G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS JIPH-1222; No.ofPages5 JournalofInfectionandPublicHealthxxx(2019)xxx–xxx ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Journal of Infection and Public Health journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jiph Burden of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in Saudi Arabia RajaaM.Al-Raddadia,∗,OmaimaI.Shabounib,ZeyadM.Alraddadic, AbdulmohsenH.Alzalabanid,AhmadM.Al-Asmarib,c,AdelIbrahimb, AbdullatifAlmarashib,TariqA.Madanie aDepartmentofCommunityMedicine,CollegeofMedicine,KingAbdulazizUniversity,Jeddah,SaudiArabia bMinistryofH ea lth,Jeddah, SaudiArab ia cKingFais al Speciali stHospi taland ResearchCenter,Riyadh,SaudiArabia dDepa rtmen tofFamil yandCom mu nityMed icine,Fa cultyof Medic ine,TaibahUniversity,Madinah,SaudiArabia eDepartment of Medicin e,F aultyofMed icine,King Abdula ziz University ,Jedda h,SaudiAra bia a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: MERS-coronavirusinfectioniscurrentlyresponsibleforconsiderablemorbidityandmortalityinSaudi Receiv ed20June2019 Arabia.Understand ingitsbu rd en,asane merginginfe ctio usdisease,is vitalforde visin gappropr iat econ- RAeccceepivteedd i1n1 rNevoivsee md fboerrm2 02179 August 2019 trol stra tegies. In this s tu dy, the b ur de n of MERS -CoV was estimate d over 31 months p eriod from June 6,2012toJanuary5,2015.Thetotalnumberofpatientswas835;528(63.2%)patientsweremale,771 (9 2.3%) pa tientswe re ≥25y ears ofag e,and21 0 (25.1%)p atien tswe reh ealthcar eworker s.Ato talof 751 Keywords: (89.9%) patients requi redh ospita liz atio n.Th em ediandu rationb etwee nonsetof illnessan d hospi tal iza- MERS-Coronavirus tionwas2days(interquartilerange,0–5).Themedianlengthofhospitalstaywas14days(IQR,6–27). SaudiArabia Theoverallcasefatalityratewas43.1%.Basicreproductivenumberwas0.9.BeingSaudi,non-healthcare BCHauesraedlt efhantcaalriteyw raotrekers winofer ckteiorsn, acna du saegde a≥s6u5b yset aanrst iwa lehree aslitghnibfiu cradnetnly i nasSsaoucdiaitAedra wb iiath. highe r mo rtal ity. In conclu sion, MERS-CoV ©20 19TheA u thor(s).Pub lished byElse vie rLtdo nbehalfofKingSaudBinAbdulazizUniversityfor HealthSciences.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBY-NC-NDlicense(http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Introduction piratoryillnessoftenevolvesintoshortnessofbreathandsevere respiratory illness. Disease severity varies widely from asymp- In2012,anovelviralinfectioncausingsevereacuterespiratory tomaticcasestofataloutcomes.Itisbelievedthatmostinfected illness in humans was identified in Saudi Arabia. The virus, now personsdonotshowsymptomsasindicatedbyaseroprevalence knownasMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirus(MERS- surveythatestimatedthenumberofseropositivepeopleinSaudi CoV),wassubsequentlyreportedfrom27othercountriesininthe Arabiatobenearly45,000persons[3].Thecasefatalityrateamong Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States of clinicalcaseshasbeenestimatedtobe40%[4].Althoughthehigh America[1].ThelargestoutbreakswerereportedfromSaudiAra- case fatality of the disease and the frequent occurrence of out- bia,UnitedArabEmirates,andtheRepublicofKorea.AsofJuly2019, breaks provoked calls to develop a vaccine [5], several obstacles WHOreportedatotalof2458laboratory-confirmedcasesworld- wereencounteredincludinglackofananimalmodelandthehigh wideincludingatleast848deathssinceApril2012[1].Amongall costofvaccinedevelopment[6]. casesreportedworldwide,2067(84%)caseswerereportedfrom MERS-CoV causes considerable morbidity and mortality with SaudiArabia[1,2]. a substantial healthcare cost. Understanding the burden of this Patients with MERS-CoV infection usually present with acute emerginginfectiousdiseaseisvitalfordevisingcontrolstrategies. respiratorysignsandsymptomsincludingfever,cough,headache, Previousstudiesdescribedtheepidemiologyofhospitaloutbreaks myalgia, and sometimes nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. The res- [7,8],communityoutbreaks[9],aswellasregionalortime-specific cases [10–13]. The objective of this study was to estimate the burdenofMERS-CoVovera31months-periodfollowingitsfirst identification in 2012 including the nation-wide MERS-CoV epi- ∗Correspondingauthorat:FacultyofMedicine,KingAbdulazizUniversity,POBox demicthatoccurredinSaudiArabiain2014uptoJanuary2015. 80215,Jeddah21589,SaudiArabia. E-mailaddress:[email protected](R.M.Al-Raddadi). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2019.11.016 1876-0341/©2019TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierLtdonbehalfofKingSaudBinAbdulazizUniversityforHealthSciences.Thisisanopenaccessarticleunderthe CCBY-NC-NDlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:Al-RaddadiRM,etal.BurdenofMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfectioninSaudi Arabia.JInfectPublicHealth(2019),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2019.11.016 G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS JIPH-1222; No.ofPages5 2 R.M.Al-Raddadietal./JournalofInfectionandPublicHealthxxx(2019)xxx–xxx Table1 Table3 Demographiccharacteristicsoflaboratory-confirmedMERS-CoVcases–June1st, Numberofcasesandcasefatalityrateoflaboratory-confirmedMERS-CoVcasesby 2012–January5th,2015(n=835). year. Characteristics No.(%) Year Numberofcases Deaths Casefatalityrate Age 2012 5 3 60 <15 28(3.3) 2013 160 84 51.5 15–<25 36(4.3) 2014 670 274 36.9 25–<55 434(52.0) 55–<65 142(17.0) ≥65 195 (23.4) Multiplelogisticregressionsanalysiswasperformedtoadjust Sex Male 528(63.2) forconfoundingfactorsandidentifythefactorsassociatedwithcase Fema le 307(36.8) fata lity.Allvaria blewit hpv alue<0. 1in thebiv ariateanal ysisw ere Nationality includedintheregressionmodel.Thiswaspresentedasoddsratio Saudi 545(65.3) (OR)withconfidenceinterval(CI).Thelevelofsignificancewasset Non Saudi 290 (34.7) atp≤ 0.05 . Region Jeddah 240(28.7) Riyadh 250(29.9) Results Others 345(41.4) Job Healthcareworkers 210(25.1) The total number of reported cases during the study period Non-healthcareworkers 625(74.9) was835cases.Table1showsthedemographiccharacteristicsof alllaboratory-confirmedMERS-CoVcases.Malesweremorecom- monlyaffectedthanfemales(63.2%versus36.8%).Thevastmajority Methods ofpati entswer ebet ween25 -54ye ars(52 %)or≥ 65 year s(23.4%) ofage.HCWscomprised25.1%ofthecases.HealthCareworkers This study analyzed the data of all MERS-CoV cases that con- we re y ounger than the other p at ient s (mea n age 38.9± 11.6 vs firmed by Real time PCR by Ministry of Health’s surveillance 52.7± 20.3yea rs,re spec tively, pvalue< 0.001) .Sau disc om pris ed programfromJune6,2012toJanuary5,2015. 63.2%ofthecases.AlthoughMERS-CoVcaseswerereportedfrom ThissurveillancewasnationwideunderthesupervisionofMin- virtuallyallregionsofthecountry,abouttwothirdsofthecases istryofHealthtoensurethatthecasedefinitionwasfollowedas werereportedfromRiyadh(29.9%)andJeddah(28.7%). pernationalMERS-CoVguidelines. Afterthefirst2casesofMERS-CoVinfectionreportedin2012, Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional review the number of reported cases ranged between 1-27 cases per boardofJeddahHealthdirectorate(IRBapprovalnumberA00223). month. This rate continued till March 2014 when 53 cases were Basic information for the confirmed cases that was collected reportedinthatmonthfollowedbyamoredramaticincreasein includedage,sex,occupation,dateofonset,hospitalization,dura- thenumberofcasesinthefollowingmonth(April2014)whenthe tion of hospital stay for hospitalized patients, and mortality. numberofcasesreachedupto317casesinonemonth.Emergency Durationbetweenonsetofillnessandadmissiontohospital,case investigationsandcontrolmeasurescoordinatedbytheMinistryof fatalityrate,secondaryattackrate,andbasicreproductionnumber Healthledtoasharpdeclineinthenumberofreportedcasesto150 werecalculated. casesinMay2014andfurtherdownto29casesinJune2014.Since Descriptiveepidemiologywasperformedondemographicdata, then,thenumberofreportedcasesreturnedbacktoitsprevious andanalyticepidemiologywasperformedtoassessanydifference rate(Fig.1).Thebasicreproductivenumberwas0.9. incasefatalityrateamonghealthcareworkersandothers.Statis- Hospitalization associated with the MERS-CoV was estimated ticalanalyseswereperformedusingSPSSversion21.0(SPSSInc., tobe2per100,000population.Themediandurationbetweenthe Chicago,IL).Categoricalvariableswerepresentedasfrequencyand onsetofclinicalsymptomsandpresentationtohospitalswas2days percentages.Agewaspresentedasmeanandstandarddeviation withaninterquartilerange(IQR)of0–5days.HCWspresentedto (SD). Length of stay in hospital and duration between onset of ill- hosp ital s earlier than non− HCW s ( 2 ve rsus 3 days, respective ly, ness and admission were presented as median and interquartile p=0.001).Themedianlengthofhospitalstaywas14days(Table2). range (IQR). Th e length ofs tayamo ngnon − HCWsw assi gnifi can tlym oreth an The basic reproduction number or ratio (R0), defined as the that among H CWs (15ver sus12days, resp ectively,p=0 .023) . expectednumberofsecondarycasesproducedbyatypicalinfected Table3showsthecasefatalityratebyyearfrom2012to2014. individual early in an epidemic in an otherwise uninfected and Theoverallcasefatalityratewas43.2%.Thehighestcasefatalityrate completelysusceptiblepopulation[14],wascalculatedusingthe wasobservedinthefirst2years(60%for2012and51.5%for2013) followingformula: whichdecreasedto36.9%in2014whenmorecaseswerereported R =(infection/contact)×(contact/time)×(time/infection). duringtheoutbreakin2014.Table4showsthecasefatalityrateby 0 agegroupsandage-specificmortalityrateper100,000population. =(835/19)×(19/7)×(7/835) = 0.9. Table 5 shows the results of the multivariable logistic regression analysisforpatients’characteristicsassociatedwithmortality. Table2 Length ofstayanddurationbetweenonsetofsymptomandadmissionamonghealthcareworkers(HCWs)andnon-healthcareworkers(Non−HCWs). Allcases(n=574) HCWs(n=178) Non-HCWs(n=396) Characteristics p-Value** Median IQR* Median IQR* Median IQR* Lengthofstay 14 6–27 12 6–21 15 6–31 0.023 Durationbetweenonsetofsymptomandadmission 2 0–5 2 0–5 3 1–6 0.001 * Inter-quartilerange. ** Man–Whitney test. Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:Al-RaddadiRM,etal.BurdenofMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfectioninSaudi Arabia.JInfectPublicHealth(2019),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2019.11.016 G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS JIPH-1222; No.ofPages5 R.M.Al-Raddadietal./JournalofInfectionandPublicHealthxxx(2019)xxx–xxx 3 Fig.1. EpidemiccurveofMERS-CoVcasesbymonthandoutcomebasedondateofonsetforsymptomaticanddateofdiagnosisforasymptomaticpatientsinSaudiArabia fromJune1st,2012–January5th,2015(total:835cases). Table4 Casefatalityratebyagegroupsandagespecificmortalityrateper100,000populationofpatientswithlaboratory-confirmedMERS-CoVinfectionfromJune1st,2012to January5th,2015(n:835cases). Age(years) Numberofpatients Deaths Casefatalityrate Age-specificmortalityrate/100,000population <15 28 7 25.0 0.33 15–<25 36 8 22.2 0.64 25–<55 434 116 26.7 3.3 55–<65 142 76 53.5 10.8 ≥65 195 15 4 79.0 21.1 All 835 361 43.2 1.24 Table5 FactorsassociatedwithmortalityamongMERS-CoVcases. Characteristic Totalnumberofcases Numberofdeaths(%) OddsRatio(95%CI) pValue Age <15 28 7(25) Reference 15–<25 36 8(22.5) 2.7(0.6–12) 0.2 25–<55 434 116(26.7) 4(1.1–14.1) 0.03 55–<65 142 76(53.5) 10.3(2.8–37.9) <0.001 ≥65 195 15 4(79) 35.6 (9.6–132.3 ) <0.001 Sex Female 307 107(34.9) Reference Male 528 253(47.9) 1.4(0.9–2) 0.1 Nationality Non-Saudi 290 70(24.1) Reference Saudi 545 290(53.2) 1.6(1–2.6) 0.07 Region Jeddah 240 101(42.1) Reference Riyadh 250 108(43.2) 0.7(0.4–1.2) 0.2 Others 345 151(43.8) 0.8(0.5–1.3) 0.4 Job Healthcareworkers 210 18(8.6) Reference Non-healthcareworkers 625 342(54.7) 5.4(2.9–10.1) <0.001 Eachfactorisadjustedforallotherfactorsinthetable. Discussion JeddahandRiyadhwerethehardest-hitcitiesandSaudicitizens comprisedtwothirdsofthecases.Healthcareworkerscomprised TheemergenceofMRES-CoVisabigchallengefortheSaudiAra- quarterofthereportedcases.Thisledtoacuteshortageofstaffin bianhealthcaresystem.SincetheMiddleEastisacenterfortourism healthcarefacilitiesparticularlyinJeddahandRiyadhasaresult andbusinessactivities,travelingtothisregionprovidesopportuni- ofsickleavesandfearfromgoingtotheworkplace(Personalcom- tiestoacquireandspreadMERS-CoVbeyonditsboundaries.Saudi munication,MinistryofHealth). Arabia,asadestinationofmillionsofpilgrimsfortheHajjseason Recent studies showed that the primary source of MERS-CoV everyyearandforOmrayear-round,isparticularlyunderanenor- infectiontohumansisdromedarycamels[17,18].Humansprimar- mouschallengetoprotectnotonlyitsowncitizensandresidents ily acquire the virus from camels either directly through direct butalsotheentireworld’spopulationasawholefromthisemerging contactwithinfectedcamels’respiratorysecretionsorindirectly infectiousdisease. throughcontactwithpeoplewhohavehadcontactwithinfected Emergencyinvestigationsandevidence-basedcontrolmeasures camels’respiratorysecretions[18].Theseprimaryinfectionsmay fortheMERS-CoVepidemicthatoccurredinAprilandMay2014in in sequence lead to secondary human-to-human transmission SaudiArabiaseemstohaveledtoasharpdeclineofcasesdownto throughclosecontactwithinfectedhuman-respiratorysecretions thebaselinelevel[15,16]. usuallyinthehealthcare[11,12,16,19–22]or,lesscommonly,the Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:Al-RaddadiRM,etal.BurdenofMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfectioninSaudi Arabia.JInfectPublicHealth(2019),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2019.11.016 G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS JIPH-1222; No.ofPages5 4 R.M.Al-Raddadietal./JournalofInfectionandPublicHealthxxx(2019)xxx–xxx householdsettings[23–26].Community-basedtransmissionout- were admitted to the ICU or not. Therefore, we were unable to side the household settings is rare [12,27]. Factors that cause identifytheburdenofMERSCoVontheICUadmissions. amplification of MERS-CoV infection in the healthcare settings Inconclusion,MERS-CoVinfectioncausedasubstantialhealth includesuboptimaladherencetostandardinfectioncontrolprac- burdeninSaudiArabiaduetohighmorbidity,mortality,andhospi- ticeandrespiratoryetiquette,failuretoperformtriagetosegregate talizationrate,longhospitalstay,andshortageofstaff.Enhancing patients with acute respiratory illness particularly in the Emer- MERS-CoVdata-sharingandanalysisforbetterunderstandingof gencyDepartmentsandDialysisunits,overcrowdingofpatients, theepidemiologyofthisnovelviruswouldhelpindevisingeffec- anddelayeddiagnosisbecauseofatypicalpresentationoftenmim- tivepreventivestrategiestoreducetheburdenofthisviralinfection ickingheartfailureoracutedengue[16,19–22,28]. onthehealthsystem. The basic reproduction number or ratio (R ) is used to mea- 0 surethetransmissionpotentialofadisease.Itisthoughtofasthe Funding numberofsecondaryinfectionsproducedbyatypicalcaseofan infectioninapopulationthatistotallysusceptible.WhenR0is<1, Nofundingsources. theinfectionwilldieoutinthelongrun,whereas,ifR is>1,the 0 infectionwillbeabletospreadinapopulation.Generally,thelarger Competinginterests thevalueofR ,theharderitistocontroltheepidemic.Thebasic 0 reproductive number in our study was 0.9 which indicated that Nonedeclared. eachcasewouldonaverageleadtolessthanoneadditionalcase andthattransmissionofthisinfectionwilleventuallystopifthere References wasnoexternalre-infection.ThecontinuallyreportedMERS-CoV caseswithoccasionalclustersobservedinSaudiArabiadespitethe [1] World Health Organization. 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Pleasecitethisarticleinpressas:Al-RaddadiRM,etal.BurdenofMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirusinfectioninSaudi Arabia.JInfectPublicHealth(2019),https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2019.11.016