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Preview 2020-02-29 Los Angeles Times

latimes.com $2.75 DESIGNATED AREAS HIGHER ©2020 WST D SATURDAY,FEBRUARY29,2020 Trump asylum policy blocked temporarily by appeals court unanimously to uphold an 9th Circuit panel’s injunction against a Trump ruling says ‘Remain in rule that denied asylum eli- gibility for migrants who Mexico’ is shown to crossed the southern border leave migrants in way between designated ports of entry. of substantial harm. “Today’s decisions make clear they can’t use two of By Maura Dolan, the programs they laid out Molly Hennessy-Fiske to try to gut the asylum sys- and Kate Morrissey tem,” said Omar Jadwat, di- rector of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immi- Alfredo EstrellaAFP/Getty Images A federal appeals court grants’ Rights Project. “But on Friday blocked a Trump there are still others out MEXICO CONFIRMS COVID-19 CASE administration policy that there.” requires asylum seekers to One is a policy in place Passengers from South Korea wear protective masks at Mexico City’s airport. Mexico’s first stay in Mexico while their that requires migrants to coronavirus patient had recently traveled to Italy and was displaying “minor” symptoms.WORLD, A4 cases wind through U.S. im- apply for asylum in one of migration courts. the countries they pass In a 2-1 decision, the through on the way to the California intensifies race panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit U.S. border. The Supreme Court of Appeals upheld Court previously allowed a preliminary injunction this policy to be enforced. against the so-called Re- Jadwat said new asylum main in Mexico policy, which seekers will no longer be to slow coronavirus’ spread has forced nearly 60,000 peo- blocked under the 2019 Re- ple to wait in Mexico for their main in Mexico policy, which applications to be processed the government calls the Mi- and their cases to be heard. grant Protection Protocols. That policy is one of Immigration lawyers Friday several the administration were still trying to under- Officials work to trace contacts of first case as new one arises has put in place to prevent stand the effect of the deci- migrants from coming into sion on migrants who al- the country at the southern ready have applied and are border. now waiting in Mexico for By Phil Willon, In another case Friday, their cases to be processed. Colleen Shalby, the same panel decided [SeeAsylum,A10] Alex Wigglesworth, and Anita Chabria DAVIS, Calif. — Northern ■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■ California has become a focus of efforts to slow the For black voters spreadof the coronavirus in the U.S. as officials urgently try to locate people who came in contact with pa- in South Carolina, tients in two communities. Dozens of public health officials have been working in Solano County and it’s all about Trump nearby Davis, in Sacra- mento County, to find peo- ple who crossed paths with a woman believed to be the country’s first novel co- Trump’s antagonistic rela- ronavirus patient who did Key Democratic bloc tionship with black Ameri- not recently travel outside wants a nominee who cans. the U.S. or come in contact For Pryor, the prospect with someone who did. appreciates the stakes. of another four years under Then on Friday after- Justin SullivanGetty Images the current administration noon, Santa Clara County A WOMAN believed to be the first U.S. patient to contract the novel coronavirus By Tyrone Beason poses an existential threat, authorities announced a through community contact spent three days at this Vacaville, Calif., hospital. resulting in irreparable new coronavirus case, that harm to the rule of law, the county’s third, also believed CONWAY, S.C. — Some- environment and, especially, to have been spread through times, in a dramatic flourish, people of color. Families anxious as virus community contact. apolitician will urge voters On Saturday, she’ll seize The woman in that case to cast their ballot as though the chance to act on her also had no known exposure their very life depended on fears by voting in South to the virus through travel or it. Carolina’s Democratic pres- close contact with a known turns up in China prisons For Alester Pryor, that’s idential primary, a crucial infected person. no exaggeration. step in the Democratic pres- “This new case indicates “I want to make America idential nominating fight. that there is evidence of great again, but it can’t be But Pryor, like many black community transmission great as long as he’sin the voters in the state, questions but the extent is still not 500 cases are confirmed, and conditions are grim White House,” said the 72- whether any of the Demo- clear,” said Dr. Sara Cody, year-old retiree, who readily crats appreciate the stakes, [SeeCoronavirus,A8] praises Jesus but won’t let or what they’ll face running state-owned mining companies. the name of the man in the against Trump in Novem- By Alice Su Deng hasn’t been allowed to see her hus- White House pass her lips. ber. and Emily Baumgaertner band. She tried to transfer funds for living It’s not just President [SeeSouth Carolina,A6] Fed chief responds expenses to him. But the bank texted her last to growing panic BEIJING — It was bad enough that Deng week that no one had accepted her transfer In a rare statement, Xiaoyun’s husband, human rights lawyer for more than seven days. Then Deng read a the chairman hints at Qin Yongpei, had been jailed as a subversive. news alert: There was an outbreak in China’s possible intervention “to But when the coronavirus started breaking jails of COVID-19, the coronavirus disease support the economy.” out in prisons, she had no idea if he was sick that has infected more than 85,000 people or dead. and killed more than 2,900 worldwide. BUSINESS, C1 Astocky, balding man with a thick south- “My whole body went numb,” Deng said ern Chinese accent, Qin had been a nemesis in a phone interview. The virus cases were in O.C. hails decision to local officials in the Guangxi region, often the provinces of Hubei, Shandong and Zheji- Federal government says criticizing their corruption and advocating ang, not Guangxi. But she knew nothing it won’t send coronavirus for people seeking their rights. The Times about her husband’s condition. “I just patients to Costa Mesa met Qin last yearwhen he was helping vil- feared, what if something happened inside?” facility. CALIFORNIA, B1 lagers arrested for protesting pollution from Chinese au- [SeeChina, A4] A rain ‘March Miracle’? Odds drying up Scott OlsonGetty Images was 46% of average. AFRICAN AMERICANSin South Carolina may still By Joseph Serna After an unusually wet favor Joe Biden, but confidence in him has waned. and Paul Duginski California drought conditions winter last year, many of Cal- ifornia’s reservoirs are well California is set to con- above their season average, clude one of its driest Febru- so state water managers Abnormally dry Celebrating aries in recorded history, ele- 46.4% have few fears about near- vating fears the state’s al- term shortages. Yet if the plants in L.A. ways-unpredictable fire sea- coming months remain rela- son could arrive early this Sacramento tively dry, the state will be Starting today: year — if March doesn’t dependent on an uncertain Complete coverage of bring some wet relief. San Moderate drought future to prevent the state plants and gardening. February is typically a Francisco 23.3% from swinging back into SATURDAY, F2-6 prime month for Pacific drought conditions. @latimesplants storms to produce much of “All it takes is an extreme on Instagram the Sierra Nevada snowpack atmospheric river to end up — moisture that sustains in a high-water situation Weather wildlife, delays wildfire sea- even if the broader season is Cooler and cloudy. son and serves as a water Los Angeles dry,” said state hydrologist L.A. Basin: 71/52. B6 bank for thirsty cities and Michael Anderson, who add- farms. But those storms ed that a storm is expected didn’t arrive in February, San Diego to hit the state in the next Data released Feb. 27 wdaityh s ahoswtainteg stuhrev senyoTwhpuarcsk- droughtmonitor.unl.edu Paul Duginski Los Angeles Times couple of we[eSkese. R“Tahine, Atw8o] Bijou KarmanFor The Times A2 LATIMES.COM ■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■ Logan CyrusAFP/Getty Images 2020 CANDIDATESMichael R. Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer, from left, at Tuesday’s presidential primary debate in Charleston, S.C. OPEN MON.-SAT. Democratic presidential hopefuls’ gun control plans As a print subscriber, They largely agree on assault weapons bans, ‘red flag’ laws, buybacks you have free unlimited digital access to The Times. By Matt Pearce We’re making it easier for you to stay As Democratic voters settle in to decide which can- informed. Get the news that matters didate to support in the most to Californians anytime, no matter presidential primary con- where you are. test, they’ll notice two things about their gun control poli- cies. First, the Democratic Activvaattee yyoouurr ddiiggiittaall aaccccoouunntt ttoday for Party as a whole has tilted to the left on pushing for in- iinnssttaanntt aacccceessss ttoo:: creasingly expansive federal gun control policies. Second, • AAwwaarrdd--wwiinnnniinngg jjoouurrnnaalism and there’s not much broad- stroke distinction between brreeaakkiinngg nneewwss.. the candidates’ views on • Our eassyy-to-navigate how far to go. The 2020 Democratic eNewsppaaper with searchable presidential candidates archiveess and offl ine reading. agree on big gun control policies, including banning • Seamleesss account and the sale of semiautomatic ri- subscriipption management. fles such as the AR-15. After John LocherAssociated Press • Our upggrraded app. deadly mass shootings and HANDGUNSon display at a Las Vegas trade show. The 2020 Democratic candi- a mounting suicide toll, dates all agree on the need to regulate gun sales more, but differ on the details. they’ve called out the presi- dent and the powerful Na- support a gun buyback Amy Klobuchar VViissiitt llaattiimmees.com/activate latimes.com tional Rifle Assn., the gun program, saying it would Minnesota Sen. rights group that spent not be possible to get all the Klobuchar, a Midwestern /politics more than $30million to guns back. Instead, he moderate who has pitched help put Donald Trump in would settle for prohibiting On the issues herself as the candidate the White House. sales of automatic weapons, best positioned to reach Go online to see where the It’s in the details that dif- with an exception for mili- Trump voters, is nonethe- Democratic presidential ferences emerge. Should the tary and law enforcement less in step with the rest of candidates stand on other U.S. establish a gun buyback personnel. the Democratic field when it issues important to Califor- system? How far should it Bloomberg co-founded comes to guns. nians, such as guns, climate, go? Here’s a look at where Mayors Against Illegal Guns She would ban assault healthcare, homelessness the candidates stand on gun and later joined Moms weapons, require universal and immigration. laws: Demand Action For Gun background checks and Sense in the creation of Joe Biden Everytown for Gun Safety, a pursue “red flag” laws allow- Customer ing authorities to take guns In the Senate, where nonprofit that advocates for away from high-risk gun Biden served from 1973 to policy change to address lobbying power: campaign owners. But she also posi- 2009, he helped lay the foun- gun violence. finance reform, expanded Appreciation tions herself as a defender of dation for the current back- His presidential cam- voter registration and a hunters, often asking of ground-check system and paign has run an ad listing bolstered Internal Revenue policies, “Does this hurt my Sale was one of the main sup- each school shooting since Uncle Dick in his deer Service to scrutinize indus- porters of the 1994 assault President Trump has been try-backed nonprofits such stand?” weapons ban, which lasted in office. as the NRA. for a decade. Biden had hoped to Pete Buttigieg Bernie Sanders Elizabeth Warren BuyOne,GetOne revive the ban, along with When he was mayor of Vermont Sen. Sanders Massachusetts Sen. 50% Off other gun control policies, South Bend, Ind., Buttigieg has taken somewhat mod- Warren has linked her plans when he was vice president presided over a Rust Belt erate positions on gun con- for gun restrictions — in- in the Obama adminis- community racked by gun trol in the past — voting cluding mandatory licens- Seconditemmustbe tration, but he violence. against a federal back- ing, universal background ofequalorlesservalue was stymied by pushback His calls for an assault ground-check system in checks and an assault weap- from Republicans and the weapons ban, universal 1993 and at one point earn- ons ban — with a call to end NRA. background checks and gun ing a C- grade from the the filibuster, which she sees He’s now hoping to give licensing come with a pro- NRA, which is more prone as potentially dooming any the ban another go as presi- posal for “urban gun vi- to giving Democrats failing such legislation in the Sen- dent and require existing olence intervention pro- grades — but no longer. ate. owners to register those grams” to address root Sanders has since un- She has also proposed guns with the government causes of violence. equivocally called for a taking extensive adminis- or sell them in a federal Buttigieg has also ban on assault weapons trative action that would buyback program. called for banning people sales and for treating the allow to her to avoid Con- convicted of hate crimes ownership of existing weap- gress, where Republicans Michael Bloomberg from buying or owning ons as the government hope to maintain a majority Former New York guns. But he has also treats that of fully auto- in the Senate. Mayor Bloomberg has a warned that confiscations matic weapons, which are Her administration, she long history of gun control of assault weapons might heavily restricted. says, would take a close look advocacy, and has poured a bring a political backlash at the NRA. In a blog post portion of his fortune into that could imperil the Tom Steyer revealing some of her gun the cause in recent years. chance for more moderate Billionaire former hedge- control proposals, she said During the Obama changes. fund manager Steyer used the organization “is accused administration, when mo- his self-funded nonprofit of exploiting loopholes in mentum for stronger laws Tulsi Gabbard NextGen America to help federal laws governing flagged in Congress, activ- Gabbard is something of register high school stu- nonprofit spending to divert ists and the White House an outlier in the Democratic dents to vote after the Feb. member dues into lavish turned to the billionaire, field for how muted her 14, 2018, massacre at Marjory payments for its board who funded a campaign to stances on gun control have Stoneman Douglas High members and senior leader- counter the NRA’s influ- been in a campaign filled School in Parkland, Fla. ship. ence. with wonky, detailed pro- Steyer has framed his She said she would ap- He supports banning posals. campaign around building point an attorney general assault weapons and cre- She supports some of grass-roots power for vot- committed to investigating ating a background check the same big policies the ers, and he has linked his such practices as well as program to keep guns from rest of the Democratic field main gun control policies — banks that she says helped people who pose a danger to does — an assault weapons an assault weapons ban and the NRA “skirt the rules.” themselves or others, just ban and universal back- universal gun licensing and like most of the other Demo- ground checks — but has background checks — to Times staff writer Melissa SOCO-THESOUTHCOASTCOLLECTION cratic candidates. Bloom- said little about her other what he sees as structural Gomez contributed to this 3311-AHYLANDAVENUE,COSTAMESA,CA berg, however, does not positions. challenges to the NRA’s report. 714.619.5200|CSWOANDSONS.COM A3 LATIMES.COM WST THE WORLD Cautiously optimistic on Afghan peace leased by the Taliban. have come to the realization Leaders from U.S., Ghani, as well as some U.S. that it is a fight that cannot Taliban and Kabul officials, have expressed be won militarily. Yet even concerns that some of the among Trump’s traditional focus on details to Taliban prisoners are die- supporters, there are con- bolster the pact set hard militants who would be cerns about whether the determined to resume the U.S. and the Afghan govern- to be signed Saturday. fight. ment can trust the Taliban. Despite the upheaval, Agroup of 22 Republican Afghans are somewhat opti- lawmakers sent a letter this By David S. Cloud mistic about the prospects week to Pompeo and Esper, and Stefanie Glinski for peace, said Ali Adili, a re- cautioning them against en- searcher with the Af- tering a “dangerous” deal DOHA, Qatar — As they ghanistan Analysts Net- with a “terrorist group” that moved closer to signing a work, which monitors the would put American securi- landmark agreement aimed country closely. ty interests at risk. They de- at ending the United States’ “There has been a pos- manded the U.S. refrain longest war and withdraw- itive feeling among Afghans from sharing intelligence ing its troops, U.S., Taliban regarding the reduction in with the Taliban or agreeing and Afghan officials scram- violence,” he said. “But prematurely to a full troop bled Friday to ensure that many are of course worried withdrawal. pending details didn’t about the next steps in the The so-called reduction undermine the deal before it peace process. There is un- in violence this week has ever took effect. certainly; there is both fear gone relatively smoothly, as The agreement that Marcus YamLos Angeles Times and hope.” both sides scaled back their seeks to freeze nearly two U.S. MARINESin Afghanistan’s Helmand province in 2017. President Trump is Trump, seeking an elec- operations to prevent inci- decades of fighting was seeking an election-year U.S. troop withdrawal from the country. tion-year troop withdrawal, dents that could derail the scheduled to be signed Sat- is likely to go ahead with the agreement. urday at a ceremony in fense Secretary Mark Esper Taliban leaders have To avoid a deepening cri- initial draw-down no matter “We have seen violence Doha, Qatar, by U.S. negoti- will issue a joint statement promised to convene power- sis, Ghani agreed to U.S. re- what happens. But he may reduce up to 80%,” Afghan ators and leaders of the Tali- with the Afghan govern- sharing talks with Afghan quests he postpone the in- be reluctant to continue the Interior Minister Massoud ban militancy that long op- ment. government negotiators, auguration — which had reductions below 8,600 Andarabi told The Times on posed both the Afghan gov- Acrucial test leading to most likely in Oslo, Norway, been planned for Thursday troops if Afghanistan ap- Thursday, adding that he ernment and American ad- this point was a weeklong within days. The U.S., for its —until March 9, just before pears to be plunging back hoped “the Taliban will con- ministrations that backed it. pause in violence in Af- part, is planning rapid initial talks with the Taliban are into chaos or there are U.S. tinue the reduction in vi- Separately, the U.S. was ghanistan agreed to on Feb. withdrawals, going from due to start. casualties, analysts say. olence.” expected to sign an accord 22 by the United States and 12,000 troops there now to Ghani has so far been ex- Too hasty a withdrawal On Wednesday, an explo- with the Kabul government. the Taliban. On Friday, 8,600 by early summer, ac- cluded from direct partici- could give Democrats an sion in the capital, Kabul, in- All parties will agree to an Pompeo, testifying before a cording to current and for- pation in the talks with the opening to blame Trump for jured nine civilians, but the eventual cease-fire and the congressional committee, mer officials familiar with Taliban, which have been allowing Afghanistan to Taliban was quick to deny opening of negotiations for a confirmed the truce ap- the agreement, the result of handled by the U.S. negotia- again become a haven for any involvement. Another political settlement. peared to be holding. more than a year of U.S.-Tal- tor, Zalmay Khalilzad, and groups threatening the U.S. blast on Thursday killed one “If the Taliban and the “We have seen just these iban haggling. his deputy, Molly Phee, both or for squandering advances and injured seven, but once government of Afghanistan last six days a significant re- Yet the talks could easily veteran State Department in Afghan women’s rights again it wasn’t claimed by live up to these commit- duction in violence in Af- be delayed or break down diplomats. The Trump ad- and education if the Taliban the Taliban. ments, we will have a power- ghanistan,” Pompeo said. entirely if violence resumes, ministration recognized is permitted to take formal The Afghan army halted ful path forward to end the The draft accord, which the Taliban backs away from Ghani’s victory only in tepid control of some areas of the its operations against the war in Afghanistan and has not yet been made pub- the talks or the Afghan gov- terms, and insisted that a country. Taliban for the week. bring our troops home,” lic, calls for steep reductions ernment cannot overcome wide range of Afghan politi- “The war will continue for “If the Taliban keeps it up President Trump said in a in U.S. troop presence dur- its own internal divisions to cal and social organizations the Afghans. I’m fairly pos- too, our operations will re- statement Friday. “When I ing the coming months in re- negotiate with the Taliban. will be represented in the itive about that,” said Paul main defensive and not of- ran for office, I promised the turn for Taliban promises to Official Afghan presi- next phase of negotiations. D. Miller, a Georgetown Uni- fensive,” said Fawad Aman, American people I would be- deny terrorist groups access dential election results Who will make up that dele- versity professor who over- aspokesman for the Afghan gin to bring our troops to its territory and to re- announced last week — gation, however, is far from saw Afghanistan policy at Ministry of Defense. home, and seek to end this nounce an erstwhile ally, Al nearly five months after the being settled, as is its size. the National Security Coun- war. We are making substan- Qaeda. vote — gave the victory to in- Another potential stick- cil under Presidents George Times staff writer Cloud tial progress on that prom- But it is the next phase of cumbent President Ashraf ing point not yet resolved in- W. Bush and Obama. “My reported from Doha and ise.” the negotiations that will de- Ghani. volves the exchange of pris- great fear is that it will draw special correspondent Trump announced that termine whether the U.S.- But his chief rival, Abdul- oners. The Taliban is de- the U.S. back into it.” Glinski from Kabul. Times Secretary of State Michael Taliban deal is the first step lah Abdullah, has refused to manding Kabul release 5,000 U.S. officials argue that staff writer Tracy Wilkinson R. Pompeo will attend the toward peace in Af- recognize that outcome and of its fighters, while the gov- all parties involved in the in Washington contributed Doha ceremony, while De- ghanistan. declared himself the victor. ernment wants 1,000 men re- long war are exhausted and to this report. PAIDPOLITICALADVERTISEMENT With dining this good your friends may show up at lunchtime and stay through dinner. AtTheVillageatShermanOaks, thereviewsforourrestaurant-stylediningarein, andtheyrangefromwow!toyummmmmm! Callustosetupatimeandtasteforyourself, orjoinusatourupcomingevent. Lunch & Learn Wednesday, March 11th • 11:30am Joinusforacomplimentarylunchand learnmoreabouttheengaginglifestyleoffered atTheVillageatShermanOaks. Toreserveyourplace,pleasecall818.646.6011. It’sagreatwaytogettoknowus. Independent & Assisted Living Residences 5450VesperAvenue•ShermanOaks 818.646.6011 ShermanOaksSeniorLiving.com• DISCOVEREXCEPTIONALSENIORLIVING EQUALHOUSINGOPPORTUNITY RCFE#197608694 A4 WST LATIMES.COM Coronavirus spreads into Chinese prisons [China, from A1] was held for two weeks in thorities have announced March 2019: About 30 people Outbreak emerges 555 cases of COVID-19 infec- were crammed into a cell as key 2020 issue tions across five prisons in with a 15-inch walkway three provinces. Prison offi- flanked by two platforms. It may affect campaigns, cials have been fired for al- They slept shoulder-to- economy and voting. A7 lowing the outbreak to shoulder, 10 to 12 people on spread, and authorities say each platform, with the rest no other inmates elsewhere on the floor. in the country have been in- “You force yourself down than 17,000 signatures, call- fected. As they have done in there and make it through ing for the camps to close in cities and villages, officials the night,” the church mem- light of the virus outbreak. have been downplaying the ber said, asking to remain Hashtags have gained popu- threat of a mysterious illness anonymous for protection. larity on Twitter, including that has called into question “It’s impossible to quaran- #VirusThreatInTheCamps China’s ability to contain tine there, it’s so crowded.” and #WHO2Urumqi, refer- what has become a global Wang Yi, the church’s ring to the capital of Xinji- WUTIKUER YAERMAIMAITI,29, is one of some 1 million Uighurs and other crisis. pastor and a former human ang. Muslims detained in Xinjiang, where authorities have reported 76 virus cases. The lack of information rights lawyer, was sentenced Chinese authorities have about detainees’ conditions to nine years in prison for called reports of the virus’ maimaiti asked that her par- bodies will not be able to sur- arrested activists in recent is fanning fear among fam- “subversion of state power” threat to detainees “nothing ents’ names be withheld be- vive this virus,” Yaer- weeks on the pretext of do- ilies of the incarcerated, and “illegal business opera- but fabrications and slan- cause she fears for their safe- maimaiti said. ing “coronavirus prevention whose ranks include human tions” in December. Author- der,” claiming that reeducat- ty. “It’s not just my family. checks,” including promi- rights lawyers, social work- ities have not disclosed ion has ended and that all Her father was released It’s many families that al- nent civil rights activist Xu ers, activists, pastors and where he is imprisoned. detainees have been re- last February, Yaermaimaiti ready had bad conditions Zhiyong, who was detained more than 1 million Muslim- Other detainees include leased. said. He had lost hearing in these years because their from a friend’s home in minority Uighurs in the labor activists such as Wei But many Uighurs one ear, suffered severe husbands were taken, their Guangzhou last week. On western region of Xinjiang. Zhili, 30, who had advocated abroad say that, while some weight loss and developed sons are not there, they’ve Tuesday, Gui Minhai, a Prisons are an ideal envi- for construction workers dy- Xinjiang relatives have been skin rashes that he said were lost their source of income — Hong Kong bookseller with ronment for viral transmis- ing of occupational lung dis- released, others have been common in the camp. a lot of parents are gone,” Swedish citizenship, was sion, according to medical ease in Shenzhen. He was ar- moved to prisons. For Zul- “He became so thin — she said. “We are also hu- sentenced to 10 years in pris- experts. Doctors recom- rested in March 2019 on hayat Yaermaimaiti, 31, a Ui- when I saw him, I couldn’t mans. We just want to live on for “illegally providing in- mend keeping a distance of charges of “picking quarrels ghur from Ili, a northwest- help it, I cried every day,” she normally, nothing else. … I formation overseas.” at least 6 feet from any sick and provoking trouble,” and ern part of Xinjiang border- said. can’t imagine what happens He is one of several book- person to avoid contagion, has not had a trial. ing Kazakhstan, the virus But her brother remains next.” sellers who were abducted and confirmed cases should His wife, Zheng Churan, a has worsened fears for her detained in what her family Experts from a World and detained in 2015. remain in complete isola- feminist who was jailed for a brother, Wutikuer, 29, who believes is a prison. Late last Health Organization team Deng, the lawyer’s wife, tion. month in 2015 for handing was taken for “reeducation” year, security officials facili- that visited China this said that friends and activ- “You aren’t going to see out stickers against sexual in April 2017, shortly after he tated a video call through a month have praised the ists who tried to contact her bottles of Purell. You’re go- harassment on the subway, graduated from college in screen at a public security of- country’s response for its ef- about Qin were interrogated ing to see people existing wrote on Twitter that she Turkey and returned to Xin- fice. Mother and son spoke ficiency and scale. “If I had by police and ordered to stop very close together, which “went crazy” after hearing jiang. for about five minutes. COVID-19, I’d want to be talking about her husband. aids transmission,” said about the prison infections. Her brother had hoped to After seeing her son for treated in China,” WHO She made a trip to Beijing Brandon Brown, an epide- “Xiaowei is in the deten- open an import-export busi- the first time, the mother fell public health expert Bruce last year, hoping to petition miologist at UC Riverside. tion center, our lawyer can’t ness back home, Yaer- sick for three days, shocked Aylward said in Geneva on central authorities for help Perhaps the closest com- see him, I don’t know any- maimaiti said in a phone in- at how gaunt he looked — Tuesday. —only to find that she was parison to the prison scenar- thing about his health at all,” terview from Tennessee, and that he was wearing Others aren’t so effusive. on a blacklist of human io would be cruise ships, he said Zheng, using a nick- where she now lives. But he prison clothes. “She said, “It’s disturbing to hear in- rights lawyers’ relatives. said, where large popula- name for her husband. became a target for the ‘This is prison, not a ternational public health ex- Desperate for informa- tions in close quarters have “Some say prisons and de- camps probably because school,’” Yaermaimaiti said. perts make broad remarks tion about her husband, illustrated the virus’ explo- tention centers are the he’d traveled abroad, one of Yaermaimaiti’s parents praising the Chinese govern- Deng tried to visit the Nan- sive spread. Scientists have safest place. … It’s not like the government’s criteria for are now barred from leaving ment’s ability to quarantine ning detention center this another concern: feces. In that at all. The more closed a measuring “extremism.” their house as part of a quar- extraordinary numbers of week. But the building was addition to the virus surviv- place is, the easier it is to cov- A year after Wutikuer’s antine against the co- people. I hear that and I shut, as are most buildings ing for hours on surfaces, re- er things up.” detention, their father, ronavirus. They run a small think, that’s precisely the ex- aside from supermarkets searchers suspect major Meanwhile, authorities who’d worked as a driver for market and live off the sup- traordinary degree of con- and pharmacies, she said. contagion occurs in shared have reported 76 infections the local education bureau plies they have there. But trol that they use to arbi- Authorities are telling ev- bathroom settings. and two deaths in Xinjiang, for 30 years, was also taken they fear for other families trarily detain 1 million peo- eryone to stay at home. Fecal contamination is where at least 1 million Ui- for “reeducation.” Their and for their son, who has ple,” said Sophie Richard- Deng sits in silence, watch- an “occasionally dramatic ghurs and other Muslims mother, an elementary never had a trial and whose son, the China director at ing the virus numbers accelerator in coronavirus have reportedly been school teacher, was spared length of sentence is un- Human Rights Watch. change day by day. outbreaks,” said Dr. Michael detained in concentration only because she was in a known. “Let’s be a little bit more “Now it’s like we’re all in Callahan, an infectious dis- camps for forced “reeducat- hospital, suffering heart “We are especially wor- nuanced and thoughtful prison,” she said. ease physician at Massachu- ion.” Their families are des- problems triggered by ried about coronavirus — about human rights viola- setts General Hospital. perate for information. stress, when police came in, what if it’s in the camps or tions before lavishing on the Su reported from Beijing That’s almost inevitable Apetitioncirculating on took pictures and decided prisons? They won’t be able praise,” she said. and Baumgaertner from in prison settings, where Change.org has gained more not to detain her. Yaer- to manage it at all. Their Chinese authorities have Los Angeles. dozens of inmates share open toilets or buckets for defecation. Former detain- Mexico confirms its first case of coronavirus ees in China also describe overcrowding, unclean food and poor ventilation in pris- ons and holding centers. Amember of Chengdu’s Early Rain church, an underground Christiancon- tests confirmedthat he had no immediate public confir- comes two days after the of health, told reporters. By Patrick J. gregation that authorities contracted the virus, health mation from Mexico’s fed- first confirmed case of the Members of the man’s family McDonnell broke up in 2018, described a authorities said. eral health secretariat. new coronavirus, known as were being kept in isolation, detention facility where he Another potential pa- Officials emphasized COVID-19, in Latin America the official said. MEXICO CITY — Mexi- tient in Mexico, a 41-year-old that the matter was under —a 61-year-old man in Brazil The infected man, a resi- can authorities on Friday man who also recently trav- control and urged Mexicans who had also recently re- dent of Mexico City, traveled confirmed the country’s first eled to Italy, was in isolation not to panic. turned from a trip to Italy. to Italy between Feb. 14 and FOR THE case of the new coronavirus at a hotel in the northwest “We are prepared to con- Italy is experiencing a Feb. 22, authorities said. —a 35-year-old man who re- state of Sinaloa, officials front this situation of co- major outbreakof the virus, Officials here vowed RECORD cently traveled to Italy and said. But one additional test ronavirus,” President An- which has quickly spread to regular updates, and López has displayed “minor” was pending to confirm the drés Manuel López Obrador more than 50 nations. Obrador called on the media “Burden” review: In the symptoms, officials said. diagnosis, federal author- said Friday at his regular In Mexico, five people not to create “a collective Feb. 28 Calendar section, a The man, who was not ities said. Quirino Ordaz, the morning news conference. who had contact with the psychosis of fear.” box accompanying the re- identified, was being held in governor of Sinaloa state, “We have the doctors, the man confirmed to be in- view of “Burden” misstated isolation at the National In- said on Twitter that the man specialists, the hospitals, fected were “under analy- Special correspondent the film’s running time. It is stitute of Respiratory Dis- had been confirmed as hav- the capacity to face this.” sis,” Dr. Hugo López-Gatell, Cecilia Sánchez contributed 1hour, 57 minutes. eases in Mexico City after ing the virus, but there was The announcement the country’s subsecretary to this report. 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In a se- is an update of tactics porters during the senator’s cret recording of a 2018 din- first presidential run. ner that was released last used four years ago. Trump was aided by hacked month, Trump claimed Democratic Party emails without evidence that he showing party leaders fa- won 20% of Sanders’ disaf- By Noah Bierman vored the ultimate nominee, fected voters in 2016 after Hillary Clinton. Clinton won the nomination WASHINGTON —Presi- Russian intelligence op- in a bitter primary fight. dent Trump has stepped up eratives stole and released “All those people that his efforts to boost Bernie thousands of internal emails hated her so much voted for Sanders’ presidential cam- and other documents in an me,” Trump said. Sanders paign and to sow doubts effort to boost Trump’s “basically says we’re getting among Sanders’ supporters chances, according to U.S. screwed on trade and he’s about the fairness of the intelligence and law enforce- right. I’m worse than he is, nomination process, an up- ment agencies. and we can do something date of the disruptive strate- Political operatives long about [the trade imbal- gy he believes helped him have mounted backroom ef- ance]. I don’t know if he win the White House four forts to disrupt opposing could have.” years ago. campaigns, sometimes il- Pollsters did not find evi- People close to Trump legally. But Trump’s overt dence that Trump won a siz- and his campaign say the calls to interfere in the able share of Sanders’ sup- tactic is as deliberate as it is Democratic primaries, and porters. But they both draw simple, with a goal of cre- Manuel Balce CenetaAssociated Press sow doubt about the results, from a similar set of male ating chaos in the Demo- “THE ONLYthing better for Trump than Bernie Sanders getting screwed out of shows him bulldozing an- blue-collar workers and oth- cratic Party in hopes of the nomination is if Bernie Sanders wins the nomination,” a GOP operative said. other democratic norm from ers frustrated with global- weakening its turnout in No- the Oval Office. ization and eager to take vember while aiding a poten- where registered voters can in the Nevada caucuses, holds its primary on March “It’s terrible and it’s very down the establishment. tial opponent who Trump vote in either party primary, where he swept every voting 17. “If they take it away from harmful as we try to have a “Populist sentiment considers fatally flawed. Republican activists urged group except people over 65, him like they did the last nation where there’s true drives both the Trump can- With Sanders hoping to Trump supporters to vote stunned operatives in both time, I really believe you’re democracy,” said Tad Dev- didacy and the Sanders can- lock down a clear delegate for Sanders in Saturday’s parties. The results sug- going to have — you’re gonna ine, Sanders’ chief strategist didacy, so it makes sense lead after the all-important Democratic primary — gested for the first time that have a very riotous time in in 2016 and a veteran of previ- that there would be some Super Tuesday contests on echoing Trump’s instruc- he could build a broad- the Democrat Party, be- ous Democratic campaigns. overlap in their support,” March 3, Trump also is tions to New Hampshire in- based coalition, as he long cause they really, they did a “He’s undermining it at ev- said Whit Ayres, a Republi- playing a card that fires up dependents to “vote for the has claimed. lot of numbers on him.” ery turn.” can pollster who works for his own base, taunting the weakest candidate” before Unlike in 2016, Sanders Stirring dissent in the op- Trump likely will get help congressional candidates. iconoclastic senator from that state’s primary. had a hand in crafting the position party “makes from a Republican Party Ayres argues that Sand- Vermont as a “crazy” social- “The only thing better for Democrats’ nominating sense,” said a Republican that is firmly in his control. ers is Trump’s ideal oppo- ist who would lead the coun- Trump than Bernie Sanders rules this year, giving him operative with close ties to Nate Leupp, who chairs nent in a head-to-head race, try into economic ruin. getting screwed out of the less room to argue that the the White House, who re- the Republican Party in noting that Democrats who Sometimes he combines nomination is if Bernie process was designed to quested anonymity to reveal Greenville, S.C., is one of sev- helped win control of the the two messages. After Sanders wins the nomina- make him fail. internal discussions. “When eral county leaders who pub- House in 2018 mostly ran on Sanders won the Feb. 22 tion,” said Michael Caputo, But if he loses the nomi- the big man is already talk- licly urged Republicans to moderate platforms. Sand- Nevada caucuses, for exam- who worked on the 2016 cam- nation, Trump wants Sand- ing about it, I can guarantee vote for Sanders in Sat- ers, he said, is “exactly the ple, Trump congratulated paign and remains in touch ers’ impassioned supporters you it will be front and cen- urday’s primary. The Re- wrong candidate” for subur- “Crazy Bernie” in a tweet, with Trump’s advisors. “It’s to believe he was cheated so ter” in the campaign. publicans canceled their pri- ban women who are crucial warning “Don’t let them awin-win situation.” they will either stay home on If Sanders wins the most mary in the state this year. to the Democratic base. take it away from you!” Many of Trump’s allies election day or vote for delegates but loses the Leupp cited several Some Trump allies worry On Tuesday in New see Sanders as the most Trump. The two share some nomination at a brokered goals, including frustrating he may be boosting a candi- Delhi, Trump claimed with- beatable Democrat in No- of the same raw populist Democratic convention, “it the Democratic establish- date who has created a out evidence that Demo- vember, although there is rhetoric on trade and elites, will be seen as outrageous by ment and weakening Joe movement, exciting young crats had leaked intelligence growing debate over despite fundamentally dif- his folks, and I know our Biden, who is counting on people and other new voters, to undermine Sanders’ cam- whether they are underesti- ferent ideologies, grievances campaign and our party will the state to revive his flag- and see his Nevada win as a paign. Democrats “don’t mating Sanders’ ability to and solutions. gaslight that,” the operative ging campaign. Leupp has possible red flag. want him, so they put out a galvanize a hidden bloc of “The last time we had a said. since pulled back from his of- “Be careful what you wish thing that Russia is backing disgruntled voters, as lot of Bernie Sanders sup- It’s a reboot of what ficial calls for cross-party for with Bernie Sanders,” him,” Trump said. Trump did in 2016. porters,” Trump told a TV Trump believes worked well voting, saying party activ- said Sam Nunberg, a former And in South Carolina, Sanders’ thumping win station in Arizona, which for him in 2016, when he capi- ists should lead such efforts. Trump campaign advisor. IMPORTANT NOTICE! TIRED OF YOUR OUTDATED KITCHEN? WARNING! IS YOUR HEATER SAFE? GET YOUR DREAM KITCHEN NOW 58 X-PROTECT Present Withourdeluxepackagethatincludesallwoodkitchen $ cabinetsandgranitecountertopsthatofferluxuryand this ad& HEATING TUNE qualityataffordablepremanufacturedprices. Save 20%** UP & SAFETY PLUS INSPECTION!!! 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Carolina’s Democratic pri- Gadsden also noted, as mary on Saturday: Black some of the other protesters people account for about had, that South Bend does three-fifths of the party’s not have a $15 minimum voters here, but many don’t wage. However, Indiana law know who he is, and a vocal bars local governments from share of those who do don’t instituting a citywide min- like him. imum wage at private busi- The former mayor of nesses. Buttigieg was part of South Bend, Ind., does have a successful effort to raise his supporters, including a the minimum wage for city group called African Ameri- employees, to $10.10 from cans for Pete. They sing his $7.25. praises in town halls, laud- Another protester with ing his mayoral record and the Black Youth Project, 28- an agenda to address sys- year-old Mariah Monsanto, temic racism that is named complained, “Pete is exploit- for the 19th century black ing workers and black folks abolitionist and statesman to make it seem like he’s for” Frederick Douglass. the higher minimum wage. But for most black vot- “Pete isn’t here for anybody ers, Buttigieg largely re- who’s not white, male and mains a nonfactor among privileged. And that’s not the Democrats on the ballot. workers, for the most part.” All week, since Saturday’s Buttigieg’s campaign did Nevada caucuses, he’s been Matt RourkeAssociated Press not make him available for in a sprint of sorts to catch DEMOCRATICpresidential candidate Pete Buttigieg joins a march this week in Charleston demanding a an interview, but in a state- up — dashing to Columbia, union and a $15 hourly minimum wage for McDonald’s workers. The South Carolina primary is Saturday. ment said that he “has ac- Greenville and Charleston, knowledged his privilege and then to Sumter on Fri- mayor, against more formi- Biden this week, dealing a pressed. She seemed to take Buttigieg has made mul- early and often throughout day. dable resumes including blow to the efforts of in every word of his speech, tiple appearances in this campaign. That is why While the 38-year-old Sanders, [Sen. Elizabeth] Buttigieg and other Demo- and after the service said she Charleston, the state’s larg- he worked with black lead- candidate made an impres- Warren and Biden,” Shaw crats to woo black voters. remained undecided but est city. Perhaps the most ers to develop the most com- sive showing early in the said. “Folks are unlikely to Yet Buttigieg has kept was “leaning toward Pete.” lively engagement occurred prehensive agenda for black nominating contests, virtu- give him high marks be- trying. He joined a picket “I thought his speech was Monday afternoon at a America of any candidate in ally tying Vermont Sen. cause of this.” line for a higher minimum very good,” Mckelvey said, picket line where he joined the race.” Bernie Sanders in Iowa and Kendall Deas, a political wage and has spoken at and “very interesting, very nearly 100 protesters to de- Ryann Richardson, Miss coming in a close second to science professor at the Col- town halls and churches, educational. Everything he mand a $15-an-hour min- Black America 2019 and a him in New Hampshire, both lege of Charleston, echoed often impressing attendees said was actually true.” imum wage for McDonald’s supporter of Buttigieg, in an states’ electorates are over- Shaw’s analysis, saying with his tranquil demeanor Wilburn Gilliard was cooks and cashiers. interview lauded the candi- whelmingly white. Nevada, Buttigieg is “not a known el- and thoughtful remarks. similarly impressed but not Buttigieg, who was among date’s Douglass Plan for with a significant Latino ement.” But Deas also noted On Sunday morning, he sold. Buttigieg’s speech, he the few white demonstrators Black America, which in- population, was Buttigieg’s that Buttigieg got a rough spoke before a crowd of at said, “covered a lot of items in the crowd, helped hold a cludes proposals addressing first test in a more diverse start in the state. least 300 at First Baptist that’s pertinent to us as “Unions for All” banner at racial inequity in the crimi- state, and he finished a dis- He recalled that last Church of James Island, not black folks, and as Ameri- the head of the crowd, which nal justice system, voting tant third. June, Buttigieg left early far from downtown Charles- cans in general.” chanted, “We work, we and housing. South Carolina, however, from Rep. James E. ton, and addressed systemic The 73-year-old retired sweat, put $15 on our check.” She said of the police poses an even bigger chal- Clyburn’s World Famous racism in the penal system engineer said Buttigieg’s As the crowd rounded the shooting last year in South lenge. A Marist/NBC poll Fish Fry, a must-stop for and the abnormally high youth is also appealing: “I drive-through window, Bend that Buttigieg “ac- that was completed Feb. 21 candidates to meet Demo- rate of maternal mortality feel we need some younger about 10 people from an ac- cepted accountability, ac- found Buttigieg had support cratic voters, hosted by among black women. folks in office.” Gilliard tivist group, the Black Youth knowledged a failure on his of just 4% of likely black vot- the state’s highest-ranking “When I’m asking voters, didn’t rule out voting for 77- Project, peeled off and began watch.” Rather than “trying ers while former Vice Presi- elected black official. He was and in particular black vot- year-old Biden, though he is a competing chant: “Pete to find the candidate that dent Joe Biden, the leader, still South Bend’s mayor at ers, to trust me in this elec- opposed to 78-year-old can’t be our president! passes a purity test at 100%,” had 32% and Sanders was the time, and had to go home tion, that is asking some- Sanders. Where was $15 in South Richardson said, she is more next with 22%. to deal with the fallout of a body who has perhaps never “It was nice to hear him Bend?” concerned with “finding the Todd Shaw, a political white police officer’s fatal met me to trust me with personally,” Gilliard said of “It’s why we’re here, candidate who earnestly science professor at the Uni- shooting of a black man. their lives,” he said. “So Buttigieg. Most voters, of guys,” a Buttigieg staffer wants to do well by black versity of South Carolina, at- Deas said it hurt many black lives are at stake course, won’t have that op- replied. “It’s why we’re here.” Americans.” tributed Buttigieg’s low Buttigieg to have to leave an in decisions that are being portunity, and Buttigieg has Mika Gadsden, a 38-year- “I won’t fault him for standing to apprehension event “that is crucial for made right now in those big limited resources to intro- old radio show host and local making a mistake,” she add- among black voters unfamil- Democratic candidates to white buildings in Washing- duce himself through adver- organizer with the group ed. “I’d fault him if he made iar with him. introduce themselves to ton, D.C.” tising. Earlier this week, Black Voters Matter, said in the mistake over and over “He’s having to put his people in the community.” Faith Mckelvey, a 54- however, his campaign re- an interview: “We’re here to and over again. The Pete lack of name recognition, Clyburn, the third-rank- year-old inventory-control leased statewide television support the workers that are Buttigieg I know doesn’t and the fact that he’s much ing House Democrat and a technician who was unfamil- and digital ads targeting fighting for a fair and equita- make the same mistake younger and has only been civil rights leader, endorsed iar with Buttigieg, was im- black voters. ble wage. But what we’re not twice.” Black S. Carolina voters zero in on Trump [South Carolina,from A1] Confederacy, many black “Look around,” he says, “I don’t think they’re voters see in Trump a racist gazing out at a street lined ready for the fight,” Pryor leader who trades in the with boarded-up businesses says. “It’s like they’re os- toxic attitudes and language and dilapidated houses on triches. Their heads are bur- they know so well. Black ac- lawns with more dirt than ied in the sand.” tivists in the 1960s risked ar- grass. “It hasn’t made a dif- Much of the focus on Sat- rest and violence at the ference. I can’t even get a urday’s primary revolves hands of their state’s segre- business loan.” around the comeback at- gationists to fight for civil South Carolina’s younger tempt of Joe Biden, who liberties and voting rights. black voters are feeling hopes a win here can stop Now many see voting as cru- underwhelmed by the Bernie Sanders’ ascendance cial to keep the past from re- Democrats’ promises to fix and launch the former vice peating itself. the sorry state of the union, president into Tuesday’s In 2015, a white suprema- too. coast-to-coast round of bal- cist shot to deathnine mem- As Demekia Johnson and loting. bers of Mother Emanuel Marilyn Finney left a rally But for black voters AME Churchin Charleston’s with Massachusetts Sen. weighing their choices, the old quarter. In photos Elizabeth Warren on election goes beyond such posted online, he’d posed Wednesday on the campus tactical considerations. The with a Confederate flag. of South Carolina State Uni- election is more personal “It’s so bad in the country versity in Orangeburg, they and consequential than any right now that it’s almost said they were tired of the they can remember. And for like a civil war — of words “mayhem,” as Finney put it, that reason, many find the —and it gets more divisive that’s gripped the nation current field of candidates and more inflammatory since Trump became presi- wanting. every day,” says John dent. As Melvin Wright Sr. Wright, an Army veteran Warren told the hun- cooked burgers and chicken and community leader in dreds of students gathered thighs on a homemade ro- the historic black settlement in an auditorium at this his- tating grill outside the tire of Old Village just across torically black university shop that bears his name in the river from Charleston. that fighting back against the town of Florence, he con- He is no relation to Melvin injustice — and Trump’s fessed that he’s not im- Wright. racism— was “an act of pa- pressed with the half a dozen John Wright’s ancestors triotism.” Democrats scuffling for his Tyrone BeasonLos Angeles TImes founded the village in the Johnson, a 21-year-old bi- support. MELVIN WRIGHT SR.,right, with son Melvin Jr., believes Joe Biden “has it in late 1800s after being freed ology major from the state “Trump — he ain’t worth him” to win, but “needs to do a better job of talking in a way that relates to us.” from slavery. capital of Columbia who’s in a dime,” Wright said as he Moss-drenched live oaks her senior year, and Finney, sat on an unseasonably cool side President Obama, and the Mason Temple Church The first shots of the Civil and cottages with wide a23-year-old graduate stu- Sunday morning in front of a because he’s at least framed of God in Christ, Democratic War rang in 1861 down the porches fill the compact, dent who’s studying busi- garage adorned ground-to- his campaign as a fight to candidates were invited to coast from here, in Charles- waterfront neighborhood. ness administration, roofline with shiny silver save America’s soul from a celebrate primary week and ton, a meticulously pre- But most of the residents to- agreed. hubcaps. president who’s eating away woo congregants. Alester served colonial city located day are white. Finney said she’s from The problem for the at its core values. Pryor was there. on a river that spills into the Many of the original nearby Union, which she de- Democrats, the 65-year-old Biden himself often But when the audience of Atlantic. black families that owned scribed “a very Confederate said, is that their efforts to boasts of his long-running about 80 rose to join in on Descendants of slavery the homes sold or lost them town” where racism is alive energize South Carolina’s ties within the black com- “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” who visit the city’s historic because they couldn’t afford and well. black voters don’t add up to munities in the South. Still, asong calling for social jus- downtown must walk past a rising property taxes as The two students said much either. with so much at stake in this tice and black uplift, not one towering waterfront memo- white families with more in- they were still undecided Wright said that Biden, election, Wright Sr. said even of the candidates was in the rial celebrating the heroism come moved in, says Wright, about whom to vote for in for one, could’ve boosted his that doesn’t feel like enough. pews. of Confederate soldiers who who spends most of his time the primary, but no matter chances by doing more to “I know he has it in him,” “I’m a little disappointed died in the war fought to working with local officials who it is, they want a Demo- understand why this elec- he said. “But he needs to do a that they didn’t think keep blacks enslaved. to save what remains of the cratic nominee who’ll bring tion is so important to Afri- better job of talking in a way enough of us to be here,” Pry- African Americans con- district. the country back to its can Americans. that relates to us.” or said. tinue to suffer from the lega- Too often, says Wright, senses, and restore a sense Wright and his son, The question of how to re- History weighs on the cy of slavery — mass incar- he’s seen politicians fail to of calm. Melvin Wright Jr., who came late and build a meaningful minds and shapes the out- ceration, entrenched pover- fulfill their promises to make But Johnson’s not sure out to join his father by the connection to the 60% of look of black voters in this ty, bad schools, segregated life better for black Ameri- that the party will get its own grill, saw Biden as the par- South Carolina Democrats state, and across the South, neighborhoods, voter sup- cans in his city, even as they act together in time to over- ty’s best hope for unseating who are African American is in a way that people who ar- pression — all problems the faithfully throw their sup- come Trump. Trump, because of his dec- acomplicated one. en’t from here, and who ar- Democrats say they want to port behind the Democratic “Is their plan solid?” she ades of experience in public At a gospel music “ex- en’t black, might find hard to solve. Party by supporting its can- asked out loud. “I don’t office and his service along- travaganza” in Conway, at grasp. In this corner of the old didates. know.” A7 LATIMES.COM WST SS ■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■ PRESIDENTS DAY AALLEE EVERYTHING IS ON SALE 700 Series SPECIAL Eric GayAssociated Press ELIZABETH WARRENhas attacked the Trump administration’s “outrageous” PRICE refusal to promise a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable for all Americans. 2020 race could become the coronavirus election White House, who nonethe- take the advice of the Cen- Experts raise concerns less warned that the virus’ ters for Disease Control “to about whether trajectory in the U.S. was keep Wisconsinites and our “uncertain” and that they visitors safe and health,” Americans will be were bracing for more cases. said spokeswoman Jennifer able to participate in But as evidence emerges Miller. that the virus may have A Republican National the political process. gained a toehold inside the Convention spokesperson Over size U.S. in addition to other did not respond to a request countries, Democratic can- for comment about the par- By Matt Pearce didates have slammed ty’s convention in Charlotte, Trump’s sunny outlook on N.C., nor did local health offi- It’s hard to run an elec- containment, while also ar- cials. RUGS tion during a pandemic, let guing that the patchwork, Unlike other potential alone stay healthy. costly nature of the nation’s election emergencies, a pan- In 1918, as Spanish in- private healthcare system demic could affect the entire fluenza wreaked havoc in poses a threat to the coun- country, throwing the na- one of the greatest health di- try’s ability to manage a tion’s system of locally man- sasters in U.S. history, politi- deadly pandemic. aged elections and their pro- IN STOCK cians were sidelined as bans “We need a president who tocols under harsh strain. on public gatherings made it does not play politics with Voting experts are calling for impossible to hold cam- our health and national se- election officials to make paign rallies. curity,” Democratic front- pandemic contingency 12’ X 18’ There was no vaccine for runner Sen. Bernie Sanders plans now, rather than wait- that virus, which killed hun- of Vermont said in a state- ing to see the progress of the dreds of thousands of ment Thursday. He urged virus. Americans, and the best offi- support for his “Medicare for “You could have 50 states cials could do was keep peo- all” plan to create a national simultaneously all being im- And ple away from one another to healthcare system “so every- pacted” in a pandemic, said limit the microbe’s spread. one can see a doctor or get a Michael Morley, an assistant Voters in that year’s vaccine for free.” professor of law at Florida Larger midterm election headed to As stories circulate of State University College of the polling booths in masks some coronavirus tests cost- Law who specializes in elec- for fear that a simple act of ing as much as $1,400, Pete tion law. He warned that the civic participation could be Buttigieg, the former mayor legal complexities of such a deadly. of South Bend, Ind., said scenario could be unprece- And for good reason: In that insurance costs and dented. Wayne, Neb., officials lifted a coverage barriers could “get “So rather than looking public-gathering ban five in the way of the opportunity at the law of a single state or days before the election, al- to delay the spread of infec- a handful of states, you’re lowing a flurry of last-minute tion.” looking at the law of 50 differ- campaigning — which also Sen. Elizabeth Warren of ent states, which could han- coincided with a rise in Massachusetts has attacked dle crises in 50 different deadly infections. the administration’s “outra- ways,” Morley said. Now, for the first time in a geous” refusal to promise a According to the most re- century, a U.S. election faces coronavirus vaccine would cently available research the unusual threat of being be affordable for all Ameri- from the National Confer- upended by a potential pan- cans. ence of State Legislatures, demic as a new coronavirus In a USA Today op-ed, “At least 45 states have stat- has shocked the global econ- former Vice President Joe utes that deal with election omy, tested President Biden slammed Trump’s at- day emergencies in some Trump’s administration tempted budget cuts to na- way, though there is little and fueled Democratic at- tional health and disease- consistency between states tacks on both his leadership prevention agencies, which on what events would be and the private healthcare Congress has ignored by in- covered and exactly what system’s ability to protect all stead boosting financing for plans will be followed in each Americans. the National Institutes of emergency.” Should the virus spread, Health and the Centers for Morley said local officials experts are also raising con- Disease Control and Preven- should start planning now, cerns over Americans’ abil- tion. getting rules in place “before ity to participate in the polit- Former New York Mayor the emergency hits. The last ical process should the na- Michael R. Bloomberg thing you want is govern- tion undertake the kind of broadcast an attack ad ment officials, many of isolation measures that against Trump over his whom themselves are could make it more difficult management of the virus. elected officials, trying to to hold campaign rallies, Fellow billionaire candidate make up the rules for an nominating conventions Tom Steyer warned that election in the middle of an and in-person balloting. Trump’s management ongoing election.” Business leaders are al- “risks a [Hurricane] But the National Assn. of ready canceling large confer- Katrina-level disaster for State Election Directors, a ences as a preventative mat- our country.” group that represents elec- ter, and American health of- A pandemic poses a tion officials, was mum when ficials are warning that dis- unique threat to the political asked if it was examining the ruption to daily life could be process. Unlike an earth- issue of administering elec- “severe,” raising questions quake or a terrorist attack, a tions during a pandemic. about a pandemic’s poten- pandemic is not an unfore- “For questions about the tial impact on the nation’s seeable event, potentially coronavirus and its impact democracy. giving officials weeks or even on any domestic activities, “If we’re unfortunate months to prepare. A World you should contact the enough that the virus be- Health Organization official CDC,” the group’s executive comes prevalent in the on Friday declined to call the director, Amy Cohen, told United States, it could affect coronavirus outbreak a pan- The Times. The Centers for both campaigns and the demic, but scientists have Disease Control, in turn, did Visit election itself potentially, previously said it could not respond to a request for and affect how campaigns reach that level. comment on whether it had are run, affect who turns out Political conventions guidance for officials mak- Our to vote, and potentially af- could pose a particular risk ing contingency plans for fect even the outcome of the for the spread of a virus; it’s elections. Persian election,” said Richard happened before. In 2016, Another question mark Hasen, a professor specializ- California Republicans had would be Trump’s manage- ing in election law at the UC to be quarantined in their ment of the crisis, with crit- RUG Irvine School of Law. hotel rooms in Ohio after ics questioning his ability to In the best scenario, the suffering from an outbreak manage voting issues fairly one still hoped for by Ameri- of norovirus. Health and and impartially. can health officials, the party officials are already “What if Trump decided Corner virus’ march can be stopped, monitoring the potential im- is what he was going to do is or at least slowed long pact to this summer’s put a quarantine on two or enough for the development Democratic National Con- three states that were likely of an effective vaccine, which vention in Milwaukee; Wis- to go the other way [and sup- would likely take more than consin has seen one con- port Democrats], but not on Rug Cleaning Financing ayear. firmed case of coronavirus. the red states?” said Nor- nwrugs.com That would allow Ameri- “Our No. 1 concern is to man Ornstein, a resident & Repairs Available cans to carry on with their ensure all eligible voters are scholar and elections expert lives and limit the damage to able to make their voices at the conservative Ameri- the domestic economy from heard without jeopardizing can Enterprise Institute the drastic isolation mea- anyone’s health and safety,” think tank. “This raises a sures taken by China and said Maya Hixson, whole set of questions we other nations. It would pre- spokeperson for the Demo- don’t normally like to think vent deaths and, as a politi- cratic National Committee. about, but we have to think cal bonus to Trump, boost “We will continue to closely about.” his argument for reelection. monitor as the situation de- Ornstein added: “You “Because of all we’ve velops.” would hope that people Sherman Oaks 14564Ventura Blvd. (818) 386-7847 done, the risk to the Ameri- The Wisconsin Depart- would act in the national in- can people remains very ment of Health Services is terest and would put those Agoura Hills 28610 Canwood St. (818) 706-3333 low,” Trump said Wednes- uncertain about the virus’ things aside, but we’re in a day at a news conference potential trend in the state time of high stakes and high 3 locations in Portland,OR -(503)682-7847 with medical experts at the by July, but it said it would tribalism.” Monday - Saturday:10AM to 7PM - Sunday:11AM to 6PM A8 SS LATIMES.COM Super-dry February spells concern [Rain,from A1] extremes can now coexist in awarmer climate.” Historical data, however, suggest there is just a small likelihood of what some call a“March Miracle.” Over the last 14 decades, only five of the 20 driest Februaries in downtown Los Angeles were followed by Marches with above-average rainfall, said Bill Patzert, a retired clima- tologist for the Jet Propul- sion Laboratory in La Cañada-Flintridge. San Francisco follows a similar pattern, with only six of 18 relatively dry Februar- ies leading to above-average March rainfall since 1852, said Jan Null, a meteorolo- gist with Golden Gate Weather Services. “You’re running out of time,” said meteorologist David Miskus, who wrote the federal government’s National Weather Service most recent U.S. Drought SATELLITEimagery reveals the stark discrepancy between last year’s ample snowpack, left, and this year’s. Monitor report on Thurs- day. “It’d be nice to get a near-normal March, but it Chances of a ‘March Miracle’ are looks like you might have to about 25%, based on history wait until next season.” For now, the effects of the Going back to 1878, only five of the 20 driest Februaries in dry February can be seen downtown L.A. were followed by Marches with from space — in satellite above-average rainfall. Only one, 1911-1912, might qualify photos that capture the bar- as a miracle. ren Sierra, and at the re- gion’s ski resorts, desperate March rainfall in inches for fresh powder. They also 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 can be seen across the state’s ranch lands — where 1911-1912 6.99 cattle seeking fields of green 1973-1974 grass shoots are finding dust instead. It has not 1923-1924 rained at all in downtown 1895-1896 Sacramento in February, making it the driest Febru- 2017-2018 2.69 ary on record there in 153 1966-1967 years of record-keeping. The lack of rain has also 1964-1965 meant fewer clouds, which can act as insulation for the 1976-1977 March average: region. Without them, 2.54 inches 1909-1910 February’s average high Al SeibLos Angeles Times temperature was 67.6 de- 1898-1899 A PEDESTRIANnear Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles uses grees, or more than 6 de- an umbrella more for protection from the sun than from precipitation. 1963-1964 grees warmer than normal for the month, said National 2011-2012 Bruno Mountain State and that much more time to dry records available, Patzert Weather Service meteorolo- County Park south of San out, officials said. When the says the wet winters of 2016- gist Eric Kurth. Conversely, 1899-1900 Francisco on Friday, the month is over, this February 17 and 2018-19 were the excep- fewer clouds have also made 1960-1961 remnants of a prescribed fire will probably rank as the tions, not the rule, for Cali- it colder than average at in Mendocino County grew 10th-driest on record for fornia’s rain future. night. 2012-2013 out of control earlier this downtown Los Angeles, said Over that timethe aver- The situation is similar in week, and there was a 100- meteorologist Joe Sirard of age annual rainfall in down- 1983-1984 San Francisco, where the acre fire near Lake Tahoe in the National Weather Serv- town Los Angeles has been city’s downtown hasn’t had 1932-1933 mid-February. ice. 14.93 inches. Based on that any measurable precipita- After back-to-back cata- Though a small storm is average, the 20-year period 1894-1885 0.01 tion since late January, strophic fire years, 2019 forecast for the first week of from 1999 to 2019 was more marking one of the longest 1971-1972 Trace ended up being the quietest March, experts say it’s no- than 2 inches below that. streaks of dry winter days year of wildfires in California where near big enough to Another disturbing trend since the peak of the 1996-1997 0 since 2011, possibly because make up for the our liquid is earlier melt-off of Sierra drought in 2015. the state’s largest utilities deficit. snow. California’s snowpack “It seems like you guys ei- D2a0t1a 9b-y 2B0ill2 P0atzert Paul Duginski Los Angeles Times proactively shut down their Patzert says our water melted an inch just in Febru- ther get feast or famine,” power lines most vulnerable deficit and drought goes ary because of warmer- Miskus said from his Mary- storm in May, said Mike ation routes. “It’s a double- to wind events. The strategy back further than people than-typical weather, offi- land office. “I guess the nor- Mohler, spokesman for the edged sword — lots of rain, triggered blackouts for mil- think, evidenced by many of cials said. mal is to be abnormal.” California Department of lots of brush; no rain, dry lions of customers but also California’s groundwater “What we see in Califor- Because of the enduring Forestry and Fire Protec- brush,” Mohler said. “We potentially prevented some wells. He pointed to the the nia is the snowpack comes dryness, Cal Fire will prob- tion. hate to preach doom and blazes from igniting during Baldwin Park Key Well in the later, it leaves earlier,” ably begin staffing its sea- Anew slate of fuel-reduc- gloom, but it’s the reality we high winds. San Gabriel Valley Munici- Patzert said. “We shifted the sonal firefighters and in- tion and fire break projects live in.” In Southern California, pal Water District, which hit seasons. Warmer falls, mate hand crews earlier are lined up for 2020 to con- The writing of what could where the fire season typi- an all-time low in 2018 and re- warmer springs. And so than last year, when an ex- tinue last year’s surge of come is already on the wall, cally begins at the end of mains below its historic av- droughts are now hotter. ceptionally soggy winter was work aimed at protecting ru- Mohler said. A six-acre summer, the uneventful win- erage. They’re normal, but they’re capped with a surprise ral communities and evacu- brush fire broke out at San ter just gives the landscape Based on the 143 years of hotter.” Racing to slow virus’ spread in California [Coronavirus,from A1] Telliano disputed informa- was more concerned. health officer for Santa tion that the number could The student, who asked Clara County and director of be higher than 70 but re- to be identified only by his the Santa Clara County fused to say if more or fewer nickname “Vac,” was wear- Public Health Department. people were quarantined. ing a protective mask over “Now we need to start taking Steve Huddleston, vice his mouth and nose and additional actions to slow president of public affairs of black medical gloves on his down the spread of the dis- NorthBay Healthcare, said hands. ease.” the hospital has a staff of “I’m super worried,” said The ongoing efforts in the about a couple of hundred Vac, 21, an environmental en- Davis area had already led to and that the quarantine af- gineering student. “We’re in the voluntaryquarantining fected dozens connected to classes every day with other of dozens of people, includ- the hospital. students who may have been ing workers at the two hospi- Three UC Davis students exposed.” tals where the first woman are under 14-day isolation as Vac is from northern was treated as well as UC one awaits test results after China and has been in con- Davis and other college cam- showing mild coronavirus stant contact with his fam- puses. symptoms, officials said ily. He says they are fine but Although no new cases Thursday. The students are that he, along with many were reported there Friday, roommates at Kearney Hall, other students from Asia, health officials said the UC Davis Chancellor Gary S. are concerned for their loved spread was inevitable. May said. ones there. “Definitely we will have One student has been off He’s seen vitriolic racism more cases here,” Peter Beil- campus since Tuesday and against Asians on the inter- enson, Sacramento Coun- has been tested for net since the outbreak be- ty’s director of health serv- COVID-19. The student is in gan, but Vac said he has not ices, said. Justin SullivanGetty Images isolation at home, UC Davis experienced any discrimi- “You shed virus before THE SOLANO COUNTY patient was at this Vacaville hospital before UC Davis. spokeswoman Melissa Lutz nation at UC Davis. you are symptomatic, so it’s Blouin said Friday. “We have a pretty strong already out of the bag in a lot tacts — family, friends and health,” Brown said of con- cials because it could have Just outside the Kearney Asian community on cam- of ways. It’s going to spread, co-workers — there were tact tracing. allowed her to infect others Hall dorm at UC Davis on pus,” he said. it’s just going to spread.” other people exposed to the Because public health of- who came in contact with Friday, freshman Dominic On Friday afternoon, Beilenson said most peo- virus in places where this ficials don’t know how the her. Alvarez sat on a concrete Makayla Lara, 20, sipped ple who contract the person visited.” woman contracted the virus, To identify individuals bench texting friends. He iced green tea at a Starbucks COVID-19 virus — more than Tracing efforts would it’s also likely they’ll perform who came into contact with was unfazed about reports near NorthBay VacaValley 80% — will have mild or no probably start with the in- contact tracing in an at- the woman at the hospital, of the students potentially Hospital. symptomsbut still be able to fected patient’s family and tempt to figure out where NorthBay officials sifted exposed to the virus. Alvarez “I don’t think people are pass it along to others. co-workers, who would be she got it from, he said. through medical records to said some students on cam- super freaked out,” said The Centers for Disease isolated and tested, and The woman was hospital- see which clinicians entered pus are panicking unneces- Lara, a nursing student at Control and Prevention has then expand to those who ized for three days at North- her room. sarily, not realizing that the Solano Community College. sent 10 staffers to work with might have come in casual Bay VacaValley Hospital in Additionally, three days risk of getting seriously ill “I don’t think it’s anything local and state experts to contact with the patient in Vacaville before being of security footage from 8 from the virus is very low. to be afraid of. Just take help trace the Solano places the woman visited moved to UC Davis Medical p.m. Feb. 15 to mid-morning “Me and friends, we’re the necessary precautions County woman’s contacts, within the prior two weeks, Center. Feb. 19 was scoured to en- not gullible,” said Alvarez, a that you do with any virus. officials said. the timespan believed to be She was not immediately sure that all visitors and mechanical engineering stu- If you are sick, don’t go out. “Contact tracing is super the incubation period of the tested for several days be- non-clinicians — such as dent from Los Angeles. Wash your hands.” important because it can virus. cause she did not fit screen- workers who brought in food “We’re keeping up with the help reduce transmission,” Those more casual con- ing criteria set by the CDC at trays or refilled bathroom medical news. For young Willon reported from Davis, said Dr. Brandon Brown, an tacts would likely be the time, which included supplies — were tallied. healthy adults with healthy Chabria from Sacramento, associate professor at the watched for signs of illness, both symptoms of the virus Sacramento County immune systems, it’s just and Shalby and UC Riverside School of Med- then isolated and tested if and either a recent history of health officials said dozens like the flu. Older people Wigglesworth from Los icine’s Center for Healthy they develop symptoms. travel to China or close con- of people might be quaran- have to worry, and younger Angeles. Times staff writer Communities. “It’s a means of surveil- tact with another corona- tined at home based on hav- kids, though.” Rong-Gong Lin II in San “The worst-case scenario lance, which is the founda- virus patient. ing contact with the woman. Another student parking Francisco contributed to is that outside of close con- tion of modern public This gap concerns offi- UC Davis spokesman Steve his bike outside the dorm this report. A9 LATIMES.COM/OPINION OPINION LETTERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality of life Climate change, and dementia child tax breaks Re “Forced to live with Re “Baby steps won’t fix the dementia’s ruthless ad- climate crisis,” editorial, vance,” Opinion, Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Ralph E. Shaffer’s argu- Planting 1 trillion trees ment that physician-as- and oil companies promis- sisted suicide should be ing to be net-zero emitters available to people suffering of greenhouse gases will not from dementia is based on be enough to fight climate the premise that they and change, as your editorial their loved ones face a cer- says. There must be a world- tain future of “prolonged wide cutback on consump- pain and misery.” I question tion. that premise. This can partially be My mother had ad- achieved by individual and vanced dementia the last corporate conservation, but eight years of her life. ultimately global popula- Thanks to an outstanding tion stabilization is the day program, she discov- answer. ered the pleasure of paint- Afamily with two chil- ing even as she lost the dren will have stable con- ability to speak. No longer sumption over time. A fam- an active, independent ily with three will have more. retiree, she found in the day There needs to be a total program a new way of be- restructuring of the global longing. economy concentrating on a In the last weeks of her stable population, not ever- life, my mother was kept expanding demand based comfortable on home hos- on an ever-expanding popu- Win McNameeGetty Images pice. She gave her children lation. AS THE DEMOCRATICfront-runner, Bernie Sanders, left, was put on the defensive at the debate on Feb. 25. the gift of allowing them to One way to do this is to care for her in ways that she phase out child tax deduc- had cared for them. She tions over time so they apply Another red panic came full circle as a mother. to no more than two kids per Far from experiencing family. I know this sounds the “permanent move to grim, but so is what the warehoused care” that world faces. Shaffer fears for his friend, Alan Johnson my mother was the benefi- Long Beach RDe “Democrats, why aren’t you sounding the Sanders alert?” Opinion, Feb. 25 ciary of enlightened demen- tia care. Instead of thinking :: emocratic presidential candidateSen. Bernie Sanders has a lot of ideas for help- about how to help people with dementia end their It is hugely disappoint- ing a lot of people, including underpaid workers, students and those experiencing lives, let’s continue the work ing that energy companies homelessness. This does not mean he will socialize all our institutions and industries of helping them live their in the United States like to care for the needy. lives more fully. Chevron Corp. and Exxon Mary Bomba Mobil Corp. have not shifted Calling someone a socialist doesn’t give him the power to turn a democratic repub- Los Angeles their operations to produc- lic into a socialist state. Look at President Trump. Look at what he promised. Look at what he ing renewable fuels more delivered. He promised to fix everything that was broken, and he broke a lot of things that were :: aggressively. The handwriting has working. This tragic story rein- been on the wall for dec- This turmoil that the Democrats are creating over Sanders may be totally unwarranted. It is forces the unfortunate ades, and these companies fed by the pundits sitting behind cameras and microphones, warning that Sanders is destroying reality that too few people have enormous resources the party whose members support him. recognize that options exist and engineering talent at to reduce years of needless their disposal. Yet the best Baloney. The pundits talk as if they are always correct, but they do not know everything. Most suffering from dementia. they can do is to take the people don’t even know what a socialist is. Every competent adult baby steps that your editori- Listen to your own heart and mind. Trust your own judgment. has the right to document in al describes, perhaps unsur- Esther Cole, Ventura advance their desire to prising considering they are refuse medical treatments if capitalist enterprises driven they get dementia in the by market conditions and future by using Compassion price signals. Jonah Goldberg wrote will get the nomination. write-in candidate. I’ve had too many con- &Choices’ free online tools. The flaw in the equation that if Sanders is the Demo- Glenn Pascall Robert Impellizzeri versations with people By pre-claiming their voice, seems to be the lack of ac- cratic nominee, both parties Dana Point Moorpark concerning for whom they anyone can refuse life-ex- counting for the damage will have candidates who think they should vote and tending medical treatments that their products cause. A “have a good chance to lose :: :: not for whom they actually and reduce years of unnec- meaningful price on the —just as in 2016.” want to vote in the Demo- essary suffering. carbon content of their fuels Like Trump in 2016, As a moderate Republi- Ioppose Sanders for cratic primary. Medical aid-in-dying is an obvious, long-overdue Sanders does not have the can, I am disgusted by three reasons. First, his Personally, I’m flipping laws, including California’s factor needed to trigger the support of the majority of Trump’s indecent and un- proposals will die in Con- that narrative and voting for End of Life Option Act, are shift to renewable energy his party in the primary, and lawful behavior that endan- gress, even if Democrats the candidate I actually carefully crafted to protect that these companies are unlike Trump he does not gers our national security control both houses. prefer. Whoever is the ulti- vulnerable populations by eminently qualified to devel- benefit from winner-taker- and dismisses the expertise Second, I see no aptitude mate nominee to face off requiring a person to be op and profit from. all delegate allocations in of our intelligence and scien- or interest from Sanders in against Trump, I will back terminally ill, mentally Kent Strumpell some states. ce experts. doing the big job that must 100%. capable and able to self- Los Angeles If Sanders’ next two Imight consider voting be done of pulling the fed- All this grumbling about ingest the medication. runners-up got together for a moderate Democrat eral government back from which candidate looks the Given the realities of our they would match him, and for president, but I will not the brink. most presidential is crazy. health system, we must HOW TO WRITE TO US just one more moderate on consider voting for a far-left, Finally, he seems not to Compared to what? maintain these safeguards. that team would top him. so-called progressive. have a sense of humor, We’re in crisis, and all Kim Callinan Please send letters to This suggests good sense The Democratic Party and I’m tired of being this fretting does not help Washington [email protected]. For will prevail at the Demo- should be very concerned harangued. us. The writer is president submission guidelines, see cratic convention this sum- about alienating moderates Bob Klein Laurie Kilpatrick and chief executive of Com- latimes.com/lettersor call mer and another candidate and forcing us to vote for a Culver City Los Angeles passion & Choices. 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511. MAILBAG Numbers ‘Geezers’? Really? and letters Aquick breakdown of the mail we received from O readers this week n Thursday, op-ed columnistVirginia Heffernan In fact, the candidates did not say explicitly that advanced age precludes she targeted are all ex- 667 someone from running for office. But reading the let- tremely accomplished peo- ple with a decent chance of ters we’ve published responding to her piece, you might get becoming our next presi- Printable letters to the the impression that Heffernan’s piece, headlined “The dent. What must Heffernan editor were received Democrats’ crotchety geezer shtick is wearing thin,” was a think of less accomplished between last Friday and bigoted verbal assault on people over a certain age. people? this Friday. These letter writers weren’t the only readers upset by the column. In fact, as of this writing, all but two of the more Daniel J. Stone of Bev- 178 erly Hills appreciates the Chip SomodevillaGetty Images than two dozen submissions we’ve received in response to experience that age brings: DEMOCRATJoe Biden, seen in Iowa last August, was the piece accuse Heffernan of having expressed ageist ani- Readers discussed the It’s unfortunate that in a derided as one in a trio of “geezer” candidates. mus toward the three male Democratic candidates she la- time of supposed political Democratic primary, the bels “geezers.” Here is what some of those readers have to correctness, a columnist fakery and lies, depth of takingly ageist column on week’s most-discussed topic. say. can exploit a social stereo- experience and authenticity social media. She was out- —Paul Thornton, letters editor type like “crotchety geezer” might just make this the raged, and I couldn’t believe for a cheap political hack year of the geezer. it wasn’t meant as a satire, 73 Larry Macedo of West Americans, Latinos or job. Haven’t we progressed If Heffernan has sour so I looked it up. Hills says Heffernan made women? to the point where candi- grapes about that, the polls Unfortunately, the col- Letters were written liberal use of stereotypes: Heffernan’s piece was dates can be evaluated on suggest she’ll reap a bounti- umnist seems to have about the coronavirus, Heffernan repeatedly demeaning to older people. their experience and their ful harvest with the South meant every word. the week’s runner-up used words that stereotype She said the “geezer trio” of positions? Carolina primary. Seriously, what is wrong topic. older people — for example, candidates seem to have Perhaps Heffernan with the L.A. Times? Would “geezer,” “crotchety,” “geri- lost their “capacity to be hasn’t noticed that Demo- Julie Griffith of La you have published this if it 36 atric” and “doddering.” taught” and their “cognitive cratic voters have had the Verne didn’t take Heffer- concerned the candidates’ Would the Los Angeles flexibility.” She referred to opportunity to choose can- nan’s column seriously at ethnicity or gender? What Times allow similar stereo- using an “ear horn” and didates younger than the first: makes it all right to ridicule Letters mentioned typical words to be used to claimed that these people “geezers” and have largely Afriend of mine who is their ages? healthcare reform, the describe other groups of must be “mystified” by passed. After three years of an advocate for the elderly Iwill rethink continuing week’s third-most people such as African some modern concepts. amateurish governance, posted a link to this breath- my subscription. discussed topic. latimes.com/opinion EXECUTIVECHAIRMANDr. Patrick Soon-Shiong EXECUTIVEEDITORNorman Pearlstine MSAcNAoGtItN GKErDaIfTtO R MOST POPULAR IN OPINION MARCH 3 PRIMARY SENIORDEPUTYMANAGINGEDITOR The complete list of L.A. Times endorsements Visit latimes.com/ Kimi Yoshino DEPUTYMANAGINGEDITORS in the March 3 California primary. endorsements. Sewell Chan, Shelby Grad, Shani O. Hilton, Julia Turner Milwaukee just took a bullet to its heart. EXECUTIVESPORTSEDITOR STAY CONNECTED ASSISCTAhNrTisMtAiNaAnG SINtGoEnDeITORS There’s a shark in the water, people! Why 8facebook.com/ John Canalis, Len De Groot, Amy King, aren’t Democrats sounding the Sanders alert? Loree Matsui, Angel Rodriguez latimesopinion Opinion The Times’ recommendations for Superior 8twitter.com/ Nicholas Goldberg EDITOROFTHEEDITORIALPAGES FOUNDED DECEMBER 4, 1881 Sue Horton OP-EDANDSUNDAYOPINIONEDITOR Court judge in Los Angeles County. latimesopinion A10 S LATIMES.COM Trump revs up South Carolina crowd President downplays coronavirus as he holds a rally on the eve of the Democrats’ primary the market’s worst week By Eli Stokols since the 2008. “The stock market has NORTH CHARLES- plunged partly out of fear, TON, S.C. — During a rau- but also because investors cous rally here Friday on the have no confidence that the eve of the state’s Democratic president is capable of man- primary, President Trump aging the crisis,” Bloomberg brushed off the nation’s ris- said. ing concerns about the co- Although the co- ronavirus, declaring that ronavirus could upend the “confidence is surging” in electoral calculus, Trump’s the economy, despite the campaign has become in- stock market having just creasingly confident as the suffered its worst week of first month of Democratic losses since 2008. primary contests have done He accused Democrats of little to settle the field. “politicizing” the growing Trump’s campaign earli- public health crisis — but er this week previewed a even as he outlined his ad- plan to open 15 retail store- ministration’s response, in- fronts in predominantly cluding the creation this black neighborhoods across week of a new coronavirus several swing states, show- task force led by Vice Presi- ing reporters renderings of dent Mike Pence, Trump “community centers” offer- suggested that the crisis ing merchandise, voter reg- over the pandemic is just the istration forms and videos, latest attempt by Demo- posters and pamphlets crats, frustrated that he’s highlighting the president’s withstood the special coun- work on criminal justice re- sel probe and impeachment, form, the record low black to take him down. unemployment rate and “This is their new hoax,” other issues of specific inter- Trump said. est. Accusing the news media With the capacity crowd of being “in hysteria mode,” Spencer PlattGetty Images seated more than two hours Trump boasted that his de- PRESIDENT TRUMP speaks in North Charleston, S.C., on Friday. “Bunch of losers,” he said of the Demo- before Trump arrived, vol- cision last month to quaran- cratic candidates competing in the state’s primary Saturday. The state Republican Party canceled its primary. unteers handed out signs, tine people returning from including a new one marked China has kept the virus such a win could be short- “Black Voices for Trump” on from spreading in the U.S. lived as the race moves one side, and “Text WOKE” Trump said 15 cases had quickly to the March 3 Super on the back. Two campaign been reported in the nation Tuesday contests in 14 states aides warmed up the crowd, so far, but Johns Hopkins that are likely to deliver a criticizing Rep. James E. University is reporting 62 mixed result and could pro- Clyburn (D-S.C.), who threw such cases. That number is pel Bloomberg past Biden as his support behind Biden expected to rise. the strongest alternative to this week, and declaring “So far we have lost no- Sanders, given the billion- that “black voters are no body to coronavirus in the aire businessman’s over- longer naive” and that United States,” he said. “We whelming financial advan- more would be supporting are totally prepared.” tage. Trump. The rally, which came on During his final South “We expect to win a his- the eve of Saturday’s Demo- Carolina campaign event toric share of the black vote,” cratic primary contest in Friday, Sanders told voters Trump declared. South Carolina, was the lat- in Columbia that Trump’s But at one point as he est effort by the president’s decision to hold a rally in the touted criminal justice re- campaign to assert his own state on the eve of the pri- form, Trump derided two presence — and counter- mary, especially considering African American political narrative — in an early state rising concerns about the figures, CNN commentator nominating contest. coronavirus pandemic, was Van Jones and the Rev. Al With the state Republi- “pathetic.” Sharpton, joking of the lat- can Party canceling its 2020 “We might think that in ter that he “looked better primary, largely out of defer- the midst of a major health- when he was heavier.” ence to Trump, the presi- care crisis the president of Chryl N. Laird, a Bow- dent sought to flex his mus- Saul LoebAFP/Getty Images the United States would be doin College professor and cle, asking his supporters to A YOUNG Trump supporter cheers at the rally in North Charleston Coliseum. assembling doctors and sci- coauthor of “Steadfast vote in Saturday’s Demo- The capacity crowd was seated more than two hours before Trump arrived. entists and researchers,” Democrats: How Social cratic contest and polling Sanders said. “Not Donald Forces Shape Black Political the crowd on whether Sen. was “the worst debate per- mary victory as a presi- points ahead of Sanders. Trump. He is here in South Behavior,” said the Trump Bernie Sanders or former formance in history,” and dential candidate, with a ABiden victory in South Carolina. For one reason: campaign’s new outreach is Vice President Joe Biden, Biden for his verbal stum- Monmouth University poll Carolina could serve as to disrupt the Democratic unlikely to cause a dramatic the two leading candidates bles. Thursday showing him sit- proof that the president’s Party.” shift among black voters, in the statewide polls, would “Can you imagine if I ting high atop the field with months of broadsides over Bloomberg, campaign- whose overwhelming loyalty be easier to run against. made just a small fraction of 36% of the vote. Another re- his son’s job in Ukraine did ing in Memphis, Tenn., on to the Democratic Party is “Bunch of losers,” Trump the mistakes he makes?” cent poll by the Charleston not deliver a fatal blow to the Friday, also blasted Trump’s rooted in social networks said, deriding former New Trump said. Post and Courier, however, former vice president’s can- response to the crisis, blam- and a shared history that York Mayor Michael R. Biden appears to be in showed a closer race with didacy. ing him for the week’s mas- stretches back to the civil Bloomberg for what he said line for his first major pri- Biden at 28%, just four But any momentum from sive sell-off on Wall Street, rights movement. ‘Remain in Mexico’ halted by 9th Circuit [Asylum,from A1] While attorneys repre- The U.S. Department of senting asylum seekers al- Justice denounced the deci- ready in the Remain in Mexi- sion on the migrant proto- co pipeline celebrated the cols but did not reply to Friday ruling, they said it questions about whether was unlikely to ultimately the government would ap- help their clients because peal. Legal analysts ex- the Trump administration pressed certainty that the is likely to appeal. government would quickly “No clue what it will appeal. mean, but no doubt the gov- “This issue is surely ernment will appeal,” said headed to the Supreme Jodi Goodwin, a Browns- Court,” said Cornell Law ville, Texas, immigration School professor Stephen lawyer who represents some Yale-Loehr. of the thousands of asylum The high court has yet to seekers camped across the consider the policy but has border in Matamoros, Mexi- refused in the past to remove co. She said she was meeting an injunction blocking asy- with other advocates Friday, lum for migrants who do not planning a response to the apply at official border ruling. crossings. The ruling caused imme- In a statement late Fri- diate confusion. Immigra- day, Chad Wolf, the acting tion law is complicated, and secretary of Homeland Se- not all of President Trump’s curity, called the injunction policies affect the same “grave and reckless” and groups of applicants. said the migrant protocols The immigration court in have “been a game-changer San Diego, which has been in the U.S. government’s ef- inundated with migrant pro- forts to address the ongoing tocol cases, was business as crisis at the Southwest bor- usual Friday until Judge der.” If the ruling stands, he Rico Bartolomei, who was said, “the safety and security on the bench, was notified of of our border communities, Gary CoronadoLos Angeles Times the ruling. international relationships HONDURAN BROTHERSIsaac, left, and Carlitos Dueñas sit at a migrant camp in Tijuana in 2018. Under As the last asylum seeker and regional stability is at “Remain in Mexico,” nearly 60,000 people have been forced to wait in Mexico for their asylum cases to proceed. walked out of the court- risk.” room, Bartolomei left for In the Remain in Mexico “The hardship and danger gram violated U.S. immigra- grants would be safe in Mexi- tends relief beyond the about two minutes and re- case, the two 9th Circuit to individuals returned to tion law and a United Na- co. parties before the court.” turned with a stack of pa- judges in the majority, both Mexico … have been repeat- tions refugee convention, “We recognize that The Times reported last pers. He read the conclusion appointed by Democrats, edly confirmed by reliable which bar the government nationwide injunctions have yearthat tens of thousands of the 9th Circuit ruling out said uncontested evidence news reports.” from returning someone to a become increasingly contro- of migrants have been or- loud and asked a govern- shows that migrants face Joining Fletcher was 9th place where they would be versial, but we begin by not- dered to remain in Mexican ment lawyer to recommend substantial harm, even Circuit Judge Richard A. persecuted. ing that it is something of a cities that the State Depart- action, given the new order, death, in Mexico while they Paez, another Clinton ap- The majority pointed to misnomer to call the district ment considers some of the in cases of four people who wait for decisions by U.S. im- pointee. Judge Ferdinand F. sworn declarations by peo- court’s order in this case a most dangerous in the hadn’t shown up for their migration authorities. Fernandez, appointed by ple ordered to wait in Mexico ‘nationwide injunction’” be- world. Migrants have been court dates. The migrants “face tar- President George H.W. that they had been subject cause it affects only four attacked, sexually assaulted U.S. Immigration and geted discrimination, phys- Bush, dissented. to violence and threats be- states on the southern bor- and robbed, and some have Customs Enforcement at- ical violence, sexual assault, He said the panel could cause they were non-Mexi- der, two of them, California died while waiting, The torney Julia Cline moved to overwhelmed and corrupt not revive the injunction be- can. Several swore that they and Arizona, within the 9th Times found. dismiss the four cases, law enforcement, lack of cause a separate 9th Circuit had been ordered to Mexico Circuit’s jurisdiction, the A group called Human meaning that the cases food and shelter, and practi- motions panel already had after short, confusing inter- majority wrote. Rights First reported Friday would be closed but could be cal obstacles to participa- blocked it on an emergency views with immigration “The 9th Circuit’s deci- that there have been more reopened. tion in court proceedings in motion by the government. agents who failed to ask sion not only ignores the than 1,000 publicly reported Bartolomei agreed. the United States,” Judge Friday’s decision, made them about their fears. constitutional authority of cases of murder, rape, tor- “I have a lot of reading to William A. Fletcher, ap- after extensive written argu- The government, the ma- Congress and the adminis- ture, kidnappings and other do,” he said, waving the pa- pointed by President Clin- ments and a hearing, found jority said, failed to provide tration for a policy in effect violent assaults against the pers as he walked out of the ton, wrote for the majority. the Remain in Mexico pro- any evidence that the mi- for over a year, but also ex- migrants in Mexico. courtroom for lunch.

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