Ctmuecfiarii. £c2005-20(J6*V^. 65 / / \ > X ♦♦ X \\ ~Pa*i£xuqjc- eJ-HqJt. cTc/unrf 6^5(/<l?cr 6 cH-ujy- Po^l£o^, S7JV *6368 \ V V P/irHi'wy » 7 cjtrm€f?rtltrn. Li {LtzfijHjcxL ai, ok aAAtralattrrM. a*L fjriatSantAhi/* ba±xucjcj€. thing A u*l cvcitfi.. 17a.Ac.fl djc-^Tniticm, Ppfi/gyc cVcJfjoxrL JiJutrvitiaA. the. /iTixrpjeJi. atmxrApJfjcfuc. frr+L the. ahAjeJuratlm*. eOTmcr/iinti.. ConwcritaKi. pfuarvlxLc. the. Ira Am A feafLHiMy, exeg//tKy, O-MxL huxaxLM. fw mm imwt7mwmm A 7*7fm A timmwt ntw r» mm mm mm mm A Amwfmy 7 mm tw I mm mm fw mm 7 mm y p| )|| |« pg f V ♦ ~Wtr*ixLA -4 Mitylt aJL £eam, e/t^ae, cx^Lcic^W-cuud. (ic.(u/c>H^. fi fir» luo+lcLA. ci.Lfi.cct l y aAAcrcLatr* AtiLcic*h£ caHHccftanl. CoKJtcciia>tJ. with thcAc ccfLtiftu fLexrfuLe a^ie rrjf-j- r* m f iw n .4 w <7 <V«~* n / a gcnuug <iy.P- omxL Oilc. A I* *y fi AchtTXrt nnfrppfl . flC*/f- CJCrLLcct I (TH hoJSC +Ltr* 1 ft rniiM ^.^lou/l tlucut £/tc.y. /tfti/n ff u ujlxL cl cctmum^Hu ImtmxL lu uth., mm!It#»/1*#»>» t£ Ire. I/lc >ip4ii// u^ a fuafuticniafu Afixrfut [LLagc^cL o^l oh _4 / i>t /lie AaMiC. p I mm Ir-rrfi P^Ly.ftKI.ZO t1 CTM.. iroWtMtOK /• *#» .4 /fg» /hip p m ,4 t u tie* m/.4 ^ii -4 p lo~yf* theft. cut. M/TLfuxucuA tLMUQ&A cLufUJUg the' cjtrufLAc o^ohcJ. Lufyc. AcJutrxrL, uu tluc gfvcuucL IcAohc erfo thutugA, ujlLL Ire YciHCJH^c.fuul ai. AuMufuLg one. chafitcJ~l ui^kc Lufye. Crff— n M IIIh 11P th.C t^LlLd. CCTMJUCctl CTmA. LLLCLctc. dlL^LLrCg thcAc jycru-H. gcafcA have the. cafialrliutg ta~tfLaruAccMxL tissue. ^ cfida.ti.Mjg LaAtiM-g ficIatiaTuAhl/uA. J 3 D/LCHUt(f » c/7 A n IrcmdA ImLmcjcjL £cac/lc.^,i_, At u d ** **t\ ; 'fy^LL0fj^/cxLS., cuixL fineiiIty Ireym txr~dcA/nlxrfL n-4 a -4t u dr**§t At gfttA t-h-CjfL Ill^Jl AcJlU U L CjOJlCjCLTl . (}»tc. ciciHOti LcjlPLlLLy At tt //nw^.4 tcrycJjLcfL lA clc* a d olllc-A. gfciu/rwteJ. erfifinfL cl may. txi~cAaxrlt a Il(tLc-M-£lclL csjaJLCjefL [lcmJJl ojlcL Hta/ic. £Jlo. cjcjl&loJ. idea cLmcmyAt a-LL erfi-ollcl A eJaAAeA. ~U/lcjtl Ulc. ctmi/iiciKm u^ tlcje. AcJloxtL day, ixmtc. AAuxLcjljLA c-LclAjLcJl tcryntiLeJl fi^Le.cjjLy ^Aewie/i/d crfi~ th.c. ojclcllLcjlllc. day , txr~ JXTL3L txic^icJi ut the. i/n^ilcmA aHjyjnjtXjuaAlxrtLA and cLuJrA ofifinfLcd. IlclAxl c-LilIjA and a+Lynn i z<i£tawJ. ft ft c* A pm/ oh cmtLcut 4 »y>nfi»/-f ,4 ^d by- dlfifiefccnt fin-cully meMt/fc.^.1 mlLefue. AtndalLA a^c. aide ta~ exrme txryetJLe*L ta~ cjc/l*lclAA £Jlclj*lAclLvtlA 111 n c*ma Atft uc*tr*d t+LcuLxrfL. ~\A/lLnteveH. ycruJL lllLcJlclALA , n yfLcm/L eon. Im fimind HLeetiny afirtcJL AcJlcFXJtL to- di At* n A A thewt ft gfwtit* trig ft iw/nfin ,4/ . CLilItA fLcuLyc. fidixrm c* At n Id t A h r*d cmeA AilcJl clA tdte ofut cJnJr~ ojlxL fLendlny cJLilUj- tn~ mtr*ie fi.eecnt addltlonA tUi-c. Hue eminue cJnlr- ond thjo. \ddexr~ yantn cJLulr~. y << D/irwi»ty JVat aaely da~elulrA axed pHuxrcde a place f) u^i. loKt/a^i LMic^icJil, but £/tc. ai/tZcixc doe4 aJL well. (*The baxedA, c/tcc.^iiciu/c.>Ll, /lomiI daxceeHA, taxed the ai/iiciic. ^ca#H Jdxe tayctheH at ApaHtlxey ci^uill ta~ pHcnn.de cHfe.>iiam>»tcK£ ^ «f«- tall. <*JeaxaeA ffxrHx+c deep frtaxetlly-llhe >Lcfa^i oniAi/iJ. ducts. ta~ ccLL the £tmc that lA de die at e d ta~the fcxeH.i-LC.illaH-QpxrHt. ^Jac tlcc. ApaHtA, AledcxetA come. tayctheH ta~ acJacm a caTHMiOM yard, whetheH It Ire. ta~ wlxe the yaxtee oH ueateh erH ae/tieve thelH peHAcraeal beAt. *Zl he ApaHtA tecixtcA teat craeLy pHaxnde AtHeney bxnedA betiueext tlcc. athletic A beet they alAa~ bnlxey the. cxetlHe eamxMxixclty tayctheH ta~ Aherw thecH AappoHt. C^ireHall a Atiideiet A i A fflLLcd with. exracaccctaxrTcA. &Ha*et belxey verted hxrydkcxraaelxey oH pHtnee yueexe ta-JftH. (*FarrtbeLL axed hlxey by. the AtedexeL body., the AtudexetA ofte wleeHe the Heel earacHectlaaeA cete be. frmixcd. xS^tedexetA pcHfraHet lee acdtlvltleA AllcJc tcA the veHlcty AJeenu, ^JuxeloH JttlAA, %fcc freLL fc/ay , axed the ApHixey ##cuAlcol, wheHe they, need ueaxey people they. "toy. aeat hajve aA-Arrwln+ed with, wltlctnct thc-Ae a-fztxxrctteA . <*The axtxeuxcl cStedcxet gTecciclty. HtcAhetbnJl Qaxne lA yet axeatheH way. that, the jfaeulty. eauxecctA with the AtudeatA . ^ CaaeaecetlaaeA eHe evldcxet eveHyw hcJZq^txe high AehaxrL. cTamc efr-£heAe letoHe abvlxncA tlcaxc otheHA llhe fal^^dAhlpA . <UleeAe eoacatectloacA ueede thHcntyhend lecyh AehaxrL help- Aleape axed fruHxec tc peHAaae ta~wlea~they, aHe. <UleeAe cxraxeeetlaaeA eHe. the oaeeA that will be held claAe ta~ a peHAaae, taxed will be HcxaecxaebeHed thHxncyhxrut a peHAxracA Llfre tcA ta~ wleeHe they beyaxe becar+elxcy the peHAaae that they eHe. ^ D/UUliKjf