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2018/2019 from august 2018 name position held interests declared first appointed acott, susa PDF

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Preview 2018/2019 from august 2018 name position held interests declared first appointed acott, susa

REGISTER OF DIRECTOR INTERESTS – 2018/2019 FROM AUGUST 2018 FIRST APPOINTED NAME POSITION HELD INTERESTS DECLARED ACOTT, SUSAN Chief Executive Advisory Council of The Staff College (leadership Appointed 1 April 2018 development body for the NHS/Military) (4) Substantive Chief Executive at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust (DGT). A memorandum of understanding has been signed to mitigate the risks with the substantive role and the interim role. No longer a Board member at DGT. Discussed and accepted at the Board meeting held on 6 October 2017 (5) ADEUSI, SUNNY Non Executive Director None 1 November 2015 (First term) CAVE, PHILIP Director of Finance and Wife works as a Senior Manager for Optum, who run Appointed 9 October Performance Management the Commissioning Support Unit (CSU) in Kent, which 2017 supports the Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG’s) of East Kent in their contracting (5) Non Executive Director of Beautiful Information Limited (1) COOKSON, WENDY Non Executive Director Managing Director of IdeasFourHealth Ltd, a 6 January 2017 consultancy for the healthcare industry (2) (First Term) Sole Shareholder for IdeasFourHealth Ltd (3) Trustee of Bede House Charity, a local community charity in Bermondsey, London, from January 2017 (4) Member of Health Advisory Board for OCS Group UK (5) Non Executive Director of Medway Community Healthcare (1) LE BLANC, SANDRA Director of HR Justice of Peace (East Kent) and I am a specialist 1 September 2014 advisor for the CQC (4) Member – Scheme Advisory Board for the NHS Pension Scheme (4) 1 REGISTER OF DIRECTOR INTERESTS – 2018/2019 FROM AUGUST 2018 FIRST APPOINTED NAME POSITION HELD INTERESTS DECLARED MANSLEY, NIGEL Non Executive Director Jeris Associates Ltd (1) (2) (3) (First term) Chair, Diocesan Board of Finance (Diocese of 1 July 2017 Canterbury) (1) MARTIN, LEE Chief Operating Officer None Interim from May 2018 Substantive from August 2018 OLLIS, JANE Non Executive Director Quvium UK (1) 8 May 2017 The Heating Hub (1) (First term) Board Member of the Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) (1) PALMER, KEITH Non Executive Director Managing Director of Silverfox Consultancy Ltd (1) 1 January 2017 Sole shareholder of Silverfox Consultancy Ltd (3) (First term) Non Executive Director of EKMS (1) Non Executive Director of 2Gether Support Solutions (1) REYNOLDS, SEAN Non Executive Director Trustee of Building Heroes (1) 20 August 2018 (First term) SHUTLER, LIZ Director of Strategic Nil January 2004 Development and Capital Planning/Deputy Chief Executive 2 REGISTER OF DIRECTOR INTERESTS – 2018/2019 FROM AUGUST 2018 FIRST APPOINTED NAME POSITION HELD INTERESTS DECLARED SMITH, SALLY Chief Nurse and Director of Nil Interim from 1 April 2015 Quality Substantive from 28 July 2015 SMITH, STEPHEN Chair Non Executive Director of NetScientific Plc (1) 1 March 2018 Chairman of Biotechspert Ltd (1) Non Executive Director of uMed Ltd (1) Non Executive Director of Draper and Dash (1) Chairman of Signum Health Ltd (1) Trustee of Pancreatic Cancer UK (1) Stephen Smith Ltd (1) Chair of Scientific Advisory Board (4) Pancreatic Cancer UK (4) Non Executive Director of Great Ormond Street Hospital (1) (overlap agreed by NHS Improvement until the end of May 2018) STEVENS, PAUL Medical Director CQC Adviser (4) June 2013 NICE Chair, Chair of the Kidney Disease Guideline and Quality Standards Groups (4) Executive Member of Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (4) Non Executive Director of Beautiful Information Limited (1) WILDING, BARRY Senior Independent Director Trustee of CXK, a Charity in Ashford inspiring people 11 May 2015 to thrive (4) (First term) Footnote: All members of the Board of Directors are Trustees of East Kent Hospitals Charity Categories: 1 Directorships 2 Ownership or part-ownership of private companies, businesses or consultancies likely or possibly seeking to do business with the NHS 3 Majority or controlling shareholding 4 Position(s) of authority in a charity or voluntary body 5 Any connection with a voluntary or other body contracting for NHS services 6 Membership of a political party 3 EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Board of Directors 10 August 2018 UNCONFIRMED MINUTES OF THE EIGHTY-SIXTH MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FRIDAY 10 AUGUST 2018 AT 9.45 AM IN SEMINAR ROOMS 1 & 2, BUCKLAND HOSPITAL, DOVER PRESENT: Professor S Smith Chair StS Mr S Adeusi Non-Executive Director SA Mr P Cave Director of Finance and Performance Management PC Ms W Cookson Non-Executive Director WC Ms S Le Blanc Director of Human Resources SLB Mr N Mansley Non-Executive Director NM Mr L Martin Chief Operating Officer LM Ms J Ollis Non-Executive Director JO Ms L Shutler Director of Strategic Development and Capital Planning/Deputy Chief Executive LS Dr S Smith Chief Nurse and Director of Quality SSm Dr P Stevens Medical Director PS Mr C Tomson Non-Executive Director (joined at 10.15 am) CT Mr B Wilding Non-Executive Director BW IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs A Fox Trust Secretary AF Ms C Hardwick Head of Speech and Language Therapy (for minute number 63/18) CH Ms A Price Workforce Programme Director (for minute number 66/18) AP Ms S Robson Board Support Secretary (Minutes) SR Ms S Stevens Speech and Language Therapist (for minute number 63/18) SaSt Ms N Yost Director of Communications NY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC AND STAFF OBSERVING: Ms D Gordon Mr C Morley Mr K Rogers Dr J Sewell Mrs M Smith Mr S Stevens Mrs J Whorwell MINUTE ACTION NO. 56/18 CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting. 57/18 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were noted from Ms Susan Acott (SAc), Chief Executive Officer and Mr Keith Palmer (KP), Non-Executive Director. CHAIR’S INITIALS …………… Page 1 of 10 EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Board of Directors 10 August 2018 58/18 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS It was noted that there were no changes to the declaration of interests. 59/18 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 8 JUNE 2018 The minutes of the previous meeting were APPROVED as an accurate record of the meeting. 60/18 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES ON 8 JUNE 2018 The quarterly quality strategy update was noted. The presentation of health and safety reports on a quarterly basis to the Board related to actions for future Board meetings. Confirmation of the number of staff employed in the Emergency Department (ED) at Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (QEQM) Hospital had been provided in the actions table, this was noted and the action was closed. 61/18 CHAIR’S REPORT The Chair reported that the Trust had been part of the BBC’s celebration of 70 years of the NHS. The Chair provided an update from the Council of Governors. There would be continued evolution and modernisation of interactions with Governors. There had been six Governor, Executive Director and Non-Executive Director joint visits to various areas across the hospital sites. There had been concerns regarding underutilisation of the Buckland Hospital, and that utilisation of capacity needed to remain a matter for discussion. In addition to these visits, the Executive Directors had a full plan of engagement and buddying visits. Implementation of services provided by the wholly owned subsidiary company, 2gether Support Solutions (2SS), had ran smoothly. AF noted that positive feedback had been received from staff and engagement had been good. LS added that 2SS had announced a pay increase for the lowest paid Serco staff. The Chair noted that changes to the Trust’s Constitution were outlined in the appendix attached with the Chair’s report, which had been approved by the Governors. These were presented to the Board for approval. It was noted that the Trust was reviewing the use of single-use plastics. The Board NOTED the Chair’s report and APPROVED the changes to the Trust’s Constitution. 62/18 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT LS noted successes in the Emergency Department (ED) performance improvements. The results of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) visit were awaited. There had been a review of reporting by subsidiaries and a strategy for CHAIR’S INITIALS …………… Page 2 of 10 EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Board of Directors 10 August 2018 East Kent Medical Services (EKMS) requested. Accreditation for haematology and blood transfusion had been retained. ‘Listening into Action’ (LiA) had been launched and the points raised included the provision of drinking water fountains, air conditioning and other temperature-related issues. There would be further discussions held at the staff forums. JO recommended that the Board remained sighted on LiA projects taken forward. SLB advised that she would be updating the Strategic Workforce Committee (SWC) at each meeting and that updates would be reported back to the Board within the SWC Chair’s report. LS commented that it would be valuable for the Board to have sight of staff comments from LiA. SA enquired whether any ideas from the LiA programme could be included in the transformation agenda. LS replied that 10 service areas would be chosen, with a doctor, nurse and senior manager responsible for a transformation project in each area. NM advised it was important that suggestions received through LiA should be acknowledged and responded to. LS indicated that a blog from SAc acknowledging issues would be disseminated to staff. NY added that a LiA communications plan had been developed. The Board NOTED the Chief Executive’s Report. 63/18 PATIENT AND STAFF EXPERIENCE STORY ` CH explained that speech and language therapists worked with patients with communication difficulties and swallowing difficulties. SaSt added that swallowing difficulties could have potentially life-threatening consequences and could also impact negatively on patients’ quality of life. Patients were initially assessed with a clinical bedside examination of the swallow, leading to recommendations for the team caring for the patient. The clinical bedside examination was limited as some patients did not show any obvious signs of problems. Research suggested that up to 40% of people with dysphagia were aspirating silently. In others, aspiration risk could be overestimated, leading to unnecessary restrictions or tube feeding. Therefore, instrumental assessment was required. Video fluoroscopy but was not available to all patients as patients needed to be well enough to be able to go to the X-ray department and be positioned correctly. Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) was not yet widely available in the Trust. A video was played to demonstrate the ease of use at a patient’s bedside. CH outlined a case study of a stroke patient. Bedside assessment indicated difficulties with swallowing but a FEES examination demonstrated that the issues were not as bad as expected. The patient was started on a modified diet and did not require a feeding tube. FEES equipment would benefit patients, save time for the speech and language therapy department and reduce costs for the Trust. CHAIR’S INITIALS …………… Page 3 of 10 EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Board of Directors 10 August 2018 A question was raised regarding whether FEES could be used for patients with oesophageal cancers. CH replied that in oesophageal cancer patients food was often stuck further down the oesophagus, although there could be discomfort higher up. It was enquired if transient ischaemic attack patients were screened for swallowing difficulties. CH replied that if a swallowing screen for nurses was available on all wards, any problems would result in a referral to speech and language therapy. WC asked for an update on the progress of the business case. SaSt replied that there had been an invitation to present this at the Charitable Funds Committee on 6 September to request funding. SSm noted that the speech and language therapy team had won an accreditation, and extended congratulations to the team. The Board NOTED the report. 64/18 QUALITY COMMITTEE – CHAIR REPORT BW highlighted that the Quality Committee continued to closely monitor the situation around performance in the ED. Learning from serious incidents was also a focus of the Committee. The Board NOTED the report. 65/18 MEDICAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT PS reported that an IT issue at Public Health England had led to a number of people not being called forward for breast screening. The local service had been working hard to rectify this. The MBRRACE report on perinatal mortality indicated that the Trust’s stillbirth and neonatal mortality rate was above the national average. Indication had revealed that most of the local variation related to congenital non-survivable conditions. Healthcare associated infection, particularly C. diff, was an area of concern. An independent external visit to examine the infection prevention and control action plan was planned. The General Medical Council (GMC) training survey had demonstrated small improvements for the Trust, it was noted that burn out was an issue nationally. SA noted 18 never events over the past three years and enquired if underlying causes would be addressed in the planned workshop. PS replied that never events could never be completely eradicated and that these typically had multiple causes. CT noted a slight deterioration on mortality indices. PS commented that the hospital standardised mortality ratio (HSMR) was more meaningful than the crude mortality rate and remained low. The mortality index demonstrated possible problem areas in acute myocardial infarction and stroke. Randomly selected cases would be assessed in detail and presented to the mortality steering committee. BW CHAIR’S INITIALS …………… Page 4 of 10 EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Board of Directors 10 August 2018 added that the Quality Committee looked for assurance that thorough and detailed analysis was being undertaken. NM expressed concern over the amount of red and pink on the training survey, particularly around gastroenterology. PS replied that this related to the balance between acute medicine and gastroenterology. Recruitment and retention of staff would help to address that. JO asked what training around resilience and mindfulness was provided to junior doctors. PS replied that there was not enough, and that aspects of MediLead, which had been developed in Medway NHS Foundation Trust, would be adopted. SLB noted that the Trust had implemented mindfulness and resilience training in the previous year and it was provided particularly in areas where demand for services was high. However, demand was not yet being met. WC commented measurement of impact would be helpful. PS commented that Schwartz Rounds had been running for around two years and were very well attended. The Chair noted that stroke mortality was high. The introduction of hyperacute stroke units would reduce this. Internal investigation around the MBRRACE report was linked to national criteria. The Chair extended sympathy to those patients that had been missed from the breast screening programme. The Board NOTED the report. 66/18 URGENT CARE AND LONG TERM CONDITIONS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME – REPORT AND FORWARD PLAN SLB noted that urgent care accounted for 25% of the Trust’s workforce. The previous winter had been challenging. AP had joined the Trust to support the leadership team in developing a long-term sustainable workforce plan. AP explained that the paper summarised progress across the six workstreams. Attracting local populations to consider working in the heath service at an early stage in their education was a key opportunity. The Chair commented that the Board were concerned by the level of agency overspend and required assurance that this was under control and being monitored. SLB replied that the main issue was the recruitment to vacant posts. Agreement of a number of additional business cases meant that the vacancy gap had now increased. SLB would present a paper on addressing this at the next Board meeting. It was noted that operational pressures had impacted on the reporting of the appraisal process in the Urgent Care & Long Term Division (UC&LTC). Staff were being encouraged to take ownership of appraisals. WC commented that there was possibly a larger Trust-wide issue around manual processes. SLB indicated that appraisal reporting was not an issue in other Divisions. CHAIR’S INITIALS …………… Page 5 of 10 EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Board of Directors 10 August 2018 It was noted that junior doctors in training would be removed from joiners and leavers figures. BW queried how agency spend would impact on the Cost Improvement Programme (CIP). PC replied that there was a risk around CIP delivery. Activity overperformance and underspending in other areas had mitigated agency spend to some extent. SLB observed that work around retention was being carried out. Some agency spend represented staff required above establishment for patient safety reasons. There were business cases around changing these posts to substantive, which would further reduce agency spend. LS noted that there were difficult recruitment challenges in areas of primary care and joint working between providers could provide a solution to many issues. AP agreed that the programme of work should be system-wide. Band 4 was a level of staffing that was underutilised in the NHS but could play an important role. LM indicated that providers had agreed not to compete against each other around the recruitment of staff. The Board NOTED the report. 67/18 STRATEGIC WORKFORCE COMMITTEE – CHAIR REPORT CT noted concerns that a number of indicators were moving negatively. However, there had been a significant reduction in staff leaving the Trust in the first year, with a net gain of just under 400 people. Flu vaccination uptake was amongst the most improved in the UK. Recruitment was significantly up on the previous year, including a substantial number of consultants recruited. Turnover and recruitment was similar to the national average. CT commented that nursing turnover and the age profile of nurses were areas of concern. PS observed that finalising the clinical strategy was important so that potential staff could make long-term plans. LS commented that a medium-term vision was also important, particularly in areas such as ITU. PS added that certainty was needed on the strategy. SLB reported that just over 60 new consultants had been recruited in a year. The Trust had an aging workforce profile, and a ‘working longer’ group was considering more flexible options for staff who were considering retirement. NM asked how the pilot on attracting staff back into the workforce was measured. SLB replied that this was on staff feedback. NM asked if commission was offered to staff introducing new people to the Trust. SLB answered that this was one of the additional measures that was being considered. The Board APPROVED the report. 68/18 NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE – CHAIR REPORT JO reported that the Committee reviewed and took assurance around succession planning, the fit and proper persons test and updating the register of interests. CHAIR’S INITIALS …………… Page 6 of 10 EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Board of Directors 10 August 2018 The Board APPROVED the report. 69/18 REMUNERATION COMMITTEE – CHAIR REPORT WC reported that the Committee had discussed a review of pay policy and remuneration of Executive Directors. The salary and terms and conditions of Board Directors of 2gether Support Solutions (2SS) had also been discussed. The Board APPROVED the report. 70/18 INTEGRATED AUDIT AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE (IAGC) – CHAIR REPORT BW reported that the Committee recommended for Board approval to remove the annual priority in relation to delivery of the Leadership Programme, as the provision of funding had not been supported by NHS Improvement (NHSI). WC asked for further detail around constitutional standards and system risks on the risk register. BW replied that there were 33 items on the strategic risk register, which was too many. Some would be amalgamated, some recommended for closure and some transferred to the Divisional risk registers. AF commented that there would be consideration of a risk around pathways and mitigation of system-wide risk. CT observed that the NHS was moving towards becoming an Accountable Care Organisations. There was encouragement for local bodies to work together to form a plan, but very little governance and that considering system risks collaboratively could be a way to move towards this. It was noted that conversations around how to include governance had commenced. The Chair noted that the health service needed to function within the legal framework of the 2012 NHS Act, but there were many opportunities for providers to work collaboratively. The Trust would need to proactively consider differences in the new environment. PC noted that the Trust was working together with Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) around an aligned incentive contract. DECISION: The Board APPROVED the report and the removal of the annual priority in relation to delivery of the Leadership Programme. 71/18 FINANCE AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE – CHAIR REPORT SA reported that an encouraging meeting had been held with NHSI regarding the Trust’s Financial Special Measures (FSM) status. NHSI had requested a three- year operational plan. There was a cap of £19m agency spend for the year and £9.9m had been spent in the first quarter, mostly in urgent care. There was a need to ensure recovery of the elective activity underperformance and achieve the level of planned income. The Trust had a £30m Cost Improvement Programme (CIP), of which around CHAIR’S INITIALS …………… Page 7 of 10

Non Executive Director . It was noted that the Trust was reviewing the use of single-use plastics. 23 August – Ward Buddying Session at Day Surgery, Queen procedure and provides an indication of the outcomes or quality of care .. Anaesthetics – pre - assessment Consultant Anaesthetics.
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