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1hukkam by Abu cAbd Allah Muhammad b. cAbd Allah al-Yaf PDF

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Preview 1hukkam by Abu cAbd Allah Muhammad b. cAbd Allah al-Yaf

A Study and Edition of al-Tanblh wa 'liclam fi mustafadi ’l-qudati wa '1 hukkam by Abu cAbd Allah Muhammad b. cAbd Allah al-Yafranl al-Miknasi (d.917/1511) Submitted by Me hemed Mo hamed Twebti To the University of London as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Early Islamic History in the Faculty of School of Oriental and African Studies October 2002 ProQuest Number: 10672721 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10672721 Published by ProQuest LLC(2017). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 2 Abstract of Thesis This is a study and an edition of al-Tanbih wal-iclam IT mustafadi Tl-qudati wa 1-hukkam by Abu cAbd Allah Muhammad b. cAbd Allah al-Yafranl known as al-qadl al-Miknasi(d.917/1511), a Moroccan scholar living in Fes during the last stages of the Merinid dynasty. The work is composed of two main parts: The first represents an editorial introduction in which a detailed study has been made in order to bring to light both the author and his book, focusing on the author’s identity including his lineage as well as his scholarly life and career. In addition, we have set up a general picture of the political and intellectual environment in Morocco during the author's life time. With regard to the primary text, our study has sought to provide a description of the manuscript copies, a brief overview of the subject matter, and a consideration of the structure of the text and its sources from Maliki Ilqh. We have also aimed to consider the author’s treatment of his chosen topics. Observations of the edited work and some features of its importance as a contribution to the Malikif iqh field are also offered. The general footnotes to the Arabic text, made in English along with the glossary of legal terms and phrases, and a bibliography are provided in this section. 3 The second section is comprised of the primary text al-Tanbih wa 1- i°l am which has been transcribed into typed form to make it more accessible to the reader, but remains in keeping with the original structure of the text. It is numbered in Arabic numerals and includes editorial footnotes which mark the differences between the manuscript copies. Chapters and sub chapters are clearly outlined, while indices of Qur’anic verses, prophetic traditions, persons and geographical names are located at the end of this section. 4 Table of Contents Section I INTRODUCTION 8 CHAPTER I 8 The Author 8 CHAPTER E 53 Political life in the Maghrib during al-Miknasf s Era 5 3 CHAPTER JR 77 Intellectual life in the Maghrib during al-Miknasf s Era 77 CHAPTER IV 102 The book of al-Taiiblh wa'l-iclam 102 Notes of the Arabic text 127 Glossary of legal terms and phrases of the Arabic text 282 Bibliography 301 Section II The Arabic text 5 Acknowledgements I am veiy fortunate to have received consistent support from three sources. Firstly my sincerest thanks goes to Professor G. R. Hawting for his expertise, attention and guidance. His careful critique has been invaluable and is most highly appreciated. I would also like to extend my appreciation to members of my family who have offered enthusiasm along side technical support for this work. My deepest gratitude is owed equally to those many friends who bestowed their encouragement in abundance. Dr Muhammad al-Maguz is owed particular attention for his unfailing generosity of spirit in making himself and his resources available. M. M. Twebti (al-Thuwaybitl) 6 NOTE ON DIACRITICS The reader will notice that transliterated terms in italics may appear to have an unusual pattern of spacing where diacritics have been used, for example; us ul, furuc, nawazil, fat aw a, fuqaha\ This is due to an unavoidable characteristic of the word processing system on which this thesis was compiled. Abbreviations of the manuscript copies The British Library, ms. The Tunisian National Library, ms. The General Library, Rabat, ms. I . The General Library, Rabat, ms. II. The Escorial Library, ms. INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I The Author The identity of al-Qadi al-MiknasI There are two different sources from which we can ascertain the identity of al-Qadi al-Miknasi The first source is the book which is herewith presented; al-Tanblh wa 'l-icramfi mustafadi 1-qudati wa'l-hukkhm, and the second source is the information about al- Miknasi which is reported in some biographical works. Regarding the author’s name as presented at the beginning of the primary text, all of the five manuscripts in use in this study identify him under an identical name; Abu cAbd Allah Muhammad b. cAbd Allah b. Muhammad al-Yafranl known as al-Qadi al-Miknasi. This indicates that the author had identified himself at the beginning of his work al- Tanbih as was the practice of authors during al- Miknasf s time. Accordingly, we can use this source to settle any differences which occur between the biographers who have used vaiying names, as will become evident during the investigation of the biographical works. 9 As for the biographers, there is some controversy between them about the author’s identity. Most of the biographers identify him as Abu cAbd Allah Muhammad b. cAbd Allah b. Muhammad al- Yafranl al-Miknasi known as al-Qadi al-Miknasf which corresponds with the identity given at the beginning of the text.1 One biographer identifies him as Muhammad b. Ahmad b. cAbd Allah al-Yafranl known as al-Miknasf2 but this identity is not supported by the rest of the biographers of al-Miknasi and has been regarded as inaccurate. The ancestry of al-Qadi al-Miknasi With regard to al-Miknasf s ancestry there is some confusion which has been created by misleading information given by some of his biographers who reported that al-Miknasi was a descendant of the jurist Abu T-Hasan cAli b. cAbd al-Rahmanb.Tamim al-Yafranl al- 1 Muhammad b. Muhammd Makhluf, Shajaratal-n ur al-zakiyya fi tabaq at al-m Wkiyya, Beirut, Dar al-Kitab al-cArabI, n.d., 275., hereinafter; Makhluf shojara. cAbd al-Rahmanb. Muhammadb. Zaydm,Ithafaclam al-nas bijam~al akbbar hadirat miknas,Rabat, 1933, HI, 599., hereinafter: Ibn Zaydan, ith af. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. al-Qadi al-Miknasi,Duirat al-liijal fi asm a ' al-rijal, Cairo, Dar al-Turath, 1971, II, 146., hereinafter; Ibn al-Qadi Durra. 2 Ahmad b. Ahmad Aqit Baba,Naylal-ibdhaj bitatnz al-dlbaj, (Beirut, Dar al-Kutubal- cHmiyya, n.d.), 333., hereinafter: Ahmad Baba, Nayl.

thin nib, and because of its compact appearance it is difficult to read. naskh, again using a thin nib with very little space . 9. Muhammad b.
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