t r o p e r l a u n n a 0 1 0 2 t n e c u l l- e t a c l a 2010 annual report AT THE SPEED OF IDEASTM 2010 annual report the long-trusted partner of service providers, enterprises, strategic industries and governments around the world, alcatel-lucent is a leader in mobile, fixed, ip and optics technologies, and ideas for a pioneer in applications and services. alcatel-lucent includes Bell labs, one of tomorrow the world’s foremost centers of research and innovation in communications technology. with operations in more than 130 countries and one of the most experienced global services organizations in the industry, alcatel-lucent is a local partner with global reach. the company achieved revenues of 16 billion euros in 2010 and is incorporated in france and headquartered in paris. contents the speed thoughts book the strAtegY book 02 twelve trends in telecoms 54 networks 04 speed thoughts 60 applications and solutions 62 Bell laBs/innovation the busINess book 72 fast forwards 74 people crl osopko fotrl tihgihs itc o/n/ 3324 l2e0t1t0e kre fyr foigmu trhees chairman 76 strategic overview ok ok ok to find news about 78 interview o o o Alcatel-lucent's achievements 36 management team with Ben verwaayen b b b in corporate responsibility. 38 alcatel-lucent worldwide s s Y Find the afut lwl 2w0w1.0a lCcrat rele-pluocretn otn.cloinme 4420 eaumreorpicea, msiddle east, africa 80 investor relations ght Nes teg u sI A 44 asia-pacific o u r 46 strategic industries h b t website // 47 enterprise d t he he s Find more content online at 48 services ee t t www.alcatel-lucent.com 50 operations p s e h t 01 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 annual report the long-trusted partner of service providers, enterprises, strategic industries and governments around the world, alcatel-lucent is a leader in mobile, fixed, ip and optics technologies, and ideas for a pioneer in applications and services. alcatel-lucent includes Bell labs, one of tomorrow the world’s foremost centers of research and innovation in communications technology. with operations in more than 130 countries and one of the most experienced global services organizations in the industry, alcatel-lucent is a local partner with global reach. the company achieved revenues of 16 billion euros in 2010 and is incorporated in france and headquartered in paris. contents the speed thoughts book the strAtegY book 02 twelve trends in telecoms 54 networks 04 speed thoughts 60 applications and solutions 62 Bell laBs/innovation the busINess book 72 fast forwards 74 people crl osopko fotrl tihgihs itc o/n/ 3324 l2e0t1t0e kre fyr foigmu trhees chairman 76 strategic overview ok ok ok to find news about 78 interview o o o Alcatel-lucent's achievements 36 management team with Ben verwaayen b b b in corporate responsibility. 38 alcatel-lucent worldwide s s Y Find the afut lwl 2w0w1.0a lCcrat rele-pluocretn otn.cloinme 4420 eaumreorpicea, msiddle east, africa 80 investor relations ght Nes teg u sI A 44 asia-pacific o u r 46 strategic industries h b t website // 47 enterprise d t he he s Find more content online at 48 services ee t t www.alcatel-lucent.com 50 operations p s e h t 01 2010 AnnuAl report tweLVe CommANdINg treNds iN TeLeCoMs 1. 2. 7. 8. eCoNomIes have the world invests step aside, setting a new a connection speed in ImAgINAtIoN hAL 9000 thumb-speed reCord every 10 percent increase in broadband information and communications your fridge sending temperature connectivity boosts a country’s gdp technology attracts more research and readings to your phone; trains signaling 200,000 text messages a second— by 1.2 percent.1 development dollars than any other passengers when to get off: technology that’s the global average today, with sms sector.2 is opening up a whole new world of (short messaging system) communication automation. tripling between 2007 and 2010.3 3. 4. 9. 10. oNe ChAttY …getting chattier shootINg pAst two countries. planet… bY the mINute cloud 9 300 mILLIoN ‘heLLos’ with 5.3 billion mobile subscriptions there’s no end in sight to the mobile the worldwide 'cloud services' market worldwide,3 wireless has people talking. traffic explosion. By 2015, we’ll hit hit $68 billion in 2010 and by 2014 more than 300 million people went and texting. and surfing. 30 times today’s level.4 will more than double to $149 billion.5 mobile in india and china in 2010.3 5. 6. 11. 12. if a picture’s You are one giant leap for “wAIt ANd see” worth a thousand the content mobILe dAtA is not an option words, VIdeo’s k k gamers around the world are using ip technology is making it easier information and communications o o worth mILLIoNs network technologies and other and more economical to run wireless technology accounts for 2 percent of bo bo innovations not only to play together networks driven by data—and is expected the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. s Y three years from now, half of but also to create a shareable ‘gameverse’ to jump from 6 percent to 75 percent By 2020, that will nearly double to es eg all mobile communication in the world of their own invention. by 2015.4 4 percent—twice the amount of N t I A will be video.4 the aviation sector. the time to take us r green action is now.6 he b e st h t 1 world Bank. 2 institute for prospective technological studies (the 2010 report on the r&d t in ict in the european union). 3 itu. 4 Bell labs. 3 itu. 4 Bell labs. 5 gartner. 6 greentouch™. 02 03 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 AnnuAl report tweLVe CommANdINg treNds iN TeLeCoMs 1. 2. 7. 8. eCoNomIes have the world invests step aside, setting a new a connection speed in ImAgINAtIoN hAL 9000 thumb-speed reCord every 10 percent increase in broadband information and communications your fridge sending temperature connectivity boosts a country’s gdp technology attracts more research and readings to your phone; trains signaling 200,000 text messages a second— by 1.2 percent.1 development dollars than any other passengers when to get off: technology that’s the global average today, with sms sector.2 is opening up a whole new world of (short messaging system) communication automation. tripling between 2007 and 2010.3 3. 4. 9. 10. oNe ChAttY …getting chattier shootINg pAst two countries. planet… bY the mINute cloud 9 300 mILLIoN ‘heLLos’ with 5.3 billion mobile subscriptions there’s no end in sight to the mobile the worldwide 'cloud services' market worldwide,3 wireless has people talking. traffic explosion. By 2015, we’ll hit hit $68 billion in 2010 and by 2014 more than 300 million people went and texting. and surfing. 30 times today’s level.4 will more than double to $149 billion.5 mobile in india and china in 2010.3 5. 6. 11. 12. if a picture’s You are one giant leap for “wAIt ANd see” worth a thousand the content mobILe dAtA is not an option words, VIdeo’s k k gamers around the world are using ip technology is making it easier information and communications o o worth mILLIoNs network technologies and other and more economical to run wireless technology accounts for 2 percent of bo bo innovations not only to play together networks driven by data—and is expected the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. s Y three years from now, half of but also to create a shareable ‘gameverse’ to jump from 6 percent to 75 percent By 2020, that will nearly double to es eg all mobile communication in the world of their own invention. by 2015.4 4 percent—twice the amount of N t I A will be video.4 the aviation sector. the time to take us r green action is now.6 he b e st h t 1 world Bank. 2 institute for prospective technological studies (the 2010 report on the r&d t in ict in the european union). 3 itu. 4 Bell labs. 3 itu. 4 Bell labs. 5 gartner. 6 greentouch™. 02 03 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 AnnuAl report the worLd of social impact CommuNICAtIoNs humAN NeCessItIes: FooD, WAter, SHelter— IN 2015 AnD BroADBAnD personal perspectives In every part of the world, high-speed connectivity has become essential for social progress and economic prosperity. We need to close the digital divide or risk whole countries being left out of SoCIAl teCHnoloGICAl our SHAreD the world’s connected future. IMpACt CHAnGe Future 05 09 23 Human necessities: How Fast tHe Future is closer n the next few years, Food, water, is your Future? tHan you tHink i sHelter— James Watt Gee rittenhouse those of us who enjoy Jyoti maHurkar-tHombre and broadband high-speed broadband 12 25 will have access to ever-faster stats: 23 years in the industry Jyoti Mahurkar-thombre position: ceo, alcatel-lucent new Zealand & you ain’t seen and smarter applications, devices 07 guest SpeeD tHouGHt notHing yet and services—wherever we are, pacific islands looking backward: billions and olivia Qiu whenever we want them. india in 2015 billions oF bits Favorite saying: “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways 27 that won’t work.” • thomas Alva edison rati thanawala emily nagle Green unfortunately, “those of us” isn’t tHe world everyone. is my smartpHone 14 Jeong Kim this widening digital divide poses human beings privileged enough people. Crowdsourcing, for exam- wires? wHat wires? a global problem—one we need to to participate in them. In the com- ple, uses the web to bring togeth- Wim Sweldens address in a holistic way over the ing years, we’ll use more video. er large communities to help with 16 next five years. We can already We’ll benefit from offerings that specific tasks. Is it less rich when see that people living on the make our lives easier and more a significant segment of the pop- time to smarten up ‘have-not’ side are being disad- pleasant by taking into account ulation is excluded by its inability Basil Alwan vantaged financially and intellec- where we are and what kinds of to access the Internet? likely so. 18 tually, health-wise and in terms things we prefer. We’re in the europe: of overall quality of life. this midst of a transition to a digital What if the next brave individu- ok ok Falling beHind? while the digital ‘haves’ enjoy life in which we can rely on the als who risk everything for what o o Gabrielle Gauthey greater financial freedoms, better network for virtually every they believe is right are not on b b education and health, and green- aspect of our lives. the Internet? the recent political s Y 20 s g er lives in increasingly paperless changes in a number of countries e e tHis is not your societies. Connecting the unconnected were preceded by disruption of IN At FatHer’s network Yet a large segment of the globe social media sites, mobile net- us r Marcus Weldon pthlee l Iinkete nrnevete rh abse fcoornen. eScotceidal p neeot-- tisio nno.t A pnadrt itchipaat tminega inns t hwise raerveo laul-l wtoo rtkhse aenndt, iirne s Ionmteer cnaeste.s t, ahcacte siss he b e st h download the speed thoughts at works are slowly reducing the missing the opportunity to col- proof positive that networks t t www.alcatel-lucent.com/speedthoughts degrees of separation between laborate intelligently with those ••• 04 05 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 AnnuAl report the worLd of social impact CommuNICAtIoNs humAN NeCessItIes: FooD, WAter, SHelter— IN 2015 AnD BroADBAnD personal perspectives In every part of the world, high-speed connectivity has become essential for social progress and economic prosperity. We need to close the digital divide or risk whole countries being left out of SoCIAl teCHnoloGICAl our SHAreD the world’s connected future. IMpACt CHAnGe Future 05 09 23 Human necessities: How Fast tHe Future is closer n the next few years, Food, water, is your Future? tHan you tHink i sHelter— James Watt Gee rittenhouse those of us who enjoy Jyoti maHurkar-tHombre and broadband high-speed broadband 12 25 will have access to ever-faster stats: 23 years in the industry Jyoti Mahurkar-thombre position: ceo, alcatel-lucent new Zealand & you ain’t seen and smarter applications, devices 07 guest SpeeD tHouGHt notHing yet and services—wherever we are, pacific islands looking backward: billions and olivia Qiu whenever we want them. india in 2015 billions oF bits Favorite saying: “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways 27 that won’t work.” • thomas Alva edison rati thanawala emily nagle Green unfortunately, “those of us” isn’t tHe world everyone. is my smartpHone 14 Jeong Kim this widening digital divide poses human beings privileged enough people. Crowdsourcing, for exam- wires? wHat wires? a global problem—one we need to to participate in them. In the com- ple, uses the web to bring togeth- Wim Sweldens address in a holistic way over the ing years, we’ll use more video. er large communities to help with 16 next five years. We can already We’ll benefit from offerings that specific tasks. Is it less rich when see that people living on the make our lives easier and more a significant segment of the pop- time to smarten up ‘have-not’ side are being disad- pleasant by taking into account ulation is excluded by its inability Basil Alwan vantaged financially and intellec- where we are and what kinds of to access the Internet? likely so. 18 tually, health-wise and in terms things we prefer. We’re in the europe: of overall quality of life. this midst of a transition to a digital What if the next brave individu- ok ok Falling beHind? while the digital ‘haves’ enjoy life in which we can rely on the als who risk everything for what o o Gabrielle Gauthey greater financial freedoms, better network for virtually every they believe is right are not on b b education and health, and green- aspect of our lives. the Internet? the recent political s Y 20 s g er lives in increasingly paperless changes in a number of countries e e tHis is not your societies. Connecting the unconnected were preceded by disruption of IN At FatHer’s network Yet a large segment of the globe social media sites, mobile net- us r Marcus Weldon pthlee l Iinkete nrnevete rh abse fcoornen. eScotceidal p neeot-- tisio nno.t A pnadrt itchipaat tminega inns t hwise raerveo laul-l wtoo rtkhse aenndt, iirne s Ionmteer cnaeste.s t, ahcacte siss he b e st h download the speed thoughts at works are slowly reducing the missing the opportunity to col- proof positive that networks t t www.alcatel-lucent.com/speedthoughts degrees of separation between laborate intelligently with those ••• 04 05 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 AnnuAl report SpeAKInG FroM tHe future ••• today represent power. network the network by itself is social impact users are powerful based on not enough; to actually ideas, not on might. LookINg bACkwArd: It’s everybody’s business use it people need We all must take a role in narrow- InDIA In 2015 the right devices and ing the divide. Governments need to make it a regulatory priority. telcos have to make it a business applications, the right An imagined retrospective on imperative. their partners in how India embraced technology and designing and building networks ways and means. transformed the lives of millions. must innovate to enable network that is the challenge to accessibility for everyone. econo- mies at large must transition to the industry. the high-speed Internet to realize productivity gains in small and medium-sized enterprises, corpo- am writing to you from i rations, telecommunications com- the year 2015. A lot has rati tHanawala panies, network builders and happened since 2011. stats: 30 years in the industry governments—even households. intricately woven our networks We won’t be able to dismantle the Some of it may have been as you position: vp, Bell labs network planning, Application and smartphone sup- are with the lives of people. Dur- paper economy until the digital imagined—and much as you did performance and economic analysis pliers will of course share in the ing times of crisis our networks economy matures and is accessi- not. responsibility—and in a substan- have become the lifelines for res- ble to everyone who wants to Favorite saying: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” tial part of the benefits. cue and recovery missions carried participate in it. I believe that if 2011 brought the ipad 21 tablet, Mahatma Gandhi out by first responders. these we act today, by 2015 the tele- with one million units sold in the If we want to move from the dig- events also create new opportuni- communications sector will have first weekend. Applications for ital divide to the digital economy, ties once decisions are made to helped reduce the digital divide Apple2 and Android™3 topped we must not fall victim to a low- rebuild the infrastructure and by making network construction, 600,000, and the first major 4G Devices come packaged with so how did this happen? In retro- est-common-denominator men- restore the lives of local citizens. deployment and operation far mobile broadband networks were voice- and touch-activated appli- spect it seems to have been quite tality when it comes to access, more affordable and available. introduced. the potential of inno- cations that allow the citizens of simple: some breakthrough tech- speed, device availability and making it happen However, the network by itself is vative technologies to improve this country with 23 languages to nologies were invented and two cost. A major component of the the work of the next years is to not enough; to actually use it people’s lives was clear, primarily seek work, access information and types of Indian entrepreneurs cost to users is of course the ser- replace existing copper-wire net- people need the right devices and those in the developed world. find medical help. Students save took them to the market. vice provider’s own operational works with fiber optics; to con- applications, the right ways and valuable time and money receiv- expenses. those expenses will be tinue combining the capabilities means. that is the challenge to the real surprise is how quickly ing interactive education at home the first entrepreneurs came partly addressed through modest of wired and wireless networks; the industry—Alcatel-lucent innovation transformed the lives rather than spending hours travel- from india’s large and vibrant gains in revenues through a to move data from our desktops included—over the next few of those in emerging economies ing to tutoring locations. In places software industry. Bored from growing subscriber base, but pro- to the cloud. people shouldn’t years. such as india. In 2011, 50 percent where good schools are scarce, years of laboring to develop ductivity gains and rapid innova- have to think about how they are of Indians had no access to high-quality education modules applications for foreign markets, k k o o tion are also essential for the accessing the network—or the Jyoti mahurkar-thombre mobile phones. today, in 2015, are just a click away. And it’s com- they wanted to break out and o o vision of universal coverage to cost of doing so—they should just farmers, students, housewives mon to see families on trains and achieve something for them- b b become reality. be able to do it, with the network and rural workers have smart- buses crowded around small selves. they were the new gen- s Y s g intelligently managing the details. phones, tablets and other mobile screens watching Bollywood mov- eration: ambitious, knowledge- e e N t In recent months, natural disasters Greener networks may become connected devices—sometimes ies. (oh, and let’s not forget the able, globally connected, and in I A s such as the floods in Queensland, the norm, replacing cumbersome sharing them among the mem- real-time sports: people are pay- touch with the needs of Indian u r AChursitsrtachliuar,c hth, en eewa rZtehaqlaunadk ea nidn taorcwheitresc atunrde sa bnatesendn aosn wmiitnhi anteuwr- dbeevrsic oefs aa rfea mnoilwy voire vwiellda gaes. etshseesne- iinngg fcorirc tkheet cgoanmveesn oienn tchee oirf mwaotbcihle- cporancstuicmese arsv.a tilahbelye iuns 2e0d1 t1h eto b ceres-t he b e st h the devastating tsunami in Japan ized equipment that is nearly tial to people’s livelihoods, edu- devices when they are stuck in ate an environment for rapid t t have provided examples of how invisible to the community. cation and entertainment. traffic and can’t be near a tV.) ••• 1 ipad 2 is a trademark of apple, inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries. 2 apple is a trademark of apple, inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries. 3 android is a trademark of google, inc. 06 07 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 AnnuAl report SpeAKInG FroM tHe future ••• today represent power. network the network by itself is social impact users are powerful based on not enough; to actually ideas, not on might. LookINg bACkwArd: It’s everybody’s business use it people need We all must take a role in narrow- InDIA In 2015 the right devices and ing the divide. Governments need to make it a regulatory priority. telcos have to make it a business applications, the right An imagined retrospective on imperative. their partners in how India embraced technology and designing and building networks ways and means. transformed the lives of millions. must innovate to enable network that is the challenge to accessibility for everyone. econo- mies at large must transition to the industry. the high-speed Internet to realize productivity gains in small and medium-sized enterprises, corpo- am writing to you from i rations, telecommunications com- the year 2015. A lot has rati tHanawala panies, network builders and happened since 2011. stats: 30 years in the industry governments—even households. intricately woven our networks We won’t be able to dismantle the Some of it may have been as you position: vp, Bell labs network planning, Application and smartphone sup- are with the lives of people. Dur- paper economy until the digital imagined—and much as you did performance and economic analysis pliers will of course share in the ing times of crisis our networks economy matures and is accessi- not. responsibility—and in a substan- have become the lifelines for res- ble to everyone who wants to Favorite saying: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” tial part of the benefits. cue and recovery missions carried participate in it. I believe that if 2011 brought the ipad 21 tablet, Mahatma Gandhi out by first responders. these we act today, by 2015 the tele- with one million units sold in the If we want to move from the dig- events also create new opportuni- communications sector will have first weekend. Applications for ital divide to the digital economy, ties once decisions are made to helped reduce the digital divide Apple2 and Android™3 topped we must not fall victim to a low- rebuild the infrastructure and by making network construction, 600,000, and the first major 4G Devices come packaged with so how did this happen? In retro- est-common-denominator men- restore the lives of local citizens. deployment and operation far mobile broadband networks were voice- and touch-activated appli- spect it seems to have been quite tality when it comes to access, more affordable and available. introduced. the potential of inno- cations that allow the citizens of simple: some breakthrough tech- speed, device availability and making it happen However, the network by itself is vative technologies to improve this country with 23 languages to nologies were invented and two cost. A major component of the the work of the next years is to not enough; to actually use it people’s lives was clear, primarily seek work, access information and types of Indian entrepreneurs cost to users is of course the ser- replace existing copper-wire net- people need the right devices and those in the developed world. find medical help. Students save took them to the market. vice provider’s own operational works with fiber optics; to con- applications, the right ways and valuable time and money receiv- expenses. those expenses will be tinue combining the capabilities means. that is the challenge to the real surprise is how quickly ing interactive education at home the first entrepreneurs came partly addressed through modest of wired and wireless networks; the industry—Alcatel-lucent innovation transformed the lives rather than spending hours travel- from india’s large and vibrant gains in revenues through a to move data from our desktops included—over the next few of those in emerging economies ing to tutoring locations. In places software industry. Bored from growing subscriber base, but pro- to the cloud. people shouldn’t years. such as india. In 2011, 50 percent where good schools are scarce, years of laboring to develop ductivity gains and rapid innova- have to think about how they are of Indians had no access to high-quality education modules applications for foreign markets, k k o o tion are also essential for the accessing the network—or the Jyoti mahurkar-thombre mobile phones. today, in 2015, are just a click away. And it’s com- they wanted to break out and o o vision of universal coverage to cost of doing so—they should just farmers, students, housewives mon to see families on trains and achieve something for them- b b become reality. be able to do it, with the network and rural workers have smart- buses crowded around small selves. they were the new gen- s Y s g intelligently managing the details. phones, tablets and other mobile screens watching Bollywood mov- eration: ambitious, knowledge- e e N t In recent months, natural disasters Greener networks may become connected devices—sometimes ies. (oh, and let’s not forget the able, globally connected, and in I A s such as the floods in Queensland, the norm, replacing cumbersome sharing them among the mem- real-time sports: people are pay- touch with the needs of Indian u r AChursitsrtachliuar,c hth, en eewa rZtehaqlaunadk ea nidn taorcwheitresc atunrde sa bnatesendn aosn wmiitnhi anteuwr- dbeevrsic oefs aa rfea mnoilwy voire vwiellda gaes. etshseesne- iinngg fcorirc tkheet cgoanmveesn oienn tchee oirf mwaotbcihle- cporancstuicmese arsv.a tilahbelye iuns 2e0d1 t1h eto b ceres-t he b e st h the devastating tsunami in Japan ized equipment that is nearly tial to people’s livelihoods, edu- devices when they are stuck in ate an environment for rapid t t have provided examples of how invisible to the community. cation and entertainment. traffic and can’t be near a tV.) ••• 1 ipad 2 is a trademark of apple, inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries. 2 apple is a trademark of apple, inc., registered in the u.s. and other countries. 3 android is a trademark of google, inc. 06 07 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 AnnuAl report SpeAKInG FroM tHe future ••• development of new applications, be widely adopted if it cost less counted data offers during off- sensitive consumers. now, for the as you read this in 2011, you when I write to you next from and made it accessible to talented than five percent of household peak hours. Consumers love this first time, jugaad is being applied may ask if some issues we saw 2020, we will have solved this developers across India. their expenses. Knowing that just three new service, which starts with by entrepreneurs in India to make back then remain unsolved. the challenge—and come very close efforts were championed both by percent of the Indian population the following message: “For the mobile communications afford- answer is, unfortunately, yes. I to the vision of global universal leaders in the It industry and by owned personal computers in next 30 minutes, you can make able and relevant to the masses. believe that one area that service. scientists from top institutions, 2011, and that just three percent calls or download videos at a dis- the result is rich innovations that remains challenging is the gov- such as the Indian Institutes of had wireline access, they saw counted rate of 80 percent, cour- are now being transported to ernment’s role in fostering cre- rati thaNawala technologies. Mobile operators mobile technologies as the main tesy of India Cola (or some other other developing countries and ative and effective initiatives that who had already deployed 3G way for many people to access sponsoring company).” the rev- even to the developed world. We will have an impact on our collec- and 4G networks in 2011 and video and other online content. enue from this advertising gives have unleashed the tiger of inno- tive ability to share the advan- 2012 needed applications for they convinced device manufac- a boost to the mobile phone com- vation, and everyone is reaping tages of connectivity with those their customers and provided turers to create inexpensive mod- panies’ bottom line and helps the benefits. who are underserved. I hope that important seed investments. els for this segment of consumers subsidize end users. tens of mil- thousands of applications were on the basis of the business vol- lions of people who previously created for Indian consumers. ume they would gain. these could not afford to call now do so mobile phone companies were during these times (which, amaz- the next entrepreneurs were the extremely demanding—driving ingly, make up more than 50 per- techNological chaNge indian mobile phone companies innovation from device and net- cent of the day), and all subscrib- themselves. they created a mar- work vendors anxious to serve ers can affordably load video ket for mobile data and video and India’s large markets. content onto their devices. the how fAst simultaneously delivered on their model is similar to what airlines social responsibility to serve the new entrepreneurs also do: sell unfilled seats at a dis- Is Your future? those who had previously been drove down the prices of data count. the innovative Indian without access. they were plans and services, leapfrogging operators applied the same prin- unfazed by studies that claimed the West as they did so. they ciple to video and created lots of With coming advances in optical networking, mobile phone service would only were the first to introduce dis- happy customers. the answer is, “pretty fast.” And a good thing, too, because the power users of tomorrow are Now, in 2015, india is an innova- going to push to the limits networks exponentially tion pacesetter. the country’s faster than the ones we have today. software developers and mobile companies are moving fast to bring value to a population that in 2011, 50 percent of just a few short years ago was n 2010, we pushed the i underserved. their style is im- speed of optical net- indians had no access to James watt provisational; their value propo- works to 100 Gigabits stats: 25 years in the industry sition is “fast, cheap, and just per second on a single fiber. mobile phones. position: president, alcatel-lucent optics good enough” to meet customers’ that’s like sending an entire patent holder—in areas of traffic management and near-term needs—if not all their library floor’s worth of informa- in 2015, farmers, lifestyle wants… yet. the Hindi tion through the Internet in a internet protocol (ip) k k o o word for this is “jugaad,” which single second. o o students and housewives describes something that has Favorite saying: “…all progress depends on the unreasonable b b been in India’s DnA for millennia, You need fiber optics for those man.” • George Bernard Shaw s Y have smartphones, a spirit honed by years of surviv- kinds of speeds because they es eg N t ing in an environment of scarce work, literally, at the speed of I A tablets and other resources. It is what brought the light—turning voice, data and that was 2010. Within a couple of we will very likely need that kind us r connected devices. wtaotarl Md othtoer s$, 2a, 5no0-0f rnillasn sou bc-acro mby- vanidde of isriignnga ltsh ienmto dwoawvnel efnibgethrss ypeear rsse, cwoen cdo. uItld’s hai tp 4r0e0tt yG imgaibnidts- oamf sopuenet do ft od okwenelpo audps ,w uipthlo athdes he b he st pact that addressed the essential between cities, across oceans, all blowing increase, and what’s and content streaming that will t t needs of a large segment of price- around the world. maybe more mind-blowing is that ••• 08 09 2010 AnnuAl report 2010 AnnuAl report