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2016-2018 MSMU Catalog PDF

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Preview 2016-2018 MSMU Catalog

Catalog 2016 - 2018 MOUNT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY CATALOG 2016-2018| 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Mount Saint Mary’s University Catalog 2016-2018 ......................................................................................................................................... 2 The University ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 General Information .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Academic Policies and Procedures .................................................................................................................................................................. 26 Courses of Instruction ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 75 Courses .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 238 Trustees and Administration .......................................................................................................................................................................... 404 Faculty................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 408 Agencies/Affiliates ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 414 2| MOUNT SAINT MARY'S UNIVERSITY 2016-2018 CATALOG Mount Saint Mary’s University Catalog 2016-2018 committed to providing an environment that is free from This catalog is published to aid the student in making decisions harassment, discrimination and retaliation on the basis of leading to the accomplishment of academic goals. Each these protected characteristics, and any other characteristic student is responsible for becoming acquainted with academic protected by federal, state or local law, ordinance or requirements. The rules and regulations stated herein are for regulation. To this end, the University strictly prohibits all information only and in no way constitute a contract between forms of unlawful harassment (including sexual harassment the student and Mount Saint Mary’s University. The University and sexual violence), discrimination or retaliation in any form. reserves the right to make program changes, policy revisions, Anyone who violates this policy of zero tolerance is subject to and fee adjustments at any time and without prior notice. appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including immediate Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the termination or dismissal. information contained in this catalog. The student should consult the appropriate departments, offices or the published Unlawful Discrimination Defined Schedule of Classes for current information. Unlawful discrimination occurs when an individual’s Accreditation Agencies protected characteristic is used as a basis for adverse decisions affecting that individual. Prohibited discrimination includes, but is not limited to sexual harassment and sexual Chartered by the State of California in 1925, Mount Saint violence. Discrimination encompasses a wide range of Mary’s University is accredited by: conduct. Examples of specifically prohibited conduct include, but are not limited to: • The Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and • Terminating an individual’s employment based on a Colleges, 985 Atlantic Ave., Suite 100, Alameda, protected characteristic; California, 94501, (510)748-9001 • Refusing a request for time off based on a protected California Commission on Teacher Credentialing characteristic; The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) • Denying housing or other benefits based on a protected characteristic; and Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) • Assigning an undeserved low grade based on a protected characteristic. Information regarding these accreditation agencies is located in the Office of the President, 12001 Chalon Road, Los Unlawful Harassment Defined Angeles, California, 90049 Unlawful harassment includes all forms of unwelcome verbal, Policy of Zero Tolerance for physical and visual conduct and displays that are based on any of the above mentioned protected characteristics and which Harassment, Discrimination and interfere with performance and/or create an offensive or hostile environment. Harassment can take many Retaliation/Compliance with Title forms. Following are some examples that may constitute IX harassment: • Verbal harassment such as jokes, epithets, slurs and Federal law and state law, including Title IX of the Civil Rights unwelcome remarks about an individual’s body, dress, Act of 1972, prohibit the University from discriminating clothing, race, physical appearance or abilities, derogatory against students or employees on the basis of protected comments, discussions of a sexual nature and/or harassing characteristics, including, but not limited to: sex, sexual remarks; orientation or preference, gender, gender identity, race, color, religion, national origin, creed, citizenship status, ancestry, age, • Physical harassment such as physical interference with marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical normal activity, impeding or blocking movement, assault, conditions, medical conditions including genetic unwelcome physical contact or touching, staring at a characteristics, mental or physical disability, and veteran status. person’s body, and threatening, intimidating or hostile acts Mount Saint Mary’s University is concerned about the safety that relate to a protected characteristic; and and well-being of its employees and students, and is MOUNT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY CATALOG 2016-2018| 3 • Visual harassment such as offensive or obscene e-mails, • Spreading sexual rumors or rating other students as to instant messaging, web blogs, photographs, calendars, sexual activity or performance; or posters, cards, cartoons, drawings and gestures, displays with sexually suggestive or lewd objects, unwelcome letters • Physical conduct such as assault, touching, or blocking or notes or any other graphic material that denigrates or normal movement. shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because The conduct can occur in any school program or activity and of the individual’s protected characteristics. can take place in classrooms, school facilities, dorms, or at off- The conduct can occur in any school program or activity and campus locations. can take place in classrooms, school facilities, dorms, or at off- Zero Tolerance campus locations. The University strictly prohibits all forms of unlawful Sexual Harassment Defined harassment (including sexual harassment and sexual violence), Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual advances, requests for discrimination or retaliation in any form. Anyone who sexual favors, or visual, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual violates this policy of zero tolerance is subject to appropriate nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is made a term disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination or condition of employment or the educational relationship; or dismissal. (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis Complaint Procedure and Investigations for employment or education decisions affecting the individual; or (3) such conduct has the effect of unreasonably It is the responsibility of each individual to assure that interfering with a student’s right to receive an education free prohibited harassment, discrimination or retaliation does not from discrimination, unreasonably interfering with a student’s occur within the University community. If anyone believes that academic performance or an employee’s work performance, he/she is being harassed, discriminated or retaliated against, that and creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, individual shall immediately report the facts of the incident(s) and the educational, or living environment. Sexual harassment also name(s) of the party(s) involved to one of the following University grievance includes sexual violence, which, in addition to violating this officers: Human Resources Director; Provost and Academic Vice zero tolerance policy, is a crime. President; Vice President, Student Affairs; Associate Vice President, Student Affairs; Dean, Baccalaureate Program; Dean, Associate in Arts Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, encompasses a Program; Dean, Graduate Division; President, Faculty Assembly; wide range of conduct. Examples of specifically prohibited University Chaplain; Director, Campus Ministry; or to the University’s conduct include, but are not limited to: Title IX Coordinator. The reporting individual is strongly encouraged to put the report in writing and include relevant facts, dates and witnesses. • Promising, directly or indirectly, a student a reward, if the student complies with a sexually oriented request; The reporting individual may be asked whether they want the University to attempt an informal resolution, or whether they • Threatening, directly or indirectly, retaliation against a want to initiate a formal complaint under the policy. All student if the student refuses to comply with a sexually formal complaints of harassment, discrimination or retaliation oriented request; made against any student, employee, or third party will immediately be investigated by the grievance officer, the Title • Denying, directly or indirectly, a student an education- IX Coordinator, or their designee, and investigations will be related opportunity, if the student refuses to comply with conducted in a discreet manner. Investigations will include a sexually oriented request; interviews of the complaining party, the accused party, and • Engaging in sexually suggestive conversation or physical others as appropriate. Such interviews will be aimed at contact or touching a student; providing both parties an opportunity to present evidence and explain his or her version of the events. Information obtained • Displaying pornographic or sexually oriented materials; from the investigation will be disclosed only on a need-to- know basis. At the conclusion of the investigation, the • Telling sexual or “dirty” jokes; University will determine whether, based upon a preponderance of the evidence, unlawful harassment, • Engaging in indecent exposure; discrimination or retaliation has occurred and will • Making unwanted sexual or romantic advances toward a communicate its findings in writing to the accused and the student; complainant. When appropriate and lawful, the University will communicate its findings to other persons who are directly concerned. 4| MOUNT SAINT MARY'S UNIVERSITY 2016-2018 CATALOG Absent unforeseen circumstances, investigations will be administration of its education-related programs and activities. conducted and completed within 60 days from the date a We have an institutional commitment to provide equal formal complaint is made to any of the foregoing University educational opportunities for students with disabilities who grievance officers or the Title IX Coordinator. The University are otherwise qualified. Mount Saint Mary's ADA/Section 504 will provide notice of the outcome, as described above, within Grievance Procedure is located in the Student Handbook and 15 days from the date of the conclusion of the copies can be obtained upon request in the Campus Learning investigation. The University retains the right to extend these Centers or the Offices of Student Affairs. The policy may also deadlines as necessary to ensure a thorough investigation. be viewed on the University web site at http://www.msmu.edu/student-life/disability-services/ Any member of the University community who is determined to have violated this zero tolerance policy will be subject to Privacy Policy appropriate discipline, up to and including immediate termination or dismissal. Steps will be taken as necessary to Mount Saint Mary’s University complies with the provisions prevent any further harassment, discrimination or retaliation. of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Students who make complaints under this policy will generally be directed to the University’s Title IX Coordinator (Bernadette Gonzaque Robert, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at (213) 477-2571 or [email protected]). Affected students may direct complaints to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (1-415-486-5555). Affected employees also may direct complaints to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) (1-800-669-4000) and/or the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (“DFEH”) (1-800-884-1684). No Retaliation The University takes all complaints of harassment, discrimination and retaliation seriously and wants the opportunity to internally resolve any problems that may arise. No individual will be retaliated against or otherwise disciplined for reporting in good faith an incident of harassment, discrimination or retaliation or for participating in an investigation. The reporting individual and all parties participating in an investigation have the assurance of the University that no reprisals will be taken as the result of the complaint, unless the complaint was filed in bad faith or for an improper purpose. If any individual feels he/she has been retaliated against, he/she should immediately report the retaliatory conduct. Use of Drugs or Alcohol The use of alcohol or drugs will never function to excuse behavior that violates this zero tolerance policy. Disability Policy Mount Saint Mary’s University, in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), does not discriminate on the basis of disability and provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities in the MOUNT SAINT MARY’S UNIVERSITY CATALOG 2016-2018| 5 Academic Calendar 2017-2018 Academic Year Fall Semester, 2017 2016-2017 Academic Year Chalon Orientation TBA Fall Semester, 2016 Doheny Orientation TBA Chalon Orientation TBA Transfer Orientation TBA Doheny Orientation TBA Weekend/Evening Orientation TBA Transfer Orientation TBA Weekend/Evening Orientation TBA Graduate Orientation TBA Fall Semester begins August 21 Graduate Orientation TBA Labor Day Holiday September 4 Fall Semester begins August 22 Labor Day Holiday September 5 Mid-Semester Break TBA Thanksgiving Holiday November 23-24 Mid-Semester Break October 13-14 Finals December 4-7 Thanksgiving Holiday November 24-25 Finals December 5-8 Spring Semester, 2018 Chalon Orientation TBA Doheny Orientation TBA Spring Semester, 2017 Transfer Orientation TBA Chalon Orientation TBA Doheny Orientation TBA Weekend/Evening Orientation TBA Transfer Orientation TBA Graduate Orientation TBA Weekend/Evening Orientation TBA Spring Semester begins January 8 Graduate Orientation TBA Presidents Day Holiday February 19 Spring Semester begins January 9 Spring Break TBA Presidents Day Holiday February 20 Good Friday, no classes March 30 Spring Break March 6-10 Easter Monday (Academic Holiday) April 2 Good Friday, no classes April 14 Finals April 30-May 3 Easter Monday (Academic Holiday) April 17 Commencement May 7 Finals May 1-4 Summer Session Calendars Commencement May 8 Consult the Registrar’s Office or the specific program office for more information regarding the summer calendars for the Weekend/Evening College, A.D.N., Accelerated Nursing, and Graduate programs offered during summer sessions. 6| MOUNT SAINT MARY'S UNIVERSITY 2016-2018 CATALOG The University satisfying and relevant lives of leadership and service. Students History of Mount Saint Mary’s on both campuses are invited to participate in a wide variety of religious, social and leadership programs and avail University themselves of services in career counseling, on-campus living, health and wellness, and learning support. Details of these Mount Saint Mary’s University offers a Catholic liberal arts services and activities are contained within the Student Affairs education in a variety of undergraduate fields of study, as well section of the baccalaureate program and the Student Affairs as innovative graduate programs for professional men and section of the associate program. women on two historic Los Angeles campuses. Founded in 1925 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, The Alumnae Association the original campus was located at St. Mary’s Academy, at Slauson and Crenshaw Boulevards in Los Angeles. Property was purchased in the Santa Monica Mountains in 1927 and The Alumnae Association supports the mission and goals of that site in Brentwood became the Chalon Campus which is the University by strengthening the bond of loyalty between home to the University's traditional baccalaureate degree the University and its former students. This relationship is programs. maintained by communications, continuing education, social events, and fundraising. The Doheny Campus near Downtown Los Angeles, once the historic Doheny estate, opened in 1962. It offers graduate, The Alumnae Association is a member of the Council for educational credential, accelerated nursing, baccalaureate Advancement and Support of Education. Its members qualify weekend college and associate degree programs, many in an for membership in the American Association of University evening and weekend format. Women; the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae; Kappa Gamma Pi, the honor society for outstanding graduates Mission Statement from Catholic colleges; and Delta Epsilon Sigma, honor society for graduates of Catholic universities and colleges. Mount Saint Mary’s University offers a dynamic learning Undergraduate Degree Programs experience in the liberal arts and sciences to a diverse student body. As a Catholic University primarily for women, we are MSMU Undergraduate Learning Goals dedicated to providing a superior education enhanced by an emphasis on building leadership skills and fostering a spirit to Our Undergraduate Learning Goals are a unified statement of serve others. Our measure of success is graduates who are the outcomes of a Mount Saint Mary’s University education. committed to using their knowledge and skills to better This education is guided by the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, themselves, their environments, and the world. which embraces the liberal arts, sciences, and humanities to educate the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. The The Religious Commitment outcomes represent the University’s commitment to helping our students become reflective individuals who use their The Catholic commitment of the University manifests itself in knowledge, skills, and imagination to serve their communities many ways. It is found in opportunities for worship. It is and our world. found in academic programs where ethical considerations are examined and faith and reason intersect. It is found in the way A Mount Saint Mary’s graduate will demonstrate depth of the University aspires to remarkable service and values each learning through being proficient in the content and member of the community. It is found on both campuses methods of her/his discipline or field. where beauty and environmental concerns are palpable. Thus, the University embodies convictions supportive of lives of The graduate will demonstrate breadth of learning through commitment and Christian concern in a secular society. mastery of the liberal arts and sciences as appropriate to the degree. In particular, a graduating student will be a(n): Student Affairs • Complex Thinker who applies investigation, critical thinking, and analytic and decision-making skills to The Division of Student Affairs is dedicated to educating and identify and solve problems effectively. developing students so that they may embrace a life-long commitment to learning and self-reflection and enjoy THE UNIVERSITY| 7 • Clear communicator who effectively conveys ideas, learning that provides working adults with the opportunity to opinions, and facts in written and oral form. earn a Bachelor of Arts degree with majors in Applied Psychology, Liberal Arts, Gerontology, Sociology, English, • Informed and participatory citizen with a commitment Religious Studies, English and Business Administration, Film to service and an appreciation for the environment in & Media, or a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in which she/he lives. Business Administration, Social Work and Criminology. In four years, students can earn their degrees while continuing to • Effective Leader and Contributor who takes initiative, fulfill their full-time obligations to their careers and families. functions as a team member, makes sound moral judgments, and works in a global context. The Weekend and Evening College is not an accelerated program. Instead, it is a complete college experience, based on • Life-Long Learner who appreciates and is curious about traditional curricula whose content has been organized in new the world in which she/he lives. ways and then redistributed so that classes, which would Undergraduate Degree Program Descriptions traditionally be spread out evenly over a fifteen-week semester, are concentrated into six intensive weekends. These weekends Associate Degree Program are non-consecutive and are scheduled in such a way that there Through the Associate in Arts Program on the Doheny is a space of at least two weeks between each class weekend. Campus students have the opportunity to develop academic Adult students, even if they work full-time during the week competencies and enhance their self-development through and have, in addition, family and personal obligations, are involvement on and off campus. Faculty and staff offer nevertheless able to perform comfortably and successfully if excellence in their specialized fields and show concern for the they have developed a reasonable degree of maturity and individual student. motivation. Those who take the full-time load of three live courses per semester spend the whole day in classes on both Courses of study are offered which lead to degrees in Business Saturday and Sunday on each of the six weekend sessions. We Administration, Early Childhood Education, Graphic Design, also offer courses in the evening and online in order to meet Health and Human Services, Liberal Arts, Nursing, and Pre- the needs of our students. Health Sciences. The program is designed for both men and women, part-time All students entering the Associate Degree program are or full-time students, and for those who bring with them required to complete placement tests in reading, writing, and transfer credits from other colleges as well as students who are math prior to registering for classes. Four semesters are usually just beginning their college education. Teachers who required to complete the AA degree; students with deficiencies exemplify Mount Saint Mary’s academic excellence Monday in mathematics or English skills may need one or two through Friday also teach courses with low student-teacher additional semesters. ratios on weekends in the Weekend and Evening College. Students who receive a four-year bachelor's degree from the This program is designed to prepare students for transfer to a Weekend and Evening College (spend comparable hours in baccalaureate program on the Chalon Campus or another the classroom), receive the same outstanding quality of institution or direct entry into a career after graduation. instruction, and are certified as possessing the same high level Baccalaureate Degree Programs of knowledge and skills as the graduates of Mount Saint Mary's renowned weekday University. Mount Saint Mary’s University offers courses of study leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science. Graduate Degree Programs Primarily these are offered at the Chalon Campus. Graduate Learning Goals Within the liberal arts tradition, the curriculum provides the student with a broad and liberating background in the arts and A Mount Saint Mary's graduate student will… sciences, and aims at developing his or her ability to communicate knowledge and to apply appropriate principles • Demonstrate competence in techniques, concepts and and techniques to particular problems. During the junior and knowledge specific to each area of study. senior years, the students pursue deeper study in their major • Demonstrate the ability to access, analyze, synthesize and areas of concentration and take related elective courses. evaluate information effectively. Baccalaureate Weekend and Evening College • Demonstrate research skills and methods through the The Weekend and Evening College on the Doheny Campus ability to gather, document, investigate, analyze, interpret of Mount Saint Mary’s University is an innovative approach to and evaluate information. 8| MOUNT SAINT MARY'S UNIVERSITY 2016-2018 CATALOG • Disseminate and communicate information effectively in Client), and the Humanities (English, Creative Writing, oral and written form. Cultural Studies, and History). A Post-MSN Certificate in Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist is also offered. • Demonstrate knowledge of the implications of a diverse Gerontology society to the profession and demonstrate the skills to address the moral and ethical challenges within the Gerontology is the scientific study of aging. The aging profession.* processes are studied mainly from the aspects of biology, psychology and sociology, but there are added ethical, * For graduate professional programs religious, and humanistic dimensions as well. This graduate Graduate Degree Program Descriptions certificate program is currently on hiatus. Masters Degree Programs/Teacher Credential Library Facilities Programs Since 1931, the graduate division of Mount Saint Mary’s The Charles Willard Coe Memorial Library, located on the University has extended and deepened the work of the Chalon Campus, is the principal library of Mount Saint Mary’s undergraduate departments by offering to qualified men and University. Constructed in 1947, the Coe Library houses the women the opportunity to pursue advanced courses and to majority of print library materials for both campuses and also obtain professional preparation. houses the Instructional Media Center, an Office of Institutional Technology, administered repository for non- Students may earn the degrees of Master of Arts in print media, and the hardware necessary to non-print media Humanities, Master of Arts in Religious Studies, Master of use. The facility is intended primarily for individual and small Business Administration, Master of Science in Counseling group use but also circulates its sound and image collections Psychology, Master of Science in Education, Master of Science for use in the classroom. There is a Computer Lab on the 4th in Health Policy and Management, Master of Science in floor and a 24 hour computer lab and study room on the 2nd Nursing and Master of Fine Arts in Film and Television, and floor. Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. The J. Thomas McCarthy Library on the Doheny Campus is The graduate division also offers courses and fieldwork housed in the Sr. Magdalen Coughlin Learning Complex. experiences that prepare the student for a California Teaching Credential in Elementary Education, Secondary Education, or The libraries serving the two campuses currently hold over Special Education (Mild/Moderate Disabilities or Deaf and 130,000 volumes and carry subscriptions to over 800 Hard of Hearing). These programs may be completed in periodicals. Moreover, the libraries contain over 5500 titles of conjunction with a Master of Science degree in Education. A non-print media material. Print and non-print materials are Master of Science in Education and Certificate in Instructional lent from one library to the other to accommodate the Leadership are offered for experience teachers. changing curriculum and to meet the needs of faculty and students, who are also permitted to use both collections in Doctoral Degree Program person. The libraries hold subscriptions to a number of Doctor in Physical Therapy bibliographic and full-text on-line databases in a wide variety The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree is an entry level of academic subject areas. Please consult the Libraries’ professional program. It is a three-year program requiring full- Research Resources WebPages for a list of current time study. The curriculum integrates clinical and classroom subscriptions. experiences to maximize development of clinical reasoning Center for Cultural Fluency skills. Certificate Programs The Center for Cultural Fluency is housed within the J. Thomas McCarthy Library on the Doheny Campus. Requirements Established by the Education Department in 1995, the Center provides education students and teachers in Los Angeles with Requirements for the Certificate Programs are listed in the instructional materials for K-12 classrooms that portray the respective graduate sections of this catalog. experiences and perspectives of the diverse cultures of Los Angeles. In addition to fiction and nonfiction books, the Graduate Certificate Programs are offered in Religious Studies instructional materials collection includes videos, (Advanced Religious Studies), Education (Inclusive and audiocassettes, pictures, posters, and software. Through the Responsive Teaching; Instructional Leadership), Counseling use of these materials, teachers expand their cultural fluency Psychology (Enlaces: Counseling the Spanish-Speaking THE UNIVERSITY| 9 and provide more inclusive classroom environments and Sexual Harassment curricula. Archives Mount Saint Mary’s University recognizes and values the inherent human dignity of every individual. MSMU is committed to creating and maintaining a collegial environment The Archives Office holds university records, both which does not allow sexual harassment within or connected administrative and academic, and other types of evidences, to the operation of this institution. Sexual harassment, in all its written and pictorial, associated with the history of the forms, will not be tolerated and MSMU is committed to University. The Special Collections comprise notable holdings ensuring that all faculty, staff, and students are given a safe and of the works of Cardinal Newman and western writer Frank comfortable environment in which to develop and work to Spearman. These are complemented by rare books and early their full capacity. MSMU will take all reasonable steps to editions of the Bible, St. Augustine, missals, theology, lives of prevent harassment: to educate members of the university the saints, devotional treatises as well as the classics, European community about the issue; to promptly respond to allegations and American history and literature. The Archives and Special of harassment; and to discipline those who do not comply with Collections, located on the first floor of the Coe Library, are the MSMU policy. Faculty, staff, and students have a legal open Tuesday through Thursday mornings and by right to raise the issue of sexual harassment without fear of appointment. retaliation. Supervisors shall take every complaint of sexual Family Education Rights and Privacy harassment seriously and all complaints will be appropriately investigated. Procedures for administration of this policy are Act (FERPA) described in the appropriate section of the Faculty Handbook, the Staff Handbook, and the Student Handbook. In order to safeguard student educational records, Congress For a complete description of the University’s Policy of Zero passed the Buckley Amendment in 1976. The Buckley Tolerance for Harassment, Discrimination and Amendment is the basis of the Family Educational Rights and Retaliation/Compliance with Title IX (p. 2), see the Student Privacy Act in which schools are charged with upholding the Handbook, MSMU Title IX Portal or request a copy of the safety of student information. The primary focus of FERPA document from the Office of Student Affairs. is to ensure that a student has reasonable access to his/her educational records and along with this openness must come Disability Policy the assurance of the privacy of the record. All information belongs to the student and cannot be released without written Mount Saint Mary’s University, in compliance with the state permission. The only exception to this written permission and federal laws and regulations including the Americans with clause pertains to what the institution defines as directory Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the information. Directory information is information the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), does not institution may publish and distribute without written consent. discriminate on the basis of disability in administration of its Mount Saint Mary’s University considers the following items education-related programs and activities. We have an directory information: institutional commitment to provide equal educational Name opportunities for students with disabilities who are otherwise Address qualified. Students who believe they have been subjected to Phone Number discrimination on the basis of disability, or have been denied Class access to services or accommodations required by law, should Major contact the appropriate campus disability services coordinator Campus of Attendance for resolution. Mount Saint Mary's ADA/Section 504 Degree Program Grievance Procedure is located in the Student Handbook and Degree(s) and Awards Received copies can be obtained upon request in the Campus Learning Enrollment Status/Dates of Attendance Centers or the Offices of Student Affairs. The policy may also be viewed on the university web site at Students have the right to withhold all information, directory www.msmu.edu/disabilityservices. and non-directory, and can do this by filing an Information Technology Policy Hold Request with the Registrar’s Office. Requests to withhold information are granted for one semester. See current Student Handbook for more information. This policy encompasses the use of the computer network and non-networked campus computers, e-mail, voice-mail, phone systems, Internet, Intranet, and the World Wide Web.

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