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Preview 2001 DC Code, Volume 01, June 2014 Supplement

OF COLUMBIA DISTRICT CODE OFFICIAL EDITION 2001 Volume 1 District of Columbia Self-Government and Governmental Reorganization Act Public Law 93-198 (1973 Version) JUNE SUPPLEMENT 2014 LexisNexis COPYRIGHT © 2014 By The District of Columbia All Rights Reserved. 5441411 ISBN 978-0-7698-6575-1 (Volume 1) ISBN 978-0-7698-6495-2 (Set) Matthew Bender & Company, Inc. 701 East Water Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 www.lexisnexis.com Customer Service: 1-800-833-9844 LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of Reed Elsevier Properties Inc., used under license. Matthew Bender is a registered trademark of Matthew Bender Properties Inc. (Pub.45948) COUNCIL OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Phil Mendelson, Chairman Yvette M. Alexander Jack Evans Marion Barry Jim Graham Anita Bonds David Grosso Muriel Bowser Kenyan R. McDuffie David A. Catania Vincent B. Orange, Sr. Mary M. Cheh Tommy Wells OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Under Whose Direction This Volume Has Been Prepared V. David Zvenyach, General Counsel John Hoellen, Legislative Counsel Benjamin F. Bryant, Jr., Codification Counsel Karen R. Barbour, Legal Assistant * iii PREFACE These annual cumulative pocket parts update the District of Columbia Official Code, 2001 Edition, with permanent, temporary, and emergency legislation and judicial constructions contained in annotations. These pocket parts contain the Laws, general and permanent in their nature, relating to or in force in the District of Columbia (except such laws as are of application in the General and Permanent Laws of the United States) in effect as ofApril 1, 2014. This Supplement also updates the D.C. Code annotations by including notes taken from District of Columbia cases appearing in the following sources: Atlantic Reporter, 3d Series Supreme Court Reporter Federal Reporter, 3d Series Federal Supplement, 2d Series Bankruptcy Reporter. Current legislation between pamphlets or pocket parts can be accessed online at www.lexisnexis.com/advance, www.lexisnexis.com/research, and http://dcclims1.dccouncil.us/lims. The unannotated District of Columbia Official Code can be accessed on the District of Columbia Council Website at http://www.dccouncil.us. Later laws and annotations will be cumulated in subsequent annual Pocket Parts. Visit our website at http://www.lexisnexis.com for an online bookstore, technical support, customer service, and other company information. For further information or assistance, please call us toll-free at (800) 833-9844, fax us toll-free at (800) 643-1280, email us at [email protected], or write to: D.C. Editor, LexisNexis, 701 East Water Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902-5389. June, 2014 LexisNexis V Digitized by the Internet Archive 2014 in https://archive.org/details/govlawdccode2001s012014 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SELF-GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNMENTAL REORGANIZATION ACT AN ACT To reorganize the governmental structure of the District of Columbia, to provide a charter for local government in the District of Columbia subject to acceptance by a majority of the registered qualified electors in the District of Columbia, to delegate certain legislative powers to the local government, to implement certain recommendations ofthe commission on the organization of the government of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. (Approved, Dec. 24, 1973, 87 Stat. 774, Pub. L. 93-198.) Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRepresentatives ofthe United States ofAmerica in Congress assembled, TABLE OF CONTENTS Title I Sec. 413. Investigations by the Council. Short Title, Purposes, and Definitions PART B—THE MAYOR Sec. 101. Short title. Sec. 421. Election, qualifications, vacancy, and Sec. 102. Statement of purposes. compensation. Sec. 103. Definitions. Sec. 422. Powers and duties. Title II Sec. 423. Municipal planning. Governmental Reorganization PART C—THE JUDICIARY Sec. 201. Redevelopment Land Agency. Sec. 431. Judicial powers. Sec. 202. National Capital HousingAuthority. Sec. 432. Removal, suspension, and involun- Sec. 203. National Capital Planning Commis- tary retirement. sion and municipal planning. Sec. 433. Nomination and appointment of Sec. 204. District of Columbia Manpower Ad- judges. ministration. Sec. 434. District of Columbia Judicial Nomi- nation Commission. Title III District Charter Preamble, Legislative Power, PART D—DISTRICT BUDGET AND and Charter Amending Procedure FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT — Sec. 301. District Charter preamble. Subpart 1 Budget and Financial Sec. 302. Legislative power. Management Sec. 303. Charter amending procedure. Sec. 441. Fiscal year. Title IV Sec. 442. Submission of annual budget. The District Charter Sec. 443. Multiyear plan. PART A—THE COUNCIL Sec. 444. Multiyear capital improvements plan. Subpart 1—Creation of the Council Sec. 445. District of Columbia courts' budget. Sec. 446. Enactment of appropriations by Sec. 401. Creation and membership. Congress. Sec. 402. Qualifications for holding office. Sec. 447. Consistency of budget, accounting, Sec. 403. Compensation. and personnel systems. Sec. 404. Powers of the Council. Sec. 448. Financial duties of the Mayor. — Sec. 449. Accounting supervision and control. Subpart 2 Organization and Procedure of Sec. 450. General and special funds. the Council Sec. 451. Contracts extending beyond one Sec. 411. The Chairman. year. Sec. 412. Acts, resolutions, and requirements Sec. 452. Annual budget for the Board of Ed- for quorum. ucation. 1 — Subpart 2 Audit Sec. 604. Congressional action on certain Dis- trict matters. Sec. 455. District of Columbia Auditor. — Title VII Subpart 1 Borrowing Referendum; Succession in Government; Sec. 461. District's authority to issue and re- Temporary Provisions; Miscellaneous; deem general obligation bonds for Amendments to District of Columbia Election capital projects. Act; Rules of Construction; and Effective Sec. 462. Contents of borrowing legislation. Dates Sec. 463. Publication ofborrowing legislation. PART A—CHARTER REFERENDUM Sec. 464. Short period of limitation. Sec. 465. Acts for issuance of general obliga- Sec. 701. Referendum. tion bonds. Sec. 702. Board of Elections authority. Sec. 466. Public sale. Sec. 703. Referendum ballot and notice ofvot- — Subpart 2 Short-Term Borrowing ing. Sec. 704. Acceptance ofnonacceptance ofchar- Sec. 471. Borrowing to meet appropriations. ter. Sec. 472. Borrowing in anticipation of reve- nues. PART B—SUCCESSION IN GOVERNMENT Sec. 473. Notes redeemable prior to maturity. Sec. 711. Abolishment of existing government Sec. 474. Sales of notes. and transfer of functions. — Subpart 3 Payment of Bonds and Notes Sec. 712. Certain delegated functions and functions of certain agencies. Sec. 481. Special tax. Sec. 713. Transfer of personnel property and — Subpart 4 Tax Exemption; Legal funds. Investment; Water Sec. 714. Existing statutes, regulations, and Pollution; Reservoirs; Metro Contributions; other actions. and Revenue Bonds Sec. 715. Pending actions and proceedings. Sec. 716. Vacancies resulting from abolish- Sec. 485. Tax exemption. ment of offices of Commissioner and Sec. 486. Legal investment. Assistant to the Commissioner. Sec. 487. Water pollution. Sec. 717. Status of the District. Sec. 488. Cost ofreservoirs on Potomac River. Sec. 718. Continuation of the District of Co- Sec. 489. District's contributions to the Wash- lumbia court system. ington Metropolitan Area Transit Sec. 719. Continuation ofthe Board ofEduca- Authority. tion. Sec. 490. Revenue bonds and other obliga- PART C—TEMPORARY PROVISIONS tions. PART F—INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Sec. 721. Powers ofthe President during tran- sitional period. Sec. 491. Board of Elections. Sec. 722. Reimbursable appropriations for the Sec. 492. Zoning Commission. District. Sec. 493. Public Service Commission. Sec. 723. Interim loan authority. Sec. 494. Armory Board. PART D—MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 495. Board of Education. Title V Sec. 731. Agreements with United States. Sec. 732. Personal interest in contracts or Federal Payment transactions. Sec. 501. Duties of the Mayor, Council, and Sec. 733. Compensation from more than one Federal Office of Management and source. Budget. Sec. 734. Assistance ofthe United States Civil Sec. 502. Authorization of appropriations. Service Commission in development of District merit system. Title VI Sec. 735. Revenue sharing restrictions. Sec. 736. Independent audit. Reservation of Congressional Authority Sec. 737. Adjustments. Sec. 601. Retention of constitutional author- Sec. 738. Advisory neighborhood councils. ity. Sec. 739. National Capital Service Area. Sec. 602. Limitations on the Council. Sec. 740. Emergency control of police. Sec. 603. Budget process; limitations on bor- Sec. 741. Holding office in the District. rowing and spending. Sec. 742. Open meetings. 2 Sec. 743. Termination ofthe District's author PART F—RULES OF CONSTRUCTION ity to borrow from the Treasury. PART E—AMENDMENTS TO THE Sec. 761. Construction. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ELECTION ACT G— PART EFFECTIVE DATES Sec. 751. Amendments. Sec. 752. District Council authority over elec Sec. 771. Effective dates. tions. — TITLE SHORT TITLE, PURPOSES, AND I DEFINITIONS SHORT TITLE Sec. 101. This Act may be cited as the "District of Columbia Self-Govern- ment and Governmental Reorganization Act". STATEMENT OF PURPOSES Sec. 102. (a) Subject to the retention by Congress of the ultimate legisla- tive authority over the Nation's Capital granted by article I, section 8, of the Constitution, the intent ofCongress is to delegate certain legislative powers to the government of the District of Columbia; authorize the election of certain local officials by the registered qualified electors in the District of Columbia; grant to the inhabitants of the District of Columbia powers of local self- government; to modernize, reorganize, and otherwise improve the governmen- tal structure of the District of Columbia; and, to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the constitutional mandate, relieve Congress of the burden of legislating upon essentially local District matters. (b) Congress further intends to implement certain recommendations of the Commission on the Organization of the Government of the District of Colum- bia and take certain other actions irrespective of whether the charter for greater self-government provided for in title IV of this Act is accepted or rejected by the registered qualified electors of the District of Columbia. DEFINITIONS — Sec. 103. For the purposes of this Act (1) The term "District" means the District of Columbia. (2) The term "Council" means the Council of the District of Columbia A provided for by part of title IV. (3) The term "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the District of Columbia established under Reorganization Plan Numbered 3 of 1967. (4) The term "District of Columbia Council" means the Council of the District of Columbia established under Reorganization Plan Numbered 3 of 1967. (5) The term "Chairman" means, unless otherwise provided in this Act, A the Chairman of the Council provided for by part of title IV. (6) The term "Mayor" means the Mayor provided for by part B of title IV 3 (7) The term "act" includes any legislation passed by the Council, except where the term "Act" is used to refer to thisAct or otherActs ofCongress herein specified. (8) The term "capital project" means (A) any physical public betterment or improvement and any preliminary studies and surveys relative thereto; (B) the acquisition of property of a permanent nature; or (C) the purchase of equip- ment for any public betterment or improvement when first erected or acquired. (9) The term "pending", when applied to any capital project, means authorized but not yet completed. (10) The term "District revenues" means all funds derived from taxes, fees, charges, and miscellaneous receipts, including all annual Federal pay- ments to the District authorized by law, and from the sale of bonds. (11) The term "election", unless the context otherwise provides, means an election held pursuant to the provisions of this Act. (12) The terms "publish" and "publication", unless otherwise specifically provided herein, mean publication in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in the District. (13) The term "District of Columbia courts" means the Superior Court of the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia Court ofAppeals. (14) The term "resources" means revenues, balances, revolving funds, funds realized from borrowing, and the District share of Federal grant programs. (15) The term "budget" means the entire request for appropriations and loan or spending authority for all activities of all agencies of the District financed from all existing or proposed resources and shall include both operating and capital expenditures. — TITLE GOVERNMENTAL REORGANIZATION II REDEVELOPMENT LAND AGENCY Sec. 201. The District of Columbia Redevelopment Act of 1945 (D.C. Code, — sees. 5-701 5-719) is amended as follows: (a) Subsection (a) of section 4 of such Act (D.C. Code, sec. 5-703(a)) is amended to read as follows: "(a) The District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency is hereby established as an instrumentality ofthe District ofColumbia government, and shall be composed of five members appointed by the Commissioner of the District of Columbia (hereinafter referred to as the 'Commissioner'), with the advice and consent of the Council of the District of Columbia (hereinafter referred to as the 'Council'). The Commissioner shall name one member as chairman. No more than two members may be officers of the District of Columbia government. Each member shall serve for a term offive years except that of the members first appointed under this section, one shall serve for a term of one year, one shall serve for a term of two years, one shall serve for a term ofthree years, one shall serve for a term offour years, and one shall serve for a term of five years, as designated by the Commissioner. The terms of the 4

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