Zhouetal.VirologyJournal (2015) 12:218 DOI10.1186/s12985-015-0446-6 REVIEW Open Access Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection: virus-host cell interactions and implications on pathogenesis Jie Zhou1,2,3, Hin Chu1,2,3, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan1,2,3,4 and Kwok-Yung Yuen1,2,3,4* Abstract Middle-East RespiratorySyndromecoronavirus (MERS-CoV) was identified to cause severe respiratory infection in humans since 2012.The continuing MERS epidemic with a case-fatality of more than 30 % poses a major threat to public health worldwide. Currently, the pathogenesis of human MERS-CoV infection remains poorly understood. We reviewed experimental findings from human primary cells and ex vivo human lung tissues, as well as those from animal studies, so as to understand the pathogenesis and high case-fatality of MERS. Human respiratory epithelial cellsare highlysusceptible to MERS-CoV and can supportproductive viral replication. However, theinduction of antiviral cytokines and proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines are substantially dampened in theinfectedepithelial cells, due to the antagonistic mechanisms evolved by thevirus. MERS-CoVcan readily infect and robustly replicate inhumanmacrophagesanddendriticcells,triggeringtheaberrantproductionofproinflammatorycytokines/ chemokines.MERS-CoVcanalsoeffectivelyinfecthumanprimaryTcellsandinducemassiveapoptosisinthesecells. Althoughdatafromclinical,invitroandexvivostudiessuggestedthepotentialforvirusdissemination,extrapulmonary involvementinMERSpatientshasnotbeenascertainedduetothelackofautopsystudy.InMERS-CoVpermissive animalmodels,althoughviralRNAcanbedetectedfrommultipleorgansoftheaffectedanimals,thebrainofhuman DPP4-transgenicmousewastheonlyextrapulmonaryorganfromwhichtheinfectiousviruscanberecovered.More researchfindingsonthepathogenesisofMERSandthetissuetropismsofMERS-CoVmayhelptoimprovethe treatmentandinfectioncontrolofMERS. Background 555 deaths in over 20 countries worldwide, with a high GeneraloverviewofMERSandMERS-CoV case-fatality of more than 30 % [3]. The continuing In September 2012, a novel lineage C betacoronavirus MERS epidemic in the Middle East is believed to be was identified as the etiological agent to cause severe related to the failure to control the zoonotic sources, respiratory infection in humans in the Middle East [1]. most probably the dromedary camels, which results in The novel virus was formally named as Middle East ongoing camel-to-human transmission [4–9]. While all respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) by the primary cases of MERShave been epidemiologically linked Coronavirus Study Group of International Committee to the Middle East, numerous clusters in the community onTaxonomyofVirusesin2013[2].Asof23September andhealthcaresettingshavealsobeenreported.Thelargest 2015, MERS-CoV has caused 1570 infection cases and healthcare-associated outbreak occurred in the Republic of Korea in 2015, in which 186 cases including 36 deaths oc- curred after the index patient returned from the Middle *Correspondence:[email protected] 1StateKeyLaboratoryofEmergingInfectiousDiseases,TheUniversityof East [10]. The high case-fatality rate of MERS and the HongKong,HongKongSpecialAdministrativeRegion,China capability of MERS-CoV to cause outbreaks in healthcare 2DepartmentofMicrobiology,TheUniversityofHongKong,QueenMary facilitiesposesignificantthreattopublichealthworldwide. Hospital,102PokfulamRoad,HongKongSpecialAdministrativeRegion, China Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2015Zhouetal.OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade.TheCreativeCommonsPublicDomainDedicationwaiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)appliestothedatamadeavailableinthisarticle,unlessotherwisestated. Zhouetal.VirologyJournal (2015) 12:218 Page2of7 Unlike most other human-pathogenic coronaviruses, replication, as well as the occurrence of infection- which mainly cause self-limiting upper respiratory tract induced apoptosis in human lung tissue [24]. Moreover, infections, MERS-CoV is capable of causing severe it was shown that MERS-CoV infection in ex vivo lung disease with lower respiratory tract involvement and tissues displayed the comparable extent and kinetics to extrapulmonary manifestations [11, 12]. Patients with the infection of highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza severe MERS often present with pneumonic symptoms virus in lung tissues of the same donors, indicating the including fever, cough and dyspnea, with some progres- high infectivity of MERS-CoV in human respiratory epi- sing to respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress thelium [24]. However, in the latter study, MERS-CoV syndrome [13, 14]. Extrapulmonary manifestations such could also infect ciliated bronchial epithelial cells while as renal failure, hepatic dysfunction, and diarrhea are these cells were not susceptible to the virus in the notuncommon[13,15].Additionally,derangedcoagulation former study [23, 24]. Notably, the studies in human ex profileandhematological changesmay also beobservedin vivo airway tissues invariably revealed that pulmonary severe MERS[15]. The infectious virus could be recovered endothelial cells were highly susceptible to MERS-CoV exclusivelyfrompatients’respiratorytract,whilstviralRNA [23, 24], suggesting that MERS-CoV infection in could be detected extrapulmonary specimens such as respiratory tract could potentially develop into a blood, urine and stool by nucleic acid amplification tests systematic or disseminated infection. Taken together, [16,17]. These clinicalandlaboratoryfindingsaresuggest- human respiratory epithelium is highly permissive to iveofpossiblydisseminatedviralinfection. MERS-CoV. The effective infection results in robust MERSbearssomeresemblancetosevereacuterespira- viral propagation and massive induction of apoptosis. tory syndrome (SARS) in terms of clinical manifest- These studies provided pathological basis of the major ation. The etiological agent of SARS is a lineage B pulmonary features of MERS i.e., pneumonia and betacoronavirus, SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). In acute lung injury. 2002–2003, SARS-CoV infected more than 8000 pa- As the first line of host defense, human epithelial cells tients with a case-fatality rate of 9.6 %, affecting over 30 are stimulated to produce antiviral and proinflammatory countries worldwide [18–20]. However, unlike SARS, no cytokines and chemokines to eliminate the invading autopsy study has been conducted in deceased MERS pathogens. Based on the studies in human primary patients. Therefore, our understanding of the pathogen- respiratory epithelial cells, respiratory epithelial cell lines esis of MERS remains largely elusive. In this review, we and ex vivo human lung tissue, there has been a consen- summarize the current knowledge on MERS-CoVcellu- susrecognitionthattheinductionofantiviralinterferons lar tropisms and the virus-host interaction observed in (i.e. type I and III IFNs) was basically dampened, al- in vitro human cells, ex vivo human tissues, and their though type I and type III IFNs treatment can effectively implications on the pathogenesis of MERS. The relevant inhibit the MERS-CoV replication [21–23]. Additionally, findings in MERS-CoV infected experimental animals MERS-CoV infection failed to elicit strong proinflamma- are also reviewed, aiming to recapitulate the human tory cytokines response in human primary respiratory MERS disease and to better the understanding of patho- epithelial cells and ex vivo respiratory tissues [21, 23, 24]. genesisof humanMERS-CoV infection. The respiratory epithelial cell line Calu-3 cells were used to study the early and late phase of innate immune CellulartropismofMERS-CoVinrespiratorysystem response after MERS-CoV infection. It was demonstrated andinnateimmuneresponseuponinfection that the proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines such as TheprimaryinfectionsiteofMERSishumanrespiratory IL-1β, IL-8 and IL-6 exhibited a delayed but marked tract. It was demonstrated that MERS-CoVcould effect- inductionuponMERS-CoVinfection[25].Basedonthese ively infect and robustly replicate in the human airway observations, antagonistic mechanisms of MERS-CoV to epithelium [21, 22]. Ex vivo tissues from human respira- attenuate innate immune response have been extensively tory tract were also examined for the cellular tropism of sought. A number of MERS-CoV proteins, including the MERS-CoV [23, 24]. It was shown that MERS-CoV papain-like protease, membrane protein, and accessory infected non-ciliated bronchial epithelial cells, bronchi- proteins4a,4band5,havebeenidentifiedtosuppressthe olar epithelial cells, alveolar epithelial cells and endothe- interferon production [26–29]. Among them, MERS-CoV lial cells of pulmonary vessels [23]. Additionally, upon 4a was shown to suppress PACT-induced activation of MERS-CoV infection in ex vivo lung tissues, the unin- RIG-I and MDA5 and circumvent the innate immune fected cells underwent massive apoptosis with extensive response[27].Additionally,MERS-CoVpapain-likeprote- caspase 3 activation, implicating that paracrine mechan- aseexhibitedthedeubiquitinatinganddeISGylatingactiv- ism may contribute to the induction of apoptosis [23]. ities and suppressed the innate immune response [29]. Another study in human ex vivo lung tissue echoed the Collectively, MERS-CoV may have evolved multiple discovery of MERS-CoV’s productive infection and antagonisticmechanismstodampenorattenuatethehost Zhouetal.VirologyJournal (2015) 12:218 Page3of7 defense, which contributed to the high pathogenicity in evidenced by the progressive increase in viral antigen humans. expression, increase in viral RNA, and increase in virus Consistent with the responsiveness of MERS-CoV to titer in the culture media of the infected cells [38]. Intri- interferontreatmentinvitro,combinational treatmentof guingly, in the same study, the authors reported that IFN-α2b and ribavirin reduced virus replication and im- MERS-CoV induced no IFN-β and marginal IFN-α proved clinical outcome in MERS-CoV infected rhesus expressionininfected dendritic cells.Onthe otherhand, macaques [30]. It was further demonstrated that IFN- MERS-CoV triggered substantial expression of IFN-γ, β1b treatment showed a better outcome in the virus- IL-12, IP-10/CXCL-10 and RANTES/CCL-5, which was inoculatedcommonmarmosets[31]. significantly higher than that of SARS-CoV-infected dendritic cells. In addition, the surface expression of The human immune cells involved in MERS-CoV MHC class II and costimulatory molecule was disturbed infection in MERS-CoV-infected dendritic cells, which might con- While the cellular tropism of SARS-CoV in human tribute to the immune dysregulation during MERS-CoV respiratory tract resembles thatofMERS-CoV [21,22],a infection [38]. Recently, Scheuplein et al. reported the number of immune cells displayed distinct susceptibility infection of plasmacytoid dendritic cells by MERS-CoV. toMERS-CoVandSARS-CoV. Remarkably, the author concluded that although MERS- CoV infection in plasmacytoid dendritic cells was abort- Macrophages ive, the infection induced the production of large The novel MERS-CoV has a broad tissue and cellular amounts of type I and type III IFNs exclusively in these tropism including human monocytic cell line, THP-1 cells [39]. [32]. A subsequent study focused on human macro- In the case of SARS-CoV, a number of studies demon- phages and demonstrated that MERS-CoV could effi- strated that human dendritic cells were susceptible to ciently infect and replicate in human monocyte-derived SARS-CoV but were unable to support viral replication macrophages (MDMs) [33]. Notably, a 2–4-log increase [35, 36, 40]. Nonetheless, SARS-CoV infection led to the in viral RNA was consistently detected in MERS-CoV phenotypic and functional maturation of dendritic cells, infected MDMs derived from different donors within with regard to MHC class II and costimulatory molecule 48 h post infection. In addition, MERS-CoVsignificantly expression, T cell-stimulatory capacity, and cytokine/ induced the expression of proinflammatory and chemo- chemokine production including TNF-α, MIP-1α/CCL- tactic cytokines and chemokines, including IP-10/CXCL- 3, RANTES/CCL-5, IP-10/CXCL-10, and MCP-1/CCL-2 10, MCP-1/CCL-2, MIP-1α/CCL-3, RANTES/CCL-5, [35,40].Importantly, Zhao et al. demonstrated the po- IL-8, and IL-12,in the infected human macrophages [33]. tential role of dendritic cells in controlling the patho- In the meantime, MERS-CoV triggered the upregulation genesis of SARS-CoV in a mouse study. In particular, ofMHCclassI-,MHCclassII-,andcostimulation-related the authors showed that severe outcome of SARS- genes in MDMs. Furthermore, by utilizing ex vivo organ CoV infection correlated with the slow kinetics of culture, the authors demonstrated that the alveolar virus clearance and delayed activation of respiratory macrophages in human lung tissues were susceptible to dendritic cells [41]. MERS-CoV[33]. Collectively, in contrast to the inability to elicit the The SARS-CoVcan infect human macrophages. How- production of proinflammatory cytokines in human ever, viral replication of SARS-CoV in human macro- respiratory epithelial cells, MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV phages was abortive and no infectious virus particles are able to stimulate the induction of proinflammatory were produced [34–37]. Despite an abortive infection, cytokines/chemokines in human macrophages and den- the SARS-CoV infection in human macrophages in- dritic cells. However, the question arises whether the duced the expression of a number of proinflammatory triggered innate immune response is beneficial or detri- chemokines including IP-10/CXCL10 and MCP-1/CCL2. mental in MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV infected patients On the other hand, the induction of IFN-α and IFN-β, since the host immune response may act as a two-edged which are important antiviral cytokines and key compo- sword at different stages of disease [42]. Therefore, fur- nentsofinnate immunity, waslargely absent [35,37]. ther studies are warranted in experimental animals and patients to elucidate how the virus-host interaction in Dendriticcells these immune cells affect the pathogenesis of human Dendritic cells are essential sentinels of the immune coronavirusinfections. system, which detect invading pathogens and bridge the innate immune system with the adaptive immune Tlymphocytes system. Infection of human monocyte-derived dendritic Although lymphopenia is commonly observed in SARS cells (mDCs) by MERS-CoV was productive as and MERS patients, the exact cause of lymphopenia Zhouetal.VirologyJournal (2015) 12:218 Page4of7 currently remains unknown. It has been postulated that MERS-CoV infection in vivo. However, so far, no human SARS-CoV may directly infect Tcells and lead to Tcell autopsy study has been documented. To address the depletion [43]. However, alternative models for lympho- possible extrapulmonary involvement, we have to seek penia upon SARS-CoV infection have also been pro- evidence from MERS-CoV infected experimental animals posed, including sequestrationoflymphocyteswithin the although none of these animals can fully recapitulate the inflamed tissues, cytokine-induced cell death, as well as humanMERSdisease. suppression of hematopoietic progenitor cells in bone marrow or thymus [37]. As for the infection of MERS- MERS-CoV infection and pathogenesis in non-human CoV, a recent study demonstrated that the infection of primate model and small animal models human DPP4-transduced and Tcell-deficient mice with The receptor for MERS-CoV was identified to be an MERS-CoV resulted in the persistence of MERS-CoV in exopeptidase, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) [47]. The the lungs while the virus was cleared in control mice role of DPP4 as the main determinant in the host trop- and B cell-deficient mice. These findings hinted that T ism of MERS-CoV has been elucidated in several studies cells might play critical roles in controlling the patho- [48–50]. Commonly used laboratory animal species such genesis of MERS-CoV [44]. Subsequently, a study as Syrian hamster, mice and ferrets are not susceptible published earlier this year directly addressed the issue of to MERS-CoV since DPP4 orthologs of these animal MERS-CoV infection in T cells. The authors demon- species are unable to bind MERS-CoVspike protein and strated that Tcells from human peripheral blood mono- mediate virus entry [49, 51, 52]. The MERS-CoV inocu- nuclear cells, human lymphoid tissues, and the spleen of lation in rabbits displayed an asymptomatic infection. common marmosets were highly susceptible to MERS- Neither significant histopathological change nor clinical CoV. Furthermore, MERS-CoV induced substantial symptom was observed in these rabbits although the apoptosis in the infected Tcells that involved the activa- virus could be detected from lung tissues [53]. Camels tion of the intrinsic and extrinsic caspase-dependent are susceptible to the MERS-CoV isolated from human. apoptosis pathways [45]. The results suggested that the Although the infected camels can shed large amounts of unusual capacity of MERS-CoV to infect Tcells and in- virus from the upper respiratory tract, the disease signs duce apoptosis might contribute to the high pathogen- were mild [54]. Among all experimental animals tested icityofthe virus. for the development of MERS animal models, rhesus The role of T cells in controlling the pathogenesis of macaques developed a mild to moderate respiratory SARS-CoVinfectionremainsincompletelyunderstood.In infection[55,56] whereascommon marmosetsdisplayed a mouse study, it was observed that depletion of CD4+ T amoderatetosevererespiratorydiseaseafterinoculation cells resulted in enhanced interstitial pneumonitis and using a combination routes of intranasal, intra-tracheal, delayed clearance of SARS-CoV from the lung tissues, oral and ocular [57]. In marmosets, the MERS-CoV in- whichwasassociatedwithreducedproductionofneutral- fection was suggested to be a disseminated infection izing antibody and cytokines as well as reduced pulmon- since viral RNA was detectable in nearly all tested aryrecruitmentoflymphocytes[46]. tissues in all infected animals, including blood, kidney, intestine, liver and spleen etc. However, except for the Possible involvement of extrapulmonary organs samples from the respiratory tract, isolation of infectious upon MERS-CoV infection virus in other organs was not successful. Interestingly, MERS-CoV viral RNA could be detected in blood, urine the susceptibility of macrophages to MERS-CoV as and stool specimens of some MERS patients, suggesting evidenced in the in vitro and ex vivo studies was verified that the virus dissemination may occur [17]. We and in alveolar macrophages of MERS-CoV infected marmo- others have shown that endothelial cells of blood vessel set[57]. in human ex vivo lung tissues were permissive to The first MERS mouse model was generated by prior MERS-CoV [23, 33], which may provide the pathological transduction of adenoviral vector expressing human basis of the potential virus dissemination. In addition, it DPP4 (hDPP4). These mice displayed a transient viral has been demonstrated that MERS-CoV can infect pneumonia which resolved within 1–2 weeks after infec- human monocyte-derived dendritic cells and cause pro- tion [44]. Several lines of human DPP4 transgenic mice ductive viral replication [38]. Human primary Tcells are have been subsequently reported. MERS-CoV infection also readily susceptible to MERS-CoV [45]. Dendritic and replication were invariably evidenced in these cells and Tcells are migrating cells in the human body. hDPP4 transgenic mice [58–60]. However, disease sign Therefore, the MERS-CoV infected dendritic cells and T and pathology in these mice differed, which appeared to cells may allow the virus to disseminate systemically depend on the promoters controlling the expression of beyond the respiratory tract. Collectively, extrapulmon- hDPP4 gene. Pascal etal. replaced themouse DPP4 ORF ary organs and tissues are very likely to be involved in with human DPP4 so that the knocked-in hDPP4 is Zhouetal.VirologyJournal (2015) 12:218 Page5of7 under the control of the endogenous mouse DPP4 pro- lung tissues of the immunized hDPP4 transduced mouse moter [60]. The authors believed that this strategy may model [44]. The same group subsequent examined the render hDPP4 to be expressed in a physiologically- VRP-S in a more permissive hDPP4 transgenic mouse relevant context. After virus inoculation in these mice, model [59]. The VRP-S immunized hDPP4 transgenic MERS-CoV robustly replicated in the mouse lung. How- micewerecompletelyprotectedfromlethalinfection.Pre- ever, the inoculated mice did not exhibit disease signs, treatmentwithserumofthemouseimmunizedwithVRP- without any extrapulmonary involvement. On the other Scanalsobeprotectedfromfatalinfection[59].Twofully hand, two lines of hDPP4 transgenic mice which had the human neutralization antibodies binding to distinct epi- transgene under the control of chicken β-actin promoter topes of MERS spike protein, which were generated using [58] and cytokeratin 18 promoter [59] respectively, were the mouse expressing human antibody, displayed the pre- highly permissive to MERS-CoV infection. The mice and post-exposure protection efficacy from MERS-CoV developed progressive pneumonia with fatal outcome infectioninhDPP4transgenicmice[61]. after intranasal inoculation. The infectious virus can constantly and exclusively be recovered from lung and Conclusions brain tissues [58, 59]. Similar to the marmoset study, The pathogenesis of human MERS-CoV infection while viral RNAcan also be detected from extrapulmon- remains poorly understood. Human respiratory epithe- ary organs including the heart, spleen and intestines, liumishighlysusceptibletoMERS-CoVandcansupport virus isolation from these organs was unsuccessful. The productive viral replication. However, MERS-CoV has hDPP4 transgenic mouse with cytokeratin 18 (CK18) evolved multiple antagonistic mechanisms to attenuate promoter was generated in parallel with another trans- the induction of antiviral and proinflammatory cytokines genic mouse line with surfactant protein C (SPC) pro- in the affected epithelial cells. Additionally, MERS-CoV moter. SPC promoter confers transgene expression in can readily infect and robustly replicate in human mac- bronchiolar and alveolar epithelia while CK18 promoter rophages and dendritic cells, which elicits the aberrant can drive a more universal transgene expression in epi- production of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines. thelia of liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract and some MERS-CoVcan also effectively infect human primary T cells in the nervous system, apart from respiratory tract. cells and induce massive apoptosis in these cells. Al- The hDPP4 mice with CK18 promoter developed lethal though clinical presentations as well as in vitro and ex infection after intranasal inoculation of MERS-CoV. In vivo studies implicated the potential virus dissemination contrast, the same inoculation in the hDPP4 mice with upon MERS-CoV infection, the extrapulmonary involve- SPC promoter caused no mortality or body weight loss ment has not been ascertained. In the MERS-CoV per- [59]. Therefore, the morbidity and mortality in human missive animal models, viral RNA can be detected from DPP4 transgenic mice may correlate to the tissue/cellular multiple organs of the infected animals. However, recov- distribution and/or the expression intensity of the trans- ery of the infectious virus was unsuccessful in most gene. Notably, a common discovery among these MERS- extrapulmonary organs. More studies are warranted to CoVsusceptible animals was that the gene expression of further characterize the tissue tropisms of MERS-CoV antiviral cytokines, proinflammatory cytokines and che- for the better understanding towards the pathogenesis of mokines was elevated [55, 57, 58]. Collectively, the tissue MERS. tropisms of MERS-CoV in human hosts have not been fully elucidated although there has been accumulating Competinginterests Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenocompetinginterests. evidence of possible extrapulmonary involvement in MERS patients. Undoubtedly, hDPP4 transgenic mouse Authors’contributions studies are conducive for the development of antivirals or JZ,HC,JFWCandKYYallcontributedtoconceivingthecontentandwriting vaccines against MERS-CoV. However, in terms of impli- thetext.Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinalmanuscript. cation for the pathogenesis in human MERS, findings Acknowledgements from these hDPP4 transgenic mice must be interpreted ThestudieswerepartiallysupportedbyTheme-basedResearch(TBR)Scheme withgreatcaution. Anin-depthinvestigation of the tissue (T11/707/15,ResearchGrantsCounciloftheHongKongSpecialAdministrative Region),NationalScienceandTechnologyMajorProjectsofInfectiousDisease tropisms of MERS-CoV in human hosts will facilitate our (2012ZX10004501-004)andHealthandMedicalResearchFund(HMRF14131392, understanding towards the transmission route and patho- FoodandHealthBureau,TheGovernmentofHongKongSpecialAdministrative genesisofMERS. Region). 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LiK,Wohlford-LenaneC,PerlmanS,ZhaoJ,JewellAK,ReznikovLR, (cid:129) We provide round the clock customer support Gibson-CorleyKN,MeyerholzDK,McCrayPB,Jr.:MiddleEastRespiratory SyndromeCoronavirusCausesMultipleOrganDamageandLethalDisease (cid:129) Convenient online submission (cid:129) Thorough peer review (cid:129) Inclusion in PubMed and all major indexing services (cid:129) Maximum visibility for your research Submit your manuscript at www.biomedcentral.com/submit