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Preview 2-loop Functional Renormalization for elastic manifolds pinned by disorder in N dimensions

2-loop Functional Renormalization for elastic manifolds pinned by disorder in N dimensions Pierre Le Doussal and Kay J¨org Wiese CNRS-Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique de l’Ecole Normale Sup´erieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France. (Dated: February 2, 2008) 5 0 WestudyelasticmanifoldsinaN-dimensionalrandompotentialusingfunctionalRG.Weextend 0 to N > 1 our previous construction of a field theory renormalizable to two loops. For isotropic 2 disorder with O(N) symmetry we obtain the fixed point and roughness exponent to next order in n ǫ=4−d,wheredistheinternaldimension ofthemanifold. Extrapolation tothedirectedpolymer a limit d=1 allows some handle on thestrong coupling phase of theequivalent N-dimensional KPZ J growth equation, and eventually suggests an uppercritical dimension du ≈2.5. 3 1 Disordered elastic systems are under extensive study fourloop)onlyforthetoy-modellimitd=0,N =1[22]. ] both theoretically and experimentally. They are of in- A case where ambiguities have been resolved from first n terest for a number of physical systems, such as CDW principles at T = 0 to 2-loop order, is the N = 1 depin- n [1], flux lattices [2, 3], wetting on disordered substrates ning transition [16, 18]. Finally, the FRG has also been - s [4], and magnetic interfaces [5], where the interplay be- solved in the large-N limit [20]. Its solution reproduces, i d tween the internal order and the quenched disorder of apparently with no ambiguity, the main results from the . the substrate produces pinned phases with non-trivial replica-symmetry-breakingsaddle point of Ref. [25], and t a roughness and glassy features [6]. Typically they are de- also underlies the importance of specifying the system m scribedbyelasticobjects,withinternald-dimensionalco- preparation [20]. - ordinate x, parameterized by a N-component height, or d In the more difficult case of the statics within the displacement field u(x). Analytical methods are scarce, n d = 4−ǫ expansion, detailed analysis to two and three o anddevelopingafield-theoreticaldescriptionposesacon- loops [16, 19, 26] for the case of N = 1 have suggested c siderable challenge. One reason is that naive perturba- several methods to construct a renormalizable field the- [ tive methods fail, technically due to the breakdown of ory. These methods give a unique finite β-function, with the dimensional reduction phenomenon [7], and physi- 1 non-trivial anomalous terms. This β-function satisfies v cally because describing the multiple energy minima in the potentiality constraint, with anomalous terms dis- 5 a glassseems to containsome non-perturbative features. tinctfromthose atdepinning, andafixedpointwiththe 1 One subset of these problems, the directed polymer (i.e. same linear cusp non-analyticity as to one loop, hence 3 d=1)inarandompotential,mapsontotheKPZgrowth confirming the consistency of the picture. 1 problem, well known to exhibit a strong coupling phase, 0 The aim of this paper is to extend these methods to which is out of reach of standard perturbative methods 5 the N-component model. We show how an extended β- 0 [8]. It is thus important to obtain a field-theoretical de- function can be obtained and point out the specific fea- / scription of this phase, since the value and even the ex- t turesofthecaseN >1. ForthecaseofO(N)-symmetric a istence of its upper critical dimension is still a matter of m considerable debate [9, 10]. disorderwecomputethefixedpointandroughnessexpo- nent ζ to next order in ǫ=4−d, where d is the internal - d One method which holds promise to tackle this class dimension of the manifold. We then study the extrapo- n of problems is the functional renormalization group lations to the directed polymer limit d = 1, and discuss o (FRG). Although it was introduced long ago, within a thevariousscenariosforthestrongcouplingphaseofthe c 1-loop Wilson scheme [12, 13, 14], it is, not so sur- equivalent N-dimensional KPZ growth equation. In one : v prisingly, hampered with difficulties, and only recently of them, a value for the upper critical dimension is esti- i attempts have been made to push the method further mated. X [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. The main problem is We consider the model for an elastic N-component r that the effective action at zero temperature becomes a manifold non-analytic at a finite scale, the Larkin scale, where metastability appears. Although fixed points are acces- 1 sible in a d=4−ǫ expansion, non-analyticity results in H= ddx (∇u)2+V(x,u) (1) apparent ambiguities in the renormalized perturbation Z 2 theory at T = 0 [16, 19]. These problems are absent at T > 0 [23, 24] (at least at leading order and for N = 1) in a random potential with second cumulant but since temperature is dangerously irrelevant, the fi- V(x,u)V(x′,u′) = δd(x − x′)R(u − u′), where u = ui nite temperature description is rather complicated [21]. is a N-component vector. We derive general equations, Until now, it has lead to a complete first-principle solu- and later focus on the O(N) isotropic case, noting tion of ambiguities (and calculation of the β-function to R(u)=h(r)withr=|u|. Introducingreplicasweobtain 2 the replicated action: a= Rab = Tδab b 2T2 k2+m2 Hn = ddx 1 (∇u )2− 1 R(u −u ) (2) α β T Z 2T a 2T2 a b Xa Xab We now carry perturbation theory in the disorder and a b c d e f computethe one-loopandtwo-loopcorrectionstotheef- fective action Γ[u]. We use the usual power counting of the T = 0 theory, identical to the case N = 1. Infrared g h i j k l divergencesford=4−ǫonlyoccurinthe2-replicaterm, whichatzeromomentumdefines the renormalizeddisor- m n p q der;thereisnocorrectiontothesinglereplicaterm. The graphical rules are depicted in Fig. 1. We use functional FIG.1: Graphicalrules,oneloopandtwoloopdiagrammatic diagrams,andmass regularization. The method and no- corrections to thedisorder tationsareidenticalto[19], towhichwereferfor details. Here we only stress the differences with the case N =1. The 1-loop correction to disorder (graphs α and β in The property of renormalizability amounts to cancella- Fig. 2) reads: tion of the 1/ǫ poles between the two last terms in (5) using I˜= Nd and I˜ − 1I˜2 = N2(1 +O(ǫ0)) [16]. The δ1R(u)= 1[∂ijR(u)]2−∂ijR(0)∂ijR(u) I . (3) β-function (ǫ5) is obtAaine2d from (d3),4ǫ(4) and (7) as: (cid:18)2 (cid:19) 1 Summation over repeated indices is implicit everywhere, −m∂ R(u)=ǫR(u)+ [∂ R(u)]2−∂ R(0)∂ R(u) and I = G2 = m−ǫI˜with G =(k2+m2)−1. We de- m 2 ij ij ij fine the dRikmeknsionless functionkδ1(R) := mǫδ1R (recog- +(∂ R(u)−∂ R(0)) 1∂ R(u)∂ R(u)−α (8) ij ij ikl jkl ij nizable by the parenthesis around the argument R). For h2 i later use we also denote the bilinear form δ1(R,R) := The cancellation works perfectly for the normal parts. δ1(R). This yields the standard 1-loop FRG equations, Anomalous parts, to which we turn now, produce the recalledbelow,and ∂ R developsa cusp non-analyticity ij last term. at u = 0 beyond the Larkin length scale L . For the c We start with the anomalous part of the repeated O(N) model one has ∂ R = h′δ + uˆ uˆ (h′′ − h′) = ij r ij i j r counter-term: h′′(0)δ + 1h′′′(0)r(δ +uˆ uˆ )+O(r2) and thus h′′′(0) ij 2 ij i j becomes non-zero at Lc (uˆ=u/|u|). δa1,1(R)=−(µij +νij)∂ijR(u)I˜2 , (9) The 2-loopcorrections to disorder can be decomposed into a “normal” part, which is the complete result when where we denote the limits of small argument v →0: R(u) is analytic [15], and an “anomalous” part which arises from non-analyticity. The normal part reads: µij :=∂iklR(v)∂jklR(v)|v→0 (10) δ2R(u)=(∂ R(u)−∂ R(0))∂ R(u)∂ R(u)I (4) νij :=∂ijklR(v)(∂klR(v)−∂klR(0))|v→0 (11) n ij ij ikl jkl A + 1∂ R(u)(∂ R(u)−∂ R(0))(∂ R(u)−∂ R(0)) I2. which, in general, are direction dependent. For a O(N) ijkl ik ik jl jl h2 i model, the third derivative tensor: The first line stems from diagrams b and a of Fig. 1 re- ∂ R(v)=A(r)(δ vˆ +δ vˆ +δ vˆ)+B(r)vˆvˆ vˆ (12) spectively and the second from g,h,i,j. One has I = ijk ij k ik j kj i i j k A k1,k2Gk1Gk2G2k1+k2 =m−2ǫI˜Aandwedenoteinanalogy withvˆ=v/|v|,A(r)=(rh′′−h′)/r2 andB(r)=(r2h′′′− tRo δ1(R) the dimensionless function δ(2)(R) := m2ǫδ2R. 3rh′′+3h′)/r2,hasavˆ-dependentsmallv limit(12)with The FRG β-function is then: A(0)=−B(0)=h′′′(0)/2. This yields: −m∂mR|R0 =ǫ[R+δ1(R)+2δ2(R)−δ1,1(R)] , (5) µ =h′′′(0)2(1δ + N +1vˆvˆ ) (13) ij ij i j where the repeated 1-loop counter-term δ1,1(R) := 2 4 2δ1(R,δ1(R,R)) arises when reexpressing the bare dis- and, similarly one finds ν = N+1h′′′(0)2(δ −vˆvˆ ). order R in (2), in terms of the dimensionless renormal- ij 4 ij i j 0 Let us first superficially examine the structure of the ized one,defined as mǫR, as detailed in [19]. From(3) it 2-loop graphs, following the discussion in [19]. As for reads: N = 1, one can discard c = d = 0 from parity and δ1,1(R)=[(∂ R−∂ R(0))∂ δ1(R) similarly set m+n = 0 and p+q = 0. One can then ij ij ij write: −∂ δ1(R)| ∂ R]I˜2 (6) ij u=0 ij ∂ δ1(R)=∂ R(∂ R−∂ R(0))+∂ R∂ R (7) δ(2)(R)=−(µ˜ I˜ +ν˜ I˜2)∂ R(u) (14) ij ijkl kl kl ikl jkl a ij A ij ij 3 wherethefirsttermcomesfromgraphse(moreproperly, N ζ1 ζ10 ζ2 ζ20 from the sum of all graphs a to f) and the second from 1 0.2082980 0.2 0.0068573 0 graphsk+l (from the sum ofgraphsito l). Globalcan- 2 0.1765564 0.166667 0.17655636 -0.00555556 cellationofthe1/ǫpoleintheβ-functionworksprovided 2.5 0.1634803 0.153846 -0.000417 -0.00782058 µ˜ +2ν˜ =µ +ν . This then produces α =µ˜ /2in ij ij ij ij ij ij the FRG equation above. 3 0.1519065 0.142857 -0.0029563 -0.00971817 We can now use the methods introduced in [19] to an- 4.5 0.1242642 0.117647 -0.009386 -0.013583 alyzethetotal2-loopcontributiontotheeffectiveaction, 6 0.1043517 0.1 -0.0135901 -0.0155556 includingpossiblyambiguousgraphs. Onefirstcomputes 8 0.0856120 0.0833333 -0.0162957 -0.016572 Γ[u] in a region of u where no ambiguity is present, us- 10 0.0725621 0.0714286 -0.016942 -0.0166517 ing excluded replica sums, and constraints valid in the 12.5 0.0610692 0.0606061 -0.0165154 -0.0161654 zero-temperature theory (the so-called sloop elimination 15 0.0528216 0.0526316 -0.01564 -0.0154217 method, Section V.B in [19]). One finds that extraction 17.5 0.046595 0.0465116 -0.0147 -0.014608 of the 2-replica part yields µ˜ = µ and 2ν˜ = ν , ij ij ij ij i.e. it works as for N = 1. This is equivalent to renor- 20 0.0417 0.0416667 -0.0138 -0.013804 malizability diagram by diagram, and thus it satisfies 0.2 0.01 the global renormalizability condition. The background 0.005 0.15 method also yields that result ([19], Section V.C). The 5 10 15 20 end result for the β-function, α =µ , although unam- 0.1 -0.005 ij ij biguousforN =1,needsfurtherspecificationforN >1, 0.05 -0.01 since the limit in (13) is direction dependent. -0.015 5 10 15 20 Another important consideration for the resulting β- function is the issue of the “super-cusp”. For N = 1 it FIG. 2: Numerical results for the exponents ζ1 and ζ2 for wasfound that the β-function is suchthat the cuspnon- ′′ different values of N (top). Numerical plots of ζ1(N) (bot- analyticity of R (u) at u = 0 does not become worse at tom/left) andζ2(N)(bottom/right),inbluewiththenumer- twoloops. Thatbyitselfconstraintstheamplitudeofthe ical values from the table as dots. The red curves (no dots) anomalousterm, since any other choice yields a stronger represent the asymptotic expansion. singularity[28]. Wenowpointoutthatifv andu,in(9), (10), (14), are colinear, i.e. µ (v)=µ (u) then there is ij ij originanddecaysto0atinfinityfasterthanapowerlaw, no super-cusp. Indeed the result: thus corresponding to short range (SR) disorder. Find- 1 ingthe associatedζ =ζ ǫ+ζ ǫ2+O(ǫ3)is aneigenvalue α (uˆ)= lim ∂ R(ruˆ)∂ R(ruˆ) (15) 1 2 ij r→02 ikl jkl problem, which has to be solved order by order in ǫ fol- obviouslyyieldscancellationofthelinearterminuin(8) lowing[16,18,19]. Ourresultsforζ1 andζ2 aregivenon (although it is not the only possibility [27]). Colinearity Fig. 2. Although for SR disorder no analytical expres- of v = ua −uc and u = ua −ub is natural if one com- sion can be found for ζ1 and ζ2, their large-N behavior putes the effective action in a background configuration canbeobtainedfromanasymptoticanalysisof(16). Let breaking the rotational symmetry, which appears to be us extend the analysis of Balents and Fisher (BF) [13]. required for the present theory to hold. Define h=1/Nhˆ, y =r2/2 and hˆ(r)=Q(y). For y ≫1 We now specialize to the O(N) model. Starting from the FRG equation can be linearized: (8) and further rescaling h(r) → m−4ζh(rmζ), using ζ ′ ′′ ′′ ′′′ (ǫ−2ζ)Q +2ζyQ −(A+3B)Q −2ByQ =0 (17) we obtainthe followingFRG flow-equationto two loops: −m∂mh(r)=(ǫ−4ζ)h(r)+ζrh′(r) with A = (1 − N1)Q′0 + N4N−21hˆ′′′(0)2 and B = N1Q′0 + 1 N+3ˆh′′′(0)2, hˆ′′(0) = Q′(0) = Q′. BF noted that there + h′′(r)2−h′′(0)h′′(r) 8N2 0 2 is an overlapping region 1 ≫ y ≫ N where the solution N −1h′(r) h′(r) can also be found perturbatively by expansion in 1/N, ′′ + −2h (0) yielding for Q a pure exponential. It is indeed an exact 2 r (cid:18) r (cid:19) solutionof(17),withauniquevalueforζ ,theBFresult 1 1 + (h′′(r)−h′′(0)) h′′′(r)2 ζ1 ≈ ζ10 with ζ10 = 1/(4+N) (i.e. the result from the 2 replica variational method [25]). The corrections (which N−1(h′(r)−rh′′(r))2(2h′(r)+r(h′′(r)−3h′′(0))) arise from the neglected non-linear terms) are shown to + 2 r5 be exponentially small; a more accurate estimate being N +3 N −1h′(r) ζ ≈ζ1 withζ1 =ζ0+(N+2)2/(N+4)22−(N+2)/2/(4e). −h′′′(0)2 h′′(r)+ . (16) 1 1 1 1 (cid:20) 8 4 r (cid:21) To next order we find similarly the approximation to ζ2 [29]: where the last line arises from the anomalous term (15). ThisFRGequationadmitsforanyN anon-trivialattrac- (N2−1)(2+N) tive fixed point such that h′′(r) has a linear cusp at the ζ20 =−2(4+N)3(3+N) , (18) 4 where we havenotattempted to estimate further correc- tions, presumably again exponentially small at large N. We note that ζ0 arises from the anomalous terms only. 2 [1] G. Gru¨ner, Rev. Mod. Phys. 60, 1129 (1988). A. Rosso These estimatesarelistedandplottedonFig.2together and T. Giamarchi, Phys.Rev.B 70, 224204 (2004). with the numerical solution of (16). The quality of the [2] G. Blatter et al., Rev.Mod. 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[27] For the O(N) model one must have α = αδ +βuˆ uˆ 0.4 ij ij i j and the absence of super-cusp reads α(1+N)+2β = 1+Nh′′′(0)2. 2 0.2 [28] An alternative scenario is that a non-linear cusp with 1-loop dimension-dependent exponent develops, e.g. h′′(r) ∼ 2-loop direct Pade r1+Aǫ. It may require deviations from the simplest sce- N nario of a uniform density of shocks of codimension one. 5 10 15 20 [29] Weusethe1-looprelation(ǫ−2ζ)h′′(0)+N+3h′′′(0)2 =0. 4N [30] Note that theUV-cutoffof theRSOSmodel in [10] is in FIG.3: Resultsfortheroughnessζ at1-and2-looporder,as the middleof thescaling plots for high dimensions. a function of the numberof components N. Weboth show a direct extrapolation and thePade (1,1): ζPade = 1−ǫǫζζ21/ζ1.

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