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Preview 2014 Immunoglobulin A as an Early Humoral Responder After Mucosal Avian Coronavirus Vaccination

Immunoglobulin A as an Early Humoral Responder After Mucosal Avian Coronavirus Vaccination Author(s): Nichole Orr-Burks, Stephen L. Gulley, Rodrigo A. Gallardo, Haroldo Toro, and Frederik W. van Ginkel Source: Avian Diseases, 58(2):279-286. 2014. Published By: American Association of Avian Pathologists DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1637/10740-120313-Reg.1 URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/10.1637/10740-120313-Reg.1 BioOne (www.bioone.org) is a nonprofit, online aggregation of core research in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. BioOne provides a sustainable online platform for over 170 journals and books published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses. Your use of this PDF, the BioOne Web site, and all posted and associated content indicates your acceptance of BioOne’s Terms of Use, available at www.bioone.org/page/terms_of_use. Usage of BioOne content is strictly limited to personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial inquiries or rights and permissions requests should be directed to the individual publisher as copyright holder. BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. AVIANDISEASES58:279–286,2014 Immunoglobulin A as an Early Humoral Responder After Mucosal Avian Coronavirus Vaccination Nichole Orr-Burks,AB Stephen L. Gulley,A Rodrigo A. Gallardo,AC Haroldo Toro,A and Frederik W. van GinkelAD ADepartment of Pathobiology, Collegeof Veterinary Medicine, AuburnUniversity, Auburn,AL36849 BDepartment of Infectious Diseases,0346VetMed-1, 501D.W.BrooksDrive, University ofGeorgia, Athens, GA30602 CDepartmentofPopulationHealthandReproduction,SchoolofVeterinaryMedicine,UniversityofCalifornia,1089VeterinaryMedicineDrive, VM3B, Davis, CA 96616 Received4 December2013; Accepted 29January2014; Publishedahead ofprint30January 2014 SUMMARY. Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a highly contagious coronavirus prevalent in all countries with an extensive poultryindustryandcontinuestocauseeconomiclosses.IBVstrainsoftheArkserotypearehighlyprevalentintheSoutheastern UnitedStatesdespiteextensivevaccination.OneexplanationforthisobservationisthehighgeneticvariabilityofIBV.Inaddition, IBVArk-typevaccinesmayinducesuboptimalmucosalimmuneresponses,contributingtotheprevalenceandpersistenceofthe Ark serotype. To test this hypothesis, chickens were ocularly vaccinated with a commercially available live attenuated IBV Ark– Delmarva Poultry Industry vaccine strain and both mucosal and systemic antibody responses were measured. The highest immunoglobulinA(IgA)spot-formingcell(SFC)responsewasobservedintheHarderianglands(HG)andtoalesserextentinthe spleen and conjunctiva-associated lymphoid tissues, while a limited IgG SFC response was observed in either the mucosal or systemic immune compartment. Interestingly, the peak IgA SFC response occurred 2 days earlier in spleen than in the head- associatedlymphoidtissues despiteocularvaccination.Furthermore,IgAIBV-specific antibodylevelssignificantlyincreasedover controls 3 days earlier in tears and 4 days earlier in plasma than did IgG antibodies. IgA antibody levels were higher than IgG antibodylevelsthroughouttheprimaryresponseintearsandweresimilarinmagnitudeinplasma.Inaddition,averyearlyincrease inIgAantibodiesonday3postvaccinationwasobservedintears;sucharesponsewasnotobservedinplasma.Thisearlyincreaseis consistent with a mucosal T-independent IgA response to IBV. In the secondary response the IBV antibody levels significantly increasedovercontrolsstartingonday1afterboosting,andtheIgGantibodylevelswerehigherthantheIgAantibodylevelsin both tears and plasma. In summary, ocular vaccination induced higher IgA antibodies in the primary IBV response, while the memoryresponseisdominatedbyIgGantibodies.Thus,lowermucosalIgAantibodylevelsareobserveduponsecondaryexposure toIBV, which maycontribute tovulnerability ofhost epithelial cells toinfection byIBVandpersistence ofthe Arkserotype. RESUMEN. La inmunoglobulina A como una respuesta humoral temprana despue´s de la vacunacio´n en las mucosas con coronavirusaviar. Elvirusdelabronquitisinfecciosa(IBV)esuncoronavirusmuycontagiosoprevalenteentodoslospa´ısesconunaindustriaav´ıcola extensaysiguecausandope´rdidasecono´micas.LascepasdelvirusdebronquitisdelserotipoArkansassonaltamenteprevalentesenel surestedelosEstadosUnidosapesardelavacunacio´nextensiva.Unaexplicacio´ndeestaobservacio´neslaaltavariabilidadgene´ticadel virus de bronquitis. Adema´s, las vacunas del tipo Arkansas pueden inducir respuestas inmunitarias subo´ptimas en las mucosas, que contribuyenalaprevalenciaypersistenciadelserotipoArkansas.Paracomprobarestahipo´tesis,lospollosfueronvacunadosocularmente conunacepavacunalvivaatenuadadisponiblecomercialmentedelserotipoArkansasDPI(DelmarvaPoultryIndustry)ylasrespuestas inmunitariasdelasmucosasydeanticuerpossiste´micosfueronmedidas.Elsitiodece´lulasformadorasdeinmunoglobulinaAconmayor produccio´nseobservo´enlagla´nduladeHarderyenmenormedidaenelbazoyenlostejidoslinfoidesasociadosalaconjuntiva,mientras queseobservo´ unalimitadarespuestadelossitiosdece´lulasformadorasdeIgG,yaseaenlamucosaoenelcompartimentoinmune siste´mico.Demanerainteresante,elpicoderespuestadelossitioscelularesformadoresdeIgAseprodujodosd´ıasantesenelbazoqueen lostejidoslinfoidesasociadosconlacabezaapesardequelavacunacio´nfueporv´ıaocular.Porotraparte,losnivelesdeanticuerposIgA espec´ıficoscontraelvirusdebronquitisaumentaronsignificativamenteenloscontrolestresd´ıasantesenla´grimasycuatrod´ıasantesenel plasmaencomparacio´nconlosanticuerposIgG.LosnivelesdeanticuerposIgAfueronma´saltosquelosnivelesdeanticuerposdeIgGa lolargodelarespuestaprimariaenlasla´grimasyfueronsimilaresenmagnitudenelplasma.Adema´s,unaumentomuytempranoenla IgAeneld´ıatresdespue´sdelavacunacio´nseobservo´enlasla´grimas;dicharespuestanofueobservadaenelplasma.Esteaumentoprecoz esconsistenteconunarespuestadeIgAT-independienteenlamucosacontraelvirusdebronquitis.Enlarespuestasecundaria,losniveles de anticuerpos contra el virus de la bronquitis aumentaron significativamente en los controles a partir del d´ıa uno despue´s de la vacunacio´nderefuerzoylosnivelesdeanticuerposIgGfueronma´saltosquelosnivelesdeanticuerposIgAtantoenla´grimascomoenel plasma. En resumen, la vacunacio´n ocular induce niveles de anticuerpos IgA ma´s altos en la respuesta primaria contra el virus de bronquitis,mientrasquelarespuestadememoriaesta´dominadaporanticuerposIgG.Deestamanera,nivelesbajosdeIgAenlamucosa seobservandespue´sdelaexposicio´nsecundariaalvirusdelabronquitisinfecciosa,loquepuedecontribuiralavulnerabilidaddelas ce´lulasepitelialesdelhue´spedalainfeccio´npordichovirusyalapersistenciadelserotipoArkansas. Keywords:infectiousbronchitisvirus,IBV-specificantibodykinetics,mucosalimmunity,T-independent IgAresponse,head- associatedlymphoidtissue, aviancoronavirus Abbreviations: APCs5antigen-presenting cells; Ark DPI5Arkansas Delmarva Poultry Industry; CALT5conjunctiva- associated lymphoid tissue; E5envelope protein; ELISPOT5enzyme-linked immunospot; HALT5head-associated lymphoid tissues; HG5Harderian gland; HRP5horseradish peroxidase; IBV5infectious bronchitis virus; Ig5immunoglobulin; IL5interleukin;MDA55melanomadifferentiation-associatedproteinantigen5;PBS5phosphate-bufferedsaline;pIgR5poly- mericimmunoglobulinreceptor;S5spikeglycoprotein;SFC5spot-formingcell;SPF5specificpathogenfree;TLR5Toll-like receptor; TMB53,39,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine; TNF5tumor necrosisfactor DCorrespondingauthor.E-mail:[email protected] 279 280 N.Orr-Burksetal. Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a highly contagious group 3 fromthesystemiccompartment(33).Ithasbeendemonstratedthat coronavirus prevalent in all countries with extensive poultry IBV-specific IgG responses were less associated with protection industry. The IBV virion contains four structural proteins (i.e., the against IBV than were IBV-specific IgA antibodies found in tears nucleoprotein[N],themembraneprotein[M],theenvelopeprotein (31). Others have confirmed that IBV-specific IgA levels in [E], and the spike glycoprotein [S]). The N protein associates with lachrymal fluid correlated with the resistance to IBV reinfection the 27.6-kb single-stranded positive sense RNA genome. The (22). Furthermore, Cook et al. (10) demonstrated that resistance remainingstructuralproteinsareassociatedwiththelipidenvelope. and/or susceptibility to IBV in inbred chicken lines was correlated Thecoronavirusspikeprotein,alargesurfaceproteinassociatedwith withhigherIgAlevelsintearsandsaliva.Measuringweeklyantibody the viral envelope (7), is cleaved into two subunits, the amino- titersintearsandserumaftereyedropvaccinationonday1orday14 terminalS1subunitresponsibleforattachmenttohostcellsandthe of age with the Massachusetts Connaught strain of IBV demon- carboxy-terminal S2 subunit, which mediates membrane fusion strated an increase of lachrymal antibodies prior to that in serum (3,23,38). S genes can have a very high mutation rate. The S1 (14). These observations suggested that IgA is important in protein’s amino acid sequences from different serotypes differ neutralizing IBV at mucosal surfaces (10). Dimeric IgA is normallybetween20%and25%fromeachotherandbyasmuchas transported across mucosal surfaces in chickens based on the approximately 50% in some serotypes, while most other IBV expression of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) on proteins don’t exceed 15% change in amino acid sequence (5,6). mucosal surfaces including HG and conjunctiva-associated lym- IBV initially infects the host mucosal surfaces of the respiratory phoid tissue (CALT) (36,39) and the prevalence of dimeric IgA in tract, including the conjunctiva, the Harderian gland (HG), the tears (36). Although mucosal IgA antibodies are thought to play a nostrils, and the trachea, followed by a short period of viremia, roleinthecontrolofIBV(8),theabilityoflive-attenuatedArkansas whichleads to infection of distant sites such as the kidneys and the Delmarva Poultry Industry (Ark IBV) vaccines to induce IgA and urogenital and gastrointestinal tracts. IBV has an incubation period IgG IBV-specific antibodies in the mucosal and systemic immune of24to48hr,withcoughing,sneezing,andtrachealralesbecoming compartment is poorly understood. evidentwithinonlyafewdaysafterinitialinfectionoftheflock(8). The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of Symptoms include, but are not limited to, wet eyes, swollen face, vaccine-induced mucosal and systemic humoral immune responses trachealandkidneylesions,respiratorydisease,reducedweightgain toliveattenuatedArkDPIIBVvaccines.Specifically,theproduction inbroilers,anddecreasingandpooreggqualityinlayers(8,18).The ofantibodiesinhead-associatedlymphoidtissue(HALT)andspleen severity of the symptoms is predicated by the virulence of the IBV as well as IgA and IgG antibody levels in the systemic and mucosal strainpresentaswellastheageandimmunestatusoftheflock.The immune compartment were analyzed. existence of various IBV serotypes as well as antigenic variants (18) complicates vaccination programs. Immunity induced by vaccina- tion against a single serotype generally provides insufficient MATERIALS ANDMETHODS protection against other serotypes (5,7). Asisthecasewithmostviralinfections,theimmuneresponseto Chickens. Specific-pathogen-free (SPF) white leghorn eggs were obtainedfromSunriseFarms,Inc.(Catskill,NY),hatched,andusedin IBV consists of an innate and an adaptive component. The innate allexperiments.ChickenswerehousedinHorsfall-typeisolationunitsin immune system provides nonspecific protection through physical Biosafety Level 2 facilities throughout the duration of the experiment. and chemicals barriers, including skin, mucosal epithelium, blood Foodandwaterwereprovidedadlibitum.Allexperimentalprocedures proteins, and phagocytic cells, to control infection (30). Many and animal care were performed in compliance with all applicable factors of the innate immune response are essential in controlling federal and institutional animal use guidelines. The Auburn University IBV. The innate immune mechanisms that detect RNA virus entry College of Veterinary Medicine is an Association for Assessment and intothehostcellsincludeToll-likereceptors(TLRs),suchasTLR-3, Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC)–accredited TLR-7, and TLR-21, which are located in the endosomal institution. compartment. These TLRs play a role in the immune response to IBV vaccination. Four-week-old SPF chickens were ocularly avianinfluenza(37),asdoesthemelanomadifferentiation-associated vaccinated with 3 3 105 median embryo infectious dose (EID50) per protein 5 (MDA5) located in the cytoplasm (20). Interestingly, the birdofliveattenuatedIBVArkDPIvaccine(Zoetis,NewYork,NY)in retinoic acid–inducible gene 1 receptor, which reacts with short 50 ml phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Four weeks later they were boosted ocularlywiththe same vaccine dose. blunt59-pppdsRNAfoundinRNAvirusessuchasIBV(27,28),is Samplecollection.Tearswerecollectedaspreviouslydescribed(33). absentinchickens(2).WhetherIBVcantriggerMDA5,ashasbeen Approximately 250 ml of tears was collected from each chicken and reported for negative stranded RNA viruses such as avian influenza placed into 1.5-ml microcentrifuge tubes. The tubes were kept on ice, (40), is not known at this point. Activation of these pathogen- followed by centrifugation at 16,100 3 g for 10 min and stored at associated molecular pattern recognition receptors result in type 1 280 C until used. Tears were collected prior to vaccination and every interferon production, inflammatory cytokine production, such as daypostvaccination.Tearcollectionswererotatedbetweenthreegroups interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-6, and activation of antigen presenting of vaccinated chickens to allow daily collection. Chickens were cells, which activate lymphocytes to generate an IBV-specific Th1 revaccinated 28 days after primary vaccination. Collection of samples response and B-cell proliferation (4,30). continueduntilthe17thdayoftheprimaryresponseandthe14thday ofthe secondaryimmune response. SinceIBVentersthroughmucosalsurfacesandinitiallyreplicates Bloodsampleswereobtainedbypuncturingthebrachialveinwitha in the HG and trachea it seems logical that antibodies at mucosal sterile20-gaugeneedle.Approximately1mlofbloodwascollectedinto surfaces could have an impact on the severity of an IBV infection. Kendall monoject blood collection tubes (Tyco Healthcare Group LP, The presence of IBV-specific immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG in Mansfield,MA) andincubated onice.Bloodsampleswerecentrifuged tracheal washes suggests that both immunoglobulin classes may at5003gfor30min.Plasmawascollectedandstoredat280Cuntil contributeincontrollingIBVatmucosalsurfaces(17).Itisthought tested for antibodies. Blood samples were collected from all chickens thatIgAislocallysynthesizedwithintherespiratorytract,whileIgG priortoprimaryvaccinationandeverydaypostvaccination,asdescribed is both locally synthesized and transduced to the respiratory tract abovefor tears. MucosalandsystemicantibodyresponsesaftermucosalIBVvaccination 281 IBV propagation and purification for ELISA and enzyme-linked measured in HG, CALT, and spleen by the ELISPOT assay. The immunospot (ELISPOT). IBV was propagated in SPF white leghorn HG displayed increased numbers of IBV-specific IgA SFC over embryonated chicken eggs (Sunrise Farms, Inc.) byinoculation on day controls starting on day 7 and remained elevated through day 13 10 of embryonation. Five thousand vaccine doses of IBV Ark vaccine (Fig. 1A). The peak IgA SFC response on day 10 of 60.9 6 26.6 werereconstitutedin18mltryptosebroth,and200mlofthissuspension SFC/106 lymphocytes was significantly (P , 0.05) higher than in wasinjectedintoeachoftheeggs’allantoicsac.Eggswereincubatedfor controlbirds.TheCALTdisplayedalowerandmorerestrictedIgA 2–3 days, and the allantoic fluid was collected after the eggs were refrigerated for,4 hr.Cloudyallantoic fluidwas discarded.Fluid was SFCresponsetoIBVthandidtheHG,consistingalmostexclusively furtherclarifiedbycentrifugationfor30minat30003g.Supernatants of a significant elevated IgA SFC peak response on day 10, 16.7 6 weretitratedfortheIBVvirususingtheReedandMuenchmethod(25). 8.4SFC/106lymphocytes(P,0.05),afterwhichnomoreIgASFC IBVwasheatinactivatedat56Cfor15min,andinactivationofthe weredetected. ThespleendisplayedanincreaseinIBV-specificIgA viruswasconfirmedbyinjectionintoembryonatedeggs.Theinactivated SFC starting on day 7 and achieved the highest response on day 8, IBVwaspurifiedbasedonapreviouslypublishedprotocol(28).Inbrief, 26.06 4.7SFC/106lymphocytes (P, 0.05), followed byanother allantoicfluidswereplacedinanultracentrifugationtubeandunderlaid significantincreaseonday10,10.061.2SFC/106lymphocytes(P with2ml30%sucroseinPBSandcentrifugedat90,0003gfor6hrat , 0.05) . The highest peak IBV-specific IgA SFC response was 4 C. The resulting IBV suspension was subsequently underlaid with observed in the HG followed by the spleen and the CALT, 55%and30%sucroselayersinPBSandcentrifuged.Viruswascollected atthe30%–55%sucroseinterfaceanddilutedinPBStoapproximately respectively.TheCALTwastheslowesttorespond,withanincrease 60%ofthetubevolume.Thesuspensionwasthenunderlaidwith30% in IgA SFC after ocular immunization of the lymphoid organs sucrose and centrifuged. The resulting pellet was resuspended in PBS. tested. IBV protein concentration was measured using the Pierce Micro BCA The IgG SFC response was low in all three lymphoid organs protein Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Rockford, IL). The tested. The HG displayed the earliest increase, followed by the virus was thenstored at 280C untilused. spleen.AsaresultofthevariabilityinthenumberofSFCintheHG IgAandIgGELISPOTassays.IgAandIgGELISPOTassayswere the values were not significantly higher than those associated with performedaspreviouslyreported(35).Inbrief,lymphocytesfromHGs, controls. The spleen exhibited a significantly elevated number of CALT, and spleen were isolated and plated on IBV-coated (5 mg/ml) ELISPOT plates, which were blocked with complete RPMI medium IBV-specific IgG SFC on days 8–13 of the response. No IgG containing10%fetalcalfserum.Theplateswereincubatedovernightat response was observed in CALT, with the exception of 1 IgG SFC 41 C in a humidified CO incubator. After washing, the plates were on day 8. 2 incubated with goat–anti-chicken IgG or goat–anti-chicken IgA PrimaryIBV-specificIgAandIgGresponseinplasma.Plasma conjugatedtohorseradishperoxidase(HRP;GallusImmunotechnology, samples were evaluated over the course of a 17-day period after Inc., Cary, NC) and the spots were developed with HRP substrate primary vaccination and compared to unvaccinated controls. IBV- (Moss, Inc., Pasadena, MD) for 15–30 min prior to stopping the specificIgAplasmatitersshowedasignificantincreaseovercontrols reaction bywashing the plateswithwater. (P , 0.05) starting 6 days after IBV vaccination (Fig. 2A) and IBV-specificELISA.InordertomeasureIgGandIgAantibodylevels remained significantly elevated over the period during which the inplasmaandtears,anIBV-specificELISAwasdeveloped.ELISAplates (NuncMaxiSorpImmunoPlates;ThermoScientific)werecoatedat4C chickens were monitored. The IgA titers gradually increased until overnightwith100mlof5mg/mlpurified,heat-killedIBVincarbonate day 9. Thereafter, the values slightly fluctuated but gradually buffer (50 mM NaCHO and Na HCO pH 9.4). Plates were then declined until day 15, after which they again increased to an 3 2 3, drained and blocked with 200 ml of ELISA assay buffer (1% bovine endpoint titer of 10.0 6 0.4 on day 17. The IgG plasma IBV- serum albumin and 0.05% Tween 20 in PBS) for 1 hr at room specificantibodytitersshowedasignificantincreasestartingonday temperature.Platesweredrained,andserialtwofolddilutionsofplasma 10afterIBVvaccination(Fig. 2B).Apeakresponsewasobservedon ortearsampleswereloadedontotheplates.Plateswereincubatedat4C day13postvaccination,afterwhichtheIgGantibodytitersdecreased overnight. After washing the plates with PBS-Tween 20 (PBS pH 7.4, and plateaued at a log endpoint titer of approximately 9.0, 0.05% Tween 20), 100 ml of biotinylated monoclonal mouse–anti 2 chicken IgG (clone G-1) or anti-chicken IgA (clone A-1; 0.5 mg/ml; remaining significantly elevated over control values. Therefore, the Southern Biotechnology Associates, Inc., Birmingham, AL) was loaded plasmaIgAantibodylevelssignificantlyincreased4daysearlierthan ineachwellandincubatedatroomtemperaturefor2hr.Afterwashing, the IgG antibody levels compared to controls after ocular IBV 100 ml streptavidin-conjugated HRP at 1 mg/ml (Southern Biotech vaccination,andbothIgAandIgGantibodylevelsfluctuatedaround Associates, Inc., Birmingham AL) was incubated for 1 hr at room an endpoint titer of 8.0–9.0. temperature. Plates were developed with 100 ml of 3,39,5,5-tetra- PrimaryIBV-specificIgAandIgGantibodyresponseintears. methylbenzidine (TMB; Invitrogen Corp., Frederick, MD) HRP TheIgAandIgGIBV-specificantibodylevelsintearsweremeasured substrate.TMBreactionwasstoppedwith100mlof1NHClsolution overa17-dayperiodafterocularIBVvaccination.IgAtitersintears after30min.Absorbanceat450nmwasmeasuredwithaPowerwaveXS showed a significant increase in IBV-specific antibody titers (BioTekInstruments,Inc.,Winooski,VT).Thehighestsampledilution with an optical density of at least 450 nm of 0.100 above background compared to controls (P , 0.05) starting 6 days after IBV level was defined astheendpoint titer. vaccination. IgA titers remained significantly elevated over controls Statistical analysis. ELISPOT data were analyzed using a Mann- during the period during which tears were collected, with the WhitneyU-test,andELISAdatawereanalyzedusingaone-wayANOVA exception of the last day of monitoring (Fig. 3A). The highest IgA testwithDunnettposttestwithexceptionofdatapertainingtoanalysisofT- response was observed on day 9, after which the IgA titers in tears independent IgA, which was analyzed by Student t-test using GraphPad gradually declined and were no longer significantly elevated over Prism5software.GroupswereconsideredsignificantlydifferentatP,0.05. controlvaluesbyday17oftheimmuneresponse.NoIgGantibody responses were detected during the first 6 days after ocular IBV vaccination.TheIgGantibodytitersintearsshowedasignificant(P RESULTS , 0.05) increase in IBV-specific antibody levels starting on day 9 IBV-specific IgA ELISPOT. To measure the humoral response and remained significantly elevated over controls through day 17 in lymphoid tissues the anti-IBV IgA and IgG spot-forming cell (Fig. 3B). A peak IgG response was observed on day 10. The IgA (SFC) response after ocular vaccination with IBV Ark serotype is antibodytitersintearsincreasedovercontrols3daysearlierthandid 282 N.Orr-Burksetal. Fig.1. IBV-specificantibodySFCinHG,CALT,andspleenafterocularIBVvaccination.LymphocytesfromHarderianglands,CALT,and spleenwereisolatedondays6,7,8,9,10,and13afterocularIBVvaccination.LymphocyteswereplatedonIBV-coatedELISPOTplates,andthe IBV-specificIgA(A)andIgG(B)antibody–secretingBcellsgeneratingSFCwerecounted.IndicatedarethemeanSFC/106lymphocytesandone standarderror(IBVvaccinated,n53–4;controls,n55–6).Thedatawereanalyzedusingtheone-wayANOVAwiththeDunnettposttest.The* indicates significant differences (P,0.05). theIgGantibodytitersintears.TheIgAresponsealsopeaked1day Secondary IBV-specific IgA and IgG response in tears. earlier than the IgG response. ChickensocularlyboostedwithIBV28daysafterinitialvaccination The primary IgA response to IBV in tears was more robust than wereexaminedforIgAandIgGantibodytitersintearsthroughouta the IgG response based on the higher IgA titers after the peak 14-day period after the boost. IBV-specific IgA antibody titers in response, which reached a plateau around an endpoint titer of 9.0, tears showed no significant increase when compared to controls, while the IgG antibody titers plateaued around 6.0. Thus, IgA with exception of day 1 postboost (Fig. 6A). IBV-specific IgG antibodiesprevailedoverIgGantibodiesintearsduringtheprimary antibody titers significantly increased in tears 1 day after the ocular IBV response. IBVboost,comparedtocontrols,andthelevelsgraduallydecreased Early mucosal IgA antibody response. To determine whether overtimefromanendpointtiterof10onday1toanendpointtiter theincreaseinIgA3daysafterIBVvaccination(Fig. 3A)represents of 8.0 on day 14, but they remained significantly elevated over atrueincreaseinIBV-specificIgAantibodies,anadditional26birds controls until the last collection day (i.e., day 14; Fig. 6B). wereanalyzed.AsdepictedinFig. 4A,nochangeinIgAplasmatiter Compared to the primary antibody response, plasma levels of was observed on day 3 after vaccination, while a significant (P 5 IBV-specific IgA in tears decreased, while the IgG levels increased 0.009)increaseinIBV-specificIgAantibodieswasmeasuredintears. after boosting. Furthermore, no significant change was observed in IBV-specific IgG antibodies in either plasma or tears (Fig. 4B). These data are consistent with an early T-independent mucosal IgA response. DISCUSSION Secondary IBV-specific IgA and IgG response in plasma. Chickensocularlyboosted28daysafterinitialvaccinationwithIBV IBV enters the host through mucosal surfaces by infecting were analyzed for IgA and IgG plasma titers throughout a 14-day epithelial cells. Therefore, mucosal immunity should play an period. IBV-specific IgA and IgG plasma titers significantly important role in controlling IBV. Consistent with this notion are increased starting 1 day after the IBV boost compared to those previous observations that resistance and or susceptibility to IBV in observedincontrolchickens(Fig. 5).Afterday1,IgAandIgGtiters inbredchickenlinesarecorrelatedwithmucosalprotection(i.e.,IgA dropped slightly, but both titers remained significantly elevated levels in lacrimal fluid and saliva) (10). Resistance to IBV was also through the 14-day monitoring period compared to controls. The correlated with IgA in tears in non-inbred chickens (31). To better IgA plasma levels in the secondary IBV response plateaued around understand mucosal and systemic humoral responses after IBV an endpoint titer of 8–9, while the IgG levels plateaued around 9– vaccination, the ability of an Ark DPI–derived live attenuated IBV 10. Unlike the primary IBV response, in which IgG and IgA vaccinetoinducesystemicandmucosalhumoralimmuneresponses antibodies were present at similar levels, the secondary antibody was examined after ocular application. responseinplasmashowedhigherIgGantibodylevelsthanlevelsof IBV-specificIgAantibodylevelsinbothtearsandplasmashowed IgA in plasma. a significant increase over controls 6 days after vaccination, while MucosalandsystemicantibodyresponsesaftermucosalIBVvaccination 283 Fig. 3. Primary IBV-specific IgA and IgG antibody responses in Fig. 2. Primary IBV-specific IgA and IgG antibody responses in tearsafterocularIBVvaccination.Thechickenswereocularlyvaccinated plasmaafterocularIBVvaccination.Chickenswereocularlyvaccinated withliveattenuatedIBVvaccine.Tearsampleswerecollectedatvarious with live attenuated IBV vaccine. Plasma was collected at various days days postvaccination and analyzed by an IBV-specific ELISA. Five postvaccination and analyzed by an IBV-specific ELISA. Five samples sampleswereanalyzedforeachtimepoint,and15pre-bleedswereused were analyzed for each time point, and 15 pre-bleeds were used as ascontrols.Themean(61standarderror)valuesoftheIgA(A)andIgG controls.Themean(61)standarderrorvaluesoftheIgA(A)andIgG (B)endpointtitersintearsaredepicted.Theone-wayANOVAtestwith (B)endpointtitersintearsaredepicted.Theone-wayANOVAtestwith the Dunnett posttest was used for statistical analyses. A significant the Dunnett posttest was used for statistical analyses. A significant increase over controlvalues isindicated (P,0.05). increase over control valuesis indicated (P, 0.05). primary response (Fig. 3A). In contrast, the IgA antibody levels in IgGlevelsdidnotincreasesignificantlyuntil10dayspostvaccination plasma 17 days after vaccination were the highest levels recorded. inplasmaand9dayspostvaccinationintears.BothmucosalIgAin The IgA and IgG SFC responses to IBV in HALT and spleen tearsandsystemicIgAinplasmaareearlyrespondersintheprimary (Fig. 1)areconsistentwithaprominentroleforIgAintheprimary humoralresponsetoIBVandappeared3and4daysearlierthanIgG IBVresponse.TheHGcontainedbyfarthehighestnumberofIgA antibodies,respectively.PreviousstudiesonIBV-specificIgMinsera SFC. This finding was consistent with a lack of IgA following IBV demonstratedthattheinductionofIgMantibodiesoccurredaround vaccinationintearsafterHGremoval(12)andwiththenotionthat 5dayspostvaccination(13),reachingpeaklevelsaround8daysand HGisthemaincontributorsofIgAtolacrimalfluid(34).Ourdata waning to marginal levels by 24 days (21). Thus, the IgM response aswellasthoseofotherinvestigatorsareconsistentwithaprominent toIBVoccurs1or2daysearlierthandotheIgAantibodiesobserved rolefortheHGinmucosalhumoralimmunity.Specifically,HGB in Fig. 3, and, like the mucosal IgA in tears, the response is also cells express the J chain, which is needed for generating polymeric transient. The notion of IgA serving as an early responder has also IgAandIgM(29).PolymericIgAbindstothepIgR,whichhasbeen been demonstrated in humoral responses to Mycoplasma pneumonia cloned for chickens (35) and is expressed in the HG (36). in humans, in which IgA antibodies developed much earlier than Furthermore, chicken tears contain almost exclusively polymeric IgG and even earlier than IgM antibodies (15). Furthermore, the IgA,whileplasmacontainspredominantlymonomericIgA(36).All presence of only IgA antibodies in human sera to Chlamydia of these observations are consistent with a role of the HG in trachomatis was correlated with early infection (19). Mucosal IgA generatingmucosalhumoralimmunitytoprotectagainstpathogens antibodies specific for IBV are transient, as has been reported for suchasIBV.Afterinitiallyreplicatingintheupperrespiratorytract, IgMantibodies(13),basedontheobservationthatIgAtitersintears IBVdisseminatesviaviremiatoothertissuesoverthenextfewdays werenotsignificantlyelevatedovercontrolsstartingonday17ofthe (32). IBV’s early replication in the HG, followed by a progression 284 N.Orr-Burksetal. Fig. 4. IBV-specific antibody response 3 days after ocular IBV vaccination. Three days after primary IBV vaccination tears and plasma were collectedandanalyzedforIBV-specificIgAandIgGantibodies.Themean(61standarderror)valuesoftheIgA(A)andIgG(B)endpointtitersin plasmaaredepicted.Datafromsixcontrolsand26vaccinatedbirdswereanalyzedusingtheStudentt-test.Theabsence(ns)orpresence(P,0.05) ofasignificant increase over controls is indicated. into the systemic immune compartment, is consistent with IgA TheIgAresponseinthespleenseemsbiphasicinnaturebasedon prevailing in the primary IBV response over IgG. theobservationthatthepeakIgASFCresponsewasobservedonday PolymericsecretoryIgAplaysanimportantroleintheprotection 8, followed by a decline on day 9 and another increase on day 10. of epithelia at mucosal surfaces. Secretory IgA provides a barrier at The peak IgA SFC response for mucosal lymphoid tissues was also mucosalsurfacesbyeliminatingpathogenswithinepithelialcellsand on day 10 post–IBV vaccination, indicating a potential link to this polymeric-IgAcontainingimmunecomplexesinthelaminapropria secondpeakinthespleenandtheresponseintheHG.TheIgGSFC and by preventing entry of microorganisms into the host (11). response was lowcompared to theIgASFC response andwas most Furthermore, passive administration of IgA antibodies specific for prevalent in the spleen, with peaks around 9–10 days after influenza virus to mice demonstrated that polymeric IgA protected vaccination. In the HG the IgG SFC response was low and erratic, against subsequent challenge with this respiratory pathogen, while andinCALTitwasalmostabsent.Basedonexpressionofgranzyme monomericIgAdidnot(26).ThelowermucosalIgAantibodylevels A,perforin,andinterferongamma,wedemonstratedthattheCALT observeduponsecondaryexposuretoIBVmaythereforecontribute expressed the highest levels of these cell-mediated immunity- to vulnerability of host epithelial cells to infection by IBV and associated mRNAs after IBV vaccination when compared to HG persistence of the Ark serotype in the host. and spleen (16). This indicates that there may be a divergence in The observation that IgA SFC response in the spleen peaked on function between the CALT and HG pertaining to IBV-specific day8aftervaccinationprecedingthepeakSFCresponseinHGand immunity. CALT on day 10 is puzzling. The mucosal head-associated tissues The early increase in IBV-specific IgA levels on day 3 post– encounter the virus prior to the spleen after ocular vaccination, primary vaccination strongly indicates the existence of a T- which theoretically supports the notion that mucosal lymphoid independentIgAresponseatmucosalsurfacesafterIBVvaccination, tissues should peak earlier in IgA SFC than does the spleen. One sincethisearlyincreasewasonlyobservedintearsandnotinplasma. possible scenario that could explain this observation would be The day 3 IgA peak in tears precedes the peak in IBV viral load in homing of HG lymphocytes/antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to the the HG after vaccination, which occurs around day 7 after spleenveryearlyduringtheIBVinfection,afterwhichthespleenis vaccination(24),indicatingthatthisincreaseinIgAmaypotentially abletogenerateahumoralresponsefasterthanHALT(i.e.,HGand haveaconsiderableimpactonresistancetoIBV.Inmammals,theT- CALT). Surface IgA-positive B cells from the HG migrate to cecal independent IgA class switch has been well documented and seems tonsils (1) and possibly other mucosal sites. However, no data are tooccurinthenonorganizedlymphoidtissueofthelaminapropria availablewithregardtowhetherAPCsfromtheHGcanmigrateto and is amplified by the production of APRIL (a proliferation- other lymphoid tissues, such as the spleen. If an APC migration inducingligand)andBAFF(B-cellactivatingfactorbelongingtothe would occur early during ocular IBV exposure one could imagine tumor necrosis factor [TNF] family), TNF-family ligands, by that the spleen may be well equipped to generate an antibody dendritic cells (9). To our knowledge no T-independent IgA response of limited duration early in the immune response, as was productionhasbeenpreviouslyreportedinchickens,andthisstudy observed during our experiments. Alternatively, IgA plasma cells represents the first evidence of a T-independent mucosal IgA migratedirectlytothespleentoinducethisimmuneresponse.This response in a nonmammalian species. This T-independent mucosal is a less likely scenario based on the observation that the HG does IgA response is observed prior to the reported IgM response (13). not peak until day 10 of the immune response, while the peak This early IgA response may also explain the importance of IgA in response in spleen is observed on day 8. The latter explanation the resistance to IBV. representsthemorelikelyscenarioforthelowresponseobserved in The secondary humoral immune response to IBV is observed as the spleen on day 10. earlyas1dayaftervaccinationforIgAandIgGinplasmaandtears MucosalandsystemicantibodyresponsesaftermucosalIBVvaccination 285 Fig.6. SecondaryIBV-specificIgAandIgGIBVantibodyresponses in tears after ocular IBV boost. Chickens were ocularly boosted 4 wk Fig. 5. Secondary IBV-specific IgA and IgG antibody responses in after primary IBV vaccination. Tear samples were collected to measure plasmaafterocularIBVboost.Chickenwereocularlyboosted4wkafter IBV-specificIgA(A)andIgG(B)antibodylevelsbyELISA.Eachdata primary IBV vaccination. Plasma samples were collected to measure pointcontainsfivesamples,withtheexceptionoftheIgAcontrol,which IBV-specific IgA (A) and IgG (B) antibody responses by ELISA. Each contains 15 samples. Depicted is the mean (61 standard error). The datapointcontainsfivesamplesincludingthecontrols.Depictedisthe one-wayANOVAtestwiththeDunnettposttestwasusedforstatistical mean(61standarderror).Theone-wayANOVAtestwiththeDunnett analyses. A significant increase of antibody titers over control values is posttest was used for statistical analyses. A significant increase of indicated (P,0.05). antibody titers over controlvalues is indicated (P,0.05). after vaccination), indicative of T-independent mucosal IgA andslowlydeclinesovertime.TheIgAtitersintearsarelowanddo response, which has also been reported in mammals. The mucosal not significantly differ from those of controls with the exception of IgA response is somewhat transient. Seventeen days after immuni- day 1 after boosting. The major change is a shift from prevailing zation the IgA titer is no longer significantly higher than that IgA-dominanttitersintheprimaryresponsetoprevailingIgGtiters observed in controls. The secondary response to the IBV vaccine is inthesecondaryresponseinbothplasmaandtears.Comparedtothe characterizedbyanincreaseinIgGantibodytitersandadecreasein primaryresponse,theIgAtitersarelowerinthesecondaryresponse, IgAantibodytitersinbothtearsandplasma,consistent withashift while IgG titers increased compared to the titers observed in the of the IBV-specific antibody response from the mucosal to the primaryresponse.Thisisconsistentwithourrecentfindingsthatthe systemicimmunecompartment.LowermucosalIgAantibodylevels secondary interferon-c response is dominated by a central memory observed upon secondary exposure to IBV may contribute to response, while the primary response is almost exclusively observed vulnerability of host epithelial cells to infection by IBV and inHALTbasedonquantitativereverse transcriptase–PCR(16)and persistence of the Ark serotype. is consistent with a switch of the prevailing immune response from the mucosal to the systemic immune compartment. 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