id24940531 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - 2009 Discipleship Table of Contents Discipleship - What It Means Page # Multiplying Discipleship 2 Discipleship Identification 8 Multipliers in the Church (Pitfalls and Pride) 9 Discipleship Identification in the Church 11 Levels of Growth - Baby Disciples 13 Levels of Growth - Teenage Disciples 14 Levels of Growth - Adult Disciples 15 Jesus Appointment Time 16 Discipleship - Knowing 4 Big Things 18 Knowing the Goal - Sidetracks 20 Knowing the Goal - Relationships, Termination Points 23 Knowing the Goal - The Numbers Game 26 Knowing the Goal - Harvesters & Co-Workers 28 Rewards (on Earth) of Discipleship 30 Just Like a Gentile (cid:145)Lord(cid:146) 37 Character Matters - Being a Servant 40 Evangelism Christianese Language Problems 45 A Winning Witness 46 Evangelizing the World 47 All of Us are Fishing From the Pool of Humanity 49 Dealing With the Worldly 51 Expectation and Exposure - Expectation 53 Expectation and Exposure - Exposure 54 Condemnation 55 Patience, the Most Important Ingredient that(cid:146)s not in the Pot(cid:133) 57 Neglect 58 Labels & Stereotypes 59 People Have the Right to go to hell (but only after they hear the Gospel!) 61 EGO - Edge God Out 64 Dealing With Traditions and Fundamentals 65 Teaching Followers to Leaders 70 Creating a Sense of Order 72 Look Good Also 74 Dress for Success 76 Elevation - Promotion 78 Correction with Teenagers 81 The Holy Spirit & Teens 82 Tough Teens to Disciple - on the Home Front & at Church 83 A Tough Leadership Call - (cid:147)Remove Them(cid:148) 88 Time Constraints (butts wear out) 89 Learning by %(cid:146)s 90 Discipleship Signs & Wonders Tools of the Trade - Good News & Signs 93 The Practical Approach - Accept the Challenge 96 Hearing the spirits and the Spirit 97 A Fisherman(cid:146)s Definition of Sin 99 Mercy & Grace 102 Glorying in the Flesh 103 Dress & Performance Religion 106 Drama Rama 108 Obedience 109 The devil Made Me Do It! 111 Devils in the Church 113 Spirit of Religion - Glimpse of the Church & the Five Fold Ministry 115 Spirit of Religion 117 Warring Against the Spirit of Religion 120 When Faith Comes, (cid:147)I Know(cid:148) Has Arrived 122 Whose Faith Do We Need? 136 Personality Factors - Biblical Techniques for Healing & Prayer for Disciples 139 Leading Disciples in Prayer 143 Patience in Prayer 145 Power Ministry Ministering by the Holy Spirit - Names & Games 147 Setting the Captives Free 149 Spiritual Activity 151 Angels of Enlightenment 153 How To 157 Appointment, Blessing & Transference 160 Obedience, Blessing & Faith - Laying on of Hands 162 Ministering Healing 164 Word of Wisdom - Word of Knowledge 167 Word of Knowledge in Evangelism 171 Murdering the Word Given 173 Word of Prophecy - Let 2 or 3 Speak 174 Leading People in Tongues 177 Tongues in Error 180 Prayer Vultures & Other Loudmouths (Tongues, too!) 182 Go Behind Vultures 185 Respect the Power of God & the Laws of Transference - East Meets West,(cid:133) 186 The Old End Times Enemy End Times & the antichrist 189 Know the Enemy 190 The Days of Noah and the Nephilium 193 End Times 194 The End Times Messenger 199 Rapture & Tribulation 205 The Conclusion of the Matter 210 Discipleship - What it Means Evangelism Teaching 2 Discipleship - What it Means Multiplying discipleship It would appear that Jesus just happened on the scene, picked out a bunch of guys and they just hung out - that there was no plan, no format, and no strategy. But when we observe what Jesus did and the way that He did it, we see that there is a system to this, there is a formula. It wasn(cid:146)t just the Holy Spirit running willy-nilly. It was the Holy Spirit leading in an organized, effective way. If we know the Holy Spirit and how He led Jesus, then as we follow Jesus and as the Holy Spirit leads, we will become effective for the Kingdom. By learning and following what Jesus did in the natural, we will be in position for the supernatural to manifest as the Holy Spirit leads our lives. As Jesus walked in Love, the Holy Spirit was able to speak and move through Him. God is Love, the Holy Spirit is God and therefore, love is the central motive and driving force behind everything the Holy Spirit led Jesus to do. The Holy Spirit disciples Jesus, and if we let Him and learn His ways, He will disciple us. ** Discipleship is learning the walk of Love, and learning how to teach others by example, so the Holy Spirit can move through us, to replicate Jesus. (cid:147)A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know you are My disciples, if you have love for one another(cid:148) (John 13:34,35). Jesus loved us so much that He died for us, bearing the lash and the death of the cross. (cid:147)Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends(cid:148) (John 15:13). Is this not what Jesus did? To be a follower of Christ is to follow Christ as He lives and dies for others. The apostles were learning the responses of love. When dealing with people, ** Love always mandates that you would go beyond selfish limits. Jesus made fishes and loaves until all were fed. Jesus healed all that came to be healed. He preached and ministered to all that called upon Him and visited all that invited Him. The disciples saw this, and on occasion tried to prevent people from getting to Him. The disciples discouraged children. Jesus responded, (cid:147)Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them;(cid:148) Blind Bartemaeus was calling to the Lord and the disciples were quieting him, until Jesus (cid:147)stood still and commanded him to be called(cid:148) (Mark 10:49). Jesus faced burn out on a regular basis and had to withdraw to quiet places to recharge His body and Spirit, but always after demonstrating a giving of His Love, Power and guidance to the people. The disciples (followers) of Jesus saw Him give again and again, His eyes on the prize and His heart learning how to be effective in Love. When I tire from serving others or want to withdraw from the demands of discipleship, I pause and meditate on Christ(cid:146)s sacrifice. What was He demonstrating to His disciples? What did they observe? Christ(cid:146)s unlimited desire and compassion toward people. They saw first hand God(cid:146)s Mercy, Grace and ultimate desire to bless and benefit every life that Jesus touched. ** Love always says: (cid:147)Come here, so I can bless you and improve you.(cid:148) This is the message of the Holy Spirit through Jesus. Learn to walk in love and I(cid:146)ll love you and bless you and you(cid:146)ll love others and bless them and they(cid:146)ll love others and bless them till we all look like Jesus the Christ. Well, how does it happen? What are the parts that make 2 up the whole? Where do we begin to understand how the Holy Spirit disciples? How did Jesus disciple? All these questions and more will be addressed from Scripture and from the files of experience. Jesus is organized; Jesus is direct. He is highly selective and there is a plan. He is using a plan of discipleship, and the key to His discipleship applies to all leadership - and by all I mean all. Religious, business, sports, and political leaders use Jesus(cid:146) techniques. Most do not give Jesus the credit, but they quote, misquote and steal ideas all the time. Jesus taught about morality, commitment, love, peace, war, etc., but mostly He spoke about the self and finances. Therefore, all leadership must address the self in work, money and ethical situations. Jesus was and is the greatest Teacher, Motivator and Leader because His disciples gave their lives for His person and cause(cid:133) freely. His disciples did then, and they still do today. Christians are not truly Christ(cid:146)s disciples until they are so like Christ in terms of self- sacrifice that they long to give all of themselves for Christ(cid:146)s sake. Earthly rewards are only important to achieve Heavenly rewards. Leadership translates into (cid:150) (cid:147)For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain(cid:148) (Phil. 1:21). I am a leader, as I become a follower. The master becomes a servant and makes other masters that become servants. Great leaders are multiplied by creating followers that become leaders. We are concerned about multiplying disciples. Multiplying, very simply put, is this: If one person would disciple three in one year, and those three would each disciple three in one year, and those three would disciple three, you could evangelize the total world population. You could totally evangelize up to twenty billion - this would multiply from one person discipling three and each three discipling three - to twenty billion in twenty years. Let me say that again. If each one person discipled three people, within twenty years twenty billion people would be discipled. There(cid:146)s definitely something wrong. We(cid:146)ve had close to two thousand years and it hasn(cid:146)t happened. We are doing better in these last days, but much more is needed. Now the reason that it hasn(cid:146)t happened is because we have focused on being an organization rather than an organism, having church rather than being churched, debating rather than duplicating. We have to recognize that Jesus had a plan. He was thinking of something, and somehow we have missed it. Turn to Matthew 28:16-20: (cid:147)Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, (cid:147)All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.(cid:148) (cid:148) That is multiplication of discipleship. That was the goal. Creating church leaders, that is our goal. Our goal is not babysitting children. Our goal is not having nice Sunday School. Our goal is not having nice worship. Our goal is multiplying disciples. Therefore, babysitting, Sunday School, nice worship and other church activities exist to serve the goal. Everything else is a by-product or side benefit, icing and gravy, while the main course is meeting the goal. **Anything that is alive is growing, Changing and moving to accomplish survival and reproduction. 3 To be a disciple means to be a follower of Christ. Christ was a teacher, preacher, and multiplier. Whether it(cid:146)s in the Sunday school or summer school or adult class or Bible study or neighborhood Bible study or a peer group, at home or at work or whatever, you are teaching others to be more like Jesus; that is discipleship. To be a follower of Christ, and in following Christ, we must (cid:147)Go ye therefore(cid:133)(cid:148)(Matt. 28:19). This is the Great Commission. Anyone in a teaching capacity, anyone in a leadership capacity, anyone in a servanthood capacity and therefore, anyone who is functioning in the Body of Christ is called to be a disciple and to disciple. Now, if we(cid:146)re going to follow Him, then the method in which He told us to follow Him is to (cid:147)go ye therefore, and do likewise(cid:133)(cid:148) Teach them to observe all things(cid:133) There are different types of disciples: We have in the first category the disciple that is a church-goer. We need church-goers. We need people to sit in the pews to fill them up. The problem is when they do not multiply. They go to church with their husbands or their wives, and they go and they come back, and they go... they love the Lord, they sing the songs, they give their tithe, they pray, they follow Christ (to a point). We need them and we love them very much, but they do not multiply. They believe in God and may (cid:147)serve the Lord.(cid:148) These people are Christians in that they try to regulate their personal lives according to the tenets of the Christian Faith. But they may live their whole life and not multiply, and that is not God(cid:146)s plan. We have to question if they are true disciples (followers of Christ). Jesus(cid:146) disciples did as Jesus did, and they multiplied. Now the churchgoers are nice, and we have to have them, but what is the goal? The goal is to take every churchgoer and make them multiply. There are many people who are churchgoers who don(cid:146)t even multiply in their own home. The stationary or stagnant disciple is one that is not multiplying. He can very well sit in the pew, come to church every Sunday, be a nice person, but something(cid:146)s wrong if he(cid:146)s not multiplying. Every disciple may, for a time, be stagnant but this must be a temporary condition. This is the ongoing condition of many churches and the reason is: churchgoers become lukewarm. (cid:147)I know your works that you are neither cold nor hot(cid:133)because you are lukewarm I will vomit you out of My mouth(cid:148) (Rev. 4:15,16). This is what the Spirit says to the churches, full of churchgoers that are not disciples. The second category is: disciples in training. This may be a new believer or an old pew Christian that has realized he has been on the bench long enough. Disciples in training hunger to find their place and function in the Body of Christ. The ministry of Jesus is becoming a reality to them. Praise and Worship, which was a time to receive from God, is becoming a time to give to God. Instead of being a user of church resources, they are becoming a supplier of church resources. There is a new interest in the Word of God and a desire to be around the brethren. The word (cid:147)servant(cid:148) takes on a friendly meaning - stacking chairs, handing out Bibles, parking cars, giving a testimony on a Saturday night, all sound like good ideas. The disciple in training is eager to be molded and available to find out how to put out nets and catch fish (converts) or at least help someone else do it. And finally, the true disciple is the follower of Christ, who like Christ, will multiply. Some will multiply by the hundreds, some by the thousands, some by one or two. Everyone is not called to be an evangelist, but each true disciple is called to multiply, and will multiply just by being the image of Christ. A parent will see his or her children multiply after the image of Christ that they have demonstrated and lived. The supernatural power of God will cause people to want what the true disciple has, Amen! 4 Everyone, regardless of his or her gift, function or position should be multiplying. If someone says, (cid:147)I don(cid:146)t multiply (cid:145)cause I prophesy or sing(cid:148) - they are in error. Your gift is what you do - a disciple is who you are - and disciples are living testimonies. Even a new (cid:147)Born-again Christian(cid:148) will multiply as (cid:147)Living Water(cid:148) (God(cid:146)s Word) flows out of him. Our silence is satan(cid:146)s greatest weapon. We overcome the evil one by Rev. 12, (cid:147)The Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. The deadly evil in the United States is the cultural conditioning that we never discuss: religion, sex or politics. satan(cid:146)s great success proves God(cid:146)s Word - (cid:147)The people perish for lack of knowledge(cid:148) (Hosea 4:6). Knowledge is gained by exchange of information. ** Ignorance has no right to silence knowledge. The old adage still holds - a man with experience is superior to a man that thinks he knows. ** Who would you follow up Mt. Everest - a man that climbed Mt. Everest, or a guy that had a picture of it? A Christian that has never shared his Faith has been effectively silenced by satan and is drying up on the vine. Too often we are afraid to speak because of cultural conditioning that is supported by fear of rejection or embarrassment. In all cases the ego (or flesh) prevents us from being a multiplying disciple. The Holy Spirit needs us to sow the Word - He will cause the growth in His own time. We must give our testimony no matter what place, position or gifts we have. ** satan(cid:146)s plan is to out-walk us and to out-talk us. When we speak as a disciple, someone will be touched. Sheep will beget sheep and leaders beget leaders, everything multiplies after its kind - Christians make Christians. The nature of life is to reproduce. All spirits reproduce after their kind. ** Ants beget ants, bears - bears, devils make devils and saints should make saints. ** Christ-likeness should be like a train not a carousel. Trains stop and go, loading on and dropping off good things. Carousels go (cid:145)round and (cid:145)round over the same ground, never getting anywhere, playing the same music, getting dizzy(cid:133) (cid:133) and they(cid:146)re just for kids. To be a disciple of Christ is to set out on a daily adventure believing that others will join you, even though you don(cid:146)t know exactly where you are going. To be a disciple of Christ is to get excited that something wonderful can happen at anytime, with anyone. A disciple of Christ teaches people to dance, not knowing what kind of music is going to be played. From the Scriptures we get a picture of Jesus and then project and superimpose His life over ours, hoping to mimic and move in such a way as not to be identified as independently different from the original. We strive to walk in His footsteps, even though our feet and stride are too small and short to keep up; and we dare tell others to follow us as if we know where His steps are leading. ** A disciple of Jesus understands why a new convert smiles and says: (cid:147)If I had only known it was this good!(cid:148) The multiplying disciple is one who has a goal, whose purpose is to carry out the Great 5 Commission. Now, just briefly, we look at the multiplying disciple from a couple mega- evangelism vantage points. We look at a Billy Graham, a Benny Hinn, a Kenneth Hagin and so forth. These men are high profile; they preach to 5,000 - 50,000, (A Billy Graham will leave town but the new convert stays and must be discipled into a living vibrant baby, then teen, then mature multiplying disciple). Mega-ministries begin discipleship but it is indirect; someone else must emerge to direct the training. What is the primary method that Jesus used? He preached to over 4,000, and fed them, then He preached to 5,000 (We know that the 5,000 were actually more because ancient Jewish culture did not count women and children). But how did He really multiply? One to one, One to two, One to twelve. It would be wonderful to run out and preach to 5,000, but you don(cid:146)t really disciple the 5,000. You win the 5,000 to the Lord, but you really don(cid:146)t disciple them. You don(cid:146)t have that interpersonal contact. Jesus preached to the 5,000 and fed them and then they went home. And then the disciples came and said, (cid:147)Yo... what was up with that? What really happened? What did the sermon really mean?(cid:148) The real discipling occurs on an interpersonal (one-to-one) basis. Paul said, (cid:147)Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ(cid:148) (1 Cor. 11:1, KJV). We(cid:146)d need to know Paul to do that. A disciple is a follower, following a disciple that is following a disciple that is... etc. High profile TV evangelists have great numbers of converts but a much smaller number of disciples. We have no idea how to live like Billy Graham - how does he walk in Faith after a bad board meeting, when taxes go up, when persecution comes from unsaved family members? How many of us can lean over and say, (cid:147)Billy, what are you gonna do now?(cid:148) ** Close personal relationships is the arena of making a disciple. Cry together, laugh together, carry burdens together - follow me as I follow Christ. No masks, no fronts, just the real deal. James, John and Peter did all of this with the Lord and they were His closest disciples. Now, if you look at the whole twelve, Jesus really didn(cid:146)t multiply with the whole twelve. When you think of it, actually, it was Peter and who else? Peter, Matthew, Mark, Andrew, Simon, Nathaniel and John? No, let(cid:146)s look at it again. Peter, James and John. They were the 'inner circle', and, if you spend time reading the Gospels, the closest people to Him who saw the inner workings. He discipled Peter, James and John. John was at the Sanhedrin meetings and saw and heard what Jesus said and did. Peter caught the fish with the tax money in his mouth; and they all were there to see Jesus bear up under the persecution by His family (John 7:1-5). When you look into the New Testament, whenever Jesus had something important or something private, when He went away to pray, He would often take Peter, James and John. When He went to the Mount of Transfiguration, He took Peter, James and John. When He had His private sessions, where He had to explain something very closely, He took Peter, James and John. At the Last Supper John was sitting right next to Him, and Peter was on the other side and Peter said to John, (cid:147)Ask the Master, (cid:145)Who(cid:146)s going to betray You?(cid:146)(cid:148) John and James came first because they were disciples of John the Baptist. Andrew (Peter(cid:146)s brother) and John had been disciples of John the Baptist; when Jesus was identified as the Lamb of God, they immediately followed Him. When they got back to the Sea of Galilee they said to Peter, (cid:147)We have found the Messiah(cid:148). From that point on Jesus begins collecting His other disciples. Throughout Scripture His faithful nucleus that He discipled was - Peter, James and John... Peter, James and John. They, in turn, passed on 6 information to the others and led them. Look carefully at the end of the Book of John. We see John closely following as Jesus Christ appoints Peter to feed the lambs (John 21). Jesus spent most of His focused teaching on those closest to Him and that happened to be Peter, John and James. The rest of the disciples were allowed to participate and to interact with Him, and they were discipled also. Yet, the main thrust was for a few key multipliers. Jesus discipled the 12, then 70, then 120 were in the upper room in Acts 1 and 2. Notice - Jesus discipled Peter, and then Peter led 3000 to the Lord from His first sermon in Acts Chapter 3 (cid:150) not bad math. Jesus(cid:146) first fruit offering to God was the 12 that became 120 that became 3000 only 50 days after the Resurrection. 7 Discipleship - What it Means Discipleship Identification At certain times Jesus would focus on specific people and ask them if they had what it takes to be a true disciple. This is an example of disciple identification. Consider these Scriptures: (cid:147)Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head.(cid:148) (Matthew 8:20) (cid:147)sell what you have and give to the poor(cid:133) and come and follow Me.(cid:148) (Matthew 19:21) (cid:147)Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life,(cid:148) (John 6:54) (cid:147)Who do men say that I am?(cid:148) (Mark 8:27) (cid:147)Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.(cid:148) (Matthew 4:19) (cid:147)Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.(cid:148) (Luke 19:5) (cid:147)Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?(cid:148) (John 3:10) Jesus even seems cruel as He separates the disciples from the churchgoers. Remember the Scripture (cid:150) (cid:147)Lord, let me first go and bury my father(cid:148) (Luke 9:59). And Jesus answered, (cid:147)Let the dead bury their own dead: but you go and preach the kingdom of God(cid:148) (Luke 9:60). All of the above and more were spoken to identify disciples. (cid:145)Come, I(cid:146)ll make you fishers of men(cid:146) - save the lost, then disciple the saved. We are looking to identify those that can multiply. Now, it doesn(cid:146)t matter what age we(cid:146)re talking about. It transcends all age. Disciple identification means that you have your prime directive - (cid:145)Go ye therefore and preach and teach(cid:146) - and you apply it to the masses, which you come in contact with. (There are special people for special purposes, but we are looking for disciples, namely those that are ready and willing to be multipliers.) All of us come in contact with a lot of people, but out of all of them we need to learn to identify our target population. Your target population is the people that can be brought into training. There are ways of identifying who is (cid:145)targetable(cid:146) as discipleship material. Someone at the age of five may be your target population, but by nine they may change. It(cid:146)s not very likely, but it could happen. You could have somebody at five who was totally disinterested and on the fringe - bored, bad attendance, not participating - and then all of a sudden at nine, they(cid:146)re showing that they(cid:146)re discipleship material. And that same one flourishing at nine might drift out at fourteen. And the other one who was originally picked at five, is pulling away, his fire is out. And that(cid:146)s what we really have to focus on - target who God has called that can become a multiplying disciple. ** Can you identify one who will be greater than you? Greatness is not measured by personality, intelligence, charisma, etc. Jesus was looking for servanthood and commitment. These characteristics exist even in small children. You are calling people to serve (cid:150) God first and man second. You cannot identify a plant when it first sprouts, but after some sun, soil, water and time you begin to see enough of the plant to know what its potential is. Then you protect it, fertilize and put in the time till harvest. People are the same way. Teach and treat all the same, but when you see a disciple about to come forth, then call him forth and get busy. You may never see the harvest, but the Lord is the Harvester and we are to tend the garden. We are to nurture (look for) the produce that He has planted. 8