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2011 China’s Trade Performance Report World Economy Restructuring and China’s Trade Z003_2011China’sTradeReport_tp.indd 1 30/11/12 10:04 AM November29,2012 10:42 9inx6in b1464-fm WorldEconomyRestructuringandChina’sTrade 3rdReading TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk 2011 China’s Trade Performance Report World Economy Restructuring and China’s Trade Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center Z003_2011China’sTradeReport_tp.indd 2 30/11/12 10:04 AM Published by SCPG Publishing Corporation 401 Broadway, Ste. 1000 New York, NY, 10013 USA 2011 CHINA’S TRADE PERFORMANCE REPORT: World Economy Restructuring and China’s Trade Copyright © Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center, 2012 Published by Arrangement with Shanghai People’s Publishing House. All Rights Reserved. Supported by Chinese Fund for the Humanities and Social Sciences. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher. ISBN-13: 978-1-938368-02-8 Printed by C&C Joint Printing Co., Ltd. in Shanghai. November29,2012 10:42 9inx6in b1464-fm WorldEconomyRestructuringandChina’sTrade 3rdReading Introduction TheShanghaiWTOAffairsConsultationCenter(theCenter)willcompile anannualChina’sTradePerformanceReportasof2011.Onthebasisofthe extensiveresearchtheCenterhasconductedondomesticandinternational tradelawsandpoliciesandtheirimpactonChina’sforeigntrade,theCenter, bytakingadvantageoftherichdataithascollectedovertheyears,aimsto prepareayearlyreportwhichshallmakeananalysisofchangesinChina’s foreign trade volume and trade flow, and present its independent view on theimpactoftradeonChina’smacroeconomyandindustrialdevelopment. Inthissense,China’sTradePerformanceReportisacomprehensivereport whichshallcloselyfollowandstudychangesinexternalenvironmentsthat China’sforeigntradefaces,thevariationsinChina’sforeigntradevolume and flow, and the impact of foreign trade on China’s major industries and themacroeconomy. The 2011 China’s Trade Performance Report was written by Lei Zhang, MingYe and BoYe from the Research Department of the Center undertheguidanceofXinkuiWang,PresidentoftheCenter.TheLawand Policy Department of the Center contributed basic data to the report, with Huiling Lin, Peng Huang, Jinchao Qiu and Weihua Zhang participating in the preparation of the report. The report also gained support from Youwen Zhang, Research Fellow and Director of the Institute of World Economy,theShanghaiAcademyofSocialSciences,ProfessorYongming FanfromFudanUniversity,ProfessorJunFengfromtheShanghaiInstitute of Foreign Trade, and Professor Baihua Gong from Fudan University. The report was translated by Dongfeng Xu, XiaoyuWu, Mansheng Chen, YongmeiNi,JiajiaDong,ShiwenDong,LeiZhang,MingYeandBoYe. Please send comments or suggestions to the authors via email: [email protected] v November29,2012 10:42 9inx6in b1464-fm WorldEconomyRestructuringandChina’sTrade 3rdReading TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk November29,2012 10:42 9inx6in b1464-fm WorldEconomyRestructuringandChina’sTrade 3rdReading Contents Introduction v 1. China’sTradeEnvironmentin2010:ASteady RecoveryoftheWorldEconomyAlong withControlledTradeProtectionism 1 2. China’sTradePolicyin2010:StabilityasaPriority 65 3. ThePerformanceofChina’sTradein2010: ItsFeaturesandOutlook 113 Appendix1. QuarterlyAnalysisofthePerformance ofChina’sForeignTradeandItsCharacteristicsin2010 173 Appendix2. TheConstructionMethodof“China’s TradePerformanceIndex”(CTPI) 209 Index 223 vii November29,2012 10:42 9inx6in b1464-fm WorldEconomyRestructuringandChina’sTrade 3rdReading TThhiiss ppaaggee iinntteennttiioonnaallllyy lleefftt bbllaannkk November24,2012 8:39 9inx6in b1464-ch01 WorldEconomyRestructuringandChina’sTrade 3rdReading Chapter 1 China’s Trade Environment in 2010:A Steady Recovery of the World EconomyAlong with Controlled Trade Protectionism SinceitsaccessiontotheWTO,Chinahadbeenenjoyingarapidgrowthin foreigntrade,whichhasbecomethemajordrivingforcebehinditssurging economicdevelopment.However,theoutbreakofthefinancialcrisisatthe endof2008leftChinawithafragileinternationalmarketdespitetheglobal economic recovery stimulated by bailout measures implemented by many countries. As a new wave of trade protectionism is rising and spreading aroundtheworld,Chinahasbecomethemajorvictimofsuchprotectionism. Althoughtherehasbeenagradualimprovementintheinternationaltrading environmentsince2010followingasteadyrecoveryoftheworldeconomy, multiple challenges for the global economy still lie ahead with controlled tradeprotectionismbecomingatrend. 1.1. Stabilizingrecoveryofworldeconomy andinternationaltradein2010 1.1.1. Theglobaleconomicandtraderecoveryisstabilizing, butstabilizationonthewholeisuneven Afterbeinghitbyasevererecessionfromtheendof2008to2009,theworld economy underwent an unexpected recovery in 2010, thanks to monetary and fiscal stimulus policies adopted on an unprecedented scale. Since 1

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