DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SESSION LAW SERVICE LETTER 2012 LEGISLATIVE HIGHLIGHTS A noncumulative summary of significant legislation contained in this pamphlet of general interest to the legal profession prepared especially for District of Columbia Legislative Service by the editorial staff of West, a Thomson Reuters business. Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Compre hensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011 Law 19-124 establishes an ethics board to administer and enforce the District of Columbia's Code of Conduct. Health Benefit Exchange Authority Establishment Act of 2011 . Law 19-94 enables individuals and small employers to find affordable and easier-to understand health insurance. Military Parents' Child Custody and Visitation Rights Act of 2012 Law 19-110 enacts a new section that allows deploying parents to request an expedited hearing for the purpose of obtaining a temporary child custody or visitation order. Old Naval Hospital Real Property Tax Exemption Act of 2012 Law 19-116 exempts property held by a specified nonprofit corporation from property taxes. . Uniform Collaborative Law Act of 2012 Law 19-125 provides a statutory basis for an alternative dispute resolution procedure by which civil law disputes may be resolved expeditiously without the expense of litigation. * I DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SESSION LAW SERVICE 2012 19TH COUNCIL PERIOD Convened January 2, 2011 Laws 19-94 to 19.:...119, 19-121 to' 19-126 , . . 'i ~ . I, EMERGENCY ACTS January 3, 2012 to April 10, 2012 TABLES AND INDEX A Thomson Reuters business Mat #41145460 f, \ COPYRIGHT © 2012 By Thomson Reuters This publication was created to provide you with accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered; however, this publication was not necessarily prepared by persons licensed to practice law in a particular jurisdiction. The publisher is nat. engaged in renderiilg legal ar. other professional. advice, .and this publication is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal or other expert advice, you s'houid seek the services of a competent attorney or other professional. West's and Westlaw are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SESSION LAW SERVICE is a trademark of West Publishing Corporation. * R~CYCLED P~PER' PRINTED ON 10% POST CONSUMER PREFACE'. District of Columbia Session Law Service supplies prompt and ready access to the laws of the District through a series of pamphlets issued during each period of the Council. Speed and accuracy in presenting to you recently enacted· Acts are two important features of this service. District of Columbia Session Law Service includes editorial features such as a summary of current legislation of general interest to the legal profession prepared for the District of Columbia Session Law Service by the editorial staff of West. At the back of this Pamphlet are Tables reflecting the effect of the Laws and Emergency Acts of the 19th Council Session passed during 2012. An Index follows the Tables at the end of the pamphlet that reliably aids in locating desired material. D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed. § 1-206.02 places limitations upon the authority of the District Council to pass legislation. All acts are subject to Congressional review before becoming effective law unless the Council determines that emer gency circumstances require that an act take effect immediately. The Congres sional review period is 30 Congressional days except the review period for acts involving Titles 22, 23, and 24 is 60 Congressional days. . Permanent acts become effective upon completion of mandatory Congressional review and then are assigned D.C. Law numbers. Permanent acts remain in effect until repealed or amended. Temporary acts become effective upon completion of mandatory Congressional review and then are assigned D.C. Law numbers. Temporary acts remain in effect for 225 days. Emergency acts become immediately effective upon approval of the Mayor (and the Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance authority during a control year). Emergency acts are not subject to Congressional review, are never assigned D.C. Law numbers, and are effective for 90 days. The material contained in the pamphlets will be edited and incorporated in the annual cumulative pocket parts for the District of Columbia Official Code. WESTLAW DC-LEGIS The District of Columbia Session Law Service is also available on Westlaw in DC-LEGIS. The DC-LEGIS database includes Emergency Acts, Temporary Laws and Permanent Laws. DC-LEGIS provides instant access to updated information on the status of existing sections of the District of Columbia Official Code as well as a means to quickly search for new sections. By running a word search in the DC-LEGIS V PREFACE database, amendments, repeals and new legislation are all readily available to the Westlaw researcher. For currentness information and seax.c]:l tips, regarding the DC-LEGIS data base use (i) icon. For more information,' cOnsult the Westlaw manual. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR RESEARCH ASSISTANCE For a,dditiOl}al inform~tipIl,,,Qr re~,~.a.;.cp. a~sista,p.ce call,the Westleference attorners at 17800-REFc;ATTY (~T~OO7:7?3,,:,~889) .. 9qn"~§lc~ 'Ye~t~sEditorial py Departme:p.t directly wi~4 Y9:ur quest~ops. and sugg~~tions e-mail at [email protected]. Visit, West's home Piig~:at west.thomson.com. ·5 THE PUBLIS~)I July, 2012 .. , .: n' " " . I .. ~ -" .' " ., ' I· :,';' :f- \' '- 0 ',; , 'i VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Page District of Columbia Session Law Service Letter ----------------___________ I Preface ----------------------------------------------------_- -----------------__ -_- _- --__ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ V Laws in this Pamphlet ------------------------------------------------______ ---___________ IX Emergency Acts in this Pamphlet------------_______________________________________ XI Officials of the District of Columbia--------_______________________________________ XIII Permanent and Temporary Laws-------------_______________________________________ 1 Emergency Acts ---------------------------------------__________________ -___ __ ______________ _ 105 Tables 1. Mfected Sections-Laws __________________________________________________________ Tl-1 2. Mfected Sections-Emergency Acts ----_______________________________________ T2-1 Index ----------------------------------------------____ -----_______ ---_ __ __________ ____ ____________ 1-1 * VII ',t! .;~; (' LAWS IN THIS PAMPHLET Law citations are to this pamphlet only. For other materials included in this service, consult same table in other pamphlets. Law 9/11 Memorial Grove Dedication Act of 2012 -------------------------------___________________ _ 19-114 Board of Elections and Ethics Electoral Process Improvement Temporary Amendment Act of 2012--------------____________________________________ ------___________________ _ 19-101 Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and Comprehen- sive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011------------------------------------------------ 19-124 Board of Medicine Membership and Licensing Amendment Act of 2012-------------- 19-104 Captive Insurance Company Amendment Act of 2012 --------------------------------------- 19-103 Commission on Mrican-American Mfairs Establishment Act of 2012 _________________ _ 19-106 District Department of Transportation Omnibus Temporary Amendment Act of 2012 ______ -__ -----------____ -----------------________ ----------------------------------______ -------------- 19-97 District of Columbia Government Comprehensive Merit Personnel Amendment Act of 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-115 District of Columbia Public Schools and Public Charter School Student Residen- cy Fraud Prevention Amendment Act of 2012 ------_______________________________________ _ 19-126 Glover Park Community Center Designation Act of 2012 --------------___________________ _ 19-108 Green Building Compliance Temporary Amendment Act of 2012----___________________ _ 19-99 Health Benefit Exchange Authority Establishment Act of 2011------___________________ _ 19-94 Historic Property Improvement Notification Amendment Act of 2012---------------- 19-123 Human Rights Service of Process Amendment Act of 2012 ------------------------------- 19-112 Lillian A. Gordon Water Play Area and Park Designation Act of 2012---------------- 19-117 Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Amendment Act of 2012 ---------------------- 19-111 Medical Marijuana Cultivation Center and Dispensary Locations Temporary Amendment Act of 2012---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19-122 Military Parents' Child Custody and Visitation Rights Act of 2012 -___________________ _ 19-110 Oak Hill Conservation Easement Act of 2012 ------------------------------------------------- 19-113 Old Naval Hospital Real Property Tax Exemption Act of 2012 --------------------------- 19-116 Paul Washington Way Designation Act of 2012 ----------------------------___________________ _ 19-107 Presidential Primary Ballot Access Temporary Amendment Act of 2012------------- 19-95 Processing Sales Tax Clarification Second Temporary Amendment Act of 2012 --- 19-98 Public Notice of Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Recommendations Amend- ment Act of 2012 -------------------------------------------------------------------_________________ _ 19-102 Retirement Distribution Withholding Temporary Act of 2012 --------------------------- 19-100 Rev. Dr. Jerry A. Moore, Jr. Commemorative Plaza Designation Act of 2012-------- 19-109 Southwest Duck Pond Designation Act of 2012--------_______________________________________ _ 19-105 Streetscape Reconstruction Temporary Act of 2012 ----------------------------------------- 19-121 Unemployment Compensation Federally Funded Extended Benefits Maximiza- tion Temporary Amendment Act of 2012 -------------_______________________________________ _ 19-96 Uniform Collaborative Law Act of 2012 --------------------------------------------------------- 19-125 William O'Neal Lockridge Memorial Library at Bellevue Designation Act of 2012 19-119 Willie Wood Way Designation Act of 2012 ------------------------------------------------------- 19-118 IX ",,'/ i' "i' , , " " , i : i ~-;' ::) , 'I t :.': "dr.;u,~ ..; ':, ;.:; .1.., t ~ f 1 i J , J , :,~ ~~'-)"i '- ;!,). ~ j~ ~ ~'';'\~