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Preview 2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

JournaloftheAmericanCollegeofCardiology Vol.61,No.4,2013 ©2013bytheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundationandtheAmericanHeartAssociation,Inc. ISSN0735-1097/$36.00 PublishedbyElsevierInc. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2012.11.019 PRACTICE GUIDELINE 2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/ American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines Developed in Collaboration With the American College of Emergency Physicians and Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions WRITING COMMITTEE MEMBERS* Patrick T. O’Gara, MD, FACC, FAHA, Chair†; Frederick G. Kushner, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI, Vice Chair*†; Deborah D. Ascheim, MD, FACC†; Donald E. Casey, Jr, MD, MPH, MBA, FACP, FAHA‡; Mina K. Chung, MD, FACC, FAHA*†; James A. de Lemos, MD, FACC*†; Steven M. Ettinger, MD, FACC*§; James C. Fang, MD, FACC, FAHA*†; Francis M. Fesmire, MD, FACEP*(cid:1)¶; Barry A. Franklin, PHD, FAHA†; Christopher B. Granger, MD, FACC, FAHA*†; Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM, FACC, FAHA†; Jane A. Linderbaum, MS, CNP-BC†; David A. Morrow, MD, MPH, FACC, FAHA*†; L. Kristin Newby, MD, MHS, FACC, FAHA*†; Joseph P. Ornato, MD, FACC, FAHA, FACP, FACEP†; Narith Ou, PharmD†; Martha J. Radford, MD, FACC, FAHA†; Jacqueline E. Tamis-Holland, MD, FACC†; Carl L. Tommaso, MD, FACC, FAHA, FSCAI#; Cynthia M. Tracy, MD, FACC, FAHA†; Y. Joseph Woo, MD, FACC, FAHA†; David X. Zhao, MD, FACC*† ACCF/AHA TASK FORCE MEMBERS Jeffrey L. Anderson, MD, FACC, FAHA, Chair; Alice K. Jacobs, MD, FACC, FAHA, Immediate Past Chair; Jonathan L. Halperin, MD, FACC, FAHA, Chair-Elect; Nancy M. Albert, PHD, CCNS, CCRN, FAHA; Ralph G. Brindis, MD, MPH, MACC; Mark A. Creager, MD, FACC, FAHA; David DeMets, PHD; Robert A. Guyton, MD, FACC, FAHA; Judith S. Hochman, MD, FACC, FAHA; Richard J. Kovacs, MD, FACC; Frederick G. Kushner, MD, FACC, FAHA**; E. Magnus Ohman, MD, FACC; William G. Stevenson, MD, FACC, FAHA; Clyde W. Yancy, MD, FACC, FAHA** *Writingcommitteemembersarerequiredtorecusethemselvesfromvotingonsectionstowhichtheirspecificrelationshipswithindustrymayapply; seeAppendix1fordetailedinformation.†ACCF/AHArepresentative.‡ACPrepresentative.§ACCF/AHATaskForceonPracticeGuidelinesliaison. (cid:1)ACCF/AHA Task Force on Performance Measures liaison. ¶ACEP representative. #SCAI representative. **Former Task Force member during this writingeffort. ThisdocumentwasapprovedbytheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundationBoardofTrusteesandtheAmericanHeartAssociationScienceand AdvisoryCoordinatingCommitteeinJune2012. TheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundationrequeststhatthisdocumentbecitedasfollows:O’GaraPT,KushnerFG,AscheimDD,CaseyDE Jr,ChungMK,deLemosJA,EttingerSM,FangJC,FesmireFM,FranklinBA,GrangerCB,KrumholzHM,LinderbaumJA,MorrowDA,NewbyLK, OrnatoJP,OuN,RadfordMJ,Tamis-HollandJE,TommasoCL,TracyCM,WooYJ,ZhaoDX.2013ACCF/AHAguidelineforthemanagementof ST-elevationmyocardialinfarction:areportoftheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundation/AmericanHeartAssociationTaskForceonPractice Guidelines.JAmCollCardiol2013;61:e78–140,doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2012.11.019. ThisarticleiscopublishedinCirculation. Copies: This document is available on the World Wide Web sites of the American College of Cardiology (http://www.cardiosource.org) and the AmericanHeartAssociation(my.americanheart.org).Forcopiesofthisdocument,pleasecontactElsevierInc.ReprintDepartment,fax(212)633-3820, [email protected]. Permissions: Multiple copies, modification, alteration, enhancement, and/or distribution of this document are not permitted without the express permissionoftheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundation.PleasecontactElsevier’[email protected]. Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 O’Garaetal. e79 January29,2013:e78–140 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText TABLE OF CONTENTS THERAPYWITHFIBRINOLYSIS: RECOMMENDATIONS ..............e96 Preamble........................................e80 5.2. AssessmentofReperfusionAfter 1. Introduction...................................e82 Fibrinolysis..............................e96 5.3. TransfertoaPCI-CapableHospitalAfter 1.1. MethodologyandEvidenceReview .......e82 FibrinolyticTherapy ......................e97 1.2. OrganizationoftheWritingCommittee....e83 5.3.1. TransferofPatientsWithSTEMItoa 1.3. DocumentReviewandApproval ..........e83 PCI-CapableHospitalforCoronary AngiographyAfterFibrinolyticTherapy: 2. Background...................................e83 Recommendations...................e97 2.1. DefinitionandDiagnosis..................e83 2.2. Epidemiology ............................e83 SHOCK..............................e98 2.3. EarlyRiskAssessment...................e85 FIBRINOLYTICTHERAPY...........e98 3. OnsetofMI...................................e85 CORONARYANGIOGRAPHYAFTER 3.1. Patient-RelatedDelaysandInitial FIBRINOLYTICTHERAPY...........e98 Treatment ...............................e85 6. DelayedInvasiveManagement.................e99 3.2. ModeofTransporttotheHospital ........e85 3.3. PatientEducation........................e85 6.1. CoronaryAngiographyinPatientsWho 3.4. CommunityPreparednessandSystem InitiallyWereManagedWithFibrinolytic GoalsforReperfusionTherapy............e85 TherapyorWhoDidNotReceive 3.4.1. RegionalSystemsofSTEMICare, Reperfusion:Recommendations ..........e99 ReperfusionTherapy,andTime-to- 6.2. PCIofanInfarctArteryinPatientsInitially ManagedWithFibrinolysisorWhoDidNot TreatmentGoals:Recommendations...e85 ReceiveReperfusionTherapy: ANDGOALSFORREPERFUSION Recommendations ......................e100 THERAPY ...........................e86 6.3. PCIofaNoninfarctArteryBeforeHospital Discharge:Recommendations ...........e101 DOOR-TO-DEVICETIMES..........e88 6.4. AdjunctiveAntithromboticTherapyto 3.5. PrehospitalFibrinolyticTherapy ..........e89 SupportDelayedPCIAfterFibrinolytic 3.6. TheRelationshipBetweenSuddenCardiac Therapy.................................e101 DeathandSTEMI.........................e89 6.4.1. AntiplateletTherapytoSupportPCIAfter 3.6.1. EvaluationandManagementofPatients FibrinolyticTherapy: WithSTEMIandOut-of-Hospital Recommendations..................e101 CardiacArrest:Recommendations.....e89 6.4.2. AnticoagulantTherapytoSupportPCI 4. ReperfusionataPCI-CapableHospital .........e90 AfterFibrinolyticTherapy: Recommendations..................e103 4.1. PrimaryPCI..............................e90 7. CoronaryArteryBypassGraftSurgery.........e103 4.1.1. PrimaryPCIinSTEMI: Recommendations...................e90 7.1. CABGinPatientsWithSTEMI: 4.2. AspirationThrombectomy: Recommendations ......................e103 Recommendation ........................e91 7.2. TimingofUrgentCABGinPatientsWith 4.3. UseofStentsinPrimaryPCI .............e91 STEMIinRelationtoUseofAntiplatelet 4.3.1. UseofStentsinPatientsWithSTEMI: Agents:Recommendations ..............e103 Recommendations...................e91 8. RoutineMedicalTherapies....................e104 4.4. AdjunctiveAntithromboticTherapyfor PrimaryPCI..............................e91 8.1. BetaBlockers:Recommendations .......e104 4.4.1. AntiplateletTherapytoSupportPrimary 8.2. Renin-Angiotensin-AldosteroneSystem PCIforSTEMI:Recommendations ...e91 Inhibitors:Recommendations............e104 4.4.2. AnticoagulantTherapytoSupportPrimary 8.3. LipidManagement:Recommendations ......e106 PCI:Recommendations..............e94 8.4. Nitrates ................................e106 8.5. CalciumChannelBlockers...............e106 5. ReperfusionataNon–PCI-CapableHospital.....e94 8.6. Oxygen.................................e106 5.1. FibrinolyticTherapyWhenThereIsan 8.7. Analgesics:Morphine,Nonsteroidal AnticipatedDelaytoPerformingPrimaryPCI Anti-inflammatoryDrugs,and Within120MinutesofFMC: CyclooxygenaseIIInhibitors.............e107 Recommendations .......................e94 9. ComplicationsAfterSTEMI....................e107 5.1.1. TimingofFibrinolyticTherapy........e95 5.1.2. ChoiceofFibrinolyticAgent..........e95 9.1. CardiogenicShock......................e107 5.1.3. ContraindicationsandComplications 9.1.1. TreatmentofCardiogenicShock: WithFibrinolyticTherapy............e95 Recommendations..................e107 5.1.4. AdjunctiveAntithromboticTherapy 9.2. SevereHF ..............................e107 WithFibrinolysis....................e95 9.3. RVInfarction ...........................e108 9.4. MechanicalComplications...............e108 THERAPYWITHFIBRINOLYSIS: 9.4.1. Diagnosis .........................e108 RECOMMENDATIONS ..............e95 9.4.2. MitralRegurgitation................e108 Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 e80 O’Garaetal. JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText January29,2013:e78–140 9.4.3. VentricularSeptalRupture ..........e108 Appendix1.AuthorRelationshipsWithIndustry 9.4.4. LVFree-WallRupture..............e108 andOtherEntities(Relevant)....................e135 9.4.5. LVAneurysm......................e108 Appendix2.ReviewerRelationshipsWith 9.5. ElectricalComplicationsDuringtheHospital IndustryandOtherEntities(Relevant) ...........e138 PhaseofSTEMI.........................e109 9.5.1. VentricularArrhythmias.............e109 Appendix3.AbbreviationList....................e140 9.5.2. ImplantableCardioverter-Defibrillator TherapyBeforeDischarge...........e109 Preamble 9.5.3. AFandOtherSupraventricular Tachyarrhythmias ..................e109 The medical profession should play a central role in evalu- 9.5.4. Bradycardia,AVBlock,and IntraventricularConductionDefects ..e109 ating the evidence related to drugs, devices, and procedures for the detection, management, and prevention of disease. RECOMMENDATION..............e109 When properly applied, expert analysis of available data on 9.6. Pericarditis.............................e110 the benefits and risks of these therapies and procedures can 9.6.1. ManagementofPericarditisAfterSTEMI: improve the quality of care, optimize patient outcomes, and Recommendations..................e110 9.7. ThromboembolicandBleeding favorably affect costs by focusing resources on the most Complications ..........................e110 effectivestrategies.Anorganizedanddirectedapproachtoa 9.7.1. ThromboembolicComplications......e110 thoroughreviewofevidencehasresultedintheproductionof clinicalpracticeguidelinesthatassistphysiciansinselecting RECOMMENDATIONS.............e110 the best management strategy for an individual patient. Moreover, clinical practice guidelines can provide a founda- THROMBOCYTOPENIA............e111 9.7.2. BleedingComplications.............e111 tion for other applications, such as performance measures, appropriate use criteria, and both quality improvement and clinical decision support tools. BLEEDING.........................e112 TheAmericanCollegeofCardiologyFoundation(ACCF) 9.8. AcuteKidneyInjury .....................e112 9.9. Hyperglycemia..........................e112 and the American Heart Association (AHA) have jointly produced guidelines in the area of cardiovascular disease 10. RiskAssessmentAfterSTEMI ...............e113 since1980.TheACCF/AHATaskForceonPracticeGuide- lines (Task Force), charged with developing, updating, and 10.1. UseofNoninvasiveTestingforIschemia revising practice guidelines for cardiovascular diseases and BeforeDischarge:Recommendations..e113 procedures,directsandoverseesthiseffort.Writingcommit- 10.2. AssessmentofLVFunction: tees are charged with regularly reviewing and evaluating all Recommendation.....................e114 available evidence to develop balanced, patient-centric rec- 10.3. AssessmentofRiskforSCD: Recommendation.....................e114 ommendations for clinical practice. Experts in the subject under consideration are selected by the ACCF and AHA to examine subject-specific data and 11. PosthospitalizationPlanofCare.............e114 write guidelines in partnership with representatives from 11.1. PosthospitalizationPlanofCare: other medical organizations and specialty groups. Writing Recommendations....................e114 committees are asked to perform a formal literature review; 11.1.1. ThePlanofCareforPatientsWith weighthestrengthofevidencefororagainstparticulartests, STEMI........................e114 treatments, or procedures; and include estimates of expected 11.1.2. SmokingCessation..............e116 outcomes where such data exist. Patient-specific modifiers, 11.1.3. CardiacRehabilitation...........e116 11.1.4. SystemsofCaretoPromoteCare comorbidities, and issues of patient preference that may Coordination...................e116 influence the choice of tests or therapies are considered. When available, information from studies on cost is consid- 12. UnresolvedIssuesandFutureResearch ered,butdataonefficacyandoutcomesconstitutetheprimary Directions ..................................e116 basis for the recommendations contained herein. Inanalyzingthedataanddevelopingrecommendationsand 12.1. PatientAwareness ...................e117 supporting text, the writing committee uses evidence-based 12.2. RegionalSystemsofCare.............e117 methodologiesdevelopedbytheTaskForce(1).TheClassof 12.3. TransferandManagementofNon–High- RiskPatientsAfterAdministrationof Recommendation (COR) is an estimate of the size of the FibrinolyticTherapy...................e117 treatment effect considering risks versus benefits in addition 12.4. AntithromboticTherapy...............e117 to evidence and/or agreement that a given treatment or 12.5. ReperfusionInjury....................e117 procedure is or is not useful/effective or in some situations 12.6. ApproachtoNoninfarctArteryDisease....e117 maycauseharm.TheLevelofEvidence(LOE)isanestimate 12.7. PreventionofSCD....................e117 of the certainty or precision of the treatment effect. The 12.8. PreventionofHF .....................e117 writing committee reviews and ranks evidence supporting eachrecommendationwiththeweightofevidencerankedas References.....................................e118 LOE A, B, or C according to specific definitions that are Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 O’Garaetal. e81 January29,2013:e78–140 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText Table1. ApplyingClassificationofRecommendationandLevelofEvidence ArecommendationwithLevelofEvidenceBorCdoesnotimplythattherecommendationisweak.Manyimportantclinicalquestionsaddressedintheguidelines donotlendthemselvestoclinicaltrials.Althoughrandomizedtrialsareunavailable,theremaybeaveryclearclinicalconsensusthataparticulartestortherapyis usefuloreffective. *Dataavailablefromclinicaltrialsorregistriesabouttheusefulness/efficacyindifferentsubpopulations,suchassex,age,historyofdiabetes,historyofprior myocardialinfarction,historyofheartfailure,andprioraspirinuse. †Forcomparativeeffectivenessrecommendations(ClassIandIIa;LevelofEvidenceAandBonly),studiesthatsupporttheuseofcomparatorverbsshouldinvolve directcomparisonsofthetreatmentsorstrategiesbeingevaluated. included in Table 1. Studies are identified as observational, A new addition to this methodology is separation of the retrospective,prospective,orrandomizedwhereappropriate. Class III recommendations to delineate whether the recom- For certain conditions for which inadequate data are avail- mendationisdeterminedtobeof“nobenefit”orisassociated able, recommendations are based on expert consensus and with “harm” to the patient. In addition, in view of the clinical experience and are ranked as LOE C. When recom- increasingnumberofcomparativeeffectivenessstudies,com- mendations at LOE C are supported by historical clinical parator verbs and suggested phrases for writing recommen- data, appropriate references (including clinical reviews) are dationsforthecomparativeeffectivenessofonetreatmentor cited if available. For issues for which sparse data are strategyversusanotherareincludedforCORIandIIa,LOE available,asurveyofcurrentpracticeamongthemembersof A or B only. the writing committee is the basis for LOE C recommenda- In view of the advances in medical therapy across the tions and no references are cited. The schema for COR and spectrum of cardiovascular diseases, the Task Force has LOE is summarized in Table 1, which also provides sug- designated the term guideline-directed medical therapy gested phrases for writing recommendations within each (GDMT) to represent optimal medical therapy as defined by COR. ACCF/AHA guideline-recommended therapies (primarily Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 e82 O’Garaetal. JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText January29,2013:e78–140 Class I). This new term, GDMT, will be used throughout may not draft or vote on any text or recommendations subsequent guidelines. pertaining to their RWI. Members who recused themselves Because the ACCF/AHA practice guidelines address pa- from voting are indicated in the list of writing committee tientpopulations(andhealthcareproviders)residinginNorth members,andspecificsectionrecusalsarenotedinAppendix America, drugs that are not currently available in North 1. Authors’ and peer reviewers’ RWI pertinent to this AmericaarediscussedinthetextwithoutaspecificCOR.For guideline are disclosed in Appendixes 1 and 2, respectively. studiesperformedinlargenumbersofsubjectsoutsideNorth In addition, to ensure complete transparency, writing com- America,eachwritingcommitteereviewsthepotentialinflu- mittee members’ comprehensive disclosure information— enceofdifferentpracticepatternsandpatientpopulationson includingRWInotpertinenttothisdocument—isavailableas the treatment effect and relevance to the ACCF/AHA target anonlinesupplement.Comprehensivedisclosureinformation populationtodeterminewhetherthefindingsshouldinforma for the Task Force is also available online at http://www. specific recommendation. cardiosource.org/ACC/About-ACC/Who-We-Are/Leadership/ TheACCF/AHApracticeguidelinesareintendedtoassist Guidelines-and-Documents-Task-Forces.aspx. The work of healthcare providers in clinical decision making by describ- writingcommitteesissupportedexclusivelybytheACCFand ing a range of generally acceptable approaches to the diag- AHAwithoutcommercialsupport.Writingcommitteemembers nosis, management, and prevention of specific diseases or volunteeredtheirtimeforthisactivity. conditions. The guidelines attempt to define practices that In an effort to maintain relevance at the point of care for meet the needs of most patients in most circumstances. The practicingphysicians,theTaskForcecontinuestooverseean ultimatejudgmentregardingcareofaparticularpatientmust ongoing process improvement initiative. As a result, in bemadebythehealthcareproviderandpatientinlightofall responsetopilotprojects,severalchangestotheseguidelines the circumstances presented by that patient. As a result, will be apparent, including limited narrative text, a focus on situations may arise for which deviations from these guide- summary and evidence tables (with references linked to lines may be appropriate. Clinical decision making should abstracts in PubMed), and more liberal use of summary involve consideration of the quality and availability of recommendationtables(withreferencesthatsupportLOE)to expertise in the area where care is provided. When these serve as a quick reference. guidelines are used as the basis for regulatory or payer InApril2011,theInstituteofMedicinereleased2reports: decisions, the goal should be improvement in quality of Finding What Works in Health Care: Standards for System- care. The Task Force recognizes that situations arise in aticReviewsandClinicalPracticeGuidelinesWeCanTrust which additional data are needed to inform patient care (2,3). It is noteworthy that the IOM cited ACCF/AHA more effectively; these areas are identified within each practice guidelines as being compliant with many of the respective guideline when appropriate. proposed standards. A thorough review of these reports and Prescribed courses of treatment in accordance with these of our current methodology is under way, with further recommendationsareeffectiveonlyiffollowed.Becauselack enhancements anticipated. ofpatientunderstandingandadherencemayadverselyaffect The recommendations in this guideline are considered outcomes, physicians and other healthcare providers should current until they are superseded by a focused update or the makeeveryefforttoengagethepatient’sactiveparticipation full-textguidelineisrevised.Guidelinesareofficialpolicyof in prescribed medical regimens and lifestyles. In addition, both the ACCF and AHA. patients should be informed of the risks, benefits, and Jeffrey L. Anderson, MD, FACC, FAHA alternatives to a particular treatment and should be involved Chair, ACCF/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines inshareddecisionmakingwheneverfeasible,particularlyfor COR IIa and IIb, for which the benefit-to-risk ratio may be 1. Introduction lower. TheTaskForcemakeseveryefforttoavoidactual,poten- tial,orperceivedconflictsofinterestthatmayariseasaresult 1.1. Methodology and Evidence Review ofrelationshipswithindustryandotherentities(RWI)among The recommendations listed in this document are, whenever themembersofthewritingcommittee.Allwritingcommittee possible,evidencebased.Thecurrentdocumentconstitutesa membersandpeerreviewersoftheguidelinearerequiredto full revision and includes an extensive evidence review, discloseallcurrenthealthcarerelatedrelationships,including which was conducted through November 2010, with addi- those existing 12 months before initiation of the writing tional selected references added through August 2012. effort.InDecember2009,theACCFandAHAimplemented Searcheswerelimitedtostudiesconductedinhumansubjects a new RWI policy that requires the writing committee chair andreviewsandotherevidencepertainingtohumansubjects; plusaminimumof50%ofthewritingcommitteetohaveno allwerepublishedinEnglish.Keysearchwordsincludedbut relevantRWI.(Appendix1includestheACCF/AHAdefini- werenotlimitedto:acutecoronarysyndromes,percutaneous tionofrelevance.)ThesestatementsarereviewedbytheTask coronaryintervention,coronaryarterybypassgraft,myocar- Force and all members during each conference call and/or dialinfarction,ST-elevationmyocardialinfarction,coronary meeting of the writing committee, and members provide stent, revascularization, anticoagulant therapy, antiplatelet updates as changes occur. All guideline recommendations therapy, antithrombotic therapy, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor requireaconfidentialvotebythewritingcommitteeandmust therapy,pharmacotherapy,proton-pumpinhibitor,implantable beapprovedbyaconsensusofthevotingmembers.Members cardioverter-defibrillator therapy, cardiogenic shock, fibrino- Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 O’Garaetal. e83 January29,2013:e78–140 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText lytic therapy, thrombolytic therapy, nitrates, mechanical com- 2. Background plications,arrhythmia,angina,chronicstableangina,diabetes, chronic kidney disease, mortality, morbidity, elderly, ethics, and contrast nephropathy. Additional searches cross- 2.1. Definition and Diagnosis referenced these topics with the following subtopics: percu- STEMI is a clinical syndrome defined by characteristic taneouscoronaryintervention,coronaryarterybypassgraft, symptomsofmyocardialischemiainassociationwithpersis- cardiac rehabilitation, and secondary prevention. Addition- tentelectrocardiographic(ECG)STelevationandsubsequent ally,thecommitteerevieweddocumentsrelatedtothesubject releaseofbiomarkersofmyocardialnecrosis.DiagnosticST matter previously published by the ACCF and AHA. Refer- elevationintheabsenceofleftventricular(LV)hypertrophy ences selected and published in this document are represen- or left bundle-branch block (LBBB) is defined by the Euro- tative and not all-inclusive. peanSocietyofCardiology/ACCF/AHA/WorldHeartFeder- To provide clinicians with a comprehensive set of data, ation Task Force for the Universal Definition of Myocardial whenever deemed appropriate or when published, the abso- Infarction as new ST elevation at the J point in at least 2 lute risk difference and number needed to treat or harm are contiguous leads of (cid:1)2 mm (0.2 mV) in men or (cid:1)1.5 mm provided in the guideline, along with confidence intervals (0.15 mV) in women in leads V –V and/or of (cid:1)1 mm (0.1 2 3 (CI)anddatarelatedtotherelativetreatmenteffectssuchas mV)inothercontiguouschestleadsorthelimbleads(7).The odds ratio (OR), relative risk (RR), hazard ratio (HR), or majority of patients will evolve ECG evidence of Q-wave incidence rate ratio. infarction. New or presumably new LBBB has been consid- The focus of this guideline is the management of patients ered a STEMI equivalent. Most cases of LBBB at time of withST-elevationmyocardialinfarction(STEMI).Updatesto presentation,however,are“notknowntobeold”becauseof the2004STEMIguidelinewerepublishedin2007and2009 prior electrocardiogram (ECG) is not available for compari- (4–6).Particularemphasisisplacedonadvancesinreperfu- son. New or presumably new LBBB at presentation occurs siontherapy,organizationofregionalsystemsofcare,trans- infrequently, may interfere with ST-elevation analysis, and fer algorithms, evidence-based antithrombotic and medical should not be considered diagnostic of acute myocardial therapies, and secondary prevention strategies to optimize infarction(MI)inisolation(8).CriteriaforECGdiagnosisof patient-centeredcare.Bydesign,thedocumentisnarrowerin acuteSTEMIinthesettingofLBBBhavebeenproposed(see scope than the 2004 STEMI Guideline, in an attempt to Online Data Supplement 1). Baseline ECG abnormalities provide a more focused tool for practitioners. References other than LBBB (e.g., paced rhythm, LV hypertrophy, related to management guidelines are provided whenever Brugada syndrome) may obscure interpretation. In addition, appropriate, including those pertaining to percutaneous cor- ST depression in (cid:1)2 precordial leads (V –V ) may indicate 1 4 onary intervention (PCI), coronary artery bypass graft transmural posterior injury; multilead ST depression with (CABG), heart failure (HF), cardiac devices, and secondary coexistent ST elevation in lead aVR has been described in prevention. patients with left main or proximal left anterior descending arteryocclusion(9).Rarely,hyperacuteT-wavechangesmay be observed in the very early phase of STEMI, before the 1.2. Organization of the Writing Committee development of ST elevation. Transthoracic echocardiogra- Thewritingcommitteewascomposedofexpertsrepresenting phymayprovideevidenceoffocalwallmotionabnormalities cardiovascular medicine, interventional cardiology, electro- and facilitate triage in patients with ECG findings that are physiology,HF,cardiacsurgery,emergencymedicine,inter- difficult to interpret. If doubt persists, immediate referral for nal medicine, cardiac rehabilitation, nursing, and pharmacy. invasive angiography may be necessary to guide therapy in The American College of Physicians, American College of the appropriate clinical context (10,11). Cardiac troponin is Emergency Physicians, and Society for Cardiovascular An- the preferred biomarker for diagnosis of MI. giographyandInterventionsassignedofficialrepresentatives. 2.2. Epidemiology 1.3. Document Review and Approval In 2009, approximately 683,000 patients were discharged This document was reviewed by 2 outside reviewers each from U.S. hospitals with a diagnosis of acute coronary nominatedbytheACCFandtheAHA,aswellas2reviewers syndrome (ACS). Community incidence rates for STEMI each from the American College of Emergency Physicians have declined over the past decade, whereas those for and Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interven- non–ST-elevationACShaveincreased(Figure1).Atpresent, tionsand22individualcontentreviewers(includingmembers STEMIcomprisesapproximately25%to40%ofMIpresen- from the ACCF Interventional Scientific Council and ACCF tations (12–15). In-hospital (approximately 5% to 6%) and Surgeons’ScientificCouncil).AllreviewerRWIinformation 1-year (approximately 7% to 18%) mortality rates from was distributed to the writing committee and is published in STEMI also have decreased significantly in association with this document (Appendix 2). a substantial increase in the frequency of care that includes This document was approved for publication by the gov- GDMT and interventions (“defect-free” care) (13,15–18). In erning bodies of the ACCF and the AHA and was endorsed the United States, important regional differences exist in by the American College of Emergency Physicians and 30-dayacuteMIhospitalmortalityandreadmissionratesfor Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. Medicarebeneficiaries(cid:1)65yearsofage(19).Understanding Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 e84 O’Garaetal. JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText January29,2013:e78–140 (28,35,36). Management of patients with diabetes mellitus and STEMI should be the same as for patients without diabetes mellitus, with attention to moderate glycemic control. Theelderlycompriseagrowingsegmentofthepopulation andpresentspecialchallengesfordiagnosisandmanagement that may lead to disparities in care and delays in treatment. Additional issues to consider include the risks of antithrom- boticandinterventionaltherapiesandtheappropriatebound- aries of care within the context of individual comorbidities, frailty, and advanced-care directives. Clinical trials fre- Figure1. Age-andsex-adjustedincidenceratesofacuteMI, quently have limited enrollment of older populations (37). 1999to2008.Ibarsrepresent95%confidenceintervals.MIin- dicatesmyocardialinfarction;STEMI,ST-elevationmyocardial Treatments that are effective in younger populations usually infarction.ReprintedwithpermissionfromYehetal.(14). are indicated in the elderly, with the caveat that the elderly moreoftenhaveabsoluteorrelativecontraindicationstotheir thereasonsforsuchdifferencesmayprovideopportunitiesfor use. Impaired renal function associated with aging requires performance improvement (20). careful attention to drug dosing (38,39). Approximately 30% of patients with STEMI are women. Inananalysisof8,578patientswithSTEMIfrom226U.S. Female sex was a strong independent predictor of failure to hospitals participating in the CRUSADE quality improve- receive reperfusion therapy among patients who had no mentinitiativefromSeptember2004toDecember2006,7% contraindications in the CRUSADE (Can Rapid Risk Strati- of eligible patients did not receive reperfusion therapy (21). fication of Unstable Angina Patients Suppress Adverse Out- The factor most strongly associated with not providing comes with Early Implementation of the ACC/AHA Guide- reperfusion therapy in eligible patients was increasing age. lines)registry(21).Comparedwithmen,womenincludedin Evidencesuggeststhateventheveryelderlyhavereasonable theNCDR(NationalCardiovascularDataRegistry)ACTION post-MIoutcomeswhentreatedaggressivelywithreperfusion Registry–GWTG (Get With The Guidelines) presented later therapy (40), though individual circumstances vary. after symptom onset, had longer door-to-fibrinolysis and Both the GWTG Quality Improvement Program and the door-to-balloon (or device) (D2B) times, and less often North Carolina Reperfusion of Acute Myocardial Infarction received aspirin or beta blockers within 24 hours of presen- inCarolinaEmergencyDepartment’sinitiativedemonstrated tation.Womenfurtherwerecharacterizedbyahigherriskfor that focused quality improvement efforts and programs de- bleeding with antithrombotic therapy, which persisted after signed to systematize care across integrated regional centers consideration of age, weight, blood pressure (BP) at presen- canlessendisparitiesandimprovethecareofelderlypatients tation,renalfunction,baselinehematocrit,andotherpotential with STEMI (23,41). confounders (22). Numerousstudieshavehighlightedthefactthatpatientswith Nonwhites represented 13.3% of patients with STEMI at chronic kidney disease of all stages less frequently receive hospitals participating in the ACTION Registry–GWTG in guideline-recommended interventions than do patients with quarters1and2of2009(17).Importantly,disparitiesinthe normal renal function, despite evidence of benefit from most treatmentofracialandethnicminoritiesappeartobeimprov- acutetreatments(42–45).InaprojectthatlinkedtheU.S.Renal ing over time (23). In an assessment of the effects of a Data System database with the NRMI (National Registry of statewide program for treatment of STEMI, institution of a Myocardial Infarction)–3, patients on dialysis had longer coordinatedregionalapproachtotriageandmanagementwas prehospital delays, were less often recognized as having an associated with significant improvements in treatment times acuteMI,andlessoftenhadSTelevationorLBBBoninitial that were similar for whites and blacks and for women and ECG than patients not on dialysis. Only 45% of eligible men(23).Thewritingcommitteeendorsesthedesirabilityof patients on dialysis received reperfusion therapy, and only collecting and using accurate data on patient race and 70%receivedaspirinonadmission.Thein-hospitalmortality ethnicity to detect disparities, guide quality improvement rate was 21.3% among patients on dialysis, compared with initiatives, and strengthen ties to the community (24). 11.7% for patients with end-stage renal failure not on dialy- Approximately23%ofpatientswithSTEMIintheUnited sis. At discharge, only 67% of patients on dialysis were States have diabetes mellitus (17), and three quarters of all prescribedaspirin,andonly57%wereprescribedbetablock- deaths among patients with diabetes mellitus are related to ers. In the GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary coronary artery disease (25,26). Diabetes mellitus is associ- Events) registry, the in-hospital mortality rate was approxi- atedwithhighershort-andlong-termmortalityafterSTEMI mately 30% among patients with STEMI or LBBB MI with (27,28), and in patients with diabetes mellitus, both hyper- stage 4 or 5 chronic kidney disease. Both fibrinolysis and glycemia and hypoglycemia are associated with worse out- primary PCI were associated with higher bleeding rates in comes(29).Hyperglycemiaatpresentationinpatientswhodo patients with severely reduced renal function (46). Progres- nothavediabetesmellitusbyhistoryhasbeenassociatedwith sive renal dysfunction is a strong predictor of bleeding with worse hospital outcomes (30–34). Myocardial tissue perfu- antithrombotic therapy, a risk that may reflect intrinsic renal sion after restoration of epicardial coronary flow was more dysfunction and/or failure to adjust or avoid antithrombotic impairedamongpatientswithdiabetesmellitus(“no-reflow”) medications that are dependent on renal elimination (22,47). Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 O’Garaetal. e85 January29,2013:e78–140 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText 2.3. Early Risk Assessment of instructions for taking aspirin (62) and nitroglycerin in Global risk assessment provides an opportunity to integrate response to chest pain. Emergency medical dispatchers are various patient characteristics into a semiquantitative score trainedtoinstructpatientswithpossibleSTEMIsymptomsto that can convey an overall estimate of a patient’s prognosis; chew non–enteric-coated aspirin (162 to 325 mg), unless candictatetheacuity,intensity,andlocationofcare;andcan contraindicated,whilepersonnelareenroute.Ifnitroglycerin providethepatientandfamilywithamoreinformedsenseof is prescribed, the patient should be advised to take 1 nitro- potential outcome. Higher risk scores generally imply that glycerin dose promptly. If symptoms are unimproved or higher-intensity treatments may be appropriate within the worsening 5 minutes after 1 dose, the patient should be context of the patient’s health status. instructed to call 9-1-1 immediately. Some of the independent predictors of early death from STEMI include age, Killip class, time to reperfusion, cardiac 3.2. Mode of Transport to the Hospital arrest, tachycardia, hypotension, anterior infarct location, prior Even though (cid:1)98% of the U.S. population is covered by infarction,diabetesmellitus,smokingstatus,renalfunction,and 9-1-1 service (63), patients with STEMI often do not call biomarkerfindings(48,49).WhereastheThrombolysisInMyo- EMS or 9-1-1 and are not transported to the hospital by cardial Infarction (TIMI) risk score was developed specifically ambulance.Ina2011observationalstudyfromtheACTION in patients with STEMI (http://www.mdcalc.com/timi-risk- Registry–GWTG that used data reported from a limited score-for-stemi), the GRACE model (http://www.outcomes- number of predominantly PCI-capable U.S. hospitals, EMS umassmed.org/grace/acs_risk/acs_risk_content.html) predicts transport was used for only 60% of 37,643 patients with in-hospital and 6-month mortality rate across the spectrum of STEMI (64). Older U.S. surveys reported EMS activation patientspresentingwithACS,includingthosewithSTelevation rates of 23% to 53%, with substantial geographic variability orSTdepression.Riskassessmentisacontinuousprocessthat (62,65,66). should be repeated throughout hospitalization and at time of Patientswithpossibleischemicsymptomsshouldbetrans- discharge. portedtothehospitalbyambulanceratherthanbyfriendsor relatives because 1) 1 in every 300 patients with chest pain 3. Onset of MI transported to the emergency department (ED) by private vehicle suffers cardiac arrest en route (67); and 2) there is a significant association between arrival at the ED by ambu- 3.1. Patient-Related Delays and Initial lanceandearlierdeliveryofreperfusiontherapy(64–66,68). Treatment In addition, the performance of prehospital ECGs by trained Patients with STEMI do not seek medical care for approxi- personnel is associated with shorter reperfusion times (69) mately1.5to2hoursaftersymptomonset,andlittlechange andlowermortalityratesfromSTEMI.Theuseofprehospital in this interval has occurred over the past 10 years (50,51). ECGs, particularly when coupled with communication of Patient delay times are often longer in women, blacks, the STEMIdiagnosisandpreferentialtransporttoaPCI-capable elderly, and Medicaid-only recipients and are shorter for hospital,hasbeenshowntoresultinrapidreperfusiontimes Medicare recipients (compared with privately insured pa- and excellent clinical outcomes (70–72). tients) and patients who are taken directly to the hospital by emergency medical services (EMS) transport (52,53). Pa- 3.3. Patient Education tients may delay seeking care because their symptoms differ The AHA and National Institutes of Health “Act in Time to from their preexisting bias that a heart attack should present HeartAttackSigns”campaign(73)stressesthatpatientscan dramatically with severe, crushing chest pain (54). Approxi- increase their chance of surviving STEMI by learning the mately one third of patients with MI experience symptoms warningsymptoms,fillingoutasurvivalplan,anddiscussing other than chest pain (7). Other reasons for delay in seeking risk reduction with their physician. These materials are treatment include 1) inappropriate reasoning that symptoms availableontheNationalInstitutesofHealth“HeartAttack” will be self-limited or are not serious (55–57); 2) attribution Web page (http://health.nih.gov/topic/HeartAttack/) (74). of symptoms to other preexisting conditions; 3) fear of Healthcareprovidersshouldtargettheireducationalinterven- embarrassment should symptoms turn out to be a “false tions to patients at increased risk for ACS (75). alarm”; 4) reluctance to trouble others unless “really sick” (55,57,58); 5) preconceived stereotypes of who is at risk for 3.4. Community Preparedness and System a heart attack, an especially common trait among women Goals for Reperfusion Therapy (59);6)lackofknowledgeoftheimportanceofrapidaction, 3.4.1. RegionalSystemsofSTEMICare,Reperfusion the benefits of calling EMS or 9-1-1, and the availability of reperfusion therapies (54); and 7) attempted self-treatment Therapy,andTime-to-TreatmentGoals: withprescriptionand/ornonprescriptionmedications(57).To Recommendations avoidsuchdelays,healthcareprovidersshouldassistpatients See Figure 2. whenpossibleinmakinganticipatoryplansfortimelyrecog- CLASSI nitionandresponsetoanacuteevent.Familymembers,close 1. Allcommunitiesshouldcreateandmaintainaregionalsystem friends,oradvocatesalsoshouldbeenlistedasreinforcement ofSTEMIcarethatincludesassessmentandcontinuousqual- for rapid action when the patient experiences symptoms of ityimprovementofEMSandhospital-basedactivities.Perfor- possibleSTEMI(60,61).Discussionsshouldincludeareview mancecanbefacilitatedbyparticipatinginprogramssuchas Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 e86 O’Garaetal. JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText January29,2013:e78–140 Figure2. ReperfusiontherapyforpatientswithSTEMI.Theboldarrowsandboxesarethepreferredstrategies.PerformanceofPCIis dictatedbyananatomicallyappropriateculpritstenosis.(cid:1)Patientswithcardiogenicshockorsevereheartfailureinitiallyseenatanon– PCI-capablehospitalshouldbetransferredforcardiaccatheterizationandrevascularizationassoonaspossible,irrespectiveof timedelayfromMIonset(ClassI,LOE:B).†Angiographyandrevascularizationshouldnotbeperformedwithinthefirst2to3 hoursafteradministrationoffibrinolytictherapy.CABGindicatescoronaryarterybypassgraft;DIDO,door-in–door-out;FMC,first medicalcontact;LOE,LevelofEvidence;MI,myocardialinfarction;PCI,percutaneouscoronaryintervention;andSTEMI, ST-elevationmyocardialinfarction. Mission: Lifeline and the D2B Alliance (71,76–78). (Level of 7. Intheabsenceofcontraindications,fibrinolytictherapyshould Evidence:B) be administered to patients with STEMI at non–PCI-capable 2. Performanceofa12-leadECGbyEMSpersonnelatthesiteof hospitals when the anticipated FMC-to-device time at a PCI- firstmedicalcontact(FMC)isrecommendedinpatientswith capablehospitalexceeds120minutesbecauseofunavoidable symptoms consistent with STEMI (70–72,79,80). (Level of delays(81,87,88).(LevelofEvidence:B) Evidence:B) 8. Whenfibrinolytictherapyisindicatedorchosenastheprimary 3. Reperfusion therapy should be administered to all eligible reperfusion strategy, it should be administered within 30 patients with STEMI with symptom onset within the prior 12 minutesofhospitalarrival*(89–93).(LevelofEvidence:B) hours(81,82).(LevelofEvidence:A) 4. PrimaryPCIistherecommendedmethodofreperfusionwhenit CLASSIIa canbeperformedinatimelyfashionbyexperiencedoperators 1. ReperfusiontherapyisreasonableforpatientswithSTEMIand (82–84).(LevelofEvidence:A) symptom onset within the prior 12 to 24 hours who have 5. EMS transport directly to a PCI-capable hospital for primary clinicaland/orECGevidenceofongoingischemia.PrimaryPCI PCI is the recommended triage strategy for patients with isthepreferredstrategyinthispopulation(81,94,95).(Level STEMI, with an ideal FMC-to-device time system goal of 90 ofEvidence:B) minutesorless*(70–72).(LevelofEvidence:B) 6. ImmediatetransfertoaPCI-capablehospitalforprimaryPCIis REGIONALSYSTEMSOFSTEMICAREANDGOALS therecommendedtriagestrategyforpatientswithSTEMIwho FORREPERFUSIONTHERAPY initially arrive at or are transported to a non–PCI-capable Any regional medical system must seek to enable rapid hospital, with an FMC-to-device time system goal of 120 recognition and timely reperfusion of patients with STEMI. minutesorless*(83–86).(LevelofEvidence:B) Systemdelaystoreperfusionarecorrelatedwithhigherrates of mortality and morbidity (96–100). Although attention to certain performance metrics, such as D2B, door-to-needle, *Theproposedtimewindowsaresystemgoals.Foranyindividualpatient,every effortshouldbemadetoprovidereperfusiontherapyasrapidlyaspossible. and door-in–door-out times, have catalyzed important insti- Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013 JACCVol.61,No.4,2013 O’Garaetal. e87 January29,2013:e78–140 2013ACCF/AHASTEMIGuideline:FullText tutional quality improvement efforts, broader initiatives at a ofwhatconstitutesfalseactivationisevolving(115,116).For systems level are required to reduce total ischemic time, the patients who arrive at or are transported by EMS to a principal determinant of outcome (101,102). Questions have non–PCI-capablehospital,adecisionaboutwhethertotrans- been raised about the overreliance on primary PCI for fer immediately to a PCI-capable hospital or to administer reperfusion, especially in the United States, and the unin- fibrinolytic therapy must be made. Each of these scenarios tended consequences that have evolved as familiarity with involvescoordinationofdifferentelementsofthesystem.On fibrinolysis has waned (101). The writing committee reiter- the basis of model systems of STEMI care in the United atestheprinciplehighlightedinthe2004ACC/AHASTEMI States and Europe, (77,78,117–121) Mission:Lifelinerecom- guideline, namely that “the appropriate and timely use of mends a multifaceted community-wide approach that involves some form of reperfusion therapy is likely more important patient education, improvements in EMS and ED care, estab- than the choice of therapy” (4). Greatest emphasis is to be lishmentofnetworksofSTEMI-referral(non–PCI-capable)and placedonthedeliveryofreperfusiontherapytotheindividual STEMI-receiving (PCI-capable) hospitals, and coordinated ad- patient as rapidly as possible. vocacy efforts to work with payersandpolicymakerstoimple- Only a minority of U.S. hospitals are capable of perform- ment healthcare system redesign. Detailed information about this ing primary PCI (103), and any delay in time to reperfusion programcanbefoundontheAHAwebsite(122). (D2B) after hospital arrival is associated with a higher Several factors should be considered in selecting the type adjustedriskofin-hospitalmortalityinacontinuous,nonlin- of reperfusion therapy (Figure 2). For patients with STEMI ear fashion (96). Strict time goals for reperfusion may not presenting to a PCI-capable hospital, primary PCI should be always be relevant or possible for patients who have an accomplishedwithin90minutes.Forpatientspresentingtoa appropriate reason for delay, including initial uncertainty non–PCI-capable hospital, rapid assessment of 1) the time about diagnosis, the need for evaluation and treatment of fromonsetofsymptoms,2)theriskofcomplicationsrelated other life-threatening conditions (e.g., acute respiratory fail- to STEMI, 3) the risk of bleeding with fibrinolysis, 4) the ure, cardiac arrest), delays involving informed consent, and presenceofshockorsevereHF,and5)thetimerequiredfor long transport times due to geographic distance or adverse transfer to a PCI-capable hospital must be made and a weather. To reduce hospital treatment delays, the ACC decisionaboutadministrationoffibrinolytictherapyreached. initiatedtheD2BAlliancein2006toimprovedoor-to-device Evenwheninterhospitaltransfertimesareshort,theremaybe times in patients with STEMI (104). The D2B Alliance goal relative advantages to a strategy of immediate fibrinolytic was for participating PCI-capable hospitals to achieve a D2B therapyversusanydelaytoprimaryPCIforeligiblepatients timeof(cid:2)90minutesforatleast75%ofnontransferredpatients whopresentwithinthefirst1to2hoursaftersymptomonset with STEMI. The Alliance met this goal by 2008 (105). A (89,101,123,124). longitudinalstudyofhospitalsparticipatingintheNCDRCath- Several trials have suggested a benefit of transferring PCIRegistrydemonstratedthatpatientstreatedinhospitalsthat patients with STEMI from a non–PCI-capable hospital to a had been enrolled in the D2B Alliance for (cid:1)3 months were PCI-capable hospital for primary PCI (83,125), but in many significantlymorelikelytohaveD2Btimesof(cid:2)90minutesthan instances, transfer times are prolonged and delays may be patientstreatedinnonenrolledhospitals(105). unavoidable. In the NCDR (126,127), only 10% of trans- In a similar manner, the AHA launched “Mission: Life- ferred patients were treated within 90 minutes of initial line” in 2007 to improve health system readiness and re- presentation, with a median first door-to-device time of 149 sponsetoSTEMI(106,107),withafocusonthecontinuumof minutes. In many communities, a significant percentage of care from EMS activation to primary PCI. Patients may patients with STEMI who present initially to a non–PCI- presentdirectlybyprivatetransporttoaPCI-capablehospital, capable hospital cannot physically be transferred to a PCI- in which case all medical care occurs in a single center capable hospital and achieve an FMC-to-device time treat- responsibleforoptimizingdoor-to-devicetimes.Forpatients mentgoalof(cid:2)90minutes.DANAMI-2(DanishMulticenter who call 9-1-1, direct care begins with FMC, defined as the Randomized Study on Thrombolytic Therapy Versus Acute timeatwhichtheEMSproviderarrivesatthepatient’sside. Coronary Angioplasty in Acute Myocardial Infarction) EMS personnel should be accountable for obtaining a pre- showed that a reperfusion strategy involving the transfer of hospital ECG, making the diagnosis, activating the system, patients with STEMI from a non–PCI-capable hospital to a anddecidingwhethertotransportthepatienttoaPCI-capable PCI-capablehospitalforprimaryPCIwassuperiortotheuse or non–PCI-capable hospital. Consideration should be given offibrinolysisatthereferringhospital,drivenprimarilybya to the development of local protocols that allow preregistra- reduction in the rate of reinfarction in the primary PCI– tionanddirecttransporttothecatheterizationlaboratoryofa treatedgroup(83,85).Inthisstudy,theaveragefirstdoor-to- PCI-capablehospital(bypassingtheED)forpatientswhodo device time delay was approximately 110 minutes (85). not require emergent stabilization upon arrival. Although Shorter system delays were associated with a reduced mor- “false positives” are a concern when EMS personnel and/or tality rate for both fibrinolysis- and primary PCI–treated emergency physicians are allowed to activate the cardiac patients. In an analysis of approximately 19,000 propensity catheterization laboratory, the rate of false activations is score–matched patients with STEMI from NRMI-2, -3, -4, relatively low (approximately 15%) and is more than bal- and -5, when delays related to transfer for primary PCI anced by earlier treatment times for the majority of patients exceeded 120 minutes from FMC, the survival advantage of forwhomnotificationisappropriate(108–114).Theconcept primary PCI over fibrinolysis was negated. Delays beyond Downloaded From: http://content.onlinejacc.org/ on 01/29/2013

designated the term guideline-directed medical therapy. (GDMT) to represent Manual aspiration thrombectomy is reasonable for patients undergoing primary PCI James SK, Storey RF, Khurmi NS, et al. Ticagrelor versus
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