Public Service Commission of West Virginia Phone: (804) 340-0800 Fax: (304) 340 0525 201 Brooks street, PO, Box a2 Charleston, West Virinia 25323 Iauary 18, 2019 Kate Mistkin 1001 Virginia St, Past Charleston, WY 25301 RE: Freedom of Information Act Request Dear Ms, Mishkin: This letters in response to your request reeeivedl January 10, 2019, to provide copies of Notices of Violation for five eval cases vuu listed in your request, These reenrds are not available un the Public Service Commission web dackel. ‘The Notices of Violation are not confidential infirmation and are altached to this leter per your request. None of these ure overweight violations but ate all Coal Resour Lransporlation System repurting viola This paket of information is heing entsiked to you as eequested, There is no fee with the infurmuation being emailed. Sinverely, Aral Teasabl Ingrid Ferrell, Directur Exveutive Seertury Division IPs ee: Jessiea Lane, General Counsel Pam Brown, Archivist Public Service Commission Of West Virginia Ccoe asa &) ‘rar nae May 15.2017 NOTICE OF VIOLATION KEYST 2.0, BOX UWS BECKLEY. WY 25802 ou are horchy-nntifad Lh he Putte Service Commission of West Virginia is in receipt a bearer: garhered hy 2m inspector of che CRT Section disclosing shat violitions have wevarred npor he Coal Resoutve Transportation Syste in tlt you ine received voul stiprcwncs and aave Failed w 1epurt shipments tthe Puble Service Commissios uf West Virginis, You we, the a sjlation of W. Va. Code Chapter 17C Arcels ie tha Thstty (30) shipsvents of coal sore ner reported by the eocivey, i violstoa of W.Va. Cade VICATA()._An wort 3uative sanction se tue amu oF SLOO.O8 per shipment is ase feiss of 83,200.06. sar sanctions as noted ia this NOTICE shail deeome the FINAL ORDER of the your RIGHT FO. HEARING bs noting the Executive 9 of the Pubuc Service Conmsssion in writin athe following adress Vis Comission unloss you exercise Duis Service Commission of WW Alin Pyecirive Seeretay Brooks Stuet oat Ctiee BO #12 Calestou, West Virgins 23 ‘The request fhe heariny mus: he mace in writing and he receives! by the Exeewtive Seerelary ev than oven'y (20) Jay$ of your rescipt ofthe Notic> af Vieation, he request For beara ms! inhale aeopy of his motive ate mus ismify wheter tee petson requesting the hearing is or halt ePa shipper, owner. lessee, driver oe tocs.ver, There ll be ane heating forall persons 0° ‘emstie sue nr adminishative sation Jnial hearings will kein Charlesten, est Virgina acd iP vielaion is fant she vate shall pay hearing costs ef $150.09 in ations to otker adainisteaive seater, Duwisions ef she Recving evarsince will be made writen orden; Gated and signed and sl ‘bevouns he Fina! Onder ofthe Camimissian unless appeal i mass te the Division of Administative Law tulyes by tiling appeal with the Executive Secreta al the hereiuabuve uciress within ten. (1 ddoys af he nial decision, PPayznent oluany fe, penalty or sanction consistent with tis Notice af Wialeios shall be male by eetilied cheek or rumey onder ard mailed, with a copy of this Notice of Vialat.on able Sorvice Commission of WV Ata) Executive Direc 21 Broais Steet I payoness is made in person I shal! be mode by eas, cetitied cheek ar money ease and be preserted, together th a copy of this Notice of Vinleton, a Pulie Servi CRIS Section 1118 Quarcer Street Charleston, West Vinginie 2530) Tssasgoriation Divisien Publie Sen ive Commission of West Virginia Public Service Commission of West Virginia ene (5045400500 Fax: (504) 520.0525, 201 araoks street, PO. Box 212 Eraveston, Wes ira 23528, NOTICE OF VIOLATION 17-5089-COAL-R. BLUESTONE INDUSTRI KEYSTONE CLEANING PLANT PO.BOX [088 BECKLEY. 8 25402 ‘You are hezeby no-cd thatthe Public Service Cammission of West Virginia isin seveipt nf ininmation gathered by au inspector of the CTS Seotca disclosing thal violets fave necurted por the Cou Resouzee Transportstior Syatem ie thal ju have received coal daring the peviod of May :3.21N6 through May 16, 2016 an! have filed la report shipments to the Puhlie Se of West Virginia. You are thereiore in violation of Va ha mm IIe Antiele Ain tat ) shijpments of al were nor reported by che oveiver, in violation of W_Vix An aliivisraise sanction sa the umoant of $160.80 per shipment iss ‘ora total nf $7,500.00, \Valatios und sanctioas 95 noted in is NOTICE shall become the | NAL ORDER of the {Con:mission unlese you escevie your RIGHT T1) 4 HEARING by novitying the Executive ee Service Coremsission in writing atthe falloving actress Publis Se-viee Commission of WY ‘Anim: Executive Seoren 22 Brooks Street ost Office Raw #12 Charleston, We ing must be mule in wring and be eceived bythe Executive Secretary ne slays of your receipt ofthe Notice of Violator, The zequest for hearing ns 9 this rotice andl must dents wher she person requesting te hearing on driver or receiver, There wil be ne heating Pv all pensar 0 tative sanctions. ‘he request for et ‘West Vingina and ifsiolaion is nara be vila shal sings will be 28 Charest 1 $150.00 in adécion to cher clministeatve sanction: pay Fearing eo Decisions af te hearin sume the Final Order ofthe Coa Law Judges by ling appeal wth 1 will be nude bs sere on sted a sige! un shall ior usiess appeal is male «9 the Division of “denimsrativ ‘securive Soereray atthe hersiaabove alezess wits ten (10) Peymmest oF any f2, penalty es sanction sunsislen! with this Note of Violeton shall he mads oy cesiied ehzok of money cede and muiled, wth # cap of this Note of Violation v: blie Serviee Commission of WV Txecusive Dirzctor 281 Brooks Stee: Past Office Ber 8 Charlestos. West Virginia 2837 mens is mae person it sit! bo made by cash, certified cheek or money’ together with copy ofthis Notee of Violation Public Service Comm RTS Section 116 Quartier Steet an, West Viginin 25307 porta ion Divs Cemmnissior Public Service Commission of West Virginia Prone: (S03; 320-9500 1500) 5400325 20 aroois street, PO. uox B12 harteston, was Virinis 25525, Muy 25, 2017 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Case ruber: 17-5090-COAL-R BLUESYONE INDUSTRIES KEYSTONE CLFANING PLANT. 2.0. BOX 1085 BECKLEY, WV ‘You sre hese notiie that the Publ Servise Commission of West Wisginia is in receipe 0 formatiun gathered by an inspector of ie CRIS Seetiu disclosing thar violatiens have os {won he Cos! Resoucce Transportation System i thst yuu: have received ca! during the pea 17, 2° uouph May 2¢, 2017 and hve kd us report skies tothe Publie Service Cormission.of West Virginia You er, ehesefure, in violation of W. Vix Cade Chapwcr 7C Atcle A in tat 25) shipments u'coa! were not epuried by she vecsivsr in violation uf WL Va Ar administrative sanetoa inthe arasue of $100.09 per shipment is assess vrs oil af $2,300.60) fans as noted inthis NOTICE shall Yovomte the PINAL ORDER of the sercise your RIGIIT TO A HEARING ay notifying the Executive Saunission in writing st de fllawing aedress ions ad sen Comission une Secretary ofthe Puc Public Service Coraissioe af WW Aue: Byeeutive 20 Brooks Ste Pest Unive Bex 812 Uhaukston, West Virgina 2 sgsex for heacing mus be asade in writing and be rveived by che Executive wenty (20) days wf your meeeipt aft Notice of Violation. ‘The eyes fer heaving cust, ny of this wotiee ard must idesaify whether the person requesting the hearing is um Lelsi?o" a shipper. owner, esse, driver or ree:ver, wll be cae eating forall persons ar lectties subjoos ta the administotive sanctions Joitial hearngs willbe in Charleston, West Vngini and i volstion is found, the violser shall i costs 0° $150.06 :r eddiion te other administarive sanctions ions ofthe hearing examiner yal! be male By we!ten order, ested and signed aad shall become the Hnal Oider of dhe Conscesion usiess appeal is made t9 the Division of Admini rai Law fags by file sppesl with he xocntive Secretiy atthe hereinabove ess within (101 days ofthe intial decision nc with this Notive of Violation all be mute cfthis Notive of Violation to Psjmect of any fee, ponalty os sanction eonsi ied uhee% or maney eeder and mailed, with 3 copy Public Sesviee Commission of WY Aci: Beoutive Dirsctor 201 Brock St Pest OF Ice Rox 81 Charleston, Wes: Viginin 25323 vk or mney order and be IF payaneat is made in porson it shall be made hy cash, erttie’ et preseuted, tegether with a copy’ of lis Notice of Violation, a Public Seevice Comission CRIS Section 1116 Quanter Stee Charest, West Virginia 230) Leb Gfadeuhe? Trexportation Division Public Service Commission West Walaa Public Service Commission of West Virginia Phone: (sa) 540-0800 Fay (208) $40 0525, or eres set PO fox 82 = havtston West Veauas 25898 & done Ta, 21 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Case numaber! — UT-S196COALR RLUESTONE INDUSTRIES KEYSTONE CLEANING #LANT P.O. BOX 1085 BECKLEY, WY 25802 ‘You are hereby netified thatthe Publ Servis : information gathosed by au inspector af ine CTS Section disclosing tht vievations have cuvered upon the Coal Resousve Trapsportison System in th cval during the May 28, 2677 dlgoegh une 3, 2117 end have fsilee to report shipsnents. You ure, het wiaktioe of W.Va. Cade Chapter 17 Aice A in tat Fourteen (14) shipments of coal were nol zeperled by the receiver, in violation of W. Ve, Code 17C-17A.6ic). An adminisiaive sanctin in the amourt af $0.00 por shipment is assessed, ors ta40] oF $1,400.00 i his NOTICE shall ecorae the FINAL ORDER af the Violations urd sanctions aso Couratission unless 30a exs:sise your RIGHT TO & HEARING hy natying the B Secreary of tis Publis Service Comunissiun in writing atthe folowing adres. Public Sesviee Commission of WY Attn: Executive Secretary 201 Brooks Street Post fee Hox #12 Chatleson, West Vingieia 25323 request foe bearing se hy rhe Executive Seewstsry later dean wenty (20) Gays UL your receipt af che Notice of Violation, The request foe heating must incite «copy of tis nutice and mus iewiy whether tke person zeouestig the hearing 0% Iechaif of ashippes. ow driver er receiver, There will be ene Hearing fier! persons a” enstes subject lo the ud iniaratve sanctions aust be mie in writing sd be re Ube in Charlgsion, West Virginia and if vast is found, the viaator sell 51) 00 in aitias to other adminststive sanctions {tl nesting pay ewig eos a xeminer will bead by writen ones, dated acd sigted and si Counissiou unless appeal is asace to tke Division of Adz st ‘wichia ton C10) Decisions ofthe hese hcoms the Final Oxer eft Low Jadgcs by fling appeal wth sie Executive Sevietary al the hereinabov> sd sdeys of the initial decison, de made feo, penalty or aiiciun consistent wih sis Netice af Vielation sl y exer ata made, i copy uf tas Notice of Vielation *e Payment of eny by camiied chock or Peblie Service Commissins of WY Ate: Executive Doster 201 Brooks Street. Yost Cee Box 812 CChavleston, West Vigginia 25523 ied vtwek ur anoney order and be 1 acon is made is person it sul! be mae 9» eas, nesenied,loyelher with w eopy a iis Nowe ef Violeta. Public Sorvise Comassiva HTS Secu 116 Quries Steet ‘Coarleston, West Virginia MAL ipahessb Transporutivn Division Public Seige Coremiasinn of W Public Service Commission of West Virginia Prone: (508) sa90300 Fax: (808) 2400525, 201 Bronks sere, PO. Bax 872 CChartestor, estas 25525 Case nembess —17-S130-COAL-R BLUESTONE INDUSTRIES KEYSIUNE CLEANING PLANT P.O. BOX 308s BECRIFY, WY 35802 leg thet rhe Public Servise Commission ot West Virginia isin nei bny a CHS tnspeotor of the Publiv Service Commission discos tat violations huve oeetcd upca the Coal Resource Transportation Syste it at ys have receive coal duriry the period Jue 22. 2077 dara July 2, 2017 aa have failed ww repo! shipments. You ue, therefore. in violation of Wa. Cade Chapter 17C sickest You ate hereby ‘eformstion gtk ‘orto 142) shipments uf coal were not reported by she reccivsy, as identified specifically in the wisshivent, in violsion of W.Va, Code I7C-17é46ic}, Ar administrative suntian in the amount of $160.00 per shipmen: is assessed, oa total oF $4,200.00 sme te FINAL ORDER wf i by notifying the Executive Violnsious aad suretmsas note in this NOTICE Comssiou unless sou #xercise your RIGHT TO A HPA Seeictary ef dhe Puble Service Conumission in writing a the flowing add Pablic Sersice Commissinn a? WV Alta: Eneciive Seererary 201 Broots Street Pog! Ottice Bos 812 Chuslesion, West Virgins 'scurive Secretary’ na eo Violocion. The requost fer hearing must ius person requesting the hearing is en 2 or all persons a tue seyaest fo hearing gst be made ‘ate: a ‘wenly (20) days of ver eeceipt ef the Nev inclale # copy 9° this note ef a shyppoe. owners k emits sleet o te ad Inia hears will 3 on, West Virginia ane i waorlon is und is vio sal i ¢usts OF S15H.00 in adlition 16 athe siminiscadive senetions vay hari