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2018 12 06 Ltr Weathers Re FOIA HEMP PDF

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by  PAPR
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Preview 2018 12 06 Ltr Weathers Re FOIA HEMP

ornen: Dinner Cowracr Atccrann A. Tauwoo a Curt M1 ena Onrase HARPOOTLIAN [sie Haxsoorraas Stetson December 6, 2018 Vin land Nelivery, U.S. Masl and Ranait The Honorable Hugh Weathers Commnissionse of Ayrivullure South Carolina Deparinvent of Agricultaee 1200 Secate Stet, 3" Mowr Colurmbin, Sout Caroling 29201 Invienthesedase-gow 1n re: South Caraling Freedom of tniaration Act Requsst Tiesr Commissioner Weatter, | am wrfing on behalf of my clien, Public Access to Publie Rewards (PADR), to reques: the disclosue of publie records va-suant 1+ Me Socta Caceliaa Freedom of Infotmatiom AE. FOIA), S.C. Code Aon. §§ 304-10 gt sea, Taolussl as Rebibie A is PAPR's publ records request tv you and your ulliee. Poase allow me to direct your altention to several erm relevant 1 tht request First you are require in reynondl within 10 des, unless the requested recon is more than 24 montis old as ofthe dace of this toe, in whet ease yw tuve 20 days (excluding Satay ‘Sunsiess, and legal holidays) to respond. Sez $.C. Code shim. § 36-1-30(C}. Ny my ealeclation, your espa is duc on or hefore December 20, 2018, Second, yuu should tee ote of the delinilions and insucicns sections preceding ty lion's request. Those sections are putt of our good-faith e Yor o provide a elem, specific eqnest for the public reconds we expect ip reveive, his nos bvilenpluke Lmpunge ts hy igncred and my clisntnay insist on compliance sill Uke defincions al instuctions contained inthis rates ‘Thin, many ofthe rozords sougta through his request ate electrically stoned inlonmaion, LSD) Asexpluined inthe Cofinitions and ins:ructions Io Uis request, PAPR requires hte esis be prodiucod! in their elecironie or Suative” form — wx printed andl produced as paper copies, My client belioves ithas 2 lepat right wp receive ESI. bue aso that pradacinp LST is Tess costly aud Jess burdensenoe way to provide citizens with information about their governmert. Avcondingly. ‘when a record exists in ESTand papor form, ray uli anly socks dine’ osure ofthe respamsive PST, Fourth, sease eonsider waiving any toe sewncinied with resporuling to vis request. ‘The FOIA aurorizes you ls Turnisd reeords “without ctiagge of nl w reduced clunge where the agency Aetermines Uhl iver or reduction of the fe asin the public inlees! bucauss Lomishing the inrmation esr he vansidered 2s ywimanily benefiting the general publie,” §,C Cede Amn, § 30+ A30(B) PAP it a noneprofi organization commited to promating public access lo public recoeds and suvnathering Dre FOTA, and other public wisclasure laws dual enable izens te ‘xereise their right to know whot their yevermm ents doing, In fmtherance this ntsen, PAPR, itmends to "make those records available lo the publis ina fre, searchable, oaline databace, tn Fight of cis publie purpose, please consider exercising. your diserction under the SOLA to waive any oes assoc wil this request PAPR is enger fa work with yot and your allie to help yuu Fulfil cis toquent, Please de tno hesitate o eontuel me i you would ike te discuss tas reques! pri ‘a yout cesponse dexdlin, With ween personal eegarda, Tn Sincerely, 2. Christapher P. Keunsy PK bw Trelosure Exhibit A South Coruliva Trevdum uf 2nformation Act Reques? Public Aevess Public Records UPADI) Doveniber 6, 2018 ‘hic is «rages: for publie reed pursuant fo the South Carolina Hivedou of ltoeion Act FOIA), $C. Code Ann. $8 304419 et wey. Please rex! the Getnilions and iseustions preceding the specie eas requoeted as they’ate extent o understand the publ recs nouph su The peoper procedure whew responding lo this ies DEFINITIONS Allrwords snd pases lize. in this OHA request sal he given he odinary,dstonmny and common-sense dolinisians, Additions ty following ers shal nie “Communivaton” or “communications” mows the vaiten trnsmital of information, ats, oF ideas, inlading, withoot Tevitauon, lets, corespondenes, ness, msmerands, email, text mossage, inmaut messages. telegrams. or any ale seten echarye uf words Powuroents” or “doeumect” shall have the brosdest waning aud include, witaour limitation, all vaitings of any nome whatsoever Gncluding, specttcclly, all diatl; wheter originely or onpiss, ixloding all ton-idsutien copies (whether siffevcut ftom the original because 1sCaptes made on or atawhed 1 them or otherwise); whether drat, preliminary, proposod, or “ina secsious; whether puted, recorked. produced, of :eprodueed by any her edhe or close pruces; and whether pried, writen, a electronical eral, By way of example (not imitation), documents incksce eons. agreement, communications, recon eps, statis, cnxmosauda, books, dias, logs, apomisus, forcents, sutemuts, work papers gras surmuriey Ts, libuluins, calendars, chan, map, dagrams, legis, tes, indices, seus, recordings, apes, microfilm, charges, accounts, mines, brochures, pamphlets, cisculas, sods Ite. press releases, slenegraie, ndrilen or orber 20s, ches, check sus, recep, bills, invoiees, nr vouchers. Documenrs includes FS Vege Loft Exhibit A South Canlina Freefonn of Tufirmation Av: Respest Puiblic Access Prblic Rens <PAPR) Precember 6 2018 I” meauselectonially stove inGarmation,elecnnicly sored dato eleeroie ca aundis tobe inleyprotd bron to includ all eyes of informa, regal of te storage med ox, bd dive, CD-ROM, DVD, ise, tape, tzu drive, te). Hat sain compote ev ofter ulin to rend ar process i. Ty wy af exam imo Heitor, FM ihe ny instant rmesages, txt mossazes, word processing documents (eg, M asolt Wont tiles), worksheess (eg,, Microsoft Excel. sv, or Quitkbooks Ales), presentations (vg. Power Point presentation), ‘or any document stored os magnetic tapes, sks, Ml drives, slid state meuory drives, CD ROMS, or¢ computer or memory system, LSI is adacument “Enuils” irefudes sersonal cmail eddresses te. gsi, yahoo, Hotmsil. AOL, private business adress. ot.) if used lp vommmuniege ve tun information zwpomsive Ia une or muse fol the requests below. “2018 Hemp Hilot Progar” means tke 28 Soulh Chvoling Industiel Hemp Pilot Peogesm initiated by the South Caling Depurinient of Azriallure “2019 Hemp Piloe Peogtoes” means the 2019 South Carolina Industial emp Pilot Program initiated sad enamayeu by the Suh CarsTina Departement wl grivuléure SPAPR” mears Public Accass to Public Revonds, « now prot organization inconporared made the tes of the lea South Carotine mutiny ough is dinactors und nlomeys, “enum” ur “persons” mans any nasieal pron, plopeetaiship, privule cimponsion, public corporation, ruicipal coxporsion, state government. Leen! go anon, aovetrumental agency. politcal subdivision, pexinerdhp, group, asyovintion, or olber busiusss ur exgumization, “Public tort” or public recneds” a the meaning povided in Soul Carolina Cade § 30-4-20(v}, us ameute. Page? af F Exhibit A South Carvin Preeéory of Talon Au! Reuss! Public Avcoxs Public Revords (PAPR) Devewaler 6, 2018 “Relating to” means embodying, containing, compessin, indicating, concesmina, refering. idesifying, describing, discussing, invalving, evidenciag or otherwise petlaining to. “Text message” of “test messages” include mseagos sent or veceival on pers mobile phone of other eleelronie deview if used to wonnrmunions oe unsmi inkirmalion responsive 0 ane (ox mare o'The eoyuests helow. ~Llemp Zumt” aneons aay person or oily Ul hotds 9 or het outa a firmer wi interes in planting, growirg, Irveving and oibensise tarming hemp in the Stale «South Caroli "Ago ican” menus any person ot emf Uh complet inital over wise appli for “Herp fumes” slats the 2018 c= 2014 Clem Plo programs “Applications” imeans all decumenrtion prescuted to the South Carolina Depaconent of Agriculture, wether sonplete ot not, pola ts permission 1 ks par in the 2008 oF 2015, Hemp Pst progam. INSERCCTIONS ‘Yam are req sf respond widtin 10 days, unless the out old os o te date ofthis roquost, in wih sass you have 29 days (esokuding Saturday, Surdeys, ad legal holidays respon Sae SC. Code Ann. {0-4-5010 Yor reps si atify PAPR aslo the availa of the sequesod moors aod wtor each requests eran False to respood vl be deems av up oval nt alien raqusi not eb to acxcapton aloe bylaw de If this request yg, ue resgnsive reams rast be utnished or male axallable for inspection or copying ns ler thes 30 calondar days fkom ive date oF your cewpare, Exhibit A Sonth Cuelina Preedar wf fufe-mation Ast Request Public Acoess Public Recurd (PAPR) Doverber 6, 2018 unless the recon is move than 24 snonéhs old, in which case the recced must be provided within 35 calendlar days ftom the date of your determination, I, Certain maths are exempt fora public diseiosue, Sov i$ 30-4-404a), Harequesad item is exert Irom publie éivelowure, PAPR asks tl you cxurcise your muhority undar the TOVA ood waive the exemption, See iL CA public berly enay hut iv aor required to oxempt frou disclostue...” (emphasis added), Ifa public record coutsins cxcunpt sax aonsxsunpt miter, you suse separa Uhe exempt an nanexern a al al praduve the nomesemp! material g30- 4-400). 1" yon chews ia invake aa excepting, you should co so expeessty, i seit, and in a rmunine: that specif ly idoutifies what is being withheld so RAPR cant evalu the propeity of the exemption, Sinituty, if your imvwke w claim of “privileged communication, “protected informulion”, of “protected identify", you should do so with sveciicty, See § 20 4400) Cluins of privilege shoul also deseribe the decurent witha, Fs date: the communion, un the identity of ll orsons sending al veeiving he purportedly privileged eomnmieation Ie you eeu fes in exchange forthe d:selosere of ewpansive public econ, those fees inte bal en uniform, cslbtihed see Ul des ap excel Hau ws earn for or making ovpies of responsive public records. See S.C. Code Aun. ¢ 30 4 30(L). “Hees may riot be charged fox cxamtination and review ta delerenine ifthe dacimeris bj to cso Ii Please roe yu have u egal obligation wo furish public recon aes lowest possible cost she peeon requesting the recor." PAPR will pay any vosomuble fees increta the ie of prdtion, Sse. PAPR will nox pay fies uur by yn or your atfice pursuant tke predetion of public reer nn ‘entry to the form requested, Kor exemple, where PAPR requests FST it will nor pay copying Pages of? Exhibit A South Carolina Feeedam af Enirmntion At Reapat Public Access Sublic Records (PAP) December 6, 2018 fees if your offew prints the responsive ESI :n licn of respoivling ws requested. Come change rony ro up yt recor Un are aust in a loeteonie Lorn." ‘You should priduee responsive public rousrds either as Ihey wry kept nthe eiinry eo ‘oF business (.., onganized in whatever fle sete or system 38 your office maintains Caem) oF ‘ganized and Inbaled to correspond ro the ummbsred categories in this vequost, Wlion rae public rocords responsive ln thx request inhale PSL, you sbenld pralues those records, wat nipwltion, in thelr carve, electronic “armat (2.2, pit dae, doce, s,s ee.) ang, wit “) pssvonle necessary to access the documents. LF Fou choose ta process I pico pnnducton, rote sing e-paye imag aling wasn necompanyng hol He, full OCR tet, wa malta Naive files sul sl be acoduoed UP you prefer vo make sspomsve public records wails to PAD to ingpcet aed 20py APR is proponed In wleeL ans eopy resanis at co cast ta your office. To pursue this prea, your sesponse should spocifeally identify the records belug made available, thelr lncacen. the wpe of recotds, ad the sien or eystems om whith mse means reside (sg, approsimetely 500 pense eoorts in cabinets Inca in Root 141 ex apocoxinatly $ GY of data Ketel folders sy Jobe, Doe's coena:xer terminal). You droul akc propess dates and times whan the seconds will ho wks neessible Hor inapeatian aed casing. Uailune i pune oily sulci specilisily will be teated a8 af. to respond Public records sbonld male reacted except as expreny sled by Law pe 800 Exhibit A Suuth Carolina Preedam ef Thiarmation Act Rexies! Puhlic Access Public Recurds (PAPR) December 6, 2018 LIBUTATION AS 10 SCOPE ‘The fullowing FOVS request is lcaited uo the perio rom Seplumber 10, 2014 Darou the uly of Unig seques, (Pu requested publie razor exis oh my FS ane as papor moved this POA request is limited to only request disclosure of HSL PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST “This FOLA request eequires disclosure a the taltowing public rovards LAN meeting notes, ing, mines, separ, resemaions, checks, ae her wwilten enomaniatons repanding eh establishment ofthe 2018 Lip tilt Prop. 2 All documentation portsining vo changes to the 2019 Hemp Pot Program compre! tn he 2018 Hemp Pill Program, tacluding dias, kes, esting we, repens, ‘ema, of other documentation evidensing any serations o eit out the 2018 fo 2919 Lemp Pos Progen, 3. Atupy ofall applications by any appliaut 9 ti 2018 Lemp Pilot Preyrum, 4, —A-copy ofall applications hy wn appliewn! the 2019 Herap Pilot Prowram, A lis etal applicants forthe 2078 Hane Pilot Progen 6A listefll applicants for he 2019 Hemp Pilot Program, 7. AU, documents, comamnscaions, retes, parts umnares, or ahr angie ftom that epcts the decison-nstking process for ths 20 Hemp farmers Elly select Go the 2018 Jlerp Pilot Program. 8 All policies, pruceles, writen dooumemation arte wngibe Eas rokeed vo {in determining the Janne uhatsvere involved in tho 2018 Hemnp Pilot Proasae. PaeourT Exhibit A Sonfl Carolina Eeeedam af Inid-eaation Aol Reape Publie Access Public Records (PAPR) December 6, 2018 9. S'L cornmmunicatious, including email, texts, we:ten documentation or evicunee ot oval commusicnions pertaining vo the selotion of Ihe 20:8 Herap Pilot Prugras. 10, All eommuricutins, including eral, toxin, writen documentation er other ponining te applicants that were noc selacted to: che 2918 Llemp Pilot Progra, 11, Allnotes, communications, ng mines, or oficr documentation perning to ths ovalatom nl fia slelion af he 2i [emp Hinmers shld te paige inthe 2008 Hemp Pile Program 12, All communications, notes or other docuucutation Between Vanessa Elsah {velesfavedese.gov) und uny appv forthe 2018 Teanp Pilot Prugnan 13, All comanaiertins, notes oF ober documentation hetseen Vanessa Hala (sstsuluhg lsc.g0¥) a any applica forthe 2019 Hom Pio: Progr, 14, Ait ofl Sou Canotiny Department Agtiaulane eon ha. piped or were Fvuived ithe 201K Hemp Pst Puogram of 2019 Lemp tot Fragen. ‘The list s2oule include nazz, Location, cil ud a Ee 15, AN wonmunication. between aay South Caroling, Deparment of AgHoulLce conployee and any Cverslty offisiel, or bw: ink-pery person or sity eoasuled or ‘coum syth pertain. to Tee 2018 Temp Piet Progeam or 20°9 Temp Pilot Puogenr. Lpermuinder ot'puge intentinnadly left Hank] Pope TnT

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