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2012 Faculty Accomplishments Publication - Bellarmine University PDF

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Preview 2012 Faculty Accomplishments Publication - Bellarmine University

Focus on Faculty 2012 Message from the President This book celebrates the scholarship, service and excellence of our faculty at Bellarmine University. Our students, of course, are always our primary focus – the very heart of our mission. But in addition to their commitment to high-quality instruction and personal attention to students, our faculty also devote themselves to many pursuits beyond the classroom. Whether those pursuits involve conducting research, making presentations at scholarly conferences, publishing in journals and books, leading study-abroad courses or service-learning trips or creating art, our faculty’s significant accomplishments bring recognition to Bellarmine University and are worthy of celebration. Bellarmine University’s Strategic Plan identifies the following goals in pursuit of Vision 2020: • Celebrate our Catholic Identity in the inclusive Merton spirit as the Foundation to our commitment to student fulfillment and global consciousness. • Establish and sustain a climate of excellence throughout the university. • Integrate an international focus and sensibility into all curricular and co-curricular programs. • Create a sustainable future for our region, nation, and world through an abiding respect for nature, through interdisciplinary environmental education, and through moral leadership grounded in our Catholic heritage. • Enhance our reputation, expand our market, and dramatically grow our enrollment. • Develop our financial, physical, and human resources to the level required to achieve our vision for the new Bellarmine University. This book is organized around these goals, which are integral and central to our work at Bellarmine. The achievements listed in these pages represent research and service completed in the 2012 calendar year and underscore our commitment to being the premier Catholic university in the South, and thereby the leading private institution in the Commonwealth and region. Please join me in congratulating and thanking our faculty for the tremendous successes outlined in this book. In veritatis amore, Dr. Joseph J. McGowan 2 Bellarmine university 5 2012 Faculty Award Winners 6 Enhancing Our Reputation 16 Sustaining a Climate of Excellence 36 Celebrating Our Catholic Identity in the Inclusive Merton Spirit 38 Integrating an International Focus 4 Bellarmine university 2012 Faculty Award Winners dR. tOny lEntz (left) received the 2012 Bellarmine University Student Government Association’s Faculty Member of the Year Award. MS. PAtRICIA CARvER won the William T. PRESIdEntIAl MERIt Miles Memorial Award. AWARd WInnERS The President’s Faculty Merit Award is given to faculty members identified as overall Meritorious, dR. dAvId PORtA won the Bellarmine Univer- based upon their achievements sity Wilson W. Wyatt Fellowship of Academic in the three areas of teaching, Excellence. scholarship and service. dR. GAIl HEnSOn won the Bellarmine Uni- Dr. Mike Ackerman versity Joseph and Maureen McGowan Prize for Dr. Kent Brown Faculty Development. Dr. Kate Bulinski Dr. Sherill Cronin Dr. Elizabeth Fitzgerald 2012 FACulty dEvElOPMEnt FEllOWSHIP AWARdS Dr. Greg Hillis Bellarmine Faculty Development Fellowships are awarded Dr. Aaron Hoffman to full-time faculty to support research in their chosen Dr. Frank Hutchins disciplines. Dr. Joan Masters Dr. Christy McGee Dr. Kate Bulinski: Geographic Aggregation of Regional Dr. Kimberly Parker Biodiversity Patterns at Multiple Sites Dr. David Porta Dr. Anne Raymond Mr. Carlos Chavarría: Frida Kahlo, the Life and Times of Dr. Mike Ryan a Mexican Painter Mr. Frederick Smock Dr. Kevin Thomas Ms. Laura Hartford: Artist’s Residency, William Henry Dr. Mil Thompson Fox Talbot Museum & Lacock Abbey Dr. Mark Wiegand Dr. Nancy York Dr. Paul Loprinzi: Relationship between Sedentary Behavior and Hearing Function and Methodological Issues Pertaining to Measuring Physical Activity Behavior Using Accelerometry Dr. Kimberly Parker: Women, Impression Management and Relational Hostility in the Workplace: Applying Politeness Theory Dr. Tom Wilson: Research on the Life Course and Philoso- phy of Thomas Hobbes 2012 FaCulty aWarD Winners 5 Enhancing Our Reputation dr. kate bulinski teaches in Bellarmine’s newest school, the School of Environmental Studies. dR. RObERt l. bROWn was selected for inclusion in dR. tOny bROSky’S proposal with colleagues, en- The Best Lawyers of America, 2008-13, in the fields titled “Comparison of a Standard Stretching Protocol of antitrust law, corporate law, international trade with the Theraband First Step to Foot Relief Protocol and finance law. on Selected Clinical Outcome Measures in Patients with Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” MS. tIFFAny CARbOnnEAu received an artist hono- was awarded $5,000 from the Hygenic Corp. rarium for her proposal and presentation at the Louis- ville Commission on Public Arts: Artist Event Series. MR. RICHARd buRCHARd’S “Cum Essem Parvulum” for SATB DV A Cappella Choir was commissioned by dR. AkHtAR MAHMOOd received $600,000 in schol- the California chapter of the American Choral Direc- arship funds from the National Science Foundation S- tors Association for the California 2012 Coastal Re- STEM Program for his proposal entitled “Bellarmine gion Honors Choir. S-STEM Scholars Program.” dR. tOny bROSky served the Orthopaedic Section dR. MICHAEl HuGGInS was inducted as a Fellow of of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. as subject matter expert for Independent Study Course 22.1, “Therapeutic Strategies for Developing Neuro- dR. bERnARd MInnIS was selected for “Who’s Who muscular Control in the Kinetic Chain.” in Louisville: 2012 African American Profile.” 6 Bellarmine university MS. tIFFAny CARbOnnEAu received an artist hono- rarium funding her solo exhibition “Here and Now” at The Urban Institute for Contemporary Art in Grand Rapids, Mich. dR. bARbARA JACkSOn, along with the University of Louisville School of Public Health, received a Centers for Disease Control Grant of $249,871 in the category of Emergency Countermeasure Dispensing Staffing bEllARMInE by tHE nuMbERS Plan. The award is for the development of curricular Number of New Degrees/ materials, notification technology and a dispensing plan for mass immunizations. Certificates Added Since 2005 dR. SARAH buSH, et al., won the 2012 editorial pick of the year for her manuscript titled “Hunger Games: What Are the Chances?” published in “Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School.” dR. JOAn MAStERS and MS. bARbARA lEE received $50,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s New Careers in Nursing Program for scholarships for students underrepresented in nursing. MS. tIFFAny CARbOnnEAu received an artist hono- rarium funding her proposal and presentation in the MS. lAuREn POHl received a $600 award from the Artist Event Series for the Louisville Commission on Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children. Public Arts. dR. JOAnnE dObbInS was selected as a designated dR. ERIC ROORdA administered a $150,000 NEH subject material expert (SME) in Microbiology for Summer Institute grant to conduct a 5-week program McGraw-Hill Publishers. for 20 college professors on the subject of “The Ameri- can Maritime People” at the Mystic Seaport Museum MS. GAbRIElE bOSlEy served on the Board of Trust- in Connecticut. ees for the Center for Cooperative Study Abroad. dR. RObERt l. bROWn was selected by the Leader- dR. dAvId COllInS served as a reviewer for the na- ship Louisville Center as one of 128 “Louisville Con- tional meeting of the American Accounting Association. nectors” in the Connector Project. MS. MEME tunnEll served as adjudicator for the dR. nAnCy yORk, et al., co-authored a research pro- Youth Performing Arts School’s Concerto Competi- posal to the Children’s Hospital Foundation, Norton tion in Louisville. Healthcare Foundation, for a smoking cessation pro- gram in acute-care hospitals. The proposal was fund- dR. GInA PARISER served the Kentucky Physical ed for $6,500. Therapy Association as chair of the Research Com- mittee and as co-chair of the Education Committee. MR. RICHARd buRCHARd’S “In Manus Tuas” for SSAA Choir was commissioned by the Lexington Catholic MR. MIkE bAnkHEAd served on the Board of Direc- High School Advanced Women’s Choir. tors and as database administrator for Louisville Re- gional Science Fairs Inc. dR. SARAH buSH served on the program committee for the national annual conference of the Association dR. PAM CARtOR was elected president-elect of the of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Kentucky Psychological Association. enhanCing Our reputatiOn 7 dr. Eric Roorda was invited to represent Bellarmine on a trip to Croatia, Corsica and other Mediterranean sites for a series of lectures and tours, including a daylong visit to Pompeii with a vice president of NBC. dR. AkHtAR MAHMOOd received a $209,347 re- dR. tOM WIlSOn served as a judge for undergradu- search instrumentation award from the National Sci- ate and graduate research posters at the annual Ken- ence Foundation (NSF)’s Division of Computer and tucky Psychological Association academic conference Network Systems for his proposal entitled “MRI: Ac- in Lexington. quisition of a High Resolution Visualization System to Enable Large-Scale Data-Intensive Collaborative Re- dR. tOny bROSky served the Orthopaedic Section of search and Cyber-Learning using Grid Computing.” the American Physical Therapy Association as the Foot and Ankle Special Interest Group (FASIG)’s nominat- dR. bEtH EnnIS served as vice chair, Academic Fac- ing committee chair. ulty Special Interest Group, Education Section of the American Physical Therapy Association. dR. kIMbERly PARkER served as reviewer for the Na- tional Communication Association Annual Conference dR. CHRISty MCGEE served as reviewer for The in the Interpersonal Division and the Communication Teacher Educator. and Social Cognition Division. MS. lAuRA HARtFORd received an $800 artist’s grant dR. bEtH EnnIS served as chair of the LaVonne Jae- from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund for Women. ger Pediatric Committee of the Kentucky Physical Therapy Association. dR. nAnCy yORk was guest editor for the Nursing Clinics of North America: Tobacco Control, Vol. 47. dR. A.t. SIMPSOn served as coordinator for the “Why Just In February?” Concert Series in Louisville featur- dR. MICHAEl lutHy served as an editorial board mem- ing the music of African-American composers. ber for the Journal of Small Business Management and the Journal of Marketing Education. dR. WInnIE SPItzA served on the Board of Directors of the Louisville Theatrical Association. 8 Bellarmine university dR. dAvId bOyCE served as a volunteer therapist for the Louisville Tritons Swim Team, the Louisville Ice Skating Academy and the STARS Ice Skating Combine. dR. dOttIE WIllIS, et al., served as editors of Rag Rug III: An Anthology of Writing, published by the Uni- versity of Louisville. dR. RObERt l. bROWn served on the Steering Com- mittee of the U.S. Department of Commerce National bEllARMInE by tHE nuMbERS District Export Council. Ratio of Student/Faculty dR. dAvE PARISER served on the Kentucky Physical Therapy Association’s Legislative Committee and Ser- vice Award Committee. dR. FRAnk HutCHInS received an Association of American Geographers EDGE Careers Outreach Grant for $500. MS. tIFFAny CARbOnnEAu served as a judge for the national Scholastic Art Awards, sponsored by the Al- liance for Young Artists & Writers. dRS. PERI JACObSOn and kAtE CRAndEll repre- dR. ElIzAbEtH dInkInS worked with adolescents at sented Bellarmine on the Ohio Kentucky Consortium the Volunteers of America family shelter. of Physical Therapy Programs for Clinical Education. dR. WEndy buRnS conducted a focus group at the dR. kRIStIn COOk conducted a professional develop- 22nd Biennial Conference of Chemical Education ment session at Bellarmine for K-12 teachers entitled (BCCE) in University Park, Pa., on the “Challenges “Dealing with Controversial Issues in the Classroom.” of Teaching the General Chemistry Course and How Media May Play a Role in General Chemistry.” dR. SHERIll CROnIn served as a program evaluator for the American Nurses Credentialing Center Mag- dR. bEtH EnnIS taught a course, “Using Aquatic Ther- net Recognition Program. apy to Treat Children with Autism Spectrum Disor- ders,” in Topeka, Kan., in May. MS. lAuREn POHl and dR. AnnE buCAlOS co-au- thored the 2012 WHAS Crusade for Children proposal dR. ElIzAbEtH FItzGERAld served as faculty coun- and were awarded $10,429 to purchase assessment ma- selor for the Lambda Psi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau terials and assistive technology for the Assessment Clinic. International, the Honor Society for Nurses. dR. kEItH RICHARdSOn wrote and presented Con- MS. GAbRIElE bOSlEy served on the Asia Institute/ tinuing Professional Education seminars on ethics at Crane House Board of Directors. the Kentucky Society of CPAs. dR. PAtRICIA GIllEttE provided pro bono care to dR. tOny bROSky served the Kentucky Physical Ther- participants of the Active Steps for Diabetes Program apy Association (KPTA) as delegate to the American at Park Duvalle Community Health Center. Physical Therapy Association’s House of Delegates, li- aison to the Kentucky State Licensing Board of Physi- dR. kIMbERly PARkER served as reviewer for Southern cal Therapy, and member of the Review Committee Communication States Association in the Interpersonal for Continued Competency. Division and the Gender and Communication Division. enhanCing Our reputatiOn 9 dR. RObERt l. bROWn served as chair of the U.S. dR. ElIzAbEtH dInkInS, et al., received $25,000 in Department of Commerce District Export Council funding for her proposal to improve instruction in crit- for Kentucky, chair of Japan/America Society of Ken- ical-thinking skills and active knowledge construction tucky, chair of Venture Connectors and chair of World in Carroll County, Ky., through K-16 collaboration. Trade Center Kentucky. dR. tOny bROSky served on a task force for the Or- dR. JOSEPH FlIPPER acted as moderator for the Phi- thopaedic Section of the American Physical Therapy losophy and Religion Academic Exchange Session of the Association to develop curriculum guidelines and stan- Conference of Ford Fellows at The National Academies dards for foot and ankle examination, terminology and in Irvine, Calif., in September. intervention for entry-level doctor of physical therapy education programs. dR. SARAH buSH served on the board of directors for the Greater Louisville Council of Teachers of Mathe- dR. S. tIMOtHy GlASSCOCk conducted the Louis- matics as membership chairperson and president-elect. ville Vocal Project in a benefit concert for WUOL-FM on their “Christmas Choral Festival” at St. Martin of MS. MEME tunnEll served as a committee member Tours Catholic Church. and ratings/scholarship round coordinator for the Greater Louisville Music Teachers Association Key- dR. AkHtAR MAHMOOd served as Kentucky Acad- board Festival. emy of Science Physics and Astronomy Section Chair. dR. AudREy GRAMlInG served as a Special Issue co- MS. lAuRA HARtFORd served as a Photography Port- editor for the Journal of Accounting Education. folio judge for the regional Scholastic Art Awards, part of the national Alliance for Young Artists and Writers. MR. MIkE bAnkHEAd served as the head judge in mathematics at the Louisville Regional Science Fair. 10 Bellarmine university

sented Bellarmine on the Ohio Kentucky Consortium of Physical . tee for the Auerbach School of Occupational Therapy at Spalding . Manual Physical Therapists. dR. SARAH .. and Outlook for Kentucky Economy” at the Board of. Directors
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