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2014 Media Kit Covers.indd - Adweek PDF

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Preview 2014 Media Kit Covers.indd - Adweek

2 0 1 4 M E D I A K I T | | PRINT DIGITAL EVENTS A B O U T TTHHEE VVOOIICCEE OOFF MMEEDDIIAA VVOOLL.. LLVV NNOO.. 11 JJAANNUUAARRYY 66--1122,, 22001144 M e r g e r M V P s LOOK WHO’S TALKING Thanks to the Internet of Things, we’ve fi nally arrived at the Jetsons age—and we’ll see it all at CES 00_0106_COVER_LO [P].indd 2 1/2/14 6:04 PM MUUTTUUALLY ASSURED SURVIVAL? THE VOICE OF MEDIA VOL. LIV NO. 40 NOVEMBER 11-17, 2013 YYYY33eee55aaa rrss OtkBhiynle lSl bitanhlmoeea is rTtte prhderi eaicmlmambaialnrenyg m ssoeourdvrecilc.e eB osu fa tcr soeun tcthcerenestas. t Hceonouiwnld gw lteiolal dtiat t kahelel d meon wtdo?n ILLUSTRATION: LINCOLN AGNEW PHOTO: FIRST LASTNAME 1 MONTH ##, #### | ADWEEK ADWEEK | MONTH ##, #### RRooooffaaSSff ntnt CCCCffPPhhooddooGGeeeerr RRrrrr mm,,BB RReeyyaayyiieeee oonnrraaBBrrrraannddnnllggee yy &&ee hhBBrr BBoorrggii eessOO eeffSSee rrrrssEE’’hhrrDDggggoouu ooee((eenneerrllppllrr..oossrr))ll..,, The Familyy IInn cceelleebbrraation of our 35th anniversary, aa ppoorrttffoolliioo of industry veterans and the sons aanndd ddaauugghhters to whom they’re passing the torch. THE VOICE OF MEDIA Updated: 6/16/14 PRINT Before you take the deep dive, here’s a peek at what’s ahead in the pages of the magazine First Mover Data Points Portrait The innovators, game changers, decision The latest in media, marketing and A close-up on the new generation of makers on their new jobs and how they got technology through the lens of data. advertising and media stars. from here to there. Trending Topics Accounts in Review Information Diet The hottest trends shaping the world of A weekly roundup of major accounts up Celebrities come clean on their media media, advertising and technology. for grabs and who’s chasing them. addictions and obsessions. Front Front Back First Mover Specs Data Points Portrait Specs VSiceh Meadia’ns rinegle aSderm puncihets hback CoNnetwin guniiegnw gHC sgomEsigOta ,ogC Vfao izn-cifeneAow euMg, n HeVed Bdi4eciO3rae, BMy Luocian Moeseys T hTe rircho mauy habve lmeores than you and me, but TMhis qouardterely mragnazi nFe taaps irntom the peubrlic’s Who CEO, editorW inh cahtie NfW iAchhneenr fMeo oaHdrui emd sGaoagnra,d zNnin.eYer. at critics of his show’s visit to North Korea. many of them still have concerns about the country’s economy. interest in food issues in a smart, stylish package. IKttfiwtWtTtdnia1VyKmu“solcttttwtscgWastHadNlaaNoleBwtodPCnteoaohhhohoohhooWhheoo nnfsfftuiooeogb0 phiuohioooopaapitavbnw e feeeereoch tepuuoownddcyApudttugNueerli co.rrersylowled hog nmn ahhl ne..woenneauwaa oerrwcottrems Aer lmsouso usswe tr - eTPsehhaeaeol atcctttm s mao t.s et .ag a. ?Preov dag arnotn,rreos ho c’ fcdtsfihe ie eIet nwvIh tSaKK?gssaia”n m toyyo ea hroiteeoteafuyasdttw o dhsetbre d’annl wa. l lw t otrnsiooii Asnrtnif-c i nwwm duWtiledtp linco drtahme caDrrm’n y, wnA nKoyi rrdhiugyhttttaeytepo rncw leadnctgeseatal agee s ehpane ehe, dnn ofm wte eheHrith otiad w luki e atd sTmsmlhnaatoeb e hertntes aghhmeb tre mioh ot ceom sc iBKoaabppynnns oDgoeIh Vcea etnn n iwnpe.u tc iilmaeat tsstt o yobio easng ur tohgea esoeeO Tiid tlfo bee“eatd ashtw nhsdfsoCmapnis oosaooors hjlk ra oT nhweoc ugtnallmnRur a fsa ph ed or sygldetykmsuphr ckfaRoectiaivelasihcsoaltaski nst nnrn o n uotam, l e eiJtrhillivirtrthceeact rtflonVrtkt oieee,cnemctl ea,ldugm masgbil ion o tehveu i rtrio tolrotdco ibhs mdetdaaa?goi urbca asnrzys auvahgy ieygden icpstowgumneeuo ce e t.gne un y ptiayt eg,Rilhb w a neP soe aop oaenk ei.iI otrsiitltmglm okpr. lmnrza to les ca”o tt ntaoai ,mreans,cl wtoatnl o m ’N e- ustet nu ntsnt fyaioeniotIsoroddaertu ehafefs nh nhei erao shrmrdk.isd pmemon ai m ier bnImd esgttitawslr oSn stem ls eennga ilcolhh i e t eelypwfc ewars ttteaohass is l lwho ot o n aowts or yyawelb u hTa netnft.tro uraewt p btdr iniuiw.hoagsnrr odorthnno Vhuleddayesoleymchagueld tofo ragwna Ne?o ibdufw ikson aitr kinslitu mctpseu n snrid ihnofec to; a’n ldfaau tu rti t o.oclargindeonyi g irtylrc Twste tril ea d n h o tsV l, g s , IbAlydgWoawhtstJJeokuNYmssHthwmidnwvstahhomoudtinafiiaosepooo’doooi detffrs eeoeha hdysvuicvnnitftifafpruvrrgrnwnsa sptoeeheeo,yikeelhc’azzkeent eosKr e’rhgigtp rrrrueah eef oeer .i sietad tfrhabs shsee tbt oner nsI.. .’er a ootsptTt fra aecTaeKcten hefrnagYI Yoehfog idbs re oc orys-riaeVduehoagdtlpobo optoown ey o. r nedumoul ge al on mnnec u u ul.iorTh imimudmiytms acue noraasrne’bnkt eoAt olsoriahmo obdls oa ssltnfgeno tgiei caa tto fotd— innk tetntHr roa.usta un tgalonac.vrh’t n.ahdposonTty i ”isdgTelns kseoeoencBC ut otosa ol ra.eee ru’l m o’—V e.hare hlvsaldaksgbtattoliot T tOshbtscygn?elthfH u oeu hs eMplette hg oehtfii i,pw tiuhhG abig, lpnnn euar oelt snylotsyz BWeofuoiecAaelserldtietiyturiedrevgnaeesgkiaf’etoolo ndtvta,rpmnRhni Ovaoab m b san.enwdee cns tbso stPtu enpg”uaabCmeechlaasgstbeol.h hhu ,yit ntsns.u ci rrrr ei.lehoHtsohytWseHm auoit ratodFed“on srioldi ae eiioioyiiadota a’.oo enn uOnbac?knilahevcrasr aoy esr2toulmeer.re l at I mpn no ranlkthgy ilseesaab oil a5hfesr ?wanAtsh vTpwkdfi.ldj sk tk clm l isiei. ,dh.utB cGdevrhl’, wdesahnn nh nenesdpW,s ln ,ehenC,eeAaa, e 2tI ac ams i i, nlno ee yc oagcesadpi’c i tgd se.d be nl0nsngoPbnftttptebntt sp oiorhnyewlane n Aa o s ohk 1d aeae poaioctt6Mep pbbdrhoohlcyaiorbu3 f rld Nyneeshnereyac tsleY rmeli eeg esye t0amaa yneuolw otyskh o d,ei y, y etans ctmoiSd kv at ,|.bia v nna soo bStdioeuo t“ti eewg nmMb. tuaadgb raegws tinpei k d oWottiatdcuuy,dAprcyi’nstoblenyssu n ernleu h oaihdri mntht tythkos bo’iiaDi ons o etee’wkdtaerramhehsatosen e htne e e iWebevesuv ehaxlga ne nrerr atahg eeslere e- et ae lssEe ,s, tg ernolrer ? nrE l . ’ s K t PHOTO: ELIZABETH LIPPMAN 14EconoTma33ky3e 69 a4t po%%lwediatashuiyrne tc throteTiThp hUmhi11e ioses22. es Sr d dU ammp tU.vooom.5a.SiooaidSnnce.nna 4agreeg ttytt cc hhoeba ivooodssebsdTtibnn ntaosaah.etooh yggu geettmm eooettv reo etrsyyctri. o ic1nhng2 ofem emylA43o48sn %%tihnsc Taoagkme2o a1 epolue ratssiiudsreAee t lthlr saeiOpd U, tuo h.lrlSte3 .uvsr a %6pcxlaatunios21r nOiny55 pnH %e%tsxHitmpI 1 $2eFaai2 mrbse5neow0om uon,ed0ptrt 0 tih tiatiV0shm,n e t+ba(Ohir% nsgayoopt d) huitou uBcia1gppmlluhtttf4isyi lms t %oatShiirUcs nlteVeica soesre c tiarno nucenc2kw3or9 5cm0ae%r,%ayse DSnR1toWeaeTn4droJaxtoeSSrt Awc53334etakapNo vov 0577t1or1Ue oeranfi Ak 2ffat oiogRe vnc err Ytmhg terha t a7eo ei r,rtnuop aihi2gttri2on0yln/ eheam/1my44331t4e3nx dn aehee0062o1 la|nrntss ych tpAi isrie(Dionnr%WfigtE)EK INFOGRAPHIC: CARLOS MONTEIRO HAapreIamaavn rcive ep9doeteera runaif slb oontsgnt orotle a ruumtexgouhsrt yt2lu7x $utl3Ain4ahrt 4ti4oyS se,an O5 1r opet3oUfi0 rmm p8MRoa0aeocCdLn nkwoEcuaowe:hgcc$ e Slaee’tes1H.rns 2oTa 4/Ucuon7sinp,dtLBeyd5i cLyT rMff s:0pMo av TWhaslr04i3rkioApmlSca noaaNvheiernntred 2e sgRoelef ,r rr 5EaTrrioannmShieesd6 Eeip snt waAN2hga aeRea nscnW w1Cehnttdfa i8 HYtcf1ld omeokh 2 cCerka Iatkw rnonEnmnst sTo 3NpwArallooA iuweiiireuokmsnfslxTe3r lete ib cu ns mlnamtlseEeloylrh,dcstt isynu oopRmtuo e sho rerMamltii3,ext roeaotb sts Seap rtub uae% eelgH4y(aeb a%srccUo6zhkyu i)Ly1anstT an eLpw4harg,M rdshHeugosaee AHo tirprad nNIe4nc $p hI dtn24Lheh e52dsUre0ai oidat,rXi0a’l ssf0 Urio iOsg0ernoR +ienacmds tY a5 ea ldpoic eA sscubwAomg airlum1lNtvioaetsresrp i bDeep%mts5phastr r aho Anl tef31notoau rFweneo “2A gmFexmidhnm/L iieund.gma aUInohz tronwe’-Edsofnyr aNu abe5pn s oiCamhm 9nxtr%iEc oothgo3 y nvbpmaMO es”9trn pemoafdO7 uaapeTrets Nrinehcmn rteeTo,t wr MH—H1sfeoI,o L 2mattddhYrioe e—mim nrD2rPd’anetU-1l pe obglFoL eesstanSltnri3u Eeetmb7nvrh1naeeoit srniiuto gTAab’snnlhmgr y yaOiefn a a hoi rnzltgrtilor chausmtenhSato e tsontr nh raemsto e bdoblhrrr8nigouepln.sao”e’rteyptp et taea — taee li anhutfrldthersExde2a.rau r miEn“dr fpydomeiotooaAdpr U B laGAenaU nldSzink Tis le Mo5i a,mpa n2hre0iie 1sw3 t Gi hc|ao a rA tfdDieonWenelE r E, K PHOTO: CHRISTOPHER GABELLO; MAKEUP: JENNY MAGLIANO; SHOT ON LOCATION AT FIX BROTHERS FRUIT FARM 10_0325_FirstMov_LO [P].indd 10 3/22/13 1:25 PM 14_0107_Data_LO [P].indd 14 1/4/13 12:27 PM 34_0805_Portrait_LO [P].indd 34 8/1/13 2:55 PM Front Front Back Trending Topics Accounts in Review 9/9/2013 Information Diet Specs Tpprrhiienn ttl,,a aateddsvvtee nrrtteiiwssiisnn ggfr,, ommmaa rrtkkheeett wiinnoggr aaldnnsdd ottfee llteeevvciihss,ii oonn.. Bacyc Aounndtrse uwp Mforc Mgraaibnss, aAAn wwd eeweehkkollyy’s rr coohuuannsddinuugpp toohff ettmhhee. mmaajjoorr WmRahneyyn ontaohte brnu esny d peSraevpoeprsin,a gt hfioscr TNVre/wrae dYieosa hr’osts Et vleik,e Asm toe rtiucnaen iIndtool Foor oodn eN oeft whiosr k. oPfr oWSIdudiutnohcsl t;eR ihoty)on;aA sshntl co i( SvfKcsoeeoter ae emoCcvpf rlpeiDeennlaisgictsrt sk U hCo aCpmnhn l aWAdaenr nBionkttnCh’ess- ;l t a’NhsHhi roeeeK s whaKItIod S BBaYos -roaaeftFd f assFf aMRoreeos’ry;sx h LLsa i’sHiRoopan osseAno S caksAAmekAre, nntaieSsngRggcrmh’eee airEcae llad3aheevsni8noessst, DDPFVTBFsMptDDPFVTBFsMptDNEwaVsaVfiwsDblsfNtVe1a oaahetecndi0oovarariSiihuthiuiayyulgctrroornnng eggeeltmccPssrTu“inarobmggroeh -eaheecnntWggi tCCNuiiasnkott vh heeg t —nattaaiic’oeiedd--iiluusVV geaiaah duouoesiCd, lttlFhhgnefancffT ll nrihyr m Daaa iirremmdf p ao o psootosnn’nntdt grroawtTT ps o yyiD hrnhuupoef ot oo ggsoufl iitteoadcoeein diet nnitVVsssoonhttddi esssnnnNNimob-u nnssat tp vvtnfi,,tnkabtf slatt t eiadkr re ochsiit aaliuoiibrwwaiieeooncctSSeesvil gor lneggoveeiaahnnttlal dd e’hhhnfwrwwpp absid’ ’l iphhhhlaeg1scuhhb ncytdtttD t ssluuo 6aa pkkst onrchh a aaiolEs eetitiigew fatl lell-Ehioone iiinl -ra lvoooarrntSgeeeennrnglFFppbinpcsaogShimy iss danlP annfcmole trri ouulm’Poo eomys ee aand omttrmNawnfevvitita tl Nr eenaoooo MHH adtEEa ll.ssdwre iiaem oeetaphIaaessr i r d ttnn wuMr eoognSStso rtoeesirdllt esbb ssooss adl’ueenniuowaaffsTT nh iss l biPPiionfit wa lraa gixiso nndwwouu.oelintfesgr ir-t NNnlli,wyarrton sdnnls eeal’’alliiwkttuee yltn ttt gam ’’ cco s ’ hss nttTosey. e neehh esef Ve . nrr .. bogDmwAttmTtmtwtfi#b“mh oohhwnlniyanD Vuiiollueaa eae ttdll oelaHiWbmn lukkfihbtlhwitetr ltr ’npaaee,kno seiiit ”qotoshmlltvr n vsiiah ssk[l rfursaroncera e duu rooHeaiaot saoem tT’sdnc irriuo bikbv’lrBntmorsdo eeeRVmtlwomiiti lserp n mnlvrewtSiltee eua si”tnihaheerpsgptscd hnuoe md unn th oal,toalewa ’oradeaehtattrmnt t aeyeaVyhw]a lvshyetiwiecr,l., ts. me ec i yifiH t sI,shhtc’e“ ni lrro syh tth.ucter eaEn o u g’earwWeehteoseep swmgapi bidvna tn c hposeibsEaemeolhrllgra t douteorenglt r Sreeatewwa atch rerresyoactaP ng g,rn iteo’moaeo ithjtsteavi.tNetole rd neg nnr imfieLhlptoe b n e ’le tleagicmsar nenao tatoelgt t t isdid apohtg oolwnf estaT,est u ote dte roirV r.ti”d p ah . DoatiS“tegwtftrsVpsNmAbaovsysM“tdiOmnatiiiaw[svsnnnnvoohhhhhiehaaeSBosornnnniifhleioin mauviidaira oestcvl aopefleileeoapionouagtsedddur eda ed enrdTu“DW“JB“pybneldevbm yM htbueusr aommdepanmiuA tetmdsrTW o eCc tolnlmaali iuFktwfcii l ngiuer k le aeaotd gwaapl el[ls-alxnhousotsihpratnyiotteionehheaei yt nsifn esl reaoid ,tlfor nenpdn eswntiaelahnlofo ia s ltmE’t]asaco e eav’p ls.oukol uoi nriTrantme’,etlagtidsp eharbheestyldetc” r B diilSlonyhywes ilrDdmnyhrmreee,tmrtewpsd’ taa Vl a u aian, sDbdhia “or oP muesesihg a aylhndoo Vntiy pfraecxvno cspmg, ] t’a uolepavf er , ho atNc n gun ecyTcta ”t-a oMestwliorhTna Di rsN oe rd sn p.ya aionnoesoi ia rins t doen t l o wbteCckaD’VuatT oaEeanatVa ,esh l otm“afo tindghanPcw pea is’xuieloktnets “ltg pl cstsbc ee npdnomVime Ea owr t awe ektrr uardpi,ctI d tntiieniph epopneass trEc sataundennieariomHh acnr sEh lnsh ,auadoo:tatnaka’rian tl trte la sa h3ft lhb msr ’Sben“t iliwtiuhoyg.rvrtcerrieo ebColni,dn seg”.stliaDgune0ooi gea.tarPel ahi-easkV dlitne”an nmrSrt d ho i,ldeciengoHf amcrnmnrVg n h l iovNn epa tagsusbaecmou iHthtictin eord nuon duch stueeeipnrntaairbeli ho Vdinceha erapn tnntmtsenvw on h,dsnglsdrrdoe pakiodmelutm eeeht e cr nl aiie Seeensp agmmyceiet sslttVci,iplk tt ine n rtroiinl icuTilotgnad sn”tsl,o n n.o oV ofntsessthnniei’ ewomg myeiu oeap E giop lgodosh u gn’b wm gannMasttagoginlwa’i, a ncnbeirsrsgV”linw ratehSa.i lilprste osgnmpvet”slee i mrodty tlensetogaMyone noellPoesih eea cee. anlsygee .scws niry. dneb beere ct.ien— Nse oobn t stt ,ie .Tn e d.,iwt” ie.nhsa setrf li ” a la s ege . eVeeldto tol s LwfiotmgbcGWNl“iansrwospcomasaDctngaitYKOSEns iohheIeotooonnnkdnfrueeeruvofeaB tha aXao oacot elecnmmy ddcemevbeceyoIonomtaloeyCktr atfinw “S ietatdd ia lgwhskfiacfV eTln niwesppTiphioeUlfitsrfdamokh l,cn,r ei hl ”utige oha lnaanltiaicth tagotK)iyuoIaIanln u t o bTwinhv ,nhNmcnnehsgDetsuetrg pibNzwnri egnae”eetg aVveg? tie iikeyie rl ieylaarlaaeeebsd yttpa ayr aene . nobe i torChxa”oznmcas nnpss w lWy wnraoortms, s n tdsiu d,tb l$auk it tdgheiTs uchs SuS,nrdNTe2o si,nwtaousk heoBin 4r asaealksyEf de wvogVsh.wi yno corru haan5n nnlaZPIhii0tanase. ei . wags e ?tpo Sn hodhct t iaeOTaasdogoieS mde“rTlt tmez ld, mweigtyhoineETrvc aTnhhcpmaehisenicta Inu cNsn M awa a eeelicied evtbhp hiachtisdmglalp rg wnale enVtrBnenhcl al ( ioueopsel inopc yiFu n ,oittnnhti—Edngo nd iao’ohWx rpmoepo neSooaoptprbogyRlagoo temrlnaf ta n s l’a fennmouwxhh les o Ta—osnst nte on es9tai a AwwAnh p urd pr.sac trowtuip , tansa,ocd prsn e baiai ersehShoIczaKnm teaoeae2cNyeyc nTao ivconinree Tadeotcinng0rerne i,rnssaeinepntt ”d esa tea rwmedraon1 utiIgC oheau.s tdeegretyPseh xu3 seelvt pssszslse S N oopy ai rd s dtt loacnxtHeTOttp Isa u.iitreoow o sGas | sct hoto ppttlotrtlI p imV , a ne t apano wi n r h wou agplTds okAfo idu lsroepialtosd rois eno deeofeDua .Vo ds ol i”pf ofiers nnd,ndeWlyn ee ms fT c ee’s k ec .,Et e h dr eErse K ILLUSTRATION: GLUEKIT; FOOTBALL PLAYER: FREDERICK BREEDON/GETTY IMAGES; DONUT: EMILE WAMSTEKER/BLOOMBERG 1M$$$$$$$$$N6oetd111e273566i:a A bS05l540000lp aes0n0m5sm000dignmmmmmmments for U.S. unAGCgRgAImDgmPcLcAcmJCdCcnlrrrrllliiPiehholanDsegbBeeeooozeeeeacnnsaosMhTzidddebbbaaaaextskisbsoea riiigaaaoottttav aaaiuena outiiii tnlll rlSHvvvvi*y, mt netsgn mmmhmeeee d u ieBMat ee,,it eeere ignerm rut-ddrnwni hBHttniietcuKiaaauasedkallestaiiilia cnslnotheeonh rtace lad r. eM edia spendIMPCHZUZVHTHDBMRRNMRRinnaeehHooaaGaoMiaaoecclgcnnrssezzrnvvlnDTggd iu, aooiiee fiaao Heeaatti MH ,atmPrrtt sshhugr rrSo,ttfifi,Ca aa rru,s aaDMMl MtbRssvyyrMlo,rra,, iehheata bbteieemdeHHrnienns,,zn nooddcda rcduueAA o,tww iioteyiM lAaasairggrKKuamflseeu,,fig eee dC QQeMnns,dei oc,,nAAhni Eatmg,c,,Cs , y last full year, aCIItIuCIuIMCRIMmWCIuCATCDTCcnnnnnnnoonnnhevoooooooaccccccccucoc dddbesionnnnnnnbvuuuuuuuClgrdiiile lroemmmmmmmissssssssstMaeadsa de cccuduuuuuurnndw bbbbbbbainrnlllCner,nlllllleooor eeeeeeye tttttticdtHgSo tdtsssbnnnnnnnaaaaaaEee ieenateeeentotttttttnnnnnnrrrrsor,,vsssss,dddms iw m ttttttAacs mM a,,,, u::I::::N oookeito ngsinRSPJAlunctttesint ettehhheWlogeehi3ogr,ienlll deeenakdnelaHes:eirocerrrJegrr en,nn ayrsssA +rscsLn l,nv ay d dt.DBCabet w*visr oo Do io iw.sdnog oeeaearnsW5ls, noitn inncleudres SU!E.PST.EMBECDSSSOSNSOCMouDRtneeeeeoeeccoo eh9ipppppnnttcvmtd,eoo tttttesest2ireeeeebbas)pmmo0 ,mmmmmGuCee l1lPibb3 rrerodbbbbbH eoet maeeeee|irruD torrrrr pAe (,n aMDdnW a dEt E K WymtsYkWaahWwsBhTyAsrdeae(aBaSmwyttmamfMYsmD3Krhohuhc nlvnbsohooooooiooNPe(NPeihoaoroahF8ahsayu daeeuillonnh8arreh ooojnoduueepuuuc7ocauueloowem tuoo tonnls tcca srr7yrrscelawmmt’u rscdhokti--ttw rrtt’ ’ryotgI) idiyiePPncyrreaj’sst ordihheel’ eecthtm6 ompaeooew dusooFcdeops ttaht leos’o5asnnil uee,udhhss eyl yoowns.lh’ dn 2 yr iis vspmttaeeee oeacclh ls?tu nrm Nlpw,aar- ofnMoavuu ai ,,lg ieeho5eegtov h,all,trnra rnTsa mm ss o s r 2 n ure eaasu,Msspo aa eh.eitoavutydsee?saGG .t9grnawnneeoaawu wkot s hrofme e 5llccdd.neerBiogofe t’do lyafoodtfndw fohh ,iNmoyIrueen lo MMonibbaAi9sa2A9sa2d cShha enr aa’ uenlsumi i suttfi daaeuuttt.66p00 m IddTnniino odaus evd f ll eiP aunllirobbtI Sttst00, taieu00aiiwwiitI Ic an eaccrtthha lMMor rossirwm a,e u lo00 Vs33saa,mHcos noaaeesiee eip ccyllyh tnksn liarlNo,,eerr66rrlimwlldee s rrorakRp tcitpBB nMMyys,,stgeddinsno,,ac iipookk it mttebp pp, fppe guoeijw((rreiitvltgieFFi ii ohSaa fs r 33osjo((u tttoiihhssmi w ttuvcohP?emttaaieUUolaiiom,,eef sth22nonrtssa oooo ii eh,nn cc [email protected] e shkttnnrnrroshnyd ssbiicphh odLLIlIaIoo llu ))oPP yaIessnfkutss eii . g t wtfeal h lCC tewcc sttePP 55 s fiSSyril.waa oeooi aaml iRuiiolv1gtoo ioftaan s..rac22eeoo tidGuuk da?o rrle lhiI44ppiNNsoo? 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SEACREST: RICH POLK/GETTY IMAGES FOR CLEAR CHANNEL; CUTTHROAT KITCHEN: JEREMIAH ALLEY/ FOOD NETWORK; SHAHS OF SUNSET: BEN COHEN/BRAVO 10_0909_TT_LO [P].indd 10 9/6/13 2:52 PM 16_0909_Accts_LO [P].indd 16 9/5/13 5:01 PM 38_1216_InfoDIET_LO [P].indd 38 12/12/13 3:57 PM Updated: 5/27/14 DIGITAL Adweek.com – informing and engaging the advertising, media and technology world AdFreak What’s good, what’s bad and what’s trending. Adweek’s one stop shop where campaigns in the world of advertising, branding and design come to be judged. Agency Coverage Up-to-date news on account reviews, wins and losses, who’s who, and the comings and goings of industry leaders. Ads of the Day A daily, behind the scenes look at the most engaging ads as reviewed by Adweek resident experts. Data Points Our visual interpretation of the facts and figures impacting the media landscape. Voice Thought leaders give their take on the industry’s most current, trending and important topics. Updated: 5/27/14 EVENTS & AWARDS Honoring the Originators, Geniuses, Inventors – the hottest throughout the year ADWEEK MEDIA AGENCY OF 2/10 THE YEAR MEDIA ALL-STARS 4/14 WATCH AWARDS 6/23 PROJECT ISAAC 9/22 BRAND GENIUS 9/30 MEDIA PLAN OF 10/27 THE YEAR THE ADWEEK 50 11/10 HOT LIST 12/1 AGENCY OF THE 12/8 YEAR ADS OF THE YEAR 12/8 CLIO CLIO IMAGE 5/7 CLIO SPORTS 7/17 CLIO HEALTHCARE 9/29 CLIO AWARDS 10/1 featuring Clio Music KEY ART AWARDS 10/23 From top left: Sarah Jessica Parker, 2014 Honorary Clio Image Award; Fernando Machado, 2013 Brand Genius Awards; Russel Simmons, 2013 Brand Visionary; Mayor Micheal R. 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Materials Due Project Isaac 09-11-14 29 Space Close ► A dvertising Week ►Advertising Week Hub ► C LIO (55th Anniversary) ► A dvertising Week ► B rand Genius Awards 09-16-14 ► B rand Genius ► Brand Genius Hub (6000 Dis.) (9/30) Materials Due (25th Anniversary) ► B rand Genius (400 Dis.) ► C LIO Awards (10/1) 09-18-14 ► C LIO Music Roundtable ► C LIO Awards (500 Dis.) Cover units and special inserts cannot be cancelled after 8 weeks prior to close dates. See complete cancellation policy for details. All events to be held based on sponsor participation. Digital Material Deadlines: Standard Units: Due 3 days prior Rich Media Units: Due 5 days prior Check adweek.com/editorial-calendar for updates. Custom Units: Due 8 days prior All dates & topics are subject to change without notice. Updated: 10/06/14

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