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2008 Respiratory Disease Associated with Bovine Coronavirus Infection in Cattle Herds in Southern Italy PDF

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Preview 2008 Respiratory Disease Associated with Bovine Coronavirus Infection in Cattle Herds in Southern Italy

JVetDiagnInvest20:28–32(2008) Respiratory disease associated with bovine coronavirus infection in cattle herds in Southern Italy Nicola Decaro,1 Marco Campolo, Costantina Desario, Francesco Cirone, Maria D’Abramo, Eleonora Lorusso, Grazia Greco, Viviana Mari, Maria Loredana Colaianni, Gabriella Elia, Vito Martella, Canio Buonavoglia Abstract. Four outbreaks of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) associated with bovine coronavirus (BCoV)infectioninItaliancattleherdswerereported.In3outbreaks,BRDwasobservedonlyin2–3-month- oldfeedlotcalves,whereasintheremainingoutbreak,lactatingcows,heifers,andcalvesweresimultaneously affected.Byusingreversetranscriptionpolymerasechainreaction(RT-PCR),BCoVRNAwasdetectedinall outbreaks without evidence of concurrent viral pathogens (i.e., bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine herpesvirus type 1, bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine parainfluenza virus). Common bacteria of cattle were recovered only from 2 outbreaks of BRD: Staphylococcus spp. and Proteus mirabilis (outbreak 1) and Mannheimiahaemolytica(outbreak4).Arecentlyestablishedreal-timeRT-PCRassayshowedthatviralRNA loads in nasal secretions ranged between 3.10 3 102 and 7.50 3 107 RNA copies/ml of template. Bovine coronaviruswasisolatedfromrespiratoryspecimensfromalloutbreaksexceptoutbreak1,inwhichreal-time RT-PCR found very low viral titers in nasal swabs. Key words: Bovine coronavirus; calves; Italy; respiratory disease. Introduction tation because the shipping of cattle represents a stressing factor that may facilitate the onset of Coronaviruses (CoVs) are large, enveloped, single- BCoV-induced respiratory disease, mainly in feedlot strandedRNAvirusesthatareresponsibleforenteric, calves. The present study reports the results of respiratory, or neurological signs in mammals and molecular investigations on outbreaks of respiratory birds. Belonging to the family Coronaviridae within disease due to BCoV infection in Italian cattle herds. the order Nidovirales, CoVs are classified into 3 groups on the basis of antigenic and genetic Materials and methods properties.6 Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is included Outbreaks and sample collection in group 2a together with mouse hepatitis virus, Outbreak 1. In January 2006, respiratory disease was sialodacryoadenitis virus, porcine hemagglutinating observedinanabattoirintheprovinceofTaranto(Apulia), encephalomyelitis virus, human coronavirus (HCoV) where three 3-month-old calves exhibited severe dyspnea OC43, human enteric coronavirus 4408,6 the newly and fever (40.3uC–40.5uC) at routine antemortem recognized HCoV-HKU1,28 canine respiratory co- examination. The calves were immediately slaughtered to ronavirus (CRCoV),5,7 giraffe coronavirus,12 and prevent the spread of infection to other cattle. At alpaca coronavirus.16 Bovine coronavirus was first postmortem examination, severe signs of acute identified as the agent of severe diarrhea in neonatal rhinotracheitis were observed, whereas lungs did not calves (neonatal calf diarrhea),21 as well as in adult show remarkable lesions. Nasal swabs collected from the affected animals (61/06-A, B) before their slaughter were cattle(winter dysentery).4,20 Subsequently,BCoV was sent to the University of Bari laboratory for virological also associated with the occurrence of respiratory investigation. distress in calves and adults.19,22 The respiratory Outbreak 2. In September 2006, respiratory and enteric syndrome is often observed during or after transpor- disease affected a dairy cattle herd in the province of Brindisi(Apulia).Vaccinationagainstbovineviraldiarrhea From the Department of Animal Health and Well-being, virus (BVDV) had been routinely performed using Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Valenzano a modified live virus administered at 6-month intervals. Bari, Italy (Decaro, Campolo, Desario, Cirone, D’Abramo, Clinical signs were observed in 2–3-month-old calves as Lorusso, Greco, Mari, Elia, Martella, Buonavoglia), and veteri- wellasinheifersandlactatingcows.Despitetheseverityof narypractitioner,Bari,Italy(Colaianni). thediseaseincalvesandthedecreaseinmilkproductionin 1CorrespondingAuthor: Nicola Decaro,DepartmentofAnimal HealthandWell-being,FacultyofVeterinaryMedicineofBari,S.p. cows, all animals recovered progressively after treatment per Casamassima km 3, 70010 Valenzano, Bari, Italy. n.decaro@ withoxytetracycline.Rectal(orfecalsamples),ocular,and veterinaria.uniba.it nasal swabs were collected 48 hours after the onset of the 28 Bovinecoronavirusrespiratorydisease 29 clinical signs from 10 lactating cows (339/06–1 to 10), 10 tion at 1,500 3 g for 15 minutes, the supernatants were heifers (339/06–11 to 20), and 10 calves (339/06–21 to 30). used to inoculate confluent monolayers of human rectal Outbreak3. Duringthesamemonth,extensivemortality tumor(HRT-18)inthepresenceoftrypsin(5 mg/ml).hViral (about 50%) occurred in a beef cattle herd in the province growthwasmonitoredbyanimmunofluorescent(IF)assay of Taranto (Apulia), where 42 of 50 feedlot calves showed using a bovine serum positive for BCoV antibodies and respiratory distress and fever (39.8uC–40.6uC). Twenty-six a rabbit antibovine IgG conjugated with fluorescein calves died even though they were treated with various isothiocyanate.i Each sample was passaged 3 times prior antimicrobials (i.e., macrolides, sulphamides, quinolones). to being considered as negative for BCoV. The herd had been regularly vaccinated against infectious RT-PCRassayforscreeningforotherbovineviralpathogens bovinerhinotracheitis.Nasalswabsandfecalsampleswere taken from 6 ill calves (341/06–1 to 6) for laboratory RNA and DNA extracts from nasal and ocular swabs investigation. weretestedbynestedPCRforbovinerespiratorysyncytial Outbreak 4. Outbreak 4 occurred in December 2006 in virus (BRSV)26 and bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 a cattle herd in the province of Cosenza (Calabria). Sixty- (BPIV-3) and by PCR for bovine herpesviruses types 1 two2–3-month-oldfeedlotcalveswereseverelyaffectedby (BoHV-1)27 and 4 (BoHV-4).2 RNA extracts from rectal fever (40.0uC–41.2uC), diarrhea, and respiratory distress, swabs were used for RT-PCR detection of rotaviruses10 resultingin18deaths.Nasalswabsandfecal sampleswere and caliciviruses,15 whereas RT-PCR for bovine viral collected from 8 animals (438/06–1 to 8). diarrheavirus(BVDV)24wascarriedoutonRNAspurified from nasal and fecal samples. The RT-PCR and PCR RT-PCR for detection of bovine coronavirus RNA assays were performed using specific kits.c,j Nucleic acids for reverse transcription polymerase chain Bacteriological investigations reaction (RT-PCR) and PCR assays were extracted using commercialkitsa,bspecificforDNAandRNApurifications. Standardizedprocedureswerecarriedoutonrespiratory DetectionofBCoVRNAwascarriedoutusinga1-stepRT- specimens for in vitro isolation of the most common PCRkitcandprimersspecificforthespikeproteingenethat bacteria responsible for respiratory disease in cattle. are able to detect both BCoV and CRCoV RNAs.7 The Samples were plated out on 5% sheep blood agar and followingthermalprotocolwasused:reversetranscriptionat cultured aerobically at 37uC for 24 hours for detection of 50uC for 30 minutes, inactivation of Superscript II RTc at aerobic pathogens. Bacteria were identified by standard 94uC for2 minutes, 40cyclesof94uC for30 seconds,55uC biochemical procedures and analytical profile index.k For for30 seconds,68uCfor30 seconds,andafinalextensionat isolation of mycoplasmas, samples were inoculated into 68uC for 10 minutes. The PCR products were detected by modifiedHayflickbrothat37uC,aspreviouslydescribed.25 electrophoresis in a 1.5% agarose gel and visualized under ultravioletlightafterbromideethidiumstaining. Results Detection and quantification of bovine coronavirus RNA in Real-time RT-PCR for quantification of bovine clinical samples coronavirus RNA The results of molecular detection of BCoV RNA A real-time RT-PCR assay based on TaqMan technol- in clinical samples are summarized in Table 1. ogy(GabriellaElia,unpublisheddata)wasusedtoquantify Conventional RT-PCR detected the BCoV RNA in the viral load in samples that tested positive for BCoV by both nasal swabs from outbreak 1. With regard to conventional RT-PCR. Reverse transcription was carried outbreak 2, 30 of 30 rectal swabs or fecal samples,28 out using a commercial kit,d following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The quantitative assay targeting the M of 30 nasal swabs, and 23 of 30 ocular swabs tested genewas conducted ina 50-ml reaction mixture containing BCoVpositive.BCoVwasalsodetectedin2of6(341/ 25 ml IQ Supermix,e 600 nM of primers BCoV-F 06–1,3)nasalswabscollectedfromoutbreak3andin (CCTTCATATCTATACACATCAAGTTGTT) and 6 of 8 nasal swabs and 7 of 8 fecal samples collected BCoV-R (ACCAGCCATTTTAAATCCTTCA), 200 nM from outbreak 4. of probe BCoV-Pb (6FAM-CCTTCATATCTATACA- Viralloadscalculatedbyreal-timeRT-PCRyielded CATCAAGTTGTT-BHQ1), and 20 ml of cDNA. The different results on the basis of outbreak and sample thermal profile consisted of activation of iTaq DNA type. In outbreaks in which only respiratory disease polymerase at 95uC for 10 minutes, followed by 45 cycles was observed, BCoV RNA titers detected in nasal of denaturation at 95uC for 15 seconds and annealing swabs were substantially low in outbreak 1 (4.50 3 extension at 60uC for 1 minute. 103, 7.69 3 103 RNA copies/ml of template) and Virus isolation slightly high in outbreak 3 (9.15 3 105, 3.13 3 106 RNA copies/ml of template). In outbreak 2, in which Virusisolationwascarriedoutonsamplesrepresentative both therespiratoryand enteric formsoccurred, viral ofeachoutbreakofBCoVrespiratorydisease.Nasalswabs were homogenized in Dulbecco’s minimal essential me- titers ranged from 2.38 3 102 to 3.00 3 108, 5.10 3 diumf plus antibiotics (penicillin 5000 IU/ml, streptomycin 102 to 4.61 3 107, and 3.87 3 101 to 8.04 3 106 RNA 2500 mg/ml, amphotericin B 10 mg/ml).g After centrifuga- copies/ml of template in fecal specimens, nasal, and 30 Decaroetal. Table 1. Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) RNA titers detected in samples collected from Italian cattle herds with bovine respiratory disease(BRD).* Nasalswab Ocularswab Rectalswab Outbreakno. Protocolno. Animal cPCR qPCR cPCR qPCR cPCR qPCR 1 61/06-A Calf + 4.503103 ND ND ND ND 1 61/06-B Calf + 7.693103 ND ND ND ND 2 339/06-1 Cow + 5.253106 + 2.083104 + 3.463104 2 339/06-2 Cow + 9.383105 + 1.103103 + 7.733106 2 339/06-3 Cow + 7.503107 2 — + 4.943106 2 339/06-4 Cow + 2.993107 2 — + 1.283105 2 339/06-5 Cow + 5.043104 + 1.233102 + 1.823107 2 339/06-6 Cow + 3.103102 + 3.873101 + 4.053105 2 339/06-7 Cow + 3.423105 + 8.113103 + 1.133107 2 339/06-8 Cow + 9.653106 + 2.033105 + 1.713105 2 339/06-9 Cow + 4.833106 + 1.253105 + 7.543107 2 339/06-10 Cow 2 — 2 — + 2.993106 2 339/06-11 Heifer 2 — 2 — + 8.233105 2 339/06-12 Heifer + 1.053105 + 6.493102 + 6.093104 2 339/06-13 Heifer + 2.133106 + 9.843103 + 4.103107 2 339/06-14 Heifer + 1.883106 + 3.113104 + 3.973106 2 339/06-15 Heifer + 4.053106 2 — + 1.153108 2 339/06-16 Heifer + 5.103102 + 8.053101 + 1.903103 2 339/06-17 Heifer + 3.113104 + 5.663104 + 7.773106 2 339/06-18 Heifer + 6.283102 + 2.833102 + 6.323107 2 339/06-19 Heifer + 1.643106 + 6.543104 + 1.023103 2 339/06-20 Heifer + 2.203107 + 4.493106 + 9.523107 2 339/06-21 Calf + 8.293104 + 7.433103 + 2.383102 2 339/06-22 Calf + 7.733104 + 4.693102 + 2.293103 2 339/06-23 Calf + 6.093106 2 8.043106 + 8.803107 2 339/06-24 Calf + 2.003105 + 8.193104 + 7.633107 2 339/06-25 Calf + 3.243107 2 — + 3.953105 2 339/06-26 Calf + 1.143107 + 3.013104 + 1.593108 2 339/06-27 Calf + 3.683106 + 5.663104 + 1.703108 2 339/06-28 Calf + 2.043105 + 8.233104 + 6.153107 2 339/06-29 Calf + 4.613107 + 5.923106 + 3.003108 2 339/06-30 Calf + 3.403105 + 8.463103 + 5.273103 3 341/06-1 Calf + 9.153105 ND ND ND ND 3 341/06-2 Calf 2 — ND ND ND ND 3 341/06-3 Calf + 3.133106 ND ND ND ND 3 341/06-4 Calf 2 — ND ND ND ND 3 341/06-5 Calf 2 — ND ND ND ND 3 341/06-6 Calf 2 — ND ND ND ND 4 438/06-1 Calf + 9.273105 ND ND + 8.543107 4 438/06-2 Calf + 7.143107 ND ND + 6.263105 4 438/06-3 Calf + 8.053105 ND ND + 1.283105 4 438/06-4 Calf + 3.743103 ND ND + 4.073103 4 438/06-5 Calf + 8.983102 ND ND + 5.553105 4 438/06-6 Calf + 1.113106 ND ND + 1.473105 4 438/06-7 Calf 2 ND ND ND 2 2 4 438/06-8 Calf 2 ND ND ND + 8.343101 *cPCR 5 conventional reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction; qPCR 5 real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction;ND5notdone.Resultsareexpressedaspositive(+)ornegative(2).ResultsareexpressedasBCoVRNAcopynumbers/mlof template. ocular swabs, respectively. A similar pattern of Isolation of bovine coronavirus strains from shedding was observed in cattle in outbreak 4, which respiratory outbreaks analogously displayed respiratory distress and gas- BCoV strains were isolated from all outbreaks of troenteritis, with virus shedding comprising between respiratory disease, with the exception of outbreak 1, 8.983102and7.143107innasalswabsandbetween inwhichtheBCoVtitersdetectedinnasalswabswere 8.343101and8.543107RNAcopies/mloftemplate very low. Successful virus isolation was confirmed by in rectal swabs. the occurrence of cytopathic effects in the inoculated Bovinecoronavirusrespiratorydisease 31 cells, as well as by the observation of cytoplasmic associated with BCoV-induced gastroenteritis in 1 fluorescence after IF assay using an anti-BCoV outbreak. Mycoplasmas were not identified in any serum. respiratory samples, and common bacteria were detected in only outbreaks 1 and 4, probably as Simultaneousdetectionofotherviralandbacterialpathogens a result of the antibiotic treatments administered to of cattle cattle in outbreaks 2 and 3. BRSV, BPIV-2, BVDV, BoHV-1, and BoHV-4 In 2 of the 4 outbreaks described, BCoV was were not detected in nasal or ocular swabs of cattle simultaneouslyresponsibleforrespiratoryandenteric with respiratory distress belonging to the different signs in most animals, whereas in the remaining 2 outbreaks, whereas a bovine rotavirus G6P[11] strain outbreaks, only BRD was observed. Extensive was identified in the feces of diarrheic feedlot calves epidemiological surveys will assess whether BRD in ofoutbreak4.Mycoplasmaswerenotdetectedinany Italian cattle is associated mainly with BCoV in- respiratory specimens, and only common bacteria fection, thus requiring specific vaccination programs were detected in nasal swabs, including Staphylococ- infeedlotcalvesinadditiontothoseusedinpregnant cus spp. and Proteus mirabilis (outbreak 1) and cows. Moreover, experimental infection of calves Mannheimia haemolytica (outbreak 4). No bacteria followed by immunohistochemistry or in situ hybrid- were isolated from respiratory specimens from out- ization on respiratory tract sections is required to breaks 2 and 3. identify virus localization and its correlation with histological lesions. Discussion In3ofthe4outbreaks,BRDoccurredonlyin2–3- BCoV is usually associated with the occurrence of month-old feedlot calves as a result of a single BCoV diarrhea in calves and adult cattle, but it is also infection without evidence of classical respiratory responsible for respiratory distress, being implicated pathogens, such as BRSV, BoHV-1, and BVDV. The as an etiological agent of bovine respiratory disease age of the calves with BCoV-induced BRD is likely (BRD). Bovine respiratory disease is a complex relatedtothewaningofmaternallyderivedimmunity. multifactorial disease caused by multiple viruses such The occurrence of respiratory disease in 2–3-month- asBRSV,BoHV-1,BPIV-3,BVDV,andBVDV.3,11,18 old calves, even if not associated with high mortality Concurrent bacterial and mycoplasmal infections can rates,mayhaveanegativeimpactonfarmproduction exacerbate the course of viral diseases, increasing as a result of reduced weight gain and the cost of morbidity and mortality rates.9 veterinary care. However, only a precise analysis of This article describes 4 outbreaks of BRD caused the economic impact of BCoV infection will assess by single BCoV infections, without concurrent in- whether there is a need for extensive vaccination of volvementofotherviruses,bacteria,ormycoplasmas. cattle herds against BCoV respiratory disease. In 2 outbreaks, in which respiratoryand enteric signs Acknowledgements were present simultaneously, BCoV was detected in respiratory as well as in fecal specimens. Only in Thiswork was supported bygrants fromthe University outbreak 4 was a concurrent infection demonstrated, of Bari, Italy: project ex 60% 2007, ‘‘Messa a punto di un whichwascausedbyarotavirusstrainoftheG6P[11] sistema real-time RT-PCR per la identificazione e la genotype.Thatinfectionwasprobablyresponsiblefor quantificazione dell’RNA del coronavirus bovino.’’ a more severe course of the intestinal disease, but it was unlikely involved in the clinical evolution of Sources and manufacturers BRD, for which BCoV was identified as a unique a. DNeasyTissueKit,QIAGENS.p.A.,Milan,Italy. etiological agent. b. QIAampViralRNAMiniKit,QIAGENS.p.A.,Milan,Italy. TheBCoVrespiratorydiseasehasbeendescribedin c. SuperScript One-Step RT-PCR for Long Templates, Life different areas worldwide, including the United Technologies,Invitrogen,Milan,Italy. States,14,19,23 Canada,8 Turkey,13 Japan,17 Finland,1 d. GeneAmp RNA PCR, Applied Biosystems, Applera Italia, Monza,Italy. and Sweden.11 In the Finland study,1 various micro- e. IQSupermix,Bio-RadLaboratoriessrl,Milan,Italy. organisms were detected in association with BCoV, f. Dulbecco’s minimal essential medium, BioWhittaker, Ver- including mycoplasmas (mainly Mycoplasma bovis viers,Belgium. andMycoplasmadispar),Pasteurellamultocida,Man- g. PenStrep Amphotericin B (1003), BioWhittaker, Verviers, nheimia haemolytica, and Arcanobacterium pyogenes, Belgium. h. Trypsin,BiochromKG,Berlin,Germany. as well as other viral pathogens, specifically, BPIV3, i. Antibovine IgG FITC conjugate, Sigma Aldrich srl, Milan, BRSV,andbovineadenoviruses.Inthepresentstudy, Italy. concurrent viral infections were not detected in the j. 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