76°57'30"W 76°55'0"W 76°52'30"W 76°50'0"W 76°47'30"W 76°45'0"W 76°42'30"W 76°40'0"W 76°37'30"W 76°35'0"W 76°32'30"W 76°30'0"W 76°27'30"W 76°25'0"W ± ROAD CLASSIFICATION Secondary Highway Primary Highway, Hard Surface Unimproved Road ! Electric 40°35'0"N OOPhitlh oPenirep Leilninee; Gas Line lIAl IAlIAll IA ²³²³SF l IA IAl 40°35'0"N l Sewer Line; Water Line l l Trail ! ! SSptreecaimal Trails IA IAIA IAIAl IAllIA l IA IA Parking Area l IAl 0"N ²³F Food & Cover Crew HQ IA llll IAl 0"N 2'3 ²³ IAl 2'3 40°3 LG Garage 40°3 Headquarters IA ll ²³O Other l lIAIAl IA ²³ l IAl l IAl lS Storage l IAIAIAlll l Gate l IA !© Shooting Range IAl lIA N N 0" Tower Site 0" 0' 0' 3 3 0° Food Plot 0° 4 4 Featured Game Lands Adjacent Game Lands l IAlllllIAl IAll IAl l N N 0" 0" 3 3 7' 7' 2 2 40° IAll 40° IAll l l IAIA IAl IA!©IAl N lIA²³llIAlIAll ²³ l N 25'0" IAl S O 25'0" 0° 0° 4 4 IAl l IAl l IAl PENNSYLVANIA GAME COMMSISSION STATE GAME LANDS N N 0" 0" 3 3 22' 211 22' 0° 0° 4 l 4 DAUPHIN, LEBANON & SCHUYLKILL COUNTIES Feet 0 7700 15400 23100 30800 N N 0'0" 43,945.19 Acres REVISED January 2021 0'0" 2 2 40° U.S.FishandWildlifeService,NationalStandardsandSupportTeam,[email protected],CopCyorpiygrihghtt:: ©© 202107 1 P3ENNNSaYtLiVoAnNaIAl GGAMeEo CgOrMaMpIhSSicIONSociety,i-cubed 40° 76°57'30"W 76°55'0"W 76°52'30"W 76°50'0"W 76°47'30"W 76°45'0"W 76°42'30"W 76°40'0"W 76°37'30"W 76°35'0"W 76°32'30"W 76°30'0"W 76°27'30"W 76°25'0"W SPORTSMEN'S RECREATION MAP State Game Lands No. 211, consists of 43,970.98 acres, located in Dauphin, Lebanon and Schuylkill Counties. The terrain runs along the ridge lines and is wooded, covering portions of Fishing, Stony, and Clark Creek Drainages. The tract has an abandoned railroad bed that traverses the entire Game Lands from east to west in the Stony valley. The railroad bed as well as the Appalachian and Horse-Shoe Trails provide excellent opportunities for hiking and other outdoor activities. Primary game species are deer, squirrel, grouse, and turkey. State Game Lands now totaling more than 1.5 million acres are purchased, managed and maintained primarily for outdoor recreation in the form of sport-hunting. Each time a hunter buys a hunting license, the While portions of sportsmen's license fees and taxes on sporting money he spends goes toward many facets of arms and ammunition have made the acquisition and development STATE GAME LANDS wildlife management. Since 1920, close to a million of these lands possible, other users are welcome. Recreation such as boating, fishing, hiking birdwatching, and nature study is and a half aces of State Game Lands have been No. 211 encouraged. acquired with these funds. Each year nearly DAUPHIN, LEBANON & SCHUYLKILL S $7,000,000 is spent to improve wildlife habitat. The Game Commission is concerned with protecting and Habitat improvements enhance living conditions for COUNTIES perpetuations non-game wildlife species, along with managing for an non-game birds and mammals as well as those annual harvest of all game species. While sport hunting, embracing species which are hunted. Pennsylvania hunters the elements of fair chase, is the ultimate goal in wildlife willingly share these lands with the non-hunting management, other benefits have enhanced the quality of life for all public, and with few exceptions, State Game Lands who enjoy the out-of-doors. are open for general use year round. Surveys indicate that hunting accounts for only thirty-five For benefit of all users, please respect posted rules and regulations. percent of game land usage. The remaining sixty- Entry upon posted wildlife refuges and propagation areas is prohibited. Motorized vehicles are prohibited on gated roads and five percent is used by the general public for non- trails; snowmobiles execpted where so designeated and posted. hunting purposes. 6 5 4 3 2 1 CotMWrpaCGbheneepooa-eoidrapmnmlid ennu osamglteittmrierrrfri t“foseieuiuasunW d”acLsnmle dtasu iiPosoi tnemcoforyrnfaerdnokon a il tsvi gcgrlnpo tseo rbhgl apdenahip emirrn c nerdoT aedfodl .ogonrpam avio rgsdg rIniasmsdepeee gumlpne rtnae bpherstno rote ype oeduh,ivron dfssen pir d g befirtne ota orl“euwoui nrvWvdths ehdiieeedla Wtode rbddhbi rnnl i ieSiikrofiltgoundd eiaht nns lC ttihoPgm-q efogfe omeeuromaa,”unTve remn oesnm hbsaoiergsesa agyostye nlheo nldftaoavnmeonhw nnaarreeeGien e m SrRbaniaa taiitgtalamvrf ht aldlotethiesionneessrr.,. FPCPPoeAeornnm 1 nn7mssc1yyui1sllrvvs0raaie-onn9nnii7taa' 9s G7hc.Gaoomanmmseee e rCp voaamNgtieeom wnhi-tsssts ppio:oa/nrn/t,w d 2 w0h0wvu1in.s ptiEtigln mcg.ts ehtreaitnt oefno.P prAemanv.aeuntnssiyuoolenvr, ,a w Hnrriaaietr eari dsGt boau ttmrhhgeee, 253 SNYDER RD, READING, PA 19605 SOUTHEAST REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS 3917 MEMORIAL HWY, DALLAS, PA 18612 NORTHEAST REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS 8627 WILLIAM PENN HWY, HUNTINGDON, PA 16652 SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS (cid:1005)(cid:1009)(cid:1010)(cid:1010)(cid:3)(cid:94)(cid:3)(cid:90)(cid:381)(cid:437)(cid:410)(cid:286)(cid:3)(cid:1008)(cid:1008)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:449)(cid:455), JERSEY SHORE, PA 17740NORTHCENTRAL REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS V4820 ROUTE 711, BOLIAR, PA 15923 SOUTHWEST REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS (cid:1005)(cid:1009)(cid:1004)(cid:1013)(cid:3)(cid:87)(cid:349)(cid:410)(cid:410)(cid:400)(cid:271)(cid:437)(cid:396)(cid:336)(cid:3)(cid:90)(cid:282), FRANKLIN, PA 16323 NORTHWEST REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS CONTACT TH FOR FURTHER have been set aside as propagations areas for non- E F IN O F L O game shore birds. Numerous other projects are LO RM W A planned on State Game Lands and other public ING TIO : N 6 6 5 5 8 8 55 7 7 88 1 1 7 7 1 1 77 2 2 11 0 0 0 0 4 4 00 4 4 44 -9 -9 -6 -6 -6 -6 -3-3 -2 -2 -4-4 2 2 7 7 4 4 99 3 3 33 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 6 6 5 5 3 3 88 8 8 22 -3 -3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -4-4 -9 -9 -3-3 1 1 1 1 8 8 77 5 5 11 3 3 4 4 3 3 44 2 2 88 PENNSYLVANIA GAME COMMISSION 7 6 4 3 5 1 54 4 3 87