Commonwealth of Virginia 2016-2018 biennial budget and amendments to the 2015 appropriation aCt terenCe r. mCauliffe goVernor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Table of conTenTs Part A – Overview Reader’s Guide to Virginia’s Budget Document A-3 How Virginia’s Budget is Developed and Adopted A-7 Economic Forecast A-9 Part B – Operating Budget Revenue Forecast A-13 Legislative Department B-1 Judicial Department B-26 Executive Offices B-41 Office of Administration B-50 Office of Agriculture and Forestry B-62 Office of Commerce and Trade B-71 Office of Education B-89 Office of Finance B-157 Office of Health and Human Resources B-169 Office of Natural Resources B-203 Office of Public Safety and Homeland Security B-217 Office of Technology B-241 Office of Transportation B-247 Office of Veterans and Defense Affairs B-259 Central Appropriations B-265 Independent Agencies B-271 Operating Details B-280 Part C – Other Reports Capital Outlays B-484 Aid to Localities C-3 Miscellaneous Transfers C-11 Supplemental Information C-13 Biennial Report: Coordination of Workforce C-15 Part D – Caboose Amendments Development Amendments to the 2015 Appropriation Act D-1 Operating Amendments to the 2015 Appropriation D-9 Act Capital Outlay Amendments to the 2015 D-60 Appropriation Act MPhisocteol lcarneedoiutss Transfers D-64 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Commonwealth of Virginia 2016-2018 biennial budget and amendments to the 2015 appropriation aCt part a - oVerView terenCe r. mCauliffe goVernor THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK A-3 ReadeR’s Guide to ViRGinia’s BudGet document This publication describes Governor McAuliffe’s proposed budget for the Commonwealth of Virginia’s 2016- 2018 biennial budget. Additional information regarding studies and evaluations, agency strategic plans and performance management, including detailed service area budget tables may be access via the following Web sites: and PART A: INTRODUCTION This section contains a summary of how Virginia’s budget process works, an economic forecast outlining the status of Virginia’s economy, and a revenue forecast reviewing the Commonwealth’s fiscal outlook, including projected revenues on which the preceding budget amendments are based. PART B: OPERATING BUDGET Part B presents the Governor’s proposed amendments for the operating budget. This section is organized by the three branches of government: Legislative, Judicial, and Executive. The Executive Department section is also organized by secretarial area. For each branch of government or secretarial area you will find: Overview The branch’s major functions of government or secretarial area. Agency Listing A listing of each agency within the branch of government or secretarial area. Summary Graphs Depict the financing of secretarial areas by funding source and the general fund and nongeneral fund operating budget history for the secretarial areas. For each individual agency you will find: Agency Name Agency’s official name. Mission The organization-wide strategic direction and the organization’s purpose as Statement/Description stated by the agency. Agency Operating Budget The Governor’s operating budget amendments for the 2016-2018 biennium, Summary including agency historical funding data and capital outlay amendments. The categories relating to funding are general fund and nongeneral fund. Also, there is a category indicating an agency’s personnel costs. Table notes: All figures represent dollars rounded to millions; due to rounding, figures may not add exactly; figures in parenthesis are negative amounts; agencies appear in the same order as in the budget bill; and the values in the personnel costs category may exceed the sum of the general fund and nongeneral fund categories for addenda items. Personnel cost totals do not reflect any adjustments to any other budget category. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commonwealth of Virginia Part A: Executive Budget Document 2016 – 2018 Biennium Reader’s Guide to Virginia’s Budget Document A-4 Authorized Position A summary of an agency’s authorized position level broken out by fund source Summary (general and nongeneral). The table also reflects total proposed position amendments for the 2016-2018 biennium. Capital Budget Summary The Governor’s capital budget amendments for the 2016-2018 biennium detailed by funding source: general fund, nongeneral fund, and bond proceeds. Recommended Operating Bullet items briefly describe specific budget recommendations for specific Budget Changes agencies. If the Governor has no specific recommendations for an agency, nothing appears after the Authorized Position Summary. This section is broken down into two categories: (1) introduced budget technical changes, and (2) introduced budget non-technical changes. Following each bullet item, amounts and positions recommended are designated GF (general fund) or NGF (nongeneral fund). References to positions are to full-time equivalent (FTE) positions. Positions are only mentioned in the initial year affected by the budget amendment. Recommended Capital Bullet items briefly describe any amendments to previously-approved capital Budget Addenda construction projects or funding for new projects. Following each bullet item, amounts recommended are designated general fund, nongeneral fund, or bond proceeds. PART C: OTHER REPORTS Part C provides the reader with detailed information on studies and evaluations, Aid to Localities, and Workforce Development. This section also provides the reader with tax-supported debt information and information on actions impacting state transfers. Please note: the Studies and Evaluations report is available for view online at This section has five main components: Studies and Evaluations Various studies, evaluations, and assessments of agencies or agency programs that were conducted in the two most recent fiscal years. Please note: studies and evaluations can be found on the DPB Web site: Aid to Localities (ATL) The Governor’s recommendations for funds that go directly to localities for locally-operated programs or are spent by the Commonwealth on behalf of localities for specific programs. Supplemental Information Information of tax-supported debt capacity and per capita appropriations. Miscellaneous Transfers Review of actions affecting state debt, revenue transactions, interfund transfers, working capital advances and loans, and required deposits into the general fund. Workforce Development A report on improvements in the coordination of workforce development statewide identifying: program success rates in relation to performance measures established by the Virginia Workforce Council, obstacles to program and resource coordination, and strategies for facilitating statewide program and resource coordination. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commonwealth of Virginia Part A: Executive Budget Document 2016 – 2018 Biennium Reader’s Guide to Virginia’s Budget Document A-5 PART D: AMENDMENTS TO THE 2015 APPROPRIATION ACT Part D presents the Governor’s changes to the current budget, Chapter 665, by secretarial area. These amendments are commonly referred to as the Caboose Bill. For each branch of government or secretarial area in the Caboose Bill you will find: Agency Name Agency’s official name. Recommended Operating Bullet items briefly describe specific budget recommendations for specific Budget Addenda agencies. If the Governor has no specific recommendations for an agency, nothing appears after the Authorized Position Summary. Following each bullet item, amounts and positions recommended are designated GF (general fund) or NGF (nongeneral fund). References to positions are to full-time equivalent (FTE) positions. Positions are only mentioned in the initial year affected by the budget amendment. Recommended Capital Bullet items briefly describe any amendments to previously-approved capital Budget Addenda construction projects or funding for new projects. Following each bullet item, amounts recommended are designated general fund, nongeneral fund, or bond proceeds. Miscellaneous Transfers Review of actions affecting state debt, revenue transactions, interfund transfers, working capital advances and loans, and required deposits into the general fund. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commonwealth of Virginia Part A: Executive Budget Document 2016 – 2018 Biennium Reader’s Guide to Virginia’s Budget Document THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK