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Preview 2016 Bovine coronavirus in naturally and experimentally exposed calves_ viral shedding and the potential for transmissio

Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 DOI10.1186/s12985-016-0555-x RESEARCH Open Access Bovine coronavirus in naturally and experimentally exposed calves; viral shedding and the potential for transmission Veslemøy Sunniva Oma1* , Madeleine Tråvén2, Stefan Alenius2, Mette Myrmel3 and Maria Stokstad1 Abstract Background: Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a widely distributed pathogen, causing disease and economic losses in thecattle industry worldwide.Prevention of virus spread is impeded by a lack of basic knowledge concerningviral shedding and transmission potential inindividualanimals.The aims of thestudy were to investigatetheduration and quantity of BCoVshedding infeces and nasal secretions related to clinical signs, thepresence ofvirus inblood and tissues and to test thehypothesisthat seropositive calves are not infectious to naïve in-contactcalves three weeks after BCoV infection. Methods: Aliveanimalexperimentwasconducted,withdirectcontactbetweenanimalgroupsfor24haschallenge procedure.Fournaïvecalveswerecommingledwithagroupofsixnaturallyinfectedcalvesandsequentially euthanized.Twonaïvesentinelcalveswerecommingledwiththeexperimentallyexposedgroupthreeweeksafter exposure.Nasalswabs,feces,bloodandtissuesampleswereanalyzedforviralRNAbyRT-qPCR,andvirusisolationwas performedonnasalswabs.SerumwasanalyzedforBCoVantibodies. Results:Thecalvesshowedmildgeneralsigns,andthemostprominentsignswerefromtherespiratorysystem.The overallclinicalscorecorrespondedwellwiththesheddingofviralRNAthefirstthreeweeksafterchallenge.General depressionandcoughwerethesignsthatcorrelatedbestwithsheddingofBCoVRNA,whilepeakrespiratoryrateand peakrectaltemperatureappearedmorethanaweeklaterthanthepeakshedding.Nasalsheddingprecededfecal shedding,andthecalveshaddetectableamountsofviralRNAintermittentlyinfecesthroughday35andinnasal secretionsthroughday28,howevervirusisolationwasunsuccessfulfromdaysixandday18fromthetwocalves investigated.ViralRNAwasnotdetectedinblood,butwasfoundinlymphatictissuethroughday42afterchallenge. AlthoughthecalvesweresheddingBCoVRNA21daysafterinfectionthesentinelanimalswerenotinfected. Conclusions:ProlongedsheddingofBCoVRNAcanoccur,butdetectionofviralRNAdoesnotnecessarilyindicatea transmissionpotential.Thestudyprovidesvaluableinformationwithregardtoproducingscientificallybased biosecurityadvices. Keywords:BCoV,BCV,Experimentalinfection,Clinicalsigns,Virusshedding,Transmissionpotential,Viremia,Biosecurity, Virusquantification,RT-qPCR,Virusisolation *Correspondence:[email protected] 1DepartmentofProductionAnimalClinicalSciences,NorwegianUniversityof LifeSciences,Ullevålsvegen72,0454Oslo,Norway Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2016TheAuthor(s).OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedicationwaiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle,unlessotherwisestated. Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page2of11 Background Kapil et al. documented viral antigen in the small and Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is an important livestock large intestines of infected calves three weeks post inocu- pathogen with a high prevalence worldwide. The virus lation [23]. Crouch et al. found that ten cows were shed- causes respiratory disease and diarrhea in calves and ding BCoV-immune complexes in the feces for 12 weeks winter dysentery in adult cattle. These diseases result in [24]. It is, however, difficult to establish whether there is substantial economic losses and reduced animal welfare true persistence of virus, or reinfection of partially im- [1]. One way of reducing the negative consequences of mune animals and whether these animals represent a risk this virus isto prevent virus transmission between herds. to other animals. There is a lack of experimental studies Inter-herd transmission is possible either directly via investigating viral shedding pattern for longer periods transfer of live animals [2, 3], or indirectly via contami- than two weeks, with sensitive detection methods. Viral nated personnel or equipment [4]. Measures to prevent loadandinfectivityalsoneedstobedetermined.Thisisof virus spread between herds must be based upon know- high practical relevance, since the farmers need guidance ledge of viral shedding, the potential for transmission to onbiosecurityintradeandtransportofliveanimals. susceptible animals and the role of protective immunity. Thecurrentstudywasconductedtofillprevailinggaps Several observational studies have been published on in the knowledge on fundamental aspects of BCoV in- BCoV shedding in feces of diarrheic calves and after fection. Thespecific aimswere to: transportation to feedlots [3, 5–10]. However, relatively few studies on BCoV pathogenesis with emphasis on 1. studythe duration andquantity ofBCoVshedding transmission potential under controlled conditions have infecesand nasalsecretions,relatedtoclinicalsigns been published. incalves. BCoV belongsto thegenus Betacoronavirus within the 2. studythe presenceof viremiaand persistenceof family Coronaviridae, also including the closely related virus inlymphatic,intestinaland lungtissue. HCoV-OC43, which causes respiratory infections in 3. testthe hypothesis that seropositive calvesare not humans, and the human pathogens SARS-CoV and infectiousto naïvein-contact calves three weeks MERS-CoV[11–13]. afterBCoV infection. BCoVconsistsofoneserotypewithsomeantigenicvari- ation between different strains [14, 15]. Acutely infected Methods animals develop antibodies that persist for a long period, Studydesign possiblyforseveralyears[16–18].However,theprotective A live animal experiment with the natural host was con- immunity is shorter and incomplete. In two experimental ducted. The experimental units were groups of calves studies,infectedcalveswerenotprotectedagainstreinfec- and the intervention consisted of direct contact with tionwithadifferentBCoVstrainthreeweeksafterthefirst BCoV-infected animals. The primary outcome was clin- challenge,butdidnotdevelopclinicalsigns[19,20]. ical signs, and the secondary outcome was presence of BCoV is transmitted via the fecal-oral or respiratory BCoV RNA and BCoV antibodies. Three experimental route [15]. It infects epithelial cells in the respiratory groups were included; the Field group (FG, n=6) that tract and the intestines; the nasal turbinates, trachea and was naturally infected with BCoV, the naïve Exposed lungs and the villi and crypts of the small and large in- group(EG,n=4)andthenaïveSentinelgroup(SG,n=2). testine, respectively [21, 22]. Replication leads to shed- AnoverviewofthestudydesignisshowninFig.1. ding of virus in nasal secretions and in feces. Important factors for the pathogenesis are still not fully explored, Animals,housingandhusbandry such as how the virus infects enterocytes shortly after Animals introduction to an animal. Viremia has been detected in Twelve BCoV seronegative weaned bull calves between one study by Park et al. [21]. Clinical signs range from six and twelve weeks of age were included, seven were none to severe, and include fever, respiratory signs and Swedish red and white, four were Swedish Holstein and diarrheawithorwithoutblood[1,15].Asthetimeofin- one Swedish mountain breed. They originated from two fection is usually unknown and laboratory diagnostics dairy herds, initially negative for antibodies to BCoV in are usually not performed, occurrence of clinical signs is milk from primiparous cows. The calves were allocated the most relevant parameter to relate to viral shedding. to groups according to herd of origin and day of arrival. The majority of experimental studies have used BCoV The sequence of euthanasia of the EG and SG calves inoculation as challenge procedure, which may influence wasrandom, determinedbydrawingoflots. clinicalsignsandviralshedding,andtherebythetransmis- sion potential compared to natural infection. It has been Naturaloutbreakofwinterdysentery hypothesized that BCoVcan cause chronic subclinical in- FG originated from a herd that was in an early phase of fections which could be an important virus source [15]. a winter dysentery outbreak. When FG was transported Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page3of11 Day Animal Calf no. -7 0 7 14 21 28 35 42 group Field F1-6 Exposed E1 E2 E3 E4 Sentinel S1-2 Fig.1Timelineoftheexperiment.Thesolidlinessymbolizethetimespanwhenthecalvesparticipatedintheexperiment.Thedashedlines symbolizecomminglingoftheindicatedanimalsfor24h;e.g.thefieldgrouparrivedattheresearchfacilityonday−7,commingledwiththe exposedgroupday0andlefttheresearchfacilityday14.Thecalvesintheexposedgroupweresequentiallyeuthanizedfromday22today42. TheSentinelgrouparrivedattheresearchfacilityday21andcommingledwiththeExposedgroupthefollowing24hours to the research facility, the calves showed mild signs of Refinementandtreatmentprocedures respiratory disease. Two days later, a severe outbreak Efforts were made to minimize the stress and discomfort confirmed by RT-PCR and serology to be caused by for the animals involved. The calves were kept group- BCoV with bloody diarrhea and reduction in milk pro- wise in pens with straw bedding, were fed a commercial duction,took placeintheherd. calf concentrate twice daily and had access to haylage ad libitum. The animals were monitored by a trained ani- mal technician and a veterinarian at least three times a Researchfacility day. Indications for antibiotic treatment (30 000 IU Theexperiment wasconductedat the stationary clinicat procaine benzyl penicillin/kg bodyweight/day i.m. for the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Swedish Uni- five consecutive days) were abnormal sounds on lung versity of Agricultural Sciences. The facility was closed auscultation or prolonged high temperature. Indication for other animals during the experiment, and had re- for treatment with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory stricted admission for people. Personnel used designated drug (Metacam vet, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, clothing, and had no contact with other cattle the same Germany) was severe depression, and oral fluid with day. Each group was housed in separate pens within the electrolytes was to be given to moderately dehydrated same room. Due to the type of facility and design of the animals. Euthanasia was achieved by i.v. injection of study, acclimatization period was not possible for any of pentobarbital (Euthasolvet.,LeVet,Netherlands). the groups. Clinical examinations and sampling were consistentlydoneintheorder SG,EGandFG. Clinicalscore Challengeprocedure Daily clinical examinations were performed by a veterin- To mimicstandard managerialconditions,direct contact arian and clinical signs were scored as presented in was chosen as challenge procedure for both EG and SG. Table 1 (modified after Hägglund et al. [25, 26] and The commingling was done by moving EG into the Silverlås et al. [27]). A score above two on three con- othertwo groups’pens for24h. secutive days was categorized as mild clinical disease; a Table1Clinicalscoringsystem Score Respiratoryrate Fever Cough Nasaldischarge Demeanor Fecalconsistency (breaths/min) 0 ≤49 ≤39,5 Nocoughobserved Normal Bright,alert Normal 1 50–54 39,6–39,9 Sporadiccough Serousormucous Mildlydepressed Pasty 2 55–64 40–40,4 Morethanonesporadiccough Mucopurulentorpurulent Moderatelydepressed Runny every10minofobservation 3 65–74 >40,5 – – Severelydepressed Watery 4 75–85 – – – – Runnyorwaterywithblood Thescorefromeachcategorywasaddedtogiveadailyclinicalscoreforeachofthecalvesintheexperiment Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page4of11 score above six on three consecutive days as moderate followed by 95 °C for 2 min. Thereafter, 40 cycles with disease and a score above eleven was categorized as se- 15 s at 95 °C and 60 s at 60 °C were conducted. The vere clinicaldisease. RT-qPCR was performed on a Stratagene Mx3005p™ (Agilent Technologies, CA, USA) and a positive and a Collectionofmaterial negative control were included in each run. In order to Nasal swab specimens and fecal samples from FG were evaluate inhibition of the RT-qPCR, RNA extract from collectedapproximatelyeverythirddayfromday−4(D-4) some fecal samples were diluted 1:10 and compared to toD14.FromEG,nasalswabsandfecalsampleswerecol- undilutedRNA.TheCt-valuesinthesesamplessuggested lectedeverydayfromD0toD25andtheneverythirdday negligiblelevelsofinhibitors.Inhibitorsinplasmaandcell until D35. Nasal swabs from SG were collected D24, D27 extractswereevaluated by spikingwithmengovirus RNA. and D29. The nasal specimens were collected by rotating Comparison of Ct-values showed that plasma had no a flocked ESwab™ (Copan, Brescia, Italy) approximately negative effect, while the cell fractions had an inhibitory five cm inside one of the calf’s nostrils. The specimens effect,givinganincreaseofoneCt-value. were frozen and stored at −70 °C before further process- ing. Blood was drawn from the jugular vein upon arrival Virusquantitation and D1, D2, D3, D5, D7, D9, D11, D14, D21, D35 and In order to estimate the number of BCoV viral RNA D41 using sterile evacuated tubes with and without copies (VRC) in the clinical samples, a standard curve EDTA-anticoagulant. The EDTA-blood was centrifuged was prepared using tenfold dilutions of a plasmid con- andthe cellfractionswerestoredseparatelyat−80°Cbe- taining the BCoV target sequence. Aliquoted BCoV fore further processing. Sera were stored at −20 °C until RNA was used as a calibrator and included in every RT- analyzed. Tissue samples from lung, medial retropharyn- qPCR plate to adjust for inter plate variation. The num- geal and mesenteric lymph nodes, ileum, and colon were ber of VRC in the clinical samples was calculated using storedinRNA-laterat−20°C. theformula: AntibodyELISA QS ¼QC (cid:2)10CtSm−CtC Serum samples were analyzed for anti BCoV IgG by SvanovirBCV-Ab(BoehringerIngelheimSvanova,Uppsala, Where Q =viral RNAcopies in sample, Q =viral RNA s c Sweden) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. copies of calibrator, Ct =Ct value of sample, Ct =Ct s c SamplesfromSGwerealsotestedforantibodiestobovine valueofcalibratorandm=slopeofthestandardcurve. respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) by Svanovir BRSV-Ab The standard curve covered the range from 10.8 to (Boehringer Ingelheim). The optical density (OD) at 1.08 × 1010 plasmid copies, and showed a strong linear 450 nm was measured and corrected by subtracting the relationship with a high coefficient of determination OD for the negative control. Percent positivity (PP) was (R2=0.996) and a high amplification efficiency (96.5 %). calculatedas(sampleOD/positivecontrolOD)×100,and The limit of quantification (LOQ) for the plasmid was aPP-valueof<10wasregardedasnegative. 10.8 copies which represented 3.6 log BCoV VRC per 10 nasal swab and ml plasma, 4.6 log VRC/g feces and 4.2 10 ExtractionofRNAandRT-qPCR log VRC/gtissue. 10 Fecal samples (diluted 1:10 in PBS) and nasal swab spec- imenswere centrifugedat 9700xg for10min. RNA was Virusisolation extracted from 140 μl supernatant and 140 μl plasma by Virus infectivity was tested by virus isolation from nasal QIAamp Viral RNA Mini QIAcube kit (Qiagen, Hilden, swabs from E1 and E3 between D3 and D28 (D3, D6, Germany), eluted in 50 μl and frozen at −80 °C. RNA D7, D8, D10, D13, D18, D23 and D28). The swab super- from blood cell fractions from calf E4 on D5 and calf E3 natants were diluted 1:25 in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle on D7 was extracted with Qiazol (Qiagen) and chloro- Medium (DMEM, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Paisley, form phase separation mixed with 70 % ethanol (1:1) Scotland), filtered through a 0.8 μm filter (Sartorius and purified using RNeasy Mini Kit column (Qiagen), Stedim Biotech, Goettingen, Germany) and added to a whileRNAwasextractedfrom30–50mgtissuesamples, monolayer of 4-days-old human rectal tumor cells using RNeasy Plus Universal Mini Kit (Qiagen). RT- (HRT-18G, ATTCC CRL-11663) in a 24-well plate. In qPCR was performed using RNA UltraSense™ One-Step addition,infective viruswastitrated fromonenasalswab Quantitative RT-PCR System (Invitrogen, MA, USA). supernatant using two-fold endpoint dilutions in a 96- Two microliters of RNA was added to a 18 μl reaction well plate. After 1 h incubation at 37 °C, the inoculum volume containing 200 nM each of forward and reverse was replaced with DMEM with 1 % fetal calf serum and primers and 250 nM TaqMan probe [28]. The thermal antibiotics (5000 IU penicillin and 5 mg streptocillin/ profile included an RT step with 30 min at 55 °C ml). After two days at 37 °C and 5 % CO , the cells were 2 Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page5of11 fixed with Intracellular Fixation buffer (eBiosience, CA, NasalsheddingofviralRNA USA)andstainedwith1:80dilutionofmonoclonalmouse The nasal shedding of BCoV RNA from FG and EG is anti-coronavirus antibody labelled with fluorescein iso- presented in Fig. 3a, and Fig. 2 shows EG calves’ individ- thiocynate (BioX Diagnostics, Rochefort, Belgium) and ual shedding. Briefly, FG was shedding BCoV RNA D-4 DAPI nuclear counterstain (Thermo Fischer Scientific). through D11, and in EG all swabs were positive from D1 The wells were observed under a fluorescent microscope through D12, and at least one out of four calves was forantigenpositivecells. positive through D28 (Fig. 3a). Two calves were positive in nasal swabs with a concentration of 5.4 log and 4.0 10 log VRC/swab the day of commingling with SG. None 10 Results ofthenasalswabs from SGwere positive. Clinicaloutcome An overview of clinical signs in all groups is presented in Table2.FiveoutofsixFGcalvesshowedmildclinicaldis- FecalsheddingofviralRNA ease. EG’s daily clinical scores are shown in Fig. 2. Three Fecal shedding of BCoV RNA in FG and EG is shown in out of four EG calves showed mild disease, and one calf Fig. 3b, and the individual shedding from EG in Fig. 2. moderateclinicaldisease.SGdidnotdevelopclinicalsigns Viral RNA was detected in fecal samples from FG be- thatwerecategorizedasdiseaseintheclinicalscoringsys- tween D-4 and D14. Fecal samples from EG were nega- tem. However, both calves had some days with intermit- tive D0 and D1. At least two out of four calves were tentnasaldischargeand sporadic cough andS1 had a few positive every day from D2 through D17 and BCoV dayswithintermittentlyrunnyfeces.Blood-tingeddiarrhea RNA was intermittently detected through D35. After ornasaldischargewasnotobservedinanyofthegroups. D14, three calves had a period of four to six days with negative results, before they again started shedding BCoV RNAfor threetofive days (Fig.2). Serology All calves tested negative for antibodies to BCoV at the AssociationbetweenPCRpositivityandclinicalsigns beginning of the trial. At D14 all calves in FG and EG The association between BCoV PCR results and selected had seroconverted (Additional file 1: Table S1). The SG clinical signs is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. The overall clin- was still seronegative to BCoV D42 and did not show an ical score showed good correlation with detection of increaseintiterfor antibodies toBRSV. BCoV RNA. General depression and cough were the in- dividual scores that showed the best association with ViralRNAinblood BCoV RNA shedding. The highest mean respiratory rate BCoV RNA was not detected in any of the blood sam- and rectal temperature appeared more than a week later plesanalyzed. than thepeak shedding. Table2KeyclinicalsignsandtreatmentduringanexperimentwithBCoVinfectedcalves Animal Calf Peak Numberofdayswith Peakclinical Dayswith Dayof group no. rta(°C) depression diarrheab nasal respiratory score clinical treatment dischargec rate≥65 score>6 initiationd Field F1 40,3 0 3 1 0 5 0 −1 F2 39,8 3 2 1 0 8 2 3 F3 40,1 2 0 7 0 7 1 −5e F4 40,6 1 0 4 1 7 2 2 F5 39,7 2 13 1 2 6 0 - F6 39,2 1 0 4 0 5 0 - Exposed E1 39,5 7 0 2 3 7 1 - E2 39,8 4 1 7 1 8 3 7 E3 40,2 8 1 19 2 9 5 5and18 E4 39,9 6 1 8 0 8 4 - Sentinel S1 39,2 1 4 3 0 5 0 - S2 39,4 2 0 3 0 4 0 - ThecalveswereexposedtoBCoVinthefield(F1-6),wereexposedtoF-animals(E1-4)orexposedtoE-animals(S1-2).aPeakrectaltemperature(rt)bRunnyto waterystoolswereconsidereddiarrheic.cMucopurulentorpurulentnasaldischarge(nasaldischargescore=2).dFivedaysofi.m.treatmentwith30000IU procainebenzylpenicillinwasinitiatedonindicatedday.eCalfF3wastreatedforsixdays Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page6of11 12 Calf E1 10 10 e RC 8 cor gV10 6 5 cal s Lo 24 Clini 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 12 Calf E2 10 10 e LogVRC10 468 5 Clinical scor 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 12 Calf E3 10 10 e LogVRC10 468 5 Clinical scor 2 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 12 Calf E4 10 10 e LogVRC10 468 5 Clinical Scor lLLooOggQ110 0n v avirsiraaall l R sRNwNaAAb c scooppieiess/n/ga sfeacl esswab 2 LOQ fecal samples 0 0 Clinical score 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Days after commingling with infected calves Fig.2ClinicalscoreandviralsheddinginBCoVinfectedcalves.NumberofBCoVviralRNAcopies(VRC)pernasalswabandpergramoffeces collectedfromcalvesintheExposedgroup(EG)fromday0(thedayofcomminglingwiththeFieldgroup)throughday35.Limitofquantification (LOQ)innasalswabspecimensandfecalsamplesisindicatedwithhorizontallines.ThevaluesunderLOQareextrapolatedandlessaccurate.Astar indicatesthedayofseroconversion(percentpositivity>10)toBCoVandthearrowindicatesthedayofcomminglingwiththeSentinelgroup(day 21).TheclinicalscoresarecalculatedbasedondailyregistrationsofclinicalsignsfromthecalvesinEG ViralRNAintissues challenge, when the clinical condition had improved and Viral RNA was detected in lymph nodes from the EG the calves had seroconverted, did not lead to infection in calves euthanized three, four, five and six weeks after in- sentinel calves and virus isolation was not possible from fection (Table 3). Viral RNA was also detected in ileum calves shedding viralRNA atthistimepoint. and colon from the animals euthanized five and six In concordance with other studies [18, 29], all EG calves weeksafterinfection, but notinlungtissue. became BCoV positive shortly after contact with infected calvesandshedviralRNAcontinuouslyfortwoweeks.This Virusisolation supportsthatintroductionofBCoVintoanaïvepopulation Virus was isolated from nasal swabs from calf E1 on D3 leadstoahighbasicreproductionnumber(R ).R depends 0 0 and from E3 in the period D3 to D13. A photograph of on the duration of the infectious period, the number of infected cells is shown in Fig. 6. The titer of infective exposed susceptible individuals and the probability of a BCoV in the nasal swab was 2560 per 50 μl swab susceptibleindividualtobeinfected.Inherdsandtranspor- medium(1ml intotal) corresponding to4.7 log infect- tation systems where cattle from different herds are com- 10 ive particles in a swab containing 9.8 log VRC, giving a mingled,theriskofvirustransmissionishigh. 10 total toinfectiveparticles ratio(T/I)of5log . The detection of BCoV RNA in nasal swabs from 10 naïve calves in EG shortly after exposure might be due Discussion to passive inhalation of virus excreted by the FG, or to The present study showed that calves infected with virus replication in the respiratory tract. Since the viral BCoVshed viral RNA for five weeks, and harbored viral load in the nasal swabs from EG exceeded that of FG at RNA in intestinal tissues and lymph nodes even longer. D2, the study confirms that BCoV replicated massively Interestingly, contact with these calves three weeks after inthe airways ofEG calves already at D2.Fecalshedding Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page7of11 startedlaterthannasalsheddingwhichisinconcurrence a with other studies [30]. Saif and colleagues found that 12 when inoculating calves intranasally, BCoV was first de- b10 wa tected in nasal epithelial cells and secondly in feces. In s al 8 contrast, in calves inoculated orally, fecal detection of s a C/n 6 BCoV preceded detection in nasal swab specimens. They R V concludedthattheinfectionroutecoulddeterminethese- og 10 4 quence of infection of the respiratory and intestinal tract L 2 [22].Thepresentstudysupportsthattherespiratoryroute 0 is the most common infection route when calves are -4 -1 2 5 8 11 14 17 21 23 25 28 31 35 naturally infected by direct contact. With indirect virus Day b spread,thefecal-oralroutecouldbemorecommon. 12 Nasal swabs were more often positive for BCoV than fecal samples in this trial, most likely due to a higher s10 ce limit of detection for BCoV in feces than in nasal swabs. e am f 8 For diagnostic purposes, nasal swab specimens therefore gr C/ 6 seem advantageous to fecal samples for virus detection R gV 10 4 incalveswith suspected BCoVrelateddisease. Lo Moving and commingling are associated with stress, 2 which has been found to affect the intestinal immune 0 system [31]. It is possible that stress increased the BCoV -4 -1 2 6 8 11 14 17 21 23 25 28 31 35 RNA shedding observed in the EG calves after introduc- Day tion of the sentinel calves. Buying and selling of calves Fig.3Log viralRNAcopies(VRC)ofBCoVpernasalswab(a)and 10 often involve extended transportation and commingling gramfeces(b).SheddingofBCoVfromcalvesintheFieldgroup(FG) (darkgrey)andintheExposedgroup(EG)(lightgrey).Greyarrow;dayof with susceptible cattle. The stress response, and a pos- EGandFGcommingling.Blackarrow;dayofSentinelgroupandEG sible increased fecal shedding of virus, would probably commingling.ThehorizontallinesshowthelimitofquantificationofVRC behigher underfieldconditions. a V12 7 o BC10 6 e pies 8 45 scor RNA co 46 23 Clinical al 2 1 virg10 0 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 o L Day b V12 7 o RNA copies BC124680 123456 Clinical score al 0 0 vir 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 g10 Day o L Mean log10 VRC/g feces Mean log10 VRC/nasal swab Mean clinical score Fig.4ClinicalscoreandviralsheddingincalvesexposedtoBCoV.Meanclinicalscoreandmeanlog viralRNAcopies(VRC)ofBCoVpernasal 10 swabandgramfecesfromcalvesintheFieldgroup(FG)(a)andExposedgroup(b) Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page8of11 a V12 3 e Co10 2.5 or NAcopies B 2468 0112..55 emeanor sc R 0 0 D al 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 vir g10 Day o L Mean log VRC/g feces Mean log VRC/nasal swab Mean demeanor score b V12 4 e Co10 cor B 3 s pies 68 2 ency A co 4 1 nsist N 2 o R c viral 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 0 Fecal g10 Day o L Mean log VRC/g feces Mean log VRC/nasal swab Mean fecal consistency c V12 4 Co10 ore B 3 c A copies 468 12 ory rate s N 2 at viral R 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 0 Respir g10 Day o L Mean log VRC/g feces Mean log VRC/nasal swab Mean respiratory rate score d V12 3 e Co10 2.5 or s B 8 2 e sc opie 6 1.5 atur NA c 24 01.5 mper viral R 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 0 ctal te g10 Day Re o L Mean log VRC/g feces Mean log VRC/nasal swab Mean rectal temperature score Fig.5Associationbetweenviralsheddingandscoringofclinicalsigns.MeandailysheddingofBCoVandscoringofdemeanor(a),fecalconsistency (b),respiratoryrate(c)andrectaltemperature(d)ofcalvesintheExposedgroupafterexposuretoBCoVinfectedcalves.Thesheddingisshownas meanlog viralRNAcopies(VRC)ofBCoVpernasalswabandgramfeces 10 In the acute stage of the infection, the agreement be- signs and detection of viral RNA varied more independ- tweenpositivePCRresultsandclinicalscorewasrelatively ently.Inanexperimentwithporcinedeltacoronavirus,the high. Three weeks after exposure to BCoV, the clinical severity of the clinical signs did not correlate with the Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page9of11 Table3Log viralRNAcopiesofBCoVpergramtissue 10 Dayspostexposure Calf Medialretropharyngeal Mesenteric Lung Ileum Colon lymphnode lymphnode 22 E4 6.9 6.3 Notdone Notdone Notdone 28 E2 6.7 Negative Notdone Notdone Notdone 35 E3 Negative 5.0 Negative 6.0 5.2 42 E1 6.2 7.4 Negative 7.0 6.0 Tissuesamplesfromlymphnodes,lung,IleumandColonwereharvestedfromexposedgroupcalveseuthanizedattheindicatednumberofdaysafterexposure tofieldgroupcalves.ThenumberofviralRNAcopies(VRC)ofBCoVwasquantifiedwithRT-qPCRandthelimitofquantificationwas4.2log10VRC/gtissue shedding of virus in conventionally reared piglets, only in likewise possible inFG and EG,asisthe caseunderfield gnotobiotic piglets [32]. This indicates that secondary conditions. pathogens and changes in microbiota are important for Unlike most enteric viruses, BCoV is enveloped and disease development and clinical signs. The present study therefore susceptible to environmental inactivation [1]. supports thatafter theacutestageofdiseaseother factors One might expect that the conditions in the forestom- than virus replication are important for clinical signs; for aches and abomasum would inactivate BCoV and one instancesecondarybacterialinfections. possibility is that BCoV is transported from the oronasal Although the sentinel calves did not get infected with cavity to the small intestines through the bloodstream. BCoV, they showed sporadic unspecific signs during the However, viremia was not detected in the present study, trial, but below the mildest category “mild disease” in and transport of the virus to the intestines appears to the clinical scoring system. Since acclimatization was have been through the digestive tract. Park and col- not possible, the calves changed environment including leagues[21]detectedBCoVRNAinserumsamplesfrom feeding routines when enrolled in the experiment, which calves infected with a winter dysentery strain between could cause the signs observed. Other infectious agents day three and eight post inoculation. They used nested could also have been present, and if so, most likely less PCR for detection, which is generally a more sensitive virulent pathogens. Bovine virus diarrhea virus and bo- method than RT-qPCR, but also more vulnerable for vine herpesvirus 1 are not present in Sweden [33], and contamination [34]. Short viremic period or intake of a the sentinel calves showed no serologic response to lower virus dose in naturally infected calves could also BRSV. Co-infection between BCoV and other agents is explain the negative results in the present study. Inhib- ition of the RT-qPCR by plasma components was tested and ruled out. Despite the absence of detectable viremia in the present study, BCoV RNA was found in mesen- teric lymph nodes at late stages of the infection. Viral RNA must have been transferred in low concentrations in blood or lymph to the draining lymph node, by anti- genpresentingcells orasfree virus particles. The finding of BCoV RNA in lymph nodes, ileum and colon six weeks after infection indicates coronavirus persistence in calves, however, the importance of this persistence for virus transmission is uncertain. Other coronaviruses are known to create persistent or chronic infections in mice and cats [35, 36]. MERS-CoV is shown to be excreted for more than a month in humans [37] and human coronavirus 229E creates persistent in- fections in vitro [38]. Although fecal shedding of BCoV RNA was detected five weeks post infection in the present study, the transmission potential at this stage is mostlikely negligible,asatthree weekspostinfection. BCoV VRC were quantified by RT-qPCR, which does Fig.6HRT-18GcellsinfectedwithBCoVfromanasalswab.The not give information on the number of infective parti- cellswereinfectedwithsupernatantfromanasalswabtakenfrom cles. The ratio of total to infective particles (T/I) is chal- calfE3sixdaysafterexposuretoBCoV.Thecellsarestainedwith lenging to establish for BCoV due to difficulties in anti-coronavirusantibodieslabelledwithfluoresceinisothiocynate cultivating virus from clinical samples. In the present andDAPInuclearcounterstain study, virus titration showed aT/I ratio ofapproximately Omaetal.VirologyJournal (2016) 13:100 Page10of11 5 log . With this highT/I ratio it is not surprising that Conclusions 10 virus isolation was unsuccessful after D13, when the The current study shows that calves infected with BCoV VRC numbers are decreasing. It also agrees with the are RT-qPCR positive in nasal and fecal specimens for a sentinel calves not getting infected D21. In contrast, longer period than earlier recognized. However, contact roughly 8.8 log VRC were detected per nasal swab and with naïve calves threeweeksafter exposuredidnot lead 10 gram feces from the seronegative FG calves that infected to infection. A low level of infective particles could be the EG calves. With a T/I ratio of 5 log , each nasal due to either production of a high level of defective par- 10 swab and gram of feces contained more than 3.8 log ticles and/or production of neutralizing antibodies. The 10 infective virus particles. study provides highly relevant information when design- The high T/I ratio and the failure of virus isolation ing biosecurity advice regarding animal trade and coro- after D13 could be due to either few infective particles naviraldiseaseincattle. or low sensitivity of the isolation method. Low levels of infective particles could be caused either by high pro- Additional file duction of defective particles or by neutralizing effect of antibodies. Low sensitivity could be caused by sub- Additionalfile1:TableS1.AntibodiestoBCoV.(DOCX14kb) optimal conditions in cell culture compared to in vivo (particularlyforvirusfromclinicalsamplesnotadaptedto Acknowledgements cell culture growth), dilution of viral content in the swab, WethankKerstinMoverBerglund,DennisLarssonandBengtNorénfor andfreezingandthawingofthematerial.Forfelineenteric takinggoodcareofthecalvesduringthetrial,MamataKhatriforperforming thevirusisolationandHanneHaatveitforpreparingthepictureofthe coronavirus, theT/I increased from 3–4 log during the 10 stainedcells. firstweekafterinfection,toupto8log 28dayspostin- 10 fection [39], the increase possibly caused by the antibody Funding ThisprojectwasfundedbyTheResearchCouncilofNorway(NFR-projectNo response. 224771/E40),TheNorwegianResearchFundingforAgricultureandFood Few methods are available for studying transmission Industry,andTINENorwegianDairiesBA. potential apart from live animal experiments, although ethically challenging and resource demanding. Existing Authors’contributions MSwastheprojectleader;VSO,MT,SA,MMandMSconceivedand literature is based on experimental studies examining designedtheexperiment;VSO,SAandMTperformedtheexperiment;VSO BCoV shedding for 14 [20, 22, 40] to 21 [19, 41] days. andMMplannedandperformedthelabanalyses.Allauthorswrote,read To the authors’ knowledge, the present study is the first andapprovedthemanuscript. to study the shedding for as long as six weeks under ex- Competinginterests perimental conditions. In addition, it is also the first to Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. study the impact of this shedding using sentinel calves. Although a low number of calves were used, the results Ethicsapprovalandconsenttoparticipate Thetrialwasconductedinlinewithnationalandinternationalguidelinesfor indicate that calves are not infectious three weeks after thecareanduseofanimalsandapprovalwasgivenbytheEthicsCommittee exposure to BCoV. This information is important and forAnimalExperiments,Uppsala,Sweden[protocolnumberC45/14]. relevant in order to produce scientific based advices on Authordetails how to avoid introduction of BCoV into herds. Further 1DepartmentofProductionAnimalClinicalSciences,NorwegianUniversityof investigation of calves at different stages of disease is LifeSciences,Ullevålsvegen72,0454Oslo,Norway.2DepartmentofClinical recommended to verify and corroborate these findings. Sciences,SwedishUniversityofAgriculturalSciences,75007Uppsala, Sweden.3DepartmentofFoodSafetyandInfectionBiology,Norwegian Theeffectofstress related totransportonviralshedding UniversityofLifeSciences,Ullevålsvegen72,0454Oslo,Norway. andinfectivity shouldalso be considered. In the present study, the virus that caused winter dys- Received:18February2016Accepted:3June2016 entery in adult cattle primarily gave respiratory disease in calves. 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Also considering the high prevalence worldwide, 2011;75:191–9. 4. MeeJF,GeraghtyT,O’NeillR,MoreSJ.Bioexclusionofdiseasesfromdairy BCoV is an important loss-inflicting factor in the cattle andbeeffarms:risksofintroducinginfectiousagentsandriskreduction industry. strategies.VetJ.2012;194:143–50.

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