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Preview 2016 Summer Newsletter

DESOTO HIGH SCHOOL Volume 1 Issue 1 June 2016 E B N AGLE AND EWS www.eagleband.org 2016-17 BAND STAFF A N M B OTE FROM R. ROWN Delton Brown Director of Bands Laurencio Arroyo, Jr. Greetings parents and students! We are incredibly excited about the 2016-17 DeSoto Associate Director of Bands Band. As you are already aware, we’re off to a fast start. With the completion of the June Band Camp, the upcoming season is looking very promising. The instructors were both Brian Ross pleased and impressed with the amount of material that they were able to cover with the Assistant Director/ studentsinsuchashortperiodoftime. Percussion WewouldliketocongratulateourentirebandLeadershipTeamMembers. Weknow Dawson Spicer thatthesestudentsarepoisedandeagertoexploreandbringtolifethatwhichisthepotential oftheDHSBand.Thejourneyisjustnowbeginning! Assistant Director/ Color Guard The DeSoto Band staff would like to thank the parents and students for all of your hard workthis year. Aspecialthanks goesoutto allofthe parents who worked with usthis Shirley Payne past year during the football games, chaperoning events, and supporting us at the various Assistant Director/ contests. You all definitely made the experience even more rewarding. With your help our Majorettes kidsarebetterandevenmoresuccessful. We truly appreciate all of the support from the DeSoto Band Boosters. Under the leadership of President Jackie Cooksey and the Executive Board, we look forward to even betterthings! Parents, please encourage your child to continue to practice their instrument/equipment over the course of the summer break. We don’t want them to lose whatthey’ve beenworkingonoverthecourseofthispastyear. Be sure to observe the information in this newsletter, as it contains pertinent Things to Bring / information about events and rehearsal schedules. You may also log on to Wear to Summer www.eagleband.org as well to stay current on upcoming events and announcements that Band: maybesent. • Shorts & T-shirt Itisourhopethatyouhaveasafeandrestfulsummer break! Light colors and cotton material are recommended. NO BLACK SHIRTS OR 4 D’s DENIM • Tennis Shoes & Discipline – Desire – Dedication – Determination Socks (avoid blisters) NO SANDALS • Hat • Sunscreen • Instrument / Music Lyres/flip folders, reeds, valve oil, sticks, mallets, flags, etc. • Drill Charts (once they have been distributed) • Official Band Water Jug!!! (see page 10) As always, the Texas heat can be brutal. We will take several water breaks during rehearsals. Be smart and come prepared! Always wear appropriate clothing and bring plenty of water. It’s a good idea to try to acclimate yourself to the summer heat. Spend some time outdoors. Let’s have a safe marching season. * All band members are requiredto own a lyre and a flip folder. This is the devise which is used to hold marching band music to the instrument. Lyres and flip folders can be purchased at any major music store. Eagle Band News Page 2 S L DRUM MAJORS TUDENT EADERS Misty Peterson Drum Major Congratulations to the students listed below who have proved themselves worthyof serving Lauren Jackson as student leaders for the 2016-17 school year. These students have already been through several hours of training and have demonstrated that they are poised and eager to set the Drum Major standardforallbandmembersthroughboththeirwordsandactions.Theymustbepresentto Rasaan Hatcher continue their leadership training on July 25-28 in order to further enhance their leadership Drum Major skillsandlearnmorespecificaspectsoftheirindividualroleswithintheLeadershipTEAM. Sataya Warren Drum Major Brandon Agee Ryan Henderson Aaron Mosley Kenlen Martin Hunter Black Coreyai Holoman Kolade Olojo Drill Instructor Marcus Cazares Lauren Jackson Destiny O’Neal Jourdon Harris Drill Instructor Jefferson Coe Precious Jones Misty Peterson Faith Evans Rhandi Jones Caitlin Powers Kennedy Fudge Kiara Lipscomb Kyandrea Timmons Jourdon Harris Steven Macias Reyna Villacorta Rasaan Hatcher Kenlen Martin Sataya Warren STUDENT OFFICERS Reyna Villacorta Attendanceismandatoryforallofficers,sectionleadersanddrummajors. President Eatagoodbreakfast,snacksanddrinkswillbeprovided.Dressasyouwouldforbandcamp. (seepage1) Kenlen Martin Vice President Ryan Henderson Coreyai Holoman Kennedy Fudge C K OMMUNICATION IS EY Librarians Marcus Cazares Jefferson Coe In an organization as large as the DeSoto High School Band, communication is the key to Destiny O’Neal Quarter Masters success. TheregularscheduledmonthlyBoostermeetingisheldonthelastTuesdayofeach month at 7:00 pm in the band hall, or as scheduled by the President and/or the Executive Brandon Agee Committee. Hunter Black Marcus Cazares Over the past few years the Directors and Booster Club have gone to great lengths to adopt Precious Jones the electronic era. Check us out our website at www.eagleband.org! The fastest, most Caitlin Powers effective wayto communicate News and ImportantEventsisthroughthe website and email Rhandi Jones blasts. Over90-95%ofallbandcommunicationsisthroughoneofthesetwochannels. If Steven Macias at all possible everyone should have access to the internet and check their email account Aaron Mosley often. Kolade Olojo Kyandrea Timmons If you have not subscribed to receive email notification of Band Events, please go the Reyna Villacorta website and fill out and submit the form on the home page. You should receive a Section Leaders confirmation email within 48 hours. You must reply to the confirmation email to complete your subscription. Please make sure we know the best email address at which you can be contacted. If you do not have not internet access and cannot obtain it, please let us know the best methodtocontactyou. Eagle Band News Page 3 G UARD COLOR GUARD Aaliyah Alston A T E C RADITION OF XCELLENCE ONTINUES Diamond Battee By Dawson Spicer Samantha Berry Iyana Byrd IamextremelyexcitedtobetheDirectoroftheDeSotoHighSchoolColorGuardfor Cherise Davis the2016-17season. Shoneil Davis The 30 young ladies have been working very hard to make sure that they have an Madison Day Jasmine Degree exciting and memorable fall season. During the June band camp, these young ladies began Paige Dunn learning choreography for the 2016-17 marching show. I’ve been presenting these young Faith Evans performerswithawholenewoutlookoncolorguard,focusingonteambuilding,lifelessons, Tori Foster andchoreography. Quanae Green Color guard personnel should make sure they attend each rehearsal, which was Ashley Harris outlined on the calendar given to them for the following months. Attendance to each Domonique Henry rehearsal is mandatory. If for any unforeseen reason one cannot attend rehearsal please Tiana Jackson contact a band director or myself in advanced. Please turn in pertinent paper work as soon Kamillia Jones aspossible,includingyourphysicalswhichareduebyJuly30. Sariiya Lewis Kiara Lipscomb Color guard camp resumes on August 1 at 8:00am. Please be in attendance and on Alanna Lockett time.IlookforwardtoseeingeachparentatboththemandatoryparentmeetingonJuly26at Nicole Luevano 7:00pmandalsoforGuardRegistrationonAugust12. Chasidy McCowin Again, I’m very excited to be working with these young performers in helping them Brandi Morgan develop themselves. This will definitely be a season to remember. I anticipate seeing each Kennedy Ragas member succeed and grow, while keeping the DeSoto tradition of color guard excellence Cameron Robicheaux alive. Jayda Russell Remember: Your parents need to attend a Mandatory Parent Meeting on July Sasha Swint 26, pay your guard fees andfillout bandforms August 12 at Guard Registration. NO Destini Taylor Aaliyah Trevillison EXCEPTIONS!! Cierra Wash Kayla Willis M AJORETTES By Delton Brown MAJORETTES We are extremely excited to have the DHS Majorettes as our newest addition to the Princess Adeya EagleBand! Ariana Bell These young ladies are in the middle of a their clinic/camp as they are learning their Chyanne Carroll portionforour2016marchingproduction.Theyhavebeenworkingveryhardlearningwhat Jordan Daniels theyneedtoknowinordertomakealastingpositivefirstimpressionasofficialmembersof Kaleigh Dodd theDHSBand! Brajah Dunn Under the direction of Ms. Shirleythey are sure to excel and enhance the band at all Sanieya Franklin Terienne McBride of our performances. We are looking forward to great things from our Majorettes. Please welcome andcongratulatethemwhen yougetachance. Eagle Band News Page 4 P DRUM LINE ERCUSSION Jared Boyd Snare By Brian Ross Raheem Clark Snare James Fuller Snare I want to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning students. I hope you will KendellonLamb Snare have a rewarding and successful academic year. I am excited to be returning to DeSoto for my 7th year. Rehearsals are extremely important and students need to remember that the Daryl McNeely-Evans Snare goalistoperformwell. Josh Washington Snare A personal goal of mine is to see extraordinary growth in my students. I hope that Tyron White Snare students come away from my classes knowing that music is a lifelong endeavor and that KrysSias Tenor therearenoshortcutstothemasteryofaninstrument. Ialsowantthemtorealizethatthere Allan Avila-Cabriales Bass ismore to life thanjust music and thatthrough music they candiscover their own humanity Samantha Green Bass –when theyplaymusicitismerelyarepresentationofwhotheyare. William Iglehart Bass Percussionstudentsshouldlookatthebandscheduletoensurethatyouarepresentat Jaylon Jackson Bass allpractices.ChecktheEagle Bandwebsite forupdates.Studentsareremindedthattheyare Aaron Mosley Bass required to have all the proper material for each rehearsal and show. This includes, proper sticks/mallets, music,binder,pencil,correctmarchingattire. Below is a list of the required equipment for all percussion students. THIS IS THE BAREMINIMUM!! 1 Pair General Timpani Mallets 1 Pair Medium rubber mallets 2 Pair Concert Snare Sticks 2 Pair Medium Yarn Mallets FRONT ENSEMBLE (PIT) 1 Pair Hard Xylo/bell mallets 2 Pair Medium Cord Vibe Mallets Stick Bag-large enough to accommodate above plus extra room AkyaBailey Matthew Brooks Black 3 ring binder w/protective sheets Multiple Pencils Steve Brown 12 “ Practice pad Timpani turner (The Master Key) Kayla Buchanan KionButler I R F ShedarianCarter NSTRUMENT ENTAL EES Christian Davis Students should have already checked out their instruments for summer band and the Patrick Downs upcomingacademic year. Thepricesforschool-owned instrumentrentalareasfollows: Jared Fletcher Breanna Folson $75.00 per instrument / academic year Madison Hall French Horn & Marching French Horn ($100.00) / Euphonium & Marching Baritone ($100.00) Darion Harrington Tuba & Marching Sousaphone ($100.00) / Percussion –Line & Ensemble ($75.00) Makayla Johnson Any other school owned instrument ($75.00) Treveon Johnson Instrument RentalFeesaretobepaidatbandregistration/uniformfitting,August13. DafnyLozano Mi’ziahNeal • The student is responsible for keeping the rented instrument in good condition. Should Jamar Nesbitt anydamageoccurtotheinstrument,thestudentisresponsibleforthecostofrepairs. The KoladeOlojo student will be charged the replacement cost if the instrument is lost or damaged beyond Jessica Paramo repair. Ramon Parker • Instruments mustbe keptclean, dryand properlylubricated atalltimes. The student will Evan Session lose the privilege of using a school instrument if the instrument is not being cared for Chadwick Slaughter properly. Rian Turner • The student is responsible for purchasing the designated mouthpiece, as well as, care and DoanldWilliams maintenance supplies(i.e.valveoil,swabs,ligatures)foreachinstrumentcheckedout. TylurWoods • The instrument(s) listed above are the sole responsibility of the student. School instrumentsarenottobesharedorloanedtootherpeople. Contact Laurencio Arroyo, Jr. at [email protected] should there be any questionsregardingtherentalofinstrumentsforthissummer andnextschoolyear. Eagle Band News Page 5 PRE-SEASON MARCHING SCHEDULE June 6-10 Band Camp Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. June 6 New Parent Meeting –DHS Band Hall Monday 7:00-8:30 p.m. July 19-21 Majorette Camp –DeSoto High School Tuesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. July 25-28 Student Leadership Camp –DHS Band Hall Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. All officers, section leaders and drum majors are required to attend. Eat a good breakfast, snacks and drinks will be provided. Dress as you would for band camp. (see page 1) July 26 MANDATORYAll Parent Meeting –DHS Band Hall Tuesday 7:00-8:30 p.m. * Allparents are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting. All aspects of the DeSoto High School band program will be discussed and parents will have the opportunity to meet the Directors. August 1-5 Guard Camp –DeSoto High School Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. August 8-12 Summer Marching Band –DeSoto High School Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m. •Full Band, Guard & Majorettes You are advised to bring your own lunch and hydrate with water or non –carbonated clear fluids. (see page 1) August 12 MANDATORYGuard & Majorette Registration–DHS Band Hall Friday 6:00–8:00 p.m. * All guard & majorette members must pay fees & charges by this date, and fill out required forms A parent or guardian is required to attend as there are forms to be signed. (see page 10) Any prior outstanding balances must be paid by August 12 August 13 MANDATORYBand Registration/Uniform Fitting –DHS Band Hall Saturday 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. * All band members must pay fees & charges by this date, fill out required forms and get fitted for uniforms. A parent or guardian is required to attend as there are forms to be signed. (see page 10) Any prior outstanding balances must be paid by August 13 August 15-18 Summer Marching Band –DeSoto High School Monday-Thursday 5:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. •Full Band, Guard & Majorettes You are advised to bring your own lunch and hydrate with water or non –carbonated clear fluids. (see page 1) August 19 FINAL Summer Marching Band –DeSoto High School Friday 8:00 am-3:30 p.m. Lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m. •Full Band, Guard & Majorettes You are advised to bring your own lunch and hydrate with water or non –carbonated clear fluids. (see page 1) August 19 Meet the Band Night–DeSoto High School Friday 7:00 pm-8:00 p.m. •Full Band, Guard & Majorettes August 22-26 FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL Monday-Friday Weekly Rehearsal Schedule Begins Monday 3:30-6:30 p.m. / Thursday 3:30-6:30 FULL BAND Tuesday 3:30-5:30 p.m. Brass & Percussion / Wednesday; 3:30-5:30 p.m. Woodwinds, Guard & Majorettes August 26 Football Game –Jesuit (Home) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game You must be off campus within 30 minutes of dismissal time. Eagle Band News Page 6 M S ARCHING CHEDULE August 30 Band Booster Meeting –DHS Band Hall Tuesday 7:00 p.m. September 2 Football Game –Denton Guyer(Home) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time You must be off campus within 30 minutes of our return time. September 5 Labor Day Holiday –DeSoto High School Monday No School Full Band Rehearsal –TBA The rest of the week will keep the normal weekly rehearsal schedule. September 9 Football Game –Midland (Midland) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time TBD. –Return to DHS You must be off campus within 30 minutes of our return time. September 23 Football Game –Cedar Hill (Longhorn Stadium) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time 11:00 p.m. –Return to DHS You must be off campus within 30 minutes of dismissal time. September 24 Marching Contest – Saturday Plan for an all day Prelims and Finals event. September 27 Band Booster Meeting –DHS Band Hall Tuesday 7:00 p.m. September 30 Football Game –Irving MacArthur (Home) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time You must me off campus within 30 minutes of dismissal time. October 1 Marching Contest – Saturday Plan for an all day Prelims and Finals event. October 7 Football Game –Grand Prairie (Gopher WarriorStadium) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time 11:00 p.m. –Return to DHS You must be off campus within 30 minutes of our return time. October 8 29thAnnual DeSoto Marching Classic –DeSoto High School Saturday Plan for an all day event. October 14 Football Game –Irving (Home) (Homecoming) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time You must be off campus within 30 minutes of dismissal time. October 15 UIL Marching Contest –Region Saturday Time -TBA October 21 Football Game –Duncanville (Panther Stadium) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time 11:00 p.m. –Return to DHS You must be off campus within 30 minutes of our return time. October 25 Band Booster Meeting –DHS Band Hall Tuesday 7:00 p.m. October 28 Football Game –Irving Nimitz(Home) (Senior Night) Friday 7:30 p.m. –Game time You must me off campus within 30 minutes of dismissal time. October 29 UIL Marching Contest –Area Saturday Time -TBA November 3 Football Game –South Grand Prairie (Gopher Warrior Stadium) Thursday 7:30 p.m. –Game time 11:00 p.m. –Return to DHS You must be off campus within 30 minutes of our return time. Eagle Band News Page 7 THE DESOTO EAGLE MARCHING BAND – 2016 BASEDONSPRINGAUDITIONSTHEFOLLOWINGSTUDENTSHAVEBEENACCEPTEDTOBEMEMBERSOFTHEDHSVARSITY MARCHINGBAND. STUDENTSARELISTEDINALPHABETICALORDER. DRUM MAJOR CLARINETCONT. TRUMPET CONT. TUBA CONT. GUARD Misty Peterson Kyra Smith Jalen Norwood Anthony Chioma Aaliyah Alston Lauren Jackson Taylor Stevenson-Wright Jordan Paris Jane Chioma Diamond Battee Rasaan Hatcher O’Neal Texada, III Braulio Ramirez MyrikalClemons Samantha Berry Sataya Warren Kori Thompson ZalenRobinson DeirianFranklin Iyana Byrd Reyna Villacorta Michael Rodriguez Alyssa Green Cherise Davis FLUTE SatayaWarren Alexia Taylor MakhariHenry Shoneil Davis Alanah Armstead KaliahWilliams Layton Taylor EdrickMangnum Madison Day Melissa Bahena KymoraWoodard Ne’zyriaThomas Joshua McNeal Jasmine Degree JIsahsmmiain eB lBaackllard BASS CLARINET Jacob Washington Douglas Turner PFaaiitghe E Dvuannns Keyana Brown ImauriCrosby Christian Whitaker David Womack Tori Foster Shadarian Carter EannaGarrow Gerald Wise Quanae Green ACDsreyinasi taCa lDol cCaknorieoelkllsey KCaoyrrlaia nGoMffcnCeurllough MJaEyleLnL AOdPaHmOsNE PJRaEarhReedCe BUmoS yCSdlIaOrkN -SNARES ADTisoahmnleaoy nJ iaHqcuakersr ioHsnenry Janay Davis ALTO SAXOPHONE Kennedi Bonds James Fuller Kamillia Jones JJJTaoarerrdidvseaoa Fnr D eFEreogdcwuwelsenaorarnds SDJCehahfemrfeiisloratson oAp Bnhg reuCorilw oaFenrierro NLVEeirinaiycc laCae naHGtri talGeblriurnerdneon KDJToyeasrnrohydnl eW MWlloachnNsihteLeienalgmyt-obEnvans SKANailiaacrrnoiianlye aaL L iLLpueosewccvokiasmentotb Kennedy Fudge KayodeGbadebo ShalesteJerideau Chasidy McCowin Kennady Grant JothamGolingo Alina Rodriguez PERCUSSION -TENOR Brandi Morgan Joi Handford Kennedi Harper KyandreaTimmons KrysSias Kennedy Ragas Ryan Henderson RhandiJones Alexandra Walton Cameron Robicheaux Deziree Hudson RaevynMcKnight Ta’MyaWright PERCUSSION -BASS Jayda Russell Taylor Jefferson Sydney McLaurin Allan Avila-Cabriales Sasha Swint Precious Jones Micah Moore TROMBONE Samantha Green DeStinii Taylor Abriana Lynch Tristen Moore Brandon Agee William Iglehart Aaliyah Trevillison Clearon Mack Ka’lonRyan Noah Auguste Jaylon Jackson Cierra Wash Jessinia Martinez TreyvanSmith CharlesiahBowens Aaron Mosley Kayla Willis Blanca Mercado DevyanByrd Adam Soliz Angelica Paez Colvin Stephens EliceoCardona PERCUSSION -PIT MAJORETTES Misty Peterson Dewayne Cokes AkyaBailey Princess Adeya CAMAslaylyhaitsal ioSnnn taPe tWytoe wParfelirkeereslldorw TLJoeEuoNrpdoOoldnRoH SBaeArrciXskeOrPHONE RCJueasglvtiiicnnea F ldFa olCesottieork, Jr. MSKtaaeytvtlhaee BBwur ocBwhraonnoakns ACJorhiraydananann BDee aCllnaierrlsoll Destiny Watkins RasaanHatcher Davion Griggs KionButler Kaleigh Dodd CoreyaiHoloman KenedyHollins ShedarianCarter Brajah Dunn CLARINET Destiny O’Neal Mikey Jacques Christian Davis Sanieya Franklin Maliyah Barthley TrinniJohnson, Jr. Patrick Downs Terienne McBride Camrtn Bayley BARI SAXOPHONE KenlenMartin Jared Fletcher AAnlygseslaic Ba rBadelneiytez QAaurinonnA BnrtohuognhytoBnrewer DSaovriaannn Paahg Sepikes BMraedainsonna FHoallslon ODaBllOasE H/BobAbSsSOON Naudia Cannon Dylan Nelson Daniel Wallace Darion Harrington Natasha Holloway Marcus Cazares Brandon Reise EUPHONIUM CintiaIbarra Barraza Tiffany Kalu Daejsha Charman Peyton Williams Makayla Johnson Taylor Lark-Mickles Zachary Escarian Otis Daniels Treveon Johnson Alanna Nivens Christine Eng Ezekiel Hamilton DafnyLozano Carla Perez Khalia Green TRUMPET Jayden Hasley Jones Montrell Zymorquz Porter Aimee Gye Jaylen Aldridge-McNealey StarlaJackson Mi’ziahNeal Jayla Harris Jazmyne Arceneaux Javier Jauregui Jamar Nesbitt Shamaria Hinton Hunter Black ErictonJefferson KoladeOlojo Courtney Jackson Logan Blythe Steven Macias Jessica Paramo Lauren Jackson Charleston Bowens Christopher Stanley Ramon Parker Jayla Johnson KeylinBoyd Jonathan Toussah Evan Session Ambrosia Larry Daria Bradford Jordan Williams Chadwick Slaughter Kaelon Martin Alexys Brown-Ramirez Terrance Wilson Rian Turner Antoine Miles EamonBurke Donald Williams Kaleb Nicholas Dillon Fudge TUBA TylurWoods Sherelyn Orozco AsontiHubbard Jordan Baker Rayven Perkins JadaunJackson Kendrick Bible Cody Russell Anthony Jones, Jr. Cameron Carson Zaria Sanders Nico Leejay KaelonCheatum Eagle Band News Page 8 B B AND OOSTERS BAND BOOSTER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE By Jackie Cooksey President Jackie Cooksey President, DeSoto Band Booster Club Vice PresidentShamika Anderson Secretary Heidi Mathis-Bayley AsthePresidentoftheDeSotoBandBoosters,wewanttothankeveryonethatmadethe Treasurer Carol Smith Chaperones Christi Nelson past year successful and would like to extend a warm welcome to all new and returning Concessions Alemeta Bradley studentsandparentstotheDeSotoHighSchoolBand.Incaseyouwereunawaretothetime AT&T Leonard Brooks Uniforms Pamela Agee table,preparationforthe2016-17schoolyeariswellunderway. Fundraising Sheri Turner All of the members of the DeSoto Band Boosters Executive Committee are Guard Rep Kerri Johnson parents/volunteers such as you. We all have a strong interest in our student’s High School Publicity Open Webmaster Open experience.However,fortheBoosterclubtotrulybesuccessful,we musthaveparticipation fromallparents. Therearealwaysplentyofopportunitiesforeveryone tobeinvolved. TheBoostersneedhelpwiththingssuchasprinting,chaperoning,drivingtheequipment truckto variousevents, helpingfeedthe kidspriorto footballgames,etc. Ifyou wouldlike tohelpmakeyourchild’sbandexperience great,“GetInvolved”–“Now”! The Mandatory Parents & Students meeting is Tuesday, July 26 at 7:00 pm in the MainBandHall.Thisisamandatorymeetingforallband,guardandmajoretteparentsand students,pleaseplanaheadtoattend. Wewillbediscussingthevariouscommitteeactivities, fundraising opportunities and the 2016-17 band events. The first Booster Club meeting is BAND BOOSTER MEETING SCHEDULE Tuesday,August30at7:00pmintheMainBandHall. Theactivityfeeforthe2016-17schoolyearis$100.00forbandstudentsand$75.00for August 30, 2016 September 27, 2016 guard and majorette students. The activity fee and allother fees and charges for allstudents October 25, 2016 must be paid at Registration by Friday, August 12 for Guard & Majorettes or Saturday, November 29, 2016 January 31, 2017 August13forBand. February 23, 2017 Payments can be made by credit card, check, cash and money order. Credit card March 28, 2017 April 25, 2017 payments can only be made online in Charms. Personal checks will not be accepted in May 30, 2017 personorinthelock-box. CashandmoneyorderpaymentsmaybeleftinthegreenCharms 7:00 pm in the Man Band Hall lock-box located in the band hall library. Please place your payment in an envelope and indicateontheenvelope:Student’sNameandthepurposeofthepayment(i.e.“BandFees”, “SpringTrip”,etc.). It is imperative that everyone participating in the band program pay their fees. Thebandoperatingbudgetisfundedinpartbythesefees. Manyofourlargeexpenses aredueatthestartoftheschoolyear. If you would like to volunteer for the upcoming year, please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Committee. A complete list of Executive Committee members is included in this newsletter or you can find a direct email link on the Eagle Band website at www.eagleband.orgontheBooster/Parentpage. Best wishes for a safe and fun summer. We look forward to seeing everyone in July! FUNDRAISING Therewillbeseveralfundraisingopportunitiesthroughouttheschoolyear. Someofthemwehavebeendoingfora longtimeandotherswillbenew. Dependingonthefundraiser,fundswillgoeithertothebandgeneralfundor studentaccounts. Listedbelowareafewofthesefundraisingopportunities. TheDeSotoClassic–Heldannuallyandinits29thyear!Thisyear’sdateisSaturday,October8atthehighschool. ThisisaBIGmarchingcompetitionfortheareabands.Parentsandbandstudentsarerequiredtoworkthisevent. Therearemanyjobstofillwhenwehostaneventofthissize.Itisadawntolateeveningeventandvolunteersare greatlyneeded!Youcanworkafewhours,orallday. Eagle Stadium Concession Stand – The Boosters run a concession stand on the Home side of Eagle Stadium duringhomefootballgames. Youwillbecontactedtheweekofthehomegameifneeded. AT&TStadium– TheBoosterClubrunsaconcessionstandatAT&TStadiumforCowboyshomegamesand otherevents.Everyone18+mustobtainaTABClicense. AnnualPecan/NutSales–ThisfundraiserhappensinNovemberandDecember…wonderfulpecans,andallkinds ofnutsandcandytreats.SelltoyourfriendsandneighborsforChristmas,baking,etc.Itisagreatfundraiserand thisisonefundraiserthatistrulyanticipatedfromyeartoyearbythebuyers! Eagle Band News Page 9 C O A HARMS FFICE SSISTANT DeSotoHighSchoolBandutilizesa veryresourcefulonline programcalledCharmsOffice Assistant.WithCharms, you cankeepuptodate withthebandprogram.Thereareseveralthingsthatyoucandoonce youlogintoCharms. Youcan check the band calendar, email teachers, view handouts and student forms, view your child’s absences and tardies from rehearsals,andevenkeepapracticelogofyourchild’spracticetime. Pleasemakesureallofyourstudentandparentinformationiscorrectandremembertoupdateitwithanychangesinthe future. Thisistheonlycontactinformationwehaveforourstudentsandfamily. Ifyouremailandphoneinformationis notcurrent,wewillnotbeabletocommunicate pertinentinformationtoyou. You can also check your student account and keep current with your balance. It contains all of your student financial information. Youcanaccessitatanytime. Youwillseeadetailedaccountingofallthechargesaccessed,anypayments madeandanyfundraisingcredits. Italsotrackstripinstallmentsandanyothermiscellaneous charges. PleasecontactMr.Brownifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingyouraccount. STUDENT ACCOUNTS Each band student has a “student account” that is set up in online in Charms. A student account is used primarily to track deposited funds. IRS, State Comptroller and UIL guidelines stipulate what fundraising money may or may not be used for. The main purpose of fundraising is to pay for the annual trip that the band takes in the Spring. The trip destination and an approximate cost are announced in the Fall. Fundraised money may not be used for uniform fees, spirit wear or other personal uses. Any remaining funds or debts in a student’s account will be rolled over to the next year.Fundraisedmoneycannotbe“cashedout”tostudents,parentsoranyothervolunteer. Student Account funds that already exist in a student’s account as of 8/1/2016 may be applied to the activity fee, instrument rental and cleaning fee only. There is no “pay as you go” for fees and charges. Please access Charms for StudentAccountstatus. Itwillbeabletoprovideyouwithacurrentbalance. If you are the sibling of a graduating senior, their balance (positive or negative) will rollover to your account. Please confirm your sibling status at Registration for proper identification and accounting purposes. Fundraised money cannot betransferredtoanon-siblingatanytimeorunderanycircumstance. ACCOUNT ESTIMATES Feesand chargesare currentlybeingupdated inCharms. Youcancheckthere for anestimate of your 2016-17 feesand chargesdueatRegistrationAugust12-13. Pleasenote,ifyouareareturningmembersomeofyouritemsmaybere-used if they are in good condition. You must get approval from a band director before your account will be adjusted. The initialestimateinCharmswillnotreflectanyadjustments. Eligibleitemsforre-use. Band–Polo,Shoes,WaterJug Guard–JazzPants,BodyTight,Gloves,JazzShoes,JazzSneakers,FlagBag,DuffleBag,WaterJug Majorettes–Boots Eagle Band News Page 10 R /U F EGISTRATION NIFORM ITTING IT IS IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE COME ON THEIR DESIGNATED DAY!! Parents MUST come to Registration. There will be forms that MUST be signed by parents. You will have to make arrangements to be fitted if youdonotshowup,andthisisdifficulttodoaftersummercampandschoolbegins. Youcannotmisspracticetimetobe fitted. FeesanduniformexpensesMUSTbepaidonthisday. AnyoutstandingdebtstotheBandProgramfromtheprioryears MUST be cleared at Guard & Majorette and Band Registration. Negative balances DO NOT ever go away – – your debtremainsactiveaslongasyouareinDeSotoISD!! FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2016 SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 2016 DeSoto HS Band Hall DeSoto HS Band Hall Guard & Majorettes 6:00-8:00 PM Seniors 9:00-10:00 AM Freshman Boys 1:00-2:00 PM Juniors 10:00-11:00 AM Freshman Girls 2:00-3:00 PM Sophomores 11:00-12:00 PM BE SURE TO WEAR SPANDEX TIGHTS (LEGGINGS OR SHORTS) AND ATHLETIC SOCKS Be prepared to pay for the following items at Registration. Please Note:Prices are an estimate and may vary. Guard Majorettes Band $75.00 Activity fee $75.00 Activity fee $100.00 Activity fee $75.00 Warm-ups (yours to keep) $20.00 Band shirts (yours to keep) $75.00 Instrument rental fee (single) $45.00 Performance top (yours to keep) $200.00 Costume (yours to keep) $100.00 Instrument rental fee (dual) $15.00 Guard t-shirts (yours to keep) $125.00 Warm-up set (yours to keep) $20.00 Polo shirt (yours to keep) $32.00 Jazz pants (yours to keep) $55.00 Boots (yours to keep) $20.00 Show t-shirts, 2 (yours to keep) $19.00 Body tight (yours to keep) $150.00 Game Day Uniform (yours to keep) $40.00 Marching shoes (yours to keep) $15.00 Gloves (yours to keep) $15.00 Water jug (yours to keep) $5.00 Gloves, 2 pairs (yours to keep) $34.00 Jazz shoes (yours to keep) $8.00 Tuba beret (yours to keep) $34.00 Jazz sneakers (yours to keep) $15.00 Water jug (yours to keep) $24.00 Flag bag (yours to keep) $25.00 Uniform cleaning fee $30.00 Duffle bag (yours to keep) $15.00 Water jug (yours to keep) Spirit Wear (optional) $20.00 Garment bag $20.00 Baseball shirt $18.00 Eagle sweatshirt $32.00 Barrel bag $33.00 Golf shirt $25.00 Hooded sweatshirt $10.00 Cinch bag $30.00 Woven shirt $25.00 Eagle sweatpants $20.00 Fleece blanket $25.00 Polo shirt $45.00 Hooded jacket $10.00 Head wrap, baseball cap, visor, beanie For sizes 2XL-4XL add $3.00 Creditcardpaymentscanonlybemadeonline. Onlinecreditcardpre-paymentsforRegistrationmustbemadenolater than5:00PMWednesday,August10. YoucannotpaywithacreditcardinpersonatRegistration. You may pre-pay with cash or moneyorders as well. Cash or money orders are the only form of payment that will be acceptedinpersonatRegistration. PersonalchecksareNOTaccepted

Drill Charts. (once they . Percussion students should look at the band schedule to ensure that you are present at . Ambrosia Larry Alanna Nivens.
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