An Avian Coronavirus in Quail with Respiratory and Reproductive Signs Author(s): C. A. Torres , L. Y. B. Villarreal , G. R. R. Ayres , L. J. Richtzenhain , and P. E. Brandão Source: Avian Diseases, 57(2):295-299. 2013. Published By: American Association of Avian Pathologists DOI: URL: BioOne ( is a nonprofit, online aggregation of core research in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. BioOne provides a sustainable online platform for over 170 journals and books published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses. Your use of this PDF, the BioOne Web site, and all posted and associated content indicates your acceptance of BioOne’s Terms of Use, available at Usage of BioOne content is strictly limited to personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial inquiries or rights and permissions requests should be directed to the individual publisher as copyright holder. BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. AVIANDISEASES57:295–299,2013 Research Note— An Avian Coronavirus in Quail with Respiratory and Reproductive Signs C. A. Torres,ABD L. Y. B. Villarreal,BC G. R. R. Ayres,AB L. J. Richtzenhain,AB and P. E. Branda˜oAB ADepartmentofPreventiveVeterinaryMedicineandAnimalHealth,SchoolofVeterinaryMedicine,UniversityofSa˜oPaulo,Av.Prof.Dr.Orlando Marques dePaiva, 87,CEP 05508270,Sa˜oPaulo, SP,Brazil BCoronavirus Research Group,Av. Prof. Dr.Orlando Marques dePaiva, 87,CEP 05508270,Sa˜oPaulo, SP,Brazil CMSDAnimal Health, Av. Nac¸o˜es Unidas 14.171,CEP04794-000, Sa˜oPaulo,SP,Brazil Received 24September 2012;Accepted 23January 2013;Published aheadofprint 25January2013 SUMMARY. AnAviancoronaviruswasdetectedinpoolsoflungs,tracheas,femalereproductivetracts,kidneys,andentericcontents fromquail(Coturnixcoturnixjaponica)andlayinghenflocks,withandwithoutinfectiousbronchitis(IB)–likesigns,cohousedinfarms locatedintwostatesofsoutheasternBrazilduring2009–2010.AlthoughAvianmetapneumovirussubtypeBwasfoundintwolayers samples,Newcastlediseaseviruswasnotfoundinquailorinhens.BasedonDNAsequencesforthe39-untranslatedregionandthegene encodingtheRNA-dependentRNApolymerase,thisaviancoronavirusesinquailisanIBvirus–likegammacoronavirus. RESUMEN. Nota deInvestigacio´n—Un coronavirus aviaren codornices con signos respiratorios yreproductivos. Se detecto´ un coronavirus aviar en muestras agrupadas de pulmones, tra´queas, tractos reproductivos femeninos, rin˜ones y contenidosintestinalesdeparvadasdecodornices(Coturnixcoturnixjapo´nica)ydegallinasponedoras,conlapresenciaoausencia designoscl´ınicossugestivosdelabronquitisinfecciosa.Estasparvadasestabanalojadasconjuntamenteengranjasubicadasendos estadosdelsurestedeBrasilduranteelper´ıodoentrelosan˜os2009al2010.Aunqueseencontro´metapneumovirusaviarsubtipoB endosmuestrasdeponedoras,noseencontro´alvirusdelaenfermedaddeNewcastleenlascodornicesnienlasgallinas.Conbase enlassecuenciasdeADNdelaregio´n39notraducidaydelgenequecodificaalapolimerasadeARNdependientedeARN,este coronavirusaviar delascodornices esun virus cercano alos gammacoronavirus. Keywords: Avian coronavirus,infectious bronchitisvirus, quail,laying hens Abbreviations: aMPV5Avian metapneumovirus; DEPC5diethyl pyrocarbonate; IB5infectious bronchitis; IBV5infectious bronchitisvirus;NDV5Newcastlediseasevirus;nt5nucleotide(s);RdRp5RNA-dependentRNApolymerasegene;RT5reverse transcription; S-gene5spike gene; UTR5untranslatedregion Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), the causative agent of epidemiology of avian coronaviruses. This study thus investigated avian infectious bronchitis (IB), is a Gammacoronavirus that theoccurrenceandmoleculardiversityofAviancoronavirusinquail replicates in lungs, tracheas, kidneys, guts, and reproductive tracts andlayinghensraisedonthesamefarmsanddeterminedtheroleof of breeders, broilers, and layers, leading to massive economic losses quail in the epidemiology of avian IB. due to delayed growth, egg production drop, eggshell malforma- tions, and infertility (3,8,13,24,27). Other respiratory pathogens, such as Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Avian metapneumovirus MATERIALSAND METHODS (aMPV), can interact with IBV, increasing the severity and the Sourceofviruses.Quailandlayinghensraisedtogetheronfarmsin course of the disease (20). Gammacoronaviruses also were detected thestatesofSa˜oPauloandEsp´ıritoSanto,municipalitiesofBastosand inasymptomaticbirds,includingpeafowl(Pavocristatus),teals(Anas SantaMariadeJetiba´,respectively,insoutheasternBrazil,weresampled spp.)(19),feralpigeons(Columbalivia)(17,19),graylaggeese(Anser in2009and2010.Thesefarmshadahistoryofchickensandquailwith anser), and mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) (19) and in several respiratory signs such as nasal discharge, gasping, watery eyes, and species of wild birds in captivity (2). conjunctivitisandreproductivesignssuchaseggproductiondrop,eggs In quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), the first report of with thin-walled and misshapen shells with loss of pigmentation, and coronavirus-like viruses was made in 1983 by Pascucci et al. (23), ‘‘falselayers’’(birdswhoovulatewithouteggproduction).Atnecropsy, with strains isolated from birds with a respiratory syndrome. Two there was severe oviduct edema in most of the chickens and quail. No additional specificgross lesions wereobserved. years later, Pascucci et al. (22) showed by virus neutralization and Sampleswerecollectedfromfivebirds(quailorchickens)perhouse,as immunoelectroscopy that one of the strains was not related to IBV pools of female reproductive tracts, lungs, kidneys, and tracheas and ormammaliancoronaviruses.In2005,acoronaviruswasassociated completeentericcontentsfromquail.Birdsweresampledinsixfarms(from withanentericsyndromeinquailandnamedquailcoronavirus(9). 18quailand12chickenflocks)resultinginatotalof90samplesfromquail IBV has already been isolated from healthy and nonvaccinated and48samplesfromchickensfrombothhealthyandsymptomaticbirds. quail, showing a low antigenic identity with IBV serotypes In all studied farms, chickens had been vaccinated against IBV by Massachusetts,Connecticut,andD207inBrazil(13).Despitethese using attenuated Massachusetts vaccines plus inactivated Massachusetts fewreports,thereisstilllittleinformationonthemoleculardiversity vaccines,againstaMPVwithsubtypesAorBandagainstNDVwitha of coronaviruses in quail and on the role of this host in the lentogenic vaccine. Quail were not vaccinated against IBV and aMPV, butthey werevaccinated withthe lentogenic NDV. IBV, aMPV, and NDV reference strains. The IBV Massachusetts DCorrespondingauthor.E-mail:[email protected] strain vaccine (NOBILISTM IB Ma5; MSD Animal Health, Boxmeer, 295 296 C.A.Torresetal. Fig.1. Phylogeneticdistancetreewiththeneighbor-joiningalgorithmfornucleotidesofthe39-UTR(nt27,342–27,520),showingtheclassic serotypes/genotypes(withGenBankaccessionnumbers)andstrainsincludedinthisstudy(squaresforquail,trianglesforlayinghens,andcirclesfor BrazilianwildbirdGammacoronavirusstrains).Thenumbersaboveeachnoderepresentthebootstrapvaluesfor1000replicates(onlyvalues.50% areshown).The bar represents the numberofnt substitutions per site. TheNetherlands),aMPVstrainvaccineRTV8544(NOBILISTMRTV (30) and Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase per the manufacturer’s 8544; MSD Animal Health) and NDV lentogenic strain vaccine (ND instructions. The expected 390-bp amplicons were then submitted to LA SOTAL NOBILISTM; MSD Animal Health) were used as positive DNA sequencing andphylogenetic analysis. controls for reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. As negative controls, Cloning of PCR products. To increase the concentration of DNA ultrapure water treated with 0.1% diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) was for39-UTRampliconsofquailsamples,PCRproductswereclonedinto included. plasmids before DNA sequencing. The 179-bp bands were purified Extraction of RNA. Pools of organs and enteric contents were using the GFXTM kit (GE Healthcare, Fairfield, CT) and individually prepared as 50% (v/v) suspensions in DEPC-treated water and inserted into pTZ57R/T plasmids by using InsTacloneTM (MBI submitted to three freeze-thaw cycles in liquid nitrogen and 56 C, Fermentas, Hanover, MD) according to manufacturer’s instructions andthentheywereclarifiedat50003gfor15minat4C.TotalRNA andusedtotransformcompetentJM109Escherichiacoli.TwoJM109 was extracted from the supernatants with TRIzol ReagentTM (Applied clonesforeachampliconweresubmittedtoplasmidextractionbyusing Biosystems,Carlsbad,CA)accordingtothemanufacturer’sinstructions. a NucleoSpin PlasmidTM kit (Macherey Nagel, Du¨ren, Germany) as Synthesis of cDNA. We denatured 3.5 ml of RNA of each RNA at recommendedbythemanufacturer.Aftertheextraction,thepresenceof 94Cfor5minandthenreversetranscribedthesampleswithRandom the inserted amplicons in each clone was checked with PCR by using PrimersTMandM-MLVReverseTranscriptaseTM(AppliedBiosystems) primers M13/pUC forward and M13/pUC reverse targeted to the asperthe manufacturer’s instructions. insertionflankingregionsoftheplasmid,accordingtothemanufactur- IBV, aMPV, and NDV screening. Each sample was screened for er’s instructions. IBV,aMPV,andNDVasdescribedbyCavanaghetal.(6,7)andTiwari DNAsequencingandphylogeneticanalyses.Amplicons,including et al. (26), targeting the 39-untranslated region (UTR), G gene, and F thoseinsertedinplasmids,werepurifiedfromagarosegelsbyusingthe gene,respectively, byusing PlatinumHTaq DNAPolymerase (Applied GFXTM kit (GE Healthcare) and submitted to bidirectional DNA Biosystems)perthemanufacturer’sinstructions,withampliconsof179, sequencing with Big DyeTM 3.1 Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied 268or361(aMPV types Aor B), and255bp,respectively. Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and an ABI-3500 automatic sequencer RNA-dependent RNApolymerase (RdRp)genepartial amplifica- (Applied Biosystems). tion and IBV genotyping. The 39-UTR–positive samples were then Sequences with Phil’s Read Editor scores .20 (16) were assembled tested by an RT-PCR targeting the RdRp gene as described by and analyzed with Cap-Contig application included in Bioedit Escutenaireetal.(15)andbyatypingspike(S)-gene–targetedmultiplex software(18),withhomologoussequencesretrievedfromGenBank(for RT-PCR for Massachusetts, D274, and 4/91 types (1) using Platinum accession numbers, see Figs. 1,2). Taq DNA Polymerase (Applied Biosystems) per the manufacturer’s Anucleotide tree(neighbor-joining, maximumcompositelikelihood instructions. model, 1000 bootstrap replicates) and amino acids tree (neighbor- RT-PCR for the S1 region. To better characterize the coronavirus joining, Poisson correction, 1000 bootstrap replicates) of each genome strains detected in quail, all 39-UTR–positive RNA samples were region(39-UTRandRdRp) werebuiltusing MEGA5.0software(25). submittedtoanRT-PCRtargetedtotheS1-codingregionintheS-gene Statisticalanalysis.Theassociationbetweenthespeciesofbird(quail byusingprimersandcyclingconditionsdescribedbyWorthingtonetal. and laying hens) and the presence of the virus was determined by AnAviancoronavirusinquail 297 coronavirus in pools of kidneys of quail and chickens without apparent gross pathologic changes may be related to this virus replicatingnotonlyinrespiratorytissuesbutalsoinkidneys,where there may be chronic infection (11,14). Fisher test showed no statisticallysignificant difference between layersand quailregarding avian coronavirus incidence (P 5 1.0). Concerning theentericcontents samplesofquailinwhichAvian coronavirus was found, this incidence could suggest that the fecal- oral/respiratoryrouteisrelevanttoquailpopulationsassuggestedfor chickens (28) and geese (19) or even that caecal tonsils could be a possible site of persistent infection (4,12,24,28). aMPV was not detected in any quail samples; however, in one poolofreproductive tracts and lungs oflaying hens, it was possible todetectsubtypeBmetapneumovirus.NDVwasnotdetectedinany samples. All strains of IBV detected in samples from layers and quail are different from genotypes Massachusetts, D274, and 4/91 as determined by the typing RT-PCR. IBV types other than the archetypicaltypesarewidespreadinbreeders,broilers, andlayersin Brazil,possiblybecauseofthecontinuoususeofattenuatedvaccines Fig. 2. Phylogenetic distance tree with the neighbor-joining solely based on the Massachusetts serotype (29). algorithmfortheRdRpnucleotide(nt15,647–15,826)showingclassic serotypes/genotypes (with GenBank accession numbers) and samples Sequences of 97 nucleotides (39-UTR) and 116 nucleotides includedinthisstudy(squaresforquail,trianglesforlayinghens,anda (RdRp) from quail samples of enteric contents (Farms 2, 4, and 5) circle for chicken CGR strain isolated from a poultry flock). The and kidneys (Farm 4) and samples of lungs, tracheas, kidneys, and numbers above each node represent the bootstrap values for 1000 entericcontentsbelongingtolayingflocksfromdifferentregionsof replicates (only values .50% are shown). The bar represents the Brazil were used to generate sequences for phylogenetic analyses number ofnt substitutions persite. (Table 1). The 39-UTR tree (Fig. 1) showed that viruses of both quail and applyingtheFisherexacttestwithMINITABH15.1.0.0.(MinitabInc., chickenssegregatedwithotheraviancoronaviruses,includingturkey State College, PA). coronavirus, and viruses from pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) and peacocks, indicating that these viruses are IBV-like gammacorona- viruses.Thereisatrendtoaphylogeographicpattern,astwolineages RESULTS ANDDISCUSSION of Avian coronavirus in quail were found in two different farms In thisinvestigation, an Aviancoronavirus was detected infiveof located in the region of Bastos, SP. In general, these results agree sixfarmsofquail(14flocks)andlayinghens(fourflocks),including with the RdRp tree topology (Fig. 2), but with lower resolution. farmswithdetectioninbothhostspeciessimultaneously,frombirds Becausesequenceswere,200nucleotides,theywerenotsubmitted withand withoutclinical signscompatiblewithIB.ViralRNAwas to GenBank, but they are available upon request. detected in pools of female reproductive tracts, lungs, kidneys, Mean nucleotide identity between the 39-UTR for the group of tracheas, and enteric contents of quail and in lungs, kidneys, and quailwas98.7%,97.5%betweenquailandlayinghens,and96.4% tracheas of layers. with the Massachusetts genotype (H120). Sequences from layer In2010,regardingthesixquails’andfourlayers’poolspositivefor samples were 100% identical amongst each other and 98.9% Aviancoronavirus,ahigherfrequency was foundinthereproductive identical to H120. tracts (9%) and tracheas (18.2%) from quail compared with those Nucleotide identity of RdRp between quail groups was 98.8%, fromlayers(0%inthereproductivetractand9%intracheas).Oneof 92.13%betweenquailandlayers,and93.1%withtheMassachusetts thequail-positivepoolsoftracheasbelongstoaflockofbirdsthatwere genotype (H120 and Ma5). Sequences from layer samples were 2 mo old presenting gasping and watery eyes, similar symptoms to 90.5% identical amongst each other and 95.3% identical to thoseobservedinchickensatfewdaysorweeksold(5,10). genotype Massachusetts (H120 and Ma5). Avian coronavirus also has been found in samples of quail Nonetheless, any accurate distinction between vaccine or reproductiveorgansthathadproductiondropandeggalterationsas archetypical IBV strains and field strains must be based on S-gene wellassignsoffalselayers.Inthereproductivetractsoflayinghens, analysesbecausethe39-UTRandtheRdRpgenedonotshowreliable themostcommonmanifestationofIBVinfectionisevidencedinthe molecularmarkersto thisend.Becausenosequences wereobtained production and quality of eggs because of viral replication in the forthisregionforthequailstrains,dueeithertoalowvirustiterin oviducts that can cause permanent damage to the development in thesamplesortopolymorphismsintheprimers’annealingsites,the youngfemales.Thisdamagecanleadtopartialorcompleteatrophy exact type of avian coronavirus in these birds remains to be of theovaries, and theaffected birds mayovulate normally without determined after the isolation of these viruses in chicken embryos eggproduction,thusbecomingfalselayers(5).Thus,itislikelythat followed by DNA sequencing of the complete S- and M-genes. in quail, the pathogenesis of infection by Avian coronavirus in the Whether quail are amplifiers of wild IBV types that can cause reproductive tract is similar to that already described in chickens, disease in chickens, or the avian coronavirus strains reported herein leading to the signs observed in the studied farms. arerestrictedtoquailandcanindeedinducediseaseinthesebirds,is Kidney pools of layers had a higher incidence (27.2%) of Avian a matter for future research, based on the isolation of these viruses coronavirus compared with quail (18.2%), whereas lung pools for and experimental inoculation in quail and chickens with homolo- both species had the same incidence (9%). 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A reverse alsothankProf.Dr.RicardoAugustoDiasforadvicewiththestatistical transcriptase-polymerasechainreactionsurveyofinfectiousbronchitisvirus analyses.