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Preview 2016 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) origin and animal reservoir

Mohdetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:87 DOI10.1186/s12985-016-0544-0 REVIEW Open Access Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) origin and animal reservoir Hamzah A. Mohd1, Jaffar A. Al-Tawfiq2,3 and Ziad A. Memish1,4* Abstract Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is a novel coronavirus discovered in2012 and is responsible for acute respiratory syndrome in humans. Though not confirmed yet,multiple surveillance and phylogenetic studies suggest a bat origin. The disease is heavily endemic in dromedary camel populationsof East Africa and theMiddle East. It is unclear as to when the virus was introduced to dromedary camels, but data from studies that investigatedstored dromedary camel sera and geographical distribution ofinvolved dromedary camel populations suggested that the virus was present in dromedary camels several decades ago.Thoughbats and alpacas can serve as potentialreservoirsfor MERS-CoV, dromedary camels seem to be the onlyanimal host responsible for thespill overhumaninfections. Keywords: MERS-CoV, Coronavirus,Middle East, Animal, Dromedary,Camels,Bats, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Background have a crown appearance under the electron microscopy A novel coronavirus was isolated from a Saudi Arabian due to the spike protein on the surface. The coronavirus patient with severe acute respiratory syndrome in June subfamily is classified into genera: alpha, beta, gama, and 2012 and the virus was later named Middle East Respira- delta. Human coronaviruses belong to alpha, and beta tory Syndrome - Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) [1]. Since coronaviruses[4]. then, multiple outbreaks have been reported in or been MERS-CoV is a lineage C betacoronavirus witha geno- epidemiologically linked to the Arabian Peninsula. Up to type that is very closely related to bat coronaviruses from April 18, 2016, the Saudi authorities reported a total of the same lineage, such as BtCoV-HKU4 and BtCoV- 1386 cases of which 587 died [2]. With a high mortality HKU5,thoughitsevolutionarypathwayisstillunclear[5]. rate, lack of antiviral treatment, or preventive vaccine, A limited number of coronaviruses is known to cause MERS-CoVremainsamajorpublicconcern. human disease. Most of known coronaviruses infect and The first human coronavirus was cultivated in 1965 on circulate in animals, mainly bats. So when it comes to a human ciliated embryonal tracheal cells [3]. Literature new novel coronavirus with limited geographic distribu- about human coronaviruses was limited up until the tion, one would think of a zoonotic disease with animal Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS- reservoir.ThisprovedtobetruewithSARSandseemsto CoV) outbreak in 2002. The interest in coronaviruses be the case with MERS-CoV. The origin of the virus and reemergedasahottopicafterMERS-CoVoutbreaks.Cor- the extent of its involvement in both human and animal onaviruses are enveloped, positive stranded RNA viruses populations remain hot topics that are being explored classified as a family within the Nidovirales order. They with phylogenicity and surveillance studies. In this review we summarize the current evidence about MERS-CoV originandanimalreservoir. *Correspondence:[email protected] 1SaudiMinistryofHealth,Riyadh,SaudiArabia 4CollegeofMedicine,AlfaisalUniversity,P.O.Box54146,Riyadh11514, KingdomofSaudiArabia Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2016TheAuthor(s).OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedicationwaiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle,unlessotherwisestated. Mohdetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:87 Page2of7 MERS-CoVorigin conducted on Jamaican fruit bat (Artibeus jamaicensis). It is believed that MERS-CoV, like many other corona- Ten bats were inoculated through intranasal and intra- viruses,originatedinbats.Thisisbasedontheisolationof peritoneal routes with MERS-CoV [12]. All bats showed other lineage C beta-coronaviruses that are very closely evidence of infection as they shed the virus from their relatedtoMERS-CoVonphylogeneticanalysis[6,7]. respiratory and, to a lesser extent, intestinal tract, but A large screening study for beta-coronaviruses from none of the bats showed clinical signs of disease [12]. 5030 bats’ fecal specimens was conducted between 2009 The ability of MERS-CoV to replicate in bats without and 2011. In that study 4758 bats of ten different species clinical signs of disease indicates that they can serve as a fromGhana,and272PipistrellusbatsfromfourEuropean reservoir forMERS-CoV. countries were included [8]. Reverse Transcription Poly- Thus, MERS-CoV, or its immediate ancestor, could merase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect have likely originated in bats, and that bats can serve as coronavirus RNA. Of the ten bat species tested in Ghana, an ideal reservoir for MERS-CoV. It is difficult to proof only Nycteris gambiensis was found to carry 2c beta- that bats are the direct source of human disease, based coronavirus. A round one fourth of the 185 Nycteris bats on the available bats’screening studies. In addition, here testedpositive;thisaccountedfor1%ofwholetestedbat’s is no clear direct contact between bats and humans, population from Ghana. Of the Pipistrellus bat species especially in Saudi Arabia where most of the cases are tested in Europe, 40 out of 272 (14.7 %) carried 2c beta- being diagnosed. A summary of important studies that coronavirus. Both 2c beta-coronavirusesisolated aregenet- screened bats for beta-coronaviruses and MERS-CoV is ically very closely related to MERS-CoV. This relatedness showninTable1. indicates that MERS-CoV likely originated from bats [8]. Though the study had a good sample size and screened different geographical areas, none of those areas is known forMERS-CoVinfectioninhumansordomesticanimals. Animal reservoir A report from South Africa identified a bat derived DoesMERS-CoVinfectdromedarycamels?Istherearole coronavirusthathasaveryclosephylogeneticrelationship fordromedarycamelsinhumandisease? toMERS-CoV[9].TheviruswasisolatedfromaNeoromi- The first evidence to link MERS-CoV to dromedary cia cf. zuluensis bat sampled in 2011 [9]. In Saudi Arabia, camels came from a serological study that investigated batfecalsamplescollectedinOctoberof2012weretested different animals: dromedary camels, cattle, sheep, goats forMERS-CoVRNA.AproductobtainedbyPCRamplifi- and various other camelid species. MERS-CoV specific cation of nucleic acid from a fecal pellet of a Taphozous antibodieswereonlyfoundindromedarycamels[13]. perforatusbatcapturedinBishashowed100%nucleotide Another evidence to link MERS-CoV to dromedaries match to the MERS-CoV cloned from an index case wasfoundaftertwohumancasesofMERS-CoVinfection, patientlivinginthesamearea[10].Thoughitwasasingle diagnosed in October of 2013, and were linked to a farm 190-nucleotide segment, it does give a clue that MERS- inQatar[14].Inresponse,allthe14dromedarycamelson CoV might be circulating in bats and that Taphozous that farm were tested with RT-PCR. Eleven dromedary perforatus (Egyptian tomb bat) might be a source of camels had positive nasal swabs for MERS-CoV. The MERS-CoV. nucleotide sequence of an ORF1a fragment and a 4·2 kb A study of 821 bats captured in Egypt and Lebanon concatenatedfragmentofthreedromedarycamelsamples between February 2013 and April 2015 did not detect were very similar to the sequence from the two human MERS-CoV in any of the bats sampled [11].Inthat study cases linked to that farm [14]. Another study from Saudi three species: Taphozous perforatus, Pipistrellus deserti, Arabia described a 43 year old male who owned nine and Rousettusaegyptiacus, weresampledfrom Egypt, and dromedarycamelsandwasindirectcontactwiththemup four species: Rhinolophushipposideros, Miniopterus schri- until he was diagnosed with MERS-CoV infection in bersii, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, and Rousettus aegyp- November 2013 [15]. Four of his dromedary camels were tiacus, were sampled from Lebanon [11]. Serum samples, sick before his symptoms started. Cell cultures from a oral and rectal swabs were collected and tested from live laboratory confirmed dromedary camel and the patient bats. Homogenized lung and liver material was tested grewgeneticallyidenticalMERS-CoVviruses[15]. from 72 bats that died or were euthanized upon capture In addition to providing a virological confirmation of [11]. One limitation of this study is that most of the bats MERS-CoV in dromedary camels, the last two studies screenedbelongtoonespecies,R.aegyptiacus(85%),and indicated a potential cross infection between dromedary limited numbers of the other species were tested, espe- camels and humans and that the virus could be trans- ciallyT.perforatus(10%). mitted from dromedary camels to humans through close To further investigate the role of bats as a potential contact [14, 15]. A study that obtained the full genome reservoir for MERS-CoV, an experimental study was ofMERS-CoVfrom adromedarycamel inQatarshowed Mohdetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:87 Page3of7 Table1Summaryofimportantstudiesthatscreenedbatsforbeta-coronavirusesandMERS-CoV Location Year Species Number Specimen Virus %Positive Ghana[8] 2009–2011 Nycteriscf.gambiensis 185 Fecal 2cbetacoronaviruses 24.9% (closelyrelatedtoMERS-CoV) Ghana[8] 2009–2011 9differentspeciesa 4573 Fecal 0% Europe[8] 2009–2011 Pipistrelluskuhlii,P.nathusii, 272 Fecal 14.7% (Germany,Netherland, P.pipistrellus,P.pygmaeus Romania,Ukraine) SouthAfrica[9] 2011–2012 13differentspeciesb 62 Fecalpellets batrelated- 6.4%1.6 alphacoronaviruses % betacoronavirus SaudiArabia[10] 2012 Rhinopomahardwickii,R.microphyllum, 96 Throatswab,serum, MERS-CoV 1% Taphozousperforatus,P.kuhlii, urine,rectalswabor Eptesicusbottae,Eidolonhelvum,and fecalpellets Rosettusaegyptiacus SaudiArabia[10] 2013 R.hardwickii,T.perforates,P.kuhlii 14 Throatswabs,roost MERS-CoV 0% feces Egypt[11] 2013–2015 T.perforatus 82 Serum/rectal(alive) MERS-CoV 0% P.deserti 31 R.aegyptiacus 257 Lebanon[11] 2013–2015 R.hipposideros 4 Homogenizedlung 0% andlivermaterial Miniopterusschribersii 6 (ifdiedoreuthanized R.ferrumequinm 3 uponcapture) R.aegyptiacus 438 aColeuraafra,Hipposiderosabae,H.cf.gigas,H.fuliginosus,H.jonesi,H.cf.ruber,Rhinolophusalcyone,R.landeri,Taphozousperforates bChaerephonpumilus,Mopscondylurus,Tadaridaaegyptiaca,H.caffer,Miniopterusnatalensis,Nycteristhebaica,R.clivosus,R.darlingi,Neoromiciacapensis, N.nana,N.cf.zuluensis,Scotophilusviridis,Rousettusaegyptiacus that MERS-CoVs from dromedary camel and humans A case control study assessed differences in environ- arenearly identical[16]. mentalexposurebetweenthirty laboratoryconfirmed pri- A nation-wide cross-sectional serological study done in mary MERS-CoV cases and 116 controls. The study was Saudi Arabia between December 1st 2012 and December conducted between March and November of 2014, and 1st 2013 in which serum samples from slightly over ten the casesrepresented 8 outof13regionsinSaudiArabia. thousand individuals, whom age and sex distribution The study concluded that direct dromedary camel expos- largely matched the general population, were tested for urewithintwoweeksofsymptomsonsetisindependently MERS-CoV antibodies [17]. Positive results were con- associatedwithMERS-CoVinfection[19]. firmed in 15 individuals (0.15 %). Of note, seropositivity So the evidence points to a close dromedary camel wassignificantlyhigherindromedarycamelexposedindi- contact as a major risk for human infection. In order to viduals compared to the rest of the study population; better understand the ecology of MERS-CoV infection in fifteen times higher in shepherds and twenty three times dromedary camels, three adult dromedary camels were higher in slaughterhouse workers [17]. This study does inoculated with a human isolate of MERS-CoV. Each not only support the theory of dromedary camel role in dromedary camel was inoculated though intratracheal, human infection but also indicates a higher prevalence of intranasal and conjunctival routes. Transient, primarily human seropositivity than expected, based on reported upper respiratory tract infection developed in each of the casesfromSaudiArabia. threecamels.Eachdromedarycamelshedlargequantities In another study, 498 serum samples obtained from ofvirusfromtheupperrespiratorytract,evidencedbythe QatarandEuropebetween2013and2014weretestedfor presence of infectious viruses in nasal swab samples and, MERS-CoV antibodies. 294 samples were obtained from to a lesser extent, in oral samples. No infectious virus or persons with occupational dromedary camel contact in viral RNA was detected in fecal, urine, serum or whole Qatar; the remaining 204 samples were obtained from bloodsamples[20].Afterauthentication,theviruswasre- persons with no dromedary camel contacts from both covered from respiratory tissues and some lymph nodes Qatar and Europe. Around 7 % of those with dromedary draining the respiratory system of one dromedary camel, camel contact tested positive for MERS-CoV antibodies, but not in any other organs. These findings were consist- whilenoneofthesamplesfrompersonswithnodromed- ent with the data from naturally infected dromedary arycamelcontactstestedpositive[18]. camels[6,15,21,22].Somestudiesreportedthedetection Mohdetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:87 Page4of7 of MERS-CoV virus from fecal specimen, though virus CoV RNA using RT-PCR from nasal swabs. Sera were detection rates were far lower than in nasal swab speci- tested for the presence of specific MERS-CoV antibodies. mens [22–24]. One study in particular reported detection Of the 132 dromedary camels screened with nasal swabs, of MERS-CoV RNA in the milk of five out of seven 14 were found to carry the virus RNA (11 %). The overall infecteddromedarycamels[23]. seropositivitywas95%[28]. A vaccine expressing the MERS-CoVspike protein was A random group of 105 dromedary camels presented shown to confer mucosal immunity in dromedary camels for slaughter in Qatar at two occasions in 2014 were withevidenceofserumneutralizingantibodiesandsignifi- sampled for MERS-CoV. Nasal, oral, bronchial and rectal cant reduction in excreted infectious virus and viral RNA swabs were tested for MERS-CoV. A high proportion transcriptsinvaccinatedanimals[25]. (59%)ofthemwasactivelysheddingthevirusatthetime Based on surveillance and epidemiological studies, it is of slaughter. The percentage of positive samples was the obviousthatMERS-CoVinfectsdromedarycamels,which highest for nasal samples, followed by oral swabs, fecal serve as a reservoir with spell over human infections swabs, and bronchial swabs. Co-circulation of multiple through close dromedary camel contacts [13–15, 17–19, MERS-CoVvariants, evidenced by five different sequence 24]. The exact routes of transmission are not very well types, demonstrates multiple virus introductions likely understoodbut direct contacts with Dromedary camels or related to the flow of new dromedary camels from differ- the handling of surfaces or objects contaminated with entorigins[24]. dromedary camels’ respiratory or fecal material may as Those findings indicate a widespread exposure to wellposeariskforinfection. MERS-CoV in the dromedary camel populations of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, to the extent that al- WhatistheextentofMERS-CoVinfectionindromedary most every adult dromedary camel got infected at some camels? point inlife. Multiple surveillance studies explored the extent of MERS-CoV infection in dromedaries. Presence of specific Dodromedarycamelsdifferintheirvulnerabilityto MERS-CoV antibodies in dromedary camels’ sera was MERS-CoVinfectionbasedonage? used as an indicator of previous exposure to the virus, Two hundred and three samples from live dromedary while the presence of MERS-CoV RNA material in nasal camels in Saudi Arabia were collected in 2013 and found secretions, usually identified through RT-PCR, indicated to have a high seropositivity (72 %) to MERS-CoV [21]. currentinfectionandactiveviralshedding. Seropositivitywashigheramongadultsdromedarycamels Serum samples from 303 dromedary camels from (two years and older) compared to juvenile dromedary Saudi Arabia were screened in 2013 and found to have a camels(lessthantwoyearsofage),95%vs.55%respect- high seropositivity of72%toMERS-CoV[21]. ively [21]. Increasing seropositivity with age might be All serum samples from 50 dromedary camels in relatedtoincreasedlikelihoodofexposureandsubsequent Oman were positive for MERS-CoV specific antibodies infectionovertime. [13]. Similar results were reached from a larger study In the same study, 202 dromedary camels’ nasal swabs conducted in United Arab Emirates (UAE), where 500 weretestedforthepresenceofMERS-CoVRNAmaterial dromedary camels’ sera screened in 2013 revealed 96 % using RT-PCR; 25 % were positive. In other words, one seropositivity[26]. fourth of the tested dromedary camel population was InAfrica,astudyassessedthegeographicdistributionof sheddingthevirusandwaspotentiallyinfectious.Ofthose MERS-CoV among dromedaries by investigating serum sheddingthevirus71%werejuvenileand29%wereadult samples from Nigeria, Tunisia, and Ethiopia. In Nigeria, dromedary camels older than two years [21]. The results serumsamplescollectedbetween2010and2011from358 indicate that juvenile dromedary camels might be at adult dromedaries distributed over 4 provinces were higher risk of contracting the virus. An explanation could tested, and 94 % were positive for MERS-CoVantibodies. be that they are naive to the virus and lack neutralizing In Tunisia, serum samples collected in 2009 and 2013 antibodies. from 204 dromedaries distributed over 3 provinces were tested and 48.5 % were positive for MERS-CoV. In Whenwasthevirusintroducedtodromedarycamels? Ethiopia, 96.3 % of the serum samples collected between In an attempt to investigate the time frame of MERS-CoV 2011 and 2013 from 188 dromedaries, distributed over 3 introduction to dromedary camel population, multiple provinces,werepositiveforMERS-CoVantibodies[27]. studiesscreenedstoredserumsamples.100%seropositivity AnotherstudywasconductedinKano,NigeriainJanuary was found in 151 dromedary camel serum samples 2015. Nasal swabs and blood samples were collected from obtained in 2003 from UAE dromedary camels [26]. dromedary camels shortly after slaughter at a slaughter- Archivedserumsamples,obtainedfromdromedarycamels house.ThesamplesweretestedforthepresenceofMERS- in Saudi Arabia from1992 through 2010, were found to Mohdetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:87 Page5of7 haveahighseropositivityrangingfrom72%to100%[21]. A serological and virological surveillance study of ten 189 stored dromedary camel serum samples from Egypt, bactrian camel herds in three areas of the West of Inner collected in 1997, and from Sudan and Somalia, collected Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) was conducted in between1983and1984,weretested,and81%werefound 2015.OnehundredandninetyBactriancamelsweresam- to have neutralizing antibodies to MERS-CoV [29]. pled; nasal swab and serum samples were collected from AnotherstudyfromKenyashowedsimilarresults[30].This each Bactrian camel. All samples turned negative and the implies that MERS-CoV has been heavily endemic in both studyconcludedthattherewasnoMERS-CoVcirculating the Middle East and East Africa’s dromedary camels for amongBactriancamelsintheWestIMAR[35]. decades. Based on the above studies, it seems that MERS-CoV In addition to evaluating MERS-CoV distribution and infection is limited to dromedary camel populations in the infection burden in dromedary camel populations, Africaand the MiddleEast. This may indicatethatdrom- screening different geographic areas might also help pre- edary camel infection could have been introduced at a dict when MERS-CoV was introduced to dromedary point in time when the dromedary camel caravans be- camels.Historicallyanduptotheearlytwentiethcentury, tweenAsia,MiddleEast,andAfricawerenolongeractive. bothdromedary and bactriancamels playedavital role in carryingpassengersandgoodsinNorthAfrica,theMiddle Arethereotherdomesticanimalreservoirsfor East, and East Asia. For the same reason, they were MERS-CoV? importedtoAustraliainthenineteenthcentury.Afterthe In an attempt to investigate the possibility of other reser- invention of automobile and the use of trains, use and voirs,multipledomesticanimalpopulationswerescreened. travel of dromedary and bactrian camels between coun- In a serological study, conducted in Saudi Arabia between trieswaslimited. 2010 and 2013, sera from 100 sheep, 45 goats, 50 cattle, Serum samples collected from 105 dromedary camels and 240 chickens representing different geographical areas living in the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago withinthecountrywerecollected.Allsamplestestednega- located just off the southern coast of Morocco, between tive for MERS-CoV [36]. In another study, serum samples 2012and2013weretested,and14%werefound tohave from 36 goats and 102 sheep from central Saudi Arabia antibodies against MERS-CoV [13]. This indicates that a tested negative for MERS-CoV antibodies as well [21]. In smallproportionofCanaryIslanddromedarycamelswere 2013a similarstudywasconductedinJordan.Noneofthe exposed to the virus at some point in time. This low 150goats,126sheepand91cowstestedwasfoundpositive percentage, compared to East Africa and the Arabian forMERS-CoVantibodies[37].Serafrom Europeansheep, Peninsula, might be related to the isolated nature of the goats,andcattlehadnoevidenceofMERS-CoVantibodies CanaryIslands,astheyareofftheWestAfricancoastand aswell[13]. are governed by Spain. Those two factors might limit the Equids were also screened for MERS-CoV antibodies. interaction of the island’s dromedary camels with those 192 adult horse samples from UAE and 861 samples from other parts of Africa. This theory was later sup- from Spain (697 horses, 82 donkeys, and 82 mules) were ported by another study conducted in early 2015. In this screened.Allwere seronegativeforMERS-CoV [38]. study, a representative sample of 170 dromedary camels Dromedarycamelsseemedtobetheonlydomesticani- on the Canary Islands was investigated; only 4.1 % were malreservoirforMERS-CoVupuntilarecent studycon- seropositive for MERS-CoV. All the seropositive dromed- ducted in Qatar in April of 2015 investigated the MERS- ary camels were imported from Africa 20 or more years CoVinfectionstatusof15healthyalpacas(Vicugnapacos) prior. This led to the conclusion that active infection and in a herd of 20 that shared a barncomplex with dromed- sheddingdidn’ttakeplaceontheCanaryIslands[31]. aries. All tested alpacas were seropositive to MERS-CoV In an attempt to screen feral camels in Australia, 307 (100%).Ofnote,MERS-CoVisendemicinQatar’sdrom- dromedary camels’sera from two different locations were edaries,andnineoutoftendromedarycamelsthatshared sampled between December 2013 and June 2014. All the same barn complex were seropositive for MERS-CoV testednegativeforspecificMERS-CoVantibodies[32]. [39].Thisindicatesthesusceptibilityofalpacasfornatural In Kazakhstan 550 camels’sera: 455 dormeday and 95 MERS-CoV infection and the potential for a new MERS- bactrian, camels with two humps (Camelus bactrianus), CoVanimalreservoir.Ofnote, a previous study found no were screened for MERS-CoV between February and evidenceforMERS-CoVinfectioninalpacasfromregions March 2015, and all tested negative [33]. Another sur- whereMERS-CoVisnotendemic[13]. veillance study was conducted in southern Mongolia in Inanother study 3 alpacaswereexperimentally infected November of 2014. In that study, 210 bactrian camels through intranasal insulation of MERS-CoV viruses. All from 12 herds were screened. All samples tested nega- got infected and shed the virus; they also transmitted the tive, and the study concluded that MERS-CoV was not infectiontotwooutofthreeotheralpacasthatsharedthe present inbactriancamels ofthescreened areas[34]. sameroom.Similartodromedarycamels,infectedalpacas Mohdetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:87 Page6of7 didn’t develop fever, but unlike dromedary camels, none Competinginterests ofthealpacashadanyobservablenasaldischargeoverthe Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. course of infection. All infected animals were able to Authordetails mountneutralizingantibodiestoMERS-CoV[40]. 1SaudiMinistryofHealth,Riyadh,SaudiArabia.2JohnsHopkinsAramco Those studies indicate that alpacas, similar to dromed- Healthcare,Dhahran,SaudiArabia.3IndianaUniversitySchoolofMedicine, Indianapolis,IN,USA.4CollegeofMedicine,AlfaisalUniversity,P.O.Box54146, ary camels, can be infected and potentially serve as a Riyadh11514,KingdomofSaudiArabia. reservoir. 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(cid:129) Inclusion in PubMed and all major indexing services 37. ReuskenCB,AbabnehM,RajVS,MeyerB,EljarahA,AbutarbushS,etal. MiddleEastRespiratorySyndromecoronavirus(MERS-CoV)serologyin (cid:129) Maximum visibility for your research majorlivestockspeciesinanaffectedregioninJordan,JunetoSeptember 2013.EuroSurveill.2013;18(50).doi:10.2807/1560-7917.ES2013.18.50.20662. Submit your manuscript at www.biomedcentral.com/submit

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