Official Newsletter of the Mobility American Kinesiotherapy Association Winter 2010 this issue Presidential Greetings P.1 By-Law Changes P.3 Letter from the Editor P.4 2009 Conference Recap P.5 Public Health Letter to Congress P. 8 t Conference Awards P. 9 n CEU’s P. 8 Reimbursement P. 9 e Past President Statement P. 10 m KT Connection “ 2009 Conference ” P. 11 e v o M Greeting from California and Happy New Year! As I begin presidency, I would like to first express my greatest gratitude to our immediate past president, JT Magee. There is no doubt that due to his superior leadership, JT has further strengthened our association and provided me with guidance h during my tenure as president elect. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Cecy Ordonez, Melissa Ziegler, JT Magee and the conference planning committee for all their hard work and efforts g for the tremendous success we experienced at our second annual AKTA/MFA joint conference in u Orlando, FL. The conference content was outstanding and the lectures were well represented by Kinesiotherapist from all over the nation. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to our o outgoing board members: Deb Daimaru and Ramon Bieri for the outstanding work they completed r during their tenure. I also look forward to serving with our newly elected officers: Lori Shuart (President- Elect), Kate Swett (Treasurer), Terry Roach (Member at Large-West) and Cynthia Howell h (Secretary). I am confident that their input and knowledge will only strengthen our ability to achieve further success. Lastly, I would like to personally thank all the members that attended this year’s t conference and express my appreciation to the MFA for continuing this joint venture for another year. t When I took the presidential oath this past December, it affirmed that old traditions remain n true while marking the start of a new beginning. I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as the president of the American Kinesiotherapy Association where so many of our past e leaders have come before me and so many will follow. As I deliver my address, I stand eager to embark on the tasks set before our association, mindful of the sacrifices borne by my respected m predecessors and grateful for the trust you have bestowed upon me to lead this great association. I consider it an honor and a privilege to follow in the footsteps of the past leaders of this association e and it is clear that we would not have made it this far without their vision, dedication and commitment. v As I begin my tenure as president, I often think about my career as a Kinesiotherapist and o without exception, the most important development that has facilitated my development as a therapist is the attendance and involvement in national conferences. My attendance at these conferences did r not only provide the opportunity to learn and grow as a therapist but also kept me abreast of issues p relevant to our profession. There is no doubt this has been a tremendous asset in forming decisions as chairman of the KT field advisory board for VA central office while also assisting me as an executive m board member of the AKTA. I remember as a student attending the National conference, I felt motivated and inspired by I the leadership and knowledge that was conveyed and comfortable amongst my peers that share common mission and goals. I realized that we have a place, all of us, in a long and rich history of the AKTA. I realized that we are part of an ongoing story. It is the story of an association that began as a Continued on Page 3 Advertising In Mobility Mobility AD RATES: Job Opportunities 50-100 words: $50 101-250 words: $75 MOBILITY and Mobility “At a Glance” are Over 250 words: $100 the national newsletters of the American Advertising* 1/4 page ad: $90 1/2 page ad: $140 Kinesiotherapy Association, Inc. Full page ad: $200 Inserts (flats): $250 For all ads we require high-resolution artwork, which MOBILITY at a Glance Submission Deadlines can be sent electronically. Camera ready art should for 2010 accompany text and payment. Send to: Issue Pub. Date Submission Melissa Ziegler, MA, RKT Spring 3rd week of March 3rd week of February 118 College Drive #5142 Summer 3rd week of June 3rd week of May Hattiesburg, MS 39406 Fall 3rd week of September 3rd week of August [email protected] Make checks payable to American Kinesiotherapy Association Questions? Phone (601) 266-5365 Submissions of professional news articles and letters by AKTA members, as well as commercial advertisement, is welcome and encouraged. Editor Mail or fax contributions and inquires directly to the Editor. Cecilia Ordonez, RKT [email protected] Kinesiotherapy is defined as the application of scientifically based exercise principles adapted to enhance the strength, endurance, and mobility of individuals with functional limitations or those requiring extended physical conditioning Members are also encouraged to visit the The Council on Professional Standards for American Kinesiotherapy Association Blog Kinesiotherapy (COPSKT) is an organization site at: whose function is to ensure that Kinesiotherapy practitioners meet the The purpose of this blog is to provide standards for education, credentialing and members information of interest concerning professional competence that the Council as Kinesiotherapy and the AKTA. established. We will post member updates, important news and information, job updates and anything else that AKTA members would like to see. If you have anything that you would like to share with the AKTA, please send an email to [email protected]. Disclaimer: This web publication, including any attached files may contain material that is proprietary, privileged, confidential, or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. This communication is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addresses. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible for delivering this communication to the intended recipient, you are prohibited from retaining, using, disseminating, forwarding, printing or copying this communication. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender via return e-mail or telephone. 2 Continued from page 1 grass roots movement over 60 years ago creating a culture centered around strong leadership and positive accomplishments. It is a story of an association that has survived difficult situations in its long history, but rather than becoming weakened and discouraged it became stronger and more unified. A story of an association that believes in persistence and determination rather than idleness and doubt. Now I feel fortunate enough to be here today as your president and as those in my position before me, I guarantee that we as an Executive Board will continue this tradition. For those of you that do not know me, I don’t believe in the “can’t do, won’t do, won’t try” philosophy that kills many promising ideas. What I do believe in are common sense, integrity, persistence and bold determination. I believe that we as an association should not take anything for granted, we should not be complacent with what we have achieved so far but rather use our successes, our tenacity and our ingenuity to make us stronger, more focused and more determined towards reaching our goals. I believe in an association where ideas and solutions flow up the bureaucratic ladder and that starts with you, the members. An association where each one of us has a stake in organizational issues and goals and has a say in its outcomes. An association where individual responsibility and collective compassion are not only our belief but are the cornerstones of our association. As an executive board, we are caregivers just like you. We are not disconnected from you, the members, making decisions and goals that are not in your interest or in the interest of the association. But rather, in the contrary, we are working shoulder to shoulder with you being equally affected by our successes and challenges and influenced by the needs and wants of our association. I can tell you that we as an executive board will be there for you, we offer our knowledge, support and leadership to which strengthening our position in the allied health field is but merely a prerequisite for the larger tasks at hand. I understand that our numbers may be undersized compared to our fellow allied health professions. But I tell you this, what we lack in size, we more than make up for in ingenuity, experience, cohesion, knowledge and tenacity. For those that have worked with me in the past, they know that I will not back down from a challenge and if I set my mind on a goal- it will be accomplished. Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, - they will be met. I can assure you that as an executive board, we will not back down from a challenge and we are confident in the principles that unite and lead us onward. Yet, we will not go about this irrationally, but rather, we will be analytical in our approach. We will determine all the possible ways of achieving our goals and choose the best possible solution. As I start my tenure as president of the AKTA, I will continue to focus on the goals established by JT and the previous administration as well as establishing new ones to ensure positive progression and continuous success. Former U.S. president Dwight D. Eisenhower once said “…The vital necessity of action today will ensure our strength tomorrow”. I believe in action, I believe in the old cliché that nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it and if you have the vision of the end result and work towards it, you can achieve it. With the support of the executive board, COPS and you the members, I am confident that the American Kinesiotherapy Association will continue its extraordinary work. Thank you Robert Ordonez, MPA, CDRS, RKT President, American Kinesiotherapy Association By-Law Changes Cecilia Ordonez Second Vice President AKTA The proposed By-Law changes were presented to the General Assembly at the 2008 Annual Conference. These changes included the integration of new practices as well as the removal of outdated language and practices that no longer apply. The Assembly unanimously voted in favor of the proposed changes. The approved official By-Laws are posted in the members-only section at An update of the entire By- Laws will now be completed every odd year; however, small changes needed to continue advancing our Association will be presented as needed. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at: [email protected]. Letter from the Editor By Cecilia Ordonez, RKT Second Vice President Mobility Editor in Chief Mobility 2010 Welcome to another full edition of Mobility. With Robert Ordonez moving into the President position, he can no longer serve as the Editor. Robert has contributed to many positive changes for Mobility, including "going green", adding KT Connection and the reimbursement corner just to name a few. Thanks Robert for all your hard work, efforts and contribution to this publication! I will be serving as your new Editor in Chief. I would like to invite you to join my team and be a part of the editorial board. I need eyes and ears throughout the nation to help bring information from a more personal level (e.g. a colleague retiring, a new program, a case study, new equipment, etc). If you have thought about getting involved, this is an easy way for you to contribute and be part of something that positively affects the Association. I hope you enjoy this issue of Mobility. Please take note of the submission deadlines for the next three Mobility at a Glance issues and submit any articles to [email protected]. Kinesiotherapists on FACEBOOK Join us on Facebook for an easy way to stay updated, network with other KT’s, see photos, videos, discussions and more! Log on or create your free Facebook profile, look up “American Kinesiotherapy Association” and become a fan. Its that simple! **A tutorial was posted on to help you set up your Facebook profile. 2009 General Assembly By Cynthia Howell, RKT Secretary If you missed the 2009 Annual Conference but are interested in what occurred at the General Assembly, the unofficial meeting minutes are posted on the members-only sec- tion at The minutes include updates on the budget, accreditation of pro- grams, registration, continuing competency, Mobility, Clinical Kinesiology, awards, president and past president reports, as well as issues that were brought to a vote. It is only a click away to keep yourself informed. 4 2009 MFA/AKTA National Conference Recap Melissa Ziegler, MA, RKT AKTA Executive Director The 2009 AKTA National Conference was held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, December 2-5, 2009. Once again the conference was held in conjunction with the Medical Fitness Association (MFA) conference. This joint effort provided an excellent opportunity for AKTA members to network with the many health and fitness professionals who actively support the MFA. This conference proved to be a rewarding experience for all who attended thanks to all of the AKTA sponsored speakers and volunteers. We all had the opportunity to learn valuable work related information from the inspirational keynote speakers, to test the latest fitness equipment and to network with KT's and other medical fitness professionals. WOW! Orange County Convention Center Host for the MFA/AKTA National That’s a lot to accomplish in 4 days. The conference focused on exercise Conference p r o g r a m m i n g a n d performance enhancement 2009 AKTA Awards for every person including those with chronic disease. Over 150 topics Presented during General Assembly were presented, including an inspirational talk on faith by world renowned author, Mitch Albom. If you were not able to attend, you The Lou Montalvano Memorial Scholarship is a five hundred dollar scholarship given to recognize one missed an exceptional educational and social opportunity. Kinesiotherapy student who shows academic excellence, displays Conference Testimonials: exceptional promise as a clinician and educator, This student expresses definite intentions to pursue certification “The Conference was a great experience, as a new graduate and someone who is and a career in Kinesiotherapy and looking to break through into the field, I was very happy with all of the shows potential for professional leadership. This years information and I look forward to next years conference! All of the speakers recipient is Mr. Carlos Moffett from University of were very good and there was so much valuable information provided.” Southern Mississippi. Pamela Kondolios, RKT The Julian Vogel Memorial Life Membership Award is presented to a member who has demonstrated unusual “The 2009 conference was a practical fusion of applied experience and interest and meritorious service in the Association and concepts for the future. The integration of KTs with MFA and Athletic Business who is retired or will retire imminently. This years Members made for a vast sharing of knowledge that will help the AKTA grow recipients were: Cheryl Gooding and John Vaughter. into a stronger organization to service its members into the next decade.” Jon Kabance, RKT “The conference was great!! I would like to thank all the AKTA officers for an outstanding job getting us linked to the MFA. I found the conference to be very informative with a lot of ideas and information that I will be incorporating into our programs. I thought the conference was full of great options, very organized and well attended. Thanks again.” Kerry Weipert, RKT “Attending the MFA Conference as part of the Athletic Business Conference & Expo was a wonderful educational and networking opportunity to expand knowledge and skills working with diverse patient/client populations and bridging the gap between rehabilitation and fitness.” Diane Waller, MHA, RKT “This is the first conference that I attended and I felt it was truly a great experience. It was encouraging to see and meet so many people with a degree in Kinesiotherapy working across the country. I would recommend anyone thinking about attending the conference to go next year. Besides, who wouldn’t want to spend some time in the winter in SUNNY California!” Byron Washington, RKT. 5 A Photomontage of the 2009 MFA/AKTA National Conference - Orlando, Florida Mitch Albom, is a world renowned author and a keynote Orange County Convention Center Host for the MFA/AKTA speaker at the conference. The topic of discussion was: Have National Conference The Westin served as the Host a Little Faith: How in the End, Our Differences May Be the hotel for KT’s and the AKTA Things That Pull Us All Together. Presidential reception. Terry Roach was one of the AKTA sponsored speakers that discussed how Joe Kabance, RKT was an AKTA sponsored speaker that gave an to Move Strong; Weight Training for Injury Prevention. informative interactive lecture on Injury Prevention in the Workplace. KT's learning strengthening and balance exercises in a class titled: From Perception to Reality: An Integrated Approach to Bodyweight Training The early morning workout sessions gives The early morning workout sessions gave you an opportunity you an opportunity to try the latest to try the latest machines: Angela Black trying a wheelchair machines: Veronica Russell using a friendly Matrix crank machine. stretching machine. 6 Meet your 2010 Executive Board. Left to Right Top: Dusti O’Berry (Member at Large, East) Lori Shuart (President-Elect), Art Morris (First Vice- President) J.T. Magee (Past President), Cecilia Ordonez (Second Vice-President), Cynthia Howell (Secretary), Robert Ordonez (President). Left to Right Bottom: Kate Swett (Treasurer), Terry Roach (Member at Large, West), Melissa Ziegler (Executive Director) A class offered by International Council on Active Aging discussed the latest research on the Bridget Collins learning how to teach pole walking in indoor, outdoor, level, benefits of pole walking. graded and stair terrains. 7 The Countdown Your CEU deadline (June 30th) is around the corner. If you need classes to complete your CEU’s, there is a list of pre-approved Continuing Education Programs posted at If you have any questions regarding a class you are interested in taking qualifies as CEU's, contact Bridget Collins at [email protected]. The AKTA will again partner with the MFA for the 2010 Annual Conference. Start saving to attend the 16th annual 2010 MFA Medical Fitness and Healthcare Conference Uniting the Industries. Make an investment to advancing your knowledge and attend the conference to get the latest information . There will be clinical seminars led by AKTA selected speakers that will provide the latest in research and outcomes to enhance your facility programs and services. The Annual Conference will be held December 1-4, 2010 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California. Would you be interested in volunteering to represent the AKTA during this year’s conference as a speaker/ presenter in your field of expertise? As a seminar presenter for MFA, you have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the medical fitness industry and share strategies for success with colleagues throughout the world. The MFA Annual Conference is attended by hospital administrators, facility managers, physicians, and many other healthcare professionals, including Kinesiotherapists. Presenters are provided complementary conference registration fees from the AKTA. If interested please send and email to [email protected] before February 17, 2010 with the following information: • Seminar Title • Lecture Summary • Learning Objectives The AKTA will choose 4 speakers that we feel best represent the AKTA and the objectives of the MFA conference. Once chosen you also must fill out the MFA paperwork and submit in an appropriate time frame. Kinesiotherapy week this year is September 6 – 10, 2010. This week is designed to highlight the services Kinesiotherapy provides; to salute the professional who provide these services and to call attention to the rehabilitative and fitness needs of the community. Get involved and get the word out about who you are and what you do. Stay tuned, we will be posting a KT week ideas for you to incorporate. 8 Reimbursement Corner By Jon VonderHaar, RKT Last issue I told you about two pending actions, an application for HCPCS codes, and an application to the Virginia Board of Health Professions. In early November, AKTA was notified by CMS that our application for Kinesiotherapy specific codes had been denied, and we were advised to seek guidance from CPT. Several reasons for the denial were given, but all related to the absence of a national need for such codes being identified (by CMS, third party payors, and healthcare systems). We are following CMS advice to seek guidance from CPT, which we believe will lead to one of two results – 1) CPT will issue guidance on the appropriate mechanism to code services provided by Kinesiotherapists using existing codes; or 2) CPT will acknowledge that no correct mechanism exists, which should (hopefully) provide support for our efforts to obtain KT-specific codes. The other application, to the Virginia Board of Health Professions, is still in process. We have gone back and forth with the board providing additional information to supplement our application, and we are currently on the agenda for the Regulatory Research Committee’s next scheduled meeting on 2/9/10. At the same time, Gary Bolden, Michael Minor, and Harry Jackson have continued meeting with legislators and other key officials to build the legislative support necessary to implement any regulatory actions. By now, everyone has some familiarity with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) that President Obama signed into law on 2/17/09. What you may not be aware of are the changes to HIPPA privacy and security rules included within this act. Many of these provisions become effective on February 17, 2010, and impose new requirements for covered entities and their business associates. If you are an independent practitioner or practice owner, you may have additional requirements under these new rules. Health Care Consulting Services has prepared several papers detailing the full impact of these changes on Health Care, which will be available shortly in the Members section of the AKTA website. You will also find general coding and reimbursement information. Until then, feel free to contact me with any questions at [email protected]. Job Board Announcement The AKTA now has a job board located under Members and non members may access this site; the Careers section of The however, AKTA members will have priority with program allows for job posting, resume posting their resumes appearing above non-members on and resume viewing by potential employers. the list. Please share this information with your To log into the Job Board simply enter colleagues and supervisors. Resume posting is a and Click the “Careers” free service; there will be a small fee for job section. There you will find two boxes posting and resume viewing. A portion of the if you are a member of the AKTA under “I am proceeds from these fees will go to support the an AKTA Member” click “Click here to AKTA. Continue”. That should bring you to a log-in page. To log in enter your member id (1st initial, Please email [email protected] with any questions or middle initial and last name) and password. (The password will be ‘akta’ or the one you created). problems. Non members should use the “I am NOT a AKTA member” and “Click here to Continue” and then follow the instructions to create an account. 9 Thank you to all J.T. Magee Jr. RKT AKTA Past-President Happy New Year to all of the AKTA! I hope 2010 brings excitement and joy to each and every one of you! We certainly ended 2009 with a huge success at our MFA/AKTA joint conference in Orlando, FL.. For those who made the trip, I want to thank you for your support and I'm positive your experience was a meaningful and professionally satisfying. For those who couldn't make it out, really give this next year's conference serious consideration. The conference location for this year is San Diego, CA and if you've never been to San Diego, you are in for a real treat. The beaches, the food and the weather are consistently wonderful! The conference committee is already hard at work planning to ensure that the 2010 conference is even better, which is hard for me to believe. I can't wait to see, and I hope to see you all there again! Let me also share with you some of the exciting things we are striving for in Virginia. State licensure has been a dream of many Kinesiotherapists over the years in many states. Many times before, the efforts for licensure were unsuccessful, but in the true sense of what and who we are, we continue to try and continue to move forward. With the strong leadership and support of a very dedicated and passionate licensure team, the Virginia Board of Health Professions has heard our arguments and has been receptive to our ideas of why we should be regulated and licensed in the Commonwealth. Mr. Gary Bolden, Mr. Michael Minor, Dr. Bennett Edwards and Mr. Henry Jackson have all been monumental in the project and without their vision, consistent energy and professionalism, the process would have never been initiated. I would also like to thank Mr. Chuck Smith for his efforts and strong support in our cause. The entire team has gone above and beyond working towards our ultimate goal. Being a part of that team has been and will continue to be a positive experience for me. On February 9th, 2010 we will meet with the Virginia Board of Health Professions Regulatory Research Committee to find out if the KT's in Virginia will be recommended for regulation and licensure. This is a huge first step and it will be greeted with excitement, jubilation and continued hard work. The possibilities for employment and professional growth will be much deserved for many. Stay tuned for the good news!!!! In closing, I would like to again THANK my Executive Board and our Executive Director Melissa Zeigler foe the past few years and for their dedication and commitment to our profession. Having such a supportive and hard working group of individuals come together as one to succeed day in and day out was a joy to be a part of. A tremendous THANK YOU goes out to the membership of the AKTA as well, for your continued vision and leadership. With each and every one of you striving for excellence, along with our new President Mr. Robert Ordonez's leadership and ideas, means that the sky is the limit on what we can accomplish together. I look forward to seeing that future unfold. Best Regards, J.T. Magee, Jr. RKT 10