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Preview 2015 Recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibody to turkey corona

JournalofVirologicalMethods217(2015)36–41 ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect Journal of Virological Methods journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jviromet Recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibody to turkey coronavirus MohamedAbdelwahab,ChienChangLoa∗,ChingChingWu,TsangLongLin DepartmentofComparativePathobiology,PurdueUniversity,WestLafayette,IN47907,UnitedStates a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: Nucleocapsid(N)proteingeneofturkeycoronavirus(TCoV)wasexpressedinaprokaryoticsystemand Receiv ed15October2014 usedtodevelo pa nenzym e-link ed immu nosorbentas say(EL ISA) fordetectio n of antibodyto TCoV.A nti- AReccceepivteedd i2n5 r Feevbisreuda rf yor2m0 1255 February 2015 TCoV hy perimm un e turkey serum a nd normal turke y seru m were use d as positi ve or negati ve contro ls for optimizationoftheELISA.Goatanti-turkeyIgG(H+L)conjugatedwithhorseradishperoxidasewasused Availableonline5March2015 asdetectorantibody.Threehundredandtwentytwoturkeyserafromthefieldwereusedtoevaluatethe performanceofELISAanddeterminethecut-offpointofELISA.TheestablishedELISAwasalsoexamined Keywords: withserumsamplesobtainedfromturkeysexperimentallyinfectedwithTCoV.Thoseserumsamples Coronavirus werecollectedatvarioustimeintervalsfrom1to63dayspost-infection.Theoptimumconditionsfor Enteritis NEnuzcylemoec-alpinsikded immunosorbent assay TdCifofeVreNntpiraotitoenin bceotnwceeenntr aantitoin-TaCto2V0 h(cid:2)ygp/emrilm,smeruunme dsielruutmion aantd1 n:8o0rm0,aaln tdurckoenyju sgeartuemd iwluetiroen reacto1m:1b0i,n0a0n0t. Recombinantprotein Ofthe322serafromthefield,101werepositiveforTCoVbyimmunofluorescentantibodyassay(IFA).The Turkey sensitivityandspecificityoftheELISArelativetoIFAtestwere86.0%and96.8%,respectively,usingthe optimumcut-offpointof0.2asdeterminedbylogisticregressionmethod.Reactivityofanti-rotavirus, anti-reovirus,anti-adenovirus,oranti-enterovirusantibodieswiththerecombinantNproteincoatedon theELISAplateswasnotdetected.Theseresultsindicatedthattheestablishedantibody-captureELISA inconjunctionwithrecombinantTCoVNproteinasthecoatingproteincanbeutilizedfordetectionof antibodiestoTCoVinturkeyflocks. ©2015ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction Immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA) has been developed andsuccessfullyusedintheserologicaldiagnosisofturkeycoron- Turkeycoronavirus(TCoV)hasbeenrecognizedasanimportant aviralenteritis(PatelandPomeroy,1976).TheIFAassayissimple pathogenofyoungturkeys.TCoVinfectioncausessignificanteco- toperformandhighlyeffectiveindetectingantibodiestoTCoVin nomic losses in turkey industry due to uneven growth and poor turkeyflocksinfectedwithTCoVorrecoveringfromTCoVinfection. feed conversion. The turkey coronaviral enteritis was the most However,theIFAproceduresaretimeconsumingandlaborinten- costlydiseaseofturkeysinMinnesotaintheearly1960s(Panigrahy siveforhandlinglargenumbersofsamples.Inaddition,IFArequires etal.,1973).Outbreaksofasimilarentericdiseaseinturkeypoults well-trainedpersonneltopreparefrozensectionsofTCoV-infected occurred in Indiana and North Carolina in the early and middle turkeyembryointestinesorslideswithepithelialcellsexfoliated 1990sandremainsasathreattotheturkeyindustry. fromtheinfectedbursaofFabricuisaswellastoperformfluores- centmicroscopy. InordertohaveanearlyandrapiddiagnosisofTCoVinfection and effective control of TCoV-induced enteritis in turkey flocks, developmentofanantibody-captureenzymelinkedimmunosor- Abbreviations: BCoV,bovinecoronavirus;BSA,bovineserumalbumin;ELISA, bent assay (ELISA) for detecting antibodies to TCoV in serum is enzyme-linkedimmunosorbentassay;HRPO,horseradishperoxidase;IBV,infec- tiousbronchitis virus;IFA,imm unoflu orescen tantibodya ssay;Mab,m ono clonal essential. ELISA has high specificity and sensitivity and can be antib ody;NC,ne gative cont rol;PBS,phosphateb ufferedsa line;PC ,posi tivecontrol; appliedto large num berso fsampless imul taneously. TCoV,turk ey coronavir us;TGEV ,tra nsmissible gastroen teritis viru s;TMB, tetram- Deve lop men tofELISA fo rdetecti onofTCoVinfectionrequires ethylb enzidi ne. ∗ largeamountsofTCoVantigen.AttemptstopropagateTCoVincell Correspondingauthor.Currentaddress:3711CollinsFerryRoad,Morgantown, cultureinmanylaboratorieshavenotbeensuccessful.Whenthe WV26505,UnitedStates.Tel.:+13045544354;fax:+13042856478. E-maila ddress: chienc hang .loa @m ylan .com( C.C. Loa ). viralantigenpreparedfromtheintestinesandintestinalcontents http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jviromet.2015.02.024 0166-0934/©2015ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. M.Abdelwahabetal./JournalofVirologicalMethods217(2015)36–41 37 wasusedasthecoatingantigen,astrongnon-specificreactionwas thecolumnwith5mlofelutebuffer(1Mimidazle,0.5NaCl,20mM observedintheELISA(Loaetal.,unpublisheddata). Tris–HCl,pH7.9)containing6Murea.Theconcentrationofpuri- Nucleocapsid(N)proteinofTCoVappearstobethemostabun- fiedNproteinwasdeterminedbyProteinAssayreagent(Bio-Rad, dantviralpolypeptideincoronavirusinfectedcellsduringallstages Hercules,CA,USA). of infection. The only known post-translational modification of coronavirus N proteins is phosphorylation (Garwes et al., 1984). 2.3. SDS-PAGEandWesternblotting The coronavirus N protein is immunodominant (Ignjatovic and McWaters, 1991). Carboxyl-terminal 119 amino acids of nucleo- Electrophoresiswasperformedwiththediscontinuousbuffer capsidproteinofIBVexpressedbyFowlpoxVirushasbeenshown system (Laemmli, 1970). For Western blotting, proteins on the toinducecross-protectiveimmunityagainstinfectionsamongdif- acrylamide gel were transferred onto nitrocellulose membrane ferent IBV strains (Yu et al., 2001). The N proteins from various (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA) with transfer buffer contain- RNAviruses,suchasmumps,rabies,measles,andIBVhavebeen ing 50mM Tris, 384mM glycine, and 20% (v/v) methanol, pH used as coating antigens in antibody-capture ELISA for the diag- 8.3. Membranes were incubated with turkey anti-TCoV anti- nosisofinfections(Reid-sandenetal.,1990;Hummeletal.,1992; serum at a dilution of 1:500 for 1h at room temperature. Ndifuna et al., 1998). Subcloning of the N gene to a prokaryotic Membranes were washed three times with PBS buffer contain- expressionsystemhasresultedinahigh-levelinductionofrecom- ing 0.05% Tween-20 (PBS-T) and incubated with horseradish binantproteininourlaboratory(Loaetal.,2004).Therecombinant perioxidase-conjugated goat anti-turkey IgG (Kirkegard & Perry TCoVNproteinexpressedfromtheprokaryoticsystemisexpected Laboratories,Gaithersburg,MD,USA)atadilutionof1:500for1h to maintain its antigenic integrity because it is not glycosylated. atroomtemperature.ThemembranewaswashedwithPBS-Tand The purpose of the present study was to develop a recombinant covered with 10ml of perioxidase substrate, 0.05% diaminoben- TCoVNprotein-basedELISAfordetectionofantibodiestoTCoVin zidine (Kirkegard & Perry Laboratories) solution. The blot was turkeysera. developed and washed with distilled water to stop the reac- tion. 2. Materialsandmethods 2.4. Serumsamplesandantibodiestodifferentviruses 2.1. Animalwelfarestatement Positive control (PC) serum was the hyperimmune serum of turkeys experimentally infected with TCoV. Negative control TurkeypoultsusedforexperimentalinfectionwithTCoVwere (NC) serum was collected from normal healthy turkeys grown obtainedfromacommercialoperation(PerdueFarm,Thorntown, in the isolation rooms. Three hundred and twenty two turkey IN,USA).Turkeyswerehousedintheisolationunitsintheanimal serum samples, positive or negative for TCoV by IFA, from the facility at Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA). Food and turkey flocks in the field were used to evaluate the perfor- waterweresuppliedadlibitum.Allturkeyswerehandledwiththe manceoftherecombinantNprotein-basedantibody-captureELISA. guidelinesestablishedbytheUnitedStatesDepartmentofAgricul- ChickenantiseratoIBV,avianreovirus,orrotaviruswereobtained ture(USDA)and the protocolfor usingturkeysfor experimental from SPAFAS (Storrs, CT, USA). Turkey antiserum to avian ade- infectionwithTCoVinthepresentstudywasapprovedbyPurdue novirus was obtained from SPAFAS. Bovine antiserum to bovine UniversityAnimalCareandUseCommittee. coronavirus (BCoV) and porcine antiserum to transmissible gas- troenteritisvirus(TGEV)wereobtainedfromNationalVeterinary 2.2. PreparationofNprotein Services Laboratory (Ames, IA, USA). Monoclonal antibody to enteroviruswasobtainedfromDr.J.S.Guy(NorthCarolinaState TherecombinantplasmidcontainingtheentireNproteingene University, Raleigh, NC, USA). Dilution factors and other infor- (pTri-N)wastransformedtocompetentEscherichiacolistrainTuner mation of the antibodies used in the present study are listed in (DE3)pLacIorOrigami(DE3)pLacI(Novagen,Madison,WI,USA). Table1. Transf orman ts were gr own i n LB medium c ontaining 50(cid:2) g/ml ampicillin, 34(cid:2) g/ml chloram ph en icol, and 1% glucose. A s tarter 2.5. OptimizationofELISA culture of bacteria cells containing recombinant plasmid pTri-N waspre pa redin3m lofL Bmedium. Cellswerein cubateda t37◦C ThePCandNCserumsampleswereusedtooptimizethecondi- with shaking at 250rpm overnight. The entire 3ml culture was tionsofELISAfordetectionofantibodytoTCoVusingrecombinant added to 100ml of fresh medium and incubated until the OD TCoVNprotein.TheELISAwasoptimizedbycheckerboardtestsof reache d0 .5at6 00 nm wave length.On emi lliliterofcu lturew ass ep- recom b inantTC oVN prote inc oncentratio ns from5to160 (cid:2)g/m l, aratedasun-inducedcontrol.Theremainingcultureswereinduced dilutionsofserumfrom1:200to1:1600,anddilutionsofconju- byadditionofIPTGtoafinalconcentrationof1mM.Theinduced gateantibodyfrom1:5000to1:20,000.TheELISAplatecoatedwith cul tureswe rei ncub ate d foran other4h.Theb ac te rialc ultu reswere reco mbinantN pro teinwa sin cubated at4 ◦Cfor 16h. Thewe llsof harveste dand thecellp elle twasre s us pend edcomp letelyin 5ml the ELISA pla te were w ash ed with PB S- T fo r 3 tim es and 150 (cid:2)l ofBugBusterreagent(Novagen)pergramofwetcellweight.The of PBS solution containing 1% bovine serum albumin was added nu clease reag ent Ben zonase (No vag en) w as adde d w ith 1(cid:2)l (25 to each well.Fo llowinginc uba tionat 37◦Cf or1h,th epla tewas units)foreverymlofBugBusterreagentused.Aftercentrifugation washed with PBS-T for 3 times as described above. The diluted at16,0 00 ×gfo r20 m inat4◦C, thesolu blesu pern atantwasdis- serums ample sforPC an d NCwer ep reparedan d100(cid:2) lwa sadded ca rdedan d th ein sol uble fr action (in clusion bodies)wasd isso lved toeach respecti vew el l.Th ep latew asincuba teda t37 ◦C for1 hand in 10ml of binding buffer (5mM imidazole, 0.5M NaCl, 20mM washed with PBS-T for 5 times. Goat anti-turkey IgG (H+L) con- Tr is–H Cl ,pH 7.9)con tainin g6 Mu rea.Therec omb in antN pro tein jugated with horser adis h peroxi dasew asdiluted and 100(cid:2)l was inthedis solv edin clusionbo di es wasp urifi edbyHis-Bin d column addedto each well.Incuba tionat37◦C for 1handw ash with P BS-T (Novagen)equilibratedwith10mlofbindingbuffer.Thecolumn for5timeswerefollowedbyadditionofsubstratetetramethylben- waswashe dsequentiall ywit h10 m lo fbinding buffer and 10mlof zid in e(Kir kegar d&Perry La boratori es) at100(cid:2) l/eachwell.A fter was hbuffer( 20mMimida zole, 0.5 M Na Cl,20m MTris– HCl ,pH 7. 9) incuba tioninthe da rkfor 30min,100(cid:2) lo f2N HClwa sadd edto containing6Murea.TherecombinantNproteinwaselutedfrom eachwell.Theabsorbanceofeachwellat450nmwasdetermined. 38 M.Abdelwahabetal./JournalofVirologicalMethods217(2015)36–41 Table1 3. Results Listof antibodiesagainstavianvirusesanddifferentcoronavirusesandtheirsources usedinthisstudy. 3.1. ExpressionandpurificationofrecombinantNproteinin Antibodya Conjugate Sourceb Dilutionc E.coli Chickenanti-IBV(Mass41) None SPAFAS 1:800 Chickenanti-rotavirus None SPAFAS 1:800 The recombinant N protein from TCoV was induced success- Chicken anti-reovirus None SPAFAS 1:800 fully as a fusion pro tei n in E. c oli st rains T uner or Orig ami cells Turkeya nti-TCoV-IN None C.C.Loa 1:800 as revealed by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting (Fig. 1). The size Turkeyanti-adenovirus None SPAFAS 1:800 ofinducedNproteinisapproximately57kDa.TherecombinantN ABonvtii-neenatenrtoi-vBirCuosV Mab NNoonnee JN.SV. SGLuy 11::880000 pr oteinwa sp urified by Nickel-chelatin ga ffini tych romatograph y. Porcineanti-TGEV None NVSL 1:800 TheyieldofpurifiedNproteincouldbe10mgfroma100-mlcul- Goat an ti-mouse IgG (H+L) HRPO KPL 1:10,000 ture ofTu ne rcells.In co ntrast,2 mgof rec om bin antN p roteinc ould Goatanti-turkeyIgG(H+L) HRPO KPL 1:10,000 berecoveredfromthesamevolumeofOrigamicellculture.Thus, Rabbitanti-chickenIgG(H+L) HRPO Sigma 1:10,000 Rabbit anti-porcine IgG (H+L) HRPO Sigma 1:10,000 therecombinantNproteinexpressedfromTunercellswasusedfor Rabbit anti-bovineI gG( H+L) HRPO Sigma 1:10,000 the development o fantibo dy-capture ELISA fora ntibo dies toTC oV a BCoV, bovine coronavirus; IBV, infectious bronchitis virus; TCoV-IN, turkey coro- due to the yield being higher than that from Origami cells. navirusIndianaisolate;TGEV,transmissiblegastroenteritisvirus;Mab,monoclonal antibody;IgG(H+L),immunoglobulinG(heavypluslightchains);HRPO,horseradish peroxidase. 3.2. ELISAdevelopmentandoptimization b SPAFAS,Storrs,CT;Dr.C.C.Loa,PurdueUniversity,WestLafayette,IN;Dr.J.S. Guy.NorthCarolinaStateUniversity,Raleigh,NC;NVSL,NationalVeterinarySer- vices Labora tory,Am es,IA; KPL,Kirkeg aard&P erry Labora tories,Ga ithersburg, MD; When the dilution of conjugate was 1:5000, the maximum Sigm a,St.Louis,M O. PC/NCrat ioo f27was obt ainedwith TCo VNprot eina t40(cid:2)g/ml c Un -lab eleda ntibodiesweredilutedat1:800andHRPOconjugatedantibodies andse rumd ilu tio nat1 :1600.W hent hedil uti onofco nju ga tewas weredilutedat 1:10,000. Those dilutio nf actors wer einlin ewiththe optimized 1:10,000,themaximumPC/NCratioof92wasobtainedwithcoat- conditions of serum sample and conjugate antibody for the ELISA. ingconcen tra tionofTCoV Npro teina t2 0(cid:2) g/m landseru mdil ution at1:800(Fig.2).Whenthedilutionofconjugatewas1:20,000,the maximumPC/NCratioof65wasobtainedwithcoatingconcentra- The ratio of PC to NC was calculated for different combinations tionofTCo VNpro teina t2 0(cid:2) g/m landseru mdi lutionat 1:200.The of recombinant TCoV N protein concentration, serum dilutions, com bin ation o f recom bi nan t TCoV N protein at 20(cid:2) g/ ml, ser um and conjugate dilutions. The combination that consistently pro- dilutionat1:800andconjugatedilutionat1:10,000waschosenas duced the highest ratio of PC to NC was selected as the optimal thebestandoptimalconditionforantibody-captureELISAbased condition for detecting antibodies to TCoV by antibody-capture onthemaximumPC/NCratio. ELISA. 2.6. EvaluationofELISA 3.3. ELISAevaluation Three hundred and twenty two turkey serum samples from Amongthe322serumsamplescollectedfromthefield,101were turkeyflocksinthefieldwereusedasthetestserumsamplesto positive and 221 were negative for TCoV by IFA. The ELISA val- evaluatetheELISA.Twowellscontainingallthereagentsexcept ues(S/Pratio)ofIFApositiveserumsamplesrangedfrom1.0882 serumwereleftasblankreferencesineachplate.ThePC,NC,and to 0.0132 and that of IFA negative serum samples ranged from test se rum s amp le s were analyzed in dupl icate. The ELIS A v alue 0.2 762 to −0.0 04. T he dis tribution of ELIS A values (S/P rat io) of (S/Pratio)ofeachtestserumsamplewascalculatedas(absorbance serumsamplespositiveforTCoVbyIFAandthosenegativeforTCoV valueoftestserumsampleminusabsorbancevalueofNC)divided by IFA are shown in Fig. 3. The logistic regression model at the by (ab so rban ce val ue of P C minu s absorban ce val ue of N C). For op timu mc ut-offp oin tw as 0=(ˇ 1)X+ˇ0 ,whereˇ1 andˇ0 w ere det ermination o f the op tim um cut -off point o f the E LIS A va lue, −20.1502 and4.2 067,re spec ti ve ly.Th e opt imumc ut- offpo int (X)is logisticregress ion ana lysiswasu sedtod isting uis hse rumsa mples 0.2(−4.20 67/− 20.150 2).Thesensit ivity andspeci ficityo fthee stab - positiveornegativeforTCoVbyIFA(ShoukriandPause,1999).The lishedELISArelativetoIFAwere86.0%and96.8%,respectively.The relativesensitivityoftheELISAwascalculatedasthepercentage agreementbetweenELISAandIFAassaywas95.6%(Table2). ofserumsamplespositiveforTCoVbyIFA,whichwerepositivein TheELISAresultsofserumsamplescollectedfromtheturkey ELISA. The relative specificity of the ELISA was calculated as the poults experimentally infected with TCoV showed that the anti- percentageofserumsamplesnegativeforTCoVbyIFA,whichwere body response was detected initially at 14 days after infection negativeinELISA.Statisticalcomputationswereperformedbythe andincreasedgraduallyuntil28daysafterinfection.Theantibody SASprogram(SASinstitute,Inc.,Cary,NC,USA). response was detectable up to 63 days after infection when the TheestablishedELISAwerefurtherevaluatedwiththeserum experimentwasterminated(Fig.4).TheELISAresponsesofnor- samplescollectedfromexperimentallyinfectedturkeypoults.One malturkeyserawerenegativethroughouttheentireexperimental group of 40 turkey poults were inoculated with turkey embryo- period(Fig.4). propagatedTCoV.Theothergroupof40turkeypoultsofthesame Cross reactivity of recombinant TCoV N protein coated on agewereinoculatedwithPBSandusedasthenon-infectedcontrol. theELISAplatewithbovineanti-BCoVorporcineanti-TGEVwas Fiveturkeyswererandomlyselectedfromeachgroupandsacrified notdetectedwithspecies-specificconjugateantibodies.Thecross at1,3,7,14,21,28,42,and63daysafterinoculation.Thecollected reactivity with chicken anti-IBV antibodies was observed with serumsamplesweretestedbyELISAusingELISAplatescoatedwith chicken-specific conjugate antibody (Table 3). The reactivity of recombinantTCoVNproteinpreparedfromthepresentstudy. recombinant TCoV N protein on the ELISA plate with bovine Forevaluationofcross-reactivity,theNproteincoatedonthe anti-BCoV,pocineanti-TGEV,turkeyanti-adenovirus,chickenanti- ELISAplateswasreactedwithantibodiestoIBV,BCoV,TGEV,avian rotavirus, chicken anti-reovirus, or anti-enterovirus monoclonal rotavirus, reovirus, adenovirus, or monoclonal antibody to avian antibodywasnotdetectablewithturkey-specificconjugateanti- enterovirus. body(Table4).ThecrossreactivityofrecombinantTCoVNprotein M.Abdelwahabetal./JournalofVirologicalMethods217(2015)36–41 39 Fig.1. Sodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamidegelelectrophoresis(A)andWesternblottingwithantiserumtoturkeycoronavirus(B)ofpurifiedrecombinantturkey coronavirus(TCoV)nucleocapsid(N)proteinbyHis-Bindcolumnchromatography.Lane1,Insoluablefraction(inclusionbodies);lane2,flowthroughofloadingtheinclusion bodiestoacolumn;lane3,thefiltratewith10mlbindingbuffer;lane4,thefiltratewithwashbuffer;lane5,theelutedrecombinantprotein;lane6,molecularweight marker. 100 1.2 90 1 80 70 200 0.8 NC 5600 400 atio 0.6 PC/ 3400 8106000 S/P r 0.4 0.2 20 10 0 0 -0.2 1.25 2.5 5 10 20 40 IFA + IFA - Concentration of N protein (ug/ml) Fig.3. Distributionofenzyme-linkedimmunosorbentassay(ELISA)values(S/P Fig. 2. Checkerboard tests for optimizing coating concentration of recombi- ratio )o fserumsamp les thatwereposit ive(IFA+)ornega tive(IF A−)fort urkeyc oro- nan ttu rkeycoronavir us(TC oV) nucleocapsi d(N)pro teinandserum d ilutionfor naviru s (TCoV) byimm unofl uore cencean tibody as say(IFA) .Thea ssa ycond itions antib ody-cap tureenzym e-linked immunosorb ent assay(E LISA ).Each linerep re- werere combin ant turkeycoronavirus(T CoV)nuc leocap sid(N )pro teina t20(cid:2)g/ml, sentsadilutionfa ctorofserum.T heconjugatedilu tionw as1:10 ,000. Theh ighest serum dilutionat1 :800,a ndconjugate dilutio nat1:10,000 . PC/NC r atioof9 2waso bt ainedw ithc oatingcon centratio nof Nprotein at2 0(cid:2)g/ml andserumdilutionat1:800. constructionofthisparticularfunctioninOrigamicellsmightaffect theirexpressioncapacity,becausetheexpressionlevelofrecombi- coatedontheELISAplatewithchickenanti-IBVantibodieswasstill nantTCoVNproteinwasapparentlyhigherinTunercellsthanthat detectedwhenturkey-specificconjugateantibodywasused. inOrigamicells. It was reported that a recombinant TCoV N protein from 4. Discussion baculovirus-expressionsystemwasusedforthedevelopmentofa competitiveantibody-captureELISA.Therewereatleast2proteins Accordingtothemanufacturer,Tunercellswereusedforregular of different sizes in the purified N protein from the baculovirus expressionofpTri-EXsystemwhileOrigamicellswereespecially expressionsystem(Breslinetal.,2001).Incomparison,therecom- designedtoenhancetheformationofdisulfidebondsintherecom- binantTCoVNproteinexpressedfromtheprokaryoticsystemcould binantprotein.Theresultsofthepresentstudysuggestedthatthe be purified to be a homogenous preparation containing only a 40 M.Abdelwahabetal./JournalofVirologicalMethods217(2015)36–41 Table2 Comparisonofantibody-captureenzyme-linkedimmunosorbentassay(ELISA)utilizingrecombinantturkeycoronavirus(TCoV)nucleocapsid(N)proteinascoatingantigen withimmunofluorescentantibodyassay(IFA)fordetectionofantibodytoTCoV. Totalno.samples IFA ELISAc Relative Relative Agreementf +a −b + − Sensitivityd Specificitye 322 101 87 14 86.0% 95.6% 221 7 214 96.8% a Serumsamplepositiveforantibodytoturkeycoronavirus(TCoV)inIFA. b Serum sample negative for antibody to TCoVi nIFA. c Theop timium cutoffEL ISA value(S/ Pr atio)o f0 .20wasobtainedbylogisticregressionmethodasdescribedinmaterialsandmethods.SerumsamplehadELISAvalue highero rlowertha nthe cutoff value was positiv e (+)or neg ative(−), res pectivel y,inELISA. d Rel ati vesen sitivi ty= 87/(87 +14) ×100 %. e Relative specificity= 214/(7 + 214 )× 100%. f Agreeme nt=(87+21 4)/(87 + 14+7 + 214)×100%. 3 Table4 Reactivityofrecombinantturkeycoronavirus(TCoV)nucleocapsid(N)proteinwith 2.5 antibodies sp ecificfordiff erentc oronaviruse sandav ianvirusesa sde termine dby enzyme-linkedimmunosorbentassayandusinggoatanti-turkeyhorseradishperi- 2 oxidase(HRPO) conjugate. 450 1.5 Normal Antibodies Absorbance value S/P ratioa Result OD 1 Inf ected CChhiicckkeenn aannttii--IRBoVtavirus 30..474999 10..100028 −+ 0.5 Chichen anti-Reovirus 0.353 0.083 − Normalchickenserum 0.038 0 Bovineanti-BCV 0.038 0.0009 − -0.5 0 20 40 60 80 Norma lbovines erum 0.034 Days PI Porcineanti-TGEV 0.037 0.001 − Normalporcineserum 0.035 Fig. 4. Evaluation of antibody responses in serum samples of turkeys experimen- Turkeyanti-adenovirus 0.048 0.001 − tallyinfectedwithturkeycoronavirus(TCoV)bytheestablishedenzyme-linked Normalturkeyserum 0.037 immunosorbentassayutilizingrecombinantturkeycoronavirus(TCoV)nucleocap- sid(N)proteinas coati ngantige n.Turkeypou ltswer einfectedw ithTCoV at10days Anti-enterovirusMab 0.037 0.001 − ofage.Fivebirdswererandomlyselectedandsacrificedat1,3,7,14,21,28,42and63 Cellculturemedium 0.037 daysafterinfection.Serumsampleswerecollected,dilutedat1:800,andanalyzed byth eesta blishedEL ISAme thodwit hreco mbinantT CoVNp ro teinat 20(cid:2) g/mland a S/P ratio was calculated as absorbance value of serum sample minus absorbance valueofnegativecontroldividedbyabsorbancevalueofpositivecontrolminus conjugateantibodydilutionat1:10,000. absorbancevalueofnegativecontrol. Table3 Reactivityofrecombinantturkeycoronavirus(TCoV)nucleocapsid(N)proteinwith antibodiesspecificfordifferentcoronavirusesasdeterminedbyenzyme-linked Expressionlevelofthecellculture-basedbaculovirusexpres- immunosorbent assay and using species-specific conjugate antibody. sion system is usua lly low er th an that of pro karyotic exp ression Antibodiesa Absorbance value S/Nb Result syste m.Itisc he aperan dmore conv enien tt opreparelar geamounts Turkeyanti-TCoV 3.986 90.590 + of pure recombinant TCoV N protein by the prokaryotic system Normal turkeyser um 0.038 th anby thecellcultu re-bas ed baculov irus sys tem.Theexp ression Chickenanti-IBV 3.826 112.529 + ofprokaryoticsystemasdemonstratedinthepresentstudyfrom Normalchickenserum 0.034 preparation of starter for a 100-ml culture to the production of Bovineanti-BCoV 0.035 1.093 − 10mgofpureNproteincouldbefinishedin20h.Fortheexpres- Norma lbovinese rum 0.032 sio n o f b aculo vi rus syste m, it too k 52–54 h for in cub atio n of Sf9 cellsafterinfectionwiththerecombinantbaculovirus.Theyieldof NPoorrcminael apnotric-iTnGeEsVe rum 00..003229 1.103 Npro tein bytheba culov irus systeminth efinalprepa ratio nsw as notreported(Guyetal.,2002). a BCoV,bovinecoronavirus;IBV,infectiousbronchitisvirus;TCoV,turkeycoro- navirus;T GEV,tra nsmissiblega stro enteritisvi rus. Based on the optimum coating concentration of recombinant b S/Nw ascal culatedasabso rbancevalueof antibodytesteddividedbyabsorbance TCoVNpr ote ina t20(cid:2)g/ml ,thepro ductionofreco mb inantTCoVN valueofnormalcontrolserum. proteinfroma100-mlcultureisenoughforcoating50ELISAplates. Theoptimumdilutionofconjugateat1:10,000ishigherthanthat singleproteinasshowninthepresentstudy.Althoughaprotein (1:1600)inIBV-basedantibody-captureELISAasshowninourpre- bandbelow50kDawithreactivitytoaTCoVantiserumwasnoted viousstudy(Loaetal.,2000).Theresultsfromthepresentstudy intheinclusionbodyandflowthroughsolutions.Theproteinwas indicatedthatELISAusingrecombinantTCoVNproteinascoating likelyadegradationproductoftherecombinantNproteinthrough antigenismoresensitivethanthatusingIBVantigenandrequires dissolutionandextractionstepsofinclusionbodypellets.Expres- lessamountofconjugateantibodyinthereaction.Consequently, sionoftwodifferentforms(52and43kDa)ofTCoVNproteinwas thecostofELISAusingrecombinantTCoVNproteinforeverysam- observedinpreviouspublications(Guyetal.,2002;Gomaaetal., pletobetestedisreduced.Theoptimumdilutionoftestingserum 2008).Theproteinsizeasnotedinthepresentstudyisapproxi- samplesat1:800indicatedthattheestablishedELISAisconvenient matelyintherangeofsmallerformofthosepreviousobservations. to use and only requires a very small amount of serum for test- Thispro te ino fsmal ler sizewa snot fo undin thefinal elutionsolu- ing . Th eore ticall y, 0.25(cid:2) l o f ser um sa mple is eno ugh fo r te sting tionofpurifiedNproteinand,subsequently,wasnotinvolvedin in duplicate wells in the ELISA. In addition, in order to alleviate theELISAreactivity. variationinthepreparationofserumdilutions,2-stepsequential M.Abdelwahabetal./JournalofVirologicalMethods217(2015)36–41 41 dilutionsat1:100and1:8wereperformedfortheserumsamples Acknowledgements inthepresentstudy. The relative specificity (96.8%) of the established ELISA using We thank Dr. Tom Bryan, Mr. Tom Hooper and Ms. Donna recombinantTCoVNproteinfromE.coliissimilartothat(96.2%) SchraderfromIndianaAnimalDiseaseDiagnosticLaboratory(West using recombinant TCoV N protein from baculovirus-expression Lafayette, Indiana, USA) for their assistance in collecting turkey (Guyetal.,2002)orthat(96.7%)usingIBVantigen(Loaetal.,2000). serumsamplesfromsuspectedturkeycoronaviralenteritiscases Therelativesensitivityseemedlowerinthepresentstudythanthat orperformingimmunofluorescentantibodytestfordetectinganti- fromdifferentstudiesanddifferentlaboratories.Itispossiblethat bodytoturkeycoronavirusinserum.WethankDr.DavidHermes decayofspecificantibodiesintheserumsamplesduringthetime fromPerdueFarm(Thorntown,Indiana,USA)forsupplyingturkey afterIFAtestandbeforeELISAmaycontribute,atleastinpart,to eggsandturkeypoultsforexperimentalinfection.Wealsothank thisfinding.Therelativesensitivity(86.0%)oftheestablishedELISA USDA (Grant No. 2001-34413-10421) for providing the financial inthepresentstudyiscomparabletothat(92.9or93.1%)fromthe support. other2studies.However,suchslightvariationmightbeduetodif- ferentpoolsofserumsamplesindifferentstudies.Theresultsof References lowersensitivityandhigherspecificityinthesestudiessuggested thatthepredictivequalityofpositiveresultsismorereliablethan Akin,A.,Lin,T.L.,Wu,C.C.,Bryan,T.A.,Hooper,T.,Schrader,D.,2001.Nucleocap- si dp rote inge nese quen ceanal ysisr evealscl ose genomic rela tionsh ipbetween that of negative results in the ELISA. 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Therefore, both antibody to TCoV in press LLC, BocaRa ton, FL,14 1pp. turkeyserumandantibodytoIBVinchickenserumweredetectable Stephense n,C .B.,Ca sebolt, D.B .,Ga ngopadhyay,N.N.,1999.Phylogeneticanalysisof bythe establi shed ELISAas sh ow n inthepr esents tudy .Thepres- ahighly cons ervedreg iono fthepolymeras egen efrom 11coronav irusesan d en ce o f antibody to IBV in turke y s eru m is no t likely be cause d1 8ev1e–l1o8p9m .ent of a c onsens us pol ymerase chi an re action as say. Virus Res . 60, infectionofIBVtoturkeyshasneverbeenestablishedorreported. Yu,L.,Liu,W.,Schnitzlein,W.M.,Tripathy,D.N.,Kwang,J.,2001.Studyofprotection Intheab sen ceo fI BVinfec tion ,antib odyt oIBVisnot ex pectedto by rec omb inantfowl poxvir usexpres sing C-termi na lnucl eocaps id proteinof be ind ucedint ur key serum.Ift herewere IB Vin fe ction inturkey s, inf ectious bronc hitis v irus again st challeng e. Avian Dis . 45, 340–348 . itcouldbediagnosedbytheestablishedELISAmethod.

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