Annual Report 2007 BOOK 1 FINANCIAL CALENDAR APA Group At the time of printing, dates are as follows: 30 OCTOBER 2007 FEBRUARY 2008 Annual Meeting Half year results announced City Recital Hall Angel Place, Sydney MARCH 2008 Gas transmission Gas Gas-fi red power 11.00am & distribution p12 processing p16 stations p18 IInntterim distribution payable JJUUNNEE 2008 FFiinnaanncciiaall yyeeaar end SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 2008 FFiinnaall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ppaayyaable Gas Electricity Australia’s storage p20 Interconnectors p22 COMPANY DIRECTORYY leading energy Responsible Entity and DDiirreeccttoorrs of the Responsible Registered Offi ce EEnnttiittyy Australian Pipeline Limited ((ccuurrrent) transporter ABN 99 091 344 704 Mr George H Bennett (Chairman) HSBC Building Mr Leonard F Bleasel AM Level 19, 580 George Street Mr Ross M Gersbach CONTENTS ANNUAL MEETING Sydney NSW 2000 Mr Russell A Higgins AO DATE: 30 OCTOBER 2007 (PO Box R41, Royal Exchange NSW 1225) Mr Muri Muhammad BOOK 1 VENUE: CITY RECITAL HALL, Telephone: +61 2 9693 0000 Mr Manharlal (George) Ratilal APA’S ASSETS IFC ANGEL PLACE, SYDNEY. HIGHLIGHTS 2 Facsimile: +61 2 9693 0093 Mr Robert J Wright CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 4 TIME: 11:00AM Mr Michael J McCormack (Managing MANAGING DIRECTOR’S REPORT 6 REGISTRATION COMMENCES Director) QUICK FACTS 10 AT 10:30AM OPERATIONAL MODEL 11 Ms Wan Shamilah Saidi (alternate for OPERATIONS 12 Mr Muhammad) SUSTAINABILITY 24 Mr Wan Zulkifl ee Wan Ariffi n (alternate for COMMUNITY 25 Mr Ratilal) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 26 EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT 28 Chief Financial Offi cer BOARD OF DIRECTORS 30 Mr Richard F Francis BOOK 2 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 1 Company Secretary AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE TRUST AND ITS CONTROLLED ENTITIES 10 Mr Austin J V James APT INVESTMENT TRUST AND ITS CONTROLLED ENTITIES 79 APA Group ADDITIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE INFORMATION IBC APA Group Auditor of APA Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ASX Code : APA AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE LTD ACN 091 344 704 AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE TRUST ARSN 091 678 778 APT INVESTMENT TRUST ARSN 115 585 441 Annual Report 2007 BOOK 1 FINANCIAL CALENDAR APA Group At the time of printing, dates are as follows: 30 OCTOBER 2007 FEBRUARY 2008 Annual Meeting Half year results announced City Recital Hall Angel Place, Sydney MARCH 2008 Gas transmission Gas Gas-fi red power 11.00am & distribution p12 processing p16 stations p18 IInntterim distribution payable JJUUNNEE 2008 FFiinnaanncciiaall yyeeaar end SSEEPPTTEEMMBBEERR 2008 FFiinnaall ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ppaayyaable Gas Electricity Australia’s storage p20 Interconnectors p22 COMPANY DIRECTORYY leading energy Responsible Entity and DDiirreeccttoorrs of the Responsible Registered Offi ce EEnnttiittyy Australian Pipeline Limited ((ccuurrrent) transporter ABN 99 091 344 704 Mr George H Bennett (Chairman) HSBC Building Mr Leonard F Bleasel AM Level 19, 580 George Street Mr Ross M Gersbach CONTENTS ANNUAL MEETING Sydney NSW 2000 Mr Russell A Higgins AO DATE: 30 OCTOBER 2007 (PO Box R41, Royal Exchange NSW 1225) Mr Muri Muhammad BOOK 1 VENUE: CITY RECITAL HALL, Telephone: +61 2 9693 0000 Mr Manharlal (George) Ratilal APA’S ASSETS IFC ANGEL PLACE, SYDNEY. HIGHLIGHTS 2 Facsimile: +61 2 9693 0093 Mr Robert J Wright CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 4 TIME: 11:00AM Mr Michael J McCormack (Managing MANAGING DIRECTOR’S REPORT 6 REGISTRATION COMMENCES Director) QUICK FACTS 10 AT 10:30AM OPERATIONAL MODEL 11 Ms Wan Shamilah Saidi (alternate for OPERATIONS 12 Mr Muhammad) SUSTAINABILITY 24 Mr Wan Zulkifl ee Wan Ariffi n (alternate for COMMUNITY 25 Mr Ratilal) OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 26 EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT 28 Chief Financial Offi cer BOARD OF DIRECTORS 30 Mr Richard F Francis BOOK 2 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT 1 Company Secretary AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE TRUST AND ITS CONTROLLED ENTITIES 10 Mr Austin J V James APT INVESTMENT TRUST AND ITS CONTROLLED ENTITIES 79 APA Group ADDITIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE INFORMATION IBC APA Group Auditor of APA Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ASX Code : APA AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE LTD ACN 091 344 704 AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE TRUST ARSN 091 678 778 APT INVESTMENT TRUST ARSN 115 585 441 Delivering energy to Australia MANAGING DIRECTOR APA ANNUAL REPORT 07 1 Delivering Securityholder Glossary energy information ABARE GTA Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Gas Transportation Agreement Resource Economics Distribution GTD ACCC Gas Transportation Deed APA GROUP OWNS OVER 12,000 KM OF The 2007 fi nal distribution of 7.0 cps, unfranked, is to be paid on 28 September 2007. The Australian Competition and IPO GAS TRANSMISSION PIPELINES AND OVER distribution is made up of 5.0 cps income unfranked, and 2.0 cps tax deferred. Consumer Commission Initial Public Offering 21,400 KM OF GAS DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY Change of address AGL Interconnect The Australian Gas Light Company Lateral connecting Barnawatha to Culcairn 12 Securityholders who have changed their address should advise the registry in writing. APT or Trust kV Australian Pipeline Trust Direct payment to bank accounts Kilovolts APA Group or APA 1. VICTORIAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, NSW/VIC Distributions may be paid direct to bank, building society or credit union accounts in LNG The stapled entities, Australian Pipeline 2. GOLDFIELDS GAS TRANSMISSION PIPELINE, WA Australia. Payments are electronically credited on the distribution payment date and Liquid natural gas Trust and APT Investment Trust, and their 3. PARMELIA GAS PIPELINE, WA confi rmed by post. Securityholders who wish their distributions to be paid electronically, controlled entities MSP must advise the registry in writing prior to the record date of the fi rst distribution payment Moomba to Sydney Pipeline 4. MIDWEST PIPELINE, WA that they wish to be paid by direct credit. APA Victoria 5. TELFER GAS PIPELINE, WA Comprises of GasNet gas transmission MW 6. MOOMBA TO SYDNEY PIPELINE SYSTEM, SA/NSW Consolidation of securityholdings operations and Envestra gas networks Megawatt 7. CENTRAL WEST PIPELINE, NSW 5 11 16 operations National Gas Code Securityholders who wish to consolidate their separate securityholdings into one account 8. ROMA TO BRISBANE PIPELINE, QLD NORTHERN should advise the registry in writing. APL National third party access code for natural TERRITORY Australian Pipeline Limited gas pipeline systems 9. CARPENTARIA GAS PIPELINE, QLD 10. ALLGAS DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS, QLD/NSW Tax File Numbers APTIT or Trust Natural gas APT Investment Trust Naturally occurring hydrocarbons 11. AMADEUS GAS PIPELINE, NT QUEENSLAND Australian tax resident securityholders, including minors, should advise their Tax File 29 consisting mainly of methane, often 12. PROPOSED BONAPARTE GAS PIPELINE, NT 9 23 Number (“TFN”), Australian Business Number (“ABN”) or exemption details to the registry ASX associated with petroleum either by phone or in writing. If a TFN or ABN is not quoted and no exemption details are Australian Stock Exchange 13. KOGAN NORTH GAS PROCESSING FACILITY, QLD WESTERN provided by a securityholder, APA is required by law to deduct tax at the top marginal rate of Parmelia Gas Business 14. TIPTON WEST GAS PROCESSING FACILITY, QLD BBSW AUSTRALIA tax plus medicare levy, from the unfranked part of distributions paid to that securityholder. Made up of the PGP, gas storage and gas Bank Bill Swap Reference Rate 15. DAANDINE POWER STATION, QLD 2 processing businesses 8 13 16. X41 POWER STATION, QLD 24 Distribution Reinvestment Plan (“DRP”) CGP PGP 14 15 Carpentaria Gas Pipeline 17. LNG FACILITY, VIC 10 As an alternative to receiving cash distributions, securityholders may elect to participate in Parmelia Gas Pipeline 18. MONDARRA GAS STORAGE FACILITY, WA 4 21 20 the DRP. The DRP enables securityholders to use cash distributions to purchase additional Cogeneration PMA 19. MURRAYLINK INTERCONNECT, SA/VIC SOUTH fully paid APA securities. If you would like to participate in our DRP, contact Link Market The simultaneous production of electrical Pipeline Management Agreement 18 AUSTRALIA Services Limited. energy plus heat from a single fuel source, 20. DIRECTLINK INTERCONNECT, NSW/QLD 6 NEW SOUTH WALES such as natural gas between Alinta and APA 21. MURRIN MURRIN LATERAL, WA 3 22 Election of Directors CPI PJ 22. KALGOORLIE TO KAMBALDA PIPELINE, WA Petajoule In August each year, securityholders will be notifi ed by announcement to ASX that they may Consumer Price Index 23. GLADSTONE TO MARYBOROUGH GAS PIPELINE, QLD PJ/d nominate a person for election to the Australian Pipeline Limited (“APL”) Board as a non- CSG – coal seam gas 24. ENVESTRA DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS, VIC/SA/QLD 7 corporate director. The extraction of natural gas from a Petajoule per day 25. CAMS WATER AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT 19 Once all nominations are received by the required date, APL will advise securityholders of coal seam RBP SERVICES, VIC 27 Roma to Brisbane Pipeline all candidates and present its nominations to the securityholders at the APA annual meeting. EBIT 26. SEAGAS PIPELINE, VIC/SA 24 A majority resolution by securityholders on nominations will confi rm securityholders Earnings before interest and tax SCP Gas Business 27. RIVERLAND AND MILDURA PIPELINES, SA/VIC 26 VICTORIA intentions. APL will then ensure that the successful candidates are elected to its Board. Refers to SCP Investments (No.1) Pty EBITDA 28. SESA PIPELINE, VIC/SA 25 This report uses terms and abbreviations relevant to APA’s activities and fi nancial accounts. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation Limited, the 88.2% owner of GGT, and the 1 Parmelia Gas Pipeline 29. ALICE SPRINGS GAS PIPELINE, NT 28 A glossary of the terms and abbreviations used in this report is provided on this page. and amortisation TJ Financial year 17 24 Terajoule Enquiries The 12 months to 30 June TJ/d GasNet Terajoule per day GasNet Australia Group Securityholders with enquiries about their holdings should contact the Registry: GGT TASMANIA Toll Free: 1800 992 312 Address: APA’s Goldfi elds Gas Transmission Pipeline Outside Australia: +61 2 8280 7132 APA Group Registry assets Facsimile: +61 2 9287 0303 C/- Link Market Services Limited Locked Bag A14 E-mail: [email protected] Sydney South NSW 1235. The map above is illustrative only and may not be drawn to scale. COVER IMAGE: APA EMPLOYEES LAYING PIPE Unless stated otherwise, all data contained on the map is based on imformation available at the publication date of this Annual Report. Delivering Securityholder Glossary energy information ABARE GTA Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Gas Transportation Agreement Resource Economics Distribution GTD ACCC Gas Transportation Deed APA GROUP OWNS OVER 12,000 KM OF The 2007 fi nal distribution of 7.0 cps, unfranked, is to be paid on 28 September 2007. The Australian Competition and IPO GAS TRANSMISSION PIPELINES AND OVER distribution is made up of 5.0 cps income unfranked, and 2.0 cps tax deferred. Consumer Commission Initial Public Offering 21,400 KM OF GAS DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY Change of address AGL Interconnect The Australian Gas Light Company Lateral connecting Barnawatha to Culcairn 12 Securityholders who have changed their address should advise the registry in writing. APT or Trust kV Australian Pipeline Trust Direct payment to bank accounts Kilovolts APA Group or APA 1. VICTORIAN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, NSW/VIC Distributions may be paid direct to bank, building society or credit union accounts in LNG The stapled entities, Australian Pipeline 2. GOLDFIELDS GAS TRANSMISSION PIPELINE, WA Australia. Payments are electronically credited on the distribution payment date and Liquid natural gas Trust and APT Investment Trust, and their 3. PARMELIA GAS PIPELINE, WA confi rmed by post. Securityholders who wish their distributions to be paid electronically, controlled entities MSP must advise the registry in writing prior to the record date of the fi rst distribution payment Moomba to Sydney Pipeline 4. MIDWEST PIPELINE, WA that they wish to be paid by direct credit. APA Victoria 5. TELFER GAS PIPELINE, WA Comprises of GasNet gas transmission MW 6. MOOMBA TO SYDNEY PIPELINE SYSTEM, SA/NSW Consolidation of securityholdings operations and Envestra gas networks Megawatt 7. CENTRAL WEST PIPELINE, NSW 5 11 16 operations National Gas Code Securityholders who wish to consolidate their separate securityholdings into one account 8. ROMA TO BRISBANE PIPELINE, QLD NORTHERN should advise the registry in writing. APL National third party access code for natural TERRITORY Australian Pipeline Limited gas pipeline systems 9. CARPENTARIA GAS PIPELINE, QLD 10. ALLGAS DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS, QLD/NSW Tax File Numbers APTIT or Trust Natural gas APT Investment Trust Naturally occurring hydrocarbons 11. AMADEUS GAS PIPELINE, NT QUEENSLAND Australian tax resident securityholders, including minors, should advise their Tax File 29 consisting mainly of methane, often 12. PROPOSED BONAPARTE GAS PIPELINE, NT 9 23 Number (“TFN”), Australian Business Number (“ABN”) or exemption details to the registry ASX associated with petroleum either by phone or in writing. If a TFN or ABN is not quoted and no exemption details are Australian Stock Exchange 13. KOGAN NORTH GAS PROCESSING FACILITY, QLD WESTERN provided by a securityholder, APA is required by law to deduct tax at the top marginal rate of Parmelia Gas Business 14. TIPTON WEST GAS PROCESSING FACILITY, QLD BBSW AUSTRALIA tax plus medicare levy, from the unfranked part of distributions paid to that securityholder. Made up of the PGP, gas storage and gas Bank Bill Swap Reference Rate 15. DAANDINE POWER STATION, QLD 2 processing businesses 8 13 16. X41 POWER STATION, QLD 24 Distribution Reinvestment Plan (“DRP”) CGP PGP 14 15 Carpentaria Gas Pipeline 17. LNG FACILITY, VIC 10 As an alternative to receiving cash distributions, securityholders may elect to participate in Parmelia Gas Pipeline 18. MONDARRA GAS STORAGE FACILITY, WA 4 21 20 the DRP. The DRP enables securityholders to use cash distributions to purchase additional Cogeneration PMA 19. MURRAYLINK INTERCONNECT, SA/VIC SOUTH fully paid APA securities. If you would like to participate in our DRP, contact Link Market The simultaneous production of electrical Pipeline Management Agreement 18 AUSTRALIA Services Limited. energy plus heat from a single fuel source, 20. DIRECTLINK INTERCONNECT, NSW/QLD 6 NEW SOUTH WALES such as natural gas between Alinta and APA 21. MURRIN MURRIN LATERAL, WA 3 22 Election of Directors CPI PJ 22. KALGOORLIE TO KAMBALDA PIPELINE, WA Petajoule In August each year, securityholders will be notifi ed by announcement to ASX that they may Consumer Price Index 23. GLADSTONE TO MARYBOROUGH GAS PIPELINE, QLD PJ/d nominate a person for election to the Australian Pipeline Limited (“APL”) Board as a non- CSG – coal seam gas 24. ENVESTRA DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS, VIC/SA/QLD 7 corporate director. The extraction of natural gas from a Petajoule per day 25. CAMS WATER AND WASTE WATER TREATMENT 19 Once all nominations are received by the required date, APL will advise securityholders of coal seam RBP SERVICES, VIC 27 Roma to Brisbane Pipeline all candidates and present its nominations to the securityholders at the APA annual meeting. EBIT 26. SEAGAS PIPELINE, VIC/SA 24 A majority resolution by securityholders on nominations will confi rm securityholders Earnings before interest and tax SCP Gas Business 27. RIVERLAND AND MILDURA PIPELINES, SA/VIC 26 VICTORIA intentions. APL will then ensure that the successful candidates are elected to its Board. Refers to SCP Investments (No.1) Pty EBITDA 28. SESA PIPELINE, VIC/SA 25 This report uses terms and abbreviations relevant to APA’s activities and fi nancial accounts. Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation Limited, the 88.2% owner of GGT, and the 1 Parmelia Gas Pipeline 29. ALICE SPRINGS GAS PIPELINE, NT 28 A glossary of the terms and abbreviations used in this report is provided on this page. and amortisation TJ Financial year 17 24 Terajoule Enquiries The 12 months to 30 June TJ/d GasNet Terajoule per day GasNet Australia Group Securityholders with enquiries about their holdings should contact the Registry: GGT TASMANIA Toll Free: 1800 992 312 Address: APA’s Goldfi elds Gas Transmission Pipeline Outside Australia: +61 2 8280 7132 APA Group Registry assets Facsimile: +61 2 9287 0303 C/- Link Market Services Limited Locked Bag A14 E-mail: [email protected] Sydney South NSW 1235. The map above is illustrative only and may not be drawn to scale. COVER IMAGE: APA EMPLOYEES LAYING PIPE Unless stated otherwise, all data contained on the map is based on imformation available at the publication date of this Annual Report. Highlights Delivering securityholder value TOTAL REVENUE - BEFORE SIGNIFICANT ITEMS ($M) DISTRIBUTIONS (CENTS PER SECURITY) 2003 265.4 2003 21.5 2004 271.2 2004 21.5 2005 369.5 2005 22.5 2006 379.0 2006 24.0 2007 2007 532.7 28.0 Profit Capital Key operating highlights > 40.9% increase in pipeline transportation revenue > 48.1% increase in EBITDA > Part year revenue contribution from Allgas, GasNet and Directlink > Pipeline Management Agreement over main pipeline assets acquired from Alinta > Bonaparte Gas Pipeline project on schedule > Completion of Daandine Power Station and Tipton West Gas Processing Facility using coal seam gas in Queensland > Expansion of Moomba to Sydney Pipeline at Culcairn > Increase in annual distribution from 24.0 to 28.0 cents per security APA ANNUAL REPORT 07 TOTAL ASSETS ($M) OPERATING CASH FLOW ($M) 2003 1,431.8 2003 90.6 2004 1,433.7 2004 82.3 2005 1,883.5 2005 106.2 2006 2,060.9 2006 112.2 2007 2007 4,237.9 157.0 Pipeline Operating profi t after Underlying transportation tax before signifi cant operating cash fl ow revenue up 40.9% items up 6.4% up 39.9% Underlying operating Total equity Distributions up cash fl ow per increased by 96.3% 16.7% security up 6.8% Financial highlights YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2007 30 JUNE 2006 CHANGE OPERATING RESULTS $M $M % FINANCIAL RATIOS APA ANNUAL REPORT 07 3 AA yyeeaarr ooff eexxppaannssiioonn aanndd iinntteeggrraattiioonn TThhee 22000077 fifi nnaanncciiaall yyeeaarr ssaaww AAPPAA eexxppaanndd tthhrroouugghh acquisitions and deliver on its strategy of being a major Chairman’s player in developing, owning and operating energy infrastructure. Such growth requires signifi cant integration report and consolidation to ensure the success of these assets. APA staff, both new and old, are committed to ensuring that tthe new businesses operate at maximum effi ciency. It is a ttestament to all that there has been so much goodwill and commitment to this great challenge. MMaannaaggiinngg DDiirreeccttoorr,, MMiicckk MMccCCoorrmmaacckk oouuttlliinneess AAPPAA’ss ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD, I AM operational achievements in more detail on pages 6 to 9 but PLEASED TO PRESENT THE APA GROUP in brief, APA more than doubled the value of its asset base ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2007. THE 2007 over the past year, acquiring Allgas Energy, GasNet Australia FINANCIAL YEAR HAS BEEN A VERY Group, Directlink and Origin Energy Networks assets. SUCCESSFUL YEAR FOR APA GROUP BY Gas transmission is, and continues to be, APA’s core ANY MEASURE. business. We continue to seek other investment opportunities which enhance our ability to grow In the past 12 months, APA Group (“APA”) extended its distributions to you, our securityholders. By combining our national footprint to every mainland State and Territory, core strengths with non-core assets, such as underground through strategic and prudent acquisitions, strengthened electricity cables and small gas-fi red power generation, its balance sheet through effective capital management APA has been able to realise its goals of growing cash and, importantly, increased distributions in real terms distributions and provide a strong balance sheet for to securityholders. continued growth. This will be my fi nal report to you. On 28 August 2007, APA Our aim is to build a portfolio with an appropriate mix of low advised the Market that I intend to step down as Chairman risk and high growth assets as part of a deliberate strategy and Director after the Annual Meeting on 30 October 2007. to diversify into a wider range of business opportunities in It has been my pleasure to serve as your Chairman for the the energy and infrastructure sectors. last seven years. AA ffuueell ooff ttrraannssiittiioonn I feel that the time is now right for me to retire. I leave knowing that the Board, staff and you, the securityholders, Protection of our environment continues to grow as an have created a strong, vibrant and relevant Business, the important issue for our planet. APA is well aware of its long-term value of which is assured. corporate obligations and I am proud our Business delivers and promotes natural gas, which is key to helping build a The Board is delighted to advise that Len Bleasel has agreed more sustainable energy future for Australia. to become a director of Australian Pipeline Limited and has also agreed to become Chairman elect. Len was Managing Natural gas is playing an increasingly important role in Director of The Australian Gas Light Company for a number Australia’s energy mix with consumption forecast to rise of years and has held a number of senior directorships since 4% per year through to 2011 and 2.5% per year, to almost his retirement in 2001. Len brings signifi cant industry and double, by 2023. business knowledge and experience to the Board at a time when APA is consolidating as a top 150 ASX business. I am sure that APA will have a long and prosperous future under his stewardship. G e o The Board is excited and confi dent about APA’s future. r g Gas as a fuel of transition has potential to reduce the carbon e footprint and its fl exibility in providing energy has led B e ABARE to forecast that natural gas production will increase n 13% during 2008. This should mean the prospects for APA n e growth in gas transportation are very bright. t t FFiinnaanncciiaall ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee APA delivered above market guidance ($58 – 61 million) for the fi nancial year, with net profi t after tax before signifi cant items coming in at $64.5 million for the year ended 30 June 2007. Distributions for the period increased by 16.7% to 28 cents per security. On a recurring basis, operating cash fl ow increased to $157.0 million, up 39.9% on the previous year. Initial contributions from acquisitions during the period helped drive the full year result, while organic growth was strong, with pipeline transportation revenue up 40.9% to $393.1 million. 4 APA ANNUAL REPORT 07 Part of that demand will be met by coal seam gas (“CSG””)),, which APA regards as a signifi cant alternative fuel for easttern AAusttralliia iin tthhe meddiium-tterm, andd a kkey sttep iin tthhe development of an Eastern Gas Grid. Business should be engaged in the debate about the impact of energy consumption on our environment and, as Australia’s leading energy transporter, APA has a role to play. To that end, the Board is pleased to report Non-executive Director Russell Higgins was appointed to the Prime Ministerial Task Group on Emissions Trading in December. TThhee AAuussttrraalliiaann aanndd SSttaattee ggoovveerrnnmmeennttss hhaavvee pprroovviiddeedd signifi cant leadership in promoting alternative fuel options OOuuttllooookk and Mick McCormack talks about that in his report. APA has built a portfoliioo oof quality and diverse assets which, GGaass ssuuppppllyy together with our teecchhnical expertise, is the platform on which we will drive futuurree growth for the benefi t of securityholders. APA was disappointed with the decision by thhee Papua New Guinea (“PNG”) gas project partners ttoo suspend work As we have aallwways said, APA will continue to examine on the project and consider alternative ccoommercialisation any investtmment opportunities as they arise and apply the options. This led to a suspension of tthhee proposed PNG gas same sttrriicct set of investment criteria to those investment to Australia pipeline project. oppoorrttunities. We do not dictate when assets come oonntto the market, but when they do, we ensure that we Gas supply to eastern Australia remaaiinnss an important iinvestigate and analyse potential opportunities to determine issue beyond the next decade, and whillee CSG provides a if they will enhance our earnings and deliver on our strategy. good medium-term solution, a new supplyy ooff natural gas is essential in the longer term. Northern gas ssuupppplliieess ffrroomm While transporting gas will continue to be our mainstay, PNG, Timor Sea or the North West Shelf remain tthhee mmoosst we will look beyond pipelines to ensure asset diversity and likely options. to spread our business risk, while growing our returns to securityholders. AAPPAA’ss aacchhiieevveemmeennttss APA is fi rmly focused on securing a future gas supply to The Board would like to remind you of some of APA’s eastern Australia and integrating its newly acquired assets. signifi cant achievements since it fl oated in June 2000. Since We are pleased to start the 2008 fi nancial year with our legal the Initial Public Offering (“IPO”), APA’s stock price has proceedings relating to Alinta now resolved. Results to date increased by over 100%, its revenue has grown by over are well on track to meet current year targets. 200% and its distributions have grown by 27%. It has been a pleasure to work with Board, Management, It has acquired most of its minority interests in jointly staff and you, our securityholders, over the past seven owned assets and, through a series of targeted and years. It has been a rewarding time, and I retire satisfi ed disciplined investments, doubled in size. In recognising that our Business has done very well. I wish the incoming the value of complementary assets, APA has expanded Chairman, the Board and staff the best of luck and leave from being only a pipeline business. Today, it is the leading knowing that the Business continues to be in good hands. energy transmission and distribution business with a complementary asset portfolio that includes gas storage, On behalf of the Board, I thank Management and staff for electricity cables, CSG facilities and gas-fi red power their commitment and hard work, and all securityholders for stations. their support. When APA fl oated in 2000, it had a staff of a little over 10 people. In 2006, APA employed around 40 people and by the end of this year, with the acquisition of the Alinta pipeline operating and maintenance staff, we will employ GEORGE H BENNETT over 1,000 people. CHAIRMAN APA has always prided itself on the commitment, skill and 27 SEPTEMBER 2007 dedication of its people. APA has been very impressed with the quality of the new people who have agreed to become part of our APA culture. Let me not underestimate the task before us to ensure that the larger APA family functions appropriately. The Board is heartened by the dedication and commitment of our newest employees. Mick McCormack addresses the Alinta dispute in his report, but let me say that the Board and Management kept securityholder interests foremost in their minds in pursuing and fi nalising the Alinta matters. The Board is very proud of the hard work and dedication that APA Management and staff demonstrated, in ensuring the very best result for all securityholders. APA ANNUAL REPORT 07 5 APA’s philosophy of being a stable, strong and long-term investment for securityholders is achievable. Underscoring our investment strategy is the goal of Managing increasing distributions by at least CPI annually. In looking at our achievements for the 2007 fi nancial year, I am delighted Director’s tthat APA has exceeded that target by providing an annual report increase of 16.7% over the previous year, demonstrating the value of our acquisition strategy. APA has a vision of developing a gas transmission grid on tthe eastern seaboard that will offer a seamless tariff for gas delivered into Queensland, New South Wales, the APA HAS UNDERGONE UNPRECEDENTED Australian Capital Territory and Victoria. This will greatly EXPANSION OVER THE LAST 12 MONTHS, assist the expansion of a competitive gas market in Australia, WHICH HAS RESULTED IN A VERY by providing greater access to multiple supply sources and SUCCESSFUL AND STRONG YEAR. I enhancing producer on producer competition. AM VERY PROUD OF WHAT WE HAVE APA’s business model is a low cost, transparent and ACHIEVED FOR SECURITYHOLDERS competitive one. Our approach distinguishes us from many AND CONTINUE TO BE EXCITED ABOUT other businesses that operate a fee based model. APA’S FUTURE. APA NOW HAS A TRULY NATIONAL ENERGY FOOTPRINT WITH AAccqquuiissiittiioonnss ASSETS IN ALL MAINLAND STATES AND APA has made a series of acquisitions and new investments TERRITORIES. over the last 12 months, expanding our total asset base During the year, I have travelled around the country and to around $4 billion, with assets under management of welcomed the opportunity to meet many of our new staff and over $8 billion. This unprecedented activity refl ects the securityholders. I have been asked a variety of questions. Of ongoing ownership changes within the Australian energy particular interest is APA’s overall strategy and how we intend infrastructure sector, as institutional investors and private to consolidate our newly acquired assets. equity compete for assets with established players. Our ability to compete is enhanced by our low cost competitive In order for all securityholders to have the benefi t of these business model and our demonstrated knowledge of the discussions, I have taken the opportunity to address these industry. issues by grouping the key issues raised into several categories. Our acquisitions during the past 12 months include: SSttrraatteeggyy • Allgas Energy gas distribution business – completed in November 2006. The Allgas distribution system extends Our vision is to continue to grow as Australia’s leading throughout the high growth population areas of south energy transmission and distribution Business. The strategy east Queensland and northern New South Wales. is simple. We are committed to growing the Business and The natural gas network comprises over 2,300 km of maximising value for securityholders in the short, medium distribution mains and supplies approximately 65,000 and long-term. customers. Allgas has complementary infrastructure on which APA can leverage its core competencies; APA has a three phase approach to growth, by: growing the Business organically; investing in brownfi elds and greenfi elds • GasNet Australia Group (“GasNet”) – completed in projects, and acquisition. Organic growth occurs via the December 2006. GasNet (now refered to as APA expansion of existing assets and, in particular, our core Victoria) owns and maintains 1,935 km of high-pressure pipeline assets. Our success in increasing throughput and gas transmission pipelines throughout Victoria, which developing innovative arrangements on the Roma to Brisbane serve a total consumption base of approximately 1.4 Pipeline and Goldfi elds Gas Transmission Pipeline are good million residential consumers and approximately 43,000 examples of this. industrial and commercial users. Almost all the natural gas consumed in Victoria is transported through APA Brownfi elds projects, which involve the development of, for Victoria’s pipeline assets. The acquisition of GasNet example, compressor stations, provide immediate returns is delivering benefi ts to APA, including maximising by building upon an already established income stream. the utilisation of the Interconnect, and enhancing the Greenfi elds opportunities provide sustained longer-term competitiveness of the Moomba to Sydney Pipeline returns arising from the benefi t of investment in the initial and APA Victoria pipeline network with the Eastern Gas stages of the projects. The Bonaparte Gas Pipeline is an Pipeline; excellent example of a greenfi elds project which will • Directlink electricity interconnector – completed in take several years to build, but will then provide strong, February 2007. The acquisition of Directlink continues sustainable returns. APA’s strategy of acquiring complementary energy Finally, the acquisition of core and complementary assets transmission assets and follows the acquisition of completes the three phase approach, ensuring that 6 APA ANNUAL REPORT 07