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20160510 afjrotc ca-20062 parade (pass in review) script PDF

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Preview 20160510 afjrotc ca-20062 parade (pass in review) script

20160510 AFJROTC CA-20062 PARADE (PASS IN REVIEW) SCRIPT KEY PERSONNEL Command Staff Commander of Troops Cadet Colonel Vanessa Fuentes [Joint Services Commander (JSC) ] Staff Officer Cadet Officer Candidate Monica Gomez (CACC) Group Adjutant Cadet Senior Airman Marlon Quintanilla Reviewing Party Reviewing Officer (SASI) Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Col.) John P. Smith Commandant, California Cadet Corps Command Sergeant Major (CSM) David Arbogast Principal, Fulton College Prep School Ms. Raquel George Assistant Principal, Fulton College Prep Ms. Patricia Merritt Battalion/Group Level Staff Group Commander Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Diana Becerra Battalion Commander Cadet Officer Candidate Jasmine Hernandez (CACC) Squadron/Company Staff Eagle Squadron Commander (ESq/CC) Cadet Master Sergeant James Fimbres Eagle Squadron Guidon Bearer Cadet Airman 1st Class Juan Castillo Eagle Sq. Flight Commander 1 (EL1) Cadet Senior Airman Miguel De Los Santos Eagle Sq. Guide 1 (EL2) Cadet Airman Brandon Bulux Eagle Sq. Flight Commander 2 (EL3) Cadet Airman Gissele Duran Eagle Sq. Guide 2 (EL4) Cadet Staff Sergeant Joanna Evora Eagle First Sergeant (E1 Aft) Cadet Technical Sergeant Morgan Eagle Sq. Flight Sergeant Post 1(E4 Aft) Cadet Airman 1st Class Jennifer Estevez Eagle Sq. Flight Sergeant Post 2 (E3 Aft) Cadet Airman Basic Laynes Lopez (Alt. Guidon) Falcon Squadron Commander (FSq/CC) Cadet Master Sergeant Kimberly Rico Falcon Squadron Guidon Bearer Cadet Airman Basic Brian Colin Falcon Sq. Flight Commander 1 (EL1) Cadet Technical Sergeant Cindy Lopez Falcon Sq. Guide 1 (EL2) Cadet Staff Sergeant Saul Avila Page 1 of 17 (Revision 6) Falcon Sq. Flight Commander 2 (EL3) Cadet Senior Airman Citlaly Moncada* Falcon Sq. Guide 2 (EL4) Cadet Staff Sergeant Angel Machuca Falcon Sq. First Sergeant (E1 Aft) Cadet Master Sergeant Belviz Falcon Sq. Flight Sergeant Post 1 (E4 Aft) Cadet Senior Airman Pablo Puentes* Falcon Sq. Flight Sergeant Post 2 (E3 Aft) Cadet Senior Airman Dylan Calte (Alt Guidon) Alpha Company Commander (ACo/CC) Cadet Sergeant Gabriel Bulux CACC Guidon Bearer Cadet Corporal Guillermo Colin Alpha Co. Platoon Leader 1 (SL1) Alpha Co. Guide 1 (SL2) Alpha Co. Platoon Leader 2 (SL3) Cadet First Class Jacqueline Espino Alpha Co. Guide 2 (SL4) Alpha Co. First Sergeant (S1 Aft) Cadet Luna Alpha Co. Platoon Sergeant Post 1 (S4 Aft) Alpha Co. Platoon Sergeant Post 2 (S3 Aft) (Alt Guidon) Bravo Company Commander (BCo/CC) Cadet Corporal Nicolas Fimbres Bravo Co. Platoon Leader 1 (SL1) Cadet Corporal Sabrina Acosta Bravo Co. Guide 1 (SL2) Bravo Co. Platoon Leader 2 (SL3) Cadet Uriel Candelario Bravo Co. Guide 2 (SL4) Bravo Co. First Sergeant (S1 Aft) Cadet First Class Stuart Taracena Bravo Co. Platoon Sergeant Post 1 (S4 Aft) Color Guard Commander, Color Guard Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Robert Malolos US Flag Bearer Cadet Staff Sergeant Devora Agustin CA Flag Bearer Cadet Senior Airman Jorge Eigio Right Rifleman Cadet Airman Basic Jocelyn Caceres Left Rifleman Cadet Airman 1st Class Elias Panduro Support Page 2 of 17 Military Drill Instructor, AFJROTC Master Sergeant (MSgt) Morejon Military Drill Instructor, CA CC Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Arbogast Cadet Military Ceremonies Trainer Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Robert Malolos Protocol/Operations Officer 1 Cadet Technical Sergeant Stellita Tobar Protocol/Operations Officer 2 Cadet Technical Sergeant Oscar Moran Narrator Cadet Technical Sergeant Britney Ulloa Sound Cadet Airman Basic Reina Sanchez Photographer Matthew Belviz? Video 1 Master Sergeant Morejon Video 2 Cadet Master Sergeant Nava EQUIPMENT LIST POC: Mrs. Gray-Baston Include following items: 1. Portable Sound System Public Address System 2. Adaptor cord & plug for IPod or Laptop 3. Microphone & cord (if not wireless) 4. Microphone Stand POC: MSgt Morejon IPod Nano or Laptop with the following Music List: 1. National Emblem Music 2. Sound Off 3. National Anthem 4. Officer’s Center 5. Washington Post (Played twice) POC: Ms. Merritt or MSgt Morejon Podium (optional) • Borrow from Auditorium POC: Custodians, PE or MSgt Morejon Review Stand Chairs • 5-20 chairs • Borrow chairs from new gym, or Clermont Hall POC: Cadet Technical Sergeant Stellita Tobar Use any combination of following items: • Cones Parade Route Markers • Chalk • Tape • New Cadets Page 3 of 17 POC: Cadet Chief Master Sergeant Malolos Include following items: 1. Guidons (E and F) 2. U.S. Flag 3. California Flag 4. Rifles, M1 (2 each) AFJROTC Specialty Equipment 5. Sabre (1 each) 6. Helmets (4 each) 7. Belts, White (2 each) 8. Flag Harness (2 each) 9. Gloves (5 Pairs) 10. Ascots (5 Each) ASSEMBLY Play Music Track 1: National Emblem Sound While cadets form. Squadrons(Companies) Lined up on Final Line in column formation Color Guard Lined up on Final Line across from reviewing stand Stands on final line to the right of E Squadron (6 paces) and fac- Group Adjutant ing the colors Squadron Commanders Face reviewing stand Stand at the pre-arranged position between the reviewing stand Staff (JSC Commander & Junior Officer) and Color Guard facing the formation. CEREMONY OPENING (1500hrs / 3:00PM) Actor Instructions and Lines: Page 4 of 17 “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 2016 Joint Services Command, Pass-in-Review.” “I am Cadet Technical Sergeant Britney Ulloa, the Joint Services Command Narrator and your master of ceremonies for this after- noon’s events.” “Today’s ceremony represents the culmination of the hard work and dedication put in this year by the cadets of the CA-20062 Ca- det Operations Group and the 226th Cadet Battalion.” “As a reminder, civilians should stand and put their hand over their hearts during the playing of the national anthem and the passing of our nation’s colors during the pass in review.” Narrator “Today’s ceremony is the final leadership opportunity of the school year for the cadets of the AFJROTC and the California Cadet Corps to demonstrate the self-discipline they have achieved to be citizens of character, dedicated to serving their nation and communities.” “The CA-20062 Senior Aerospace Science Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel Smith, is today’s reviewing officer.” “He is accompanied today by California Cadet Corps Comman- dant, Command Sergeant Major Arbogast, Robert Fulton College Preparatory School’s Principal, Ms. George and Assistant Princi- pals, Ms. Merritt, Ms. Corral, Ms. Moreno-Lee and Mr. Chavez.” JS Commander Send prearranged signal to Group Adjutant. Proceeds at adjutant’s pace to pre-arranged position between the Group Adjutant JS Commander and the Color Guard. “At this time, the Joint Services Command Adjutant, Cadet Senior Narrator Airman Quintanilla, will prepare the cadets for the beginning of the ceremony.” SOUND OFF Group Adjutant Directs, “GIVE YOUR UNITS PARADE REST.” Perform an About face then command: "Parade, (pause for relay) REST" Group (Battalion) Commanders (Wait for squadrons(companies) to go to parade rest then face about to face reviewing stand and go to parade rest) After Group(Battalion) commander's preparatory command, "Pa- Squadron(Company) Commander rade", turn head to the right and relay supplement command: "Parade" Group Adjutant Command: “In Place, SOUND OFF.” Page 5 of 17 Play Music Track 2: Sound Off Sound 3 chords of Sound Off, introduction to a march, repeat 3 chords of Sound Off PAY RESPECT TO THE FLAG At completion of music, directs: Group Adjutant "GIVE YOUR UNITS ATTENTION" Come to attention, face about and command: "Group(Battalion), (pause for relay) ATTENTION" Group(Battalion) Commander (Wait for Squadrons(Companies) to come to attention and then face about to face reviewing stand at Attention) After Group (Battalion) commander's preparatory command, "Group (Battalion)", turn head to the right and relay supplement Squadron(Company) Commanders command: "Squadron (Company)" At Positon of Attention, Direct: Group Adjutant "GIVE YOUR UNITS PRESENT ARMS" Face about and command: "Present, (pause for relay) ARMS" Group(Battalion)Commanders (Wait for Squadrons(Companies) to salute and then face about to face reviewing stand and salute) After Group(Battalion) commander's preparatory command, Squadron(Company) Commanders "Present", turn head to the right and echo supplement command: "Present" After all cadets have presented arms, face about, salute JS Com- Group Adjutant mander, and report: "MA’AM THE PARADE IS FORMED" Narrator “The parade is now formed” Return salute and command: "TAKE YOUR POST.” JS Commander After Group Adjutant has returned to his/her post with command staff, command: “Staff, Present, ARMS.” As the Color Guard marches forward, say: Narrator “Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the playing of our Nation- al Anthem.” As Group Adjutant marches to post with command staff, Color Color Guard Guard commander will give appropriate commands to march de- tail to center of parade ground, halt, and then Present Arms. Page 6 of 17 Wait for Color Guard to move forward and Present Arms, then: Sound Play Music Track 3: National Anthem (Star Spangled Banner) Color Guard commander will give appropriate commands to Or- Color Guard der Arms, Face about, march detail back to the final line and face about to face parade stands. (After Color Guard returns to original post) Narrator “Ladies and Gentlemen, please be seated.” JS Commander Command: "Staff, Order, ARMS." FORMATION OF PARADE Command: JS Commander "GIVE YOUR UNITS ORDER ARMS" Execute order arms, about face, "Order, (pause for relay) ARMS" Group(Battalion) Commanders About face to face reviewing stand after entire Group (Battalion) has ordered arms. After Group(Company) commander's preparatory command, Squadron(Company) Commanders "Order", turn head to the right and echo supplement command: "Order" Directs the adjutant: JS Commander "RECEIVE THE REPORT" “The Group Adjutant will now receive a report from each unit commander to ensure all members of their respective units are Narrator present or accounted for." “He (She) will then publish the orders for the day.” Move to former position retracing the previous procedures and Group Adjutant command: "REPORT" Sequentially from adjutant's left to right, salute and report: "CA- Group Commander DET OPERATIONS GROUP ALL PRESENT OR ACCOUNT- (AFJROTC) ED FOR, MA’AM (SIR).” Hold salute until adjutant returns it. Sequentially from adjutant's left to right, salute and report: "THE Battalion Commander CADET BATTALION, ALL PRESENT OR ACCOUNTED (CACC) FOR, MA’AM (SIR). “ Hold salute until adjutant returns it. Face about, salute, and report: Group Adjutant "Ma’am, ALL PRESENT OR ACCOUNTED FOR". Return salute and command: JS Commander "PUBLISH THE ORDERS" Page 7 of 17 Drop salute, face about, and report: "ATTENTION TO ORDERS, DETAIL FOR THE DAY, CA- Group Adjutant DET OFFICER OF THE DAY, CADET COLONEL FUENTES BY ORDER OF LIEUTENANT COLONEL SMITH." “Key personnel from the joint services command will now come Narrator forward for the Officers’ March.” OFFICERS' CENTER After publishing the orders, and narrator comments command: "OFFICERS," (pause for officers to position themselves) "CEN- Group Adjutant TER", (pause for a 4-count) "MARCH." (Face about and take position one pace to the right and one and a half paces to the rear of JSC/CC.) After preparatory command, "CENTER", count to 3 then: Play Music Track 4: Officer's Center 1. As officer detail approaches JSC commander, incremen- tally lower volume. Sound 2. As officer detail returns to their posts, incrementally raise volume. 3. End music with fade out when all members of detail have returned to posts. Group (Battalion) Commanders On command "OFFICERS", stand fast. Squadron (Company) Commanders On command "OFFICERS", take three steps forward. Guidon Bearers On command “OFFICERS”, execute carry Guidon. Group (Battalion) Commanders, On command "CENTER", face the center. Squadron (Company) Commanders, On command "MARCH", step off to begin march to center. and Guidon Bearers On command "OFFICERS", take one step back with coordinated arm swing; On command "CENTER" face toward the colors; First Sergeants On command "MARCH", move by most direct route to a position abreast of 1st rank (element leaders). Note: March alongside the flank nearest to the colors. Group (Battalion) Commanders, Upon arriving at center, halt and simultaneously face reviewing (AFJROTC, CACC) stand. Upon arriving at center, align at normal interval, halt and face Squadron(Company) Commanders reviewing stand simultaneously.(F Sq./CC with A Co./CC) and (E Sq./CC with B Co/CC) Upon arriving at center: 1. F Guide center between A Co/CC and F Sq/CC and face re- Guidon Bearers viewing stand 2. Battalion Guide center between A and B Co/CC Page 8 of 17 3. E Guide center between E and F Sq/CC 4. Battalion and E Guide face reviewing stand simultaneously. When all officers are at the center and facing the reviewing stand, turn head to the left, command: "Forward, MARCH" Group Commander (loud enough for all officers to hear over the music using parade cadence - three count between commands) Move by most direct route to Squadron/CC's position on com- First Sergeants mand "MARCH" Prior to being six paces from the JSC/CC, Command: "Officers," (Guidons go up) "HALT" Group Commander & (Guidon bearer executes present Guidon; officers present arms). (Guidon Bearer & Officer Detail notes) Note: Officers and Guidon bearers halt in 3 counts including the salute. Return salute and command: JS Commander “Order,” (Guidons go up) ARMS, (Pause)... “Officers”, (Guidons to carry Guidon) “POST” (Pause for offic- JS Commander ers, Guidon bearers, and first sergeants, to face about) “MARCH.” Officers, Guidon Bearers, & First Ser- On command, “POST”, face about to return to original posts geants First Sergeants On command, “MARCH”, return to previous position. When Guidon bearers are six paces from final line, command: “Officers, HALT,” (pause) “POST.” Group Commander Pause for officers and Guidons to face left or right as appropri- ate. “MARCH” On command “POST”, face to left or right as appropriate. Group (Battalion) Commanders, Step off individually, the first person on “MARCH” followed by Squadron(Company) Commanders and the next person on the third step of the first, and so forth, flank Guidon Bearers toward their respective positions and halt, resuming positions fac- ing the reviewing stand. On command “MARCH”, step off and return to original post and Group (Battalion) Commanders face to reviewing stand Page 9 of 17 On command “MARCH”, perform the following sequence: 1. Pair in outer flanks (E Sq./&B Co.): step off and begin march to original posts 2. Middle pairs (F Sq. & A Co.): wait for previous pair to Squadron(Company) Commanders take two steps then step off on the third step and begin march to original post 3. Squadron Commanders: march until in line with post, flank towards post, then halt and perform about face to face reviewing stand. 1. (E Guide and A Guide) Step off and begin march to origi- nal post 2. (F Guide) Wait for previous pair to take two steps then Guidon Bearers step off on the third step and begin march to original post 3. (All Guides) After returning to original post, halt, and face reviewing stand. PRESENTATION OF COMMAND Give informational command: JS Commander “GIVE YOUR UNITS PRESENT ARMS” Face about and, in succession from Group to Color Guard to Bat- talion, command: Group(Battalion) Commanders “ Present,” (pause for echo commands) “ARMS” Face about and present arms After Group(Battalion) commander's preparatory command, Squadron(Company) Commanders "Present", turn head to the right and echo supplement command: "Present" When Unit/CCs have executed present arms, JSC/CC gives staff command: “Change Post, MARCH.” JS Commander After command, “MARCH”, officers take three steps forward, (with Staff Officers following commands) halt, face about and present arms. This is a seven-count sequence. The JSC/CC, faces reviewing officer then states: “SIR, I PRESENT THE COMMAND.” Return salute and direct: Reviewing Officer “MARCH THE COMMAND IN REVIEW” PASS IN REVIEW “We will now conduct the pass-in-review. The pass-in-review is time-honored tradition which allows the members of a command Narrator to pay respect to their commanding officer, while allowing the commanding officer to inspect his troops.” Page 10 of 17

Eagle Squadron Guidon Bearer. Cadet Airman 1 st. Class Juan Castillo. Eagle Sq. Flight Commander 1 (EL1) Cadet Senior Airman Miguel De Los
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