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Preview 2018-01-11 Eugene Weekly

SEMI-ANNUAL SHOE SALE UP % TO 50 OFF ON SELECT FOOTWEAR LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 12 Downtown Eugene • 181 E Broadway • 541.342.6107 Footwise.com • Mon-Sat 10-6 & Sun 11-5 Oregon Attorney General Settlement Notice The Attorney General’s Settlement Could Benefit You! Did You Buy a TV, Monitor, or Laptop Computer That Contained an LCD Flat Panel Screen, During the Years 2002 to 2006? Or Did You Buy a TV or Computer Monitor That Contained a Cathode Ray Tube (“CRT”), During the T Years 1995 through 2007? PS PleYaoseu re aMd tahiys nboetic eE cnatireftullelyd a st yoo uCr olemgalp rieghntss aartie aoffnec.ted Eugg: 10.5/12ene Wee@ 1:12 PM kly Ad -2:40pm PST Jan 5 - new year.pdf 1 12/29/2017 5:22:01 PM blTirqhoOueu irgdelah gwctor onsyun PsAit AtbastRlet ohaAdrlain lslUeefpg yNolea fAG y tO heNV(ren“OeI ewLgSmTrChoaIIaTelnFD ntA EhnIu”RCelaf)lra t eA NuflcynCrtaoU uaItRu lrÓE peopaSNarscesTnet r EnesRoiollbNrOlsn le d u sgaEWom naaS Elndg Plho yBaActai SanÑsaatI sgchOrTttre o.EecLsdeeo,.e drlLt v arLueaiAnpdy o M mttnwuAa botnRhe ules aOf aw(p c“ rstCiuucRiritenTsrg sss ”hoo)eff. PECIFICATIONSBody Copy Font Size/LeadinTotal Word Count: 395Create Date/Time: 12/4/17 Operator: BSLast Edit Time: 12/15/17 @ Operator: BS LCD flat panels and CRTs. L S DID YOU A Oregon has settled with all defendants for a total of $36,900,000 (“Settlement C I KNOW? Fund”), and you may be entitled to a portion of the Settlement Fund. N A H 15 Natural persons who indireWctlhyo p uIsr cIhnacsleudd aetd a?ny time during the years 2002 MECWeeklyky ng: 14/ tflpfmpooouura ur trr2C sccr0pthhRe 0ahsaaT6nassasl,eeev e ldrfef, or TaioCbrstV me RtaeshsnT one,sy ms oica r tmi oeninomom ecwOnoeopnern rude petuutg oehsororraietn anth mt ageerpn eordtu dshn trii ehicdnnt ahyoetonoanert s s attTf erhaoodsVetrr 1 stpcr9lh eoaro9eospmr 5ad ttlc oiputemoopac,m n et2Lscy 0p ooC c0utfmDho 7tteanp,h rtptufe aomamt ieprnn raouteishnnnrl;secu ig tiohf oiranraL ro cscsCwwte.ou .Dhr n rAp eo Auodfl sprni aneatu ht tid arenepcind drhaLde inairc CnnseetoeltcDlyosrtt CCMYM File Name: OTR_Eugene Publication: Eugene WeeAd Unit: 4.75” x 8.944”Headline Font: CalibriHeadline Font Size/LeadiBody Copy: Times LT Std flat panel or CRT component, such as from an electronics retailer or a device MY manufacturer other than one of the Defendants. “Natural persons” means a CY human, not a business. CMY How Do I Get Settlement Funds? K The Y provides diabetes File a claim: Consumers need to file a claim to obtain benefits in this settlement. Claims can be completed online at prevention classes to www.OregonScreenSettlement.com or by mailing the claim form, available for download, to the Settlement Administrator. The deadline for filing claims help reduce the risk of is April 2, 2018. How Do I Get More Information? diabetes in our community. More information about the lawsuits, settlements, and the claims process can be found at www.OregonScreenSettlement.com, by calling 1-877-940- 7791, or writing to: Oregon Screen Settlement, c/o GCG, P.O. Box 10240, SO MUCH MORE. Dublin, Ohio 43017-5740. This Notice is an official legal notice of the Oregon Department of Justice Eugene Family YMCA. Serving Eugene since 1887. 1-877-940-7791 Learn more at eugeneymca.org/diabetes www.OregonScreenSettlement.com 2 January 11, 2018 • eugeneweekly.com WANT TO CONTENTS ““FFoooodd iiss tthhee GROW iinnggrreeddiieenntt January 11, - January 18, 2018 YOUR 4 Letters tthhaatt bbiinnddss 8 News BUSINESS? 10 Slant uuss ttooggeetthheerr”” beads 12 Letting Go: Halie Loren 14 Calendar Imbibe with friends old 20 Movies and new at the 13th annual d f rl 20 Comedy Oregon Truffle Festival ro w o 21 Music January 25 – 28 ADVERTISE WITH THE m around t h e EUGENE WEEKLY 24 Gardening CALL US TODAY 24 Classifieds 2833 Willamette • (541) 683-5903 541-484-0519 27 Savage Love www.harlequinbeads.com MARIA BAMFORD BASIC TAOIST INTERNAL ALCHEMY QIGONG CLASS Qigong helps us cultivate Qi (Chi), harmonize emotions, and recover our forgotten innate power, resulting in The Joriad™ Truffle Dog balanced mental health and spiritual maturity. Based Championship Competition on the teachings of Master Mantak Chia. Taught by Watch the dogs go for GOLD! Senior Instructor John Zielinski, and Debra Nash-Galpern, January 25, 9am – Noon Acupuncturist and Herbalist. Lane Community College Downtown Campus Tuesdays 1/16–2/20 WHO YOU GONNA BLAME? Info: (831) 234-2559 editorial [email protected] Editor Camilla Mortensen Arts Editor Bob Keefer 9 CEUs for Oregon LMTs. Calendar Editor Meerah Powell Oregon Truffle MacDown News Reporters Corinne Boyer, Kelly Kenoyer Senior Staff Writer Rick Levin Dine on truffled “high comfort” food Copy editor Emily Dunnan Contributing Editor Anita Johnson paired with local wine, beer and cider. Contributing Writers Blake Andrews, Ester Barkai, Brett January 26, 7 – 9pm Campbell, Rachael Carnes, Tony Corcoran, Jerry Diethelm, Emily Dunnan, Rachel Foster, Mark Harris, Kenny Jacoby, William Kennedy, Paul Neevel, Kelsey Anne Rankin, Carl Segerstrom, Ted Taylor, Molly Templeton, David Wagner, Robert Warren Interns Matthew Denis, Hunter McNie, Jordan Rich, Morgan Theophil, Max Thornberry Art department Art Director/Production Manager Todd Cooper Technology/Webmaster James Bateman Graphic Artists Trask Bedortha, Sarah Decker Contributing Photographer Paul Neevel Social Media Athena Delene advertising Grand Truffle Dinner Director of Advertising Rob Weiss Considered the pièce de résistance Display Marketing Consultants Carrie Mizejewski, David Fried of the weekend. Not to be missed! Classified Manager Cecilia Shipley January 27, 6:30 – 9pm business Controller Paula Hoemann Distributors Bob Becker, Pedaler’s Express, James Kalafus, Trey Longstreth, Mike Goodwin, Quick Draw, Gwen Bailey, Liz Levin, Janet Peitz Printing Signature Graphics how to reach us by e-mail (editor): [email protected] Emer ald City Medicinal (letters): [email protected] (nitpicking): [email protected] (advertising): [email protected] Eugene’s first & Finest (classifieds): [email protected] (I saw you): [email protected] (calendar listings): [email protected] (music/clubs/special shows): [email protected] (art/openings/galleries): [email protected] Fresh Truffle Marketplace Happy Holidaze From (performance/theater): [email protected] (literary arts/readings): [email protected] Fresh Oregon truffles, artisan foods, (movies/film screenings): [email protected] wine tasting, lecture series, and more! Emer ald City Medicinal (EW red boxes): [email protected] (food): [email protected] January 28, 11am – 4pm (bizbeat): [email protected] NEW YEAR’S SPECIAL Eugene Weekly office Get your tickets today: 1251 LINCOLN ST. EUGENE, OR 97401 541-484-0519 • FAX 541-484-4044 oregontrufflefestival.org $69 ounce New “Bits & Pieces” ounces Grade “A” hand trimmed buds, EW subscriptions: send name, address and check to at $49! 1251 Lincoln St., Eugene, OR 97401-3418. great nose & amazing value! $25/3 mos. $45/6 mos. $85/12 mos. Printed on recycled paper. Eugene WFieveek flrye eis c poupbieliss hmeadx eimveurmy Tpheur rpsedrasyo nb yfr Womha nte’sw Hsarapcpke.n ing Inc. eugene acalesscoandges b &re cwoiansgt •• chaeprititealgloe dwisintielsl ing co. Mon-1T4h7u4r 9Wam.- 69ptmh, F rAi-vSaet n9aume-10 p• m5 a4n1d- S5U0N5DA-Y9S!0 96am5-7pm Postmaster: Send address changes to Eugene Weekly, king estate • left coast cellars • nicky usa ©2011265 1W hLiantc’so Hlna Sptp.e, Enuingge nInec, .O ARll 9 r7ig4h0t1s- 3re4s1e8r.v ed. ninkasit brraveweli nogr e• goorne g• owni lwdicnrea lfat bc i•d pefrewifofrekrs winery DFoor n uoste o opnelrya tbey a a vdeuhltisc l2e1 o yr emarasc hoifn aegrye uanndd eorl dtheer. iKnfle eupe nocuet ooff trheiasc dhr oufg c. hildren eugeneweekly.com • January 11, 2018 3 LETTERS TRY NOT TO BREATHE Under Pruitt’s new EPA, LRAPA will initiative had qualified by first, satisfying COUNTY MUST ANSWER Thank you to Camilla Mortensen and change Oakridge’s designation from a the single subject and full text rules and On Dec. 19, more than 50 Lane County Kelly Kenoyer for delivering news that “non-attainment” area to a “re-attainment” second, by turning in enough certified sig- voters turned out at the Board of Commis- matters in the Dec. 28 edition of Eugene area, thereby allowing new industry to natures, a new obstacle has reared its ugly sioners meeting to demand accountability Weekly! “buy” it’s way out of air-quality regula- face in the form of the “separate vote” rule. and transparency in the initiative process What do your two articles, “Weed tions by purchasing “offsets” (in the form Now my right to vote on this “people- in Lane County. Wages Water War” and “Air Quality in of woodstoves for a few Oakridge resi- proposed” law is being threatened, again. Voters demanded an explanation from Oakridge,” have in common? Both ar- dents). How is this possible? When enough people the county government about why the ticles shed light on shady backdoor deals Are other federal non-attainment areas get it together to satisfy all the steps of the Freedom from Aerial Spraying of Herbi- that privatize clean air and water. becoming the new focus for offset banking process, how can county officials invent cides Bill of Rights charter amendment How does LRAPA fit into all this corpo- under Pruitt’s new EPA? barricades that deny the people access to the was being kept from the ballot based on rate swindling? Well, In April 2017, EPA As an Oakridge resident and a regis- ballot box? Could they be in the pocket of the County Election Clerk’s decision that staff interviewed LRAPA permit writers tered nurse, I demand that we stop com- the opposition special interests, perchance? the initiative did not comply with the sep- and discussed the small town of Oakridge promising public health for higher profit. I was born and raised in California be- arate-vote rule. which is a “non-attainment area” (i.e. does We must fight against the privatization of fore moving to Eugene in 2014. In Califor- Despite repeated requests, no explana- not meet air quality standards for particu- our air and water. nia, the proposed aerial spraying campaign tion has been forthcoming. late matter) and therefore unable to support Betsy Johnson to allegedly combat the Light Brown Ap- Alarmingly, rather than answering to new industrial growth. Oakridge ple Moth was shot down by fierce citizen the voters for the county’s actions, Lane But now EPA head Scott Pruitt has dis- opposition. Why the widespread spraying County — through its county counsel Ste- mantled the new source review process LET US VOTE! of forestland with herbicides is tolerated in phen Dingle — is leaving it to the timber (which for years has served to protect air I signed a petition to get a spray ban ini- Oregon is beyond belief. industry to provide that explanation. quality from industrial pollution) and is tiative on the May ballot in Lane County. John Thielking On Dec. 21, in the legal action filed by giving LRAPA the green light to change Now I hear that even though the county Eugene the initiative’s chief petitioners challeng- the permitting program. clerk assured the chief petitioners that the ing the clerk’s determination, the county HOT AIR SOCIETY BY TONY CORCORAN   Horse Pucky Debate ON GETTING CEDRIC’S GOAT R emember, dear reader, last year I carefully explained the difference be- And ask Cedric about his “no” group’s intentional misrepresentation in the voters’ tween a horse race and a political race? (In a horse race the whole horse pamphlet. In addition to paying for most of the arguments in opposition, why did Par- races, remember?) Apt metaphors live on. Lately there is more equine rish think it was a good idea to put phony arguments in favor in order to “break up the political scatology in the air. monotony of the other side’s argument”? Sad news out of the Bel-Air neighborhood in Los Angeles recently: Finally ask Cedric why both Republican Senate A box filled with horse manure addressed to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin was leader Ted Ferrioli and Senate President left at his neighbor’s home. The box was wrapped in Christmas paper and labeled as Democrat Peter Courtney stated in their coming from the “American people.” Sophomoric puerile poop story! Why didn’t we Voters’ Pamphlet argument in favor: Oregonians think of that? “Oregon has a plan for funding We have a ton of horseshit up here and plenty of candidates! Out of respect for the healthcare that really works for all post office we could carefully cure our manure, legalize it even, put it in glass jars of us. That plan is Measure 101.” and burp it daily until it gets down to 62 percent relative humidity so it won’t weigh Here’s why. The state estimates as much to ship. Then double wrap it in Ziploc bags, throw in a little baby powder to that if Measure 101 were to fail, be- cover the barnyard bouquet and you’re in business. tween $210 million and $320 million in Obviously the leading candidate, the most powerful Republican in Oregon, the state revenue would be lost, resulting in a man who leads the nation in contributions from the anti-net neutrality crowd, Con- loss of federal matching funds of between gressman Greg Walden is first in line. $630 million to $960 million. Without ad- What do you get for the guy who has everything and who sold out Oregonians ditional funds or cuts elsewhere, hundreds with the Republican federal tax giveaway? Bullshit? Naw, unless it’s from one of the of thousands of low-income people would “welfare grazers” on BLM land. I’d rather have one of them wild Steens stud muffins lose health care coverage. Show us your from the Kiger mustangs. Horseshit rules! plan, Cedric! Be honest. Show us the money. The chief sponsors of the initiative that became Measure 101 certainly deserve the After the debate, follow Cedric to Salem in attention of Oregon voters as we approach Jan. 23. Representatives Julie Parrish of February and see how he and Julie vote on Forest Grove and Medford’s Sal Esquival and their Stop Healthcare Taxes political tax measures of any sort in the upcoming action committee rank high in the horseshit hierarchy handicap. session. But Christmas gift giving, like any charitable act, is best conducted locally. Lane Maybe by February Oregon will County’s own House District 7’s Cedric Hayden, another of the chief sponsors of have a better sense of how the looming this assault on Oregon’s poorest and most vulnerable, can receive your gift in person. trillion-dollar federal deficit will affect That’s right, just show up at the Valley River Inn at 11 am on Thursday, Jan. 11. The Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Lane County League of Women Voters is sponsoring a debate on Ballot Measure 101 in the future. No state is more reliant on with Cedric Hayden (opposed) and Labor Commissioner candidate Val Hoyle arguing income taxes for state revenue than Ore- in support. gon. Personal income tax accounts for 87 While you’re there ask Cedric about his Voters’ Pamphlet statement paid for by percent of the state’s general fund. Maybe Julie Parrish. He’s also been quoted in The Register-Guard as saying he would bring Cedric will have some answers in Febru- his solutions for funding Medicaid and rural health care if Measure 101 is defeated. ary. Where’s Mr. Ed when we need him? What are his solutions? Are they hiding in plain sight, in the stalls of my wife’s hors- Meanwhile, don’t forget to vote Yes es? Come on, man: Show us the money! For the record, before PETA beats me up for on Measure 101 by Jan. 23. animal abuse, both Luna and Mojave are of age and have signed “mature manure” Former state Sen. Tony Corcoran of Cottage Grove is release forms. a retired state employee. 4 January 11, 2018 • eugeneweekly.com The Shedd Institute www.theshedd.org - 541.434.7000 Sat, Jan 13 Victor Wooten Trio blew off the deadline to explain its position speaking out and people’s voices is needed and instead relies on the filing of Stanton at this point to keep this initiative alive. Fri Jan 19 Long — advocating the timber industry’s This has been tried before; the commis- interests — to answer for our local govern- sioners attempted to change the initiative The Carl Woideck Jazz Heritage Project ment’s own actions to stop this initiative. process itself so that petitions that were Lane County Commissioners must be deemed “unnecessary and taking up too The Latin Side of held accountable for this gross failing of much time” could be arbitrarily thrown our local government’s stewardship of the out. Trane, Miles & Monk people’s initiative process. No wonder Lane County is called the Richard Gross Texas of Oregon. Let’s change that. Get on Deadwood the phone, and get with others to reverse LAME COUNTY this trend poisoning our environment from COMMISSIONERS the inside out. Billy Boy Arnold So sad, another beautiful mountain- Kerstin Britz RJ Mischo scape scraped clean by the awful practice Cottage Grove Deitra Farr of clear cutting. The twin curses of clear Oscar Wilso cutting and aerial spraying carry on in full FEATHERING THE NEST John Primer force, despite the growing toll on ecosys- How about “Loons” for the new South Billy Flynn tems, public health, recreation — the list Eugene High School mascot? It’s gender- goes on and on. neutral, and is appropriate for the area. & more! How, I ask, can this go on in an area Plus, they’re very pretty birds, although Mark Hummel’s Sat, Jan 20 as progressive and ecologically oriented as they cry a lot. Lane County? Well, one needs to look no Jerry Ritter Blues Harmonica Blowout further than our Lane County Commission. Springfield In the midst of the initiative process, four out of five of our county commission- LASER SHOW Chicago Blues Celebration ers decided to enact an arbitrary, non-man- Hello Eugene! Did you notice the posters datory rule that discredits the signatures of all over town for the laser light show at Sci- more than 15,000 Lane County residents. ence Factory Museum through the end of this Never mind the hubris of four individuals month only? Well, in case you didn’t, there de-legitimizing the signatures of thousands is a kick-butt laser light show being offered of people, but this is not what democracy at the Science Factory Museum until the end looks like. Not to mention that the number of January on Friday and Saturday nights! of stories relating to sickness from commu- Check out their website for details. We saw nities being sprayed continues to stack up. the Queen laser light show and it was awe- It is not okay that these stories are fall- some, there is also a Pink Floyd laser light ing on deaf ears. show and a Beyonce one too... Nothing less than a groundswell of So, come on, support your local plan- Ladysmith Jan 24 Black Mambazo Thu, Jan 25 David Grisman Quintet eugeneweekly.com • January 11, 2018 5 LETTERS etarium and do something unique this candidates to apply, right? Most elected to be voted on in May. The Lane County personal abuse from various critics. I can- weekend...it's only offered until the end of officials don’t need a high school diploma, district attorney, as well as the Clackamas not recall any male politicians so consis- the month and I promise this is worth the but the elected auditor must meet tough County district attorney and Sheriff, make tently vilified in this manner. Odd for a 10 bucks! professional qualifications in order to even more, for example. “progressive” community.) Pamela Corvid be considered. Opponents seek to confuse and weap- It is, however, interesting that Guske Elmira Eugene’s appointed city manager onize the salary issue by using the “elect- broached the topics of the 2015 Library makes approximately $225,000 plus ben- ed” distinction. The more relevant com- Levy. Passing the Library Levy was sur- RISE UP AND RALLY efits, and the appointed city attorney re- parison is with city department heads and prisingly difficult because of the lack of Weary and wary of the “Fire and Fury” ceives $169,187 plus benefits. Elected top administrators, over which the auditor trust in the city government. Any possible inside the Trump White House? #MeToo! state and circuit court judges average be- will have oversight responsibilities, like measures to help the homeless will also Then rise up and rally with friends and tween $135,775 and $150,571 plus bene- the city manager ($220,313), EWEB gen- face difficulties because of this lack of family outside the Eugene Federal Court- fits, and elected district attorneys make up eral manager ($265,460), Eugene city at- trust. The auditor initiative is designed to house on Saturday, Jan. 20 at 1 pm to to $170,000. So, why is the Eugene City torney ($169,187), assistant city manager rebuild trust in the city government. March for Action for women’s rights and Council singling out the “elected” city au- ($146,515), and executive directors of And Guske’s claim that the initiative progress against sexism, racism and other ditor to complain about salaries? central services, fire/EMS services, library will raise taxes is just “fake news,” to forms of injustice. I see no correlation with elected and recreation and cultural services, planning quote Guske’s rhetorical role model. In 2016, Gretchen Carlson sued Roger non-elected salaries and the value we and development, police services and pub- Art Bollmann Ailes, the Fox News network founder and citizen’s receive, or don’t receive, for our lic works, all of whose salaries are in the Eugene former GOP strategist and informal advi- money. Auditing what the city does is $147,000 range and who all have guaran- sor to Trump’s campaign, for sexual ha- where the real value comes in! City Ac- teed raises and do not have to run for elec- LOVE FOR ANGER rassment and won a $22 million settlement countability’s Measure 20-283 includes tion every four years. In response to Lola Bravo’s letter (Let- (and an apology from her employer, 20th regular, outside professional auditing of The residents of Eugene are at the very ters, 9/21/17) responding to my letter Century Fox). the auditor — which is more accountabil- least baffled, and at worst disgusted, with (9/14/17): Every accusation you made is “Courage is contagious,” Carlson af- ity than either city councilors or the city how the Eugene government spends tax wrong and false. I challenge you to find firmed recently in a NPR News Hour manager receives. dollars. We need an elected independent examples of bigotry coming from my years interview. “Men need to stop being by- As to how we exercise citizen over- city auditor who is a public representative of public output on YouTube and social standers and turn into allies,” she added. sight, it is we, the electors, who have the and has the authority to follow the money. media. My views are liberal (liberty and On Jan. 20, millions of men and women ultimate oversight, using recall, or voting Ronald Bevirt equality). around the world will be practicing what for someone else in four years! Eugene Although we are not victims, you are Carlson preaches as they march for peace- Our councilors have the authority to clearly using blame-the-victim tactics in ful change, civility and decency. make good decisions, but lack the clear in- TRUMP TERRITORY your letter. Also, your response to my let- And it doesn’t take a genius to realize formation necessary to do it. The auditor is For generations people have noted that ter, in which I explain that we are both part that “Time’s Up” for “Fire and Fury,” the the missing tool. Eugene is a remarkably contentious and Native American, was to say that we are sordid and sorry Trump soap opera, that, Robin Bloomgarden argumentative town. The debate about the not welcome here. I believe, won’t be renewed for a second Eugene public auditor is no exception. The feeling is not mutual, Lola. We re- season. Poor ratings. Bad actors. Sad. However, Richard Guske’s letter (“Po- turn your anger with love. In fact, I wel- Karen D. Myers FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY litical Manipulation,” 1/4) has crossed the come you to talk with me in real time. Eugene In EW Letters Dec. 28, 2017, Ben Torres line beyond the usual rancor and ventured Antifa can be seen in many videos physi- joins the well-connected defenders of the deep into Trump territory. cally attacking members of almost any mar- ELECTED AUDITOR = city status quo by mimicking their favor- I had some difficulty parsing the logical ginalized group one can think of. Local An- RED HERRING ite talking point, which complains that the chain of Guske’s argument, but apparently tifa are mad because we sent them links to Some City Council members worry that estimated (can go up or down) $153,000 he took two 2015 quotes from Bonny Bet- these videos in attempt to reason with them. Eugene’s “elected independent auditor will salary of the proposed elected independent tman McCornack and Emily Semple to in- Their hostile reaction (doxing, threats and be the highest-paid elected official” in Or- city auditor would be “the highest paid sinuate that they don’t like libraries or the leaving racist stickers on our door) show egon. So what! Topnotch candidates need elected official in Oregon” — which is not homeless and want to raise our taxes and they don’t actually care about marginalized a competitive salary — otherwise you lose true, and a matter of public record. take over the city government. groups. They want power. Those who want them — and that’s why Eugene pays de- Many Oregon elected officials make Guske has done everything except start power should not be trusted. partment heads and managers more than more than the proposed elected indepen- chanting “lock them up!” (I can’t help not- Love, don’t hate. any elected official. There are issues with dent Eugene city auditor’s compensation ing that Betty Taylor and mayors Piercy Justin Antitheist that too, but we want the best-qualified as prescribed in Ballot Measure 20-283, and Vinis have also gotten their share of Eugene 1/31/2018 JANUARY 12  MARCH 3, 2018 • OPENING RECEPTION JAN. 12 • 58PM SPRINGFIELD MUSEUM 590 MAIN ST. SPRINGFIELD springfi eld-museum.com 6 January 11, 2018 • eugeneweekly.com America’s 1st Sustainable Home & Garden Show!� � n o Congratulations, MaryAnn! January 19-21� i t c u d o 220 Home, Garden� rp g & Living Exhibits!� r e b a presenting� ReUse. Recycle. Upcycle.� Tour a Stylish� Get Your Yard Sale On!� Tiny House!� Designer Secrets:� BEFORE AFTER DYI Kits or Ready to Roll� Eco-Chic Trash to Treasure� Flip that Flop!� &� Live Stylish & Small� Clear that Clutter� Experience the� Top Tips to Yard Sale� Butterfly Adventure!� Success!� Shannon Quimby� Feed & Photograph� Better Homes & Gardens Editor� The Painted Ladies!� Salvage Designer & HGTV Alumni� $5 Entry� Friday - Sunday� Over 55 Sustainable Home, Garden & Living Seminars!� John Fischer, Mary-Kate Mackey, Dr. Carol Deppe & OSU Extension Master Gardeners� Double Your Donations to ShelterBox USA - Up to $10,000 Match at Show!� Visit Eugene Delta Rotary exhibit & learn how ShelterBox USA serves families who lost everything.� Fairgrounds~Eugene Fri 5-9pm Sat 10am-8pm Sun 10am-5pm� Admission with Canned Food Donations EugeneHomeShow.com� PeaceHealth patient, MaryAnn, is on the path to a brighter future after weight loss surgery. Love your new life Losing weight can help you move well, breathe easier and reverse some health conditions. What’s not to love? My #GoodLifeGoal:  Weight loss surgery keep it local  Nutrition counseling  Accredited for national surgical quality I want my money to stay right here in Eugene. That’s why I chose peacehealth.org/weight-oregon SELCO as my fi nancial home—as a not-for-profi t, they invest back into the community I love so much. selco.org • 800-445-4483 • Branches throughout Eugene and Springfi eld Banking | Mortgages | Insurance | Investments | Business Lending Membership requirements apply. See SELCO for details. NMLS#402847 eugeneweekly.com • January 11, 2018 7 BY KELLY KENOYER VOTE ‘YES’ ON 101 Hundreds of com- munity organizations support Measure 101 SEN. JAMES MANNING PHOTO: TRASK BEDORTHA W e’ve all seen the signs on lawns around get gap that would need to be filled in the upcoming short proved, and it never had to come up for a vote. This is a town asking for a "yes" vote on Measure legislative session. total waste of time for all of us to even have to deal with all 101, but just what that measure is can be a At a Jan. 4 town hall on Measure 101, Rep. Julie Fa- of this,” Manning added. little confusing. hey and Sen. James Manning answered questions about the Rep. Julie Parrish of Tualatin is the “Measure 101 chief In July 2017, Gov. Kate Brown signed a measure and provided a platform for citizens to discuss it. petitioner to Stop Healthcare Taxes on public schools, bill into law that would continue providing health care for Fahey said the assessment “is used in 49 other states college students, small businesses, and everyday Orego- one million Oregonians through the Oregon Health Plan as and the district of Columbia, so it’s not a new way of fund- nians,” according to the Voters' Pamphlet. That means that part of the overall state budget. ing Medicaid.” she led the push to bring Measure 101 on the ballot, and House Bill 2391 created a 1.5 percent assessment on Fahey supports Measure 101 and says she hopes it pass- she seeks a “no” vote on the measure. insurance companies and the Public Employees’ Benefit es so she can focus on other legislative goals in the upcom- Parrish says, “The crux of 101 is not whether we should Board and a 0.7 percent assessment on profits from hos- ing short session instead of scrambling to fill a budget gap fund Medicaid, it’s how we should fund Medicaid.” pitals that would continue to fund the Medicaid expansion that HB 2391 was already meant to fill. Parrish calls the pieces of HB 2391 in Measure 101 “the for one in four Oregonians on OHP. Fahey said of HB 2391, “The Oregonian’s editorial most unfair, inequitable and unsustainable way of funding Following the passage of HB 2391, three Republican about Measure 101 said the Legislature should have come Medicaid.” legislators launched a petition drive that led to Ballot Mea- up with a solution to fix this — we did!” A “yes” vote sim- Parrish says that the assessment on hospitals and in- sure 101 in an effort to get voters to repeal the assessments ply reiterates the previous actions of the legislature to fill surers “targets people who are struggling to pay for their that were signed into law back in July. the budget gap and maintain health care coverage for a mil- own health care, people who are seeing double-digit rate ‘It’s not going to cost us anything. It was already approved, and it never had to come up for a vote. This is a total waste of time for all of us to even have to deal with all of this.’ — SEN. JAMES MANNING So in the upcoming Jan. 23 special election, a “yes” lion Oregonians, according to Fahey and Manning. increases year over year for the past several years.” vote on Measure 101 would confirm HB 2391, keeping the At the Junction City town hall, Manning seemed simi- Yes for Healthcare, one of the main committees behind assessments on hospitals and insurers and creating about larly exasperated about this measure’s coming to a vote. the yes campaign, appears to have many large contribu- $210 million to $320 million in revenue to fund Medic- “Voting ‘yes’ just agrees with what had already been tions from health care groups, including Kaiser Perman- aid. When matched by $840 million in federal dollars that done,” he said. “Everyone had approved it, bipartisan, the ente, Providence Health and Services, CareOregon and means $1.3 billion in total revenue to the state. hospitals, everyone!” PeaceHealth. Some of the top donors to the Yes for Health- A “no” vote repeals those assessments, leaving a bud- “It’s not going to cost us anything. It was already ap- care campaign include Willamette Valley Community 8 January 11, 2018 • eugeneweekly.com Health LLC, which gave $100,000, and Oregon Associa- The chair of the local DSA chapter, Jen McKinney, shared that stabilizes health insurance premiums by spreading the tion of Hospitals and Health Systems, which contributed her own story. Her daughter Beatrix was born at 29 weeks, cost of high-risk buyers between all the companies. $90,000, as Eugene Weekly reported previously. weighing only 2 pounds, due to McKinney’s complications Parrish takes issue with this view, saying that the reinsur- The Stop Healthcare Taxes PAC, leading the no vote, from an infection during pregnancy. She had to take 6 weeks ance program, which helps insurance companies “offset the has received contributions from various Republican party off from work to care for her young daughter. costs of high-risk patients,” helps only the 200,000 people or groups and large contributions from individuals such as “We had to stay home because she was immune com- so in the individual markets (in addition to the one million Brian Maguire II and Andrew Miller and the All 36 PAC, promised,” McKinney said at the town hall. “There’s noth- or so on Medicaid), not college students or small businesses. controlled by Republican Rep. Cedric Hayden, a major in- ing wrong with her today. But her entire life she will have a The Voters' Pamphlet includes arguments in favor from fluence behind the push to put 101 on the ballot. pre-existing condition because she was born early because of Disability Rights Oregon, 41 community hospitals across the More than 160 organizations in Oregon support Yes on something that happened to me.” state, numerous Latino groups, Oregon Pediatricians, Wom- 101, according to the Yes for Healthcare campaign. A cur- “That is not her fault. She should never be denied health en’s groups, including Planned Parenthood, and the Oregon sory look at the Voters' Pamphlet shows a slew of nurses, care because of something that was not her fault.” Nurses Association. The arguments in opposition section in- doctors, health care advocates, hospitals and educators “We were on OHP and that was the only thing that saved cludes 27 arguments, 16 of which are furnished by Parrish. supporting the measure. us,” she added. McKinney says Measure 101 has to pass or Parrish’s main concern seems to be that Measure 101 is In Lane County, Yes on 101 is supported by the Demo- she will lose her health insurance. “We don’t need slick bro- “unfair” and that it may overfund Medicaid. She suggests cratic Socialists of America (DSA), Our Revolution Lane chures to tell us to care about our fellow citizens. It’s very, funding Medicaid with a proposed tobacco tax. County, Indivisible Eugene, the National Organization for very telling that they need that” on the opposition side, she Parrish’s largest campaign contributors in the past few Women, the Democratic Party of Lane County and Health said. years include Anheuser Busch — an out-of-state beverage Care for All Oregon. But other citizens raised concerns regarding the measure. company ($25,000), Stimson Lumber Company ($15,000), “We can trust that these dollars are going into health Charlie Hibberd stood up at the town hall to say he’s pay- the Associated Oregon Industries PAC ($25,000) and the Or- care in Oregon,” Fahey said. “In some cases it’s up to $16 ing $16,500 a year for health insurance he can’t even use egon Food Political Action Committee ($10,000). [in Federal matching] for every dollar of funding through because of the high deductibles. At the town hall in Junction City, one citizen named Rep. this approach, and then that funding is returned to Oregon “I’m never going to be able to use my health insurance Parrish as one of her enemies. Mary Stewart addressed her and is completely earmarked for health care.” or I’ll never be able to go to the doctor unless I have a cata- concerns toward the senators and representatives petitioned Several citizens came forward with their personal sto- strophic problem, and it’s costing me $16,500 a year, with for 101 but who weren’t in the room. “What do they have ries about Medicaid in support of Measure 101 at the Jan. 4 the high deductible. Now you tell me these insurance com- against the elderly, the chronically sick, the unemployed, and town hall. Susan Bliven, a Eugene resident, said, “Without panies aren’t going to add those costs on to my health plan what do they have against children?” she asked. “Why do Medicaid, I would die.” She said she had a tumor stran- sooner or later?” Hibberd asked. they want to take a child who needs treatment and deny them gling her spinal cord, and once she became too sick to Fahey responded, “There is no doubt that the way we insurance?” work. “We went from a solidly middle class family making structure health care in this country is not working. It’s bro- Mary Stewart says her daughter contracted melanoma $100,000 a year to living on Lee’s [Social Security disabil- ken.” at age 26 and would have been stuck without insurance as a ity insurance],” she said of her husband. She added that Measure 101 does include a stipulation student if it weren’t for OHP. “Access to Medicaid keeps my family from having to that insurers can raise prices by no more than 1.5 percent “If I lose her, I will guarantee that you will never, ever decide between paying for food, housing and other neces- to cope with the 1.5 percent assessment, but she says it will win an elected seat again,” Stewart said of the legislators she sities or life-giving medical care,” she concluded, tearing keep costs 6 percent lower for individuals buying their own blamed for 101, “because I will do everything I can to find a up. insurance due to the reinsurance program in Measure 101 candidate and defeat you if I have to do it myself.” Educating Children Explore. Play. Create. for Life At our preschool and kindergarten, children are so actively engaged they don’t even know they’re learning. Come see how the imagination of childhood forms a foundation for lifetime learning. 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Use responsibly. eugeneweekly.com • January 11, 2018 9 NEWS BY CORINNE BOYER SWASTIKAS & ANTI-IMMIGRATION SLOGANS PAINTED IN EUGENE Toys "R" Us and the University of Oregon are targets of racist graffiti GRAFFITI ON TOYS "R" US PHOTO: SARAH BUCK T wo reports of swastikas on the Toys "R" Us build- vandalized. We have zero tolerance for these actions and are nian story, which was picked up internationally, spotlighted ing on Valley River Drive in Eugene were made working with authorities to identify anyone involved.” Eugene as a hotbed of emboldened white nationalism. Many to the Human Rights and Neighborhood Commis- On Jan. 8 reports of graffiti targeting immigrants and of the incidents depicted in the story took place in Spring- sion last week. On Thursday, Jan. 4, a driver on DREAMers were made on the University of Oregon Cam- field and Creswell in addition to Eugene, and some were Delta Highway saw a swastika on the side of the pus. Early Monday morning, the Trump administration had originally reported by EW. building. announced its plans to end temporary protection status for Eugene’s Human Rights Commission Hate and Bias Meanwhile, Eugene resident Sarah Buck was shopping citizens of El Salvador. Crimes report found that hate and bias crimes were up dur- at the toy store when she noticed that no store employees Kelly McIver, public information officer with the UO ing the third quarter of 2017. Compared to the third quarter were present at the checkout lines. Police Department, says the chalked graffiti was found early in 2016, with 29 reported hate and bias crimes, 2017 saw 57 “The manager informed us that everyone was outside on Jan. 8, and campus planning and facilities management reports of hate and bias crimes. because they just found someone had come and graffitied was still compiling a comprehensive list of what they found. According to the report, “A man witnessed a racial slur the store with swastikas and anti-Semitic stuff on the out- McIver sent EW a story slated to be published on UO’s and a threat on his locker and two nooses hanging from the side walls and the truck,” Buck says. Around the O news website that says, “Among the slogans ceiling at his place of work.” The Toys "R" Us building was spray-painted with a red found on campus sidewalks were ‘Deport them all’ and ‘End Another example in the report stated, “a church employ- swastika, the word “Tygarclan” and a five-pointed star. A white guilt.’ The graffiti is a reminder of the recent increase ee found racial slurs in graffiti on his place of work.” second swastika was spray painted on an empty semi-truck in bias incidents nationally as well as in Oregon and Eu- Compared to data from 2016, hate and bias crimes were trailer in the parking lot of the Toys "R" Us. gene.” on track to more than double in 2017. Jessica Offerjost, a spokeswoman with Toys "R" Us McIver says he saw a photo of graffiti including the Sarah Buck says the swastikas make her feel unsafe. corporate office in Wayne, New Jersey, initially spoke on “Make America Great Again” slogan and Trump 2020. “It was really bizarre because it’s just something you the phone with Eugene Weekly, saying the company was The Eugene Police Department received a report of the don’t expect will happen,” Buck says. “Eugene has this looking into the incident and requesting copies of photo- swastika on the Toys "R" Us building, according to Public whole narrative of being such an open and accommodating graphs taken of the graffiti. Information Coordinator John Hankemeier. He says people community and normally it is — but clearly we have the In a later email, Offerjost writes, “Early morning on should definitely report graffiti to the police if they see it. other end of the spectrum as well — and it’s also clear that Thursday, January 4, the Toys "R" Us in Eugene, OR, was These incidents took place in the weeks after an Orego- they are making their presence known.” 1/12 - 1/18 EVERGREEN 492 E. 13th Ave NUTRITION 541-357-0375 AAssiiaann FFoooodd MOVIES MMaarrkkeett 15-20% OFF* THAT bijou-cinemas.com MATTER Serving the Eugene Community for Over 35 Years! 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