisms can be distinguished.17 RKKY interactions between uncompensated f-ion mo- If, however, specific near-neighbor magnetic-ion con- ments in the disordered system. These RKKY interac- figurations of the observed nuclei are probable enough tions couple the uncompensated moments into clusters, in a dilute alloy, and if the shifted NMR frequencies the thermal behavior of which canbe describedin terms of these nuclei are large enough to be resolved, rather of Griffiths singularities10 associated with the distribu- thanmerelycontributingto“dilutionbroadening”ofthe tion of cluster sizes. resonance line, then the shifts and linewidths of these Both the Kondo-disorder and Griffiths-phase theories impurity satellites may be studied separately.18 Impu- makedefinitepredictionsoftheinhomogeneousspreadin rity satellites provide a much better characterization of magneticsusceptibilitythatiscapableofbeingmeasured the inhomogeneoussusceptibility distributioninanalloy by magnetic resonance techniques such as NMR. The presentpapercomparesthesepredictionswith27AlNMR with f-ion sublattice dilution (such as U1−xThxPd2Al3) than is possible if the satellites are not resolved. spectra inunalignedandfield-alignedpowder samplesof An important result of the present studies was the NFL alloys U1−xThxPd2Al3, x=0.7, 0.8, and 0.9. the observation of resolved 27Al impurity satellites in hibTithseNiFsoLstrbuechtauvriaolr afollroyintseerrmieesdiUat1e−xtTohhxiPghd2tAhlo3riuexm- U1−xThxPd2Al3. The shifts and linewidths of these satellites have been analyzed to provide information on concentrations.11 ThephasediagramofU1−xThxPd2Al3 the inhomogeneous distribution of local susceptibility in is shown in Fig. 1. The heavy-fermion end compound this system. We find that the width of the susceptibility UPd2Al3 exhibits coexistence of antiferromagnetic order distribution is considerably smaller than required to ex- (T = 14 K) and superconductivity12 (T = 2 K) that N c plain NFL behavior, and a different mechanism must be persistsforlowThconcentrations(x<0.2). Forx>0.6 sought. Thisresultsuggeststhat, incontrasttothesitu- the electrical resistivity, specific heat, and magnetic sus- ationinligand-disorderalloys,f-sublattice disordermay ceptibility are all indicative of NFL behavior.13 not produce enough inhomogeneity in the f-electron– The RKKY coupling between 27Al nuclei and U-ion conduction-electron hybridization to drive the NFL be- spinsaffectsthe27AlNMRinanumberofways,ofwhich havior. themostimportantforourpurposesistheparamagnetic 2 II. DISORDER-DRIVEN NFL THEORIES (cid:13)) U In the following we briefly describe the single-ion e 80(cid:13) Kondo-disorder4–6 and Griffiths-phase7–9 models, after lo m U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) which we consider their applicability to the NFL behav- /u 60(cid:13) 0.1(cid:13) 0.9(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) m ior in U1−xThxPd2Al3. e The simplest implementation of the single-ion Kondo (cid:13)3 – disorder model assumes that the f ions are coupled to 0(cid:13)1 40(cid:13) ( the conduction-electron bath by a random distribution y c(cid:13) of Kondo coupling constants g = ρJ, where ρ is the tilib 20(cid:13) ab(cid:13) conduction-electrondensityofstatesattheFermienergy itp c(cid:13) c(cid:13) e andJ isthelocal-moment–conduction-electronexchange c s 0(cid:13) energy. Then g is related to the Kondo temperature T u K S 0(cid:13) 100(cid:13) 200(cid:13) 300(cid:13) by Temperature (K)(cid:13) T =E exp(−1/g), (1) K F FIG.2. Temperaturedependenceoftheanisotropicsuscep- where E is the Fermi energy of the host metal. Thus a F tibility in U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3. Circles: ab-plane susceptibility modestdistributionofg cangiverisetoabroaddistribu- χab(T). Triangles: c-axis susceptibility χc(T). Curve: fit of tionofT ifmostvaluesofgaresmall. Ifthedistribution K Griffiths-phase model (Refs. 7–9) to χab(T). function P(T ) is broad enough so that P(T =0) does K K not vanish, then at any nonzero temperature T those f ions for which TK <T will not be compensated. Fermi- picture. The procedure used to compare the Griffiths- liquid theory does not apply to them, and they give rise phasetheorywithexperimentissimilartothatdescribed to the NFL behavior. above for the Kondo-disorder analysis: bulk susceptibil- Such uncompensated f ions dominate thermal and ity data are fit to the corresponding theoretical expres- transport properties at low temperatures. The magnetic sions, and the calculated δχ(T)/χ(T) is compared with susceptibility is correspondingly distributed, as can be NMR data. seen from the Curie-Weiss law C χ(T,TK)= (2) III. EXPERIMENT T +αT K (α ∼ 1) that approximately characterizes the Kondo Samples of U1−xThxPd2Al3, x = 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9, physics, and is inhomogeneous on an atomic scale. were prepared as described previously.11,13 The arc- Fitting this model to the temperature dependence of meltedingotswerecrushedandpassedthrougha100-µm the bulk (i.e., spatially averaged) magnetic susceptibil- sieve. 27Al NMR experiments were carried out on un- ity χ(T) gives the distribution of g, which is then used aligned powders and also on epoxy-cast powder samples to predict δχ(T)/χ(T).4,5 inwhichthesingle-crystalpowdergrainswerealignedby In the Griffiths-phase theory various physical proper- a 6-T magnetic field during hardening ofthe epoxy. The tiesarepredictedtodivergeatlowtemperaturesasweak crystal symmetry is hexagonal (space group P6/mmm) power laws of temperature. For example, the electronic andthus the susceptibility is uniaxially anisotropic. The specific heat C(T) and the spatially averaged magnetic directionoflargestmagneticsusceptibilityisinthebasal (ab) plane, so that in order to orient the c axes of the susceptibility χ(T) are given by grains it was necessary to rotate the sample around an C(T)/T ∝χ(T)∝T−1+λ, (3) axis perpendicular to the magnetic field while the epoxy hardened.19 Therotationaxisthendefinesthec-axisori- and the fractional rms spread δχ(T)/χ(T) is given by entationof the grains. The anisotropicsusceptibility ob- tained from a field-aligned sample of U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3 is δχ(T) ∝T−λ/2. (4) showninFig.2,wherethestronganisotropythatpermits χ(T) the field alignment can be seen. AlsoshowninFig.2istheresultoffittingtheGriffiths- The nonuniversal exponent λ is a parameter that deter- phase model prediction for the uniform susceptibility minesthedegreeofNFLcharacter. TheGriffithsphaseis to the experimental χ (T) data, as described above in ab characterizedbyλ≤1,sothatthesusceptibilitydiverges Sec. II. Aside from an overallscale factor the fit param- atzerotemperature(thecaseλ=1ismarginalandgives eters are the exponent λ and a high-energy cutoff ǫ0 for risetologarithmicdivergences). SinceC(T)/T andχ(T) the distribution of cluster energies. Best fit was found have the same temperature dependence the Wilson ra- for λ = 0.90 and ǫ0/kB = 130 K. A good fit was also tio χ(T)T/C(T) is independent of temperature in this 3 U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) 0.1(cid:13) 0.9(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) (cid:13) 0.8(cid:13) 0.2(cid:13) 0.8(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) Central Transition(cid:13) (a) Minority lines(cid:13) 130 K(cid:13) 0.6(cid:13) 56.5 MHz(cid:13) Extra lines(cid:13) )(cid:13)% QSautaedllrituepso(cid:13)le(cid:13) QSautaedllrituepso(cid:13)le(cid:13) ( tfih 0.4(cid:13) S R 0.2(cid:13) M N lA 0.0(cid:13) 7(cid:13) 0.2(cid:13) 2 (b) Principal Lines(cid:13) 50.5(cid:13) 51.0(cid:13) 51.5(cid:13) 0.0(cid:13) Magnetic Field (kOe)(cid:13) 0(cid:13) 100(cid:13) 200(cid:13) FIG. 3. Representative 27Al quadrupole-split NMR spec- Temperature (K)(cid:13) trum from an unaligned powder sample of U0.2Th0.8Pd2Al3. Thespectrum is characterized bya narrow centraltransition and broad powder-pattern quadrupole satellites (Ref. 14). FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of 27Al NMR shifts in Extra lines are visible on the low-field side of the central unaligned powder samples of U1−xThxPd2Al3, x = 0.7 transition, and to some extent on the low-field sides of the (squares),0.8(triangles),and0.9(circles). (a)Minoritylines. quadrupolesatellites. (b) Principal lines. obtained with the Kondo-disorder model, where the pa- shifted to first order in the coupling constant e2qQ and rameters describing the disorder were taken to be the depend on crystallite orientation, so that the quadrupo- Fermi energy EF [cf. Eq. (1)] and the mean g and stan- larsatellitesare“powder-patternbroadened”bytheran- dard deviation δg of an assumed Gaussian distribution domorientationsofthepowdergrainsinthesample. The ofcoupling constants. The values EF =1 eV, g =0.149, centraltransitionisshiftedonlytosecondorderine2qQ, and δg = 0.020 gave the best fit (not shown). The re- however, and suffers much less powder-pattern broaden- sults ofthese fits wereusedtocalculatenumericalvalues ingthanthesatelliteswhene2qQissmallerthanthe27Al of δχ(T)/χ(T), which are compared with results of the nuclear Zeeman frequency. NMR experiments in Sec. IV. The most important feature of Fig. 3 is the group of Field-swept 27Al NMR spectra were obtained using extra lines on the low-field side of the central transi- pulsed-NMR spin-echo signals and the frequency-shifted tion. (There is also a hint of this structure in some of and summed Fourier transform processing technique de- the quadrupole satellites.) The extra lines, which also scribed by Clark et al.20 The echo-decay lifetime T2 was appear for Th concentrations x = 0.7 and 0.9, were found to be sufficiently long (hundreds of µs) so that no initially suspected to be due to spurious metallurgical correction for the echo decay was needed. phases, althoughx-ray powder diffraction measurements indicatedthesamplesweresingle-phase.13Morethanone extra “minority” line was observed, but in the following A. Spurious phases or impurity satellites in onlythe mostintenseminorityline is comparedwiththe U1−xThxPd2Al3? “principal” central transition (Fig. 3). The temperature dependence of the principal and mi- Figure 3 shows as an example a spectrum from nority shifts is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that an unaligned powder sample of U0.2Th0.8Pd2Al3. In the shift of the principal line is independent of temper- U1−xThxPd2Al3themmmpointsymmetryoftheAlsite ature, whereas the minority line exhibits a Curie-Weiss- is lowerthan cubic, so that the 27Al nuclear Zeeman lev- like temperature-dependent shift. If the minority line els are split by the quadrupole interaction between the were due to a spurious phase, then these results suggest 27Al nuclear quadrupole moment Q and the crystalline that the principal phase is a nearly pure thorium com- electric field gradient q.14 Then quadrupole satellite res- pound,whereasthespuriousphaseorphaseshaveahigh onances, corresponding to mI ↔ mI−1 (mI 6= 1/2) nu- uraniumconcentration. Thisseemsratherunlikely,given clear spin transitions, are observed in the form of broad the absence of x-ray evidence for phase segregation and peaks shifted from a narrow central (1/2↔−1/2) tran- the chemical similarity of thorium and uranium, and we sition. The positions of the quadrupole satellites are taketheresultsshowninFig.4asinitialevidenceagainst 4 0.8(cid:13) U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) H(cid:13) (cid:13) || c(cid:13) (cid:13) 0.1(cid:13) 0.9(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) 0(cid:13) U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) )(cid:13) 0.1(cid:13) 0.9(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) % 0.6(cid:13) Central Transitions(cid:13) ( 4.2 K (cid:13) tfihS 0.4(cid:13) 73 MHz(cid:13) Bulk Line(cid:13) R M Quadrupole(cid:13) N 0.2(cid:13) (cid:13)7 lA QSautaedllrituepso(cid:13)le(cid:13) Impurity(cid:13) Satellites(cid:13) 2 0.0(cid:13) Satellites(cid:13) 0(cid:13) 10(cid:13) 20(cid:13) 30(cid:13) 40(cid:13) 50(cid:13) Susceptibility (10(cid:13)–3(cid:13) emu mole(cid:13)–1(cid:13))(cid:13) 64(cid:13) 65(cid:13) 66(cid:13) 67(cid:13) FIG.5. Clogston-Jaccarino plot of 27Al principal- and mi- Magnetic Field (kOe)(cid:13) nority-line NMR shifts vs. bulk (spatially averaged) sus- ceptibility in unaligned powder samples of U1−xThxPd2Al3, x= 0.7 (squares), 0.8 (triangles), and 0.9 (circles). Temper- FIG. 6. Representative 27Al NMR field-aligned spectrum atureis an implicit parameter. Theminority-line data(filled from a field-aligned powder sample of U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3 for symbols) show similar behavior for different Th concentra- H0 k c. The bulk NMR lines and impurity satellites (indi- tions x. Extrapolations to zero susceptibility (high tempera- cated for thecentral transition only) are grouped into a cen- ture)agreewiththetemperature-independentprincipalshifts tral transition and four quadrupole satellites. The impurity (open symbols at zero susceptibility). satellites have slightly different anisotropic NMR shifts and quadrupole splittings than the bulk lines. The sharp lines indicate good alignment of the powder-grain c axes. the spurious-phase hypothesis. Figure 5 gives a Clogston-Jaccarino plot of shift ver- sus susceptibility per mole uranium, with temperature the temperature-independent principal-line shifts. This an implicit variable. A linear relation between shift and agreementwouldbeacompletecoincidenceiftheminor- χ(T)is expectedfor impurity satellites if the transferred ity lines were due to spurious phases, but follows natu- hyperfinefieldthatcouplesthenuclearspintotheUmo- rally if they are impurity satellites. mentistemperature-independent,andisindeedobserved We conclude that the observed properties of the spec- forsmalltomoderatevaluesofχ(T). Theslopesofthese tra establish the minority lines as impurity satellites linear relations are more or less independent of thorium rather than due to spurious phases. concentrationx,asexpectedforalocalhyperfineinterac- tion. [The nonlinear behavior for larger χ(T) is not well understood, but may arise from changes in crystal-field B. Spectra from field-aligned samples level populations with temperature.] The temperature independence of the principal-line The 27Al impurity-satellite spectra from unaligned shiftisexplainedbythelargenumberofconfigurationsof powder samples of U1−xThxPd2Al3 described above are moredistantUionsandtheoscillatorydependenceofthe difficultto interpret,due to possiblepreferentialorienta- RKKY interaction, which lead to broadening but little tion and broadening from shift anisotropy. We therefore average shift contribution to the principal line.21 Vary- usedfield-alignedsamplesforfurther NMR experiments. ing the Th concentration x can change the host-metal Figure6 showsa representativefield-alignedspectrum band structure and lead to an x-dependent host Knight fromU0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3 forappliedfieldH0 paralleltothe shift. The fact that the principal-line shifts do not vary c axis(H0 kc). The sharplines indicate goodalignment monotonically with Th concentration is not well under- of the powder-grain c axes, and the impurity satellites stood, but may be due to shift anisotropy together with aremoreapparentthanintheunalignedpowderspectra. sample-dependent preferential orientation of the powder The lines in the center of the spectrum are the (1/2 ↔ grains. −1/2)centraltransitionbulklineandimpuritysatellites. Comparison of the principal- and minority-line shifts Impurity satellites can also be seen associatedwith each yields strong additional evidence that the minority lines quadrupole satellite. These are well resolvedon the low- areimpuritysatellitesratherthanduetospuriousphases. fieldsideofthequadrupole-splitspectrumbutnotonthe One of the most striking features of Fig. 5 is the high-field side, due to the combination of an anisotropic fact that extrapolations of the minority-line shifts to NMR shift and slightly larger quadrupole splittings (at zero χ(T) (infinite temperature) are in agreement with 5 fixed frequency) of the impurity satellites relative to the bulk lines. Itcanalsobe seeninFig.6that the quadrupolesatel- lites are somewhat broader than the central transition, due presumably to incomplete alignment and/or disor- der in the quadrupole interaction; as mentioned above this results in first-order quadrupole broadening of the quadrupole satellites but only second-order broadening of the central transitions. Henceforth we consider only the central-transition bulk line and impurity satellites. Field-swept spectra were taken with a field range of about 300 Oe around the central transition and a small fieldstep(∼3Oe)tohavegoodresolutionofnarrowlines. Spectra were obtained as a function of temperature and field for both field directions (H0 k c and H0 ⊥ c) on field-aligned samples of U1−xThxPd2Al3, x = 0.7,0.8, and 0.9. Impurity satellites and line shapes in dilute magnetic alloys have been treated by Walstedt and Walker,21 FIG. 7. Crystal structure of U1−xThxPd2Al3. The num- who showed on very general grounds that in the ab- bers on the (U,Th) sites indicate the nearest, next-nearest, senceofsusceptibilityinhomogeneitythelineshapesand and third nearest shells to the reference 27Al site (X). The widths of the bulk line and impurity satellites are the latter is at the center of the rectangle formed by the four same. Inhomogeneity results in an increase of the satel- nearest-neighbor (U,Th) sites. lite linewidths relative to that of the bulk line. We find that a Lorentzian line shape fits the bulk line best. Fol- lowing the result of Walstedt and Walker, the impurity Thisimpliesthataneffectivenext-nearest-neighborshell satellites were fit with a Lorentzianwith the same width isacombinationofthesecondandthirdshellsinthecrys- as the bulk line, convoluted with an extra (Gaussian) tal structure. The distance from the reference Al site to broadening function that describes the susceptibility in- thenearestshellis3.402˚A,tothesecondshellis5.096˚A, homogeneity. andtothe thirdshellis 6.828˚A,sothatthe differencein Simplestatisticalconsiderationswereusedtoconstrain (U,Th)-Al distances between the second and third shells the fits. The probability Pn0(x) of finding n and only n isabout1.7˚A.Thisisnotsmallontheatomicscale,and n uraniumimpuritiesinagivennear-neighbor(Th,U)shell wedonotunderstandwhytheRKKYcouplingconstants around an Al site is given by for these shells are apparently so nearly equal. For these choices of near-neighbor shell sizes, and Pn0(x)=yn(1−y)n0−nCn0, (5) assuming an isotropic RKKY interaction,22 we have n n 5 distinct nearest-neighbor-shell configurations (nnn = where y = 1−x is the U concentration, n0 is the total 0,1,2,3,4) and 9 distinct next-nearest-neighbor-shell numberofUsitesintheshell,andCnn0 =n0!/n!(n0−n)! configurations (nnnn = 0,1,2,...,8). The total num- isthebinomialcoefficient. Theintensityofeachline(i.e., ber of distinct configurations associated with these two theareaundertheline)includingthebulkline(forwhich shells is therefore 5×9=45. Table I gives the probabil- n=0forallresolvednear-neighborshells)isproportional ities of the six most probable of these 45 configurations to this probability. The fitting procedure then consists fromEq.(5)fortwouraniumconcentrationsy =0.1and of taking the number of most probable U-ion configura- 0.2 (x = 0.9 and 0.8, respectively). The configurations tions to be the number of resolved impurity satellites, are designated by (p,q), where p and q are the number fixing the ratios of the satellite and bulk line intensities of U ions in the nearest-neighbor and (effective) next- according to Eq. (5), and varying the shifts and widths nearest-neighbor shells, respectively. We have taken the of all lines for best fit. fit spectrum to include the lines corresponding to these The crystal structure of U1−xThxPd2Al3, including six configurations (i.e., five impurity satellites and the near-neighbor (Th,U) shells around a reference 27Al site bulkline)asshowninFig.8(a). Fixingtherelativeareas out to the third shell, is shown in Figure 7. Each of ofthelinesaccordingtoTableIleavesasfreeparameters the first three near-neighbor shells contains four sites the area of the bulk line and the shifts and linewidths of (n0 = 4). We found, however, that if we took n0 = 4 all the lines. for both the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor The positions and widths of the lines in Fig. 8(a) are shells we could not fit the spectra well. Among vari- the result of a fit to the spectrum of U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3 ous possibilities we find that the choice of nn0n = 4 for for H0 k c, T = 30 K, and a spectrometer frequency of the nearest-neighbor shell and nn0nn = 8 for the next- 17.221 MHz. This fit is shown together with the data in nearest-neighbor shell gives the best fit to the spectra. Fig. 8(b). It is important to note that the assignment 6 Configuration x=0.9 x=0.8 (0,0) 0.2825 0.0687 U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) H(cid:13) (cid:13) || c(cid:13) (cid:13) 0.1(cid:13) 0.9(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) 0(cid:13) (0,1) 0.2510 0.1374 (1,0) 0.1255 0.0687 (1,1) 0.1116 0.1374 (a) Bulk line & impurity satellites(cid:13) (0,2) 0.0976 0.1203 (1,2) 0.0434 0.1203 (0,0)(cid:13) Total 0.9116 0.6528 TABLEI. Probability offindingtheconfiguration (p,q)of (0,1)(cid:13) U ions in the two nearest-neighbor (Th,U) shells about an (1,1)(cid:13) (1,2)(cid:13) Al site in U1−xThxPd2Al3 [from Eq. (5)]. Here p and q are the number of U ions in the nearest-neighbor and (effective) (0,2)(cid:13) (1,0)(cid:13) next-nearest-neighborshells, respectively. (b) Fit to data(cid:13) 30 K (cid:13) of each line to a configuration is consistent with the os- 17.221 MHz(cid:13) cillatory RKKY interaction. Consider for example the (0,1) and (1,0) impurity satellites, which are on oppo- site sides of the (0,0) bulk line. Then one more uranium inthesecondshellshouldpushthe(0,2)satellitefurther away from the (0,0) line than the (0,1) satellite. Simi- larly, the (1,1) satellite shouldlie between the (1,0) and (0,1) satellites due to the opposite signs of the nearest- and next-nearest-shell interactions, and the (1,2) satel- 15.45(cid:13) 15.50(cid:13) 15.55(cid:13) lite should lie between the (1,0) and (0,2) satellites. All Magnetic Field (kOe)(cid:13) these properties are satisfied by the fits without having beenputin“byhand.” Wearguethatthesuccessofthis fitting procedure is excellent evidence that the satellites FIG. 8. 27Al NMR spectrum from a field-aligned powder have been correctly identified. sample of U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3, H0 k c. (a) Bulk line and five The model is very successful, in the sense that it gives impurity satellites included to give best fit (see text and Ta- good fits to the field-aligned spectra for both field di- ble I for nomenclature). (b) Circles: NMR data. Solid line: rections and for x = 0.9 and 0.8. Shown in Fig. 9 are Fit curve. some examples of the spectra and their fits. It can be seen, however, that the fit for x = 0.8 is not quite as IV. DISORDER AND NFL BEHAVIOR IN good as for x = 0.9. This might be associated with the fact that the total probability to find any of the six U1−xThxPd2Al3 resolved-satellite U-ion neighbor configurations (cf. Ta- ble I) is quite high (0.9116) for x = 0.9, but is only Field-swept 27Al NMR spectra from field-aligned pow- 0.6528 for x = 0.8. The remaining 39 configurations der samples were obtained at a spectrometer frequency must contribute to the broadening function, and if the of 17.221 MHz over the temperature range 5–250 K. probability associated with a few of these configurations For H0 k c all impurity satellites have very weak or is appreciable one might suspect that a simple Gaussian temperature-independent shifts (not shown). Such be- approximation to the line shape could break down. In havior is expected because the c axis is the magnetic line with this speculation it was found that spectra from “hard” axis. U0.3Th0.7Pd2Al3 were even more difficult to fit. Figure 10 gives the temperature dependence of 27Al Even so, U1−xThxPd2Al3 is the first system in which impurity satellite shifts Kab(T) relative to the bulk line impurity satellites have been resolved at such high mag- for H0 ⊥ c. There are strong similarities between re- netic impurity concentrations (y = 0.2). This is due in sults for the two concentrations,and the (0,1)and (0,2) part to the relatively small number of f-ion sites in the satellites have stronger temperature dependences than near-neighbor shells compared, for example, to the case therestoftheimpurity satellites. Thelinewidths σab(T) in dilute CuFe alloys18where nnn =12. of impurity satellites (0,1) and (0,2) also have strong 0 temperature dependence at low temperatures as shown inFig.11. Itisnotsurprisingtoseethateachsatellitehas almost the same width at high temperatures where the magnetic susceptibility is small. The (1,2) satellite for U0.2Th0.8Pd2Al3 isanexception,asitshowsonlyaweak temperaturedependence andalargerwidthathightem- 7 U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) H(cid:13) (cid:13) ^(cid:13)(cid:13) c(cid:13) (cid:13) 1–(cid:13)x(cid:13) x(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) 1–x(cid:13) x(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) 0(cid:13) (a) (cid:13)x(cid:13) = 0.8(cid:13) H(cid:13) || c(cid:13) (cid:13) 30 K(cid:13) 0(cid:13) 1(cid:13) (a) (cid:13)x(cid:13) = 0.9 17.221 MHz(cid:13) ((01,,10))(cid:13)(cid:13) 18.225 MHz(cid:13) (1,1)(cid:13) (0,2)(cid:13) (cid:13)) (1,2)(cid:13) % ( tfih 0(cid:13) S R M 16.35(cid:13) 16.40(cid:13) 16.45(cid:13) 16.50(cid:13) N e 3(b0) K (cid:13)x(cid:13)(cid:13) = 0.8(cid:13) H(cid:13)0(cid:13) ^(cid:13)(cid:13) c(cid:13) (cid:13) vitale 1(cid:13) (b) (cid:13)x(cid:13) = 0.8 17.221 MHz(cid:13) 17.221 MHz(cid:13) R lA (cid:13)7 2 0(cid:13) (c) (cid:13)x(cid:13) = 0.9(cid:13) H(cid:13) ^(cid:13)(cid:13) c(cid:13) (cid:13) 0(cid:13) 100(cid:13) 200(cid:13) 0(cid:13) 30 K(cid:13) Temperature (K)(cid:13) 17.221 MHz(cid:13) FIG. 10. Temperature dependence of impurity satellite shifts Kab(T) relative to the bulk line for H0 ⊥ c in U1−xThxPd2Al3 at 17.221 MHz. (a) x = 0.9. (b) x = 0.8. The(0,1)and(0,2)satelliteshavestrongtemperaturedepen- dences. 15.4(cid:13) 15.5(cid:13) 15.6(cid:13) Magnetic Field (kOe)(cid:13) single-U-ion impurity satellite means that no informa- tion can be obtained concerning ξ (T), but by the same χ FIG.9. Representativefitsto27AlNMRfield-alignedspec- token the quantity σ (T)/K (T)H =δK (T)/K (T) ab ab ab ab tra from U1−xThxPd2Al3 alloys. (a) x = 0.8, B k c. givesδχ(T)/χ(T)independentofthe(unknown)valueof (b) x = 0.8, B ⊥ c. (c) x = 0.9, B ⊥ c. Circles: NMR ξ (T). χ data. Solid lines: Fit curves. Figure 12 plots δK (T)/K (T) for the (0,1) im- ab ab purity satellite versus the bulk susceptibility χ(T) in peraturescomparedtotheothersatellites. Thisbehavior U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3, H0 ⊥ c, again with temperature an implicit parameter. Also shown are the theoretical is notunderstood, but it canbe seen fromFig. 8(a)that predictions of δχ(T)/χ(T) from the single-ion Kondo- the (1,2) satellite is the weakest of the impurity satel- disorder and Griffiths-phase theories, obtained as de- lites and is not well resolved; there may be considerable scribed in Sec. II. In spite of the fact that at low tem- systematic error in the parameters for this satellite. peraturesthesatellitesaresignificantlybroaderthanthe Only the (0,1) and (0,2) impurity satellites have central transition (Fig. 11), the theoretical predictions strong temperature-dependent linewidths and shifts for H0 ⊥ c. We use the (0,1) satellite in U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3 considerablyoverestimatethe experimentalresults. This suggests that the effect of disorder in this system is too forfurtheranalysis,becauseforthissatellitethereisonly one U moment in the immediate 27Al environment. This weak to account for its NFL behavior. The satellites are simply too narrow, a fact which, ironically, is essen- isincontrasttothesituationinligand-disorderNFLsys- tial to their experimental observation. Impurity satel- (tRemefss,.e2.g3.a,nUdC1u75−),xPwdhxer(eRetfhse. 5fanidon1s6)aarendcoCnecRenhtRrautSeid2 lites have also been observed in Y0.8Th0.2−yUyPd3,24 but in this case the satellite widths become very wide and nuclear spins couple strongly to substantially more and unresolved at low temperatures. We also note than one neighboring f-ion moment. In the latter case it can be shown that the correlation length ξ (T) that that in U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3 δKab(T)/Kab(T) varies rela- χ tivelyslowlywithχ(T)(Fig.12),i.e.,theNMRlinewidth characterizes the random spatial variation of the sus- ceptibility has to be taken into account.5 The use of a is nearly proportional to the shift. This is in contrast to 8 U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) H(cid:13) (cid:13) ^(cid:13)(cid:13) c(cid:13) (cid:13) 1.0(cid:13) 1–x(cid:13) x(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) 0(cid:13) U(cid:13) Th(cid:13) Pd(cid:13) Al(cid:13) 0.1(cid:13) 0.9(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 3(cid:13) 0.8(cid:13) (0,1) impurity satellite(cid:13) (a) (cid:13)x(cid:13) = 0.9 17.221 MHz(cid:13) (0,0)(cid:13) c(cid:13)/(cid:13) 20(cid:13) (0,1)(cid:13) c(cid:13) 0.6(cid:13) ((11,,01))(cid:13)(cid:13) d(cid:13) (cid:13) ,b(cid:13)a Griffiths-phase fit(cid:13) (cid:13)K 10(cid:13) ((01,,22))(cid:13)(cid:13) /(cid:13)(cid:13)Kb(cid:13)a 0.4(cid:13) Kondo-disorder fit(cid:13) d(cid:13) 0.2(cid:13) )(cid:13) e O 0.0(cid:13) ( 0(cid:13) h 30(cid:13) 0(cid:13) 20(cid:13) 40(cid:13) 60(cid:13) 80(cid:13) tdiw (b) (cid:13)x(cid:13) = 0.8 17.221 MHz(cid:13) c(cid:13) (10(cid:13)–3(cid:13) emu/mole U)(cid:13) ab(cid:13) e n iL 20(cid:13) FIG. 12. Comparison of fractional rms susceptibility spread δχ(T)/χ(T) from the Kondo-disorder (solid curve) 10(cid:13) and Griffiths-phase (dashed curve) theories with fractional 27Al NMR width δKab/Kab of the (0,1) impurity satellite in U0.1Th0.9Pd2Al3, H0 ⊥ c (data points). The predictions 0(cid:13) clearly overestimate the NMR data, indicating that disorder 0(cid:13) 100(cid:13) 200(cid:13) is not themajor source of NFL behavior in this alloy. Temperature (K)(cid:13) like temperature-dependent linewidths and shifts for FIG.11. Bulklineandimpuritysatellitelinewidthsσab(T) H0 ⊥ c. But the linewidths do not increase much more vs. temperature for H0 ⊥ c in U1−xThxPd2Al3 at 17.221 rapidly with decreasing temperature than the shift, so MHz. (a) x=0.9. (b) x=0.8. The (0,1) and (0,2) satellite that δK/K does not exhibit the rapid increase with linewidths have strong temperature dependences at low T. bulk susceptibility χ expected from the disorder-driven Each satellite has almost the same width at high T with the models.5,7 These mechanisms also overestimate the ob- exception of the(1,2) satellite for x=0.8. servedlinewidthatlowtemperatures,suggestingthatthe disorder in this system is not strong enough to account thebehaviorexpectedfromboththeKondo-disorderand for its NFL behavior. Griffiths-phase pictures, where the spread in susceptibil- In the disorder-driven models the origin of the dis- ities is a rapidly-growing fraction of the average suscep- order is variation of the f-electron/conduction-electron tibility as the temperature is lowered.4,7 hybridization matrix element with local f-ion environ- ment. Disorder is found to be an important contribu- tor to NFL behavior in alloys with ligand disorder, such V. CONCLUSIONS as UCu5−xPdx (Ref. 5) and CeRhRuSi2 (Ref. 17). One might suspect, however, that the immediate f-ion en- 27AlNMRinthe U1−xThxPd2Al3 alloysystemhasre- vironment is not as strongly disordered in dilute solid solutions of f ions, given that in the limit of infinite di- vealedsatelliteNMRlinesduetospecificuraniumconfig- lution all f ions have identical environments. NFL be- urations around Al sites. These impurity satellites facil- havior in such systems might therefore be due to some itate determination ofthe effect of disorderon paramag- other mechanism. This conclusion must be regarded netism in this system. The probability offinding a given as speculative, however, since U concentrations of 10% configuration,whichisrelatedtotheintensityofthecor- and 20% can hardly be considered dilute. In addition, responding line, follows a simple statistical calculation. We used a procedure that fixed the intensities according U1−xThxPd2Al3 istheonlyf-iondilutedsystemstudied to date using NMR. to their probabilities to fit the field-aligned spectra for x = 0.9 and 0.8 and both field directions (H0 k c and NFL behavior in U1−xThxPd2Al3 is observed over a H0 ⊥ c). Each impurity satellite is thereby associated waniddetrraanngspeoorftTphrocpoenrcteienstroabteioynssi,nagnled-itohnestchaelrimngo.1d1ynTahmesiec with a specific near-neighbor uranium configuration. results suggest that a quantum critical point associated The linewidths and shifts in U1−xThxPd2Al3 do not have much temperature dependence for H0 k c, as is with cooperative behavior is not the NFL mechanism in this system. Two models that rely neither on cooper- also the case for the c-axis susceptibility χ (T). In con- c ative effects nor on disorder have been applied specifi- trast, two of the impurity satellites have Curie-Weiss- 9 cally to U1−xThxPd2Al3. 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