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2016 Progress Report on the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012 PDF

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Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018 2016 Progress Report on the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012-2018 FAHCSIA11759 2016 Progress Report of the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018 © Commonwealth of Australia 2017 ISBN 978-1-925362-24-4 2016 Progress Report on the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018 (Hardcopy) ISBN 978-1-925362-25-1 2016 Progress Report on the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018 (PDF) ISBN 978-1-925362-26-8 2 016 Progress Report on the Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018 (DOCX) Copyright Notice With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0) ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en ). Third party copyright Wherever a third party holds copyright in this material, the copyright remains with that party. Their permission may be required to use the material. Please contact them directly. Attribution This publication should be attributed as follows: Commonwealth of Australia, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, [Add title of the publication] Use of the Coat of Arms The terms under which the Coat of Arms can be used are set out on the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet website (see http://www.dpmc.gov.au/guidelines/). Front Cover Group Captain Deanne Gibbon, Senior Gender Advisor to the Resolute Support mission Afghanistan, Mrs Ghani, First Lady of Afghanistan (to Captain Gibbon’s right) and advisors. The meeting was held to discuss barriers and challenges faced by women in the Afghan police force and National Army. Mrs Ghani is a strong advocate and champion for Afghan women. Photo: Department of Defence e� t R � 1� 1eR� 6eRge6e� 2016 ProPgesP6oRgPre2p6oRgetrPg RgeR� g� e� tP� pe� Pge� p�� 0 o6e� � � 2016 Progress Report � 2 Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012-2018 o˜ go16 � 1ž eR… R‹� � 2 e� pRgoŸ p6e P� 1ePŽ� 16P6oge� � p011oRg1e RŠ e ogo� oŽ 0� Pr1e� PŠ o� ro1� e� pR0� go6o1� e Pge� gP6oRg1e’ e�– 1� opPre� 1� p� R� rRo� pPre� Pge� p� RgRo� pe P� P� e� ReŠ pRgoŸ p6e P� oge r� e� o � og6e� ogepR0� go6o1� e� Pge� 6e� p�Š� 61eP e� r�Š 6eRŠ eg� � P6oRg1e’ R� g� ePge� o� r1eP e� o� 1 � RR� 6oRgP6r� e� Pp�Š 6e� e�‘ pRgoŸ p6e� 0‘ 6eP e� Pr1Re � Rg�Ž ePge� p�Š� 6oe�Ž Pg� 61eReŠ pP� ge’� R� g� er� Pe� PgeoR� 6Pg6e Rre� oge � g�Ž� 6oge� Pge� P� gPo� ge� pRgoŸ p6ePge� � RR� 6oge� 1016PogPr‘ e� P� pe’� g• ee•� 6 � e� �‹ e� 1 �Ž� PreoR� 6Pg6eP� pe� Pge� 1p� 0 o6e� oŽ� 1‹� eogpr0o� ge� 6e� r› RP‘ re6� 0e� Rge6e� r�• g� 6P6oRgeReŠ ¡se�‡� e’•� •� e�– oŽ� 1‹� epRogpoe� o‹ 6e� Rge� ReŠ 6e� R� 16e ‘ 06Pre P‹ 1�Ž eReŠ R P� go1e� oŽ Rrg� pe� 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Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018e� R0 eog6 � gP6oRgPreP11o16Pgpe� RŠ� 61e� 6e� ogpr01oRgeReŠ 6e� R� g� e� tP� pe� Pge� p� 0 o6e� � ogpor� 1� eoge6� e2016 ProPgg�Š�„ epe� R… pe� Pge� 6 � R0e� o‘ rP6 � PrePge� 0� r6orP6 � PrePRŽ� pPpe� Pge� rP� � 1o� e� Pge� Poe� � R � P1� e’ e� � Pr1Re R� g16 P6e� 6o� 1e6 � R0e� R0 eg� 0� oge� Pge� 16P� PŠ� 16epRo� 6g� 6e6Reg� � e0—� Pro6’ � 2016 Progress Report • We a� eŽ e‘ en o‹ riŒ n � across o� eŽ rnment to iml� ement our commitments under te� Women, Peace and Security ae� nda, and • am r� oud to see e‹ are aci� eiŽ n � results ’ n† e u� ndred e� r cent o Š te� 12• • del� oyed e� rsonnel rŠ om te� Australian e„ eŠ nce o… rce a� s coml� eted trainin � on Women, Peace and Security - u � rŠ om • e� r cent in 201 ’• e�– Australian e… deral Police also increased te� nume‘ r o Š del� oyed e� rsonnel receiiŽ n � Women, Peace and Security trainin � rŠ om •� e� r cent in te� 201 Pror� ess � eo� rt, to 8 • e� r cent y‘ e„ ceme‘ r 201 ’• Australia is one o Š te� leadin � nations on te� iml� ementation o Š te� Women, Peace and Security ae� nda ’ • loo Œ oŠ ra‹ rd to continuin � to o‹ r Œ i‹ t � my i˜ nisterial, ciiŽ l society and l� oa‘ l countera� rts to r� otect and emo� e‹ r o‹ men around te� o‹ rld in coniŸ ct and o� st-coniŸ ct settins� ’ Senator te� o‚ n i˜ ca� elia a‡ s� i˜ nister oŠ r Women i˜ nister oŠ r m¢ l� oyment i˜ nister Assistin � te� Prime i˜ nister oŠ r te� Pul‘ ic SeriŽ ce Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012-2018 0� rP re� 1¡ e� 2p Rg1� e 2‡˜‡ 2016 ProPgeo‡ oŽ ro˜� ro6P e� g�‡ 6 � 2…„ 2016 ProPgeg�Š�„ pe� R… p� 2…t 2016 ProPge � … PretRrop� 2„› 266R gg�›� � Pr1ž eP�„ 6g� 6 2t� 2016 ProPget0r‘ ope � oŽ p� R‡ gg�Ž 6oRgeRge6e� r¢ oo� gP6oRgeReŠ 2rreR… 1� eReŠ o„ 1p oo� gP6oRgee 2¢‡„ � 2P� og16eR� g� ‡� R‡ o� 11oRgeRge6e� 6� P601eReŠ R� g� 2…„ – P�„ 6g� 6eReŠ R… o� g� e2PŠ o 1ePge� – P� ‡� ‡• g• 6 � gP6oRgPreR‡ o� 66e� ReŠ 6e� e� � ‡ R11 s2† – sR 6e� 26rPg6ope – P� 6e� † P� go1P6oRge t‡˜ P�„ 6g� 6eReŠ 6e� t oe� o˜ go16 � ePge� P‡ o‘ g6� ttt„ �- tPpop£ etRrope� r�Ž�„ Rg� 6et R � Po�-� RgPr 2� �˜ • o� � RgPre211o16Pgpe� o˜ 11oRge6ReR� rRR� ge1• rPg1� ¡s g¡ o6e� sP6oRg1 ¡st„ 2 g¡ o6e� sP6oRg1eP�„ 6g� 6eReŠ tRro6opPre2PŠ o 1 ¡s…t2 g¡ o6e� sP6oRg1etR0� rP6oRge0… g� ¡s�‡‚ g¡ o6e� sP6oRg1eo‚ e� R‡ o� 11oRg � eRŠ e0Š�� 1� ¡s¢‡• … g¡ o6e� sP6oRg1eo�‡ r � g� 1ž e �¢ g� pe� 0… g� ¡s�‡� g¡ o6e� sP6oRg1ep� 0 o6e� R‡ 0gpore1� Rr06oRg �†‚ R� re� P�‚ r6e� † P� goP¤ 6oRg 2016 Progress Report • o‡ ntents i˜ nistersž o… reo‹ rd 1 e� u� larly s¡ ed Acronyms • o‡ ntents � e¢‰ cutieŽ Summary 8 a• c�Œ round • Women, Peace and Security • n¡ ited Nations Security o‡ uncil e� solutions • n¡ ited Nations i‚ -� leeŽ l e� iŽ e ‹ and l› oa‘ l Study 10 Australiasž Natio nal Action Plan 11 n• ter-de� artmental WoriŒ n � r› ou � 11 e� o� rtin� and e� iŽ es‹ 12 201 • n• dee� ndent n• terim e� iŽ e ‹ 12 Accountai‘ lity 1• Pror� ess e� o� rt 1 e˜ to� doloy� 1 Stratey� 1 1� 1a ’ Policy and u› idance o„ cuments 1� u‡ rrent and u… ture Wor Œ 18 Stratey� 2 20 2a ’ r– ained e„ l� oyees 20 e„ scrit� ion o Š r– ainin � 21 u‡ rrent and u… ture r– ainin � 2 2 ’‘ e„ eŠ nce and Australian e… deral Police a„ ta 2• 2c ’ e„ l� oyed Personnel 2� e„ eŠ nce 2• Australian e… deral Police 28 e„ a� rtment o Š o… rein� AaŠ irs and r– ade 2• 2d ’ Seu‰ al ¢l�‰ oitation and Au‘ se 2• Stratey� • 1• a• ’ u… ndin � o Š i‡ iŽ l Society 1• o„ mestic n• itiatieŽ s 1• o‡ untry Pror� ams 2• e� i� onal Pror� ams �• l› oa‘ l oŠ¢ rts • ’ ‘• Sa� rin � n• oŠ rmation i‹ t � i‡ iŽ l Society 8• c• ’ d¢ ucation ActiiŽ ties 2 � Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012-2018 6� P6e� e • P e’ g• 6 � gP6oRgPre211o16Pgpe� • t R � 1� 1e � r› RP‘ re � 2 Š opPe �• o˜ r� P¢� 16e • P¢ 16e21oPe •� 2016 ProP1ž eg�› � Pre2 � RPpe� •� R� 06e� 21oPe � R� 06P� 16e21oPe �• 26rPg6ope • 0‡ g� 6ePge� 0… 60 e� 211o16Pgpe� • e’‘ g¢ P� g� 6ePge� t R6p� 6oRgeReŠ Rœ pPreR� g� e � p�¡ Ro� ge� R� eŒ � p e’ tP� pe� t Rp1� 11� e •� e’� g• 16o606oRg0‘� oro� ge� 6� P6o� 1� e •� r› RP‘ re � R� 06e� tPpop£ e � P¢ 16e21oPe � R� 06e� P¢ 16e21oPe •� R� 06e� 21oPee• o˜ r� e� P¢ 16e •� 26rPg6ope •� 0‡ g� 6ePge� 0… 60 e� 6� P6o� 1� e � e’� g¡ o6e� sP6oRg1eg• 6 � g�Ž 6oRg1e � e’Š R› R � Pp6ope� 0› oP� gpe� •� 0‡ g� 6ePge� 0… 60 e� R� eŒ � e’� g� oR eg¡ o6e� sP6oRg1etR1o6oRg1e � 0˜ r6orP6 � PrePge� o• rP6 � Preg¢ P� g� 6e � 6� P6e� e• � P• e’ R› �Ž gg� 6e6�˜ og1� e � R‡ 0g6 � oge� o¥ Rrg� 6e¢6‰ o� 1e� •� 2o� 6oRgPreP‡ 1e� 6� 0o� 1� e �•� 2gge‰� 2ee- 2016 ProPge6� P6g� 6e •� 2gge‰� e• e- g• 6 � oe� oŽ� � e‹� 1�� R� g1e� �•� 2gge‰� e‡ e- R„ p0g� 61e �•� 2gge‰� e„ e- 6� P6o16op1e � � 2gge‰� e¢ e- g• 6 � g�Ž 6oRg1e •� 2gge‰� e… e- 6�˜ og1� e •� 2016 Progress Report • e¢‰ cutieŽ Summary The Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018 N€ ational Action Plan ƒ is a o�‹ le o Š o� eŽ rnment o� licy to iml� ement n¡ ited Nations Security o‡ uncil e� solution 12• • ¡€NS �‡ 12• ƒ• and related Security o‡ uncil resolutions ta� t comr� ise te� Women, Peace and Security ae� nda ’ e�– National Action Plan sets out actions Australia i‹ ll undertaeŒ to ” inter� ate a e� nder e� rse� ctieŽ into e� ace and security eoŠ rts ¦ r� otect o‹ mensž and i� rls ž u� man rit� s, ese� cially in relation to e� nder-a‘ sed iŽ olence ¦ and r� omote o‹ mensž a� rticia� tion in coniŸ ct r� eeŽ ntion, manae� ment and resolution ’ e�– Australian o› eŽ rnment reo� rts on r� or� ess made under te� National Action Plan eeŽ ry to‹ years ’ i�– s is te� second Pror� ess e� o� rt coeŽ rin � te� e� riod rŠ om 1 a§ nuary 201 to 1• e„ ceme‘ r 201 ’• m• l� ementation o Š te� National Action Plan is r� or� essin � e‹ ll and includes a stae� rin� increase o Š 0 0 e� r cent rŠ€ om si ‰ to 0• ƒ in te� nume‘ r o Š ciiŽ l society actiiŽ ties e� rtainin � to Women, Peace and Security suo� rted y‘ te� o› eŽ rnment e‘ te‹ en 1 a§ nuary 201 and 1• e„ ceme‘ r 201 ’• e�– nume‘ r o Š international assistance actiiŽ ties a� s also increased dramatically rŠ om 2 • to 8,• rer� esentin � a 2• •’• e� r cent increase rŠ om te� 2014 Progress Report, Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012–2018 ’ e�– re a� s also e‘ en a 2•’• e� r cent increase in te� nume‘ r o Š l� oa‘ l and rei� onal institution-u‘ ildin � actiiŽ ties rŠ€ om 22 to 28’ƒ Australia is also maiŒ n � sound r� or� ess on te� iml� ementation o Š domestic actiiŽ ties ’ e�– re a� s e‘ en a 2’• e� r cent increase oeŽ r to‹ years in te� nume‘ r o Š eŒ y o� eŽ rnment documents reeŠ rencin � Women, Peace and Security rŠ€ om 2 • to ƒ• 1 ’ e�– r� eatest increase in results is in te� nume‘ r o Š del� oyed e� rsonnel receiiŽ n � trainin � on Women, Peace and Security ’ e„ eŠ ncesž 2 ec‰ et� ional trainin � results include 100 e� r cent o Š 12• • del� oyed e� rsonnel 2€ 01 o‹ men and 12• men ƒ coml� etin � trainin � on Women, Peace and Security ’ i�– s is an outstandin � eoŠ rt rŠ om e„ eŠ nce, i�‹ c � a� d a 1’• e� r cent Women, Peace and Security trainin � rate oŠ r del� oyed e� rsonnel in 201 ’• e�– Australian e… deral Police A€ …P ƒ also increased te� nume‘ r o Š del� oyed e� rsonnel receiiŽ n � Women, Peace and Security trainin � rŠ om �88’ e� r cent in te� 201 Pror� ess e� o� rt, to 81’• e� r cent y‘ e„ ceme‘ r 201 ’• n• ti� s time o Š i‹ desr� ead and rai� dly ca� ni� n � l� oa‘ l coniŸ cts, it is iŽ tal ta� t commitment to Women, Peace and Security does not a‹ eŽ r ’ Australia taeŒ s ti� s commitment eŽ ry seriously and i‹ ll continue to maeŒ sound r� or� ess iml� ementin � te� National Action Plan ’ 1 i�– s nume‘ r includes 2 • eŒ y e„ eŠ nce documents and does not necessarily include all e„ eŠ nce documents reeŠ rencin � Women, Peace and Security’ 2 e„ eŠ nce includes te� e„ a� rtment o Š e„ eŠ nce and te� Australian e„ eŠ nce o… rce A€ ’ƒ…„ 8 Australian National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2012-2018

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