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Hindu Websites sorted Alphabetically Sl. No. Website Address Description Broad catergory Reference Country 1 http://18shaktipeetasofdevi.blogspot.com/ 18 Shakti Peethas Goddess India 2 http://18shaktipeetasofdevi.blogspot.in/ 18 Shakti Peethas Goddess India 3 Swami Ramakrishnanada Leader- Spiritual India 4 http://330milliongods.blogspot.in/ A Bouquet of Rose Flowers to My Lord India Lord Ganesh Ji 5 The Hindu Council of Kenya (HCK) Organisation Kenya 6 http://63nayanar.blogspot.in/ 63 Nayanar Lord India 7 Jiva Institute Ayurveda India 8 http://8000drumsoftheprophecy.org/ ISKCON Payers Bhajan Brazil 9 http://aalayam.co.nz/ Ayalam NZ Hindu Temple Society Organisation New Zealand 10 http://aalayamkanden.blogspot.com/2010/11/s Sri Lakshmi Kubera Temple, Temple India ri-lakshmi-kubera-temple.html Rathinamangalam 11 http://aalayamkanden.blogspot.in/ Journey of lesser known temples in Temples Database India India 12 http://aalayamkanden.blogspot.in/2010/10/bra Brahmapureeswarar Temple, Temple India hmapureeswarar-temple-tirupattur.html Tirupattur 13 http://accidentalhindu.blogspot.in/ Hinduism Information Information Trinidad & Tobago 14 http://acharya.iitm.ac.in/sanskrit/tutor.php Acharya Learn Sanskrit through self Sanskrit Education India study 15 http://acharyakishorekunal.blogspot.in/ Acharya Kishore Kunal, Bihar Information India Mahavir Mandir Trust (BMMT) 16 http://acm.org.sg/resource_docs/214_RamayanAn international Conference on Conference Singapore a_conference_abstracts.pdf Ramayana 2010 17 http://ad.pensamedia.org/tansen-sangeet- Tansen Sangeet Mahavidyalaya Education India mahavidyalaya/ 18 http://adikailash.blogspot.in/ Adi Kailash Yatra Pilgrimage India 19 http://adishankara.ac.in/ Adi Shankara Institute of Education India Engineering and Technology 20 http://adityaparwatkar.blogspot.in/ Indian Classical Music Classical Music India 21 http://aduththaveedu.blogspot.in/ Tamil Hindu Information Information India 22 http://adworldupdate.wordpress.com/ Sindhi History Community Singapore 23 http://afemuseums.easia.columbia.edu/cgi- Hindus & Indian Arts Musuem USA bin/museums/search.cgi/topic?topic_id=142 24 http://afghanhindu.wordpress.com/ Afghan Hindus Information Afghanistan 25 http://afghanhindusandsikhs.yuku.com/ Hindus of Afaganistan Information Afghanistan 26 http://agamahindu.com/hindus-in-indonesia/ Hindus in Indonesia Information Indonesia 27 http://agnihotrayajna.blogspot.com/ Bhaktivedanta Academy - Gurukula Education India Mayapur 28 http://agnisoma.wordpress.com/category/veda- Agnisoma's Vedic Information Scripture India vigyan/ 29 http://agniveerfans.wordpress.com/ Agni Veer Organisation India 30 http://ahilyabaiholkar.wordpress.com/ Ahilyabai Holkar Warrior Queen India 31 http://ajawera.blogspot.in/2009_09_01_archiv Hindu Rituals in Bali Culture Indonesia e.html 32 http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.com/? Ajit Vadakayil Movement India 33 http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/ captain Ajit Vadakayil Individual Presence India 34 http://ajourneycalledfaith.blogspot.in/ A Journey Called Faith Information India 35 http://akhilabharatapadmashalisangham.org/ Akhila Bharatha Padmashali Organisation India Sangham 36 http://akhilbharathindumahasabha.blogspot.in/ Akhil Bharat Hindu Mahasabha Organisation India 37 http://alachuatemplelive.blogspot.in/ Alachua Temple Live Temple USA 38 http://alhz-indonesia.blogspot.in/ Training Program on Indonesian Culture Indonesia Hinduism 39 http://all-about-akshardham-delhi.blogspot.in/ Akshardham New Delhi Temple India 40 http://allhindugodgoddess.blogspot.com/ Hindu God Goddess Lord India 41 http://allhindugodgoddess.blogspot.in/ All Hindu Gods & Goddesses Lord India 42 http://allsaivism.tripod.com/ Prayer to Lord Shiva Lord India 43 http://alsohindu.wordpress.com/ Western Hindu Western Hindu USA 44 http://amadiobianchi.blogspot.in/ Blog di Amadio Bianchi Yoga Italy 45 http://amadiobianchi.blogspot.it/ C.Y.Surya Yoga Italy Scuola Internazionale di Yoga e Ayurveda 46 http://amaralingeswaraswamy.blogspot.in/ Amaralingeswara swami Temple, AP Temple India 47 http://amarnath2010.blogspot.in/ Amarnath Yatra Pilgrimage India 48 http://ambalakarar.hpage.com/ Ambalakarar - chiefs of the villages Community India 49 http://ambuja04.wikifoundry.com/ Hindu Information Individual Presence India 50 http://amitabbacchan.blogspot.in/ Amitabh Bachchan Blog by Nitin Individual Presence India Galave 51 http://amitabh-bachchan--blog.blogspot.in/ Amitabh Bachchan Blog Leader India 52 http://amitabhbachhanandme.blogspot.in/ Amitabh Bachchan Blog Individual Presence India 53 http://amritasudish.blogspot.in/ Mantras and Slokas Bhajan India 54 http://amritasudish.blogspot.in/p/hindu- List of Hindu scriptures Scripture India mythology.html 55 http://anamikas.hubpages.com/hub/Mantras- Mantras of Kubera - The God of Information India of-Kubera---The-Wealth-distributing-God Wealth 56 http://anamikas.hubpages.com/hub/Popular- Popular Mantras in Hindu Religion Information India Sanskrit-Mantras-in-Hindu-Religion 57 http://anandakapilagraduateteachers.weebly.co Swami Anandakapila Saraswati (Dr Leader- Spiritual Australia m/ Jonn Mumford) Western Hindu 58 http://anandsp1.wordpress.com/ Govardhanagiri Trust, Pejavara Cow Care India Adhokshaja Matha, Udupi 59 http://ancestorancestor.blogspot.in/2013/05/ga Gaya Kshetras Pilgrimage India ya-place-dedicated-to-ancestors.html 60 http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/ Ancient Indians – Satya Samhita Scripture India 61 http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/analysis/g Brahma Generations Information India enerations-previous-to-sri-rama/ 62 http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/category/l List of Samhitas of Shiv Purana Scripture India ist-of-samhitas/ 63 http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/ramayana Shatrughna : He founded Mathur Holy City India m/satrughna/ 64 http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/rshis- Ancient Indians – Satya Samhita Saint India rishis-rushis/bhrgu-bhrigu/ 65 http://ancientindiantemple.blogspot.in/ Ancient Temples of India Temples Database India 66 http://ancienttemplesofindia.blogspot.com/ Old important Siva and Vishnu Temple India Temples. Siva Devara Sthalam - Kayaroganar Siva Temple, Nagapattinam 67 http://angarikachaturthi.blogspot.in/ Angarika Ganesh Chaturthi January Festival India 2013 68 http://angkor.abiguides.com/Cambodia/Angkot Ta Keo Shiva Temple, Siem Reap Temple Cambodia %20Temples/ta-keo/ 69 http://angkorphotofestival.wordpress.com/ Angkor Phpto Festival Information Cambodia 70 http://anuradhagoyal.blogspot.in/2012/02/unsuBraj Bhoomi’s 84-Kos-Yatra Pilgrimage India ng-up-iv-braj-bhoomis-84-kos-yatra.html 71 http://anushankarn.blogspot.in/2009/11/bhartr Bhartruhari Caves, Ujjain Temple India uhari-caves-ujjain.html 72 http://anushankarn.blogspot.in/2011/03/hampi Virupaksha Temple Hampi Temple India -part-4-virupaksha-temple.html 73 http://aravindgj.blogspot.in/ Kailash & Manasarovar Yatara Pilgrimage India 74 http://archive.org/details/Kitab-ul-Hind Book on Hindu India, 10th Century History India 75 http://arjunpuri.wordpress.com/ Pilrimage sites, Recipes etc Information India 76 http://arthadharma.blogspot.in/2012/10/panchi Panching Siva Temple, Kuantan , Temple Malaysia ng-siva-temple-kuantan-pahang.html Pahang Malaysia 77 http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/201 Sanskrit scholar from West Bengal - Other Faith India 2-03-26/kolkata/31239560_1_sanskrit- Abdul Pandit Contributor literature-rashtriya-sanskrit-sansthan-sanskrit- college 78 http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/201 Gopinathji Dev Mandir - Gadhada Temple India 2-05-04/ahmedabad/31572254_1_golden- Swaminarayan Mandir, a Golden temple-devotees-visit-lord-swaminarayan Temple of Gujarat 79 http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/201 Virat Ramayan Mandir, Keshariya, Temple India 3-11-14/india/44072681_1_ram-temple-nitish-in East Champaran district. 400 feet kumar-angkor-wat high, built over 190 acres. 80 http://aryaculture.tripod.com/vedicdharma/id1 India's Cultural Link with Ancient Archaelogy Mexico 0.html America 81 http://aryasamajfaridabad.websitesforever.com Arya Samaj Faridabad Organisation India / 82 http://aryottama.blogspot.in/2011/09/introductiKrinvanto Vishwam Aryam Information India on-to-some-of-vedic-related.html 83 http://as.ori.nic.in/neworiweb/ Orissa Festivals Festival India 84 http://asha-nepal.org.np/ Asha - Social Welfare Organisation Organisation Nepal 85 http://ashokharsana.proboards.com/index.cgi? Gurjar Samaj, Akhil Bhartiya Veer Community India board=gurjars&action=display&thread=12 Gurjar Mahasabha 86 http://ashrammunivara.blogspot.in/p/life-of- The Life of Guru Markandeya, Java Leader- Spiritual Indonesia markandeya-markandeya-great.html & bali Eastern Hindu 87 http://ashwiniravindranath.com/2012/02/08/sivSivagamiyin Sabatham – Sivagami’s Individual Presence India agamiyin-sabatham-sivagamis-vow/ vow 88 http://asignoret.free.fr/index.html Le dictionnaire Français Sanskrit Sanskrit Education France (FRASKT) d'André Signoret 89 http://askbaba.helloyou.ch/ Sathya Sai Baba Organisation Switzerland 90 http://asociacionapytayoga.es/wp- Yogacharya Yudhisthira Maharaj Yoga Argentina content/uploads/2013/08/Profesor-Isidro- Justo-Fern%C3%A1ndez_Yogacharya- Yudhisthira-Maharaj_.pdf 91 http://astore.amazon.com/hinduismguide-20 Hindu Store Book World 92 http://astrology.aryabhatt.com/ Aryabhatt Astrology Services Astrology India 93 http://astrology.atoot.com/ Atoot Vedic Astrology Delhi Astrology India 94 http://astrology.raftaar.in/astro/ Astrology Astrology India 95 http://astrology.ygoy.com/ Know Your Lucky Number Astrology India 96 http://astrology-videos.com/ Astrology Videos Astrology USA 97 http://astroveda.wikidot.com/ Jai Ma Bharti learning Astrology Astrology India 98 http://asura.co.in/ ASURA : Tale of the Vanquished - Book India The Story Of Ravana And His People 99 http://atmaprajnananda.blogspot.in/ Swamini Atmaprajnananda Leader- Spiritual India Saraswati Founder Acarya Arsha Vidya Vikas Kendra 100 http://atspb.wordpress.com/ Association of Tourism Service Information India Providers of Bengal 101 http://audaryabhavan.blogspot.in/ Audarya Bhavan Information USA 102 http://audio.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree - Devotee Organisation India Network 103 http://avadhuta-priya.blogspot.in/ Radha Govindaji's Jhulan Yatra Festival India Darshan 104 http://avagraha.wordpress.com/ Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Sanskrit India 105 http://avaisnavisvoice.blogspot.in/ Pratyagati Information India 106 http://avatarcode.com/swami-ram-and-avatar- Swami Ram and Avatar Code Spiritual Research India code/ 107 http://avm.org.in/ Adarsh Vidya Mandir Thane Education India 108 http://avmfact.blogspot.in/ Atmiya Vidya Mandir Education India 109 http://ayurbhishak.wordpress.com/ Ayurbhishak - Conferences, Ayurveda India Seminars and Workshops at Arya Vaidya Pharmacy 110 http://ayur-catering.blogspot.in/ Ayurvedic Cooking Germany Ayurveda Germany 111 http://ayurveda.iloveindia.com/ Ayurveda In India Ayurveda India 112 http://ayurveda.ygoy.com/ Migraine Headache and Herbal Ayurveda India Remedies 113 http://ayurvedacollege.org.uk/ The Ayurvedic Clinic Ayurveda Education UK 114 http://ayurvedalessons.blogspot.in/ Ayurveda Lessons Ayurveda India 115 http://ayurvedapath.blogspot.in/ Ayurveda Path Ayurveda India 116 http://ayush.cgg.gov.in/ Department of Ayurveda Yoga- Ayurveda India Naturopathy Unani Siddha and Homoeopathy - (AYUSH) 117 http://ayushportal.ap.nic.in/ National Institute of Indian Medical Ayurveda Education India Heritage - AYUSH RESEARCH PORTAL 118 http://babadham.blogspot.in/2009/10/how-to- Baba Baidyanath- one of the twelve Temple India reach-deoghar.html jyotirlingas- Baidyanath Dham of Santhal Parganas in Jharkhand 119 http://baba-mohanram.blogspot.com/ Baba Mohan Ram Saint India 120 http://babynames.merschat.com/index.cgi?funcSanskritt Names Baby Names India tion=Search&origin=Sanskrit 121 http://bachelorpledge.blogspot.in/ evavratha became Bhishma after he Information India took bhishana pratigya 122 http://backpackfarang.com/travel- The Brahmin Shrines (Dhevasathan) Lord Thailand tourism/shrines/brahmin-shrines/ 123 http://bahucharajimata.co.in/ Shree Bahucharaji Mata Temple Temple India 124 http://balgopaldas.blogspot.in/ Bal Gopal das Individual Presence India 125 http://balidownload.blogspot.in/ Bali Traditional - Sacred Healing Culture Indonesia Water 126 http://bali-indonesia- Mandara Giri Semeru Agung Temple Indonesia tourism.blogspot.in/2010/01/mandara-giri- Temple - The second largest temple semeru-agung-temple-second.html of Indonesia 127 http://bali-news- World Hindu youth leaders gather in Conference Indonesia views.blogspot.in/2013/03/world-hindu-youth- Bali leaders-gather-in-bali.html 128 http://baliorphandaycentre.blogspot.in/2012/0 Ramayan Dance by Bali Orphans Classical Dance Indonesia 1/ramayana-dance.html 129 http://barodatalk.com/index.php?action=media 120 Ft Shiva Murti at Sur Sagar Statue India ;sa=item;in=67 Lake in Baroda 130 http://bcswami.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 131 http://bcswamiarticles.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 132 http://bcswamidaily.blogspot.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 133 http://bcswamidaily.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 134 http://bcswamidisciplesarticles.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami - Disciples Leader- Spiritual India Articles 135 http://bcswamigbc.blogspot.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 136 http://bcswamigbc.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 137 http://bcswamigbcguru.blogspot.com/ H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 138 http://bcswamigbcguru.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 139 http://bcswamiprojects.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami Leader- Spiritual India 140 http://bcswamirecent.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami - Leader- Spiritual India News,Lectures,Photo 141 http://bcswamiseminars.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami -Seminars Leader- Spiritual India 142 http://bcswamivideo.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Charu Swami -Videos Leader- Spiritual India 143 http://beatmag.com/daily/latest-news/bali- Bali named World Hindu Centre Information Indonesia named-world-hindu-centre.html 144 http://beliefhill.blogspot.in/ Govardhan Hill Pilgrimage India 145 http://bengalihinduassociationofflorida.commu Bengali Hindu Association of Community USA nity.officelive.com/ Florida (BHAFL) 146 http://bengalvoice.blogspot.com/ Voice of Bengal Information India 147 http://berlintempel.blogspot.in/ Kurukshetra Blog Organisation Germany 148 http://bestindonesiaislands.com/index.php/Lo Narmada Park (The Masarovar Pilgrimage Indonesia mbok/Indonesia-Holidays-Narmada-Park.html Lake) near Mataram 149 http://bgnswami.weebly.com/ H.H. Bhakti Gaurav Narayan Swami Leader- Spiritual India 150 http://bhagavanramana.blogspot.in/ Words of Maharishi Ramana Veda Education India 151 http://bhagirathsharma.tripod.com/ Bhagirath Moorti Wala Sculpture India 152 http://bhagwanjihelpme.blogspot.com/ Hindu Information Information Peru 153 http://bhagwat-katha.com/ Bhagwata Katha Scripture India 154 http://bhajans.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Bhajan Bhajan India 155 http://bhajansagar.blogspot.in/ Popular Bhajans Bhajan India 156 http://bhajansonline.blogspot.com/ Hindi Bhajans by Alpesh patel Bhajan India 157 http://bhaktianandascollectedworks.wordpress.Collected Works of Sri Bhakti Leader- Spiritual USA com/ Ananda Goswami Western Hindu 158 http://bhaktiart.net/hp_wordpress/?dt_portfolioGaruda Information Information India =garuda-and-the-bird-2 159 http://bhaktibhusana-swami.com.ar/ Srila Bhakti-bhusana Swami Leader- Spiritual Argentina Maharaja Western Hindu 160 http://bhakticharuswamipreaching.blogspot.co.Bhakti Charu Swami -Videos Leader- Spiritual India uk/ 161 http://bhaktilounge.org.nz/ Bhakti Lounge Yoga New Zealand 162 http://bhaktivedantaarchives.blogspot.in/ Bhaktivedanta Archives Publication India 163 http://bhaktivedantamanor.co.uk/newgokul ISKCON Goshalla Ltd Cow Care UK 164 http://bhaktivedanta-narayana- Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja Leader- Spiritual India maharaja.softalizer.com/ 165 http://bhaktivrikshaujjain.blogspot.in/ Bhakti Vriksha Ujjain Organisation India 166 http://bhaktpariwar.co.uk/ Hindutemple Newcastle Upon Tyne - Temple UK Bhakt Pariwar 167 http://bharatabharati.wordpress.com/2010/11/ Hindu Media: Why it is not growing Movement India 09/hindu-media-why-it-is-not-growing-hilda- raja/ 168 http://bharatanatyam.co.uk/ Bharatanatyam Classical Dance UK 169 http://bharathgyanblog.wordpress.com/ Bharath Gyan Author India 170 http://bharathgyanblog.wordpress.com/2013/0 The mystery of Sun temples Temple India 6/05/the-mystery-of-sun-temples/ 171 http://bharatiyavidyabhavankannur.com/ Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's The Education India Kannur Kendra 172 http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/ A homage to Hindu civilization and Movement India Vedic Heritage - Dr. Vijaya Rajiva 173 http://bharatkalyan97.blogspot.in/2013/11/aga Agastya in Nepal -- Carol Radcliffe Saint Nepal stya-in-nepal-carol-radcliffe-bolon.html Bolon 174 http://bharatuntoldstory.tumblr.com/ Bharat: An Untold Story History India 175 http://bharatyadav18.hpage.co.in/ Hindu Informamation Individual Presence India 176 http://bharatyadav18.hpage.co.in/brahma- Brahma Temples Lord India ji_38080363.html 177 http://bhavanshivamogga.org/ Bhavan's Shivamogga Kendra Education India 178 http://bhavinpathak.webs.com/ The World of Sanskrit Sanskrit India 179 http://bhavinpathak.webs.com/sanskritinmoderDr. A P J Abdul Kalam speaks on Sanskrit India nera.htm Sanskrit 180 http://bhole-nath.blogspot.com/ 12 Jyotirlinga of Lord Shiva Lord India 181 http://bholenathji.blogspot.in/ Baba Burfani Amarnath Temple India 182 http://bhramansamagra.blogspot.in/ Bhraman Samagra Information India 183 http://bhrigusamhita.org/ The Bhrigu Samhita -Brahmvidya Scripture India Teacher (The samhita first in Pali, later translated in Prakrit and then in Sanskrit) 184 http://bhuwanchand.wordpress.com/ Hindu Information Individual Presence India 185 http://biharyoga.net/world-yoga- Bihar School of Yoga Convention Yoga Conference India convention/about-wyc/inspiration/ 2014 186 http://biharyoga.net/world-yoga- Dr Mark Dyczkowski -BHU Leader- Spiritual UK convention/wyc-speaker-dr-mark-dyczkowski/ Western Hindu 187 http://biographysrilagourgovindaswami.org/ Devotional Life of Srila Gour Leader- Spiritual India Govinda Swami Maharaja 188 http://bipinkumarjha.wordpress.com/ BK Jha's Sarasvat Niketanam Sanskrit India 189 http://bipinsoni.com/gallery,religious.html Bipin Soni - Arist & Sri Swami Painting India Narayan follower 190 http://bishnupriyamanipuri.blogspot.com/ Manipuri Information Information India 191 http://biz.vanakkamcanada.ca/ Vanakkam Canada -Tamil Community Canada Community 192 http://bkdemian.blogspot.in/ Demian Martins and his Leader- Spiritual Brazil transalation work in Varanasi, Western Hindu Uttar Pradesh :Siddhanta-darpana 193 http://blessedinformation.blogspot.in/ Pushtimarg - The Path Of Grace Lord India founded by Shri Vallabhacharya 194 http://blessedpair.blogspot.in/ Agastya Kaveri - The Blessed Pair Saint India 195 http://blessingsonthenet.com/travel- Deoghar Yatra - Jharkhand Pilgrimage India india/destination/article/id/666/tour/id/17/holy- yatra-to-deoghar 196 http://blip.tv/mydearfriend/07-01-2010- Srimad Bhagavatam Lecture By HH Leader- Spiritual India srimad-bhagavatam-lecture-by-hh-jayadwaita- Jayadwaita Swami Western Hindu swami-3075969 197 http://blog.baliwww.com/dance-drama- Ramayana International Festival Festival Indonesia music/317 198 http://blog.dailyveda.com/ Daily Veda Ayurveda USA 199 http://blog.hindilearner.com/ Learn Hindi Online Hindi India 200 http://blog.lkadvani.in/blog-in-english/hindu- Shri LK Advani Blog -Hindu Leader India influence-in-indonesia influence in Indonesia 201 http://blog.meetkalakar.com/ Performing Artist Classical Dance India 202 http://blog.onlineprasad.com/ Chakras, Vastu and Bring Positive Puja India Energy with Powerful Yantras 203 http://blog.practicalsanskrit.com/ Practical Sanskrrit Sanskrit Education India 204 http://blog.sevasahayog.org/ Seva Sahayog Organisation India 205 http://blog.shreevedic.com/ Shreevedic store Ayurveda India 206 http://blog.tcsandsq.com/bali/#axzz2T0lyHQV Bali: A feast for the eyes Culture Indonesia J 207 http://blog.veerahanuman.com/ Sri Veera Hanuman Temple Temple Malaysia 208 http://blog.vietnam- India salve on Vietnam scars - ASI Temple Vietnam aujourdhui.info/post/2011/10/09/India-salve- to help restore temples damaged in on-Vietnam-scars-ASI-to-help-restore-temples-US bombing damaged-in-US-bombing 209 http://blog.world- Science & Technology in Information India mysteries.com/science/ancient-weapons-of- Mahabharata mass-destruction-and-the-mahabharata/ 210 http://blog.yoga.in/ Yoga in India Yoga India 211 http://blogspot108.blogspot.in/ Hari Bol Information India 212 http://bnkharel.wordpress.com/ Nepal to promote Bhaktapur for Individual Presence Nepal Hindu pilgrimage 213 http://bookdistribution.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree Information India 214 http://books.google.co.in/books/about/Vedic_C Vedic Cosmography And Cosmology USA osmography_And_Astronomy.html?id=9oi64r Astronomy by Richard L. Thompson TVwNMC&redir_esc=y 215 http://books.google.co.in/books?id=i7JqVy_Gi The Hindu Way of Awakening by Book USA z0C&source=gbs_similarbooks Kriyananda (J. Donald Walters) 216 http://books.google.co.in/books?id=V09Truhe The First Hindu Mission to America: Book India aBMC&pg=PA140&dq=The+first+Indian+Mi The Pioneering Visits of Protap ssion+to+America&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Yp_NU Chunder Mozoomdar : By Sunrit LzzLZGIrAfL9YC4Bw&ved=0CDIQ6AEwA Mullick A#v=onepage&q=The%20first%20Indian%20 Mission%20to%20America&f=false 217 http://books.vikatan.com/ Vikatan media Services Tamil India 218 http://boston.vhp-america.org/ VHP Boston Organisation USA 219 http://brahmalok.wordpress.com/tag/avadhoot- Shivyog by Avadhoot Baba Leader- Spiritual India baba-shivanand/ Shivanand 220 http://brahmasaraswati.blogspot.in/ Lord Brahma & Saraswati Lord India 221 http://brahmaswammadham.blogspot.in/ Vadakke Madham Brahmaswam Veda Education India 222 http://brahminrituals.blogspot.com/ Tri Vedi Sandhya Vandanam Information India Procedure 223 http://brajabihari.wordpress.com/ Vaisnava Peacebuilding Information India 224 http://brijabasi.blogspot.in/ HG Padmalochan Das Leader- Spiritual UK Western Hindu 225 http://bsdasm.blogspot.in/ Brahmshri Saraswati Devi Adi Saint India Shakti Math 226 http://bssgangpurnavsari.com/ Bharat Sevashram Sangha Navsari Relief India 227 http://bstdc.bih.nic.in/Deoghar.htm Baba Baidyanath- one of the twelve Temple India jyotirlingas- Baidyanath Dham of Santhal Parganas in Jharkhand 228 http://buddisthindi.blogspot.in/2007/09/hindu- Dev Mandir, Chiang Mai Temple Thailand temple-in-chiang-mai_22.html 229 http://bvbgandhiinstitute.org/ Gandhi Institute of Computer Education India Education & Information Technology 230 http://c0677812.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud Vaishnava Training & Education Education UK .com/boox/VTEBS_StudentWorksheetsBook.p df 231 http://caitanyasympos.proboards.com/ The Caitanya Symposium Information World 232 http://caksurunmilitan.blogspot.in/ The ISKCON World I Know Organisation India 233 http://calender.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree Organisation India 234 http://calgary.iskcon.ca/ RMCA-ISKCON Calgary Organisation Canada 235 http://canada-krishna.blogspot.ca/ Hare Krsna Organisation Canada 236 http://candi.pnri.go.id/bali/index_e.htm Bali Temples Temples Database Indonesia 237 http://candi.pnri.go.id/bali/taman_ayun/e_tamaPura Taman Ayun Bali Temple Indonesia n_ayun.htm 238 http://candi.pnri.go.id/jawa_barat/index_e.htm Temples in West Java Temples Database Indonesia 239 http://candi.pnri.go.id/jawa_tengah_yogyakart Temples Located in Central Java and Temples Database Indonesia a/index_e.htm Yogyakarta 240 http://candi.pnri.go.id/jawa_timur/index_e.htm Temples Located in East Java Temples Database Indonesia 241 http://candi.pnri.go.id/pengantar/index_e.htm Hindu Temples of Indonesia Temples Database Indonesia 242 http://candi.pnri.go.id/sumatra/bahal/e_bahal.h Bahal temple Sumatra Temple Indonesia tm 243 http://candi.pnri.go.id/sumatra/e_index.htm Temples in Sumatra Temples Database Indonesia 244 http://candi.pnri.go.id/sumatra/muara_takus/e_Muara Takus Temple Sumatra Temple Indonesia muara_takus.htm 245 http://cantthinksmall.com/ Radhanath Swami Creation Leader- Spiritual USA Western Hindu 246 http://carnatic.geetham.net/music/ Carnatic Music Classical Music India 247 http://caronihinduprimaryschool.weebly.com/ Caroni SDMS Hindu Primary School Education Trinidad & Tobago 248 http://caroni-hindu-school.fabpage.com/ Caroni Hindu School Education Trinidad & Tobago 249 http://casabhaktivedanta.slide.com/ CASA Bhakti Vedanta Information Argentina 250 http://casaindiasricaitanyamahaprabhu.blog.co Diccionario Enciclopedico Vaishnava Encyclopedia World m/ 251 http://cbse-sample- Famous Indian Mathematicians Information India papers.blogspot.in/2008/09/short-biographies- Biography of-famous.html 252 http://centre.vedantique.pagesperso-orange.fr/ Centre Védantique Ramakrishna Organisation France France 253 http://chakrapub.wordpress.com/ Chakra Publications Publication Trinidad & Tobago 254 http://chandniganesh.onsugar.com/ Ganesha Mantra Lord India 255 http://chandrakantmarwadi.com/category/there "There was Ram" book by Book India -was-ram/ Chandrakant Marwadi 256 http://chandrika-india2007.blogspot.in/ Chandrika Gauranga In India Information India 257 http://chandrika- Kankan Kund / Radha Kund Information India india2007.blogspot.in/2009/07/kancan-kund- kankan-kund-radharanis.html 258 http://charshaktidham.blogspot.in/ Char Shakti Dham Goddess India 259 http://chhat.tripod.com/ Chhath Puja Festival India 260 http://chiefadviser.vina.cc/ World Vaishnava Asociation -Chief Organisation India Swami Bhakti Vigyan Bharati 261 http://chinadigitaltimes.net/2013/07/chinas- Chedian Village, Quanzhou China’s Temple China forgotten-hindu-temples Forgotten Hindu Temples 262 http://chintpurni.angelfire.com/location.html Mata Chintpurni Devi Amb tehsil, Temple India Una district, Himachal Pradesh 263 http://chitrabuddha.sulekha.com/blog/post/201 Pyramid Spiritual Societies Meditation India 0/09/pyramid-spiritual-societies- Movement (PSSM) movement.htm 264 http://chitrakoot.nic.in/ancient_history.htm Chitakoot History Pilgrimage India 265 http://chitrakoot.nic.in/relgious_tour.htm Religious Tourist-Sites of Chitrakoot Pilgrimage India 266 http://chitra-mypilgrimage.blogspot.in/ Pilrimage by Chitra, TN Pilgrimage India 267 http://chitra- Aranmulla Parthasarathy temple- Temple India mypilgrimage.blogspot.in/2011/08/aranmulla- Kerala parasarathy-temple.html 268 http://chitra- Thyagaraja Temple, Tiruvarur Temple India mypilgrimage.blogspot.in/2012/10/thyagaraja- swamy-temple-tiruvarur.html 269 http://christianwatchindia.wordpress.com/ Watch missionaries in India Watch- Hindu India Rights 270 http://cinemanrityagharana.blogspot.in/ Cinema Nritya Gharana Music USA 271 http://circle.ubc.ca/handle/2429/21270 The Gujaratis of Fiji, 1900-1945 : a Book Fiji Study of an Indian Immigrant Trader Community - Book By Kamal Kant Prasad, Canada 272 http://cities.sulekha.com/boston/528513/revie NASA’s Saturn and our own Lord Temple India w.htm Saneeshwara 273 http://cmbsvt.wix.com/2014#!new- Chatsworth Magazine Barracks Temple South Africa upload/c1q88 Shree Vishnu Temple 274 http://community.webshots.com/user/hindutemHindu Temple (St. John's) Temple Canada plestjohns Association Newfoundland 275 http://completepersonality.blogspot.in/ Sri Hanuman Deity India 276 http://connect.in.com/paramahansa- Paramahansa Yogananda Book India yogananda/profile-214545.html 277 http://connecthearts.com/ ISKCON Devotees Marriages Shaadi USA 278 http://consciouslifenews.com/best-healing- Chakra Healing Healing- Chakra USA method-chakra/# 279 http://content.iskcon.org/ ISKCON Information Organisation World 280 http://crcs.ugm.ac.id/article/773/Were- We're Pilgrims, Not Tourists: The Pilgrimage Indonesia Pilgrims-Not-Tourists-The-Balinese-Holy- Balinese Holy Water Tour to India Water-Tour-to-India.html 281 http://csgraju.wordpress.com/ Details about Temples Temples Database India 282 http://cvrajan.hubpages.com/ Hindu Information Individual Presence India 283 http://dadudayal.blogspot.in/ Brahmrishi Swami Shree Dadu Saint India Dayal Ji Maharaj 284 http://dallasyogalove.blogspot.com/ Dallas Yoga Love Yoga USA 285 http://dancingganesh.co.uk/ Dancing Ganesha Lord UK 286 http://das-anudas.blogspot.in/ Dasanudasa - A Tribute to HG Organisation India Uttama Caitanya Das 287 http://debatesangeet.blogspot.in/2009/09/intervThe Bishnupur Gharana Classical Music India iew-sujit-gangopadhyay-ii.html 288 http://decodehindumythology.blogspot.in/ Decode Hindu Mythology Information India 289 http://decodehindumythology.blogspot.in/2011 Evolution in Hinduism Evolution India /09/darwins-evolution-in-dashavtar.html 290 http://deeporange.in/traveling/abodes-of-the- Abodes of the Himalayan Rishis Saint India himalayan-rishis-seers (‘Seers’) 291 http://delhiiyf.blogspot.in/ ISKCON Youth Forum Delhi Youth India 292 http://deoghar.jharkhand.org.in/2009/05/baidy Bol Bam Shiva Temple Jharkhand Temple India anathdham-temple-deoghar-jharkhand.html 293 http://deshika.wordpress.com/ The Vaishnava Voice Organisation India 294 http://devaneiosdegovinda.blogspot.com.br/ Devotional Life of Srila Gour Leader- Spiritual Brazil Govinda Swami Maharaja 295 http://devoteedoctor.iskcondesiretree.info/ Devotee doctor Organisation India 296 http://devoteenames.iskcondesiretree.info/ ISKCON Desire Tree Organisation India 297 http://devoteesvaishnava.blogspot.in/ Devotos Vaishnavas Information Spain 298 http://devoteesvaishnavas.blogspot.in/ ISKCON Devotees Onine Website Organisation India 299 http://dharavasavada.wordpress.com/ Indian culture & News Newsmagazine India 300 http://dharm.raftaar.in/religion/hinduism Hindu Information Information India 301 http://dharmaandyogafest.org/report/diginitarieDharma & Yoga Fest 2013 Yoga USA s/philip-goldberg/ 302 http://dharmaquiz.blogspot.in/ Hindu Dharma quiz Information India 303 http://dharmathai.hubpages.com/hub/Ramakie Ramakien - Thai Ramayana Scripture Thailand n-Thai-Ramayana 304 http://dhyan-foundation.blogspot.com/ Dhyan Foundation Organisation India 305 http://diary.gurumaharaj.net/ Srila Bhakti Aloka Paramadvaiti Leader- Spiritual USA Swami Maharaj Western Hindu 306 http://dilipkumar.in/travel/piligrim/jyotirlingas/ Lord Shiva 12 JyotirLingas Temple India index.php

3 Swami Ramakrishnanada Leader Hindu Websites sorted Alphabetically. The Life of Guru Markandeya, Java & bali Leader
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