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2018 Provider and Pharmacy Directory PDF

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Health Net Cal MediConnect Plan (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) 2018 Provider and Pharmacy Directory Los Angeles County, CA Region: Antelope Valley; San Fernando Valley (less Burbank and Glendale) Part 1 of 3 H3237_18_PPDR_ACCEPTED_09042017 hntroduct hntroduct H3237_18_PPDR_ACCEPTED_09042017 Health Net Cal MediConnect Plan (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) 2018 Provider and Pharmacy Directory • Health Net Cal MediConnect Plan • We will refer to these groups as “network (Medicare-Medicaid Plan) is a health plan providers” in this Directory. These providers that contracts with both Medicare and signed a contract with us to provide you Medi-Cal to provide benefts of both services. This is a list of Health Net programs to enrollees. Cal MediConnect’s network providers for the • Te List of Covered Drugs and/or pharmacy Antelope and San Fernando Valley (less and provider networks may change throughout Burbank / Glendale). the year. We will send you a notice before we • If you would like a complete listing of all make a change that afects you. providers available, please contact Health Net • Benefts and/or copays may change on January 1 Cal MediConnect at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) of each year. from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. • Tis Directory lists health care professionals After hours, on weekends and on holidays, you (such as doctors, nurse practitioners and may be asked to leave a message. Your call will psychologists), facilities (such as hospitals or be returned within the next business day. clinics), and support providers (such as Adult Day Health and Home Health providers) that you may see as a Health Net Cal MediConnect member. We also list the pharmacies that you may use to get your prescription drugs. If you have questions, please call Health Net bal ledibonnect at 1-855-S6S-35V1 GssY: V11) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., londay through eriday. After hours, on weekends aonnd holidays, you can leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. she call is free. For more information, visit www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect. www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect / 3 Introduction If you have questions, please call Health Net Cal MediConnect at 1-855-464- 3571 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weeken ds and on holidays, you can leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. The call is free.For more information, visit www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect. 4 / www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect Si usted habla español, hay servicios de asistencia de idiomas disponibles para usted sin cargo. Llame al 1-855-464-3571 en Los Angeles County y al 1-855-464-3572 en San Diego County (los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711), de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m. Después del horario de atención, los fnes de semana y los días feriados puede dejar un mensaje. Le devolveremos la llamada el siguiente día hábil. La llamada es gratuita. If you have questions, please call Health Net Cal MediConnect at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weekends and on holidays, you can leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. The call is free.For more information, visit www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect. www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect / 5 Introduction • You can get this document for free in other through Friday. Afer hours, on weekends formats, such as large print, braille, or audio. and on holidays, you may be asked to leave a Call 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to message. Your call will be returned within the 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Afer hours, on next business day. Te call is free. weekends and on holidays, you may be asked Doctors and health care professionals in to leave a message. Your call will be returned Health Net Cal MediConnect’s network are listed within the next business day. Te call is free. on pages 19–1829. Pharmacies in our network • If you would like Health Net Cal MediConnect are listed on pages 1833–1869. to send you member materials on an ongoing basis in other formats, such as braille or large print, or in a language other than English, Providers please contact Member Services. Tell Member Getting started in Health Net Cal MediConnect Services that you would like to place a standing Tis section explains key terms you’ll see in our request to get your materials in another format Provider and Pharmacy Directory. or language. Te providers in this directory are organized The list is up-to-date as of 06/05/2018, but you alphabetically by medical group. need to know that: • Some Health Net Cal MediConnect network • Providers are health care professionals and support providers may have been added or removed providers such as doctors, nurses, pharmacists, from our network afer this Directory was therapists, and other people who provide care published. and services. Services include medical care, long- • Some Health Net Cal MediConnect providers term services and supports, supplies, prescription in our network may no longer be accepting drugs, equipment and other services. new members. If you are having trouble fnding – Te term providers also includes facilities a provider who will accept new members, such as hospitals, clinics, and other places that call Member Services at 1-855-464-3571 provide medical services, medical equipment, (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday and long-term services and supports. through Friday, and we will help you. – Providers that are a part of our plan’s network ¶ To get the most up-to-date information are called network providers. abouItf H yeaoltuh h aNvet qCueasl tMioendsiC,on pnlecats’se call Health Net Cal MediConnect at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) netwfororkm p8ro vai.demr.s in t oyo 8ur apr.eam, .vis,it Monday throug•h NFreitdwaoyrk. p rAfotveird ehorusrs a,re othne w pereokveinddesr sa otnhnda tholidays, you can wwwle.haevael tah nmeets.csoamge/c.al mYoeudr icaolln nwielclt boer returned withianv et hceo netrxatc tbeuds iwnietshs u sd atoy p.ro vTihed ec aslelr ivsic efsree. For more information, visit www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect. call Member Services at 1-855-464-3571 to members in our plan. Te providers in our (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday network generally bill us directly for care they 6 / www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect give you. When you see a network provider, » Kidney dialysis services that you get at a you usually pay nothing for covered services. Medicare-certifed dialysis facility when you are outside the plan’s service area; or • A Primary Care Provider (PCP) is a doctor who gives you routine health care. Your PCP » Services from a women’s health specialist. will keep your medical records and get to know – Additionally, if you are eligible to get services your health needs over time. Your PCP will also from Indian health providers, you may see give you a referral if you need to see a specialist these providers without a referral. We must or other provider. pay the Indian health provider for those • Specialists are doctors who provide health care services, even if they are out of our plan’s services for a specifc disease or part of the body. network. Tere are many kinds of specialists. Here are a – More information on referrals is available in few examples: Chapter 3 of the Member Handbook. – Oncologists care for patients with cancer. • You also have access to a Care Coordinator and – Cardiologists care for patients care team that you help choose. with heart conditions. – A Care Coordinator helps you manage your – Orthopedists care for patients with certain medical providers and services. bone, joint or muscle conditions. – Your Care Team is a group of people that will • A Medical Group is a group of PCPs, get to know your needs and work with you to specialists, and other health care providers that write a Personal Care Plan. Your Care Team work together and are contracted to work with will talk with you about the services that are our plan. right for you. Te goal is to support your • You may need a referral to see a specialist or health care wishes and help you regain your someone that is not your PCP. A referral means health and improve your abilities. that your network PCP must give you approval – Your Care Team starts with your Primary before you can see the other provider. If you Care Provider and Care Coordinator. Other don’t get a referral, Health Net Cal MediConnect team members, may include a behavioral may not cover the service. If you have questions, please call Health Nehte Calathl More sdoicCiaoln snerevcitc ea te x1p-8er5t5, p-4h6y4si-c3ia5n7 1 (TTY: 711) – Referrals from your network PCP are not from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Fridays.p Aecftiealri shto, our sd,i eotnic iwane.ekends and on holidays, you can needleda vfoer a: message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. The call is free.For more – A Personal Care Plan is the list of health care information, visit www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect. » Emergency care; goals you agree to work on with your Care » Urgently needed care; Team. Tese goals include: www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect / 7 Introduction • Your physical health care; Our plan’s PCPs are afliated with medical groups. When you choose your PCP, you are also • Your mental health care; choosing the afliated medical group. Tis means • Long-term services and supports. (Tese that your PCP will be referring you to specialists are for people who need help to do everyday and services that are also afliated with his or her tasks like taking a bath, getting dressed, medical group. making food, and taking medicine.) • If there is a particular specialist or hospital – Everyone on the Care Team works together that you want to use, it is important to see whether to make sure your care is coordinated. Tis they are afliated with your PCP’s medical means that they make sure tests and labs are group. You can look in this directory, or ask done once and the results are shared with the Health Net Cal MediConnect Member Services appropriate providers. It also means that your to check to see if the PCP you want makes PCP should know all medicines you take so referrals to that specialist or uses that hospital. that he or she can reduce any negative efects. Your PCP will always get your permission To choose a PCP, go to the list of providers before sharing your medical information with on page 19 and choose a provider: other providers. • that you use now, or Choosing a Primary Care Provider (PCP) • who has been recommended by someone you trust, or You can get services from any provider who is in our network and accepting new members. • whose ofces are easy for you to get to. If you want help in choosing a PCP, please First, you will need to choose a Primary Care call Member Services at 1-855-464-3571 Provider. You may be able to have a specialist act (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday as your PCP. Te specialist must be willing and through Friday. Afer hours, on weekends and able to provide the care you need. If you need on holidays, you may be asked to leave a message. to request a specialist to be your PCP, call our Your call will be returned within the next Member Services at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) business day. Te call is free. Or, visit from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect. Afer hoIuf ryso, oun h waeveek eqnudes santido nons ,h poleidaasyes ,c aylol uH ealth Net Cal MediConnect at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) may be afsrokmed 8 to ale.avme. a mtoe s8sag pe. Ymo.ur, c aMlol nwdially through Friday. After hours, on weekends aonnd holidays, you can If you have questions about whether we will pay leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. The call is free. For more be returned within the next business day. Te for any medical service or care that you want or information, visit www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect. call is free. need, call Member Services and ask before you get the service or care. 8 / www.healthnet.com/calmediconnect Getting long-term services and supports consistent and any transition is well-planned. To find providers of these services, go to page 1715 As a Health Net Cal MediConnect member, in this Directory. you may be able to get long-term services and supports (LTSS), such as Community-Based A full list of these services is available in Chapter 4 Adult Services (CBAS), the Multipurpose Senior of your Member Handbook. Services Program (MSSP), and long-term custodial care in nursing facilities. Long-term Identifying Providers in services and supports are help for people who Health Net Cal MediConnect’s Network need assistance to do everyday tasks like taking You must get all of your covered services from a bath, getting dressed, making food, and taking medicine. Most of these services are provided at providers within our network that are afliated your home or in your community but could be with your PCP’s medical group. If you provided in a nursing home or hospital. go to providers who are not in Health Net Cal MediConnect’s network and are not afliated Tese services include Community-Based Adult with your PCP’s medical group (without prior Services (CBAS). authorization or approval from us), you will have CBAS is a community-based day health program to pay the bill. that provides services to older persons and adults Te exceptions to this rule are when you need with chronic medical, cognitive, or mental health urgent or emergency care or dialysis and cannot conditions and/or disabilities that are at risk of get to a provider in the plan, such as when you needing institutional care. are away from home. You can also go outside the ¶ To apply for CBAS, please contact Health Net plan or your PCP’s medical group if Health Net Cal MediConnect at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) Cal MediConnect gives you permission frst. from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may need a referral to see someone who Afer hours, on weekends and on holidays, is not a Primary Care Provider. Tere is more you may be asked to leave a message. Your call information about referrals in the “Getting will be returned within the next business day. started in Health Net Cal MediConnect” section Te call is free. of this Directory on page 6. Other long-term services and supports provided If you have questions, please call Health Net Cal MediConnect at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) by Healtfhro Nme t8 C aal. Mme.di Cton 8ne cpt .inmc.lud,e Mtohne day throug•h YForiud mayay. ch Aafntgeer phoruorsv,id eorns wwietehkienn tdhse naoenntdw horlikd aatys, you can Multipulrepaovsee aS emneiosrs Saegrev.ic eYso Pur ocaglrla wmil l( MbeS SrPet)u rned witahinny tihem en.e Ixf ty obuus hianvees bse denay go.in gT hteo coanlle inse tfwreoerk. For more and longi-ntfeormrm actuisotond,i avl icsairte winww n.uhresainltghn featc.ilitcoiems/. calmedpircoonvnideectr,. you do not have to keep going to that Te MSSP provides services for people age 65 and same provider. For some providers, you may older. With long-term custodial care in nursing need a referral fromw ywow.urh ePaCltPh.net.com/calmediconnect / 9 facilities, the health plan makes sure that care is Introduction • Remember, our plan’s PCPs are afliated with assigned medical group, and then by city or town. medical groups. If you change your PCP, you All other provider types are listed by city or town may also be changing medical groups. When within each section. you ask for the change, be sure to tell Member If you need help fnding a provider, call Member Services whether you are seeing a specialist or Services at 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. getting other covered services that require PCP to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Afer hours, approval. Member Services will help make sure on weekends and on holidays, you may be asked that you can continue your specialty care and to leave a message. Your call will be returned other services when you change your PCP. within the next business day. Te call is free. • Health Net Cal MediConnect works with all the providers in our network to accommodate the List of network providers needs of people with disabilities. As applicable, Tis Directory of Health Net Cal MediConnect’s the list of network providers in this Directory network providers contains: includes information about the accommodations they provide. If you need to see a provider and • Health care professionals including primary are not sure if they ofer the accommodations care physicians, specialists, nurse practitioners, you need, Health Net Cal MediConnect can psychologists and pharmacies. help you. Talk to your Care Coordinator for • Facilities including hospitals, nursing facilities, assistance or call Member Services at skilled nursing facilities, mental health facilities; 1-855-464-3571 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to and 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. Afer hours, on • Support providers including adult day services, weekends and on holidays, you may be asked to leave a message. Your call will be returned assisted living, consumer-directed services, within the next business day. Te call is free. home-delivered meals, home health agencies; and Finding Health Net Cal MediConnect • Vision providers; and providers in your area • Acupuncture providers Tis directory is sorted by type of provider Te providers in this directory are organized and location. Provider types include Primary If you have questions, please call Healtha lNpheat bCetaicl aMlley dbiyC monendeiccatl agrt o1u-p8.5 Y5o-u4 6m4a-y3 5ge7t1 (TTY: 711) Care Providers, Specialists, Hospitals, Nursing from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weekends and on holidays, you can services from any of the providers on this list that Facilities, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. The call is free.For more are afliated with your PCP’s medical group. Agencieisn, fMoermntalt iHoena,l tvhi sPitr owvwidwer.hs,e Laoltnhgn-Teet.rcmo m/calmediconnect. For some services, you may need a referral from Services and Supports, Acupuncture Providers, your PCP. and 1V0is /i ownw Pwro.hveidaelrths.n Perti.mcoamry/ cCaalrme ePdroicvoidnenres ct and Specialists are listed by

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