CITY OF ALLENTOWN Pennsylvania COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT GARRET H. STRA'THEARN DIRECTOR OF FINANCE For the year ended December 31, 2011 CITY OF ALLENTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2017 MAYOR Ed Panloweki ctTY COUNCIL Peter G. Schweyer, President Michael Schiossberg, Vice President W. Michael Donovan, Jeanette Ethenwald Julio Guridy Ray O'Connall Michael D'Amore, Ph.D. CITY CONTROLLER, ‘Wiliam J. Hoffman CITY SOLICITOR Jey A. Snyder, Esq, Garret H. Strathearn, Director of Finance Beth A, Mohyisky, Manager of Treasury and Accounting Opsrations Maher Dussse, Certiied Public Accountants This Report was prapared by The Department of Finance Garret b, Strathearn, Director of Finance Beth A. Mohylsky, Manager of Tressury and Accounting Operations PERTINENT FACTS ABOUT THE CITY OF ALLENTOWN GENERAL ‘The City of Allentown ic the county seat of Lehigh County and, with 118,032 residents, according fo the UB. Canaus Bureau 2040 estimate, ranks es Pennsylvania's thicd largest oly. The Allentown-Bethlehom Metropolitan Statistical Area, comprised of Carbon, Lehigh and Northampton courtiee fe the thd largest urbanized area ia tha Gammonwrealth, with population ‘etimatod at 712,481, Only tho Philadelphia and Pittsburgh areas have more residents, The City ip strategically located within « 00-mile radius of the larger metropolitan areze on the oastom Seaboard of the United States. mr GOVERNMENT ‘On April 23, 1998, the voters ofthe Cy of Allentown adopted a Home Rule Charter pursuant fo the Home Rule Charter and Optional Plane Law, Act of Aprll 13, 1972, PL. 184, as amonded, 83 P.8, Sections 2901 et seq. Tho Cli Home Rule Charter took effect on the frst Monday of January $997. An alocted Mayor with a four-year (orm serves ae tho chiat axecutive ofthe Clty. A seven ‘member parttime City Counell elected at large for fouryesr ataggered term, forme the legislative tpranch of the City government. The other elected City official fe the City Controler who serves 3 fouryear term, The Cily Couneit holds regular publle meetings, # least twice a month, woually tho Fira! end thied Wednesday of exch month, in order to enact legislation in tne form of ordinances and revolutions, INDUSTRIESILABOR FORCE ‘The Allentown area remalne an attractive loostion for new and exleting businceees. A number of major corporations, including, Air Praduecte and Chomicals, Ine, Olympus, LSI and PPL have Selected Lehigh County as thelr hoadquariere or a9 the location wf their significant oporations. Other major industries Include apparel, electrical and slactranic equlpmont and fabricated metal products” Investments have remained etrang In Allontown and the Lehigh Valley area relative to fhe state and northeast as a whole. TRANSPORTATION Intaretate 78, U.S, Routes 22, 222 and 208 and several stato highways vadlato from the Chy and the Lehigh Valley ond provide access to the malor matkels and ports of the Eact. The Northoast Extension of the Penneylvania Tumpike is located approximately three miles west of the City. Railroads serving the Lahigh Valley area include the Consolidated Ril Corporation and the ‘Canadian Pacife Rallrond, Conrail hea o large sloesfiestion yard In tha Allentown area. AMENITIES ‘The Gity of Atenlown is home to & varity af cuturel, racreational and educational faclivoe ‘wo colleges, a ARA minor leegue baseball stadium, multiple museums, thea ‘atchastras, and bance. The City malntalne 2,000 acres of park land, wall above the Rational average. In 2011 Allentown's downtown cortunued lp rebirth sith the sctablichmant of more new restaurants 26 woll as a 130 aore Neighborhood Improvement Zone which will load (o ‘many new cultural, spore ant entertainment attractions anchored In the heart of the City's business and antertainmont distlet CITY OF ALLENTOWN, PENNSYVLANIA. COMPREIIENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YRAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS IntRapucrarY Transmittal Leer Diteetar, Department of Finance and Manager, Treasury & Accounting Operations Conflicate of Achievement for Iixcellance in Financial Reporting Organization Chart FINANCLAL, Independent Auditor's Report Management's Discussion and Analysis Basic FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Govemment-wide Financial Statement: Statement of Nec Assets Statement of Activities Fond Financial Statements: Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Balsnce Sheel of Goveranvental Funds io the Statement of Net Assets Statement of Revenues, Expencitures, and Changes in Hund Balance— Gevemmental Funds Reconciliation af the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, aud Changes in Fund Bulunee of Governmental Funds lo Ibe Statement of Aecvities Statement of Net Assets — Proprietary Funds 20 26 CITY OF ALLENTOWN, PENNSYVLANIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT YEAR ENDED DFCEMBER 31,2011 ‘(Contimed) Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund ‘Nec Assets Proprietary Funds Statement of Cash Flows — Propricuary Funds ‘Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets ~ Fiduciary Funds ‘Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Nec Assets — Fiduciary Funds Statement of Net Assets — Component Units Stalexnent of Activitice— Component Units Notes to Financial Statements REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Budgetary Comparison Schedule — Budgetary Basis — General Fund Budgetary Comparison Schedule — Budgetary Basis — Liquid Fools Fund Notes to Budgetary Comparison Schedule ‘Schedules of Funding Progress Schedules Employer's Contentions ‘Actuarial Information os CITY OF ALLENTOWN, PENNSYVLANIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ‘YAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 (Continued) SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ‘COMBINING STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES: Budgetary Comparison Schedole ~ Rudgelary Basis — Capital Projects and Debt Service Funds 106 Combining Schedles of Changes in Assets and Linbiliies — ‘Ageney Funds 08 STATISTICAL Contents 109 [Net Assets by Component uo ‘Changes in Net Assets m Governmental Activities Tax Revenues by Sones us Fund Balances of Govertuntal Funlt us Changes in Fund Relenees of Goveramental nds 115 Assessed Value and Estimated Actual Value of Taxable Property 116 Property Tax Rates Ww Principal Property Taxpayers us Property Tax Levies and Collections 1 Ratios of Outauding Debs by Type 20 Ratios of General Boaded ebt Outstanding 21 Direct and Overlapping Governmental ActiviUes Debt 122 CITY OF ALLENTOWN, PENNSYVLANIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ‘YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 ABLE OF CONTENTS ‘(Continued Legal Debt Margin Information Pledged-Reveube Coverage Demographic ad Esonorie States Principal Frmpoyers ulltine Equivolent Employees by Function Operating Iadietors by Fumetion Cupital Asset Statistics by Function APPENDIX Financial Management Polivies 131 Garret H. Strathearn Dirstor of Finance © Boso 2 810.497.7500 years fax 610.437.7563, Allentown Gary Strethea [email protected] June 29, 20 Honoreb Aller fayor nel Nembars of City Counell Ho, Pennsylvania ‘The Comp-chersive Anaual Financial Report (CAFR) of the City of Allentown, Pennsylvania (City, forthe fiseal year endec: December 31,201 is submitted herewith, ‘This report ‘yas prepared by zhe City's Departinent of Finanee. Responsibility forthe accursey ofthe presented data ane dhe completeness and faimess ofthe presentation, including all disclosures, rests wita the City, We befieve the data as presented is aecurae in all material respocts; thal it is presewved in a naaiier dos gne¢ to fsirly set Forth the financial position and results ef opersticns of the City ss us fetal at retder lo gaia maximum understand ng of che City’s financia airs have been ineluced Uiselosures necessary't0 ooable the ‘The City provides « full ran protvetion; emer streets, roads, et evelopment and planning, and general sdiministrative support services. eof rnicipal seviees. Th ese sorviees inclule police and fre the construction and maintenance of inirasiructuse, water/sewer services; recreational activities, parss, community ‘medical services; sanitation servives: ‘Thierepart sas heen prepareé i aeeurdance with Generally Accepted Azeountiny Princip es (GAAP) for governments as promulgated by she Govemesentel Accounting, Standards Rosé (GASB). “the financial statements of the reporing entity include these of the City ‘the primary government) ene its Component Units. ‘The Component Units are included in the City's veporting tetity because of tke significance of their operational or financial relationships withthe City. ‘The Component Units, in accordance with GAA?, nave been included in the financial reporting entityas| xf Component Units FINANCIAL INFORMATION Lngemnal Controls: Mangement of the City is responsible forestablishing and mafutaining an jinernal control cesigned to ensure thatthe assets ofthe City ace pralected fotos, hel, ormaisuse, ‘aad that edequate accounting cata is crvnpiled to allow forthe preparation of financial statemextsin conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. ‘The internal eonttol is cesigied to provide reasonable, but not absolte, assurance that these objectives iy Hall ¢ 435 Hamiton See: @ Allentown, PA 18101185 ate met. The concep! of reasonable ascurnnce recognizes that (1} the cost ofa conto! should aot ‘exceed the benefits likely to be derived an (2) the valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management. The CAFR includes Munagement's Discussion aad Analysis (MDA) that provides an analysis of the City’s nancial condition for 2011. Budgetary Controls: In addition, the City maintains budgetary conteols. ‘The objestive of these budgetary contmls is 10 ensure compliance with legal provisions embodied in the annual appropriated budget approved by the City Council, Activities ofthe General Fund, Special Revere Funds, and Dobl Service Fund are included in the annual approprialcd budget, Projevtlengt financial plans areadopted forthe Capital Projects Funds. The level of budgetary contol (tha isthe level at which expenditures cannot legally exceed the appropriated amount) i established wt fhe ford level. Eooumbranoe Aceoumuiny The City alsa mains an encumbrance accounting system as ‘one technique of accomplishing budgetary coatrol. Vetimated purchase amounts are encumbered rive fo the release of purchase orders to vendors. Purchase otders which result in an overrun of approved appropriation balances are act released unless sufficient unencumbered funds are available For transfer in accordance with the City's Administrative Code or, in the absence of such available funds, until « supplemental approptintion is upproved by City Council from the respective ‘unappropriated (und bulaoce. OTHER INFORMATION Indcrsnsent Audit: The City's Administraive Coue requires that an annual audit of the ‘books of account, financial records, and anssetions of the Cily be perlormed by independent certified public accountants. The uovounling firm of Maher Ducssel, Certified Public Accoumtants ‘was selected by City Council in 2011 to perform the annual audi for fiscal years2010 through 2012. In addition, various bond indenaues also roquire such an audit. ‘The City haz complied with this requirement and the auditors opinion has been included inthis report, JniGasives forthe Year: The adeaisuation maintained its ous in 201 | un dhe continued revitalization of the city. Efforts continued to bolster confidence in public srety hy implementing sttalegios(o efectively and eflicicntly utilize the police force and lo further reduce erime. Violent ime has continued Wo decrease dramatically sinee 2006, The City bas been awarded several maar U.S. Deparanent of Justice grants and is employing technology such as multiple remote vamerss sites to assist che Potive Depurteneat, Throughout 201 |, the City’s Fire Department continued its in emergenay management situationsund training bus continuing che City’s position usu regional pacesetar in the emergency management aren. ‘The City has also maintained an agressive and successful rodevelopment effort under the idance of the Department of Communily and Eeonomic Development. The worl of the Deperanent, supported by numerous Iogisfulive and civic leaders has resulted in several distinct ‘seanomie development projects, These are described in detail in the Economie Outlook section of the MD&A portion of this report, There you will find the many exciting and significant inilialives ‘that will have a lasting and positive material effect on the financial and ecanomsie wellbeing ofthe City. This ia particulary trus in the downtown area and the Arts Disteict. ‘The City General Fund rovenucs continue to be significantly inated by the economic (Gntes, ‘Tho administration has continued to put cost containment measures in place to address this ‘The City will periodically ulize loans or bonds to finance infrastructure, buthas no plans to borrow for any other nonessential major expenditures, Acknowledements: The timely preparation of the comprehensive annual financfal report was made possible by the dedicated service of the entire staf ofthe Deparument of Finance, We would espectally Tike to express our apprectation to the following stalT membere whe assisted and contributed 0 signilicunty to its preparation: Michael T. Sinclair, Danie! B. Bddinger, Melody A. Sajeski, and Maria T. Quigney. ‘We would also like to thank the Mayor, City Council, and the City Contolter for their continued support in planning and conducting the financial operations ofthe City ia a responsible and progressive manner, Sincerely, 1 flew Bete d Noy Garét B/Statheamn Beth A. Mobyisky Director of Finance Manager, Treanry & Accounting