G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS JIPH-863; No.ofPages3 JournalofInfectionandPublicHealthxxx(2018)xxx–xxx ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Journal of Infection and Public Health journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jiph Knowledge and attitude towards the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus among healthcare personnel in the southern region of Saudi Arabia HudaF.Abbaga,∗,AwadAhmedEl-Mekkib,AliAobaidAliAlBshabshec, AhmedA.Mahfouzd,AhasenA.Al-Dosrya,RashaT.Mirdada,NoraF.AlKhttabia, LubnaF.Abbaga aCollegeofMedicine,KingKhalidUniversity,Abha,SaudiArabia bDepartm e ntofMicro biolo gy&C linicalPara sitolog y,Col legeofMedicine,KingKhalidUniversity,Abba,SaudiArabia cDepartment of InternalMedi cin e,Colle geofMedicine ,KingK ha lidUniver sity, Abha,S audiArabia dDepartment of Familya ndComm unityM ed icine,Colle geof Medici ne,KingKh alidU nivers itySupervisorJointProgram,SaudiBoardofCommunity Medicine,Abha,SaudiArabia a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: Introduction:MiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirus(MERS-CoV)belongstothefamilyCoron- Receiv ed14September2017 aviridae,and isnam edfo rthecrown -likespike sonitssurfa ce.Theclinic alprese nta tion ofME RS-CoV AReccceepivteedd i1n8 r Feevbisreuda rfyor2m 0 1285 January 2018 infection rang es from as ym ptom atic to ver y sever e di sea se, and t he cl assical p resentation i ncl udes fever, coughchills,sorethroat,myalgia,andarthralgia. Methods:Across-sectionalstudyof339healthcarepersonnelwasconductedoveran8-monthperiodin Keywords: theAseer r egionofSaudiA rabia us inga structured surveyth atin cludeddem ogra ph icinform ationan d Knowledge questionstestingparticipant’sknowledge. Attitude Results:Approximatelytwo-thirdsoftherespondentsproperlyidentifiedthecausativeagentofMERS- MiddleEastrespiratorysyndrome Corona virus CoV as an RNA virus (66.4%, n = 225) that is enveloped (68.1%, n = 231). On the other hand, few respondents Healthcarepersonnel identifiedthepropernumberofstrainsorthegenus(16.5%and17.4%,respectively).Morethanhalfofthe studysam ple identifi edthed ise aseasz oo not ic(57. 2%,n= 194) .Simil arly,89.1%(n =302) iden tifie dt hat camelsandbatsarepronetoinfectionwithcoronaviruses.Only23.9%(n=81)properlyidentifiedMarch throughMayastheseasonwiththehighesttransmissionrate.Therewasamassivelackofadequate knowledgeregardingprevalenceofantibodies.Only18.3%(n=62)ofrespondentsidentifiedPCRasthe properdiagnosticconfirmatorytestforMERS-CoVinfection.RegardingMERS-CoVclinicalfeatures,76.4% (n=259)recognizedthepresenceofsub-clinicalinfection,64.7%(n=218)indicatedthatcasesshouldbe immediatelyisolated,and46.9%(n=159)identifiedthemaincauseofmortalityasrespiratoryfailure. Conclusions:ThereislimitedmicrobiologicalandvirologicalknowledgeofMERS-CoVinfectionamong healthcarepersonnelinthesouthernregionofSaudiArabia,althoughtheclinicalaspectsareknown. ©2018PublishedbyElsevierLimitedonbehalfofKingSaudBinAbdulazizUniversityforHealth Sciences.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBY-NC-NDlicense(http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Introduction aviruses usually cause mild-to-moderate upper respiratory tract illness. TheMiddleEastrespiratorysyndromecoronavirus(MERS-CoV) SARS-CoVandMERS-CoVarezoonoticdiseaseswhichcaninfect belongstothefamilyCoronaviridae.Mostindividualsareinfected bothhumansandanimals,includingcamelsandbats[1]. by a coronavirus at some time in their lifespan. Human coron- The first case of MERS-CoV was retrospectively reported at a hospital in Jordan. Subsequently, the first publicly reported case wasfromJeddahintheKingdomofSaudiArabia.Thereafter,from ∗ September2012toMarch31,2017,around1917cases(684deaths) CEo-mrraeislpaodnddreinssge as:[email protected](H.F.Abbag),[email protected] ofMiddleE astre spi ratory syn drome corona virus (MER S-Co V)were (A.A.El-Mekki),[email protected](A.A.A.AlBshabshe), reported to the World Health Organization [2,3]. MERS-CoV is mahf ouz2005@g mail.com (A.A. Mahfouz ), ahase n1 [email protected] endemic in sixc ountrie sinthe MiddleEast:S audiA rabia,Unit ed (A.A.Al-Dosry),[email protected](R.T.Mirdad), Arab Emirates, Qatar, Jordan, Oman, and Kuwait. A few travel- [email protected](N.F.AlKhttabi),[email protected](L.F.Abbag). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2018.02.001 1876-0341/©2018PublishedbyElsevierLimitedonbehalfofKingSaudBinAbdulazizUniversityforHealthSciences.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBY-NC-ND license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Please cite this article in press as: Abbag HF, et al. Knowledge and attitude towards the Middle East respiratory syn- drome coronavirus among healthcare personnel in the southern region of Saudi Arabia. J Infect Public Health (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2018.02.001 G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS JIPH-863; No.ofPages3 2 H.F.Abbagetal./JournalofInfectionandPublicHealthxxx(2018)xxx–xxx relatedcaseshavebeenidentifiedinTunisia,theUnitedKingdom, Table1 France, Germ any,a ndIt aly[4]. Demo graphic characteristics of survey respondents. Inhumans,theexactsourceandmodeoftransmissionofMERS- Descriptivedata CoVisundefined.MERS-CoVhasneverbeenisolatedfrombatsand Characteristic Healthcareworkers itisuncertainiftherehasbeendirectorindirecttransmissionfrom ba ts tohuman s .Man yst udies have sho wnadi rectcorrelati onof N % Gender contactwithcamelsandMERS-CoVinfection,includingexposure froming estin gunpas teur izedcamel milk[5–7 ]. FMeamlea le 120345 3609..73%% MERS-CoVspreadsthroughcontactwithrespiratorysecretions Age fromcoughingandsneezingandmayalsobetransmittedthrough close personal cont act,such asto uchin gor sh akinghands [8,9]. 1286––2355 7177 9 2522..78%% ClinicalpresentationofMERS-CoVinfectionrangesfromasymp- 36–45 46 13.7% tomaticto verysevered is ease;Thep atientm ayalso com plainof 46–55 23 6.8% +56 14 4.0% shortnessofbreaththatmayprogresstopneumonia,oftenrequir- ing ventilator support. Around one third of all patients report Profession vom iting,diarr hea,and othergas troin testin als ym ptoms[8 ,10,11]. Physician 94 27.7% Nurse 197 58.1% PCR is the best confirmatory test for MERS-CoV; however, a serolog yt estc anbe usedforscre ening .In aGermanho spital,con - Other 48 14.2% Workexperience tactsofatreatedcasewerescreenedwithtwoimmunofluorescence Interns 60 17.7% assaystodetectantibodiestoMERS-CoV,alongwithaserumneu- Lessthan10years 193 56.9% tralizat io ntest; resultshow ed goodsensit ivitya ndsp e cificity [12]. 10–2 0yea rs 67 19.8% Regardingmanagementinuncomplicatedcase,itisessentialto 20–30years 19 5.6% isolatethepatient(standard,contact,anddropletprecautions)and forcriticallyillpatients,airborneprecautionsarerecommendedin Respondentknowledgeofcoronaviruses additiontotheaboveprecautionsbecauseofthehighlikelihoodof requiringaerosol-generatingprocedures[13]. RegardingthegeneralvirologyofMERS-CoV,two-thirdsofthe The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge and surveyrespondentsproperlyidentifiedthecausativeagentasan attitude towards MERS-CoV among healthcare personnel in the RNA virus (66.4%, n=225) and enveloped (68.1%, n=231). Few southernregionofSaudiArabia. respondentsidentifiedthepropernumberofstrainsorthegenus (16.5%and17.4%,respectively). Materialsandmethods More than half of the study sample correctly identified the disease as zoonotic (57.2%, n=194). Similarly, 89.1% (n=302) This study was a cross sectional study conducted over an 8- identifiedthatcamelsandbatsarepronetoinfectionwithcoron- month period (August 2016 through March 2017) that surveyed aviruses.Ontheotherhand,only23.9%(n=81)properlyidentified healthcarepersonnelworkingintertiaryandprimarycarecenters theMarch–Mayperiodastheseasonofgreatestdiseasetransmis- inAhba,SaudiArabia(majorityfromthecentralhospital296and sion. 43fromtheregionalprimaryhealthcarecenters).Usingrandom Resultsshowedamassivelackofadequateknowledgeregard- samplingmethods,339healthpersonnelwereselectedtopartici- ingprevalenceofMERS-CoVamongabattoirworkers(5.0%,n=17), pateinthestudy.Inclusioncriterionwas:anyhealthcarepersonnel thegeneralpopulation(19.5%,n=66),andcamelownersandshep- withatleast6monthsexperience.Allhealthcareworkers,including herds (31.6%, n=107). Only 18.3% (n=62) identified PCR as the physicians,pharmacists,nurses,andlaboratorytechnicians,were proper diagnostic confirmatory test for MERS-CoV infection. An consideredeligibletoparticipateinthisstudy.Respondentswere estimated76.4%(n=259)recognizedthepresenceofsub-clinical excluded if they were a student or failed to complete the entire infection,64.7%(n=218)indicatedthatcasesofMERS-CoVshould questionnaire. be immediately isolated, and 46.9% (n=159) identified the main This study was approved by the Ethical Committee of King causeofmortalityasrespiratoryfailure(Table2). Khalid University and Aseer Central Hospital (2016-06-05). Informedconsentwasobtained,andtherighttowithdrawfrom Discussion thestudyatanytimewasalsoconferred. Middle-East respiratory syndrome (MERS) was first reported Studytools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in September 2012 and foundtobecausedbythenovelbetacoronavirusMERS-CoV[14]. Respondentscompletedamultiple-choicequestionnairecom- Sincethen,morethan1400caseshavebeenreportedfromKSA, posedofdemographicinformation(e.g.,sex,age,workexperience), with a mortality rate of about 40%. We conducted this study to andquestionstestingtheparticipant’sknowledgeaboutthemor- assessknowledgeandattitudetowardsMERS-CoVamonghealth- phology, transmission, and clinical aspects of MERS-CoV, and careworkersinSaudiArabia.Itisthefirststudyconductedinthe sourcesofinformation. southern region of KSA, and the second in KSA overall; the first study, by Khan et al., was conducted over a 2-month period in Results twom ulti specia lty hos pital softheAl-Q assim r egionin2 014.Th ey foundthattherespondentshadgoodknowledgeofandpositive Thestudysampleincluded339healthcarepersonnel.Amajority attitud etow ard sMERS-CoV. Spec ifical ly,healthcar ew ork erswere ofthes tudys amplew asfema le(n =235,69.3 %).Mostre sp ondents lessedu catedabo uttheman agementand conseque ncesofM ERS- ha dle ssthan 10year sof workex pe ri ence (n=193 ,56.9 %),andwere CoV , while a major ity were well aw are of hallmark sy m ptoms, wor king atA see rCen tra lHos pital(n=29 6, 8 7.3%) .More than half preca utiona ry measure s,and hygie neissu es [15]. ofrespon de ntsw erebetw een26- to 36 -yea rs-old( n=17 9,52. 8%). Inourstudy ,responde ntsh adgood know ledgeaboutvirustype Al ldemographi cdata arepres ente di nTable1. and s truc ture, t he zoonotic natu re of the diseas e, and the m ain Please cite this article in press as: Abbag HF, et al. Knowledge and attitude towards the Middle East respiratory syn- drome coronavirus among healthcare personnel in the southern region of Saudi Arabia. J Infect Public Health (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2018.02.001 G Model ARTICLE IN PRESS JIPH-863; No.ofPages3 H.F.Abbagetal./JournalofInfectionandPublicHealthxxx(2018)xxx–xxx 3 Table2 Respondentknowledgeofcoronavirusvirologyandepidemiology(n=339). Knowledgeitem Number Percent ItisanRNAvirus 225 66.4 Itisanenvelopedvirus 231 68.1 Thereare6strainsofthecoronaviruses 56 16.5 MERS-CoVbelongstogammagenusofcoronaviruses 59 17.4 MERS-CoVisazoonoticdisease 194 57.2 MERS-CoVistransmittedbyclosecontact 80 23.6 CamelsandbatscanbeinfectedwithMERS-CoV 302 89.1 March–Mayisseasonofmaximumtransmission 81 23.9 Mainsymptomsarerespiratoryandgastrointestinal 327 96.7 Occurrenceofsubclinicalinfection 259 76.4 ThehighestprevalenceofantiMERS-CoVIgGisfoundamongabattoirworkers 17 5.0 TheprevalenceofantiMERS-CoVIgGamonggeneralpopulationis0.2% 66 19.5 TheprevalenceofantiMERS-CoVIgGamongcamelownersandshepherdsis2.3% 107 31.6 Themaincauseofmortalityisrespiratoryfailure 159 46.9 Casesshouldbeimmediatelyisolated 218 64.7 TheconfirmatorydiagnostictestisPCR 62 18.3 Thereisnoavailablevaccine 261 77.0 Managementissupportive 201 59.3 symptoms. Only one-quarter of the respondents recognized that 2017]. 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[4] Milne-PriceS,MiazgowiczKL,MunsterVJ.TheemergenceoftheMiddleEast This adequ at eknow ledge may beattrib utabletoth ee ducational respiratorys yn dromecoron avi rus.Patho gD is20 14;71(July (2) ):12 1–36[In ter- cam paign cond ucted by th e mi nis try of health th rou gh the com- [5] nCoetr]m [CaniteVdM 3,1It MheatrechN L2 ,0R1i7c]h hartdtps:L//Rw ,Swcwho.nec mbai.nn lMmC.n,iPhr.geiosve/rp Wub,mDerods/t2e4n5C8 ,5e7t3a7l.. mandandcontrolcenter,whichisdedicatedtoMERS-CoVinfection Rooting the phylog ene tictreeo fM iddleEast resp iratory syn dromec or on a- querie sfro mheal thcarew orker s andalloth er practitione rs. virusby cha racterization ofa co nspecifi cviru sfroman Africanbat .JVirol Limi tation s of the p resent st udy in clude the use of a ques- n20cb1i4.n ;8lm8( .Onichto.gboevr/ p(1u9b)m):1ed1 2/2957 0–3 310334 [9In.terne t] [Cit ed 2 A pri l 2017] h ttp:/ /w ww. tionnairetoevaluatehealthcarepersonnelknowledge.Inaddition, [6] Zumla A, Hui DS, Perlman S. 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Please cite this article in press as: Abbag HF, et al. Knowledge and attitude towards the Middle East respiratory syn- drome coronavirus among healthcare personnel in the southern region of Saudi Arabia. J Infect Public Health (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiph.2018.02.001