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25.Thinking Arabic Translation A Course in Translation Method Arabic to English PDF

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Preview 25.Thinking Arabic Translation A Course in Translation Method Arabic to English

_ _ '"m ethod: ArtaobE incg l"l THINKING ARABIC TRANSLATION A CourisnTe r anslMaettihoond : ArabtioEc n glish JameDsi ckins SandHoerr vey IaHni ggins I� ��o �:��n�5��UP LONDON AND NEW YORK Firpsutb lis2h0e0d2 byR outledge 2 ParSkq uarMei,l toPna rkA,b ingdoOnx,o nO,X 144 RN Simultaneopuusbllyi sihnet dh eU SA andC anada byR outledge 270M adisoAnv e,N ew YorkN,Y 10016 Reprinitne2 d0 05 TransfertorD eidg itParli nt2i0n0g6 Routledigsae n i mprionftt h eT aylorF ranciGsr oup & 2002J ameDsi ckinSsa,n doHre rve[ya,nH iggins © TypesientT imebsy [ anH igginCsu,p arF,i fe Printaenddb oundin G reaBtr itabiyn TDJiIg itPaald,s toCwo,rn wall Allr ighrtess erveNdo. p arotf t hibso okm ayb er eprinotre d reproduocreu dt iliiznae ndy f ormo rb ya nye lectromneicch,a nical oro themre ansn,o wk nowno rh ereafitnevre ntiendc,l uding photocopyainndrg ec ordinogri, n a nyi nformatsitoonr aogre retriesvyaslt ewmi,t hopuetr missiinwo rni tifnrgo mt hep ublishers. PublishNeort'es Thibso okh asb eenp reparferdo mc amera-rceoapdyyp rovidbeydt hea uthors BritiLsihb raCrya taloguiinPn ugb licaDtaitoan A catalorgeuceo frodtr h ibsoo k isa vailafbrloemt heB ritiLsihb rary Libraryo fC ongreCsast alogiinnP gu blicaDtaitoan A catalroegc ofrodrt hibso okh asb eerne quested. ISBN0 -415-25064(-h1b k) 0-415-25065-x (pbk) Contents Acknowl degemnets Xl Introduction 1 1 Prelimintaortr iaenss lataisao np rocess 6 1.1 Basdiecf initions 6 12. Inter-setmriaontsilca tion 7 13. Intraltirnagnusalla tion 8 1.4 Interltirnagnusalla tion 10 Pract11i. cIanlt raltirnagnusall'a TtoidoIaan yt: t empted' 12 Pract12i. cGailstr ta nsla�t�iIon L: �I � 13 2 Prelimintaortr iaenss lataisao p nr oduct 15 2.1 Degreoeffs re edoimnt ranslation 15 2.1.1 Interltirnaenasrl ation 15 2.1.2 Litetrraaln slation 16 21.3. Fretrea nslation 16 21..4 Communictartainvsel ation 17 21..5 Froimn terltiofn reetarer anslation 17 22. Equivaleannctder ansllaotsiso n 18 22..1 Equivalence 19 22..2 Transllaotsiso n 21 22..2.1T ranslbayto imoins sion 23 22..2.2T ranslabtyia odnd ition 24 22..2.3C ontrotlrlainnsgll aotsiso n 25 , Pract21i. cLailtevrsba all antcreadn sl�aWtiIo n�: � .J 25 J Pract22i. cDaelg reoeffs re edoimnt ransldoait iJo�n : IL.j.. 27 vi Contents 3 Cultutrraanls position 29 3.1 Basipcr inciples 29 3.2 Exoticism 29 3.3 Calque 31 3.4 Cultutrraanls plantation 32 3.5 Cultubroarlr owing 32 3.6 Communicattirvaen slation 35 3.7 Translitenraamteisn g 35 Practi1c aClu3l.tutrraaln spos�i1t ioJn:� 0LS �J 36 Pract3i.c2aC lultutrraaln spos<JaitL.io..n..:.i.!l: UA..:;. �!J 38 4 Compensation 40 4.1 Basipcr inciples 40 4.2 Categoroifce osm pensation 44 Pract4i.c1a Clompensat�ioIJn:� ..,J I W IJ � 49 ..w:. Pract4i.c2aC lompensat'?i�o n:I �I<.>J.;:. 01 51 5 Denoattimveea ninagn dtr anslatiisosnu es 52 5.1 Denotatmievaen ing 52 5.1.1 Synonymy 52 5.1.2 Hyperonymy-hyponymy 54 5.1.3 Particulatrrainzsilnagta inodgn e neralitzrianngs lation5 6 5.1.4 Partioavlleyr laptprianngs lation 57 5.2 Semantriecp etiitnAi roanb ic 59 5.2.1 Othefro rmosfp arallelism 62 Pract5i.c1a Dle notatmievaen inig :� � I� I 63 ....ill Pract5i.c2aD le notatmievaen ianngd s emantriecp etition: jJ4J1 ,-:-,�':iII-4-:aJ 64 6 Connotatmieavnei nagn dt ranslaitsisoune s 66 6.1 Basipcr inciples 66 6.2 Attitudmienaanli ng 66 6.3 Associamteiavnei ng 68 6.4 Affectmievaen ing 69 6.5 Allusimveea ning 70 6.6 Collocaatnidoc no llocamteiavnei ng 71 6.7 Reflecmteeadn ing 72 Contents vii 6.8 Other typceosn nootfa mteiavinen g 73 PracticaClo6l.l1o cat(ia�o)n:1 �"', (b)�.uJ1r ",.:a.:; 74 • .l.A Pract6i.c2aC lollocat(ibWo)n I:.l ,-:-, ..rJ1 0'(,b L) L.:.,) I� � 75 Pract6i.c3aC lonnotatmievaen in(,hg,): I 75 Introducttioto hnfe o rmparlo perotfit eesx ts 77 7 Phonic/hgiracan pdp rosodic iinst rsaunessl ation 80 7.1 Thep honic/grlaepvheilc 80 7.1.1 Alliteraastsioonna,n acnedr, h yme 81 7.1.2 Onomatopoeia 85 7.2 Thep rosoldeicv el 86 7.2.1 RudimenotfEs n gliasnhd Aravbeircs ification 88 English 89 Arabic 90 7.2.2 TranslaAtrianbgi c verse 91 Pract7i.1c aTlh ep honic/graanpdph riocs odliecv els: �� L.. �r4 �t1.l 93 Practi.c2a Tlh7ep honic/grlaepvheiil",.cl: .d l�L. .::u 95 8 Grammaticiasls uienst ranslation 96 8.1 Introduction 96 8.2 Theg rammatilceavle l 96 8.2.1 Words 97 8.2.2 Grammatiacrarla ngement 97 8.23. Morphologriecpaelt ition 100 Patterernp etition 100 Rootr epetition 103 8.23..3 Suffirxe petition 108 8.2.4 Lexicraelp etition 108 Lexicailt eremp etition 109 Phrarseep etition 111 Pract8i.1c aLle xiciatle amn do thefro rmosfre petition: �u�IJI� 112 9 Sentenitsisaulie nstr anslation 113 9.1 Thes entenlteivaell 113 9.2 Textual vaornit ahbesl eenst enlteivaell 114 viii Contents 9.2.1 Prosodic features 114 9.22. Themea ndr heme 116 Sentenscter ess 117 Emphatpirecp osing 118 9.2.23 . Basitch eme-rhtermaen slaitsisouens 119 9.2.3 Foregrounadnidbn agc kgrounding 119 9.2.4 Interacotfti hoenm e-rhaenmdme a in-suboredlienmaetne1t s2 1 9.25. TranslaotfAi roanb icco ordicnlaatues es 124 Pract9i.c1a Tlh emean d rhemea,n dm ainneasnsds ubordination: �.,)� I� J.w 125 Pract9i.2c aTlhemea ndr heme, maiannndse usbso rdination, coordinaJt.wi oIn : .:,,'!SJ 126 10 Discouarnsdei nterteixstsuuaielnstr anslation 127 10.1 Intruocdtion 127 10.2 Thed sicourlseev el 127 10.2.1 Cohesiaonndc oherence 128 10.2.1.S1e ntenscpel itting 136 exturaels tructuring 137 10.2.1.P3a ragraphing 138 10.3 Thei ntertelxetvueall 138 10.3.1 Genrmee mbership 139 10.3.2 Quotatainodna llusion 141 Pract1i0c.a1l T hed sicourlseev eclo:h esive-dreevviiscoiefo n ��I J�lblA�JTT 142 Practilc.0a2l Thed iscourlseev e�l : I tJL!..:ro 144 11 Metaphor 146 11.1 Introduction 146 11.2 Generdaelfi nitoifmo ent aphor 147 11..21 Lexicalmiezteadp haonrdn on-lexicmaeltiazpehdo r 147 11.2.1.C1a tegoroifle esx icalmiezteadp hor 149 11.22. 1.Categoroifne osn -Iexicmaeltiazpehdo r 149 11.3 Basitcr anslatteicohnn iqfuoemrse taphor 150 11.3.1 Deadm etaphors 150 113.2. Stocmke taphors 151 11.3.3 Recenmte taphors 152 11.3.4 Non-Iexica(lcioznevedn tionaanldoi rziegdi mneatla)p ho1r5s2 11.4 Extendanedd m ixemde taphors 155 115. Metaphdoorw ntoning 158 Contents ix Pract1i1c1.a lM etaphdoorw ntoniUi.n..:.g..:.UI l.:. ...o,J 159 Pract1i1c.a2lM etaphor: 4Jo� ..)-;Il.w:. Ju 161 � 12 Languavgarei etayn dt ranslarteigoins:t er, sociolaencddt i alect 162 121. Basipcr inciples 162 12.2 Register 162 12..21 Tonarelg ister 163 12.22 . Sociraelg ister 163 12.3 Sociolect 165 124. Dialect 166 124.1. Diglossia 167 125. Code-switching 169 Pract1i2c1.a lT onarle gis..>-:atej.r.LJ: t1\' b1J 4-u- 172 Practilc22a. lCod-eswitchJi�ngI:J �l.o c.fj� Ij= il 173 •.!.• . 13 Textugaeln raesa factiontrr a nslation 175 13.1 Introduction 175 13.2 Treatmoefns tu bjemcatt ter 178 13.3 Oraaln dw rittteenx ts 179 Pract1i3c.a1l G enreJi.:.J I.. .J� I. b.';' WI .. .J� I 182 Pract1i3c.al2 Genre�: �I 183 14 Translatteicnhgn itceaxlt s 184 14.1 Introduction 184 14.2 Lexicparlo bleimnts e chnitcraaln slation 184 14.3 Conceptpuraolb leimnts e chnitcraaln slation 188 14.4 Legalaintdya ccuracy 189 14.5 Generfieca tuorfeE sn glitsehc hnitceaxlt s 190 14.6 Informastoiuornc es 192 Pract1i4c.a1l T ranslaotfti eocnh nitcearlm s: '1'. • • - \��br� 1J )L>. dJ.l,J 193 Pract1i4c.a2lT echnitcraaln slac.ft�io nI:).� jJ I 194 15 Translactoinnisgtt utitoenxatls 196 151. Definition 196 x Conetnts 15.2 Genersatrulc ture 196 152..1 Preamble 196 152..2 Maint ext 200 ubdivisions 200 152..22. Salielnitn guifsetaitcu orfet sh em aint ext 202 15.3 Concludreimnagr ks 203 Practi15c.a1l C onstituttiroannasll a�t�io nI:tJ JJJ"':" ""'J 203 Practilc5.a2l Constituttiroannasll ation: � ..r-J IJ J.u�14- J� � .;:.,Iob 205 -,iai 16 Translactoinnsgu mer-ortieexnttse d 207 16.1 Introduction 207 16.2 Tourimsatt erial 207 16.2.1 English-latnoguuramigasett e rial 208 16.2.2 Arabitco urmiastte rial 208 16.3 Cultusrtaelr eotyping 210 16.4 Genre-mixiinc nogn sumer-ortieexnttse d 212 Practi16c.a1l T ranslaotfic oonn sumer-ortieexntctsoe:nd s ideration of' Fehza sa l otto b ep rouodf S Ta nd � VUU �J,..a.::...�.:aITT� 213 Practilc6.a2l Translaotfic oonn sumer-ortieexnttse:d U�I � �J.;a... 215 17 Revisianngd ediTItsi ng 217 17.1 Introduction 217 17.2 Revision 218 17.3 Editing 221 Practi1c7a.l1R evisianngde diintgb:J �I b �� <.S� 223 · Practilc7a.l2R evisianngde diti�ngI:� ..JJ I�'J 225 18 Summarayn dc onclusion 228 Glossary 232 References 244 Index 250 Acknowl edgetnents Weo wea d ebotfg ratittomu adneyp eopwliet hwohuots hee lapn da dvice thibso ocko unlodht a vbee ewnr itItnep na.r ticwuewl oaurl,ld i kteot hank: MuhammaAdI -FuhHaaisda,An I -ShamJaohhiBn,e ryL,y nnBee ryT,o ny BumsT,a marHae rveHyi,l aHriyg giRnosg,eK re ysR,i chaKridm beTri,m Mackintosh-DSimniaMthahn ,i sStayl,a h NiaSzhio,u KlJiseWd,na nny Shum, PauSlt arkJeoyhS,nt einhJaarcWdket s,s oann,dE mmaW estney. RichaKridm baelrsg oa vgee nerooufhs iltsyi maen de xperitnhi eslep ing usp rodutchceea mera-creoapdoyyft hbeo owke:are particgurlaatrtelofy u l himf otrh at JameDsi ckiancsk nowletdhgheee lsop ft hUen iverosfDi utryh afmo,r granthiinmSg t udLye ave Ofcrtobomet ro D ecem2b{)()()e,r a ndu npalieda ve ofa bsefnrcoeJm a nu2a00r1y t oS eptem2b001e.rH ea lstoh antkhsYe e men CentfeorAr r abic Satnudid tiDsei sr,e ctor Sabfroigr i vSiahnligem e m, membersohfti hpCe e ntwehri lheew asc omplehtiiwsno gr okn t hbeo ok duritnhgae c adeymeiac2r00 0-2001,a ndf omra kihnigss t aiynY emesno uncompliacnadetn ejdob ylae. Finawlelw yo,u lldi kteot hatnhkse t udeonfAt rsba ic>Engtlriasnhs lation ovethre y eaartts h Cee ntfroMeri ddElaset earnn Ids laSmtiucd ies, University ofD urh.aN mootn lhya vteh epiors itcirviet iocfip srmesv ious versions done ag redaetato li mprotvheib so obku;at n umboefrt hehma vael scoo ntributed mordei recmtaltye,r iatlh eftirrroa mn slpartoijoebnce tsia nm ga josro urocfe translationw hiecxwhaeu m spel.e s Thea uthaonrdsp ublisahregerr ateffopurel rmistsoir oenp rodtuhcee follocwoipnygr miagthetr Eixatlrf:ar cotTHEm COMPLETEY ESM INISTER byJ onatLhyannan n dA ntoJnayry e prodwuictethdh pee rmisosfiB oBnC WorldwLiidmei .tC eodpyri©g Jhotn atLhyannan n dAn toJnay1y 99 0.

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