SFY 2013 Resident Sarvice Coordinator Program Grant Agreement between the Ohic Department of Aging and Coleman Professionat Services {. This isa Grant Agreement between tha Ohia Department of Aging (ODA; located at 60 W. Broad St, $* Floor, Columbus Ohio, 42218 and Coleman Professional Services (Sub-grantee), located at 5982 Rhodas Road, Kent, Ohio 44240, 2 The source of these funds is the Ohio Housing Trust Fund, acministered by the ‘Ghio Development Services Agency pursuant to Ohio Revised Cuge (OR Sections 179.08 and 174.02 (A)(4). The partod of award is May 1, 2013 fo April 30, 2014, Because the State of Oro is prohibfed from obligating funds across a biannlum this Agreement shall expira on Junie 30, 2013. Ine ODA, however. reserves the nght to renew this Agreerment under the same ferms and conditions stated herein, by providing the Sub-grantee with written notice of the Agreements renewal folowing the approval of the buxlget for the new biennium. Ifrenawed by the ODA, this Agreerrent shall expire on the last day of the grant, except thatthe obligation of the Sub-q-antee with regard fo reporting, closeout and record keeping shall remain ia effect until met, 2. Funding level arprovals andor changes are identified by @ Notoe of Grant Award (NGA) Te initial NGA will bo distibuted upon the excoution of this agreement In addition, the NGA also identifies the amount of ron-federal support, if any, fe sub-grantee wall be required to contribute to this project. Far the sub‘grantee to receive the full ameurl of be federal award, 100 percent oF ‘the nov-federal support must be Tulfled. Al the fival report, any federa grant ‘award dollars nct matched with non-fede-al support willbe considered unearned cash and must te retumed to the ODA as described in paragraph 12. 4, The ODA hereby grants funds (o the Sub-grantee wha agrees to use these funds ‘soley to sunporl the 2013 Resident Services Coordinator Program as described in the proposal that Sub-grantee has submitted and ODA has appraved, a copy ‘of which is atfached herato and mace a part hereof as Attachment ©, setting forth a proposed project and budget, 5. Asa sub-racipiont, Sub-grantee is reeponsible for adhering to all he ODA policies and procedures as wall ae all state and federal ules and regulations ‘Sub grartee also agroos to most the Business Transaction requirements of Ohic Revised Cede (ORC) Section 2966.39, @ — Sub-grantee agrees thal all expenses charged o: allocated to this grant must be reasurtable. allowable and allocable ag trose ers are defined In 2 CFR 230 (OMB Circular A-122) for Non-Profit Organizations of 2 CFR 225 {OMB Circular 81) for Local Government. All expenses incurred or allocatad must be Supported Dy appropriate worksheets andjor time studies, signed contracts, 2013 Residential Service Coordinate’ Posrar Pope tof 8 10. purchase onder, require, payrat records, bills or other evidence of liablity consistent with the grantee's established procurement proosdures. All expenses ‘must be incursed on oc before the ‘asl day of the award period. No expense incurred after June 30, 2013 may be charged to the 2013 Resident Service Coordinator Program; however, ihe ODA provides the sut-grantes with ‘written notice of he Agrasment's renewal folowing the approva. of the budget for the new biennium, expenses may be incurred up fo bul no later than April 30, 2014. Uniess tha Sub-grantee receives priot approva from the ODA, any funds not eared during the award period will apse ane no cash or grant carryover will be alowed. Sub-aranlee must iquidate all obligations within 30 days of the end. of the award perial ‘Sub-geantae agers that neither the Sib-grantae noe any subenntmactar ofthe ‘Sub-grantea, nar any person acting on behalf of Sub-grantee or any subcontracter, wil, in the amploymant of any parson qualified and available to perform tha work to which this Agreement relatas, cecriminata by reacon of race, calor, eolgion, sex, miltery status, nationel origin, dissbilly. age, or ancestry against any person. Sub-granter further agrens ‘hat neither Sub-grantee ner any subcontractor of Sub-grantee, nor any person acting on behalf of Sub-grantee or any of ts subcontractors, shall in any mannes disciiniva:e against inuinidate, of retaliate against any empleyee hired for the performance of work uncer this ‘centract on account of race, colo, religion, sex, mittary statis, national origin, disabiliy, age or ancestry. ‘Sub-grantee agrees that ODA's obligatiors under this Agreement are suect ta a determination by the Director of the ODA that sufficient funds have been appropriated by the Ohio General Assembly and remain avaiable for re Purposes of te Agreement, and to the certification ofthe availabilty of such funds by the Director af the Ohie Offi of Budget and Management, as required under section 125.07 of the ORC. If at any time the Director of the ODA informs. the Sub-grantee in wring that sufficient funds are ro longer available for the purposes of this Agrooment, he Agree nent shall terminate immeciately, and ro fu'ther costs shail be incurred hy tne Sub grantee and charged agairet the award, ‘Sub-grantee affirmatively represents and warrants to the State thet itis not subject t a firding for recovery under ORG 9.24, otal it nas taken the ‘|ppropriate remedial steps rejured under ORC 8.24 or othenwlse qualifies under ‘hat section to receVe funding flom the ODA. Sub-grantee agrees that H this fepresentaton and warranty 's deemeo te be talse, the Agreement shall be void ab iniia as between the partes, and any furds paid by the State hereunder shall be immediately repaid to the State or an action for recovery may be immediately ‘commenced by the State for recavery of said funds. Subgrantee agrees to maintain all records relating to costs, work performed and supporting documentation as defined in 45 CFR Part 74 for non-proft 201s Residential Service Coordinator Programa Page 20f5 “1 2 ‘organizations and <5 OFR Part 82 for Local Governments. Fles must bes maintained during the awerd period an for 3 years from the date of subrnission of the fnal Requesi fer Funds report, Sub-grantee agrees to make all records. available in a timely manner for unrestncted review of audit by the State of Ohio (including, but net limited to the OLA, tre Ausitor of State of Ohia, Inspeccor ‘General or duly authorized law enforcement officials). Wan audit is initiated ‘before the expiration of the 3 year period, Sub-grantee shall retain all records unt! the aucitis concluded and all issues are resolved (incluing any final settlemert pracess ‘Sub-granize shail repara and deliver fo ODA the performance reports on tre Project as provided in Attachments D and & altached herein ard mace a part hereof. The six month pertormance report (Attachment D) is due on November 16, 2013. Tha final porformance report (Attachment E} ie due on May 16, 2044. ‘These funds wil be advanced in full to the Sub-grantee upon recuest’ however. not earlier than the frst day of the award period, Sub-grantee agrees to use the appropriate ODA Request fo” Funds foi, aint SubrisL the requests on or before May 34, 2013, ‘A. Ifthe Request for funds due date tals on a Saturéay, Sunday or Holiday, {he report willbe due the folowing business day. B. The ODA’s preferred method for Sub-grante submission of Request for Funds iormsis through cur ODAinvoices email address. Please scan completed Request for Funds forms that are signed by the Sub-grantee’s <irecior or desianes, and email the form tc the address listed below. If ‘you chonse to submit paper capies, they must he signed and received at the ODA by the due date ‘Ohio Department of Aging ‘Ati: Fiscal Division 50 W. Broad St, 9" floor Columbus, Ofie 43215. Phone: (614) 752-9672 ~ Fax: (614) 728-6902 Ecnall. [email protected] ©, Sub-grantee agrees to suomita nnal Request for tunds form witha tral balance for the program period with all balance sheet and income: statement accounts as backup documentation no later than June 1, 2044. The final Request for Funds form must include supplemental worksheets that support the figures renoried and the calculations necessary ta eeoncile the figures on the tial balance and income statement to the final Request for Funds form. The supplemental worksheets must include. itentificaton ofthe account codes and a detailed crosswalk so that the haskup decumentetior can be linked to the fgures cn the final Request for 2018 Residertit Servon Conrenetar Praga Page dal5 Funds form. Submission of this documentation does not preclude the ODA Hom requesting Sub-grantee to demonstrate the precess used 10 dewelop the reported figures, D. Sub-grantee agrees to return to the ODA any funds advanced greater than actual exper ses no later than June 1, 2074. Iffunds are retumed to the ODA, please irdicate the source and pragram period of thase funds, Make check payable to “Ohio Treasurer Josh Mande” and mail othe address noted in 128 above. 13. Sub-grantee carties thet t urderstands Obie's Ethics and canfict of interest laws and wil de nothing inconsistent with ther ‘4. Banning the Expenditure of Public Funds for Offshore Services: A. Sub-grantos affrins that It has read ane understands Executive Order 2011-12K issued by Ohio Governor John Kasich, that it shall abide by those requirements in the performance of the Agreement, and that it shall perfann no servives required to implement the oreject or program subject lo Uw Agree nent outside of the Urited States for whien grant funds wil be Used fo pay or reimburse the cost of such services or for which the cost of such seraces wl be counted as maton or cast share specthcally required 8 a condition to the d sbursement of the grant funds. Far purposes of this Agreement, “services under the Agreement” and ‘services performed Under the Agreement” means services requitec te implement the grant- supported project or program and for which grant funds will be used (0 pay or ralmburse tre cost of such services of for which the cast of such services will be counted as match or cost share specifically required as a fsandtion fo the disbursement of tha grant funds, The Fxecufive Order is provided as Attachment A to this Agraement and is avalable at ‘hop: sAww.gavernar chia gavipartale/Oipdtfexecutiveardars/EO%202011- 12K pd Grantee also affirms, understands, and agrees to immediately notify the ODA of eny change or shiftin the focation's} of services performed under the Agreement by the Subsgrantee or its sub-grantees of contractors, and no gerioas performad under tha Agraament ehall be changed or ehlfed to 2 location(s} outside of the Liited States. Notwithstanding any ether provision of this Agesemant, this Agreement shall nt become effective unless and wntl the Sub-grantes has completse the signed Attachment B of this Agreement, ented "Standard Affrrmation ane Disclosure Fornt for Grants,” and submitted It to the Fiscal Divison of the ODA. B. if Sub-grantee or any ofits sub-grantees or contractors perfoms services Under the Agreement outside of the United States, the performance of 2075 Residantal Serine Caoninster Program Page dof 5 such corvices shall be treated as a material broach af tha Agrsement. The ODA is net abi gated te pay and shall not pay for such services. /Sub- grantee oF ary ofits sub-grantees or contractors perfonms any such Services, the Sub-granitee shall immediately return to the ODA all grant funds disbursed 26 dayinenl or winipursement for those services cr an tha basis of the cost of such services having been counted as match or cost share specifcally required as a condition tor disbursement af grant funds, The ODA may, at any time after the breacn, teiminete the Agreement, "span verttan notice to the Sub-grantee. The ODA may recover all accounting, administraive, legal and other expenses reasonably ‘1epessary forthe preparation of the termination of the Agreement. Ifthe DDA determines that actual and direct damages are unoartain ar diffcut to asceriain, the ODA in ts ole discretion may recover a payment af iquidated damages in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of the vaiue of he Agreement (nat to exceed the amount of grant funds disbursed prior to any termination of the Agreement) The ODA, inits sole discretion, may provide writen notice to the Sub- grantee of a breach and 2ermit the Sub-grantee to cure the breach. Such ‘cure period shall ve ne langes tran 21 calendar Uays, Nolwitisiarding the ODA permiting a period of ume to cure tie breach or Sub-grantee's ‘ure ofthe breach, the ODA does not waive arly of the nights and “emedies provided the ODA in the Agreement, Including, but not urwted to tha racovary of grart funds paid for services provided by the Sub-grantee, 4g sLb-grantees or contractors performed outside of the United States, oes associated with corrective action, or liquidated damages. G. Subgrantse shall not assign any of its righss, nor delegate ary of its duties and responsibilities undat the Agrement without prior written consent of the ODA. Any assignment or delegation not consented to may be deemed void by the ODA. | hereby agree to t18 conditions listed above (lbw sels Lune Mbefenediat v4.3 Nelson W Buns, CLO a {onnie Kartor-Buratén, Director Date ‘Golemar. Professional Services {Ohio Dapartinent of Aging 2018 Residemia Serv ce Cooranatr Pograrn Page § of ATTACHMENT B STANDARD APFIRMATIGN AND DISCLOSURE FORM FOR GRAKTS EXECUTIVE ORDER 2011+12K ‘Boning the Fxponditure of Prblic Funds on Oishore Services BANUEE AFFIRMATION AND DISCLOSURE, Ay the signmture affixed to Gis Aifinnation and Disclosure, the Grantee identified below atfiems, understands and will abide y the requirments of Exccutive Onder 2U1T-IZK isoued by Ohio Gavemor Teha Kasich The Executive Onder is allied und ix available at the following website: angie gover tor obio.gor! Default aspctabid=1495), ‘The Grantee acksowledges thal Ia purposes of the Eusculive Order thal grant funding provided to suppor a project or program of the Grantee is aquvalent 7 a purcase of services by the Stato "servicas” ‘mths context ol grant means services that implement the projector rogram of the Grune lo he exter thar such seriess ate peld for or riatbursed with grant funds provided by the State or with match or 20st share specifically required by the State a8 condition ta disbursement ofthe grant fies: invetmeats by ‘the Gramie in the project or progeum from now State sources of funding ofter than amounts claimed 3 specifically request atatch or eget sara are ner subject fhe Hxceinve Onder: he Gruner i equivalent toa “eontractar,” a ut term is used in tho Executive Onder: and aub-granters, if way, and coatractoes The Grantee are evan to “subvanizietons a ater i ed i the xeetive der. ‘The Granta affirms that the Granteo and any of ts aub-granteee and contactors shall perfor no sences ‘outside ofthe United Sites to implement ihe grim supperled project a aregram which will 6 paid fer ‘or feinbate with grant funda op whrch will be counted as match or coetshaze specifvaly reqneed ae ‘condition 70 disbursement of the gran funds ‘he Grantee shall provide all the natne{s) ad location(s} where services wl ke peremed inthe spaces provided ekw or by aftachment, Ifthe Sub-granige will aot be using sub-grantece or cantmstors fasts *Ner Applicable” inthe appropriates spaces. If he Grantee wil nat be woring, accessing, toting ‘cnn ot bain state data nica "Wt Applicable a tea 3 1, Peacipsl lation uf buses ef Grantee: 982 Rhodes Ra Keot, Off 14240 ‘Aaidessy (City, Sime, Zp) [Name'Principal location of business of lower sired sub-geante(s) and comtacten( NA Wane) (Adare, Cy, Sate, Zip Wane) Tress, Cty, Sate, Zip) Page Lot 2. Lotation where services will be perezmed by the Greate S24 Maries Ave Canton. Ou 44702 Cities) (Cy, Sate, Zip ‘Name cemton whovo services will be petfotned by sub-grantefs) and contratons} NA, Fane} Calin. Giy, Site, Zi Wane) (dies, Gig, Sue, Zip) 3. Location where sae data sul be stored, accessed, tested, maintained or backed-up, by Grant: 624 Market Ave Canton, Oh 44702 Trains ‘adress, City, State, Zip) ‘Name/Location(s} where state cata wil be stared, accesso, tested, maintained or backed-up hy sub- rantors and enntractrns amy Tres, Ci, Se, Til amy Tees, Gy, Sta, Zp) wey (eaten, Cy Se i Wan Tacs, Cag, Site, 2) Rasy (aikies, Cig, Sa, inh 4. Location to were servioes to be porfrmd will be changed or shifted by Grautew: als Bares) (City Stes ia Page 2 of 3 ‘Name cealan(s) whaee services wi be changed or shift Wo be pains by subsgrantes(s) and somatan(} Wawey (hiless, Cig, Se, Zip) Wamp (adress, City, Soe. Zipt Fame (aatoss, City: Sats. Zipr Taney (ales, City. Sate, Zipi Tame (Cakes, City. State, Zip] 2013 Reaident Service Coordinator Program REPIAWard Coleman Braessional Services Grane Shgraure of too Aha bane Ce we Alon Boras Tite thedad £60 Daz Merc 20 reid Page 3 of