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2020-12-14TheNewYorker UserUpload Net PDF

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5 GOINGS ON ABOUT TOWN 15 THE TALK OF THE TOWN Amy Davidson Sorkin on the long COVID winter; the wonk-rock Secretary; inside the actor’s stable; defending outdoor dining; Andrew Bird’s holiday cheer. CORONAVIRUS CHRONICLES Carolyn Kormann 20 Countdown to Immunity How soon will a vaccine be available? SHOUTS & MURMURS Jack Handey 29 The Antichrist PERSONAL HISTORY Ian Frazier 30 Rereading “Lolita” The transgressive novel and the open road. ANNALS OF SCIENCE Douglas Preston 36 The Skeleton Lake Using DNA to solve a Himalayan mystery. A REPORTER AT LARGE Sheelah Kolhatkar 44 In Too Deep A prominent businessman’s web of conspiracies. FICTION John Edgar Wideman 54 “Rwanda” THE CRITICS PODCAST DEPT. Sarah Larson 60 Revisiting “The Office.” BOOKS Joan Acocella 63 Gianni Rodari’s utopian children’s books. 67 Briefly Noted POP MUSIC Carrie Battan 68 The shape-shifting styles of Rico Nasty. ON TELEVISION Doreen St. Félix 70 “A Teacher.” THE CURRENT CINEMA Anthony Lane 72 “Let Them All Talk,” “I’m Your Woman.” POEMS Charles Simic 51 “New York” Monica Youn 56 “Marsyas, After” COVER Edward Steed “Tree of Life” DRAWINGS Mort Gerberg, Becky Barnicoat, William Haefeli, Carolita Johnson, Liana Finck, Avi Steinberg, Tom Toro, David Sipress, Roz Chast, Evan Lian, Leise Hook, Arantza Peña Popo, Akeem Roberts SPOTS Lalalimola DECEMBER 14, 2020 2 THE NEW YORKER, DECEMBER 14, 2020 CONTRIBUTORS THE NEW YORKER INTERVIEW David Remnick talks with Atul Gawande about prospects for ending the coronavirus pandemic. 2020 IN REVIEW New Yorker writers reflect on a year like no other, and the movies, music, and books that helped us cope. Download the New Yorker app for the latest news, commentary, criticism, and humor, plus this week’s magazine and all issues back to 2008. THIS WEEK ON NEWYORKER.COM LEFT: GOLDEN COSMOS; RIGHT: MIN HEO Sheelah Kolhatkar (“In Too Deep,” p. 44), a staff writer, is the author of “Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street.” Ian Frazier (“Rereading ‘Lolita,’ ” p. 30) most recently published “Hogs Wild: Selected Reporting Pieces.” He is at work on a book about the Bronx. Doreen St. Félix (On Television, p. 70), a staff writer since 2017, is The New Yorker’s television critic. Edward Steed (Cover) has contributed cartoons to the magazine since 2013. Monica Youn (Poem, p. 56) won the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America for her book “Blackacre.” A former lawyer, she teaches at Princeton University and is a member of the Racial Imaginary Institute. Nick Paumgarten (The Talk of the Town, p. 16) began writing for the magazine in 2000. Douglas Preston (“The Skeleton Lake,” p. 36) has written more than thirty books. His latest nonfiction work, “The Lost City of the Monkey God,” is about the discovery of an archeological site in the Honduran rain forest. Carolyn Kormann (“Countdown to Im- munity,” p. 20), a staff writer, began contributing to the magazine in 2012. Charles Simic (Poem, p. 51) is a Pulit- zer Prize-winning poet. He published “Come Closer and Listen” in 2019. Joan Acocella (Books, p. 63) has been a staff writer since 1995. Her most recent book is “Twenty-eight Artists and Two Saints: Essays.” John Edgar Wideman (Fiction, p. 54) is the author of many books. His new collection, “You Made Me Love You: Selected Stories, 1981-2018,” will be out next year. Sarah Larson (Podcast Dept., p. 60), a staff writer, has contributed to The New Yorker since 2007. Something for everyone. (Including yourself.) Shop for original and limited-edition items online at The New Yorker Store. newyorker.com/store THE RIGHT QUESTIONS I enjoyed Louis Menand’s philosophi- cal exploration of knowledge through “Jeopardy!” and Wikipedia (Books, No- vember 23rd). As a high-school teacher for more than twenty years, I have wit- nessed the move from “knowing things” to “looking things up.” And, while I have no preference for either, I agree with Menand: knowing things might be en- tertaining, but knowledge isn’t always trustworthy and may not even prove use- ful. I have taken up a new mantra with my students: It’s not what you know, it’s the questions you think to ask. Maybe Alex Trebek’s search for questions will prove to be his greatest legacy. Kyle Reynolds Wolfeboro, N.H. Menand suggests that “the reason most people today who work in and on dig- ital media have such warm feelings about Wikipedia” may be because of the site’s “hacker ethos.” Yet there are inherent problems with the simple prin- ciple that anyone can edit. Fewer than twenty per cent of Wikipedia’s editors are women; as a result, the site often exhibits and perpetuates gender bias. Only nineteen per cent of its biograph- ical pages feature women, and many articles on gendered topics lack a neu- tral point of view. This is frightening, given that Wikipedia is now many peo- ple’s go-to information source. As one of the women who have entered the fray, I have found editing gender bias out of Wikipedia to be a Sisyphean task. If, as Menand asserts, “Wikipe- dia is neoliberalism applied to knowl- edge,” it is yet another example of how the invisible hand has failed to create an equitable society. Michele Beaulieux Chicago, Ill. A POTENT TACTIC I was grateful to Andrew Marantz for his engagement with questions concern- ing civil disobedience (“The Anti-Coup,” November 23rd). He emphasized the suc- cess of nonviolence as a tactic, prompt- ing me to think back to the sixties and early seventies, when civil disobedience in response to the Vietnam War was wide- spread. While the commitment to non- violence was undeniably tactical, it was also a spiritual choice, evidenced by the roles that Quakers and the Catholic left played in organizing the movement. I understand spiritual commitment as an alignment with something bigger than divisive self-interest. The fact that peo- ple are willing to risk their well-being for the sake of a cause greater than their own interests remains surprising and power- ful. Understanding this less tangible as- pect of nonviolent action feels important in the present moment. Gendo Allyn Field Lebanon, N.H. Marantz’s piece shows how far accep- tance of nonviolent resistance has come in the U.S. I was a student at Harvard in 1969, when the political scientist Gene Sharp, whose ideas Marantz discusses, was a research associate, working out of the Center for International Affairs, which many students visited only during pro- tests. (Henry Kissinger had an office there before joining the Nixon Administra- tion.) I was considering filing for consci- entious-objector status and needed help thinking that through. One day, I saw a notice on a campus bulletin board about a series of talks Sharp was giving on civil disobedience. He demonstrated how say- ing no to violence but yes to nonviolent resistance was perhaps the most power- ful way to stop oppression. It is refresh- ing, fifty years later, to see tenured pro- fessors at respected institutions, like Erica Chenoweth, also at Harvard, studying and supporting nonviolence as an effec- tive mainstream weapon against autoc- racy and totalitarianism. Allen Gilbert Worcester, Vt. • Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address, and daytime phone number via e-mail to

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