VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Virus Research journal homepage: Altered pathogenicity of a tl/CH/LDT3/03 genotype infectious (cid:2) bronchitis coronavirus due to natural recombination in the 5 - 17kb region of the genome ZongxiHan,TingtingZhang,QianqianXu,MengyingGao,YuqiuChen,QiulingWang, YanZh ao,Yu haoShao ,Huixi nLi,Xian gang Kong,She ngw angLiu ∗ DivisionofAvianInfectiousDiseases,StateKeyLaboratoryofVeterinaryBiotechnology,HarbinVeterinaryResearchInstitute,TheChineseAcademyof AgriculturalSciences,Harbin150001,People’sRepublicofChina a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: Aninfectiousbronchitiscoronavirus,designatedasck/CH/LGX/130530,wasisolatedfromanIBVstrain Receiv ed8October2015 H1 20-vaccina tedchicken inthisstudy .Analysisof th eS1geneshowedtha tisol ateck/CH /LGX /13 053 0was R19ecNeoivveedm inb errev2i0s1e5d form a tl/CH/LDT3/03-l ike viru s, w ith a nucl eotide se qu en ce simil arity of 9 9%. Howev er, a complete geno mic sequenceanalysisshowedthatck/CH/LGX/130530wasmorecloselyrelatedtoaMassachusettstype Accepted19November2015 strain(95%similaritytostrainH120)thantothetl/CH/LDT3/03strain(86%),suggestingthatrecombina- Availableonline23November2015 tionmighthaveoccurredduringtheoriginofthevirus.ASimPlotanalysisofthecompletegenomic sequence confirmed this hypothesis, and it showed that isolate ck/CH/LGX/130530 emerged from a Keywords: recombinationeventbetweenparentalIBVH120strainandpathogenictl/CH/LDT3/03-likevirus.The Infectiousbronchitiscoronavirus Recombin ation results obtained from the pairwise comparison and nucleotide similarity showed that the recombination Serotype breakpointwaslocatedinthensp14geneatnucleotides17055–17083.InlinewiththehighS1gene Pathogenicity sequencesimilarity,theck/CH/LGX/130530isolatewasserotypicallyclosetothatofthetl/CH/LDT3/03 Vaccination-challengetest strain(73%antigenicrelatedness).Furthermore,vaccinationwiththeLDT3-Avaccine,whichwasderived fromthetl/CH/LDT3/03strainbyserialpassaginginchickeneggs,providedgoodprotectionagainst challengewiththetl/CH/LDT3/03strain,incontrasttothepoorprotectionofferedwiththeH120vac- cine.Interestingly,isolateck/CH/LGX/130530exhibitedlowpathogenicitytowardspecific-pathogen-free chickenscomparedwiththenephropathogenictl/CH/LDT3/03strain,whichwaslikelyduetonatural recombin ationinth e5(cid:2)1 7-kb regionofthegeno me.Ourresult salsoin dicate that there plica se geneof IBVisolateck/CH/LGX/130530isassociatedwithviralpathogenicity. ©2015ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction polyprotein by a −1 ribosomal frame-shifting mechanism. ORF1 encodes15non-structuralproteinsassociatedwithRNAreplication Infectiousbronchitisvirus(IBV),amemberoftheGammacoron- andtranscription.TheIBVgenomeencodesfourmajorstructural aviridae, order Nidovirales, is an important pathogen that infects proteins:thespike(S)glycoprotein,thesmallenvelope(E)protein, domestic chickens of all ages, causing an acute, highly conta- themembrane(M)glycoprotein,andthenucleocapsid(N)protein gious respiratory disease (Cavanagh and Gelb Jr., 2008). The IBV (CavanaghandGelb,2008).Inaddition,IBVhasothergenesthat genomecontainsasinglepositive-strandRNAmolecule,whichis encodeforproteinsinterspersedamongstructuralgenes,namely about 27 .6kb lon g and w hich has a cap at its 5(cid:2) end an d a po ly 3a,3b,5 a,a nd5b(B oursnelletal. ,1987). (A) ta il at i ts 3(cid:2) en d (B oursnel l et al ., 19 87 ). T he gen ome o f IBV Num er ous ser otypes hav e b ee n described for IBV thus far, as comprisestenopenreadingframes(ORFs),andthefirst20kbof frequentpointmutationsoccurintheS1domainoftheSgeneof the genome is made up of ORF1, which is a replicase gene. The thevirus.AnotherimportantfeatureofIBV,aswellasothercoro- replicase has two ORFs, 1a and 1b, and 1b is produced as a 1ab naviruses, is the high rate of homologous and non-homologous RNA–RNA recombination that has been demonstrated to occur among selected and unselected markers during the course of infection (Masters, 2006). RNA recombination in coronaviruses ∗ Correspondingauthor.Fax:+8645182733132. is thought to result from a copy-choice mechanism (Kirkegaard E-mailaddress: swliu@ hvri. (S. Liu). 0168-1702/©2015ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. Z.Hanetal./VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 141 andBaltimore,1986). In this scheme,the viralpolymerase,with PCR(RT-PCR)amplificationaspreviouslydescribed(LiuandKong, its nascent RNA strand intact, detaches from one template and 2004). resumeselongationattheidenticalposition,orasimilarposition, Inaddition,apathogenicIBVstrain,tl/CH/LDT3/03,andtwovac- onanothertemplate.Althoughstrongselectivepressuresareable cine strains, H120 and LDT3-A; the LDT3 was derived from the tocreatetheappearanceoflocalclusteringofrecombinationalhot tl/CH/LDT3/03strainbyserialpassaginginchickeneggs,wereused spots(Banneretal.,1990),thesitesofrecombinationareconsid- in the virus cross-neutralization and vaccination-challenge tests ered to be random (Banner and Lai, 1991). Because homologous in this study. The pathogenic strain tl/CH/LDT3/03 and vaccine recombinationcanoccurbetweengenomicandsubgenomicRNAs, strain LDT3-A were also used for complete genomic sequencing. withthelatterprovidingasourceofdonorandacceptortemplates Embryo-propagated viral stocks of these viruses were produced that beco mem orenume ro usasa fu nction of proximity tothe3(cid:2) byinoculatingthevi rusin toemb ryo nated SPFchic keneg gsviathe end ofthege nome, therateof rec o mbinatio nin creasesfro m the 5(cid:2) alla ntoiccavity ,an dthe infec tiousallantoic flui dwasco llect ed4 8h to3 (cid:2)en do fthecoro nav irus ge nome,(Masters ,2006). post-inoc ulation asp rev iouslydes cribed(L iuand Ko ng,2004). Th e Accumulating evidence suggests that recombination is an titersofthefourviruses,ck/CH/LGX/130530,tl/CH/LDT3/03,H120, inherent component in IBV evolution, and it is believed that andLDT3-A,weredeterminedbyinoculating10-folddilutionsinto recombination events can occur in the field under the following groupsoffive10-day-oldembryonatedchickeneggs.Themedian conditions:whenthereareextremelylargenumbersofchickens, embryoinfectiousdose(EID )wascalculatedusingthemethodof 50 especially when kept at high density; when the virus is easily ReedandMuench(1938). spread; and when there is a co-circulation of serotypes, includ- All experiments were conducted using standard procedures ingproofofco-infectionwithmorethanoneserotypeinagiven withtheformalapprovaloftheEthicalandAnimalWelfareCom- flock(Cavanagh,2007).Thecircumstantialevidenceforrecombi- mitteeofHarbinVeterinaryResearchInstitute,China. nation,derivedfromgenesequencecomparisons,hasshownthat therecombinationeventshadoccurredaverylongtimeago.How- 2.2. RNAextraction,geneamplification,andsequencing ever, it was shown that recombination in the S1 domain of the S protein of the IBV genome is a mechanism that leads to the GenomicRNAwasextractedfromvirus-infectedallantoicfluid emergence of new IBV strains, and it could be responsible for with the RNAiso Plus kit (TaKaRa, Shiga, Japan) according to the changes in viral pathogenicity and replication in a single gener- manu fact urer’s i nstru ctio ns and s tored at −80 ◦C until f urt her ation (Hewson et al., 2014). In general, it is difficult to ascertain use. Twenty overlapping primers (Zhang et al., 2015) were used whateffectrecombinationhasontheserotype,pathogenicity,vir- to amplify the genomes of the isolate ck/CH/LGX/130530, strain ulence,andtissuetropismofrecombinantstrainsusingonlygene tl/CH/LDT3/03andtheLDT3-Avaccinestrain.Allgenefragments sequenceanalyses.Serotypingandanimalstudies,pairedwithdif- wereamplifiedusingtheRT-PCRkit(TaKaRa)accordingtotheman- ferential analyses of genes, genomic sequencing, and phylogenetic ufactu rer’sinst ructio ns. The3(cid:2)/5 (cid:2)-t erminiof thethree IB Vst rains analyses,willbeessentialtoprovideinsightsintothealteredchar- weredeterminedaspreviouslydescribed(Zhangetal.,2015)using acteristics of recombinant IBV strains and their effect on poultry the3(cid:2) /5(cid:2)RACEkit( Ta KaRa)acco rdingtoth emanu fac tur er’sins truc- health. tions.TheRT-PCRproductsweresequenceddirectlyand/orcloned intothepMD18-Tvector(TaKaRa),andthreeindependentclones weresequencedforeachamplicon. 2. Materialsandmethods 2.1. Epidemiologicalbackgroundandvirusisolation 2.3. Sequenceanalysis An IBV strain, designated as ck/CH/LGX/130530, was isolated The assembly of contiguous sequences of ck/CH/LGX/130530, from tracheal swabs of diseased broilers suspected of having an tl/CH/LDT3/03 and LDT3-A was performed with GeneDoc soft- IBVinfectioninGuangxiprovince,China,in2013.Theflockinves- ware (Ammayappan and Vakharia, 2009). Both the S1 gene and tigatedinthisstudycontainedabout15,000broilers.One-day-old complete genomic sequences of IBV isolate ck/CH/LGX/130530 chickenswerevaccinatedagainstIBVwiththeliveattenuatedH120 were used for BLAST searching of the National Center for vaccine,and15-day-oldchickensboostedwithMa5livevaccines. BiotechnologyInformation(NCBI)database.Thetl/CH/LDT3/03and Some of the chickens showed early clinical signs, including list- partridge/GD/S1/42003strains,aswellastheLDT3-Avaccine,were lessness,huddling,andruffledfeathers,whentheywere20days usedasonegroupofparentalvirusesforsequencecomparisons. old. On day 25, some of the diseased chickens began to die, and In addition, Massachusetts type H120 and Mass 41 strains were grossexaminationsshowedmildtoseveretracheitis,nephritis,and selectedandusedasanothergroupofparentalvirusesforsequence proventriculitis.Themorbidityratewasabout7%,andthemortality comparisons.Similarityandbreakpointanalysesofthecomplete ratewas3%.Theclinicalsignsofthechickenstendedtodisappear genomicsequenceofck/CH/LGX/130530werealignedwiththose graduallyafteraboutday35. oftl/CH/LDT3/03,LDT3-A,partridge/GD/S1/42003,H120,andMass Tracheal swabs were collected from 30 chickens in the dis- 41,andthemultiplealignmentresultswereintroducedintoSim- eased flock on day 23 a nd centri fuged at 6000×g for 10 min. Plo tver sion 3.5.1toid entifylike lyrecom bina tionbreakpo ints (Lole Thesupernatantswerepooledandinoculatedintofive9-day-old etal.,1999).SimPlotanalyseswereperformedusinga1000bpwin- embryonated specific-pathogen-free (SPF) eggs via the allantoic dowwitha100bpstep.IBVstrainMass41wasusedasthequery cavity(0.2mlperegg).Theeggswerecandleddaily,andembryos strain.Toconfirmregionsinwhichrecombinationeventsoccurred deathsthatoccurredwithin24hofinoculationwereconsidered in the genome of the ck/CH/LGX/130530 isolate, pairwise com- to be non-specific. Allantoic fluids were collected at 96h post- parisonsofthecompletegenomicsequenceofck/CH/LGX/130530 inoculation, pooled together, and clarified by centrifugation at wereperformedwiththoseoftl/CH/LDT3/03,LDT3-A,H120,and 3000×g for 5min. The clear supe rnatant was used for furth er M41, andthenuc leotid esim ilar itiesofthediffe rentcorr espon ding passaging.Thesampleswereblindpassagedfourtimes,andchar- genefragmentswerecalculated.Inaddition,pairwisecomparisons acteristic I BV lesions, s uch as dw arfing, st untin g, or curli ng of ofthe sequence ofth e3(cid:2)7.0kbr eg ionofck/ CH/LGX/1 30530were embryos,wereobservedatthefourthpassagelevel.Allantoicfluids performed with those of partridge/GD/S1/42003, tl/CH/LDT3/03, oftheinoculatedembryoswerecollectedforreversetranscription- andLDT3-Atoelucidatewhetherthetl/CH/LDT3/03-likesequence 142 Z.Hanetal./VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 of isolate ck/CH/LGX/130530 was derived from the pathogenic Birds in groups 3 and 4 were challenged with 1×105 EID of 50 tl/CH/LDT3/03orattenuatedLDT3-Avaccinestrains. pathogenictl/CH/LDT3/03(Liuetal.,2005).Birdsingroup6were mock-inoculatedwithsterileallantoicfluidandservedastheneg- 2.4. Confirmationoftherecombinationinthenaturalcondition ativecontrol.Trachealswabsandbloodsampleswerecollectedon days 4, 8, 12, and 16 post-challenge from all birds. The tracheal In order to confirm the predictive recombination event that swabswereusedforvirusre-isolation,andthebloodsampleswere occurred in the genomes of the ck/CH/LGX/130530 had a nat- usedtoexamineantibodiesagainstIBV. ural origin, and was not a methodological artifact originated during the inoculation in eggs, five of the 30 tracheal swabs 2.9. Virusre-isolationandantibodydetection which were used for virus isolation were selected and used for damenptlliyficwaittihonp roifm theres sRweict5ch(cid:2) (s5i(cid:2)t-eG aTnGdG TflAanTAkiTnTgG sGeTqTuGeTnCceAsT GinCdGeCp-e3n(cid:2)-) The tracheal swabs were centrifuged individually at 6000 × g andRe c3(cid:2)(5 (cid:2)-CAACA AGCCCTTCCGGTGTAAC-3(cid:2)).Oneoftheampli- for 10 min, and each of the supernatant samples was inoculated intotwotofive9-day-oldSPFembryonatedeggsviatheallantoic conwassequenceddirectly. cavity(0.2mlperegg).Theeggswerecandleddailyuntil7days post-inoculationandthenexaminedforcharacteristicIBVlesions, 2.5. GenBankaccessionnumbers suchasdwarfing,stunting,orcurlingofembryos.Allantoicfluid from two of the inoculated embryos was collected, pooled, and The complete genomic sequences of IBV isolate used for RT-PCR amplification as previously described (Liu and ck/CH/LGX/130530, strain tl/CH/LDT3/03 and the LDT3-A vac- Kong,2004).Apositivesamplewasrecordedifspecificlesionswere cine strain were deposited into GenBank (accession numbers observed and the RT-PCR amplification was positive. Sera were KP343691,KT852992andKR608272,respectively). examinedforantibodiesagainstIBVusingacommercialenzyme- linkedimmunosorbentassay(ELISA)kit(IDEXX,Portland,ME,USA) 2.6. Viruscross-neutralizationtests accordingtothemanufacturer’sinstructions. Virus neutralization tests were performed using anti-sera 3. Results against strains ck/CH/LGX/130530, tl/CH/LDT3/03, and H120 to determinetheirantigenicrelationship.Forserotyping,reciprocal (cid:2) virus ne utrali zation tes ts were perfo rme d using con stant (102 3.1. MolecularcharacteristicsoftheIBVck/CH/LGX/130530 isolate,tl/CH/LDT3/03strainandtheLDT3-Avaccine EID ) viral titers and diluted serum against ck/CH/LGX/130530, 50 tl/CH/LDT3/03,orH120inSPFchickenembryos.Theend-pointof Each of the sequences of the IBV isolate ck/CH/LGX/130530, eachserumsamplewascalculatedusingthemethodsofReedand straintl/CH/LDT3/03andtheLDT3-Avaccinewereassembledinto Muench(1938).Cross-reactivityRvalueswerecalculatedaccording acompletegenome.Thesizeoftheck/CH/LGX/130530andLDT3-A totheformulapublishedbyArchettandHorsfall(1950). genomeswere27,613,27,670and27,687nucleotides,respectively, excluding thep oly-Ata ilatthe 3(cid:2)e ndsoft hegenomes. Thegenome 2.7. Pathogenicityto1-day-oldSPFchickens organizationandarrangementofthethreeIBVstrainsareinthe orderof:5(cid:2) u ntra nslatedregion (U TR ),open rea dingfr ame 1a /1b Three groups of 10 1-day-old SPF layer chickens were placed (ORF1 a/1 b),S,ORF3,M,O RF5,N, and3(cid:2) UTR. inseparateisolators.Birdsingroups1and2werechallengedby in traocular/ intranasa lroute a tone-d ay -old w ith10 5 EID oft he The results of the BLAST search showed that the S1 gene 50 of isolate ck/CH/LGX/130530 was closely related to two strains, isolateck/CH/LGX/130530andstraintl/CH/LDT3/03,respectively. tl/CH/LDT3/03andpartridge/GD/S1/42003(99%similarity),which Birds in group 3 were mock inoculated with the same volume were both isolated in Guangdong province, China, in 2003. This ofsterileallantoicfluid.Bloodsampleswerecollectedondays4, result indicated that the IBV ck/CH/LGX/130530 isolate has a 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 post-challenge from all birds. Chicks were tl/CH/LDT3/03genotype.Incontrast,theS1geneofthisisolatehad monitoreddailyforclinicalsigns,suchastrachealrales,nasaldis- lessthan85%similaritytothatoftheH120vaccinestrain.Interest- charge,wateryeye,andwheezing.Theclinicalsignsfromallthe ingly,theresultsoftheBLASTsearchusingthecompletegenomic birdswerecountedbythreepeopleovera2-minperiod.Morbidity sequenceshowedthatck/CH/LGX/130530wascloselyrelatedtoa andmortalitywererecordeddailyfor24daysfollowingIBVchal- Massachusettstypestrain(95%similaritytoH120strain);however, lenge.Grosslesionswerealsocarefullyexaminedandrecordedfor it showed less than 86% nucleotide similarity to Massachusetts thedeadchickens.Thekidneysofthedeadchickensinfectedwith H120,indicatingthatarecombinationeventlikelyoccurredinthe IBVstraintl/CH/LDT3/03weresubjectedtoimmunohistochemistry genomeoftheck/CH/LGX/130530isolate. (IHC)forthedetectionofIBVantigenusingmonoclonalantibody 6D10(Hanetal.,2013)directedagainstthenucleoproteinaspre- viouslydescribed(deWitetal.,2011a,b;Xuetal.,2015). 3.2. ThegenomicsequenceoftheIBVck/CH/LGX/130530isolateis mosaic 2.8. ProtectionprovidedbyvaccinationofH120andLDT3-A againstchallengeofisolateck/CH/LGX/130530 Toidentifytherecombinationeventsthatpossiblyoccurredin thegenomeoftheIBVck/CH/LGX/130530isolate,similarityplots Sixty one-day-old SPF chickens were divided into six groups. wereperformedusingstrainsH120,tl/CH/LDT3/03I,LDT3-A,and One-day -old birds in gro ups 1 and 3 w ere vacc inate d w ith 104 partri dge/GD/S14 /2003 asrepr esenta tivesofthetwo maingro ups EID oftheH120vaccineviatheintranasalroute.Birdsingroup2 ofIBVs,whiletheM41strainservedasaquery.Asillustratedin 50 werevaccinatedwiththesamedoseoftheLDT3-Avaccine.Birds Fig.1A,asimilarityplotidentifiedacrossovereventinthensp14of ingroups4,5,and6weremockinoculatedwiththesamevolume Gene1region. ofsterileallantoicfluid.Bloodsampleswerecollectedon4,8,12, Toobtainthepreciseregionsofthepossiblecrossoverpoints 16,and20daysofagefrombirdsinallgroups.At20daysofage, involved in the recombination events, the genomic sequence of bird sin gro ups 1, 2,an d5w erec ha llen gedwit h1 × 105 E ID of the ck/CH /L GX/ 130530 isolate was car eful ly pairwis e compar ed 50 theck/CH/LGX/130530isolateviatheintraocular/intranasalroute. withthoseoftheH120,M41,tl/CH/LDT3/03andLDT3-Aviruses.As Z.Hanetal./VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 143 Fig.1. RecombinationanalysisoftheIBVck/CH/LGX/130530isolate.SimilarityplotusingMass41asthequerysequence(A).Thedottedlinesshowthededucedrecombination breakpoints.Thehollowarrowsshowthedifferentfragmentsandtheircolorsarethesameasthoseoftheparentalviruses.Thenumbersshowthenucleotidepositions ofthecorrespondingfragmentsinthegenomeoftheck/CH/LGX/130530isolate.Multiplesequencealignmentofthepredictedbreakpointandflankingsequencesamong IBVMass41,H120,ck/CH/LGX/130530,tl/CH/LDT3/03andLDT3-Astrains(B).Thenumbersontherightofeachalignmentshowthenucleotidepositionsinthegenomeof eachvirus.Thesequencesofck/CH/LGX/130530arelisted,andonlythenucleotidesdifferingfromthoseofck/CH/LGX/130530aredepicted.Theregionwherethetemplate switches(breakpoint)havetakenplaceisunderlined.Thedeletednucleotidesareindicatedbya-.GenBankaccessionnumbersareinbold.TheGenBankaccessionnumbers areMass41(AY851295),H120(FJ888351),andpartridge/GD/S14/2003(AY646283).PercentagesofnucleotidesequenceidentityamongMass41,H120,ck/CH/LGX/130530, tl/CH/LDT3/03andLDT3-Astrains(C).Thepercentagesofnucleotidesequenceidentityofthecorrespondinggenefragmentsareindicated. 144 Z.Hanetal./VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 bTsoacesfttwgto1tsfioihlhhetl vehufe6v/onora rqooCoent eercan ssaOIwmssvu nwHe kine ,rtleewnp iue td/ueole /rufn aCysrnoLrrusbaceroitde atHDufaicatniaesfhnrd dngae ltt lttT/ eliIt h iei mrisw LtysrtBc3tsltoFe dhehGeaohi t V/iienesroc igteelng0epiXeuvena elsnn a .3 ei3ac/e n tldtLps,tr 11twat i ot(cid:2)s htdos DoshahpBsr73 hmtt esliintlweToora.0a,ntryuh 0 a hb3egtt ang5gw ipdo heitikie te- es3 nnnhnpgtecr Aoeb pnnoh0ce hdmeaoourgt1 iokfr cenhnesci rsce w4etcoo/ms tt e ilatnMhCpp gareicemgn antvaieetiHao dooeessc4oe iit btst ttfin f nr/ln1odththmir iLai/uhevd tlnaf t CoGens/s(is t eheeotoCavTgtHe th dXe L terrthtfeaHsqeaah /d aDrie/ ii benfLflouta1sf/miHa oT oDnlLsinoaec3ttecrc13Dirih. hnln Te0km t el abI2-1aRtehTekc3mn5/mAtlr0rCeai) 3iTae//3 elcni ,c 0CelsHeat / -vta0ck ovsg,0 snP3iHrra kk/e/ cuwan g 3C tLcC(//ptksscigatetF-cCGLRoaoH ec/rhougndiiDHC ab aqnXginie/asetd nnnsHsTL.fueh/i/e ms r te nLG1td3wd2et.a/,ot G giL3p/nh (XotBMnmHsrh0n G 0Xltfcet)e/ogii3 1ht.ra15e Xtfi /cs f a a h21seLTs 33uth1c/s itsh D03e1ra00canlt7 hawhetr a-0k3ot5T 2,,secaacl0 itie5r0e33 i1ho sr oid(5krnpr3n5toa-0 Fnuem mee5hbAa 0t3 li sst agah–i(ite. v0bpeuosssF htn.I1eevioa tiegontis1rondrrn7tagaml ehnu es Cagaca , .wtut0t- adsogticed)et2hhloeesr8.iieniini dAooennaeeksn a3rliiir.nnn)ddygeeecsss-)., CH/LDT3/03,andLDT3-Avaccinestrains. 9425039253082560125727261102644526742 5a5bN 51911050176191509806 CCCCCCC CCCCCCC CCTCCCT TTTTTTT DT3/03,andLDT3-Avaccinestrains.Ofthe21mutations,16werethe andtheck/CH/LGX/130530isolate.Nucleotidepositionscorrespondto 3tl./3C.H I/sL oDlaTt3e/ 0c3k/C H/LGX/1305 30 has the same sero type as hogenictl/ 587249 474 T T A A nictl/CH/L 3-Astrain Theck/CH/LGX/130530isolatewasserologicallycharacterized 03,pat 624 M 67 C C C T athogeneLDT twAh irwtehea tshs t eur sapeirndes)d. itEcont eddd-e pptoeairrnmetnsitnawel evtrihereuc saaelnsc tuHigl1ae2tne 0id ca bnrydel ttahlt/eiCoHRne/sLehD dipTa 3na/dm03Mo (nuLgDe nTthc3he- D/S14/20 62443 214 C C C A 4/2003,p thevacci 3(tstS(T1hheP.4a9reeF.ob 3 ccctl8Ikhkye s)/i p/o cC2CmlekaH)H e.tae /ne/IsLtnL sh cGGt koch XX/odeC//n .11H LtS3D3r/eL0a0TrGs55u3tX33-m, /0A0t1h i3asises tg0o ora5clalaki3aint/n0teCse, t e H aw xitns/hhiL dtideGhb v i iXHsatitcs/n1i1 enl 2o R3vc0w0 tev l5sr yapst3l raaur0 at,ee hiwiln saoo ohtg fde 7ie tc n3io inh ot. ydsatt sitnrc oatae whituneeat drrHsad at1lhmi2za0eet 0530withthoseofpartridge/G 50823743238482434 E 1833633469124 TGG TGG TGG CTT withthoseofPartridge/GD/S1 vemutationswerethesamein measthoseshowninFig.1. f3bcabwcmicsicvltcicataSenndohhihhkikknnega.eiol5sirer ooe///arciaatdyttTid n.cCCCnTAuwr hcsh oill avan7slle HHHeotitmol neTieen beileil,s n aotfr h finn///ddstenleL hoosu LLLfu eeeaegge(nthstDIi fbGGGesn Bthgendtaee H ba3 vTdte3XXXoenVrdedd ydhitcr,1i3r ip fr s /// h o8edkawm es c2ocd-111wI1 h-uet nBn/h Ahh0na333s0rinCciri sioVdssiti aa nnli000th covH cdvhytott vhdisIed555krika7itn ai Hl /acs sa ea 3e333ccei Lcs(tbs1)kctdtCidctoTnh cn 000G rhnscecme6ioia inaase ,os bnkioX enInps ityun bi B vdrans/ee(nhwlonsa/aIsCte/alFoeiVa Bt1 of e ttC dnsHttwi vral yooaeh3V g cwtleaopHltafp/s/tbdfh3yo0le.e dtteLeC ci /eocese 3 )eg5dae1nscG Lcgc4H,keds,r Befn o3 0wtiD incrX i t/rcr hn/ina)cnto 0m oCeova4vLe/Tai,iSotahi1u firntnvtHeDe s3lw caPtiwh ai3 ppdenltl4dpice/ssnT/Fydltr 0i0 hLe oeri ed lty3 dow.ctg ie5oG3dc hcdv8acl nh,/el Wnan3 w9vthl lpa0et Xa letgiailtise0g listrvndo3deisdei /ecrsc hn e t e1na aiaoa.eH pnc ktsiah c.e wdlnnhy31y gnouhoeenyHas1 I iss0 de-eemnduponpcsel.td2 od c d i5ai i h fwk.rhsIs tt0tmbpchpfiwanfe n3 ilihiirwot go/cocyeicdva 0ooCeoeeccvnshikndd-nseniep tkrrvHroeoattetasi i y en toecaf-esherenocl tn/laoiyoctdahobLnltrhscn nbtsl ehhrts,fDs lpr ivaise Ss gl ann ttwaoa(ai /vlroinTe Py ,ntlFoCgesHonil ngif3ereieaF nlitr ue tHneevae gn1/.,tr luceIoc wd 0slnfpneheBe./oA2goc sth c 3 L3 ct hig e-teeen 0nwusschiDrdilalAe rrcr, eo ilit el kseniieno wyek iTka)rrnltc-tt i.tod w lreoit3ei chridhoFuiecs espl a ntch/L nduaa ,nicsodh0fi ooiitgsDiwtllteinrselhc 3 ln ssvergrastwoyTe swkie aoh hdeivbrttal.sn3gettai eoua iiee iNi nohec-gvnnrtsriootsprrAhnhndddoeeeeeesss--ff. Table1 (cid:2)comparisonsofnucleotidesequencesofthe37.0-kbregionofIBVisolateck/CH/LGX/13Pairwise StrainGenomeposition 2043720741213652164122953230342312823 S 57361985126125732654274831 Partridge/GD/S14/2003TGCGCCTC tl/CH/LDT3/03TGCGCCTC TTCGCTTCck/CH/LGX/130530 ATTTTTCTLDT3-A (cid:2)comparedthenucleotidesequencesofthe37.0-kbregionofIBVisolateck/CH/LGX/130530We inthepathogenictl/CH/LDT3/03andck/CH/LGX/130530strain(ingray);incontrast,onlyfisame inthesequenceoftheIBVLDT3-Avaccinegenome.GenBankaccessionnumbersarethesathose Z.Hanetal./VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 145 Fig.2. Identificationoftherecombinationfromthecollectedtrachealswabsamplesofthechickensshowingclinicalsigns.Fiveoutof30trachealswabsampleswere iden tifi eddirectlyby RT -PC Rindividuallyu singp rim ersRec5(cid:2) andRec3 (cid:2),and 3weres ho wn tobepos itive(Sam ples1, 2and 4)(A ).Th e PCR product ionof sample1 was sequenceddirectlyandswitchsite(inblack)andflankingsequenceswereshown(B).Thesequencesofsample1werecomparedwiththoseofH120andtl/CH/LDT3/03strains. Thesequencesofsample1arelisted,andonlythenucleotidesdifferingfromthoseofck/CH/LGX/130530aredepicted.Thepredictiveswitchsiteandflankingsequences weresameasthoseofIBVisolateck/CH/LGX/130530. Table2 Titers wereobtainedusingreciprocalˇvirusneutralizationtests(dilutedserum,constantvirusdoses). Virus Serum ck/CH/LGX/130530 tl/CH/LDT3/03 H120 ck/CH/LGX/130530 337.8 181 <2 tl/CH/LDT3/03 181 181 <2 H120 <2 <2 147 Table3 Pathogenicityto1-day-oldSPFchickens. Group Morbidity Mortality Antibodyresponsea 4db 8d 12d 16d 20d 24d ck/CH/LGX/130530 3/10 0/10 0/10 1/10 4/10 9/10 10/10 10/10 tl/CH/LDT3/03 10/10 7/10 0/10 4/6 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 Negativecontrol 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 a Numberthatseroconverted/numberinoculated. b Daysafte rch allenge. Table4 Resultsofthevaccination-challengetests. Groupa Vaccinationstrain Challengestrain Morbidity Mortality Antibodyresponseb Virusrecoveryc Vaccinated Challenged 4dd 8d 12d 16d 4d 8d 12d 16d 20d 4d 8d 12d 16d 20d 1 H120 ck/CH/LGX/130530 0/10 0/10 0/10 1/10 6/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 9/10 5/10 2/10 0/10 2 LDT3-A ck/CH/LGX/130530 0/10 0/10 0/10 1/10 5/10 9/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 1/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 3 H120 tl/CH/LDT3/03 10/10 2/10 0/10 1/10 5/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 10/10 8/8 1/8 0/8 4 – tl/CH/LDT3/03 10/10 3/10 – – – – – 0/10 7/7 7/7 7/7 7/7 10/10 7/7 0/7 0/7 5 – ck/CH/LGX/130530 2/10 0/10 – – – – – 0/10 9/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10 3/10 0/10 6 – – 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 a One-day-oldbirdsingroups1and3werevaccinatedwith104EID50oftheH120vaccine,whilebirdsingroup2werevaccinatedwiththeLDT3-Avaccine.Twenty-day-old birds in groups 1 , 2, an d 5 were c h allen g ed wi th 105EID5 0of th e ck/CH/LGX /13 0530 isolate, w hile b irds i n g roups 3 and 4 were chall enge d w ith the IB V isolat e tl/CH/LDT3/03. Birdsingroup6werenotexposedtoanyvirusesandservedasnegativecontrols. b N um berth a tsero conv erted/nu m beri noculat ed. c Twopro cedu reswereusedforvirus recoveryafterchallenge,asdescribedpreviously(Zhangetal.,2015).First,embryosthatwereinoculatedwithindividualnasopha- ryngeals wabsample swer eobs erv edfor lesions.S econ d,RT-PCRu si ngapairo foligonucle otidep rim er s,N(−) andN (+),wasc ond ucted onRNArec overe dfromthe allantoic fluidofthesameeggs.Theresultsfromthetwoprocedureswereidentical.Numbersindicatethenumberofbirdsthatwerepositiveforvirusrecovery/numberchallenged. d D ay saf terch alleng e. 146 Z.Hanetal./VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 Fig.3. Pathogenicityoftheisolateck/CH/LGX/130530toSPFchickens.ThekidneyofSPFchickenwhichwasmockinoculatedwithsterileallantoicfluid(A).Therenal lesionsofthekidneycausedbyinoculationwithisolateck/CH/LGX/130530(B).Kidneysareswollen,tubulesanduretersaredistended,anduricacidcrystalsarepresent. RepresentationofthetypeofimmunohistochemicalstainingofIBVseeninthekidneysofchickensmockedinoculatedwithsterileallantoicfluid(C)andinfectedchickens (D).Imageswer et ake nat5 0× magnification. fromtherespiratorytractat4daysafterck/CH/LGX/130530chal- natedfrommultiplerecombinationeventsbetweenConnecticut, lenge,andallbirdswerenegativethereafter(Table4).Thechallenge Massachusetts,andArkansasvaccines(MondalandCardona,2007). viruswasdetectedinallbirdsatdays4and8post-challengewith InthecourseofourcontinuoussurveillanceofIBVinChina,several theck/CH/LGX/130530isolate. naturalrecombinantIBVstrainshavebeenisolatedandidentified. ToevaluatetheabilityoftheH120vaccinetoprotectagainst These IBV strains were shown to have originated from recombi- tl/CH/LDT3/03, ten H120-vaccinated chickens were challenged nationeventsbetweenfieldandvaccinestrains,differenttypesof withtheIBVstraintl/CH/LDT3/03.Theresultsdemonstratedthat vaccinestrains,ordifferenttypesoffieldstrains(Liuetal.,2013a,b; all of the chickens developed clinical signs and that two chick- Liuetal.,2014;Zhangetal.,2015).Someoftherecombinantstrains ensdiedat5and6dayspost-challenge.Meanwhile,allchickens were shown to have undergone multiple recombination events were positive for virus re-isolation 4 and 8 days post-challenge, (Liu et al., 2013b; Liu et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2015). In addi- suggesting that H120 vaccination could not provide protection tion,otherreportsinChinaalsoconfirmedourresults(Zhaoetal., againsttheIBVstraintl/CH/LDT3/03.Inaccordancewithourpre- 2013;Fengetal.,2014;Zhouetal.,2014),indicatingthatrecom- vious results (Liu et al., 2005), the IBV strain tl/CH/LDT3/03 was binationplayedanimportantroleinthecourseofIBVevolution highlypathogenictoSPFchickens,asitresultedin100%morbidity in China. In this study, we isolated and identified an IBV isolate, and30%mortality(Table4).Incontrast,onlyasmallproportionof ck/CH/LGX/130530, that likely originated from a recombination chickens (20%) developed mild clinical signs at about 4–10 days eventbetweenaMassachusetts-typeH120-likestrainandafield after ck/CH/LGX/130530 challenge. All challenged chickens sur- tl/CH/LDT3/03-likestrain,asshownbySimPlotanalyses,pairwise vivedthroughtheentireobservationperiodof25days.Noneofthe comparisons,andsimilaritycomparisonsusingcorrespondinggene chickschallengedwiththeck/CH/LGX/130530isolateshowedsero- fragments. conversionat4dayspost-challenge,butantibodiesweredetected Thetl/CH/LDT3/03strainwasfirstisolatedin2003inGuang- byELISAinnearlyallofthebirdsafter8dayspost-challenge. dong province, China (Liu et al., 2005), which was close to Guangxi province where ck/CH/LGX/130530 was isolated. The 4. Discussion tl/CH/LDT3/03-likeviruseswerealsoisolatedandshowntobeone ofthemajortypeso fviruses circu latin ginH12 0-va ccinate dc hic ken Recombination events between different strains of IBV could flocks in southern China, including Guangxi province, in recent resultintheemerg enceof severaln ovelstrai ns,and the det ection years (Lu oetal.,2 012;Fe ngetal.,2 014).The company at which ofsom en ove lstrainsha sc ausedco nside rableco ncer n.It hadbeen ck/CH /LGX /13 053 0was isola ted ha dmore tha na20-yea rh istory re ported thatt heCan adia nQum vstrainorigi natedfro m are com- ofchickenbreeding ,and ithadu sed theH1 20va c cineagai nstIBV bination even tbe tweenM assa chu settsa ndArkans as-lik e strains fo rmoreth an15yea rs.I th asb eens how edth attheH1 20vacc ine (Smati e t al., 2 002). Cal ifornia 99-like virus es presumably origi- stra in ma y pe rsis t in va ri ous intern al organ s of chi ckens for 163 Z.Hanetal./VirusResearch213(2016)140–148 147 daysorlonger(CavanaghandGelb,2008).Therefore,recombina- waspreviouslydemonstratedthattheaccessoryproteingenesof tioneventsbetweentheH120vaccineandfieldstrainsmayleadto IBVcontributedtovirulence(Shenetal.,2003;Younetal.,2005). thecreationofanewvirus,suchastheck/CH/LGX/130530isolated However,replacingthecompletereplicasegeneofthepathogenic inthepresentstudy,althoughwecannotexcludethepossibility IBVM41strainwiththatofanon-pathogenicBeaudette-derived thatthisisolatewasintroducedfromotherregions.However,previ- gene demonstrated that the IBV replicase gene is a determinant ousstudiesshowedthatthevirusesoftl/CH/LDT3/03genotypehad ofpathogenicity(Armestoetal.,2009).Thiswasalsoobservedin beenisolatedinthechickenflocksofthecompany(Lietal.,2012, anothercoronavirus,whichledtothebeliefthatchangeswithin 2013)althoughitwasnottheflockinwhichck/CH/LGX/130530 thereplicasegene,especiallytheRNA-dependentRNApolymerase hadbeenisolated,implicatingthatrecombinationeventhadbeen thatconstitutesthecoreofviralreplicases,canchangethereplicase likely occurred in this company. The results showed that H120- fidelity,asinthevastmajorityofcases,thealterationsinreplica- likesequencesinthegenomeoftheck/CH/LGX/130530isolatehad tionfidelitydecreasedviralfitnessandattenuatedvirulence(Smith lessthan99.8%similaritytothoseoftheH120vaccine,andsimi- etal.,2014,2015).Ourresultsconfirmedthatthereplicasegene larly,thetl/CH/LDT3/03-likesequencesoftheck/CH/LGX/130530 wasassociatedwithviralpathogenicityalthoughthisobservation isolate had about 99.7% similarity to those of the tl/CH/LDT3/03 for the ck/CH/LGX/130530 isolate needs to be verified by future strain.Theseresultsimplythattherehasbeenarecentrecombina- reversegeneticandanimalstudies. tionevent,causingnearhomogenizationofcertaingenomicregions betweentwohighlydivergedviruses.Moreover,theoccurrenceof Acknowledgements sucheventssuggestsanimportantroleforrecombinationbetween apathogenicfieldIBVstrainandthevaccinestrain. ThisworkwassupportedbygrantsfromtheChinaAgriculture If the ex tensi ve use o f th e H 120 va ccine in nearly all Researc hSyst erm (No.CARS- 41- K12),N ation al“T welfth Five-Year” chick en fl ocks in Ch ina cou ld pr ovide g ood pro tect ion aga inst PlanforS cience& Tech nologySuppor t(2015BA D12B03 ),andSpe- tl/CH/LD T3/03 ch allenge , this would se rve a s evidence against cial Fun d for Ag ro -scientific R esearch in the Public Inte rest (No. the aforement ioned conc lusio n that the ck /CH /LGX/1305 30 iso- 201 30303 3). lateoriginatedfromarecombinationeventbetweenH120-likeand tl/CH/LDT3/03-likeviruses,astherewouldbeonlyasmallchance References ofco-infectionwithtwodifferentserotypevirusesinagivenflock, whichisbelievedtobeanimportantprerequisiteforrecombina- Ammayappan,A.,Vakharia,V.N.,2009.Completenucleotideanalysisofthe tionbe tw eenIBVs tra ins in thefield(Ca vanagh,2007 ).H owever,we structuralg en omeofth einfe ctious bronchitis virusstrai nMd27 rev ealsits foun d that th e tl/ CH/LDT 3/ 03 chall enge virus c ould b e re-isola ted Archmetots,aI.i,cH noar tsufraell., VFi.rLu .,s1e 9s5 10, .1P1e6r6si–s1ta1n7 t7a.ntigenic variat ionof influe nzaAvi ruses from 100% of the H120-vaccinated SPF chickens at 4 and 8 days after c ompleten eut ralizat ionwithh eterologo usimmun es erum.J.E xp .Med. post- challe ng e,in dicatingthatthetl /CH/ LDT3/03v iru s coul dr epli- 92,4 41–458. cate and be she d via the orop har ynx from the H120 -vacci nated Armest o,M.,Cavanagh,D.,Britton,P.,2009.Thereplicasegeneofavian coron avir usinfectio us bronchit is virusi sad etermina ntofp at hogenicity.PLoS csihbilcekethnast aat tlle/aCsHt /LeDigTh3t/ 0d3a-ylsik aeftveirr uisnfaencdtiothne. 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