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2016. Seasonal and diurnal frost environments in western Dronning Maud Land PDF

1055 Pages·2016·8.69 MB·English
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Preview 2016. Seasonal and diurnal frost environments in western Dronning Maud Land

0 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 ORGANISERS, SUPPORTERS AND PARTNERS ORGANISERS SUPPORTED BY PARTNERS 1 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 OVERVIEW Content Page Number 20 - 501 Oral Presentation Abstracts Oral Presentation Index 502 - 531 549 - 1022 Poster Presentations Abstracts Poster Presentation Index 1023 - 1053 2 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 Oral Presentation Abstracts Mini Symposium: Tropical Antarctic Teleconnections, August 22, 2016, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 The role of tropical climate variability in the cessation of the Antarctic Peninsula warming ......... 20 Large-scale atmospheric environment that develop Mesoscale Convective Systems in Southern Brazil: the influence of Antarctica on subtropical extreme events ............................................... 21 Simulated Response of Antarctic Atmospheric Circulation and Sea Ice to recent Tropical SST Trends ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Southern annular mode change in the last glacial maximum derived from pmip2 simulations .... 23 South pacific circulation changes and their connection to the tropics and regional Antarctic warming during austral spring .................................................................................................... 24 Teleconnection between Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Variability and atmospheric circulation over Southern Indian Ocean............................................................................................................... 25 Modeling El Niño diversity and tropical teleconnections to Antarctica ......................................... 26 Climatic interpretation from the stable water isotope composition of firn-cores from the northern Antarctic Peninsula ..................................................................................................................... 27 S02. Evolution of the physical and biological environment of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean over the 21st and 22nd centuries, Meeting Room 406/407, August 22, 2016, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM ....................................................................................................................................... 28 Emission of Biogenic Hydrocarbons from Antarctic Mosses: Implications for biosphere- atmosphere interactions, biotic feedbacks, and the future of the Antarctic atmosphere .............. 28 Biogenic Volatile Organic Compunds (BVOCs):A comparison between Tropical and Antarctic emissions. .................................................................................................................................. 29 Islands in the ice: Expansion and increased ecological connectivity of Antarctica‘s ice-free areas under climate change ................................................................................................................. 30 Future oceanography of the Ross Sea ....................................................................................... 31 Dynamics of the climate-active gas dimethylsulphide (DMS) in relation to sea-ice changes at the Western Antarctic Peninsula ...................................................................................................... 32 High-resolution insight into the role of the Antarctic and the Southern Ocean in a high-carbon future .......................................................................................................................................... 33 S29. From the top: Higher trophic predators as ecosystem sentinels, Meeting Room 410, August 22, 2016, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM ......................................................................................... 34 Exploitation of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba by three air-breathing predators with contrasting foraging strategies – implications for fisheries feedback management ....................................... 34 Combining individual-based modelling and dynamic energy budget theory: a way forward for incorporating top predators in ecosystem models ....................................................................... 35 Comparison of aerial and ship-board surveys from platforms of opportunity in the Southern Ocean ........................................................................................................................................ 36 Implementing a sea ice-based survey to characterise toothfish interactions in McMurdo Sound 37 Validating oceanographic data obtained from Weddell seals using SMRU CTD in the Ross Sea38 S06. Glaciers and ice sheet mass balance, Meeting Room 405, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ......................................................................................................................................... 39 Significant mass loss recorded in Glaciar Bahía del Diablo, Vega Island, Antartic Peninsula ..... 39 Long-term monitoring of the glaciers in Wordie Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, using multi-mission SAR time series .................................................................................................................................. 40 Unlocking the archive - Photogrammetric measurements from historical aerial photography extend the record of glacier change on the Antarctic Peninsula.................................................. 41 Mass balance of Antarctica from combined GRACE and CryoSat inversion ............................... 42 Annual Antarctic ice sheet flux from Landsat 8 ........................................................................... 43 Measurements of snow sublimation rate at Vostok station (Antarctica) ...................................... 44 Commitments to future retreat of the Antarctic ice sheet ............................................................ 45 3 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 S10. Subglacial aquatic environments, Meeting Room 408, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ................................................................................................................................................. 46 A history of Antarctic subglacial lake exploration ........................................................................ 46 An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica ... 47 ICECAP-2 aerogeophysical observations of Princess Elizabeth land, east Antarctica ................ 48 Geophysical investigations of the subglacial embayment in the Institute Ice Stream of West Antarctica ................................................................................................................................... 49 Coupled abiotic and biological cycling of elements in subsurface brine in Antarctic Lake Vida, Victoria Valley. ........................................................................................................................... 50 Pathways to escape: Connecting the subglacial brine reservoir to supraglacial release at Blood Falls, Taylor Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica .............................................................. 51 Development and Field Testing VALKYRIE—A prototype cryobot for clean subglacial access and sampling. .................................................................................................................................... 52 Into the deep black sea: The icefin modular AUV for ice-covered ocean exploration .................. 53 S13. Antarctic meteorology and climatology AM1, Meeting Room 406/407, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ...................................................................................................................... 54 Evaluation of high-resolution MetUM and AMPS forecasts of near-surface and boundary layer meteorological variables over the Larsen C ice shelf .................................................................. 54 An evaluation of the performance of Polar Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model over West Antarctica .......................................................................................................................... 55 "Atmospheric measurements by controlled meteorological balloons in coastal areas of Antarctica" ................................................................................................................................................... 56 A prominent melting event of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface near Syowa station in 2012/13 summer ...................................................................................................................................... 57 Observations and modelling of planetary boundary layer over marginal ice zone of Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica during late summer ............................................................... 58 Regional climate simulations over Antarctica with ACCESS and CCAM models. ....................... 59 Ozone simulations with the ACCESS model: Response in the stratosphere over Antarctica ...... 60 Direct contribution of the stratosphere to recent West Antarctic warming in austral spring ......... 61 S20. Observing and mapping the Antarctic continent, Meeting Room 403, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ...................................................................................................................... 62 Covering the last major data void of Antarctica with airborne geophysics – first results of the ESA PolarGap project ........................................................................................................................ 62 Mapping sub-ice bed topography for Antarctica from imagery .................................................... 63 Airborne ice penetrating radar surveying in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica ................ 64 Towards a digital dataset of the Antarctic geosphere: The SCAR GeoMap project and progress65 Antarctic GeoMAP for Marie Byrd Land: A digital map of exposed and subglacial geology and surficial glacial deposits .............................................................................................................. 66 "The 2014-15 McMurdo dry valleys baseline; coordinated lidar, air photography and satellite based electro-optical imagery" ................................................................................................... 67 Application of high-resolution satellite imagery for semiautomated mapping of cryospheric vegetation in the Antarctic environment ...................................................................................... 68 A new fully automated methodology for differentiating rock and ice in Antarctic from Landsat imagery ...................................................................................................................................... 69 S23. Microbes, diversity, and ecological roles, Meeting Room 401/402, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ...................................................................................................................... 70 Convergent microbial ecosystem functions in the McMurdo and Palmer LTERs, two Antarctic aquatic extremes ........................................................................................................................ 70 Bacteria from Antarctic macroalgae: A treasure of biodiversity and biotechnological potential ... 71 Microbial community structure in different snow types from King George Island, Antarctica ....... 72 Comparative analysis of microbial diversity in soils of maritime Antarctica ................................. 73 Wintertime bacterial communities in changing Antarctic sea ice ................................................. 74 4 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 Microbial dynamics in frontal regimes of the Indian Ocean Sector of Southern Ocean: Role of organic carbon and grazers ........................................................................................................ 75 Characterization of a novel Talaromyces species with strong antimicrobial activities isolated from Deception Island ........................................................................................................................ 76 The structure and succession of copper-resistant bacterial communities from the soils of the King George island ............................................................................................................................. 77 S24. Physiological adaptations in Antarctic organisms AM1, Meeting Room 404, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ............................................................................................................. 78 Protein structure, function, stability and dynamics in changing environments. Structural constraints and evolution at low temperature .............................................................................. 78 Assessing the physiological plasticity of notothenioid fishes using an integrated approach ........ 79 Effects of environmental pollutants and changing temperature on the hepatic energy budget of High-Antarctic fish ...................................................................................................................... 80 Cellular versus whole organismal thermal tolerance in Antarctic fishes: Are these animals more sensitive than we thought? ......................................................................................................... 81 Expression of antioxidants proteins in Antarctic sea urchin during thermal stress....................... 82 Allies, cheaters, & thieves: Macroalgal-mesograzer interactions along the western Antarctic peninsula .................................................................................................................................... 83 S29. From the top: Higher trophic predators as ecosystem sentinels D1 AM, Meeting Room 410, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM .................................................................................. 84 Sentinels of South: Monitoring vertebrate populations in Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica- Current Status and Opportunities ............................................................................................... 84 Identifying areas of ecological importance through marine predator habitat modelling around the Prince Edward Islands, Southern Indian Ocean ......................................................................... 85 The effects of prey variability on resource partitioning by Pygoscelis penguins breeding at Palmer Station, Antarctica ...................................................................................................................... 86 Ticks as potential climate change indicators in the Antarctic Peninsula: effects on the chinstrap penguins .................................................................................................................................... 87 Adélie penguin response to environmental conditions challenges accepted wisdom regarding phenological match-mismatch .................................................................................................... 88 Linking ocean productivity with movement and activity patterns of a seabird .............................. 89 Winter foraging hotspots and habitat use of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) at the Filchner Outflow System, southern Weddell Sea ........................................................................ 90 Novel movement and dive behaviour of an iconic marine predator: Emperor penguins in the Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica ..................................................................................................... 91 S35. Data access and sharing for cutting edge science, Meeting Room 409, August 22, 2016, 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM ...................................................................................................................... 92 The Polar Rock Repository: a global resource for Antarctic earth science .................................. 92 How does the SCAR policy influence open access in the curation and archiving of personal data? ................................................................................................................................................... 93 Improved tools for easier access to polar data of the IEDA/MGDS data system ......................... 94 Bringing data sharers closer together in the Southern Ocean ..................................................... 95 A Southern Ocean trophic database ........................................................................................... 96 Cloud computing infrastructure for polar GNSS e-science applications ...................................... 97 Quantarctica 3.0: A Cross-Platform, Full-Featured Open GIS for Antarctic Research ................. 98 The many roles of a National Polar Data Center ........................................................................ 99 S13. Antarctic meteorology and climatology PM1, Meeting Room 404, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ............................................................................................................................... 100 Assessment of historical and future changes in Antarctic precipitation based on CMIP5 models ................................................................................................................................................. 100 CMIP5 wind biases over the Adelie Land sector of the Southern Ocean: the role of resolution and implications for projections ....................................................................................................... 101 5 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 A statistical downscaling study on Antarctic Peninsula temperature variability based on Weather Type Classifications ................................................................................................................. 102 Can temperature extremes in East Antarctica be replicated from ERA Interim reanalysis? ...... 103 Climate variability of the Larsen C iceshelf: Past, present, future ............................................. 104 A long term record of wind direction from aeolian features in Hidden Valley, Antarctica. .......... 105 Measurements of aerosol particle chemical and optical properties in Antarctic station Marambio during three years .................................................................................................................... 106 Measurements of the spectral albedo at Union Glacier Camp (Antarctica): A case study ......... 107 Antarctic wind field research: Trends, topics and future directions ............................................ 108 S18. Subglacial geology and significant events in the geological evolution of Antarctica, Meeting Room 405, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ......................................................... 109 Subglacial geology and crustal architecture in interior East Antarctica ..................................... 109 Seeing beneath the ice with satellites - The dynamic Antarctic lithosphere .............................. 110 ADMAP-2: The next-generation Antarctic magnetic anomaly map ........................................... 111 Nature and extent of a Tonian Oceanic Arc Super Terrane (TOAST) in eastern Dronning Maud Land: integrating geology and geophysics ................................................................................ 112 Drilling project at Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica: Recent progress and plans for the future ............................................................................................................................. 113 Geology of the Lake Vostok area and potential for the lake bottom sampling ........................... 114 Polymetamorphic crust and a Neoproterozoic orogeny in the eastern Wilkes Land inferred from the marine sediments ............................................................................................................... 115 The formation and erosion of sedimentary basins in western Wilkes Land. .............................. 116 Use of a digital subglacial geological map of western Marie Byrd Land to illuminate East Gondwana crustal growth and dispersal ................................................................................... 117 S21. Remote sensing of the Antarctic environment: Multi-disciplinary advances D1, Meeting Room 403, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ....................................................................... 118 Timing and regional patterns of snowmelt on Antarctic sea ice from passive microwave satellite observations ............................................................................................................................. 118 Mapping and assessing variability in the Antarctic marginal ice zone, the pack ice and coastal polynyas ................................................................................................................................... 119 Model simulation of radar returns for microwave remote sensing of sea ice with computational electromagnetics ...................................................................................................................... 120 A reference elevation model of Antarctica ................................................................................ 121 Multisensor fusion to reconstruct outlet glacier elevation changes in Antarctica ....................... 122 Development and field testing of ARTEMIS, an AUV designed for sub-ice investigation and mapping ................................................................................................................................... 123 Mapping patterns of temperature change in the Antarctic ......................................................... 124 Recognition and mapping of Antarctic lakes using spectral-spatial characteristics of high resolution satellite imagery ....................................................................................................... 125 Mapping snow patch distribution in the South Shetlands using remote sensing techniques ..... 126 A novel approach to monitoring the impact of climate change on Antarctic ecosystems ........... 127 S23. Microbes, diversity, and ecological roles (A2), Meeting Room 401/402, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM....................................................................................................................... 128 Relationship between soil fungal diversity and temperature in the maritime Antarctic ............... 128 Bacterial and eukaryotic biodiversity patterns in the Sør Rondane Mountains, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica ............................................................................................................... 129 Macromolecular composition of Antarctic coastal and sea ice microalgal communities ............ 130 Isolation and preliminary characterisation of psychrotrophic hydrogen producing bacteria from Antarctic soil and seawater ....................................................................................................... 131 Bacterial community composition in stomach contents, guano and rookery soil samples of Adélie and chinstrap penguins on Signy Island ................................................................................... 132 Prokaryotic communities within the active layer at Edmonson Point (Northern Victoria Land) .. 133 6 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 Unveiling dial bacterioplankton structure and activity in the N and C cycle at Antarctic summer coastal waters .......................................................................................................................... 134 Antarctic bacterial regionalisation and functional diversity overlap ............................................ 135 Iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria beneath the east Antarctic ice sheet .................................... 136 Diversity and distribution of microorganisms in microbial mats of Antarctic lakes ..................... 137 S24. Physiological adaptations in Antarctic organisms PM1, Meeting Room 404, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ............................................................................................................. 138 Adaptation and Exaptation: Coupled evolutionary and physiological responses to freezing and desiccation in Plectus murrayi .................................................................................................. 138 How do lichen algae prepare for anabiosis? A metabolic approach to desiccation tolerance .... 139 Morphology, growth profile and biochemical composition of Pseudanabaena cf. amphigranulata isolated from Svalbard Island, Norway, cultivated under different temperature conditions. ....... 140 Stress response in Chlorella sp. isolated from snow community in King George Island ............ 141 Comparison between the photosynthetic optimal temperatures of Antarctic and temperate mosses ..................................................................................................................................... 142 Influence of temperature on amylase and cellulase activity from polar and tropical soil microfungi ................................................................................................................................................. 143 Life history strategy of the endemic tardigrade species, Acutuncus antarcticus ........................ 144 Out in the cold: The thermoregulatory role of non-dietary fatty acids in mammals .................... 145 Do Weddell seals ―freeze‖ pregnancy? Intra-specific variation in gestation of a top Antarctic predator .................................................................................................................................... 146 S29. From the top: Higher trophic predators as ecosystem sentinels D1PM, Meeting Room 410, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM .................................................................................. 147 Inter-annual breeding and body mass correlates in southern elephant seals ............................ 147 Where to Forage? Contrasting behaviour between two populations of an ice-obligate predator in East Antarctica ......................................................................................................................... 148 Foraging behavior and diet of seabirds in a changing Antarctic marine environment: can they adapt successfully? .................................................................................................................. 149 Influence of climate variablity and krill (Euphausia superba) density on southern right wahle (Eubalaena australis) reproductive success ............................................................................. 150 Demography and pregnancy rates of humpback whales along the western Antarctic Peninsula: links to a changing ecosystem .................................................................................................. 151 Corresponding exploitation of oceanographic features by an albatross community. ................. 152 Horizontal niche partitioning of humpback and fin whales around the WAP – evidence from a concurrent whale and krill survey ............................................................................................. 153 Scouring the depths – The foraging explorations of elephant seals on the Campbell Plateau .. 154 Changes in the ecology of the Weddell seal after a century of human presence in the Ross Sea ................................................................................................................................................. 155 Long-term niche fidelity in southern elephant seals: Do individuals display unique foraging strategies?................................................................................................................................ 156 S36. Antarctic education, outreach and training, Meeting Room 408, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ............................................................................................................................... 157 Women in Antarctica - Enhancing secondary school students‘ awareness through interactive forum ........................................................................................................................................ 157 Involving educators in expeditions to disseminate polar research: outcomes of an outreach project about the XXX Italian Antarctica expedition 2014/15. .................................................... 158 Sustaining Malaysia‘s interest in Antarctica: Education and outreach programme .................... 159 Frozen in time and space? Antarctica in the tertiary curriculum ................................................ 160 Connecting high school students and teachers with the South Pole ice cube neutrino observatory: three approaches that work. ................................................................................. 161 Path walked by Antarctic Legacy of South Africa to create awareness of Antarctica amongst all cultures of South Africa ............................................................................................................ 162 Antarctic education: recent advances and future challenges .................................................... 163 7 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 "Education, outreach and communication (EOC) strategy in strengthening Malaysia‘s interest towards science of Polar Regions" ........................................................................................... 164 Penguin CALLS: A model for high-level long-term engagement with school classrooms .......... 165 Drilling Back to the Future: Using ice core science to bridge the gap between researchers and non-technical audiences ........................................................................................................... 166 S41. Evidence based conservation and environmental management in Antarctica, Meeting Room 409, August 22, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ....................................................................... 167 Environmental monitoring in Antarctic stations: a tool for decision-making and improvement environmental performance. Experience in four Antarctic stations. ........................................... 167 Inviolate areas to protect reference sites for future microbiology research in Antarctica ........... 168 Can rocks really fly? Observations from Antarctica‘s Dry Valleys and a wind tunnel and implications for wind erosion .................................................................................................... 169 35 years of Adélie penguin monitoring in the Ross Sea ............................................................ 170 Evolution of environmental management in the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica – celebrating 25 years of the Madrid Protocol ..................................................................................................... 171 Facilitating Ex Situ Antarctic conservation: The establishment of an international Antarctic Genetic Archive (AGAr). ........................................................................................................... 172 Mapping the resistance and resilience to human trampling in the Antarctic Dry Valleys ........... 173 Quantifying human movement to inform conservation planning ................................................ 174 High resolution mapping of human tracking in the McMurdo Dry Valleys from SFM-MVS photogrammetry. ...................................................................................................................... 175 Mechanisms of enforcement in the Antarctic treaty system: Good governance or rubber stamp ................................................................................................................................................. 176 Mini Symposium : SCAR and COMNAP Fellows, August 23, 2016, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM ...... 177 New models for understanding the role of mesopelagic fishes and squid in Southern Ocean ecosystems .............................................................................................................................. 177 Assessing the impact of climate change on microbial diversity across environmental gradients in the southern ocean ................................................................................................................... 178 Demographic responses of an albatross community to environmental change. ........................ 179 One historian, one hundred logbooks and an historic weather data rescue: a new approach in cutting edge science ................................................................................................................. 180 Reconstructing the glacial history of western dronning Maud land, Antarctica, using high- resolution numerical ice sheet modeling and geomorphological mapping ................................. 181 S08. Solid earth responses and influences on cryospheric evolution, Meeting Room 409, August 23, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM .......................................................................................... 182 The Influence of 3D Earth structure on a coupled ice sheet-sea level model of the Antarctic Ice Sheet........................................................................................................................................ 182 Investigating the upper mantle seismic structure beneath the northern transantarctic mountains ................................................................................................................................................. 183 Ongoing deformation of Antarctica following recent Great Earthquakes ................................... 184 Antarctic GIA models for use in the ice mass balance inter-comparison exercise: current strategies and debates ............................................................................................................. 185 Testing hypotheses of the LGM ice cap over South Georgia, sub-Antarctic, using glacio-isostatic adjustment modelling of raised marine features. ..................................................................... 186 Geologic controls on ice rise formation ..................................................................................... 187 GNSS measurements in the region of West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula constrain solid earth deformation ..................................................................................................................... 188 Full waveform adjoint seismic tomography of the Antarctic mantle ........................................... 189 The gravity trend at Aboa, Dronning Maud Land ...................................................................... 190 Using 3D Glacial Isostatic Adjustment models to determine the regional sensitivity of the solid Earth to past ice mass change ................................................................................................. 191 S17. Astronomy and astrophysics from Antarctica, Meeting Room 405, August 23, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ............................................................................................................................... 192 8 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0 Scientific results from the 2012 Antarctic BLASTPol flight and the current status of the BLAST- TNG instrument. ....................................................................................................................... 192 Analysis of four-winter photometric lightcurves obtained by ASTEP South at Dome C ............. 193 The G300-G307 Sector of Our Galaxy in Atomic and Molecular Gas ....................................... 194 Current status of Astronomical instruments at Dome A ............................................................ 195 Update on the Neutron Monitors at McMurdo, Jang Bogo, and South Pole Stations. ............... 196 Next steps in neutrino astronomy with ice cube ........................................................................ 197 Scientific goals of the LAGO collaboration and its Antarctic node ............................................. 198 EVA, Evryscopes for the Arctic and Antarctic ........................................................................... 199 Measuring the K-band infrared sky background from the high Antarctic plateau ....................... 200 Unveiling the dynamic infrared sky with Gattini-IR .................................................................... 201 S21. Remote sensing of the Antarctic environment: Multi-disciplinary advances D2, Meeting Room 403, August 23, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ....................................................................... 202 Mapping vegetation with multi-temporal satellite remote sensing data for indicator of climate change effects in Antarctica peninsula ..................................................................................... 202 Mapping vigour of Eastern Antarctic coastal moss beds with a hyperspectral unmanned aircraft system ...................................................................................................................................... 203 Direct abundance measurements of wandering albatross from satellite images ....................... 204 The impact of a micro UAV on penguins .................................................................................. 205 A satellite time-machine: Three decades of continent-wide Adélie penguin distribution and abundance from Landsat imagery ............................................................................................ 206 Real-time streaming of penguin abundance and distribution: Automated workflows for satellite imagery interpretation, analysis, and visualization .................................................................... 207 Detecting diet of Adelie penguins using high-resolution satellite imagery ................................. 208 Intraseasonal dynamic of guano cover in Pygoscelis penguin colonies derived from satellite images ..................................................................................................................................... 209 Novel use of low altitude remote sensing from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for improved environmental impact assessment in ASPAs. ........................................................................... 210 Australia‘s next-generation autonomous underwater vehicle for Antarctic research .................. 211 S23. Microbes, diversity, and ecological roles (D2-PM), Meeting Room 401/402, August 23, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ............................................................................................................. 212 Microbial community dynamics governed by mixed layer depth during an austral summer in Ryder Bay, Antarctica. .............................................................................................................. 212 Everything is not everywhere: Antarctica Dry Valleys as an extreme counterexample .............. 213 Diversity of culturable microorganisms and metagenomics of Antarctic Soil from Greenwich Island ....................................................................................................................................... 214 Molecular insight into bacterial cleavage of oceanic dimethylsulfoniopropionate into dimethyl sulfide ....................................................................................................................................... 215 Diversity and community structure of bacterioplankton at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula ................................................................................................................................. 216 Habitat sharing and geographical migration of fungal species in Antarctic environment ........... 217 The soil microbial communities of the vegetation quadrats on the Fildes Peninsula, Antarctic . 218 Photosynthetic-Irradiance Response Curves revealed active sympagic communities in the Weddell Sea Winter 2013 ......................................................................................................... 219 Characterization of the fungal community in soils of Antarctica ................................................ 220 S27. Impacts of environmental changes on Antarctic ecosystems and biota, Meeting Room 406/407, August 23, 2016, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM ........................................................................... 221 Glacier retreat and its consequences to coastal benthic ecosystems. ...................................... 221 Marine ecosystem assessment for the Southern Ocean: What, why & how.............................. 222 Habitat heterogeneity as a driver of benthic diversity on the Sabrina Coast continental shelf, East Antarctica ................................................................................................................................. 223 Mixing and phytoplankton dynamics in Antarctica's coastal seas ............................................. 224 9 ISBN 978-0-948277-32-0

Teleconnection between Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Variability and .. Bacteria from Antarctic macroalgae: A treasure of biodiversity and .. Comparison between the photosynthetic optimal temperatures of Antarctic and temperate.
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