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20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 1 www.MuscleMonsters.com PDF

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20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 1 www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 2 Copyright Notice Published By: Alain Gonzalez Orlando Fl, 32825 Copyright © 2013 All material in this guide is, unless otherwise stated, the property of Alain Gonzalez. Copyright and other intellectual property laws protect these materials. Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of the copyright holder, is a violation of copyright law. www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 3 Warning/Disclaimer All the information presented in " 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers" is for educational and resource purposes only. It is not a substitute for or an addition to any advice given to you by your physician or health care provider. Consult your physician before making any changes to your lifestyle, diet, or exercise habits. You are solely responsible for the way information in " 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers" is perceived and utilized and so, you do so at your own risk. In no way will Alain Gonzalez or any persons associated with " 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers" be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of this book or the advice contained within. www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 4 Table Of Contents Introduction Page 5 Chest Workout Crushers Page 6 Back Workout Crushers Page 10 Leg Workout Crushers Page 14 Shoulder Workout Crushers Page 21 Arm Workout Crushers Page 23 www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 5 Introduction As a fitness coach, I am pretty confident in knowing that my students are NOT just in the gym going through the motions. I am certain that they are however, killing’ it in there (the gym). But let’s not assume that just because we are pushing ourselves to our KNOWN limits that we are completely exhausting our energy stores, torching our every last muscle fiber, and setting ourselves up for maximum growth potential. You see, a lot of the time 95% can seem like 100%. Unfortunately, sometimes that last 5% can make or break our progress. In this guide you will find 20 insane ways to crush your workouts and ensure you are hitting that 100% mark and overcoming our anabolic threshold. These methods are not secrets but they are however, extremely underutilized. Do you want to make sure you are giving it all you’ve got in the gym? Are you ready to torture your muscles to surpass your anabolic threshold? Most importantly, do you have what it takes to force your body to lay down new muscle? Then include one of these anabolic workout crushers to the end of every workout and start leaving the gym knowing you gave it your absolute max effort. Each anabolic workout crusher will be associated with a particular muscle group. Use the appropriate finisher technique accordingly. www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 6 Chest Workout Crushers The Fly and Press For this workout crusher you will need an adjustable bench. Start off with the bench inclined at 45 degrees and using a weight you can normally flye for 12-15 reps. Perform a set of many (reps) chest flyes as you can. Once you’ve reached failure on the chest flyes, do a set of dumbbell presses immediately after. Once you’ve reached failure on the dumbbell presses, take a 5-10 second rest and lower the angle of the incline by one notch. Then go through the same exercises and rep scheme again (using the same weight). Continue this process until you have set the bench to flat and you’ve reached failure on the dumbbell presses. Note: If you were able to perform more than 20 reps on the first set, you’ve gone too light. If you performed less than 8 reps on the first set, you’ve gone too heavy. www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 7 Ultimate Chest Burn-Out Start off with 10 reps of barbell bench press using a moderate weight. Typically a weight that you could normally push for about 12-15 reps would be ideal. Perform 10 reps using a controlled negative (3 seconds on the eccentric). Immediately following the bench press, hit the floor for a set of 10 pushups. After you have completed your 10 pushups, go back to the bench press and go for another set of 10. If you cannot reach 10 reps at any point, simply stop at muscular failure. Once you have completed another 10 reps (or failure) on the bench, head back to the floor for another 10 pushups. Repeat this 3-5 times and you can walk out of the gym knowing that you killed your chest workout. Ultimate Chest Burn-Out Bench Press x 10 reps Pushups x 10 Bench Press x 10 (or muscular failure) Pushups x 10 (or muscular failure) Bench Press x 10 (or muscular failure) Pushups x 10 (or muscular failure) Bench Press x 10 (or muscular failure) Pushups x 10 (or muscular failure) Bench Press x 10 (or muscular failure) Pushups x 10 (or muscular failure) Done www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 8 Note: There should be no rest between the bench press and push up super-set. Rest no longer than 0-10 seconds when moving from the pushups back into the bench press. Also, feel free to decrease the weight on the bench press in order to finish this workout. Lastly, make sure to have a spotter present to avoid injury. www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 9 100 REP Chest Challenge This anabolic workout crusher will be performed on the bench press using a light weight. The weight should be light enough for you to perform at least 20 reps and you will need a spotter for this one. Start off by busting out 20 reps on the bench press using a 2:0:1:0 rep tempo. Rest for 1 minute and hit the bench for another 20 reps. Naturally your muscles will start to fatigue and you will need assistance in order to complete that many (20) reps so have a spotter available to ensure you reach your 20 repetitions. Continue this for 5 sets and you will have reached 100 total reps. Use this finisher regularly and challenge yourself to eventually perform all 100 reps without the help of a spotter. 100 REP Chest Challenge Bench Press 135 lbs x 20 reps 1 minute rest Bench Press 135 lbs x 20 reps 1 minute rest Bench Press 135 lbs x 20 reps 1 minute rest Bench Press 135 lbs x 20 reps 1 minute rest Bench Press 135 lbs x 20 reps 100 Reps Complete! www.MuscleMonsters.com 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers 10 Back Workout Crushers Rest-Pause Action Head over to the seated row machine for some rest-pause action. Start with a weight that you consider moderate to heavy. Note: If you fail at fewer than 8 reps starting out, go lighter. If you can do more than 20, add weight. Do seated rows until you achieve failure, and then count to five. Immediately, do as many more reps as you can, using the same weight. Once you reach failure for the second time, lower your poundage by 25 percent. For example, if you start with 100 pounds, drop to 75. Then change the weight, count to 5 again and resume lifting. Once you reach failure, count to five again and then go for more reps with the same weight. Now you've reached failure for the second time with the second weight. Lower the weight by another 25 %, which puts you at 50 pounds. Take 5 seconds and keep going. www.MuscleMonsters.com

All the information presented in " 20 Anabolic Workout Crushers" is for . Use this finisher regularly and challenge yourself to eventually perform all 100 .. This arm intensifier is easiest performed at (but not limited to) the cable
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