Sipulwaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:18 DOI10.1186/s12985-016-0474-x RESEARCH Open Access Molecular characterization of human coronaviruses and their circulation – dynamics in Kenya, 2009 2012 Lenata A. Sipulwa1, Juliette R. Ongus1, Rodney L. Coldren2,3 and Wallace D. Bulimo2,3,4* Abstract Background: Human Coronaviruses (HCoV) are a common cause of respiratory illnesses and are responsiblefor considerable morbidityand hospitalization across all age groups especially inindividuals withcompromised immunity. There are six known speciesof HCoV: HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63,HCoV-HKU1, HCoV-OC43, MERS-CoV andSARS-HCoV.AlthoughstudieshaveshownevidenceofglobaldistributionofHCoVs,thereislimitedinformation ontheirpresenceanddistributioninKenya. Methods:HCoVstrainsthatcirculatedinKenyawereretrospectivelydiagnosedandmolecularlycharacterized.Atotal of417nasopharyngealspecimensobtainedbetweenJanuary2009andDecember2012fromaroundKenyawere analyzedbyarealtimeRT-PCRusingHCoV-specificprimers.HCoV-positivespecimensweresubsequentlyinoculated ontomonolayersofLL-CMK2cells.TheisolatedviruseswerecharacterizedbyRT-PCRamplificationandsequencingof thepartialpolymerase(pol)gene. Results:TheprevalenceofHCoVinfectionwasasfollows:outofthe417specimens,35(8.4%)werepositiveforHCoV, comprising10(2.4%)HCoV-NL63,12(2.9%)HCoV-OC43,9(2.1%)HCoV-HKU1,and4(1%)HCoV-229E.TheKenyan HCoVstrainsdisplayedhighsequencehomologytotheprototypesandcontemporaneousstrains.Evolutionanalysis showedthattheKenyanHCoV-OC43andHCoV-NL63isolateswereunderpurifyingselection.Phylogenetic evolutionaryanalysesconfirmedtheidentitiesofthreeHCoV-HKU1,fiveHCoV-NL63,eightHCoV-OC43andthree HCoV-229E. Conclusions:TherewereyearlyvariationsintheprevalenceandcirculationpatternsofindividualHCoVsinKenya.This paperreportsonthefirstmolecularcharacterizationofhumanCoronavirusesinKenya,whichplayanimportantrolein causingacuterespiratoryinfectionsamongchildren. Keywords:Molecularcharacterization,Humancoronaviruses,Prevalence,Kenya,HCOV-NL63,HCoV-OC43,HCoV-229E, HCoV-HKU1 Background organization and replication strategy, but have different Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses with a linear, non- virion morphology and genome lengths. The 20 kb poly- segmented, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genome merase (pol) gene, which covers the 5′ two-thirds of the of about 27–32 kb [1]. They are round and sometimes coronavirus genome, contains two large open reading pleiomorphic virions of approximately 80-120 nm in frames(ORFs),ORF1aandORF1b[1].ORF1bhoststhe diameter. Their genome is the largest of all RNA vi- mosthighlyconservedgenomicsequences,encodingcon- ruses [2, 3]. Coronaviruses share features of genome served functions such as polymerase and helicase activity [4].Thesefunctionscombined withsimilaritiesinreplica- *Correspondence:[email protected] tionandexpressionstrategies,exhibitanevolutionarylink 2DepartmentofEmergingInfectiousDiseases,USArmyMedicalResearch among coronaviruses, arteriviruses, and toroviruses, thus Unit–Kenya,P.O.Box60600621VillageMarket,Nairobi,Kenya formingtherationaleforplacingthesevirusesintheorder 3SpecialForeignActivityoftheWalterReedArmyInstituteofResearch,Silver Spring,MD,USA Nidovirales [1]. Therefore, the highly conserved structure Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2016Sipulwaetal.OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedicationwaiver (,unlessotherwisestated. Sipulwaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:18 Page2of9 and function of viral polymerases make the pol a logical hospitals, as well as the New Nyanza General provincial regionformakingphylogeneticcomparisons. hospital [13]. These hospitals represent disparate geo- Coronavirusescause variousdiseasesindifferenthosts, graphic regions and population demographics across the such as respiratory tract infections, gastroenteritis, hepa- country and were delineated into Central, Northern, titis, and encephalomyelitis in birds and mammals [5]. Western,HighlandsandCoastalregionsofKenya, respect- Coronavirusesareclassifiedintofourdistinctphylogenetic ively. Inclusion criteria consisted of being an outpatient groups. Whereas alphacoronaviruses, betacoronaviruses aged at least 2 months and having influenza-like-illness and gammacoronaviruses infect mammals, deltacorona- (ILI)symptoms[13].Clinicalparametersandsymptomsin- virusesinfectavianspecies[6].Allknownhumancorona- cluding recent history of ILI, cough, sore throat, difficulty viruses (HCoV) belong to the alphacoronavirus and in breathing, chills, nasal stuffiness, runny nose, sputum betacoronaviruses.HCoVcause30% ofcommoncoldsas production,headache,jointpain,fatigue,diarrhea,vomiting wellassevereinfectionsininfants,children,andimmuno- and bleeding were documented. Only those samples col- compromised persons and the elderly [7]. HCoVs have a lectedfromJanuary2009toDecember2012forwhichspe- worldwide circulation, with reports published in popula- cificconsentwasgrantedforfutureusewereanalyzed.The tions of different countries such as Saudi Arabia [8], minimum sample size was 173 as determined by Fischer’s France [9], Kenya [10] and China [11] among others. formula[15].Basedonavailableresources,thefinalnumber However in 2012, a novel betacoronavirus Middle East of samples was determined by using the randomized sam- RespiratorySyndromeCoronavirus(MERS-CoV)wasiso- pling technique. This involved systematic sampling, where lated in Jeddah from a patient who was suffering from thefirstsamplewaspickedrandomlyandthereafterthekth pneumonia and later died [8]. This MERS-CoVcontinues sampleselectedfromalistofsamplesforeachsite. to cause fatal severe lower respiratory tract illnesses in various parts of the world, especially in the Middle East. Ethicalapprovalstatement As of February 2015, the World Health Organization had The Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) reported 971 laboratory confirmed cases with 356 deaths Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Kenya Medical [12]. In light of the finding of this previously unknown Research Institute (KEMRI) Scientific and Ethics Review coronavirus, it is probable that coronaviruses, other than Unit (SERU) reviewed and approved this work under those recognized to date, may be circulating in human protocol numbers WRAIR# 2075 and KEMRI SSC#2673 populations in Kenya. As human coronaviruses are not respectively. routinely analyzed in Kenya, this study sought to identify and characterize HCoV strains circulating in different Molecularscreeningofthevirusisolates partsofKenyaandthusprovideaknowledgebaseforepi- RNA was extracted from 140 μl of nasopharyngeal (NP) demiologicalimportanceofhumancoronaviruses. specimens using the QIAmp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qia- gen,Inc.,USA)accordingtothemanufacturer’sspecifica- Methods tions. Viral RNA was used as a template for real time Studysites,inclusioncriteria,clinicalparameters RT-PCR using HCoV-specific primers as previously de- Nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens were retrieved from ar- scribed by Kuypers et al. [16]. For MERS-CoV detection, chives of the respiratory virus surveillance program in samples were analysed using NCV-2012rRT-PCR assay the Department of Emerging Infectious Diseases (DEID) according to the CDC protocols. Control RNAs used of the United States Army Medical Research Unit-Kenya were obtained from ATCC (VR-1558D for OC43 and (USAMRU-K) [13]. These approximately 10000 archived VR740D for 229E) as well as NL63 RNA from the NP specimens were collected from a study population KEMRI-Welcome Trust research program. The MERS- comprising persons from two months of age onwards CoV control RNA came along with the test kit from who attended outpatient clinics in the hospitals involved CDC. Samples that tested positive by real time RT-PCR in the USAMRU-K respiratory virus surveillance; pre- were inoculated onto monolayers of LL-CMK2 cells senting with influenza like illnesses symptoms. These (ATCC strain CCL-7) in culture tubes (Nunc, Denmark) symptoms were: cough, sore throat, and fever (≥38 °C) to contain 100 μl of clinical specimen. The culture within 72 h after onset of illness. The nasoopharyngeal medium consisted of Dulbecco’s minimum essential swabs were suspended in virus transport medium medium (DMEM, Life Technologies, NY, USA) supple- (VTM) and stored at −80 °C. These samples had been mented with 0.04 μg/ml gentamycin, 100U/mL of peni- screenedforotherrespiratoryvirusesincludinginfluenza cillin & 100 μg/mL streptomycin (Sigma-Aldrich Co. viruses, HAdV, RSV, HMPV, HSV1, rhinoviruses and MO, USA). These were incubated at 33 °C under 5 % non-polioenteroviruses includingcoxsackie viruses [14]. CO , and virus growth was monitored for cytopathic ef- 2 The surveillance network comprised Mbagathi, Isiolo, fects (CPEs) for up to 10 days. Culture controls were Alupe, Kericho, Kisi, Malindi, and Port Reitz district obtained from ATCC and included betacoronavirus 1 Sipulwaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:18 Page3of9 (ATCC® VR-1558™) and human coronavirus 229E betacoronaviruses. Amongst the alphacoronaviruses, 4 (ATCC® VR-740™). were HCoV-229E and 10 were HCoV-NL63. Betacoro- naviruses consisted of 12 HCoV-OC43 and 9 HCoV- AmplificationandnucleotidesequencingofRdRp(pol) HKU1 species. Thus the prevalence of the various gene HCoVs was 1 % for 229E, 2 % for NL63, 3 % OC43 and A 440 bp portion of the intergenic region of ORF1a and 2%for HKU1. ORF1b of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (pol) HCoV-OC43 was detected in most months in gene of HCoVs was amplified by RT-PCR following the 2009–2011, but was not detected in 2012. The peak methoddescribedbyWooetal.[17].RTwasperformed circulation was observed in February 2011 (Fig. 1) af- using the SuperScript III kit (Invitrogen, San Diego, fecting patients aged 5 months to 5 years. It was USA)followingmanufacturer’sinstructions.The forward most commonly detected in Central Kenya but never primer was 5′-GGTTGGGACTATCCTAAGTGTGA-3′ in Northern Kenya (Fig. 2). HCoV-NL63 was detected whereas the reverse primer was 5′ -CCATCATCAGA- mostly from samples obtained in Northern and TAGAATCATCATA-3′. The PCR mixture (50 μl) con- Western Kenya and amongst patients aged 3 months tained RNA (300 ng), PCR buffer containing 10 mM to 1.75 years (Fig. 1). HCoV-NL63 predominated from Tris–HCl, pH 8.3, 50 mM KCl, 3 mM MgCl , 0.01 % February to June 2009, then disappeared and resur- 2 gelatin, 200 μM each of deoxynucleoside triphosphates, faced in September 2012. and 1.0 U of Taq polymerase (Boehringer, Mannheim, HCoV-HKU1 was detected all over Kenya, but mostly Germany). The amplification was carried out as de- in the warmer Western and Coastal regions, with peaks scribed by Woo et al. [17]. using the ABI 9700 auto- observed in June 2009, November 2010, February 2011 mated thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems, Foster city, and December 2012 (Figs. 1 and 2). It was detected in USA). The PCR amplicons were purified using Exo- patients aged 4 months to 6 years. HCoV 229E was only nuclease I/Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (ExoSap-IT) detected in the Western Kenya, from patients aged enzyme (Affymetrix, California, USA) and sequenced 9 months to 2 years with peaks detected in July and De- directly on both strands with the same primers used in cember(Fig. 2). thePCRonanautomated ABI3500XLGeneticAnalyzer The range of ages of the patients in the study was be- (Applied Biosystems, Foster city, USA). Cycle sequen- tween 2 months and 67 years, with a mean age of cing was performed using the Big Dye Terminator v3.1 1.5 years and median of 1.67 years. Overall, 94 % of the sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster city, USA) HCoV were from patients aged <5 years and; 4555 % of accordingtomanufacturer’sinstructions. thepatientswerefemaleand55%weremale.Allthepa- tients from whom HCoVs were detected presented with Sequenceanalysis a cough and runny nose, with 50 % of the patients The nucleotide sequence fragments were edited and as- reporting nasal stuffiness. We observed five co- sembled into consensus contigs using DNA baser ver- infections with a HCoV. These included two triple co- sion 3.2 [18]. The nucleotide sequences were compared infection involving HKU1 with influenza A (H3N2) & against known sequences of coronavirus pol genes in the human adenovirus and NL63 with influenza A (H3N2) GenBank database using the BLAST [19]. Prototype nu- & human adenovirus. Three double co-infections were cleotide sequences and sequences showing highest se- observed. They included HKU1 with RSV, OC43 with quence homologies were retrieved from GenBank for influenza A (H1N1)pdm and OC43 with influenza B further analyses. Multiple sequence alignment of these (Brisbane-like). All the co-infections, except that con- was performed using Muscle v3.8 software [20]. Phylo- sisting of HKU1 & RSV presented with vomiting as a genetic relationships were inferred using MrBayes soft- symptom. One patient with HCoV-NL63 presented ware v3.2 [21] and the tree visualized using Fig Tree with neurological symptoms. Amongst the patients v1.4.0 software [22]. Nucleotide sequences of the partial positive for HCoV-OC43, 90 % presented with vomit- pol genes of the Kenyan HCoV isolates reported in this ing and malaise. study are available in GenBank under accession num- Characterization by cell culture showed that of the 35 bers:[GenBank:KP112147toKP112161]. positive samples, 12 (34 %) produced cytopathic effects (CPE) in cell culture after incubation for 10 days. PCR Results amplification of a 440 bp fragment using CoV-specific A total of 417 nasopharyngeal samples were screened. primers confirmed that the CPE was due to HCoVs. To Among these, 35 tested positive for human corona- determinewhethertherewereanyHCoVsinthesuperna- viruses, displaying Ct values ranging from 21 to 39. tants of the 23 cultures that did not yield CPE, RT-PCR Upon molecular typing the 35 positives, 14 (37 %) using HCoV-specific primers generated the expected belonged to alphacoronaviruses and 21 (63 %) were 440bpampliconfrom3ofthesesamples. Sipulwaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:18 Page4of9 Fig.1TemporaldistributionofHCoVsinKenyabetween2009to2012 Homology analyses of the partial nucleotide sequences and β corona-virus groups with further resolution into of the RdRp (pol) gene of the Kenyan HCoVagainst the four species, corresponding to HCoV-OC43, HCoV- prototype strains ranged from 59 to 100 % (Table 1). NL63, HCoV-229E and HCoV-HKU1 (Fig. 3). The ma- Nucleotide sequence homology within groups ranged jority (42 %) of the Kenyan isolates clustered within the from 99 to 100 % for HCoV-OC43, 97–99 % for HCoV- HCoV-OC43 group, followed by HCoV-NL63 (26 %) HKU1 and98–99%for HCoV-NL63.TheKenyaHCoV- and HCoV-HKUI & HCoV-229E (16 % each). All the 229E species had 99 % nucleotide sequence identity Kenyan HCoV-OC43 isolates formed a cluster on their comparedtotheprototypestrain. own except isolate HCOV-016 which grouped with the Phylogenetic analyses of the Kenyan isolates based on other HCoV-OC43 viruses from other countries across the nucleotide sequences with representative reference the globe. The Kenyan HCoV-NL63 isolates clustered strains revealed separation of the viruses into the two α with other HCoV-NL63 viruses. The Kenyan HCoV- 7 6 5 e c n4 ale NL63 Prev3 O22C94E3 2 HKU1 1 0 PDH IDH NNY MBG KCH KSI ALH MDH Site Fig.2SpatialDistributionofHCoVsinKenyabetween2009and2012.Mbagathi,Isiolo,Alupe,Kericho,Kisii,Malindi,andPortReitzDistrictHospitals areabbreviatedasMBG,IDH,ALH,KCH,KSI,MDHandPDHrespectively.NewNyanzaGeneralprovincialhospitalisabbreviatedasNNY Table1NucleotidesequencehomologyoftheKenyanHCoVisolates S ip NC_ NC_ NC_ NC_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV017_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ HCoV_ ulw 005147_ 006577_ 002645_ 005831_ 016_ 018_ 2010 019_ 014_ 012_ 007_ 013_ 001_ 010_ 008_ 002_ 006_ 009_ 005_ 011_ 015_ 004_ 003_ a OC43 HKU1 229E NL63 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2012 2009 2010 2009 2009 2009 2012 2009 et a NC_ l. 0O0C541347_ Virolo g NC_ 81 y 006577_ Jo u HKU1 rn a N00C2_645_ 59 62 (20l 229E 16 NC_ 60 61 75 ) 13 005831_ :1 8 NL63 HCoV_ 100 81 59 60 016_ 2010 HCoV_ 99 82 59 60 99 018_ 2010 HCoV_ 99 82 59 60 99 100 017_ 2010 HCoV_ 99 82 59 60 99 100 100 019_ 2010 HCoV_ 99 82 59 60 99 100 100 100 14_ 2010 HCoV_ 99 82 59 60 99 100 100 100 100 012_ 2010 HCoV_ 99 82 59 60 99 100 100 100 100 100 007_ 2010 HCoV_ 99 82 59 60 99 100 100 100 100 100 100 013_ 2010 HCoV_ 80 97 61 60 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 001_ 2010 HCoV_ 81 99 63 61 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 96 010_ 2009 P HCoV_ 81 99 62 61 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 81 97 99 a g 008_ e 2009 5 o f 9 Table1NucleotidesequencehomologyoftheKenyanHCoVisolates(Continued) S ip u HCoV_ 59 62 99 75 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 62 63 63 lw 002_ a e 2012 t a HCoV_ 59 62 99 75 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 62 63 63 100 l.V 006_ iro 2009 lo g y HCoV_ 59 62 99 75 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 62 63 63 100 100 Jo 009_ u 2010 rn a l HCoV_ 60 60 76 99 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 76 76 76 (2 005_ 01 2009 6) 1 HCoV_ 59 60 75 98 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 59 60 60 75 75 75 99 3:1 011_ 8 2009 HCoV_ 60 60 76 99 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 76 76 76 100 99 015_ 2009 HCoV_ 60 60 76 99 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 76 76 76 100 99 100 004_ 2012 HCoV_ 60 60 76 99 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 76 76 76 100 99 100 100 003_ 2009 Thenumbersrepresent%nucleotideidentitiesamongthestrains P a g e 6 o f 9 Sipulwaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:18 Page7of9 8 NC_0EK1FF91850H34303C11_8JoN0X0MV7C_5JE_0_G_Q40RU0r701e06SS515e50A58_c_6_32eU4H11_0S_C_920DAoN909EV_HL10N_2C630_0o13V20J5H_0X4_0C50210o3903V220__3029_00T5h10_a09i20la0n0Hd9C_o2V0N_10J00LQ47_6625506316_2DEN_20J0Q8765565_DEN_2009KF530112_USA_2001100100JX104161_China_200HCoV_002_2012HCoV_006_H20M0913082J13X2_5C19hi3nE2Ea1F_1210_00T9H3h1aCil8oa12Jn0_VXd0_G_5r20Ee0001eF391c1N_0e20_6KC200301_J_F100J006X8K530X3514F2_594065G_04341NR3305LE4306__E_42612U02C3_119IE1S_0t_E_aNA2lU0_Ly01S__3922A_9200_300010999995 AF353511_PEDV NC_004718_SARS 70 KF530092_USA_2000 HME1F35007N74C7K99HC__4C02C_90hoF4i6Vn4r5a2_aK7n70_FH7_c260_CC80e1KoH6h0__FJ3iV6K9X224n_85_4001U60a_233100_21140U80512601S3__00_20HA1UT0_hS2K20aiAl0H9_aUC062no940dV11__020H10C0o1_V02_00103H9_C12o00V_10009072_2H0C1o0V_012_2010HCoV_014_2010OC43HCOV_19_2010100HCoV_17_2010HCoV_18_2010NC_005147_AOYC3439177A7Y_H9C0o3VA4O5YC95_8BA5e2lYg2i9u9J0m_7X3F_624r5Ja61nX03c_Ke52B_13C2eH030lg20_2C4iKT9u49hom42JF3aK_4V_N75Ki2T3l1a8F031h0Fn0605a_24d5_i0C3_9l23a260h80n008i0301dn0_9840_a9U24__80S_2H1_0UA0oU1_Sn2S2gA0A__0K_101o999n95g6_2004 43 003 0.2 Fig.3PhylogeneticrelationshipsofpartialsequencesfromtheHCoVpolgeneoftheKenyanisolateswithrepresentativesfromdifferentspecies. TheKenyanHCoVsequencesareinbluecolor,theprototypestrainsareinredandrepresentativestrainsinblack;eachsequenceisrepresented bytheGenBankaccessionnumber.ThePEDVingreenwasusedasanout-group.ThetreewasconstructedbyMr.Bayesv3.2,usingthegeneral time-reversiblenucleotidesubstitutionmodel.Posteriorprobabilitysupportvaluesareshownaspercentagesatthenodes HKU1 isolates grouped close to the French virus whose Discussion accession number is EF507794 and the Kenyan HCoV- HCoVs have a global distribution and are endemic to 229Eisolateswereidenticaltothereferencestrainsused. many countries [5, 8, 23]. However, in Africa and espe- In establishing the evolution rates of the Kenyan cially sub-Saharan Africa, there is a dearth of informa- HCoVs,Tajima’s test showed an overall value of Tajima’s tion about these viruses in regard to their circulation D statistic for the eight HCoV-OC43 pol gene segments dynamics, diversity, molecular characteristics and epi- as −1.31009 with p>0.10 at 95 % CI. For HCoV-NL63, demiology [24]. the overall value of Tajima’s D statistic for the 5 se- Four out of the six known human coronavirus species quenceswas−0.97256withp>0.10at95%CI.Theevo- were detected by RT-PCR assay, which has been shown lutionary rates of the Kenyan HCoVs were also analyzed to detect respiratory viruses with high sensitivity and using Fu andLi’s D aswell asFu and Li’sF testsasthese specificity [25]. This finding echoes previous studies in can accommodate small sample sizes. The overall Fu Kenya [26] and globally where HCoVs were identified as and Li’s D value for the HCoV-OC43 pol gene segments significant etiological agents of ILI and acute respiratory was −1.40980 and −0.97256 for HCoV-NL63, p>0.10. illnesses (ARI) [9, 23]. HCoV-OC43 was the most The overall Fu and Li’s F statistic was −1.51361 for commonly observed HCoV and this agrees with many HCoV-OC43and−0.95440for HCoV-NL63,p>0.10. previous studies that have reported HCoV-OC43 Sipulwaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:18 Page8of9 predominance [27]. HCoV-NL63 contributed to 2 % of Conclusions ILI cases in our study period. This finding echoes the Therewereyearlyvariations intheprevalenceandcircu- findings in South Africa by Smuts, [28] where they lation patterns ofindividualHCoVsinKenya.Thispaper showed that HCoV-NL63, contributed to 2.4 % of ILI reports on the first molecular characterization of human cases in the period of one and a half years. HCoV- Coronaviruses in Kenya, which play an important role in 229E contributed to 1 % of ILI cases in the study causing acute respiratory infectionsamongchildren. period, echoing results from other studies worldwide that show low detection of this HCoV [27]. This is Competinginterests Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests.Thefounding comparable to what has been observed globally, sponsorshadnoroleinthedesignofthestudy;inthecollection,analyses, where HCoV activity is sporadic throughout the year orinterpretationofdata;inthewritingofthemanuscript,andinthe with no obvious distinct seasonality [29]. Overall, the decisiontopublishtheresults. symptoms associated with coronavirus infection were Authors’contributions similar to what has been reported elsewhere [1, 7, LAS,JRO,WDBconceivedanddesignedtheexperiments;LASperformedthe 24] and it was difficult to distinguish an infection in- experiments;LASandWDBanalyzedthedata;WDBcontributedreagents/ materials/analysistools;LAS,JRO,RLC,ANDWDBwrotethepaper.All volving HCoV using symptoms alone. This justifies authorsreadandapprovedthefinalmanuscript. the WHO classification of respiratory viral infections into influenza-like-illnesses without clear distinction Acknowledgments of a specific respiratory virus infection based on Wethankthepatientswhoprovidedspecimensforthiswork.Wealsothank thefollowingindividuals:MsRachelAchilla,Mr.BenjaminOpotandSilvanos symptoms alone. MukunzioftheUSArmyMedicalResearchUnit-Kenya,forlaboratory Out of 35 PCR-positive cases for HCoV, only 12 management,nucleotidesequencingandanalysisrespectively.Funding (34 %) yielded virus in LLCMK2 [30] and were con- wasprovidedbytheUSArmedForcesHealthSurveillanceCenter DivisionofGEISOperations.ThecontrolRNAforHCoV-NL63was firmed by PCR. This was expected because molecular providedbyProf.JamesNokesofKWTRP-Kilifi. assays including PCR are more sensitive and specific at detecting pathogens [31, 32] than cell culture or ser- Disclaimer Theviewsexpressedinthisworkbelongtotheauthorsandshouldnotbe ology. The low isolation rate may be attributed to low construedtorepresenttheUSDepartmentofDefense,theDepartmentof viral loads in the patients or the presence of inactivated theArmy,ortheUSArmyMedicalDepartment. viruses, potentially due to poor specimen handling and/ Authordetails or storage. Nonetheless, this finding agrees with reports 1CollegeofHealthSciences(COHES),JomoKenyattaUniversityofAgriculture ofpoorgrowth andalackofcytopathiceffectincellcul- andTechnology,(JKUAT),Nairobi,Kenya.2DepartmentofEmerging tures byHCoVs[33]. InfectiousDiseases,USArmyMedicalResearchUnit–Kenya,P.O.Box606 00621VillageMarket,Nairobi,Kenya.3SpecialForeignActivityoftheWalter PhylogeneticanalysisconfirmedthattheKenyanisolates ReedArmyInstituteofResearch,SilverSpring,MD,USA.4Departmentof belonged to the alpha and betacoronavirus groups [6]. Biochemistry,SchoolofMedicine,UniversityofNairobi,Nairobi,Kenya. 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