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27 September 2016 ASX Market Announcements ASX Limited Exchange Centre, 20 Bridge Street ... PDF

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Preview 27 September 2016 ASX Market Announcements ASX Limited Exchange Centre, 20 Bridge Street ...

Aspen Group Limited ABN 50 004 160 927 Aspen Property Trust ARSN 104 807 767 Suite 307, Level 3 37 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: 02 9151 7500 Facsimile: 02 9151 7599 Email: [email protected] 27 September 2016 ASX Market Announcements ASX Limited Exchange Centre, 20 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Dear Sir/Madam 2016 Annual Report, Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G In accordance with Listing Rule 4.7, please find attached the Aspen Group 2016 Annual Report, the Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G. Yours faithfully Mandy Chiang Company Secretary Dear Secuurriittyyhhoollddeerrss I am pleased to pprreesseenntt tthhee 22001166 AAnnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt.. IIInnn 22001166,, AAssppeenn GGrroouupp rreeccoorrdddeeedd aa statutory profi t of $9.9 mmiilllliioonn,, tthhee fifi rrssstt aannnnuuaall ssttaattuuuttoorryy pprroofifi tt tthhee GGrroouupp hhaasss rreeccoorrrdddeedd since 2011. Distributions declaredd ffoorr tthhee yyeeaarr totalleedd 99..22 cceennttss ppeerr sseeccuurriittyy,, iinn lliinnee wwwiiittthh guidance. The balance sheet is strong, with no debt and $49 mmiilllliioonn ooff ccaasshh aatt hhaanndd aasss aatt 3300 JJuunnee 2016. This strong balance sheet allowed us to activattee oouurr oonn--mmaarrkkeett bbuuyybbaaaccckk,, aaccqquuiirriinngg about 10% of securities on issue during the year at ann aavveerraaggee pprriiccee ooff $$11..222000 ppeerr sseeccuurriittyy.. Operating profi t before tax for the year of $6 million wwaass ddoowwnn 3322%% oonn FFYYY111555.. TThhiiss ffaallll wwaass largely due to the effect of the sale of Aspen Parks PPrrooppeerrttyy FFuunndd ((AAPPPPPFFF)) aanndd ddiissppoossaall ooff non-core assets. It was a year of substantial change within Aspen Group, with the divestmenntt ooff AAssppeenn GGGrrrooouupp’’ss iinntteerreesstt iinn AAPPPPFF aatt a signifi cant premium to its NAV. Aspen Group’s focus remains on buildiinngg aa ssttrrooonnnggg aaffffoorrddaabbllee aaccccoommmmooddaattiioonn business, and re-establishing scale of the business. During the year, Aspeenn aaccqquuuiiirrreeeddd ttwwoo aaccccoommmmooddaattiioonn aasssseettss aatt an average ingoing yield of 9.5%. With cash on hand plus potential debbtt ccaapppaaaccciittyy,, wwee ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo llooookk aatt aaddddiittiioonnaall investments, but still maintaining discipline on our fi nancial and strateggiiiccc pppaaarrraaammeetteerrss.. We continue working on capital expenditure plans at our existinggg ppprrroopppppeerrttiieess,, wwiitthh eexxppaannssiioonn ppllaannss aaddvvaanncciinngg aatt aa number of parks. At the same time, we continue our focus oonn ccoosstt ccooooonnttrrooll;; ggrroouupp oovveerrhheeaaddss wweerree ddoowwnn oovveerr 1100%% over FY15. During the year, Frank Zipfi nger resigned as Chairmmaann aanndd DDiirreeccttoorr ooff AAssppppppeenn GGrroouupp.. FFrraannkk jjooiinneedd tthhee BBooaarrdd iinn JJaannuuaarryy 2011 and became Chairman in November 22001111,, pprroovviiddiinngg lleeaaddeerrsshhiipp tttoooooo tthhee ggrroouupp dduurriinngg aa ppeerriioodd ooff ccoonnssiiddeerraabbllee tumult, and stabilising the Group. I woouuulllddd llliiikkkeee tttooo aaaccckkknnnooowwwllleeedddgggeee aaannnddd ttthhhaaannnnkkkkkk FFrraannkk ffoorr hhiiss sseerrvviiccee ttoo AAssppeenn GGrroouupp.. I also thank the Aspen Group ssttaaffff aanndd mmmyyy fffeeellllllooowww BBBoooaaarrrddd mmmeeemmmbbbeeerrrsss fffooorrr tttthhhheeeeeiirr ddeeddiiccaattiioonn aanndd hhaarrdd wwoorrkk tthhiiss ppaasstt yyeeaarr.. On behalf of the Board, I aallssoo eexxtteenndd aappppprrreeeccciiiaaatttiiiooonnn tttooo ooouuurrr ssseeecccuuurrriiitttyyyhhhooollldddeeerrrrsss fffffooorr yyoouurr ccoonnttiinnuueedd ssuuppppoorrtt ooff AAssppeenn GGrroouupp.. Clive Appletoonn Chairman Page iii AASSPPEENN GGRROOUUPP AANNNNUUAALL RREEPPOORRTT 22001166 About Aspen Formed in 2001, Aspen Group is an ASX listed property group strategically focused on providing affordable accommodation, which is considered to have positive long term structural characteristics, with an enduring customer need and effective capital utilisation. Our Assets AFFORDABLE ACCOMMODATION Aspen Karratha Village AKV is a 180 room, high quality accommodation facility in Karratha, Western Australia. (AKV) The property provides a superior standard of amenity than traditionally found locally in the sector, including room sizes which are typically 28 m2 as opposed to the market standard 14-18m2. The current lease with Woodside for 150 rooms expires in January 2018. Terms of the lease include the tenant’s ability to terminate the lease on a change of control of the Aspen Group subsidiary, Aspen Living Villages Pty Ltd, which is the contracting party to the agreement. Four Lanterns Estate Four Lanterns Estate is located within the Leppington Town Centre, part of the major south-western Sydney metropolitan growth corridor. Established for over 40 years, the site has 102 existing residential sites, with a 100% occupancy level. Development potential exists to increase the number of residential sites by 31 subject to Council approval. Aspen Karratha Village (AKV) Four Lanterns Estate, NSW PPaaggee iivv Mandurah Gardens Mandurah Gardens Estate is located in Mandurah, South of Perth, WA. It is in close Estate proximity to the regional hospital, the Mandurah Forum shopping centre as well as the Mandurah beaches and restaurant precinct. Established in 1999, it has 158 residential sites and a 100% occupancy level. Tomago Van Village Tomago Van Village is located in Tomago, NSW, 23km to the Newcastle CBD and 159 km to the Sydney CBD. The property has 160 sites, 136 of which are licenced for long-term utilisation, with the balance being short-stay sites. There is an existing development consent for a further 24 long term sites with further development opportunities subject to Council approval. Adelaide Caravan Park Adelaide Caravan Park is located 3km from the centre of the Adelaide CBD and within walking distance to the Adelaide Zoo and Adelaide Oval. The property is set on 11 individual titles and has development potential. Currently the park has 75 sites, 44 cabins and 31 powered sites and all accommodation is short stay. INDUSTRIAL Spearwood South Spearwood South is the only material non-core asset remaining, valued at $29.0 million, representing an 12% yield. The industrial property is fully leased with an approximate 4 year lease term remaining. Mandurah Gardens Estate Adelaide Caravan Park PPaaggee vv ASPEN GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2016 This page has been left blank intentionally. Page vi ASPEN GROUP LIMITED (THE COMPANY) (ABN: 50 004 160 927) ASPEN PROPERTY TRUST (THE TRUST) (ARSN: 104 807 767) ASPEN FUNDS MANAGEMENT LIMITED (AS RESPONSIBLE ENTITY) (ABN: 104 322 278) FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2016 Page 1 ASPEN GROUP ANNUAL REPORT 2016 ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2016 Annual Report table of contents Directors’ report Page 4 Lead auditor’s independence declaration Page 32 Independent auditor’s report Page 33 Financial statements Page 35 Notes to the financial statements Page 41 Directors’ declaration Page 76 Page 2 Directors’ report contents page Directors Page 4 Operating and financial review Page 8 Remuneration report Page 15 Corporate governance statement Page 30 Page 3

Corporate Governance Statement and Appendix 4G. This fall was largely due to the effect of the sale of Aspen Parks Property Fund (APPF) and disposal of non-core model, taking into account the terms and conditions upon.
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