Mari February 23-March 3, 2018 (West Virginia inteligence Fusion Center) Follow Up Flag: Follow uo Flag Status: Flagged We received it on the 23% Not sure where they ae getting the 16° date. Stacy L Nowick Esq Deputy General Counse! Department of Miltary fats and Pubic Safety 43900 Kanawha Blvd, East Building 1, Suite 400-W Charleston, WV 25305 Phone- (304)558-2930, Cell (304)206-0509 Fax: (308)558-1241 (CONFIDENTIAL: ATTORNEY - CLIENT PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION ‘The information contained in this electronic message Is legally privileged and confidential under applicable law and is intended for the use of the individuai/s or entity named above. if the recipient ofthis message isnot the above-namec recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copy or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited. Ff youhave received this communication in error, please notify the sender at 304, 558.2036. (Cz Maron Lara lara Marion gov Summers, SuramaV<Sarana.¥ Surman: > ‘Subject: FW: West Virginia Freedom of Information Act Request: West Virginia Teachers! Stvike February 23-March 3, 2018 (West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center) Please see the follow up from Muck Rock from last week. Respectfully WARNING: This information may contain Law Enforcement Sensitive information and should be used For Official Use Only. Before dissemination, contact the West Virginia Inteligence/Fusion Center AMEE ion From: £7690-191840840@ requests <§7680-19184064@ requests muckrockcom> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2019 5:04 AM To: W¥Fusion [email protected]¥> Subject: RE: West Virginia Freedom of Information Act Request: West Virginia Teachers Strike February 23-March 3, 2018 (West Virginia Intelligence Fusion Center) r Fusion Center January 28, 2019, ‘This is follow up toa previous request: “To Whom it May Concern: | wanted to follow upon the folowing West Virginia Freedom of Information Act request, copied below, and orginally submitted on Jan. 18, 2019, Please let me know when | an expect to receive a response. Thanks for your help, and let me know i further clarification is needed. Filed via E-mail (Preferred): §76£0-1918¢084@ requests. Upload documents directly: https// login/west-vigina-intelligence-fusion- center3522/west virginia teachers strike february-23-march-3-2018.westvtgnia-intligence-fusion-cente. 57690 /?uuic-oin=ddeee02-f861-4406-b4c3-d5177ccad8f4RemalWVFUSION%AOwy govtagency-teply |sthis email coming tothe wrong contact? Semething else wrong? Use the above link to let us know. For malled responses, please address (see note} ‘MuckRock News DEPT MR 67690 411A Highland Ave Somerville, MA 02148-2516, PLEASE NOTE: This request was filed by a MuckRock staff reporter. Also note that improperly addressed (Le, with the ‘equesters name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as Lndeliversble ss onyanct8, 201387 “To Whom It May Coreen: Pursuant to the West Virginia Freedom af information Act, | cereby request the Folowing records: Al files on or related to the West Virginia Teacher’ Srl tha ast from February 23-March 3, 2028 |ama career journalist with work thet has appeared in variovs publications, 'am willing to py any reesonable expenses ‘mociates with this request, however, as the purpase of we recuasted dsclosure sn ful confecrity with the scatutory requ rements for a waiver of fees, | formally quest such a waver, The requested documents wll ke made avalabls tothe geveral publ, ane ths requests not being made for commercial suraoses Inthe event that there are fees, | would be grateful ifyou would inform me of the total charges in advance of fulfil ng my request. | would prefer the request flied electronically, by eall attache if elie er CD-AGM i not “Thank you In advance for your antcigated cooperation inthis matter. look forward ta raceiving veur response to this request within § business days, asthe statute requires, Sincerely, Mackenale Farkas Filed via E-mail (Prefe-red}: 67580-19:R40840 Upload dacuments directly: httos/www.muskeaccom/accounesiagency losin/wes:vigina-nteligence fusion: ‘center-3522/west vigils teachers-sirke-ebrunry-28-march 3-2018-westvirgina-intellgence-Ksion-center= 57680/?uid-losin=Aidceeed2-1861-4406-bacaid177sced946emall=WWVFLISION <0 gouPagency-reay Ishis email coming to the wrong contact? Something elza wong? Uso the above link tole us know. For mailed responses, please address (sce no: MuckRock News DEPT MR 67690 ALIAHgh and ave Somerville, MA 02142-2515, PIFASF NOTF: This request was fled by 2 Muckock staff reporter. Also note that imoroperly zldresced ite, with the requoster’s name rater than "MuckRack Newe" and the depertment number] requests night be returned os undeliverable,