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Preview 265 Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Madeiran Archipelago by

Anty (lymenuptera: Formicidae) ofthe Madeiran Archipelago Joes 5. Were Lepage, Arca. Wate Dosa Aguic Pombet ‘Ambala M. Eranevinhs Agar ABSTRACI Inesuborapical AdancicerchipelsyootMackirsieparro‘theMaceranesian biogeographesubrsgioa, Abscher 4 roporeant mainland competitoréand ppransic on Macaronesian skandslue allo dhs survelof ma the lictsol Dberopical socachat enosinhabieed che Mediterancscv anes. bathe beh ccatury however. rmvhighlydeseuctxvcaeni u.guaies the hig-headed ot [Phtdolemegacepinka} andheA aneatbien rome vad “Mahins. Many auchoss have assumed slat ths beall nasve tev Maite, despie researc: aceulle documenting sash ‘pact. The pesent sey, we wonled eoeards an evaizaced sat ‘eran exogi status of all ane pectes collectll mn Mavs ‘We extmined specinens of 27 sca species from Madina: Cardin enue Caibuconiya avian Bypponas eos, Hi papancra pans tatisinas Hypapanene op. 1, Lasies grade, Livsptheran bamile, Maver “ructer, Moons ssan carbonara, Monororizan phevaants, unemriot: ‘abnpavte, Mjmneineneminraba Pratrsbinapacgerkce, Piecing Langiorms, Pinte rgecephala, Pnidele patie. Plagolepr sions frm Serpe | Soenopetesp. 2, Sieantgrnys aos 3, loshnomyrmex pale, Linerephevee seni, Tonaatbora wilaitont, Tevamorvams Be sy, dapivomamiadsivense ‘ness spensroncablerin, Cine previously reported sles, Canponone spheias, we cnuld ast ver pws specimens. bur acept ites correctly dent ‘ant 0 gos. We derermined uss eascvnreazan reporeed tomy Walia nige synunyin oF awither taxon aeevenn: Plage cites madera open Fasc Rl labore gee co Macs, se de Calon Srl aagy M3007 P senate, ese syusnymy. fn eddirin, publidhe records of eigh casa reportes from Masia api to be misidentticcrions eur species pres ‘sed ou char known distribution s+! ywolagy. en aneapec e& rst eg to he naties ta Maeiea nly ane the feven aoa common apectal sp native coe species. T etistan. vas wot been collected recently (1995 or b itsewtrs “Thy dha his spaces ell survives, in Madeira. Athangh esonicanssmayhave caterminaced L wvlbecon. Key Woide: Maisirs, conti species, Langpuabeme bunds, Mecaranesit ative ces, Mtoe caggacephale INTRODUC FON The soberapical Arnie anhipeaye of Madeira, a tie sonst of North Africa, wesariginaly sted bythe Porenguess lusely 14005 ad 40 ananonnnousregiona#Port.al-Cls terwo sigesislanh, Wecciead? dan®) nd Boro Sane (31 hol are curren are-noeetlan SC salle havi, aicion, cher inhahiter Saas (27 kun all, rcieding te ro these th. the Dassen aid Seege 1 ‘Made'aispart af the Macasunsian shicsubregion. whish sls inw'eces the Azores, Canacy Isls Cape Verde Ids, an pare of the a Usewslande 2 Foiog pesseevinga lang: number of species las nowhere eee in the woeld. Absent. many emportanr mainkuud oinpetieareand predsruts nn tho ian ead fob 6 orreweit ican weamaneat ae ac unvivalinany elect she end of In addision,mans proupsoenderic biota ch Sshuisized che Mediterancau aca bef Posiod Drv ionye plessarsralsand fungi havedivestied remenindyie hlacaronesin’ Wol Iascon 1854; TnghosT 992; Holahm 2009. For exanople. Madeies bas 218 species af lend sna, eice sy al of Bete (Cah 1996! Wc che Porragucse wselomens, Madeira ey er fer comme, po jeularly bere Eueupe and che Naw World [Wi Frame: commerce ¢s-ve winy animal end plant icaders ncn, row conpetiens. paalatens, and pasasiess, Orgeabans on isolcet ial ecally suteaptible to new inesdevs deco dhe lo he of pas: evolu fe presares, and tne predation oF eve spocee Dave eer dscie SBeronen hocta — Busco ie Velen eg ws ange pordion af ts extinctions. 96,9 espunible 19871. Ka pose S00 yeereheve occurred unisiandy MacPhee nla unkaniss (Wilbor fdacunmeneed mnanmel and hire extincrsosin che leing ISI, Mae eral 1999), Ail hsenrcel extincsionsoflane amalshacewseerred un telus, sand aliquot esigeos tay ener be sinee human calon:ratioa than in che previo 300,000 years {GoodSrcnd sal W954; Coats 1998) 7 joe ants, eg beled sai Pbeieloonegaepa’ and the Argentizeanc( inepthemsa Semi both oanetrone Madea where idle 185se40 1940, rej tively. Reseerchershaellongassned chat nik a haces have pone extn aiescenodisresoeds Fo ewe no tive wrospeciesenilernera pup lation explosions shear rsssuec senvallpdacanercing soca impace{Weerezer 2006). tom dy, Wetterer (2006) vanude shar 2 mggavaphads and tile prakably never spread beyond coast, JosLan ares, we wakes Up <LO% of Mca’ cal aa, tn 2002, Wearerer a. {2006} foun: sivsanrecto wincced moscof Macca, B anegacsphade oud L busndle wore invaders spread serosal of Midecro ancl cece tel weve al eotcened eg “U,3% un St oT Maha land acca, respectively Th rhe presen ads, we provide « lucklst of Lhe anis 9 fhe Madetran sd Acchipeago, dh ali ofl site reevalusce che namve vents tronic scammvat exch species, METHODS fnsenm specimens ‘We examined specixnstiveshotwo majoras: collecions exade dung ibe Tah eentury on Radsira by Troraae Wasco au ens Sli Wellaster suk! eullstinw ef his ane specimens trom Madera to te (Oatind Ursivessieg NaearalTorory Masuua {ONHMI.XE ss nce collection whiel acl sined ineacre iesariginal dram. Al: these nine chi fgusimene,coleceed sometime betwen 1847 and 1455, ere undated and Libeled with enpnoenic dererminarcs ly Buus [ip ate joe by Sanders 1900}, XE lao ezamincal » Walls:on sencype af Temwuntbones wollstond Alepesved ae xe British Narseal History Misen {AMINED TAW examined Wi alan Basniteand P anggenphade pecsrens.: the BW. NH the ‘donified by Barry Belts Sehnst sunt antspecemets toi Mackicaso Auguste Torel wha deposed them it che Maséed' licice Neeurslle ir. Genera (MAING). XE ceatnined Schmit? Miles inncnpeeyassentinall gees iced by Scher [1896, 1897} and Forel {2895, 1904) thacwe did aoe firé accurring ia Madsen i 2802. A thete spss cd sallabeledwck Fore: taxonozniedeeeinintions, We loosed wep 896: deposed ine Senin but soul ot fie Ue Cusseory ae the Necaral Tistary Mose in Boa Snceso. Madea ‘sere the Sominalyenlleige wos: resides, eld ex vat wutwcenn WI ane 190 were eed Museum mp Finely octaf seston hal basa Gesmoyed an adie ‘We abo searched for Madeitan ann gpeeimens i the vollecrsas x che Smihsonian Insutc’ Nate Maseana ve Nscural Tisoey (ST in Weah rgtues D.C senda, Muss ive Fooiogy (CZ) xt Harvard Univers smut Campers New collectivns Benwezn i988 and 2002, AMEA and othe several eeseazchare a1 the Taburatéz0 Agricola da Madeira imasenoeahlyJ fous Andeade ale leeeed ants ox orennisricaly, primary few ageeulraa sites, Te May aa Qeeahor BKI2. DAP sul two undengeaduaces ar he Unicity of Madcin (EhioNznesanefola Martins collected 196i scopes frocaplanthearings acs shee: Absige. Creal, Piso, Ribeto Tra, Tl fu Jomo 2002, uncageadnsees ac che Tin From the’ rhomes. fa 2103, salen Nebo Fes an Dusersa Grade, Beeween § Je ~ 28 Tnly 2002, KW sued ALW collecesd ans rhrogh Tard vallecting and sing soil and feet in » wih, waresy of habicas, We ng for Fumie iw netic and bekaviars:sudy (Wi ence Be Wertcer 288). CIn Mair, JW soud ATIY sampled 93 sies (elevation incl! fr sites >600mn als | Adlulis Madeira 2~ Area deSaa lgsy Buswercuramannel 3 — ovada Brenmecda, loca. 10000. 4 = Cx20 Git. lank, Sl, $= Calbeea, Camacka(6 ccefo alronbriv Agriculabuiiding. 700 = Cava Loos (8 watertiann;9= Picesks Canbas, + Serie, ae Uraal ity of Mara collected anes ics (NF elle sated pled ese ineeasvelyin dsunslscd awa tare vinegaed 6 Fecal park, Pn Torte loakout}. 10 = Cana, oerlook wes of tren, gunn 1 Wee Leta Snenfc slain Ash ht ra consi 1249 Canagl (.2 = ouside sles 13 indseral vompten wwaterfiont). 15 = Canigo de Baio, Rucsraur Metal ganten. 6 Carvahal aborr mena ER 208, ine foress, 6h, 17-18 = Cisie da Rube 17 oreseeeal, 12= by road? 19-20 Catrall krecas (19 = neaztennel of seo, thn: 2 chestant fees: Nem Natowen $$0unt.2i = Cutts: Pao, Forestirxir vos. 9000, 22=Liszd Sure, pinetorest 109Czn anne da Pala, prose aac suetonndea by faest. 24 45 — hurchal (2 Lancs 23. Seatecfient: 25 = Gait af Madeiea cua 26 = planter teal snl by O.kdings Center vade-Cs- ol Park; 28 stings 29 = Fuglish bookstore: 20 angus Sa C Jhnicipal Moscurn hes gardens 93 2 Quine Magus givens $8 musine biolegy srsion: 36 3 foc Mof Aha Tide ons apuztnc ut grees 38 ~ Poa. dru 39 — Pregnda Antonorsin 4) = Neoreada dos Lavradures,$: — Dex Vina alleyway: 42 = Hoa Wi, Hocanial Garden: 48= Boa Wise. Leics Parks Y= Bow Wiss, Quine da Borsa garden: 45 = Boa Vista. wvertooke pK 46 Lscamentsidonk 47 Macho beh 48-49% Mae repicel Geséen:48 public yarlyh).501 Palheiro Forsiv, land's Gardens, 51-83 = Puegu Eeosbgrca de Fonctal 5) ~soecom, by emcees, Usine $2 2 M42: 3 — tap, LSM? aol a Serra {5 TEN 10 & ER 28, head, 15005 58 kstanuinhos on ER 208, pe “ese, 980m; 96 = Cusco Re! cexue oo EN 209, heachland: 2300; 37 ~@ aa H oi Pento, under roe, 120000, 58-= Pail sn Ma awn, $9 = Pieg Alto, Fide by road 11200, 60-61 Tico do Arieso (60-= peillookeue, 81 thus 61 — Liza of peck, 1600) 62.65 = Pica Riva (62-= cam puking area. 1590 63 = peak, 19600}. 64.2 Poivo.cuepgrond * Slem $SE ofton.115itm.65-75= Pouts ce S40 Lowrcng {65 Ponca do Rests luc. G6= Bouta dis Gaivoresplorted ress: 5? ~ Jota das Gatoarashutes68 = Pomado Burceu, by tx ofa 69= PoniadeBincco,plinted pelm wees 70= Than N of Boot Rurar, 1 nwrti shiv: eokeue: 71.) kus N of Pones Buravo. vegetated aves 72 I.SkmIN ue cs Brace, 2nd noeth shoe lookane:73= K sido} Fsczeien Ponda Ti Porunde Furado}.76= Herta = parkeby chur: awe. 80 — Pou cos Winhiiens, En Garde, bE 74= water, 7 under vacss, 65Qh, BLS Rahacal 81 Bewa, sown. 84 Ridsine try. Vom Boce ina, agp parkinglet. R6-BB.-S tsa 86 conn 87 = on ell muah. s 8S = pice de Eacalpans forne 2am SWot town. unuer racks, Fo). 89 = Si Sin Ragu, dbove town. 91-92 - Siw Visente (91 ~ gia by eascereance 92 eam comer). 93 = Seat aban roo 21 Jure 2 fnly 2002, XF.cullscted ams an Macne (23 sites: Lb sitecalose2-pled be JKW & ALW ices, 15,20.22, 25, 27.54, 61,64. 20, T1.82. 8 80} ond [other sites 94 = Hyysenta, soils, IS = CEtsatade Fac Sea Fan io, 96 = Lotsa Mra weve han (94 2 kon Fo Lobos.97 = Fafa Nogueira. 88 Lotnbo ds Urea 99 ~ Parque ca do Fsachal: 1260 01 pie fore. UI = Ponta de S20 Canes Pons hafepots, woul, 101 ~ Pansada dos Walvis, es Hrcuruea 1 en Cay Muncipal. U3, exe sa petking i verbose, WN6n,R2= ous sho, onto de Fnuticalera Jobe Camara eeukiy Ribena Brava 0 Wicenta, wesals fon Forse Santo 12th sices 14> Airpoet \weminal enoinsidesall 105~CebogadaPonta, 106 Camatlusplaygroend Jy — Camcachaleng ravilby hss, 18 + Fons Arcaleokoue, 109 = MivalourodesFloreslechout 110) Move len J. Peel Casein Jookors. 112 = Peedo Casale, na waillead 113 = PoptadaCalhera. I ~ Ponte he Gad. 115 = Ponty cht Serre Dena. roadside near eoceeors 11? Sor de horas om Sorat, NS-= Vile Balen aust peck. 114 — Wa Bales, vineyard vases of tees, 120= Vila Buleire. vs. shlcpark, 121 Vila Byers alengseneliomtson Ave, Casas 22 Vil Bales. dsorsey of Galera house. 123 = hen de Raven, Est side nndes plants neat bore onvciralaskout LE {Rand DAPeaileced anizor Morsy Sanan 4 ssjeons she vameas [RW an AL [Site LL and lute uibess: [24 = Pier ay Castel, 125 = Pants, 136— Wa Be We dspasiud veer pes reas ie che Fncomologi Unversity ef Madieireand ne feseee alletion ol the Le Ula Medeira (CLAM ravi Ariel Native versus exotic Ang spose lound in rarvely ndistcted rau csoibated Leyoud Macaronesia Che avaces, Mediies, the Cay [lanl and Css Vine) and che Mecier ds widely 9 Madeira is dieroucedarounil chewed hvough, lsat RESCLIS, {Wi cor ino specimens repreveniug 27 san pies rors she Malic Avchipclga (eee Table 1 ancl spores sxea.aes below’, OF eco y's, 1 leeprcriousiypblishedresordefroan Magkiea (Heer 1252, 1856, Wolksto Ide Sch 1858, Mayr IA76: Kmery 1882, 1893, 19915 Bowel “£95. [9D Sclnnite 196, 1897. Saar des 1903: W hesler 1927: Seier [8 10; Dunistar b sparlalereeBice fies prcdatinghvean sel Thuman cosersence, we Fiypepenereedbear Hepapanrra punstaieina, Lavin gral Lipithorna Iyrte Manns Monnmarsstcashon arin, Moneosor cto sang, ismueciragneninvols Petar Egicors, Pheidole megaerphate, Pia _Goleph shintas, Tapsnorna msadeivense, Tanosinnan rcs. Tem. Humeswvilssion, Tiamorivan cain ston aud Tetsansrioen celia. ane apecces ot previously eeporeed, seddirion, 2 zeamised ypecinens cicas Carieeondala maumitanica, Hypopanera sp 1, Aon ire ager, P Diplorboptroae] sp. 1. Senos Wiper bop Dei ake, Pyar erst nul Taam palfpes. Cone previsasly i Gi Mig 1863), we could se ver wa, specimens, ba ate ie sas coczecly let Te, seleast ro gens (Cue tavan eporee foe Malin we derercined eo be ior syneuym onker eaxun prosenc: bts new eysonymy), Light repeated ane asa we conser mvkidenedien Powers rovirtate — (FE ekzande wus He ponerse, For fsa rand). Laskes oige Sprvies, Campeint soleus slong aes Massari seminars (Bas nos, Plagalepaspygmieca 1 anadeionee, anal Peonasartns cra) We mse Lapinusns er rs. Manors = Bechet, Szpinoma eratcra afl species, ad designane Tapineis amndagnaon as jinn spnonsin of 1h 2002, we vllected 2 ancspecies ata se sxaaluel specimens collscod in, 1995 and 1993 for ewe orhuts. ‘The renainang four ens (C,slontacs. Sf. trace, wllsioni and TZ. Banat han. ay accords om Mose + ene Unen 199 yeas Speciesascounte nnd site records ++ = now record for Madsia (noe iccluding presentation oF the present fecouds sithow sive data in Wererar eof 2006I, Collecears: A= AME Ayelet. L =X. Tapadaler:F = Suio Felts: T= J Jesus: M = 1 Marcin E/Nunes; ?— 0. Agus Pombo: W's XK. Wautene & ALL, Wench, hoe the this: mnt contamon species calketed ia 88-2002 hy Agu etal if. _govidhe 8. carbonara. agli Jian sie roomed. Wen atelable aul selevant, public records below includ records ‘ee! infrnation. i), atthennumbezat Wikia order) cole ioe date colleto: and soutve references sper nde uilleeuon dace. collector mets repeat and adicionel 1. Cavdiovondylaemeryi Forel 1881 q Published reconde, Madea: No sive dasa {1933;Seferr 2003). Pune U Schmina; Frrc] 1904 & Seifere 20032). Mencbal ‘1984, Seifere 20073} Funcéal EN Keanss;Baltos 1942}, Ecael (Sti. 1940), evade ESchonie, Forel 1904 & Seif: « 2003). Paul de Mer (2001, Seifere 30034 Specimonsexamined, Madcies Bosede Encumeis lvakouti 205, Camarade{obpe{ 1595: SJ). Can gal omtalrone (2002: 6", Foul 1 sive: 24.25,27, 28, 0.2, 33,34. 35, 37, oA6 (212, W,Tamchal, Cane Careallal Pack (202; F1. Pail do Mar wenn (2002; W. Si Matinee CCenera de Frniculwira 2002; Wi, Bacto Santo: Pera {20 WY. Manes, garden (2002; W). Perea da Cale {2002 L Vila Dalit, ‘sins 118, 119, 8 120 (7003, Ws, Deseriae: Leseree Crane (2003; 1" Althong Scuutz ‘L896, 1957) lid nue aepore © mer, Poel {18 sna th sting eo sites (eeaivor Stet 18400, Boltun (L982 eported ces alstdicional C. zmerydapesimiens Horn Madea ‘Sekeszz collected this pecies in avicts oF lucafeson Mil hand Seif {200% Petal € {= Arvada apes snc earidespred ucuncoonamution bien an oSanco.resericed to aighlydisuclvelaites, inary ban gardens. 3eccuse css i Gages in emall numer, ts sev akin overlooked. Care nd emery, wat i Aftea ga welbknuwn trans specks dstibance corkbwide hy human couemerce {ga cee wn ees. Bolron 1982 an Seifert 2003), lr probably erate ro Madtx 12, Candioeondyla mavrizanica Forel 1890 Published records, hone Specimen sesansined, Madeira: ig earrfione(2002:8" Funehal Unio aceon np golem {200258 2}, Funda Quinn das Cowes gordon (201 Cardiecondyloreanivcahas notbeen previously tp feom Maden, \Wisfonnd this Mediterrantaanauiveeanteacehreesiebansceessu stlcste1n Madeica This cling ne Canary Ll ls (Seiive 20023) ae Asceasion sland “Ashmole ‘ Ashunole 1997}. la dhe New Weld, ses inion synonpan, Caerdhomtlntyp Selimg Expalae &e Bernal whi pe whan distibacion in Mads, bow ansooor introduction, has heen ecored ny tumscronssitesarennd the ein, lly heen recone a ts 008, js native to th Canary lands, Based oui miter scappeats to bean exotic. possibly 3. Hspopomeraedusrl ore 1894) Published escords, Matleica: NositelaalacPonenaezteacte; Walle, Sandees L902, nell Sehmite: Rael 19001) hovada TF Sechmite:Fouel 1504) Ncose Sectora da Vitoria (F Seluniem: Schmitz 1897) Pah ira TE Sehmite: Forel 1904) Specimens exattined, Madeira No site cara Wallsstan: ONHM, la beled Pome comnaced). Chie da Ribs. fen wail 8 by road £2002; W bee: Nopciea}2002, Ki), tosieds Peds, yrasy ate entoanded by fost £2002; Wafer chal baie 34 12, 45 2002; WL. Liveanen, aealook (2062, Lomas rz (2002, B},Palheirg Forrirn, Randy's Gonkaus ‘tk12g Wi, Parque Lcoigie le Panchal, nid 8 sap sites ‘2002: W) Poisn, saapgrornd 1.5 kin SSE of tows (20012; BSa0 Vicurts grees by carec tance (2002, WH}, Sia Wicense, weak ness 10 parking lor (2002; El a (28K: B), Deserea Crarde (Werke ONHM, ade Cho ( Desert Iebpelel Pernt et Srush (1852; eanededapecimtens of Panenseaetrecia lima Mtuleitain the BMINE ‘pevumablyeollected hy Waiter {1903} recondas Wotdatos speciztens in the ONHM (above). anciied acta, Xl Found chat Wallicor's QONUM apscinii wets a mix of MH. vduaniéond H, pocrationna. SP 190. sepereed Pana ted by ©. Lanndib in Ruagai, Bue sajna tt hese were resident Fcaians of Ht edicanié arr FF. Schone 1397} aud Pore (19%) repostal Hepanena ade specinins Tica: Maule, Wi found FE sear ce macy andrelacivetys ss ube allaver Madeira, rvaeex:canelyenmman ar serve strc For aauaple na: setorey at Clhigda Ribs wend thisane'aader ahour ose of cons Ibur wes Tae spect ws tbreughoue tre Medite rencan at29,a5 wel aval sor achipclagis uf Macasonesi {Willows 1955; Collingwood 8 yar Manton 199%; Wertxor a a 2AM, Esoie pep is asvebeen epnecelchy ia Omen, Send Acabis and New Zealand {Comba 1959: Callingwood 1985). ls probubly nccive ea Mai Es Batoo _arcate spi ll sion 4s, Sock disorbe 4. Fipopowera pusteeatisstna (Roger 1839) Published seconds Maulciea: Novice dats(Firy W93)-Seleag vegem Grande (Eineey 1882), Nests dceas Pere conus: Wolk Sauder 19085 Specimense. ined. Madliea: Nosittal Wollson5O.N HM, alee vert antracal. Punchol, 5 ses £7, 32, 83.45, 95/2002. W). Parada garden (202, 4 Cand (2003; 1, Emery (1882, 1893) listec TZ. pneacacens specinnrs (ean Sehrgem (Grande and Medeins Saundews {2910 zecondad Way Fastans speciznene Che ONEIM Jsben as Pomona comrceta HL eoanctatal, We ral Mpoponene Ponctatainescaadeirain ar Coat, eh e), Deserta: 0 nas. This ean natives awellenas fst throughout the trupics and subasees eas povbblyexanic ts Mideica, arp species

The earliest exotic records for two notorious invasive ants, the big—headed ant (Phez'dole deposited at the British Natural History Museum (BMNH).
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